American social networks for dating. American social networks


It's no surprise that Facebook is one of the most popular social networks among teenagers and adults alike. According to Watts, he and his friends most often use this social network to check updates of the groups they follow. This allows in a simple and accessible form to get acquainted with breaking news, without wasting time on a huge number of uninteresting posts and ads in the news feed.

Teenagers also use Facebook to communicate and find new acquaintances.


Andrew Watts notes that "Instagram is the most popular social network among his people. age group". Even despite the fact that more of his acquaintances are registered on Facebook, the photo service is used much more often and more actively.

Instagram, according to Watts, is a less commercial social network than Facebook. The key here is content. And this is the main reason for its popularity among young people.

Regarding this social network, Andrew writes the following: “To be honest, most of us do not see the point in Twitter. Every school has a group of guys who fanatically tweet, and another company who prefers to watch or retweet it. Others don't use Twitter at all."

Watts identified for himself 3 main groups of users of this social network:

  • Those who want to express themselves or just "drink".
  • Those who want to be noticed.
  • Those who simply read the posts of other users.


Snapchat is a social network where users can not be afraid to be themselves. There are no likes and comments, so there is no social pressure. Andrew writes: “If my post does not get a single like on Facebook or Instagram within 15 minutes of posting, you can be sure that I will delete it. Snapchat aims to capture the real story of your day - here you are real.

This social network allows you to completely hide your identity and simply surround yourself with people with similar interests. Watts calls Tumblr "law-free territory." Only close friends will know the address of your page on this social network, and the URL itself can be easily changed at any time.

This rather young rival of more popular social networks and messengers, according to Andrew Watts, is focused exclusively on user content - no likes, subscribers and friends, which is exactly what attracts teenagers.

“While Yik Yak does not have the popularity of leading social networks, but a lot of people do use it. According to Watts, the main disadvantage of Yik Yak is that it only works if there are other users of the application within a radius of ten miles from you.


This platform is just perfect for beginner bloggers. “The main advantage of Medium is its “recommendations” - what makes it not just a group of disparate sites, but a real community. A simple subscription system brings the user to the site even if he does not plan to write on his blog. In addition, here you can leave comments next to blocks of text, instead of writing them in a long feed after the post.

At the end of his article, Andrew Watts gives examples of other social networks that teenagers use, but not so often: Linkedin, Pinterest, Kik, WhatsApp, GroupMe.

Thanks to social networks, customers feel involved in the company and its actions, they have an increased level of trust and addiction to the promoted brand. On the company's pages in social networks is placed interesting information, articles, videos about products. You can organize contests, promotions, bonus programs for regular and active subscribers. Information should be interesting, unobtrusive and useful to the client. This practice helps to establish contact with the target audience, take into account its changing preferences, control the flow of negative information and respond to it in time.

But choose social media, work in which will bring maximum benefit and benefit, is extremely difficult. The choice is complicated if the company operates not only in Russian Federation but also beyond. So, let's see what social networks are used in countries around the world.

CIS countries. In neighboring countries, regular Internet users prefer the social networks Facebook, Instagram and Odnoklassniki. If ranked by popularity, then Instagram will take the first place, then Facebook, which is gaining users every day, and Odnoklassniki, a network that Russian users aged 10 to 25 have already forgotten about, will take third place. It is worth noting that the VKontakte network is also gaining momentum in Central Asian countries, but is still inferior in demand to other networks. It is also important that in countries such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, social networks are periodically blocked by the government, so SMM agencies need to be constantly on the alert and monitor the situation in these countries.

East Asian countries. (China, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, Republic of Korea) Some of the countries listed also ban the use of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. But users do not despair and create new versions of social networks. China overtook everyone, having come up with the largest number of options for Internet platforms for lovers of virtual communication (Douban, QQ, QZONE, Baidu Tieba, Siwa Weibo, Kaixin001, Renren and others). The Japanese social network Mixi, the South Korean Cyworld and the pan-Asian network Friendster also operate.

Countries of Europe. The three most popular social networks in these countries were Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. They were followed by Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, MySpace, the Russian site VKontakte and the Latvian Along with these giants of the virtual world, there are also local analogues: the Belarusian site, the communities of the European beau monde aSmallWorld and Decayenne, the Norwegian, the site for residents of the Baltic countries, the FitFinder network, where English students maintain anonymous microblogs, the British site Friends Reunited, the German social network Lokalisten, the Swedish and Danish network Playahead, and the Polish website

North American countries. The main position in these countries is occupied by MySpace, which first conquered US Internet users, and then spread to other North American countries. The second most popular is still the same Facebook, which is in demand among students of colleges and universities in English-speaking countries. They are followed by Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Yelp, LinkedIn and Google+. Local Platforms: AsianAvenue, a site for Asian Americans, BlackPlanet, a community for African Americans, Canadian social networks Nexopia and Socializing, and Faceparty, Flixster, and Tagged.

South American countries. The leaders of these countries are the same "whales" of the virtual community: MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. But local social networks are still popular here. One of them is, which for a long time ranked first in terms of the number of coverage of local residents, until it was supplanted by an actively developing this moment Orkut network. They are followed by Fotolog, which is in demand in Chile and Argentina, and Hi5.

Australia. This country-continent is an ardent fan of Facebook. An account on this network is used by almost every resident, regardless of age, gender or religion. Every month, 14 million users visit this site to check messages or view the news feed. YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn are also in high demand. Networks for local residents: Australianetwork and Facetime.

Push the boundaries of your SMM and remember that the main thing is to choose the right channel to work with.

Nov 13

American social networks: what services are popular in the USA?

Such a familiar phenomenon as social networks originated in the United States, and then spread to the whole world. In this country, it is quite common to exchange messages through American social networks. Social networks for Americans act as a way of communication.

Legendary Facebook

Facebook is an American social network for communication, which has become famous throughout the world. It was created as a network for communication between students educational institutions. With her help, the first time after her appearance, students could get to know their classmates better. In the early years of its existence, a community was created, which consisted of students. It is due to him that this social network became successful. Other American social networks were created from scratch. Facebook, unlike them, from the first days of its existence, was promoted among college students and young people studying at universities. As this network has evolved, its purpose has changed. Now this resource has many applications. The target audience This network has expanded and now consists not only of pupils and students. Many firms and serious companies have acquired pages on Facebook. Through their pages, they disseminate information about their products and services. Marketers say that it is behind such methods of disseminating information that the future lies.

Losing popularity MySpace

Speaking about popular American social networks, MySpace should be highlighted. This network was one of the most popular even before the advent of Facebook. During its creation, musicians were considered as the main audience of this social network. Its developers planned that the network would be joined by musicians who have a desire to inform the whole world about themselves. Network users had the opportunity to share photos and messages. Also, this social program provided them with the opportunity to choose their status. However, years passed, and there was no progress in the development of the site. In many ways, this was the main reason for the decline of this social network. Ultimately, regular users began to leave it.

Concise Twitter

This site is a micro-social network. Its difference from all the others is that here communication consists in the exchange of short messages. You can publish them on the site, as well as via phone via SMS. In other networks, users have the opportunity to publish posts without any limit on the number of characters, but they are noticeably inferior in popularity to Twitter. This resource appeared in 2006. As of today, the total number of its members is 200 million users. Many of them leave entries once a day. Celebrities also have accounts in this micronetwork. Their messages are often retweeted and posted on their pages by other users.

The main trend of the 2000s: the spread of social networks around the world. The audience of the largest social network Facebook is 600 million users. This is the most popular resource of this type, but Europe also has its own local social networks, which are known among young people no less than the American giant.

Since 2005, original social networks of local action began to appear in Europe. And many of them remained so until 2010, however, this year they will have to intensify their struggle for the global market. By 2011, Facebook had successfully completed its expansion into homes and Cell phones most European users. But in some European countries, the first places are still held by local sites.

Who is the first guy in the village?

This happens in Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands ... For example, Portugal and Romania distinguished themselves from the rest by using the network Hi5 created in 2003 by Indian student Ramu Yalamanchi. This is a traditional social network with profiles, the ability to post games and videos. The main emphasis is on the development of playgrounds and building a friendly network: there are friends of the first circle, there are the second, there are the third. The network clearly demonstrates the rule of 7 handshakes - with any person on earth we know each other through a maximum of 7 people. The monthly audience of this project is 50 million people.

Classmates and acquaintances

The largest Polish social network Nasza class appeared in 2006. It positions itself as a place where you can find your classmates, classmates, teachers and supervisors. To get into the ranks of the Polish "classmates", an invitation is not needed, it is enough to register on the site. The audience of the network is 13.5 million people.

Popular in Italy and Spain Badoo combines the functionality of a traditional social network and a dating site. Today its audience is 106 million in 108 countries of the world. The company's office is located in London, but the Russians also have a reason to be proud: it was founded by Russian businessman Andrey Andreev. Despite moderation, the network is notorious for having many "dead" accounts. By unknown reasons in 2010, Badoo was banned in Iran.

Musicians, bloggers and politicians

Two-thirds of the population of the Netherlands, which is 10.3 million people, are on the social network Hyves founded in 2004. This resource is doing everything possible to resist Facebook, and so far it has been successful. On the network, you can buy a paid account for yourself and get more space for photos, as well as change the design of the page yourself. Translated into Russian, the name of the Hyves network means "Beehive", which, according to the creators, reflects the essence of communication via the Internet. In 2006, a scandal erupted due to the fact that the Dutch police began to use the service to search for criminals. This seemed insulting to the freedom-loving Dutch. But this story also had a positive side - Dutch politicians turned their attention to this site. The Prime Minister of the country has created an account in Hyves. This resource was named the most popular site in the country a year later. And since 2010, the network began to develop gaming applications.

The French, Belgians and Swiss traditionally start blogs on skyrock. The 7th largest social network in the world, it allows users to post their own music and promote it through the site. In addition, Skyrock is gaining popularity among users thanks to the built-in online dating service. Today, this network has 33 million blogs and 24 million users. Several times this network was attacked by the public. A group of French schoolchildren used it as a place to gossip about their teachers. It got to the point that the parents of these young "skyrockers" were called to school. And the American media linked the 2005 riots in Paris to the activities of a social network where protesters communicated with each other and coordinated their actions. However, the French authorities did not react in any way to the publications of overseas journalists, and Skyrock continues to add new users to itself every day.

Entrance for staff only!

Tuenti at first it called itself the Spanish Facebook, but this resource is still far from the popularity of the American competitor. Today, the number of Tuenti users is 8 million people - this is also a very decent audience. Perhaps some restrictions in the growth of the number of users are due to the fact that free registration is closed on the site, and a personal invitation scheme is in effect. Tuenti appeared in 2006 and translated into Russian means "your body". All options of the standard social network are available here: profile, photo, video, games, groups.

But in Germany, unlike other European countries, the network dedicated to finding a job and building a career has become more popular than the rest. XING was founded in 2006 in Hamburg and is now available in more than 200 countries worldwide. Today it is used by 10 million people. Here you can buy a paid account, which will better filter spam and protect personal data more reliably. XING has envoys in various countries who conduct offline seminars and encourage business people to use the network. The system provides companies with unique accounts with a corporate identity. XING has already held an IPO, which speaks of the chain's global ambitions. According to 2009 data, the company's value was 45 million euros.

One of the oldest social networks in Europe is the Hungarian iWiW which appeared in 2002. Its name stands for the English expression Who is Who - "Who is Who." Despite its venerable age for the Internet, no more than 5 million people are registered on the network. In 2010, iWiW became available on mobile media.

Hello everyone, the holidays are over, no matter how sad it is, we must continue to live. Today I want to tell you what applications and social networks Americans use.

Two years ago I moved to live and study in the USA, talked to many people, this is already my

1. Snapchat

Let's start in order, the very first app on the list is, of course, Snapchat. I think this is the most popular mobile app in America.

With all the features of stories on Instagram and WhatsApp, young people remain faithful to it and use it constantly, for them it is something so secret, not accessible to anyone, personal.

On Snapchat, you usually only add people you know and friends. For this, the abbreviation "AMOSC" is used, which means Add Me On SnapChat or add me on Snapchat.

You don’t need to take a really high-quality picture that will always hang in the tape, you don’t need to bother at all, after 24 hours everything will disappear. You can play around, shoot something funny, experiment, share emotions and impressions. Yes, and only those whom you yourself have chosen and added see it.


Instagram includes almost all the features of other social networks. What is interesting here is that Americans actively use personal messages, create conversations. To do this, they also use the abbreviation “DM”, which stands for Direct Messages.


People like the microblogging format. They love to share their thoughts and mood, it will immediately go into the feed. It is very convenient to advertise your posts. Wrote - threw a link and everyone who constantly reads you can already read the article and comment.

Also, every popular company, school club, sports team, famous person, in general, almost every more or less well-known organization has Twitter, which allows people to follow any news.


The fourth application on the list, in the USA it is very popular, quite a lot of people actively use it - the Pinterest application. In Russia, this is not popular at all, I think many don’t even know about it, I didn’t meet this application with us at all and didn’t know anything about Pinterest before my trip to the USA.

This is an application where people get ideas for everything, there are a lot of pictures, life hacks, some interesting solutions. There you can find absolutely everything, recipes for cooking, ways to combine different clothes.

Searching on Pinterest is easier than just searching in a search engine, because there are no different ads, left sites and left content, everything that is really needed is selected.

5. Simple phone messages

What follows is not quite a social network and application. We are popular different messengers. Some use Viber, others use WhatsApp and Telegram, some just use Vkontakte. But Americans do not understand why all this is necessary if there are ordinary phone messages.

People correspond there, exchange videos and photos, all in ordinary messages. Moreover, everyone mobile operators one in the US tariff plan, in which calls and messages are unlimited.

But let's also discuss what is unpopular there, what applications they do not use.

It was very strange for me, Americans don't use Facebook. I will not be responsible for the entire population, but young people do not use it, many are not even registered there. They find it inconvenient.

P.S. I asked ten classmates if they use Telegram, among which were Americans, Spaniards, Italians, Swedes and a Greek. No one knew about such a messenger at all, they just laughed at the name. No one has heard of Durov at all.

I told them about the rally in support of Telegram and the free Internet in general, everyone supported :)

I think that's all, I mentioned all the social networks and applications that are popular in the US among guys from 16 to 25 years old. By the way, here is our international team.
