Keyboard races honestly? Online keyboard simulator - keyboard racing game Keyboard racing.

Material restored from my blog “Metalchiken”.

It's no secret that many people don't want to go through programs like “keyboard solos” and the like to learn the ten-finger blind method. It’s understandable — it’s too lazy to spend so much time on all these monotonous, boring exercises, on reading all these articles and conversations before exercises. Even most of my friends think that they type well and quickly. However, there is still a solution that will help you hone your fast and high-quality printing skills and not die of boredom while learning.

We present to your attention a site that will help you hone your speed typing skills and have fun on a boring evening — the “Klavogonki” project. I just call them “keyboard racing”. Trick of this project is that learning and honing speed typing occurs through play, i.e. you need to go to this keyboard trainer, compete with other participants or participate in single races, earn points, ratings and, in general, climb the “career” ladder

The site design fully corresponds to the theme and required functionality.

The game has a huge variety of different modes. The main ones are: normal mode (“race” on some random quote from a random book), dictionary mode (random words and phrases from user-created dictionaries. By the way, each user can create their own dictionary), competition (same as normal mode, but for defeating others they give a rating, due to which your level rises). Anyone can come in and try to play clavogons.

On home page you can see 3 buttons: Quick start, Select race and Custom game. Quick start — you are immediately thrown into a race with random opponents in a random mode. Select a race - redirects to the list of current races. Your own game - you can create your own race. By the way, the timeout between races is usually no more than 1 minute and you won’t be bored, because... There are always people on the site and a lot of races.

Provided on the site detailed guide to user actions in the form of the Wiki section and the “About the game” section (where, by the way, you can also find interesting general statistics on the site such as speed distribution, user skill graph, etc.). There you can find information about how things are counted, where things come from, how to play correctly, and much more. etc.

Keyboard racing has a flexible record system. There are tables of records for the day, week, overall rating, and also, what is especially interesting, a table of improvements in user skills, which displays information about how much the average typing speed of proven users has increased. In order to get into this table, you just need to type 300 texts in the “normal” mode

It should also be said about the developed social system of this project. Each user has a profile, which stores both personal information about the user and information about his racing activities. Also in clavo racing you can make friends, invite them to competitions, communicate in a general chat or race chat. The profile also provides the opportunity to conduct something like a mini-blog and this is called “comments”. And if you want to brag to your friends about your success in this keyboard simulator, then when you set personal records, you are given the opportunity to enter them in the local “logbook”, which is available to other users.

Next, we should mention such an exotic part of this keyboard simulator as tuning your car and other manipulations with it. For participating in regular races, you receive points that you can spend either on participation in competitions or on manipulations with your car (with the exception of tuning). Tuning can be done using bonuses, and bonuses, in turn, can only be earned by increasing the level. I think it doesn’t make much sense, but as an element of the game — where would we be without it). Of course, there are also various features such as a premium account, bonus mode, but I will not go into these details — in the end, if you are interested in this game, you can read everything about it in the Wiki section of the project. Also there you can find out about various settings, gaming small chips, etc.

There is a built-in forum where you can get answers to various questions regarding the project, find out its news, and just chat with other participants.

My verdict: the functionality of the site is simply wonderful, the idea is amazing. Of course, there are similar applications on VKontakte, etc., but they cannot compete with clavogons in terms of capabilities and originality. Keyboard racing will be interesting for those who can type in the slightest degree and want to develop this ability. For those who are still completely new to touch typing, I recommend that before moving on to keyboard racers, go through some more specialized keyboard trainer, for example

Interface operating system Interface languages First edition State Website

The main goal is to type some text as quickly as possible, presented to all participants a few seconds before the start of the game.

Principles of the game

Clavogons are based on the following principles:

  • To start the game, you need to create a race or select an already created one;
  • Before the start of the race, participants are offered the same text to type, which is determined automatically in accordance with the selected race mode;
  • Participants simultaneously begin typing in a special window, data about the typed text is automatically updated after each character entered;
  • If the typing is carried out in exact accordance with the proposed text, the participant’s car moves forward and reaches the finish line when typing is completed. If an error is made, the participant's car is stopped until the error is corrected;
  • Based on the results of the race, for each participant who successfully completed typing, the average typing speed is calculated by dividing the number of characters in the text by the time spent typing. Speed ​​is calculated in characters per minute (cpm). In addition, the percentage of erroneously entered characters in relation to the total number of characters in the text is determined;
  • Based on the speed achieved, each participant is assigned a place. The percentage of errors in determining locations is not taken into account;
  • All participants have equal opportunities for typing, incl. unregistered on the site.


There are eight main modes available in the game:

  • « Ordinary" - the main mode in the game, based on the speed record in which the player is given a certain rank. Players are offered a random quote from a book of approximately 240-280 characters, which they need to type at speed.
  • « Unmistakable" - a game mode that differs from “Normal” in that in it the player can make no more than 1 mistake. After the second mistake, the participant is disqualified and cannot continue printing.
  • « Marathon"- game mode in which typing takes a fixed time - 5 minutes. The more characters typed during this time, the higher the final average speed in this mode.
  • « Letters» - a mode in which the text consists of a random sequence of letters. The amount of text in this mode is less than in Normal - from 150 to 200 characters.
  • « Abracadabra" - a mode in which random text is generated based on the frequency of two-letter combinations of the Russian language. Therefore, this mode is more difficult than the “Normal” mode, but easier than the “Letters” mode.
  • « Numbers" - a mode made up of combinations of numbers and a decimal point (instead of a period, you can use a comma when typing), separated by spaces.
  • « Sprint"- a mode in which the text does not change throughout the working day. The nature of the text is similar to the “Normal” mode.
  • « Yandex.Abstracts" - mode in which texts are created using the Yandex.Abstracts service of connected texts. In terms of complexity, they occupy an intermediate position between the “Normal” and “Abracadabra” modes.
  • « According to the dictionary» - a mode in which dictionaries are used to create texts. A “dictionary” is a user-created set of words, phrases or letter combinations that can be used as a typing task in the game. Each registered participant has access to creation of three dictionaries.

Pros and cons of the game

Advantages of the game

Disadvantages of the game

Game website statistics

As of December 6, 2012, over 175 thousand participants were registered on the site and more than 20 million texts were completed (according to data from the official website).

Clavogonki is an online keyboard training game for those who want to combine business with pleasure, a game in which site users compete with each other in the speed of typing the same piece of text.

For competition, you can choose random opponents or players with a certain status. First, you receive the simplest car - ZAZ 965. After achieving certain results, the car is changed to one that corresponds to your rank. Each car costs a certain number of points and is issued only in exchange for a certain rank or level.

Competitive races take place as scheduled in certain time. Clavo racing players can also create races on their own.

The game "Klavonki" provides several modes - "Normal" ( randomly selected quote), “Abracadabra” (the text is generated randomly), Yandex.Abstracts (the text is taken from the pages of this service), “Error-Free” (no mistakes should be made in this mode), a five-minute marathon, letters, numbers, sprint and “By Dictionary” mode, in which the keyboard player can create his own dictionaries and use them as texts.

Depending on your record typing speed in the “Normal” mode and in accordance with the “table of ranks”, clavogonists assign you the rank from Beginner and Amateur (0 - 199 characters per minute) to Superman and Cyber ​​Racer (600 and above characters per minute). There are also Taxi Drivers (200 - 299 zn/min), Pros (300 -399 zn/min), Racers (400 - 499 zn/min) and Maniacs (500 - 599 zn/min). Moreover, statistics show that the majority of taxi drivers and amateurs in the game are more than 70%, 16% play at the Pro level, and 5% of participants play at the Racer level.

Based on the results of the competition, the winners are determined and some parameters for passing the text are displayed - time, typing speed in characters per minute and the percentage of characters in which errors were made.

There is a forum on the site to discuss project news and other issues.

The developers of the game "Klawagonki", guided by the success rating and statistics, claim that with their help you can actually increase your typing speed by 100 or even 200 characters per minute.

Among the shortcomings, we can only note that this service does not teach you how to type text correctly - it

allows you to improve your skills in competitive mode with other users.


2011-10-29 12:16:35 - student

Please tell me why the numbers for “clavo racing” and “solo” are typed with different fingers? What is the best way to type in this case? who is more comfortable, or what?

2011-11-09 19:58:20 - Lukyanov Stanislav

Because there is also a dynamic set. Also, Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan did not say that there is, in addition to the yvam told layout, as opposed to the fyva olj. In general, you don’t have to get attached to this static placement of your fingers at all.

2011-11-09 22:34:35 - passed by

If we're talking about which finger to type 6 with, the right or left index finger, then it's whatever is convenient for you.

2012-02-07 12:04:19 - Igorkin Igor Nikolaevich

I have the ergonomics of MNEK 4000, the keyboard is divided into 2 halves and there - by default - “6” with the left index finger, “7” with the right one. Regarding Klavogonok - a democratic site that brings speed. It can be increased by 500-600 characters from scratch (after completing SOLO, of course) Because - in the beginning there was SOLO! :)

2012-05-05 14:58:49 - Sumbaeva Anastasia Aleksandrovna 2013-03-08 21:01:08.459842 - Asel Aymurza Bolatkyzy

cool game teaches you to type well and without mistakes

2015-08-16 11:12:07.975482 - ZhenyaZERO (Klavagonist for almost a year)

It is to the clavogons that I owe such speed. The only thing is that there is now an influx of shit on the Klavogons (Every day they flood the chat, profiles and create obscene dictionaries). But the opinion that I have formed since registration is that Clavogons are a very useful project with which anyone can increase their typing speed.

It's finished! The keyboard race for self-electronic registration of applications for first grade will be fair this year. Various software will not work for quickly filling out form fields. There is only one reason - the developers have finally introduced a dynamic naming system for form fields, in contrast to the static one used in previous years.

For example, that year, a typical iMacros script (one of the popular browser add-ons used by parents to quickly automatically fill in all the necessary fields) looked something like this:

In the figure we see that the form field names had clear and constant names: Children_LastName, Children_FirstName, RegisterAddress_Region, RegisterAddress_City, RegisterAddress_Street, etc. That is, any more or less knowledgeable PC user doesn’t even need to be a programmer; it was enough to write the script on a test version or during recording in another city, if the recording started there earlier, make the necessary changes to it, substituting the correct data in the appropriate places (CONTENT), and run the script at hour X, waiting a few seconds to be safe.
As a result, schools had very quick registrations statements, down to hundredths of the first second. There was not a single error in such applications; all fields were filled out perfectly. Everyone understood how such applications were filled out, but nothing could be done, since de jure the parents did not violate anything. There are rumors that, for example, some schools in Samara, at their own peril and risk, refused to consider such applications and canceled them. But this is fraught with complaints from applicants to the prosecutor's office. There were even attempts on the part of schools to legitimize their actions by including relevant requirements and restrictions in their local regulations.

This year, already in the test version, it is clear that any autofill method does not work. The applicant’s data is pulled up from government services (if they are filled in there), auto-filling or any script is not needed. But the child’s data, despite various tricks, is no longer substituted or filled in automatically.
In the pictures below you can see that the fields change their name after some time. Please note that this is not the field name that the applicant sees, but an internal identifier visible in the page code. This field identifier not only has no meaning, but also changes periodically for each field. As a result, the script runs until the field identifiers change.
(Click on the picture to see full size)

And here is the same page, but a few minutes later:
(Click on the picture to see full size)

All field names have changed. The script does not find the required field to insert data into.

And this is only a test version for training. It is quite possible that there may be other “surprises” in a real system. So, dear parents, do not waste your time and/or money trying to cheat information system and other parents. This year, field autofill programs face a strong barrier. Train while you can. Taking into account the applicant’s data from government services, there is not much that needs to be filled out. Personally, on the test version, with a little training, in a short time I improved the result from 1 minute 5 seconds to 45 seconds, and if I practice more, then 30-35 second completion is quite achievable, which will be enough when applying for first grade to any school.

Alexander Zhivolup,
System Administrator
