VK group that gives votes. How to get VKontakte votes for free, VK votes for free

U social network VKontakte has a kind of internal currency: votes. They can be bought for money or received for free. With the help of votes, toys, gifts, stickers are purchased, groups are promoted using them, but they cannot be used to pay for advertising on VKontakte.

As you can see, VKontakte stores the history of when and how exactly you topped up your account, through which service, and also what exactly you spent it on. This is very convenient for those who are going to promote a group and want to understand how profitable it is for them to initiate activity by encouraging users with votes.

Who distributes votes on VKontakte

These are mainly advertisers. This opportunity allows them to attract more visitors to their VKontakte pages. This type of group promotion helps the advertiser acquire customers and successfully promote their product or service. Offers from gaming sites are especially popular today. If you need to complete tasks in the game, having reached a certain specified level, the user may not stop, and the game he likes will later recoup the time spent.

How to get VKontakte votes: 4 ways

  1. Receive as a gift from a friend
  2. Get free for performing any actions on the VKontakte network
  3. Buy
  4. Make money on third-party resources.

There is another dubious method - online cheat votes, but it doesn't actually work. Let's look at each of the four methods in more detail.

First method: get VKontakte votes from a friend

People can transfer this internal currency to each other. If you have a friend who has votes on his balance, he can send them to you.

If your balance is above zero, you can transfer votes to a friend by indicating his ID and the number of votes.

The second method is how to get VKontakte votes for free

There are options free receipt votes. They can be found at the very bottom of the balance, in special offers.

As you can see, most of the tasks are related to different games. You need to spend time on a lot of things, but the rewards are good. And the payments actually come: screenshots are regularly posted in the relevant groups for confirmation.

For purchases in online stores, bonuses are sometimes awarded quite a lot - 10-75 bonuses or more. That is, the votes themselves are free, but to receive them, you need to make a purchase and then follow the instructions of the system.

The next method is VKontakte public pages that distribute votes. Finding them is very simple: you can enter the corresponding phrase into the search directly in the social network and select communities. And then see what comes up.

There are quite a lot of groups. Some, as you can see, are closed, but even the accessible ones are enough to easily choose a public or several that suits you. Next, you need to subscribe and keep track of what promotions are taking place, what they offer to do, etc.

Usually everything is quite conveniently organized: there are special topics that are worth checking out from time to time. For votes they are asked to perform certain actions. For example:

  • fill out forms;
  • take surveys;
  • repost and like;
  • join groups;
  • write comments;
  • other.

Sometimes groups hold competitions and give away votes as a prize. To find such competitions, just type “Voice competitions” into the search.

In general, nothing complicated and, as a rule, it does not require much time. True, often an advertiser needs a limited number of people, so the main trick here is to be on time.

The third method is how to buy VKontakte votes

  • terminals;
  • bank cards;
  • telephone;
  • electronic money

Actually, you can look at what options are available directly in the settings. The social network described the payment process in some detail.

All you need to do is simply select the method you are interested in and click on. By the way, 1 vote costs exactly 7 rubles. There is no spread of 7-10 rubles. You can go to the settings and see for yourself.

So those who offer to “profitably” buy VKontakte votes for 9 or more rubles on third-party resources are simply giving you incorrect information. The official amount does not change depending on the payment method.

You can buy votes cheaper, but this is an unofficial way. There are people who sell voices for 3-5 rubles. The VKontakte administration does not welcome this and can ban both the buyer and the seller or intermediary.

The fourth method is how to get VKontakte votes on third-party resources

As you can see, more than 227 thousand votes have already been paid. And this shows that the resource is working, and quite actively.

In general, there are enough such sites. Even more are willing to pay money for various actions within VKontakte (likes, shares, joining groups, etc.). And with the funds received you can buy votes.

Of course, not everyone can afford such pleasure, but how to earn votes in contact for free? I have already written about some methods, but still let’s get acquainted with the alternative and most in simple ways to receive them (earning money) on the social network.

First, you should find out why internal currency is needed and where to put it? As a rule, it is used to pay for delicious gifts to friends, and it is also in great demand in numerous applications. Naturally, every user wants to have a non-zero balance and, in case of emergency, quickly use the available funds, so in this case it is important to know how to top up your VK balance in free ways.

How to get votes in contact for free?

Now we will get acquainted with the most accessible ways earning votes on VKontakte.

I) Online services . Principle this method consists of performing certain actions, such as:

  • Adding friends;
  • Joining groups;
  • Putting likes;
  • And so on.

For completing them, points are awarded, which can later be exchanged for VK votes. In fact, there is nothing overly complicated here, and every social network user is capable of earning free votes in contact. Let's take a step-by-step look at the entire process of working on one of the most popular services, and then, for comparison, we'll briefly get acquainted with the second one.

First: - a profitable service where you can get VKontakte votes for free. To date, the service has already paid out about 14,000 of them, which is quite an impressive figure.

Distinctive features of Soleech:

So let's get started:

Second: - an excellent exchange that provides a chance to earn free votes in contact for every Internet user. The principle of working with the service is similar to that discussed above, that is, by completing fairly simple tasks on the exchange, users are provided with payment in votes for their actions.

Features of the vkway service:

  • The price of 1 vote is 150 points, which is 50% higher than the soleech service;
  • Payment is made within 1-3 days;
  • Daily tasks are quite enough to quickly accumulate the required number of points;
  • Convenient navigation.

Special VKontakte applications are the official method of receiving VK votes for free. Quite often you come across exciting and easy offers that can be completed in a few minutes, but in most cases you will have to spend significantly more time. After all conditions are met, the reward is credited to your internal VKontakte account.

  • Registration in online game and fulfillment of stated requirements;
  • Registration on a specific web project;
  • Installing the application;
  • And so on.

How to use free apps? Let's look at the steps to use them:

As you can see, the steps are not as complicated as they seem, and the best part is that payment for votes to your account is instantaneous. Of course, the rules of the chosen game have yet to be figured out, however, if this is a game, then for gamers it will only be a thrill.

To quickly develop new groups and applications, their organizers strive to attract people by all available means and often organize various promotions and competitions, such as: bring 20 of your friends and get 1 vote as a gift. Considering that even the most inactive users of a social network have 100 friends, it is quite possible to earn the desired gift for yourself.

A significant advantage of this is the huge number of similar offers from groups and applications every day. New amazing promotions appear regularly on VK, but the main difficulty is choosing what suits you best in terms of conditions. Here is one such proposal:

Well, I think now you have plenty to choose from, and you can also read about some more attractive ways to make money, subscribe to updates and get the following crap in your e-mail.

And fast food, it turns out, is not childish to older people;):

Along with a scholarship and basic income. Young people, and even schoolchildren, collect free votes, which can be earned in several ways. There are not so many of them, and any of them still requires some work.

How and where you can earn votes in contact for free, read below.

First of all, do not fall for buggies and advertisements like “Free votes for a contact or quickly earn votes in a contact,” because such services have not existed for a long time and all groups have ceased to exist forever.

If there are still not enough votes, then the best option will be the creation of the next account and registration on special platforms where votes will be given to you by the people to whom you will give them. Such a beneficial exchange and very convenient.

You can also earn VK votes by completing tasks different types. Some people need a repost, others need a like or a review. All this is sold and bought for mere pennies if you decide to earn 1 vote in a contact and no longer act. But if you are full of determination and perseverance, then making money on social networks can bring you a lot of pleasure and additional benefits from an overflowing wallet.

website is the most popular platform related to contact. When registering, you will be asked to link your account to your workplace, and you can start immediately. Trying to complete tasks and getting votes in contact for your work is no different from daily viewing the news feed, only in this case you definitely need to complete the task that you took on. And it's all.

Some groups hold special competitions where you can also earn free votes in contact if you take some place.

Http://vk.com/votes4all ;

These are the groups that exist and thrive. Thanks to them, you will learn how easy it is to make money in contact while sitting at home at your computer.

If you need votes immediately and don’t want to join any groups to get them, then just ask one of your friends. Surely there are some acquaintances who will be happy to share one or two voices with you in contact completely free of charge, i.e. for nothing.

You can also write a status - a cry for help, in which you simply ask to receive votes in contact for free or list your capabilities for which you would be happy to exchange other people’s votes. For example, you write poetry well or have some Photoshop skills. Surely there will be people in a huge network who will need your services. Of course, this is considered earnings, but it is also a pleasant way to earn free votes in contact, since you are doing a hobby - something you love and getting the votes you want - everything is fair and fun.

To be honest, it is almost impossible to get free votes in contact. As you already understood from the text, everywhere there is a return. In any case, you have to work hard. In some places it’s minimal, in others it’s not much of a pleasure. However, while there are still opportunities to get free voice for a like or repost, you can and should use this and be able to survive in a situation where there is no way to buy votes for a very necessary cause or for a gift to a loved one.

In this lesson we will talk about what votes are and how you can get or earn them. Let's consider both paid and free methods.

What are voices

As you probably noticed, here, in addition to the balance, the transaction history is published, and the button "Top up balance". We will use it in the following sections.

What can you spend your votes on?

Here's a short list:

The most popular service is buying gifts.

Try visiting the page of a user whose birthday is today (see). A form will immediately pop up asking you to buy and give a gift.

How to get VKontakte votes for free

Most effective method— fulfillment of advertisers’ tasks. A large number of companies advertise their products and services on VK. They publish tasks, completing which you receive votes on your account. As a rule, it all comes down to promoting their products, subscribing to the group, etc. Nothing complicated.

The entire list of tasks will open. It will be indicated here short description, and the number of votes you will receive if you successfully complete all the conditions.

Let's try to earn some internal currency VK. Open the first task in the list.

If we are satisfied with everything, press the button “Go to the advertiser’s website”. We install the application, and it begins to reach the desired level.

Once the conditions are met, votes are automatically credited to your account (see).

Watch this video tutorial.

How to buy VKontakte votes

Return to the “Payments” tab and press the button again "Top up balance".

Let's take the item as an example « Mobile phone» . Click on it.

After this, a special code will be sent to your phone, which you need to enter in the form. When you specify it, click the button "Get votes".

If everything is correct, the number of votes specified during purchase will be credited to your account.

By analogy, you can purchase them using other payment options.

How to get votes on VKontakte

There is another method by which you can increase your vote balance. The bottom line is to use third-party services. Now I will show you an overview of some of them.


Here we press the button "Login without registration".

Enter your VKontakte ID (see), and email address. Then click “Next”.

  1. Like
  2. Join groups
  3. Subscribe to users
  4. Invite friends

By completing them, you will receive likes. And they can be changed into voices. There is a special link for this. It is marked in the picture above.


After this you will go to your account. Here we are interested in the “Balance” section. First we need to earn points. To do this, click on the link "Quests available", and do a few of them.

When you have a certain number of points in your account, they can be exchanged for votes. To do this, in the “Balance” section, click the “Spend” button.

In the form that opens, we go to the “Voices” tab. We indicate the required number of votes and click the “Exchange” button.

Contests for VKontakte votes

Many groups and publics hold competitions (see). And as a prize, they give you a certain number of votes. You can try to take part in them.

Go to the community section and type in the search "Voice Competitions"(or any similar request).

Join a suitable group and take part in competitions (see).

Video lesson: how to get or earn VKontakte votes for free and quickly


I've shown you all the main ways you can get votes on your account. Some will require a little time and effort. Others will allow you to replenish your vote balance for money. Which option to use is up to you.

The only thing else I wanted to note. Don't try to find programs that will allow you to get votes for free. They simply don't exist.

Use the methods indicated. They will allow you to increase votes online, without downloading additional programs.

Obviously not enough, today we’ll talk about how to get free votes in VKontakte.

Those of you who are active user this social networks are probably familiar with the concept of vote. This is a kind of site currency, with which you can buy gifts and pay for various services in applications, for example, buy a super gun in a gaming application and go kill your friends)

Previously, as far as I remember, there was even an online store on VKontakte, where you could buy all sorts of clothes and various small things for votes, but for some reason I don’t see it now, apparently they closed the shop. Most likely this is due to the fact that the withdrawal of votes from applications was prohibited, which of course closed a lot of opportunities for honest swindlers and cheaters.

Average rate approx. 7-10 rubles for 1 vote, the more you buy, the more the bonus goes and, accordingly, they cost less.

However, not everyone knows that VKontakte also has a completely legal way to get them for free.

Free VKontakte votes - how to get votes on VK for free

This is done using the option Special offers, which allow you to get votes for simple actions. You can find them by going to My settings- tab Balance.

The tasks can be: join a group, register on the site, download the toy and install it after playing a little, post the link on the social page. networks and so on.

And sometimes there are tricky tasks - you can get votes only after purchasing some kind of juicer, etc. that is, you will still have to spend money. True, the bonus here is quite decent.

Thus, after completing a task, you receive votes to your account, on average 1-3 for simple tasks and 10+ up to 50 gift votes for complex ones or those requiring you to buy something. Be careful, read the conditions and follow them exactly, so that you don’t end up wasting your time.

To be honest, this whole system seemed painfully familiar to me. Did you guess it? That’s right, the hated boxes that many freebie lovers have encountered :)

I noticed that offers for gaming sites are very popular - apparently they produce good results. Having gone in to complete a task, say, level up a character to level 5, a person may well get hooked on this toy if he likes it, and then more than recoup the costs.

  • If your list of offers is empty, or there are no tasks of interest, then try changing the city in your profile settings ( I advise you to put large cities), or even country) Some offers are only available to users of a certain geographical location.
  • After the shift important information in the profile access to special. offers will be temporarily limited. The same is true when creating a new account - first in special. the offers will be empty, and only when the profile is more than 1-2 months old will tasks appear.
  • They are updated periodically, old ones disappear, new ones appear, so it makes sense to check in regularly to see if anything tasty has appeared.
  • In addition, I noticed that the number and quality of tasks is affected by the age of the account and the number of friends. Because my newly created fakes have a special section. there are no offers 🙁
  • I’m almost sure that users’ personal data also plays an important role, such as gender, age, etc. since the advertiser determines target audience from an advertising company. So you can experiment here too)

By the way, about other opportunities to get votes on VK for free. They can be won in various promotions and competitions held in numerous groups.

Another option is that you can quickly earn money on VKontakte votes if you don’t want to spend cash, on the same freelance exchange Kwork. Anyone can type texts, they taught you at school =) And if on top of that you know how to do something - draw, layout websites, edit videos, promote public pages, etc. then this can become the main source of income for tens of thousands per month.

Do not mess with programs and scripts that promise free vote boosting! At best, this is just a dummy, but most likely they are scammers who want to gain access to your account and personal data.

Now you know more ways to get votes in contact without spending your money.

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