Redmi Note 2 TV connection. How to display image from Xiaomi phone to TV

Why won't Xiaomi turn on?

Xiaomi smartphone won't turn on? We will try to highlight some possible causes Problems. They are relevant if:

  • when connecting charger the phone does not respond;
  • when trying to charge the battery, a short intermittent vibration appears;
  • when you click on power button sometimes the light flashes.

Xiaomi does not turn on after purchase

In the case of a purchase in an online store or purchase of a smartphone in any other place, a problem may appear when the device does not respond to either the charger cable or the Power button. Of course, it occurs if you do not check the device for performance before buying.

What is the reason for this behaviour? It's simple - a tape made of adhesive tape is pasted on the battery terminal, which prevents contact. Since the phone has not been checked or opened, you just need to remove the back cover and peel off the tape from the contacts.

This problem only happens with phones on which the back cover can be removed without problems. If the device is monolithic, then it's not the Velcro on the battery.

Xiaomi turned off and won't turn on

The following problem may occur due to a flaw in the manufacturer's version of MIUI 8.1. In this case, it happens that the phone simply goes out without any preliminary signals at a normal battery level. After that, he is not able to respond to either the connection of the charger or the Power button.

To turn on a frozen smartphone again, you will need:

  • Hold down the power button and volume down. This will start the transition to Fast Boot mode;
  • Hold until the picture appears. An image will appear with a hare poking around in the android. This is firmware mode. From it you can reboot the device;
  • In order for the phone to reboot, after enabling this mode, hold down the Power button for 15 seconds (or more) until the Xiaomi logo appears. Thanks to this, it will take a long time to reboot, but then it will work.

After turning it on in this way, Xiaomi may freeze again and not turn on. Unfortunately this is a global error. MIUI firmware 8.1, and until the developers release an update, the problem will persist. In extreme cases, you can change the firmware in the service center to an unofficial one, but this will automatically void the warranty on the phone.

Other ways to turn on Xiaomi

If all else fails, the problem may not be in the wrong firmware or an unremoved film from the battery. And you have to carry the device to the service center. But before that, you can check a few more ways that will bring the smartphone back to life at least for a while:

  • Before trying to turn on Xiaomi via Fastboot, connect it with a cable to the computer;
  • Leave the phone to charge for 12 hours, try to turn it on, and then insert the charger again for 5 minutes;
  • Just hold the Power button for more than 30-45 seconds. It will save if the phone freezes during the reboot process.

Some of these methods can help when other options fail. But this is unlikely and does not work for all Xiaomi models.

Smartphones manufactured by Xiaomi are rightfully considered the most trouble-free of Chinese-made devices. Still, even they sometimes - very rarely, but still demonstrate a stubborn desire not to turn on, hang up and upset their master. Be calm like a lotus flower even if Xiaomi does not turn on for an unknown reason! Most of the cases described below will solve the problem without contacting a service center.

Charged all night and didn't charge

Yes, it happens - all night long your redmi (name specific model you can substitute yourself) lay "tied" to the charger. And in the morning he, not only was not charged - he was discharged so much that he did not want to at least somehow glow!

Most likely, the following happened:

  • The charger does not work;
  • Damaged USB cable;
  • Phone connector damaged.

Any of these reasons can lead to a complete discharge of the battery, so deep that even if the cause is eliminated, you still cannot turn on the phone.

So, try plugging in a new charger adapter or replacing the USB cable. If the battery charge “went”, you need to keep the device on charge for about fifteen to thirty minutes, and only after that try to turn on the smartphone. Most likely, the device will boot successfully, but the battery level is unlikely to exceed 2-3 percent, and you need to wait until the end of the charge cycle.

If replacing the charger or cord did not solve the problem, you should contact the service center to replace the connector on the phone. Soldering a USB connector is a laborious operation, it requires special equipment ( soldering station) and some experience in the production of similar works. Therefore, it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

Flashing red indicator

On your Xiaomi, the red indicator flashes and the device does not turn on. The situation is sad, but solvable. True, in this case, you will also have to visit the service center.

A flashing red diode, and an absolutely unresponsive device is a possible sign of a faulty power button, a cable falling out on motherboard as a result of mechanical impact (fall or impact) or failure of the power controller itself.

In any case, experts service center must have experience in repairing such damage.

Please note: if you try to disassemble the device yourself, you can lose the warranty.

Software failure

If your mi smartphone managed to “freeze” when the screen is inactive and does not want to turn off at all, you can pull out the battery for a while. Everything would be fine, but most new phone models have a non-removable battery. In this case, a long one will help - more than 10 seconds. pressing the "Power" key (turn on).

If the firmware is in order, the smartphone will vibrate habitually, then the operating system will start.

Usually, software failure occurs due to the inept self-flashing of the Android version, twrp installs, as well as other similar user actions.

As you can see, even from a depressing, at first glance, situation, you can find a way out. Feel free to follow the described steps - this is how you will be able to restore the device without visiting a service center.

Instructions: If you encounter a problem when Xiaomi Mi4, Mi4c does not turn on, there are several reasons for the breakdown:

  1. Try reloading it.
  2. The device may not turn on if accumulator battery out of order. Wizards to restore the device will change the battery.
  3. If the equipment is discharged and the equipment does not work, we will check that the connector is not broken. If a part is damaged, we will replace it.
  4. After an impact or power surge, the power controller may fail. To repair the device, the controller must be replaced.
  5. When the device does not respond to charging, the connector is working, but it does not turn on, the board or strapping may be damaged. As a rule, this happens as a result of liquid entering the device. Computer diagnostics are needed to determine the cause of the breakdown.

Bottom line: You can try to fix the device yourself in the first 3 cases. All other damage can only be repaired by specialists.

Repair at our Telemama service center

Self repair

Our advantages

  1. Spare parts. All components are original.
  2. Price. The prices for spare parts are minimal, as we make purchases of goods in large quantities.
  3. Repair time. We can change the speaker, display, connector, etc. within 20 minutes. When the problem is complex, diagnostics are made, the duration of which is from 20 minutes.
  4. Guarantee. Up to one year warranty card is provided.

If the equipment has stopped turning on after a strong blow, Telemama specialists will help to fix the device. To deliver the device, call the courier or bring the device to us yourself. We will fix any problem as quickly as possible.

To pass in our service you have the possibility of diagnostics. After agreeing on the list of works and the cost of repairs with the owner of the gadget, the masters will begin to repair. We will determine why the phone does not turn on and fix the damage quickly. As a result, we will issue a long-term guarantee.

You can pick up the repaired smartphone from our service center yourself. A courier can bring the device to your home with a warranty card up to one year. To make it cheaper to repair the gadget in the future, we provide a discount. Your friends can also get a discount if the order number is called.

For many years, the specialists of our service center have been selling original parts and professionally repairing equipment. We advise everyone for self-repair. You can find out the current prices on our website in the price list. You can buy the necessary part and install it yourself in Telemama immediately after the end of the diagnostics. Our low rates are valid daily, and regular customers do not need to wait for discounts. We run new Promotions all the time so that you can restore the device at cost and receive a warranty certificate up to one year.

The Wireless Display function is for data exchange. Its analogues are Bluetooth, WiFi and other services. The Intel holding acted as the developer. File sharing occurs by synchronizing technology media with each other without a wired connection. It is applicable to smartphones on Android platform 4.2 and above.

The function is easy to use. It is enough to turn it on on gadgets and create pairing through the "Settings". The innovation has found the greatest application for viewing records and photos from the gadget on big screen modern TV.

Widi Xiaomi: how to connect to a TV

Except digital device To use the technology, you will also need:

  • a special adapter for using the widi-connect feature;
  • modern samsung or lg brand TV with HDMI connector.

When the necessary gadgets are prepared, you need to follow a few steps:

1. Turn on the equipment. We go on Xiaomi in settings, in "additional functions" and click on "Wireless display".

2. Then we find a line with a third-party display, from where we go down to the settings of the “smart” TV. In the proposed list of networks, we are looking for INTEL WiDi, select it by clicking and find our phone model.

3. We press automatic connection, wait a couple of seconds until the equipment “finds each other”. If two devices are successfully found, the name of the brand of equipment will appear in the Xiaomi menu.

If the sequence of actions is performed correctly, then the picture from the phone display will appear on the screen. Then you can watch videos, play games and edit photos from it.

Problems connecting Widi

It happens that when the function is enabled on Xiaomi, pairing with another gadget does not occur. The reasons may be the following:

  • the "docking" algorithm was performed incorrectly and a retry is needed;
  • the technology does not work correctly, as a result of which Xiaomi “does not see” another gadget. Then you need to restart the smartphone and re-configure;
  • one of the two gadgets does not meet the requirements of the application developer.

In general, Widi on Xiaomi has a similar functionality and principle of operation, however, it transfers data faster and is more versatile in terms of the format and volume of imported files.

How to connect Xiaomi phone to TV? It turns out to be very simple, if you have a modern one, then for sure it supports Miracast technology, you just need to make two devices friends, and that's what we'll do now!

What will allow connecting Xiaomi to a TV? There are a lot of options:

  • broadcasting movies and video files
  • photo viewing
  • demonstration of documents and presentations

and other possibilities.

How to connect xiaomi phone to tv?
(on MIUI firmware)

We activate the “wireless display”, after which Xiaomi will find the TV, you just have to connect the TV. If everything went well, then the TV will display the image from your Xiaomi phone.

Xiaomi stream video to TV (pure Android)

Go to "Settings" in the "Display" menu and then to "Broadcasts"

Then we activate the "Broadcast" and wait until the TV is detected, and then you can connect to it. If everything went well, then the image from your Xiaomi phone will be displayed on the TV.

If you have a regular TV?

If you have an old TV or without Miracast support, then you may decide that that's all ... But no, there is a way out! If your TV is equipped with an HDMI connector, then you can install a special adapter that will receive a signal from your phone and broadcast it to your TV. Buy a Miracast adapter.

Another option that has its pros and cons is to buy an MHL cable.

The plus is that there is a direct connection, no delays and interference, and the minus is that not all phones support such a connection. Therefore, before buying, it is best to find out if your phone supports MHL technology.
