MTS balance number. All ways to find out the balance of another number

But how many of them, after all?! They breed like rabbits and crawl around the house like cockroaches. At the same time, they behave completely unpredictably: first they get lost, and then they are in the most unexpected places. Horror!

What is it about? - you ask. Yes, all from the same. About SIM cards, which are simply unthinkable in my house.

No no. I do not suffer from pathological hoarding (or syllogomania, hoarding, Plushkin's syndrome, etc. :)). The reason for this is the traveling nature of my work. Indeed, it is often cheaper to buy a local SIM card on business trips than to use roaming services.

In general, it is not surprising that I start to get confused in SIM cards over time. And with regular periodicity it is necessary to solve two problems. About the way to solve the first, I have already said something. When I talked in the article "" about almost a dozen ways to find out the number associated with this SIM card.

Well, today let's talk about how to find out the balance on MTS on the phone, even if you do not know the number itself. And even more so if you know.

Ready? You don’t have to stock up on popcorn, today’s article will be as detailed and informative as possible, but short.

How to find out the balance on MTS. For free!

MTS, as a very responsible and customer-oriented company, provides you and me with a choice of a number of different options on how to check the balance on MTS from your phone. I will present them all in order, starting with the simplest. However, they are all simple.

1. The easiest way to find out the balance of MTS on the phone is by calling the service number " mobile assistant MTS". Dial 111 , and more ... follow the advice of the autoinformer. Just kidding. No need to wait for any advice. To find out your balance on MTS, immediately press the combination quick access two more units. That is, like this: 111_1_1

2. Do not like to press buttons on autoresponder commands? Then it will help you SMS Assistant". Send to short service number 111 SMS message with text 11. In response, you will receive and then in response you will receive an SMS message with information about your current balance.

3. You can find out the balance of your account on MTS when help of USSD commands. This is when, in response to a USSD request sent by you, a text will appear on the screen of your phone with information about the state of your balance on MTS

Sending USSD-inquiries about the account balance is free!!! Both on the territory of the home region, and on trips around Russia or abroad.

4. . By number 0890 , specialists Hotline they will tell you not only about the balance of your account, but also any information about your number, connected services, discounts and tariffs. True, at the same time, he may ask you to answer questions about your personal data as an MTS subscriber. But this is only to make sure that you are you.

5 . Look into your Personal Area on the official site

By the way, since the phrase “My MTS” appeared in the picture above, let's now talk about this way to find out your balance.

6. If you are a happy owner of a smartphone (yes, yes, no need to smile skeptically. You may not believe it, but many people still prefer to use push-button telephones. For various reasons), then for you to find out the balance of the phone on MTS is not a problem at all! Just install special mobile app.

In MTS it is called "My MTS". The application works through Mobile Internet and via Wi-Fi.

You can install it:

  • in the AppStore (for iOS 7.1 and above);
  • on Google Play (for Android 2.3 and above);
  • in the Windows Store (for WP 8.1 and above).

Install - and you will never have problems with MTS balance control!

In general, many such applications, applications that allow you to track your balance, have been developed today. For devices on any base, be it Android, IOS, or, Windows Mobile.

By the way.

Such applications from third-party developers are also good because they allow you to track the balance of several SIM cards from different operators at once!

That is, you can enter into it information not only about your phone on MTS, but also about the phones of your children or other relatives. Also, about their bank cards, e-wallets, etc.

An example of such an application is AnyBalance for Android. It looks like this:

A similar application for Windows Mobile is Balance Info. I think it will not be difficult for you to find them in the official GooglePlay or iTunes stores.

Yes, I almost forgot! This article was not intended for happy owners tablet computers. Because they have a separate detailed instructions About, . Very cool, by the way!

Costs for mobile communications can vary significantly from subscriber to subscriber. Those who actively communicate and use a lot other services , usually pay much more for communications, as the volume of services provided also increases. But there is a situation when money from the account disappear even for inactive subscribers. In this case it's worth check mts balance and if there are unreasonable write-offs, then ask questions to the operator's representative.

It's very important to know personal account status so as not to be left unexpectedly without communication. The operator provides most services only if available. positive balance by account. Checking the MTS balance by a subscriber takes literally a few seconds, but it always allows to stay connected and if necessary time to notice funds that have gone from it.

There are times when a company automatically connects services, which are not used by the subscriber at all and only bring unnecessary expenses. You can track it if check in time MTS balance on the phone.

Balance check methods

The company takes care of timely informing client and offer Several variants how to find out your balance on MTS. Consider the main verification methods account status:

  • sending USSD request;
  • call or SMS command to service number;
  • appeal to operator support;
  • Internet Assistant;
  • special applications.

USSD request to check MTS balance

The most simple and fast way , which allows you to both check the MTS balance on the phone and find out the balance of package minutes and traffic. To receive information about the balance, the subscriber must send a request *100# . After that, on a mobile phone information will come on the status of the account, as well as, if available, the expiration date of the payment.

This is the simplest situation when a person only need to know account balance, but there are more complex options. If the phone does not support Russian in received messages, which is not uncommon for Chinese and old technology, then to get data possible on English language using the command #100# .

There are situations when the subscriber knows how to view the balance on MTS, but cannot determine the remaining minutes , SMS or traffic in a package. In this case can be used command *100*1# . To check information about packages of minutes, traffic or SMS that have a limited validity period, there is a command *100*2# . After its execution on a mobile phone a message will come, containing not only the rest of the traffic, minutes or SMS in the package, but also the date of its end.

GPRS packets are also taken into account by the company, but not displayed with the main command. For that to find out their remainder must be executed *111*217# .

It is worth knowing that after each request, a call must be sent so that it is processed by the operator's network. Otherwise, you won't get a response. Sending is done using the call send button.

Autoinformer about the balance

Another way that quickly allows check balance information - use special service number. All calls to him home network and SMS free. Consider the balance of MTS, how to find out with a call. Necessary on mobile dial the number111 and wait for the autoinformer to answer. Listen carefully system instruction and select the area of ​​interest. This service allows you to both check the MTS balance and get another maintenance information in company.

Instead of calling, you can use sending an SMS , consisting of text "eleven" to the same number 111 . In reply automatic system will send data on the current balance of the subscriber.

Check the status of the MTS account by phone number

There are situations when necessary to find out balance of another loved one. This may be necessary, for example, if there is no confidence in the need to replenish his accounts in this moment, and there is no desire to distract a person. Available this function only for those subscribers who are on the list favorite numbers. To perform a check, you need to run the following command: *140*phone#. All information will come in the reply message.

Checking the balance through the operator

There are situations when on one's own there is no way to update the balance sheet. It should be understood that a simple call to the operator in order to check the balance practically meaningless. Waiting for a response from a specialist can be significantly delayed. But sometimes other options just no or have further questions.

Contact with an employee companies need to call the number 0890 . This number available around the clock, but it should be understood that the load on the company's specialists much higher weekends and evenings. On weekday mornings calling is the easiest.

It only makes sense to use a balance check through an operator in an emergency or if necessary figure it out right away with what happened write-offs from the account , since you will have to wait for an answer in average 15-30 minutes, although in some cases it takes not one hour, especially if you recruit specialists at the end of the working day Fridays.

You can select an option while waiting "Call me back". Then an employee of the company will contact you after the queue comes up on their own. This allows don't sit on the phone hands for several minutes.

Get balance data personal account You can also have specialists of branded salons. It's handy when you need it replenish the number child or other close relative who is currently unable to self check balance. In this case, it is necessary to have a passport of the subscriber who issued this SIM card . Otherwise, the salon employee has the right refuse to provide information about the number, since he has no way to verify the identity of the owner of the number.

Internet assistant and applications from MTS

The company's specialists constantly improve awareness subscribers, developing modern interactive services for service management and viewing active options, balance and others.

Internet Assistant allows you to check balance on the balance using a computer or other device with network access. Consider the main features of the service:

  • checking all accounts and packages services;
  • payments for communication services;
  • list change connected options and additional services or subscriptions, both paid and free;
  • selection And transition for more favorable rates.

Owners smartphones and tablets using the site to access information is not always convenient, so the company's specialists have developed special applications . They are available in official services Google Play market And App Store , respectively for device owners on Android system And iOS. For the application to work, you need Internet access With mobile device.

MTS live balance

very interesting service for subscribers who want to always know about the status of their personal account, is "Living Balance" . She's worth everything 10 kopecks a day and allows you to constantly watch on the screen mobile phone balance data. Information changes occur almost instantly , after making a call or when sending an SMS message. If traffic is used for a fee, and not from the package, then it will also be debited almost instantly.

Thanks to this service, you can always know about the state of the balance and in time control spending and connected paid services or options.

A smart approach to cost optimization on cellular communication allows to reduce this item of expenditure of the family budget in fact by half. At the same time, the subscriber does not feel any inconvenience or negative points , disabling only those imposed and not needed for him services or subscriptions. This is especially true in a crisis, when there is no extra money for anything.

Every person who uses the services of an MTS operator should know how to check the balance on MTS. Available for subscribers different ways checking the account status, among which the most convenient is sending a USSD code.

Find out the balance via USSD request

To use this option for obtaining information about the state of the account, you need to type the command:

and click on the call button. After that, the display will show the balance on the balance and the date of validity of the SIM card.

For mobile devices that do not support the Russian language, the combination is intended #100# , after dialing which you should also click on the call. In this case, the information will be presented in English.

In order to check someone else's balance, you need to dial the combination *140*XX…XX# and click on the call, where XX…XX is the phone number where you need to find out the account status. But this is only possible if the number of the subscriber who wants to control someone else's account will be indicated in the list of "Favorites" on the phone of the person whose balance needs to be checked.

Find out the balance through the autoinformer and SMS

Also, subscribers should have an idea of ​​​​how to find out the balance on MTS by calling the service number. To do this, you need to call back and carefully listen to the voice menu. The necessary information will be announced after pressing the appropriate buttons.

You can also send a message to this phone, in the text of which you must write a number 11 . The requested data will be presented in the response SMS.

You should know that 111 is free number, therefore, when making calls and sending a message, money will not be debited from the account.

Check the balance through a call to the operator

When choosing this method, you need to remember that a call to the operator sometimes takes a lot of time, but in any case, subscribers should know how to contact company representatives. The number is intended for these purposes. Checking the MTS balance using this method is relevant if the subscriber has other questions that require the help of a specialist.

Sometimes you have to wait 10-15 minutes to connect with a consultant, or even more. In order not to “hang” on the phone, you can use the prompt of the autoinformer by selecting the “Call me” service. In this case, an employee of the technical support center will call the subscriber himself according to the queue that has come up.

Checking an account using the Internet

To manage the account, a special service “Personal Account” and the application “MTS Service” are intended, upon entering which the account status will be displayed on the main page. That is, to get information about the available balance, there is no need to go to any section.

If the subscriber logs into the account or application from his mobile device, the SIM card will be automatically recognized. Otherwise, you will be prompted to enter a username and password.

Checking the account using the “Live balance” option

After activating this service, each time after any action (making a call, entering the network, etc.), the remaining amount of money in the account will be displayed on the screen. The cost of this option is only 0.1 rubles / day. To activate the service "Live balance" you need to get a combination *152*3# , then click on the challenge.

Timely checking the balance is the surest way to avoid trouble and unexpected interruption of conversations. To clarify the status of the account, it is enough to spend a few moments and wait for the receipt necessary information. The only condition for getting to know the necessary information is knowing how to check the balance on MTS from the phone (short number, special command and other options).


There are many ways to check the status of an account. To find out how much money is left, you can:

  • send SMS;
  • enter a short USSD request;
  • call the operator;
  • listen to the voice menu;
  • clarify in your personal account;
  • install a mobile application;
  • order the display of the balance on the phone display;
  • connect the widget to the Internet;
  • address the question to the employees of the communication salon.

All of these options are united by a positive result that their use brings.

How to find out the balance of MTS on the phone via SMS?

One of the simplest ways to obtain the required information is to send a special SMS message. Users just need to send an SMS with the number 11 to a special service number 111. The exact amount will be indicated in the response message that will be sent to the cellular subscriber within the next few moments.

It is important to note that verification via SMS is free and does not lead to debiting of funds.

Checking balance on MTS by USSD command

The USSD command is even more convenient and familiar to most phone owners. To clarify the status of the account and determine whether it should be replenished, you will need to dial *100# on your mobile and press the call key.

The answer will appear on the screen of the device within a few seconds. Otherwise, if the information is not available, you will receive a message indicating the existing difficulties and offering to repeat the command later.

How to view the balance on MTS via the Internet?

If there is an exit to worldwide network, you can check the status of the account in the subscriber's personal account. To do this, you need to enter the official website. mobile company and log in. All important information will be located in the most convenient place so that each user can instantly find it.

The main advantage of checking via the Internet is the ability to perform a number of additional actions that help manage existing services and connected options.

Check account status by phone

Those who have not decided how to view the balance on MTS on the phone, and cannot use any of the methods described above, should call the contact center of the cellular company. To do this, dial 88002500890 and wait for an answer from a specialist. Sometimes the support team responds instantly, but more often it takes a few minutes. It is in anticipation that the main disadvantage of this option lies.

With a mobile app

An excellent method of checking the cash balance is a mobile application mobile operator. Being a kind of analogue of a personal account, a mobile application allows subscribers to make a lot of various activities, and viewing the remaining money is just an additional item that improves the quality of customer service.

The only condition that must be met when using the application is the need to connect to the Internet.

Balance on mobile screen

Those who wish to stay up to date with financial affairs can connect a special service that allows you to display information about the balance on your personal account on the phone display. To do this, you need to dial *152*3# and press call. As a result, while the option is active, the client's cash balance will be displayed on the mobile monitor.

Those who chose this way check your balance, remember that the service is paid and will require a daily write-off of 10 kopecks. If necessary, it can also be connected via Personal Area. Shutdown is carried out immediately.

Voice menu

Those who do not want to spend even such a small amount can check the bill by calling short number 0980 . Having dialed the combination, the subscriber will have to listen to the prompts of the system and follow the recommendations received. The result of the actions taken will be the receipt of the required information.

It is important to remember that by pressing 0, the client will be able to contact the operator by phone.

But even in this case, you will need to wait in line and the answer of a specialist.

Alternative verification via the Internet

Another interesting way to check the account that people who are thinking about how to find out the balance can use is to install a special widget from Yandex. To install and connect it, just go to the appropriate settings of the start page search engine and find what you need in the list of allowed add-ons. To simplify the search, you can enter the name of the mobile company in the search bar. As a result, financial information will be displayed on start page Yandex.
