Download the language bar to your desktop. How to restore the language bar on windows

Surely they have come across the fact that the language bar in Window 7 is not displayed.

Why this happens is a good question, but for sure it will not require an answer if you know how to eliminate this defect.

The easiest way to solve a problem

There are many options for why the language bar can disappear, and the most popular of them is that one or more applications do not work correctly.

This method apply most users seek to resolve the language bar error. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • In the lower right corner of your screen, look for the Start tab.
  • Click on the "Control Panel" line.
  • Find the line "Change keyboard layout" and click on it.

  • Click on the pop-up "Regional and Language Options" window.
  • Find the "Keyboard Language" tab and click "Change Keyboard".
  • In the new window "Languages ​​and services of text input".

Advice! If after all the settings the language bar did not appear on your screen, then check how many languages ​​are active on your computer. The algorithm of actions will be useless if only one language is active.

You can check the number of active languages ​​as follows:

  • Go through the two points of the above algorithm again;
  • Find the General tab.

It is inexplicable, but true, users noted that it is the language bar with the Russian language that disappears most often.

Why this happens and whether this is true is unknown.

But you can experiment yourself if you set the layout to English or any other language.

Restoring Task Scheduler on Windows 7

The language bar on Windows 7 has one main difference from the same Windows XP - in this case, the task scheduler is responsible for launching the language model.

If this program will not be launched, then, accordingly, the language bar will not be displayed. You can track it like this:

  • Find and open the My Computer shortcut on your desktop.
  • Find the "control" tab and click on it.

  • Then on the right in the list you will find the line "Services and Applications". Select the Services icon.

  • In the pop-up window on the right, see the "Task Scheduler" service.

  • After opening the service, make sure it displays the working status. We also advise you to specify the automatic startup type.
  • If the service displays the startup type "Manual", then double-click the right mouse button to change it to "Automatic".
  • The last step is to restart your computer and check for the presence of the language bar.

Consider the option when all settings are in order, however, there is no language bar on the monitor screen.

Most likely, the point is that the task is disabled inside the service itself.

  • On the monitor screen in the lower right corner, click on the "Start" line.
  • Then, in the search engine, enter the word "Task Scheduler".

  • Find the line "Task Scheduler Libraries" and click on it.

  • Then, specify two commands at once, one after the other: TextServicesFramework and MsCtfMonitor.
  • On the MsCtfMonitor command, you need to right-click twice so that the "Enable" line appears and then click on it.

Advice! Note the status of the MsCtfMonitor command. If the line already said "Enabled", then the reason for the absence of the language bar is something else.

Please note that not every computer has the MsCtfMonitor service installed. Without it, returning the control panel to its place is unlikely to succeed.

You can create this program yourself according to the following algorithm of actions:

  • Download for free and unpack it;
  • Open the downloaded file;
  • In the main menu on the right, find the TextServicesFramework section;
  • Right-click on the TextServicesFramework section to open the Import Task tab;
  • Double-click the left mouse button on the downloaded file;
  • Click on the task and then restart your computer to make sure the language bar is back in place.

Using the registry to restore the language bar

If none of the above methods helped you, then it makes sense to check the system registry for health.

Earlier operating Windows systems differed from the seventh theme, the language bar could be controlled using ctfmon.exe.

But in this case, it may also be appropriate. Download the program and then unzip it. If there are any problems with the work, then proceed as follows:

  • To launch the system registry, enter the combination "Win" + "R". Then enter the "regedit" command.

  • Next, click on the line.
  • Then, on the empty right side, click right click mouse to display the "Create" line. Name it CTFMON.EXE.
  • Click on the title with the left mouse button to access the link C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe".

If you clearly followed the algorithm of actions, then try restarting your computer and check if the language bar has appeared.

If you have had problems with switching the language of the input text, then this lesson will tell you all the nuances of working with the language bar, and these problems will become a thing of the past for you.

So, the language bar is usually located in the lower right corner and shows the text input language that is included in this moment(Russian, English, Ukrainian, etc.).

But very often (judging by the number of questions on this topic) it happens that the language bar disappears, and you do not know which input language is currently enabled.

The very first and easiest way to enable the language bar is as follows:

Right-click on an empty space on the toolbar (bottom panel on the screen), move the cursor to the item Toolbars and in the opened supplementary list check the box Language bar:

After that, the language bar appears in its place.

However, sometimes it happens that after a while it disappears again. This can happen for a number of reasons that you need to address.

First of all, check if the autoload contains the ctfmon.exe file, which is responsible for the keyboard layout indicator.

Click Start (start)Execute(run) and type using the keyboard msconfig and button Ok:

In the window that appears, on the tab, we check that the item is present and enabled. ctfmon. If it is not enabled, then enable it (check the box) and press Ok:

If there is no such item at all, then it must be placed there. To do this, you need to find the ctfmon.exe file and copy it to the startup folder.

Opening a folder WITH:WINDOWSsystem32. We find the file ctfmon.exe in it and by right-clicking it, select the item Copy.

(see the path to it in the figure below) and right-clicking on an empty space inside the folder, select the item Insert by pasting the copied file into this folder:

Now at Windows startup this file will run automatically.

If you already have this file in autoload, and the keyboard layout indicator still disappears, then you need to check the settings of the language bar and other settings (optional).

We go to Start(Start) - Control Panel(controlPanel) - Regional and Language Options(Regionalandlanguage...) tab Languages(Languages ​​- button Read more(Details...).

In this window, you can make the following settings:

1. Button Language bar opens a window in which we just turn on the display of the language bar in the control panel. Just check the required boxes.

2 . Button Keyboard Options opens a window for key settings, with the help of which the keyboard layout (language) is changed.

3 . Buttons Add And Delete allow you to add and remove layouts for other languages, respectively. For example, I sometimes add and use the Ukrainian layout.

This is the most necessary knowledge about the language bar and layouts.

All of the above you need to know for confident and calm work, but you can do it easier and more efficiently. I personally removed the standard language bar in my computer altogether and installed instead special program Punto Switcher.

This program creates its own (colored) language bar icon in the tray (in the lower right corner) and can automatically switch the layout if it senses that you are typing in the "wrong language".

With this program in your arsenal, you will be much less likely to use the keyboard to change the language layout.

By right-clicking on the icon of this program, you can go to the program settings (which, by the way, are a great many) and customize it to your liking.

In general, if you are not using this free program, I recommend you try it and make your life easier.

In Windows XP, quite often there is such a problem as the disappearance of the language bar. This panel displays the current language to the user and, it would seem, there is nothing to worry about. However, for those users who often work with the test, the lack of a language bar is a real disaster. Each time before typing, you have to check which language is currently enabled by pressing any key with a letter. Of course, this is very inconvenient, and in this article we will consider options that will help return the language bar to its original place if it constantly disappears.

Before moving on to recovery methods, let's delve a little into Windows device and try to find out what exactly provides the display of the language bar. So, among all the system applications in XP, there is one that provides its display - Ctfmon.exe. It is it that shows us what language and layout are currently used in the system. Accordingly, a certain registry key is responsible for launching the application, which contains the necessary parameters.

Now that we know where the legs grow from, we can begin to fix the problem. To do this, we will consider three ways - from the simplest to the more complex.

Method 1: Launching a system application

As mentioned above, the display of the language panel is responsible for system application Ctfmon.exe. Accordingly, if you do not see it, then you need to run the program.

If, for example, due to the action of viruses, the ctfmon.exe file is missing, then it must be restored. To do this, you need to perform just a few steps:

  • Insert the installation disk with Windows XP;
  • We open command line(Start/All Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt);
  • We enter the command
  • Click Enter and wait for the scan to finish.

This method will allow you to recover deleted system files, including ctfmon.exe .

If for some reason you do not have an installation Windows disk XP, the language bar file can be downloaded from the Internet or from another computer with the same operating system.

Often, this is enough to return the language bar to its place. However, if this does not help, then move on to the next method.

Method 2: Checking the settings

If the system application is running, but the panel is still not there, then you should look at the settings.

That's all, now the language panel should appear.

But there are also cases when intervention in the system registry is required. If all of the above methods did not work, then move on to the next solution to the problem.

Method 3: Fixing a parameter in the system registry

To work with the system registry, there is special utility, which will allow not only to view the records, but also to make the necessary adjustments.

In most cases, the described actions are enough to return the language bar to its original place.


So, we have looked at several ways to return the language panel to its place. However, nevertheless, there are exceptions and the panel is still missing. In such cases, you can use third party programs, which display the current language, such as autoswitching keyboard layouts or reinstalling the operating system.

This element allows you to quickly switch between keyboard layouts. Even those users who are used to switching using the keys, all the same looking at the monitor, are looking for it visually.

If the Windows 7 language bar is missing, this brief instruction will help. Let's start with its definition. The language bar automatically appears on the taskbar near the system tray when typing services are started, for example, manual input recognition, layout, etc. This panel is needed to quickly change the typing language or keyboard layout. It is possible to place it on the desktop in any place convenient for the user. Usually located in accordance with the default settings of Windows 7 at the bottom-right, near the tray.

But sometimes she disappears. Possible cause not displaying may be a virus program that infected the computer, or it disappears as a result of the work of the System Cleanup Wizard (therefore, you should work with optimizers carefully, with knowledge of the processes it performs). Of course, switching between languages ​​can be done by simultaneously pressing Alt / Ctrl + Shift on the keyboard. But, not seeing on the screen currently used language settings, it is not comfortable.

Restoring the language bar

Recovery in Windows 7 is performed by a variety of methods. All of them will restore the display of the disappeared icon, depending on the reason that caused it to disappear. There are the following methods to enable its display, we will give, starting with the simplest:

Using normal Windows 7 features

After completing the above steps, the icon that has disappeared will be displayed.

In the absence of a positive result, it is recommended to activate the language bar by an alternative method.

Using the Windows 7 Scheduler

The main functional difference between the language bar in win 7 and the previous ones Windows versions- that it includes the Windows system scheduler.

This scheduler is responsible for starting the ctfmon.exe process that manages it. The missing icon is possible due to problems starting this service.

To determine if the scheduler service is running correctly, do the following:

Using the Windows 7 Registry

This method is already more complex. This method also requires that the ctfmon.exe utility be included in the autorun system. Before starting work, determine the presence of this file. Location in Windows 7 in the C:\Windows\System32 directory. If not, you should copy from any other computer that has a working Windows 7.

The culprit for the disappearance of the icon are viruses, and also various failures in the system, but sometimes the owner himself personal computer inadvertently removes the language indication by transferring it to the desktop. In this case, you just need to use the drag-drop method to install it in its original place.
