When to panic: photos of what should not be on an x-ray of healthy lungs. X-ray image of healthy and clean lungs Procedure for taking the image

One of the radiation diagnostic methods is X-ray transmission, or radiography. The resulting image is applied to HDD, special film or paper.

Purpose of the examination

X-ray of the lungs is the most common and informative research method. This diagnostic method allows you to identify the presence of respiratory diseases:

  • sarcoidosis;
  • pneumonia (pneumonia);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • tuberculosis;
  • presence of foreign objects;
  • pneumothorax and other various pathological processes.

In order to prevent pulmonary diseases in citizens employed in hazardous industries (chemical industry, construction (masons), mining (miners), etc.), X-rays of the lungs are performed once a year (more often if necessary). What do the research results show in such cases?

The fluoroscopy response makes it possible to promptly prevent or recognize the disease and prescribe the necessary medication or other therapy.

The effect of radiation on the human body

Radiation exposure is considered radiation exposure, and some people refuse to undergo this procedure. However, this is in vain; in medicine, rays of low energy are used, negligible, and the human body is exposed to them for a short period. A few years ago, scientists proved that even repeated X-rays (for medical indications) are not capable of harming health. In some cases, this procedure is also prescribed for pregnant women. Serious diseases that can be diagnosed using X-rays have more serious consequences than the minimum dose of radiation. As an alternative to conventional traditional X-rays, digital X-rays with an even lower radiation dose are now available.


Let's consider the symptoms for which the attending doctor prescribes a chest x-ray. What the image shows will determine the tactics for further management of the patient.

  1. Periodic pain in the sternum.
  2. Dyspnea.
  3. High body temperature that lasts for a long time.
  4. Blood in sputum.
  5. Prolonged exhausting cough.
  6. A large amount of sputum discharge.
  7. Dry cough.

For the purpose of prevention, fluorography, or x-ray, is indicated to all citizens at least once every two years or more often in accordance with the recommendations of a medical professional.

Preparation and carrying out the procedure

You have been prescribed a lung x-ray, how can you prepare for it? Preliminary preparation not required. Before carrying out the procedure, you must remove jewelry (chains, beads, necklaces) so that they do not distort the result. Immediately before the procedure, your healthcare provider will ask you to wear a special skirt that wraps around your waist to protect your genitals from radiation. Next, the doctor selects the required projection (anterior, posterior, or sometimes the picture is taken in a side-lying position).

Depending on the equipment on which the X-ray of the lungs was performed, the results will be instantaneous ( digital method) or some time after processing and developing the film.

X-ray results

Did you take an X-ray of your lungs? Let's look at what the transcript shows below:

  1. Diaphragm defects.
  2. Presence Rule out tumor or pleurisy.
  3. A cavity in the lung indicates necrosis of the lung tissue. Diagnose tuberculosis, cancer or abscess.
  4. Small focal darkening is a sign of pneumonia and tuberculosis. Large - tumor of the bronchi, metastases to the lungs.
  5. Small lesions that are very common are sarcoidosis or tuberculosis.
  6. A large, round shadow indicates advanced tuberculosis or a malignant neoplasm.

In addition to the above, other changes in the lung tissue and lungs are also detected, which help to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Unfortunately, there are cases of false results, or in cases where the study is carried out in the early stages of the disease, it may not be seen. For an accurate conclusion, in addition to the results obtained, other diagnostic methods are used in addition to X-rays, and the necessary laboratory tests are also carried out.

Dark spots on an x-ray

X-ray showed spots on the lungs? The reasons for their appearance may be: incorrect position of the patient during the procedure, poor-quality equipment, or the presence of pathology. Only a doctor can accurately interpret X-ray data.

Formations in the form of white spots indicate the presence of tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pathology in the pleura, and occupational diseases. If a person has had bronchitis or pneumonia, then spots can be detected on an x-ray. They are regarded as residual manifestations of the disease, and they will disappear after some time.

If light spots are found in the upper parts of the lung, then tuberculosis is diagnosed, the main sign at the first stage of which is a light path running from the place where there is an inflammatory process to the root system. With timely and proper treatment, inflammation decreases and tissues undergo scarring. Instead of white, a dark spot appears in the photo.

If an X-ray of the lungs shows that black spots are visible, this indicates an exacerbation and the presence of chronic pneumonia. After a course of drug treatment and complete recovery, the spots disappear. Dark formations can also cause malignant pathologies. Detection of dark spots in almost healthy person indicates many years of smoking, in children - a foreign body.

Does X-ray show pneumonia?

X-ray examination for pneumonia is both a method of identifying the disease and monitoring its progress.

In order to recognize pneumonia, you need to know what the spots look like on pictures with this pathology. They may differ in size and location:

  • global spotty formations on the entire surface of the lungs;
  • subtotal - all fields (with the exception of the upper lobes);
  • segmental - spots within the boundaries of a segment;
  • small spotted formations up to 3 mm with limited margins.

As a result of the development of the inflammatory process in the human lungs, fuzzy spots with blurred contours are formed and an x-ray shows inflammation of the lungs. The manifestation of spotty formations depends on the stage of the disease. The spots are more pronounced in advanced cases.

for bronchitis

The symptoms of the disease are similar to pneumonia. To confirm the diagnosis during a protracted course of the disease, certain types of examinations are prescribed, including x-rays, which will assess the condition of the respiratory system and clarify the diagnosis.

Symptoms in the patient for which fluorography is indicated (x-ray of the lungs shows bronchitis in this case):

  • changes in blood, according to laboratory tests;
  • severe constant shortness of breath;
  • prolonged increase in body temperature;
  • suspicion of inflammation in the lungs;
  • signs of obstruction.

Based on the results of the study, X-ray photographs pay attention to the following points in the lungs:

  • fuzzy outlines;
  • presence of root deformation;
  • changes in the drawing;
  • the presence of lamellar lesions;
  • areas of fluid accumulation.

The opinions of specialists about the information content of X-rays in identifying the disease bronchitis are divided. However, this type of research is widely used in practical medicine.

X-ray for tuberculosis

If you suspect this serious illness this type examination of the lungs will exclude or confirm pathology.

The advantages of fluoroscopy for pulmonary tuberculosis are the ability to:

  • carry out various diagnostics of the disease;
  • exclude other pathologies of the respiratory system, such as pneumonia, cancer, abscess and others;
  • determine the nature of damage to lung tissue;
  • see the extent of the lesion;
  • see the location of pathological foci.

Therefore, the question of whether an x-ray will show pulmonary tuberculosis can be answered in the affirmative. However, this does not exclude additional manipulations to accurately confirm the diagnosis. X-rays reveal different types tuberculosis:

  • intrathoracic lymph nodes;
  • disseminated;
  • focal;
  • infiltration;
  • caseous pneumonia;
  • fibrous-cavernous;
  • cirrhotic.

Does X-ray show lung cancer?

This disease is one of the most serious human ailments in recent decades. Chest X-ray is considered a diagnostic method for identifying this pathology at the earliest stages of its development. Signs or symptoms of the disease may include:

  • lethargy, constant drowsiness and weakness;
  • performance at zero;
  • regular fevers with apparent well-being;
  • dyspnea;
  • whistling breathing;
  • lingering cough that does not respond to therapy;
  • secretion of sputum with blood;
  • lack of appetite;
  • during coughing attacks, the presence of pain.

To exclude the disease, the doctor prescribes an examination. An X-ray will definitely show lung cancer, since this method is highly informative.

Depending on the type of tumor and its location, the appearance on X-ray images will be different. To make an accurate diagnosis, the attending doctor will conduct additional examinations and, after assessing the general condition of the patient, prescribe adequate therapy.

X-ray of the lungs in children

If your child is prescribed an x-ray, you should familiarize yourself with the following points:

  • is there an alternative type of examination;
  • Is there a vital need for this procedure?

If in doubt, seek advice from another specialist.

In exceptional cases, the younger generation is prescribed radiography. Basically, when this is the only manipulation with which it is possible to exclude or confirm the diagnosis.

One of the parents also comes into the office with the child. In order to reduce the negative effects of radiation, all areas of the body of the baby and his representative are protected with lead shields. The procedure lasts a few minutes, and your baby will not get tired. If an X-ray of the lungs shows that there is a focus of pathology, the doctor will prescribe treatment and the child will recover quickly.

Fluoroscopy is an effective method for diagnosing various diseases and, in experienced hands, provides invaluable assistance to the medical community.

To maintain confidence in the health of your respiratory system, it is recommended to undergo periodic lung examinations. A detailed study by specialists of the results obtained from X-ray or fluorography helps to identify pathological processes in the early stages and promptly take adequate therapeutic measures. An image of the lungs of a healthy person has certain features and demonstrates indicators related to the medical norm.

What pathologies are revealed by plain radiography?

During the procedure, various disorders may be detected in the patient. Plain radiography reveals deviations from the norm during development:

  1. Pneumonia (pneumonia).
  2. Tuberculosis.
  3. Various forms of bronchitis.
  4. Bronchial asthma.
  5. Pneumosclerosis.
  6. Emphysema.
  7. Pulmonary edema.
  8. Pleurisy, pneumothorax.
  9. Respiratory failure.
  10. Oncological processes.

X-rays are also prescribed when undergoing drug therapy in order to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment, to detect gases, infiltrates, liquids, cysts, and foreign objects in the respiratory tract.

Important indicators of the norm

When describing the image, the radiologist carefully examines the condition of the osteoarticular system, soft tissues, mediastinum (anatomical space limited by the sternum and spinal column), diaphragm (muscular structure separating the thoracic and abdominal cavities, allowing expansion of the lungs during breathing), costophrenic sinuses.

Also subject to consideration are the shape of the chest (barrel-shaped, funnel-shaped or cylindrical), the volume of the lungs, and the features of their roots. The specialist pays attention to the presence of deformations of the pulmonary pattern, focal or infiltrative shadow formations (the bones in the image become White color, the lung tissue and formations in it become gray, and the natural voids are black).

When analyzing the resulting image, the doctor takes into account the projection in which the examination was carried out (lateral, posterior or anterior). In this case, the errors allowed in each of them must be taken into account..

Interpreting lung images is a complex procedure that requires deep medical knowledge. In some cases associated with serious respiratory problems, the patient is prescribed an additional examination.

What does a photo of healthy lungs look like?

An X-ray image of the lungs of a healthy person has the following characteristics:

  • the resulting image is uniform and has no shadows;
  • the lungs are located in the correct position, have 5 clearly visible lobes (their size is determined by the patient’s age);
  • there are no visible fibers in the structure of the lung tissue;
  • the roots of the right and left lungs have a clear structure, their sizes do not exceed normal limits;
  • the soft tissues are homogeneous, there are no scars, tumor-like formations, or “pockets” with gas or liquid.

Fluorography of a healthy person demonstrates well-defined lung fields and the domes of the diaphragm underneath them. In the upper part of the image, the collarbones are clearly visible, in the center - the sternum and the shadow of the heart muscle, and linear shadows of the ribs are visible above the projection of the lungs.

The shadow formed by the heart has important diagnostic value. If it deviates from normal values, the patient is referred for examination by a cardiologist.

What X-rays and fluorography do not show

When taking an x-ray or fluorography, the presence of minor pathological formations is not always detected - lesions with a diameter of less than 2 mm, compactions in the walls up to 1 mm in size. Also, fluid in the sinus is not visualized if its volume is less than 250 ml. This feature is associated with technical characteristics X-ray equipment.

If necessary, a more detailed image of the tissues of the pulmonary system can be obtained through the use of CT and MRI ( computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging).

What should be missing from a photo of a healthy person?

An X-ray of the lungs of a healthy person demonstrates the absence of unnecessary darkening, lightening, or additional shadows in the image. For an experienced doctor performing x-rays or fluorography, there are no random colors or smeared paints. A professional radiologist can easily “read” the meaning of each dark and light fragment, and is able to explain what may be causing their appearance.

Darkenings indicating the presence of pathological processes in the respiratory organs can be:

  • partial;
  • limited;
  • widespread.

Partial and limited darkening is found in certain areas of the lung tissue. They are represented by peculiar, clearly defined dark foci. Common blackouts are usually classified as the most dangerous anomalies. These pathological processes cover the entire area of ​​the lungs.

Identification of unusual dark areas on the image often indicates the presence of lumps. The latter can occur against the background of oncological processes, pneumonia, and pleurisy. Abnormal shadows that look like dots appear in patients who have recently had bronchitis. Ring-shaped indicate the presence of air-filled cavities in the lungs (this syndrome often accompanies extrapulmonary processes - deformation of the ribs, increased gas formation in the intestines, pleural cavity).

In addition to darkening, the image of a healthy person should be free of abnormal phenomena in the form of adhesions, layers, fibrosis, sclerosis, heaviness, and radiance.

What is the difference between a photograph of a non-smoking and a smoking patient?

Images of the lungs of active smokers have significant differences from images obtained during X-ray examination of non-smokers. Many experts compare them to a dirty “bag” that becomes darker as the harmful tobacco “experience” accumulates.

A distinctive feature of lung images of a smoking patient is:

  • the presence of blurred contours of the pulmonary roots, their tortuosity and deformation;
  • formation of an enhanced pattern of the lungs;
  • the presence of additional shadows.

The X-ray picture is complemented by multiple porous structures associated with bronchial defects and inflammatory changes occurring in them. In addition, the image reveals clearing in the lung fields, the cause of which is increased compensatory airiness of the lungs. This pathological process first affects the lower third of this area, gradually moving upward.

The constant negative impact of nicotine and toxins provokes a transformation of the alvolar walls, as a result of which their darkened outlines can be clearly seen in the image. Gas exchange disorders lead to damage in the tissues of the heart muscle (traditionally, smokers experience an increase in heart volume).

What doctors have to deal with! Here are the most shocking x-rays:

The dentist discovered the source of the toothache. Patrick Lawler complained of pain along the roof of his mouth, which turned out to be caused by a 10cm nail that a construction worker had accidentally inserted into his skull six days earlier.

According to multiple international press reports, 11-year-old Chinese schoolboy Liu Cheong faced death when his friend shot him in the head with a 40cm arrow. The arrow entered his skull through his eye socket and lodged in his head. By some miracle, the boy escaped fatal brain injury.

Let's not forget about the classic shots: a glass of beer in the anus!

A 16-year-old cheated death when a 12cm knife was stabbed into his head. The teenager was taken to hospital with a kitchen knife protruding from his forehead.

8-year-old Haley Lents from Indiana swallowed 10 magnets and 20 steel balls from a Magnetix toy set. The magnets and balls gravitated towards each other in her digestive tract, creating eight holes in her intestines, forcing her parents to take her to hospital for emergency surgery. Lents later told reporters that the magnets and steel balls “looked like candy.”

The 5cm nail seen in this X-ray was discovered after a Seoul man... South Korea, went to the hospital with a severe headache. After examining and interviewing the man, doctors believed that the nail was the result of an accident that occurred four years ago, but the man did not notice that there was a nail in his head.

X-ray shows a mobile phone in the lower intestine of a prisoner from El Salvador. The man was one of four imprisoned members of the Mara Salvatrucha street gang. Workers at the Zacatecoluca prison in San Salvador detained men with contraband mobile phones, spare SIM cards and chargers.

This photo shows part of a 60-year-old man who came to Nishtar Hospital in Multan, Pakistan. He decided to see a doctor after thieves inserted a Pepsi can into his anus and then stole his two buffaloes.

This X-ray shows the ignition key piercing the eyelid of 17-month-old Nicholas Holderman of Kentucky and traveling to the child's brain. Although doctors initially believed the object had penetrated Nicholas' eyeball, another team later confirmed the boy had not suffered permanent injury.

This guy was picking his teeth with scissors, but he started laughing and the scissors fell into his throat. He survived and was not seriously injured!

X-ray of scissors left inside the stomach of Pat Skinner from Hurstvlle during surgery at St George Hospital, Sydney.

X-ray of the diamond ring inside Wilfredo Gonzalez-Cruz, 30, of Chicago. A man stole a ring from a woman's house in Cicero and then swallowed it.

This photo shows a quarter swallowed by a six-year-old girl.

A vibrator stuck in his anus did not prompt the man to go to the emergency room. He simply tried to remove the stuck object using salad tongs. The problem is that the tongs are also stuck.

This incident was not an accident, but a deliberate act. The deceased Ryan Dunn from the TV show "Jackass" deliberately inserted a model car just to mock the emergency doctors.

A man from China complained of stomach pain. The man had to see doctors after he was unable to remove the bottles using a twisted piece of wire. When medical professionals asked him about the pain, he stated that he did not understand why he was experiencing discomfort. However, his memory suddenly returned when doctors showed X-rays of the bottle and the wire inside him. He confirmed that he inserted the bottle at home after which it got stuck, and said that he tried to pull the bottle out with a steel wire in a panic attack.

A 52-year-old woman from the Netherlands named Margaret Daalman went to the hospital complaining of stomach pain and one glance at the picture explains the cause of the discomfort. Surgeons in Rotterdam were amazed by images showing 78 different cutlery items in her stomach.

Wu Moude, 22, landed on a steel bar that buried 15 centimeters into his head under his chin. The extraction required a five-hour operation, during which surgeons cut open Wu's windpipe and skull.

A man from China told doctors that he was moving furniture in his house when he noticed a mouse. He picked up a steel crowbar and chased the animal, but tripped and landed on rebar, which hit him in the anus. Doctors feared that if they simply pulled on the hooked rod, it would cause even more harm. Firefighters cut off the outside of the crowbar before surgically removing the rest.

A Chinese teenager slipped and stabbed himself in the face with a 7cm knife he was using to peel an apple. Ren Hanzhi's father recalls: “He walked to the sofa and peeled an apple as he walked. Suddenly he slipped and a sharp knife pierced his face. I didn’t dare pull out the knife because my son was screaming loudly.” Chief surgeon Peng Liwei, who performed the operation to remove the knife, commented: “This is a shocking case. The knife, whose length exceeds 20 centimeters, entered the boy’s face 7 centimeters.” The operation was successful and the patient fully recovered in about a month.

X-ray is the most common method of examining the lungs. It is prescribed much more often or CT scan due to its low cost. The essence of this method is X-ray radiation, which passes through the human body and is reflected to varying degrees on the film depending on what tissue it passes through.

Many people believe that fluorography and radiography are the same thing. The principle of these diagnostic methods is indeed the same, but fluorography is less informative; with its help, only significant disorders can be determined, while the radiation dose during radiography is less.

X-ray of the lungs, in contrast, is rarely prescribed for preventive purposes. This procedure is usually recommended if the patient has characteristic complaints. Despite the fact that radiography is more informative, it is also more expensive, so fluorography is still used for preventive health checks.

Description of X-ray images takes longer and includes a number of parameters. A radiologist should interpret the images. The patient is given a completed report.

Radiography is used both when making a diagnosis and when the diagnosis is already known to check the effectiveness of treatment.

Indications for the procedure are:

  1. Chronic cough. For prolonged and painful coughing attacks that last more than a month, it is recommended to take an x-ray.
  2. Pain in the lungs. Any painful sensations in the lungs during coughing or when moving, as well as shortness of breath, require mandatory examination.
  3. Hemoptysis. The appearance of blood in sputum is an alarming symptom that cannot be ignored. Hemoptysis can be a symptom of many serious diseases, so a full examination is recommended.
  4. Unreasonable weight loss. In case of sudden weight loss, it is recommended to take an x-ray of the lungs to exclude oncology.
  5. Checking your condition during treatment. X-rays are required for pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, and lung cancer. It is recommended to undergo x-rays no more often than once every six months, but if absolutely necessary, the procedure may be performed more frequently.

The dose of radiation that a person receives during the procedure is small and does not harm a healthy body. But X-ray radiation has a negative effect on actively dividing cells, so this procedure is not recommended for children and pregnant women.

Sex cells are especially sensitive to X-ray radiation. To avoid disorders of the reproductive system before the onset of puberty, preventive radiography is not performed. This procedure is prescribed only for health reasons.

Preparation and procedure

The X-ray procedure is very quick and painless. No preparation is required. You do not need to adhere to a diet or change your lifestyle before the procedure.

Modern equipment allows for a full examination of the lungs with minimal exposure to radiation. Therefore, it is recommended to choose clinics with a new X-ray machine. The image format is usually universal, so you can then contact any clinic with the results obtained.At the specified time, the patient comes to the X-ray room with a referral. The procedure takes no more than a few minutes.

The patient undresses completely to the waist and removes all metal jewelry. There should be no pendants or chains around the neck. Long hair should be tied into a bun and raised above the neck line.If the equipment is modern, you can undergo the procedure in underwear, but if it does not contain metal objects or synthetics.

If necessary, the procedure can be performed lying down or sitting.

A special apron is put on the patient; if there is a need to perform the procedure on a pregnant woman, the apron covers the abdomen and reproductive organs.

If the procedure is overview (all lungs are examined), then the patient stands directly between the beam tube and the receiving screen. The doctor asks the patient to hold his breath while the device operates. This lasts no more than a few seconds, after which the patient exhales and can get dressed.

More information about radiography can be found in the video:

If the procedure is targeted and a certain area of ​​the lung is examined, then the patient is asked to stand or sit in a certain way (so that the rays pass at a certain angle). Otherwise, targeted radiography is no different from survey radiography.

The result is given to the patient within an hour. Compliance with the rules of the procedure is important, since many factors influence the reliability of the results. Even a strand of hair that falls on your back and is reflected in the photo can lead to an erroneous result.The result is also influenced by body position and compliance with the doctor’s recommendations. If the patient inhales or moves during the procedure, the result will be distorted.

Medical X-ray Reading Algorithm

Reading x-rays is a complex process. It takes some time because there are many parameters that need to be described.

When decoding, the quality of the image and the shadow picture must be taken into account. If the picture is not clear, the patient will be asked to take another x-ray after some time.

An approximate algorithm for reading a radiograph includes the following points:

  1. Projection of the photo. It is necessary to take into account the projection in which the picture was taken (lateral, posterior, anterior). The doctor must take into account the errors that are allowed in one or another projection.
  2. Chest shape. The patient's chest may be barrel-shaped, funnel-shaped, or cylindrical.
  3. Lung volume. The total lung volume is assessed. It can be low, normal or high.
  4. The presence of focal or infiltrative shadows. On the image, bones appear in white, lung tissue or masses appear in gray, and voids appear in black. If there are dark spots on the gray field, this may indicate inflammation or neoplasm. If such a spot is present, the doctor describes in detail its size and location.
  5. Deformation of the pulmonary pattern. Normally, the pattern is not deformed, it has clear edges, which indicates normal blood circulation in the lung tissues.
  6. Root structure. This phrase refers to the description of the pulmonary arteries. In a healthy person they have a clear structure. If the arteries are dilated and there are dark spots in the image in the root area, the doctor may suspect a tumor.
  7. Structure of bone tissue. The doctor evaluates whether the ribs are deformed, whether there are cracks or fractures.
  8. Diaphragm. The structure of the diaphragm and the presence of changes are described.

If there are no deviations, after completing the reading, the doctor writes in the conclusion “lungs without visible pathology.”

Deciphering a photo is a complex procedure. Even an experienced doctor admits that a mistake can be made when deciphering, so if a serious illness is suspected (tuberculosis, oncology), it is often recommended to conduct an additional examination and clarify the diagnosis.

Description of pathologies in the image

The doctor describes any pathologies found on the x-ray in great detail. If there are suspicions, it is prescribed or to confirm the diagnosis.

In a healthy person, the pattern of the lungs is clear without unnecessary shadows. The following pathologies can be detected using x-rays:

  • Pleurisy. With pleurisy, the serous membrane that surrounds the lungs becomes inflamed. It is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: chest enlargement, pain, fever, cough. Pleurisy is often accompanied by an accumulation of fluid, so on an x-ray it looks like the trachea is being pulled forward.
  • Oncology. A malignant tumor appears on the image as a darkening of the lung tissue. Usually this darkening has clear contours. In some cases, these may be enlarged lymph nodes, so additional examination (or MRI) is recommended.
  • Tuberculosis. With tuberculosis, a strong inflammatory process of the lung tissue is observed. On a radiograph, it appears as several rounded focal shadows. As a rule, these are enlarged lymph nodes. Also, with tuberculosis, the pulmonary pattern in the upper part is strengthened.
  • Pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs on an x-ray is revealed as infiltrative darkening and a decrease in the transparency of the pulmonary fields. As a rule, the doctor diagnoses pneumonia accurately.
  • Congestive failure. With congestion, the pulmonary pattern will be unclear, and on the x-ray you will notice that the size of the heart is increased. This is a heart disease, but it also affects the functioning of the lungs, coughing, shortness of breath, suffocation when lying down, weight gain and the appearance of edema.
  • Sarcoidosis. This is a disease that affects many organs. Granulomas appear in tissues, which disrupt their functioning. With sarcoidosis, deformation of the roots is observed in the image, as well as round, clear darkening.

It is worth remembering that small cysts or tumors may not be visible on x-rays or may be covered by the ribs or heart. If alarming symptoms continue to bother you, after some time you need to repeat the procedure or undergo an MRI.

Analysis of pulmonary fields on a radiograph

Lung fields are understood as those areas of the image onto which the lung tissue was projected. The pulmonary fields are located on both sides of the mediastinal shadow.

Lung field analysis has several features:

  1. The right and left pulmonary fields are different sizes. The right one is, as a rule, wider, but shorter than the left one, and the left one is narrower and elongated. This is considered the norm.
  2. The median shadow should not be exactly in the center of the margins. The heart slightly shifts it, so in a healthy person the shadow is slightly expanded on the left side. This also does not indicate pathology.
  3. To make it easier to analyze the picture of the pulmonary fields, it is divided into 3 parts: internal middle and external. Each zone is described separately.
  4. The transparency of the fields is assessed. It depends on how much the lungs are filled with air and how fully the lung tissue is saturated with oxygen. If blood circulation is impaired, the transparency of the fields will change.
  5. In women, the description of the lung fields may be altered due to the soft tissue of the mammary glands. This is taken into account when decrypting the image.
  6. When assessing the pulmonary pattern, the individual characteristics of the body are taken into account. This is a long and complex process, and only an experienced specialist can carry it out correctly. The pulmonary artery in each zone of the pulmonary fields has a different direction. The venous and capillary networks are also taken into account.
  7. The pleura should not be visible in the image. She's too thin. If it is visible, then its walls are thickened, which indicates inflammation or tumor. In some cases, the pleura is visible on lateral views.
  8. The arteries branch differently in each lung. Therefore, each segment of the lung field is assessed. There are 10 of them in the right lung, 9 in the left.

It is worth remembering that the absence of spots and darkening in the image does not guarantee the absence of pathologies. If alarming signs persist, you should consult a doctor for further examination.

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A chest x-ray in a healthy person may reveal additional shadows in the lungs that should not be alarmed. Normally, various changes in the pulmonary pattern are observed (intensification, thickening and deformation), as well as pathology of the roots. We will not scare readers, but will explain the X-ray symptoms of healthy lungs.

What does a photo of a healthy person's lungs look like?

A photo of the lungs of a healthy person looks typical:

  1. Lung fields located on both sides of the chest.
  2. The cardiac shadow and sternum are in the center of the radiograph.
  3. The collarbone is at the top.
  4. The domes of the diaphragm are located below the pulmonary fields.
  5. Linear shadows of the ribs over the projection of the lungs.
A photograph of the chest organs of a healthy person with a description of the structures

In the photo, a radiologist evaluates the following structures:

  1. Soft fabrics.
  2. Osteoarticular system.
  3. Diaphragm.
  4. Mediastinum.
  5. Costophrenic sinuses.

These structures look different on x-rays in negative and positive versions.

It should be understood that the absence of light pathological shadows in the photographs does not mean that the person is healthy. For which pathologies are no changes observed on lung images:

  • inflammatory foci up to 2 mm in diameter are not visualized on an x-ray, since the method has a resolution limit;
  • small clearings;
  • small darkening with infiltrative changes in the bronchi;
  • fluid accumulation in the costophrenic sinus up to 250 ml;
  • thickening of the bronchial walls less than 1 mm thick;
  • slight focal thickening of tissue.

What should not appear on an x-ray of healthy lungs?

Normal digital chest radiograph in positive display

Fluorography is a screening method of x-ray diagnostics. According to the order of the Ministry of Health, its implementation is mandatory for each person once a year. Using fluorography, doctors detect diseases such as tuberculosis and cancer in the early stages. Of course, the lung is more informative, but it is characterized by a significant radiation examination of a person, and therefore cannot be used for mass examination of the population.

An ordinary person does not understand what clean lungs look like, so he will not be able to differentiate between normal and pathological shadows. Many diseases create shadows in the image, which is why “smears” and “white shadows” appear on them.

X-rays passing through the chest are reflected from some tissues and absorbed by others. As a result, dark, white and gray shadows are formed on radiographs. Their combination with each other causes a normal x-ray picture.

Some difference in shadow display occurs due to technical features method and fluorography. During a fluorographic examination, the image is obtained from a fluorescent screen.

X-rays, penetrating through tissue, expose the X-ray film. This is how an x-ray is formed.

  • blackouts;
  • enlightenment;
  • additional shadows.

The figure shows a normal x-ray of the lungs. Remember her appearance. If you find additional spots in the picture that differ from the photo above, most likely, such a picture will reflect a pathological process.

How does a screening grid affect an X-ray image?

Diagram of the influence of the screening grid of an X-ray machine on the quality of images

The screening grid of the X-ray machine affects the quality of the images. When radiographs are taken using the same equipment, they have similar colors of anatomical structures, making it easy for the radiologist to identify pathological opacities.

However, images of the chest organs from the same X-ray machine may differ depending on the patient's position. In the photo above, the radiographs were taken of the same person in a standing (a) and lying (b) position.

Pay attention to the cardiac shadow and the intensity of the reflection of the pulmonary fields (they differ in color). The diaphragm domes are also located at different levels.

The X-ray picture of normal lungs is formed by the ability of X-rays to pass differently through the same tissues with varying degrees of physical thickening.

The quality of X-ray images is also affected by diagnostic equipment. In Soviet times, X-ray diagnostics were carried out at the RUM complex. In such equipment, radiography modes were set manually using regulators. The voltage, current, and exposure time of the x-rays were adjusted by x-ray technicians. In photographs of the lungs taken on the same person, differences in the intensity of the shadows and their hardness could be observed.

The emergence of modern diagnostic systems has made it possible to get rid of this problem. Exposure settings are now adjusted automatically.
