What is the badu folder in program 86. Chinese antivirus Baidu: remove the infection! We remove Baidu with special utilities

Today we will get to know Baidu. What it is? This question is rather complicated. After all, the creators of this offspring can not give a definite answer. Or they don't want to do it. Therefore, you will have to work hard to figure out what kind of application is in front of us, as well as how you can get rid of it once and for all. Let's try to understand what's going on here.


Baidu - what is it? Of course, if you have already encountered this infection, then most likely you realized that this is some kind of application. He she Chinese. And before us is nothing but an Asian antivirus. But removing it can be extremely difficult. Why?

The thing is that if you are interested in the topic: "Baidu - what kind of program is this?", then, most likely, the usual removal of the application did not help you. And this is understandable. After all, we have to deal with a real virus. It just clutters up the computer and slows down its processes. In parallel, of course, attracts new computer viruses, and also installs various kinds of applications and programs. But how do you know if your operating system is infected?

Signs of illness

Baidu - what is it? Like we said, it's a virus. Chinese contagion disguised as antivirus program. True, if you get rid of this rubbish in time, then it does not carry. For this, you need to know the signs of infection. What are they?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the appearance of the application of the same name in the list. installed programs. We saw, for example, the inscription Baidu Version 1.5 - what is it, you don’t even have to guess. This is a Chinese antivirus trojan.

Further, the brakes begin on the infected computer. At first they are small, but over time they increase more and more. For example, the operating system starts to load in a few minutes. Have you noticed your computer slowing down? It's time to sound the alarm.

Baidu - what kind of program is this, which no longer manifests itself? This is the question most users ask. Only in reality it turns out that Baida installs third-party content "quietly" for you. Don't believe? Then take a look at the list installed apps. There you will find several unfamiliar programs. This is the work of Baidu. So if third-party content appeared on your computer (especially in Chinese), it's time to think about treating the operating system.

Control Panel

Now you and I know what Baidu is. What kind of antivirus is this, which will have to be removed in ingenious ways? This is the question that worries many users. Just don't panic. Usually, to get rid of this infection, you just have to combine all the possible options for removing applications and viruses in one go.

Let's start with you by getting rid of the program itself. To do this, go to "Start", and then in There, find and click on this item. Now wait until a list of all content installed on the computer is generated. Ready? Then let's look for what we need.

Review the list carefully. Find Baidu Version there. What is this? Just what we need. Click on the line with the right mouse button, and then select the "Delete" command there. Now click on the white buttons, and at the very end - on the blue one. This is the only way to get rid of the application. But do not rush to reboot, as required by the computer. You need to do this process only after all the points of treatment of the operating system are completed. Indeed, otherwise you will again have the antivirus of the same name, and all actions will have to be repeated again.


Further, it would be nice to see the processes that are carried out while working at the computer. This will help "Task Manager". This service can be called by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del, and then selecting the desired line of action.

A small window will appear in front of you. In it you will have to go to the "Processes" tab. Find Baidu.exe there. What is this? Of course, our virus. This is how it is written into the system. And because of the constantly running process, it is very, very difficult to remove the Chinese antivirus. Sometimes impossible.

What to do in this situation? Just terminate the running process. To do this, select it with the mouse cursor, click on the right button and select the "End Process" option there. Next, a warning pops up about possible violations of the computer. Don't be scared, this happens all the time. Just confirm your actions, and then rejoice - there is very little left before healing.

Antivirus to the rescue

Next, you need to scan your computer for various kinds of computer infection. This will help good antivirus. Many users prefer Nod32, Avast or Dr.Web. These apps are the best at what they do.

You will have to do a deep check. When configuring scanning options, do not forget to check the boxes for browsers and all sections hard drive. This process may take a long time. So be patient. Plus, it is not recommended to work at the computer during scanning - this is a very complex process that takes not only time, but also computer system resources. You will just be uncomfortable.

As soon as the check is over, cure everything. A special button will appear for this. Of course, not all infections can be treated. Delete the remaining malicious files. The antivirus for this venture also has a button. In principle, you can close the application. But do not rush to restart your computer. There is still a small step that will definitely help you.


Will have a computer. The Ccleaner application will help with this idea. It is best (and faster) for automatically cleaning the system registry of the operating system.

This application is freely available. It will be enough just to download, install and configure. The setup is as follows: on the left side of the screen, tick all sections of the hard disk, temporary files, and browsers. That's all. Now, on the right side of the window, click on "Analyze". Wait a few seconds - a new button will appear. It's called "Purification". Click on it and wait for the process to complete. That's all the problems are solved. You can restart your computer and enjoy the result.

Extreme measures

Now you know the answer to the question: "Baidu - what is it?" How to remove this infection from a computer is no longer a secret either. But in practice, sometimes you have to go to extreme measures. What is it about?

Yes, that users do not attach importance to the brakes and other computer signals that it is infected. And in the end it turns out that it remains only to reinstall operating system. To be honest, only this scenario is able to give a 100% guarantee to cure a computer from any virus. So try on the Internet and timely treat the system. So that later you do not have to install a new "Windows" and restore data.

How often, under the guise of something useful, we are slipped incomprehensibly what. The Baidu program was no exception. Let's try to figure out what kind of Baidu PC Faster program is, is there any benefit from it and how to remove it forever from your computer. In general, read how to clean your Windows from Baidu.

Baidu - the Chinese are attacking

The Baidu PC Faster program is highly dubious software, which is supposedly designed to improve the performance of the operating system. However, in reality, this program not only does not speed up the work, it slows it down, moreover, very noticeably due to the consumption of a significant amount of computer resources.

Despite the fact that this program is not as dangerous as some trojans or ransomware blockers, it can still damage the operating system. The Baidu program constantly scans the system, in addition to the fact that it simply consumes processor resources, it also finds a lot of false errors in the registry, and in order to supposedly eliminate them, a purchase is required. full version. This, of course, is not worth doing, otherwise you will waste your money.

Baidu is a large suite of PC software

This program most often gets on a computer in the form attached to other files or programs, and, as a rule, is installed in stealth mode. Therefore, it is important not to download software from “left” resources, and when installing programs, do not mindlessly click “next” without even looking at the screen, and avoid the so-called “standard installation modes”. If you have a choice, you should always select the advanced installation mode for advanced users to choose for yourself what to install and what not.

As it became clear to remove this "baida" you need to unequivocally, but here's how to do it, read below.

How to completely uninstall Baidu PC Faster?

Baidu PC Faster program is loaded in autoload mode when you start your PC and constantly works in background, so the first step to remove it is to shut it down. To do this, you need to call the system "task manager", this can be done either by pressing the combination "Ctrl + Alt + Delete", or through the context menu on the "taskbar". After that, you need to find all the processes in the name of which there is the word "Baidu", and in the description of the process there are a lot of incomprehensible Chinese characters. For ease of searching, you can sort processes by image name. There is no need to rush to complete them.

Now you need to open any Text Document, Word or notepad, in which we will write down all the paths where the files of this malicious program are located. Now we return to the “task manager”, find the processes with the name Baidu and right-click on them, now we need to find the item called “open file storage location” and click on it, usually it is located at the very top context menu. The window " Windows Explorer”, in it you need to click on the address bar and copy the full path to the folder with the file into our text document. Do the same operation with all the processes, in the name of which there is the phrase "Baidu". After all the paths to the files have been copied into a special document, all these processes can be completed, although some, especially “poisonous” processes, are unlikely to be completed.

Now you need to carry out the standard procedure for removing programs through a special system utility located in the control panel. However, the usual uninstallation procedure is not yet complete removal programs, this can be verified by restarting the PC and opening the "task manager". To remove the program completely, we need our file with the addresses of the program folders. We reboot into "safe mode" by pressing F8 at the beginning of the boot. After that we open our text file and completely delete all folders and files that are located at the addresses copied earlier from the Baidu processes. After this operation, you can reboot into normal mode - the Baidu PC Faster program has been completely removed from the computer and will no longer interfere with the performance of the operating system.

Now let's briefly describe everything point by point:

  1. We launch the Task Manager.
  2. We find in the list of all processes those that contain the word Baidu.
  3. We launch notepad and copy the addresses of the location of the files of these processes, save.
  4. We remove programs through the "program removal panel".
  5. We reboot and through F8 we go into "safe mode".
  6. We go through the addresses in the notepad and boldly delete everything that is there!

I hope you have learned what Baidu is, and after learning, immediately remove Baidu from your computer completely and without a trace.

The method is suitable for everyone and everyone, as it does not require the use of any additional software. First of all, we need to make sure that we are dealing with Baidu. To do this, just launch the task manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del (or Ctrl+Shit+Esc) and detect the processes related to the malware. They can be identified by the Chinese description and the presence of the word “baidu”:

  • bddownloader.exe

  • BaiduSdLproxy64.exe

  • BaiduHips.exe

  • BaiduAnTray.exe

  • BaiduSdTray.exe

  • Baidu.exe

  • BaiduAnSvc.exe

Malware will not work right away, even with the help of the Unlocker program and the like. So click "Start", click "Restart" and boot into safe mode - pressing F8 or F5 when rebooting, then selecting "Safe Mode".

Remove Baidu manually

Open the “Task Manager” and find all the processes with the name Baidu, right-click on each one - “End task”.

Search find and delete all Baidu files from the hard drive.

Edit "Startup", removing everything unnecessary from it. To do this, press the combination Win + R and enter the command “msconfig” without quotes.

In each browser, you need to check the list of extensions and plugins. If you find all related to Baidu - delete.

It is mandatory to check the launch shortcuts of all browsers. Right click mouse on the shortcut - “Properties”, in the “Object” field there should be only the path to the browser in quotes. Everything superfluous after the quotes - delete. Or you can go to the folder of each browser and create a new shortcut, send it to the “Desktop”.

After the steps have been taken, the computer must be restarted and additionally checked by automatic means.

Remove Baidu Automatically

One program may not complete the task, so you need to use the whole complex. Search online and download free program Revo Uninstaller. This program can remove those things that are not visible in "Programs and Features" and CCleaner.

Find the Hitman Pro program through the search engine, download it from the official website and install it. There are 30 days for free use- this will be enough to scan the PC and remove Baidu. After launching it, select “I am going to scan the system only once” - an automatic scan and removal will be performed.

Download and install Malwarebytes Antimalware. Scan the system with this program and remove everything that is found. What Hitman Pro can't do, Antimalware will clean up. After the actions taken, the Chinese Baidu will most likely not bother your PC again.

There is such chinese antivirusBaidu. And, they say, quite good. Personally, I have not installed it yet, so I can not say anything about it. But the trouble is that among users it is notorious. This happens due to the fact that various malware(for example, Baidu An, Baidu Sd and others) and, working on computers, spoil the life of their owners. These malware slow down the system, change start page in browsers, display various advertisements in them, download unwanted software from the Internet, install toolbars for browsers.

Like this Chinese canoe gets on the computer? As a rule, this happens when you download some program on some "cloudy" site. And then during its installation, this Baidu is additionally installed on your computer. Moreover, this process usually takes place in a hidden mode, and you cannot even refuse to install it.

As an IT specialist, I am surprised by the fact that most of these Chinese programs are signed digital signature Baidu company. In fact, it turns out that these are such “legal malware”.

On this I, perhaps, will finish my introductory remarks and move on to answering the main question: “ How to remove baidu from computer?”.

In this article, I offer you two ways to get rid of Baidu. The first is the removal of Baidu in automatic mode using the AntiSMS program. Second - remove Baidu manually.

If you choose the first option, then you will need to create bootable flash drive with the AntiSMS utility and then boot the infected computer from it. Then she will do everything herself. This method is described in detail here. We open it and do everything as it is written there.

If this method seems complicated to you or it did not help, then we will remove baidu almost manually. I must say right away that this process is not fast: it will not be possible to solve the problem by pressing one button.

So let's get started:

1. Stop Baidu services. On the infected computer, go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administrative Tools" - "Services". In the list we find the service with the name Baidu(or something similar). In my case, the service " BaiduHips”:
Open it by double-clicking and pressing the “Stop” button. If you don't have any Baidu-related services, just get out of here.

2. We complete Baidu processes. We call "Dispatcher Windows tasks". To do this, you can right-click on the bottom of the screen on the taskbar and select "Start Task Manager":

Here we go to the tab " Processes". Sort all processes alphabetically by clicking on the Image Name column. Now let's see what we have here for the letter B. In this screenshot, you can see that there are already six Baidu processes running on the computer:
You can right-click on each process in turn and select “ Open file storage location". After that, a window will open, in the top line of which you can see the full path to this file. But remembering this path is not necessary.

Right-click on each of these Chinese processes and select “ End Process". The system will ask you again if you really want to complete it - click the “End Process” button again.

It is possible that not all Baidu processes can be completed. A window may appear: “The operation could not be completed. Access denied". No big deal, just skip it:

3. Remove Baidu from startup. To do this, you can use the regular Windows tool("Start" - "Run" - msconfig- “Startup”), but I suggest using the utility CCleaner.

We launch CCleaner(if you don’t have it, you can download it) - select the “” tab on the left. In the window that opens, we find a program in which the word “ Baidu". We click on it with the right mouse button and select "Delete" - "OK". There may be several of these. Not sure if they can all be removed.

4. Remove Baidu through the standard Windows uninstaller. Go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Programs and Features" ("Add or Remove Programs" in Windows XP).

Arranging programs here by installation date(to do this, click on the “Installed” column). Those. at the very top, those programs that have been installed recently will be displayed. In my case, Chinese programs turned out to be on top:

It is possible that you will not have them here.

We are trying to remove these programs from the computer: select the first one and click the “Delete” button. The following window will open, in which we click on the selected hieroglyph:

In general, the entire removal process is purely intuitive, because. I don’t know Chinese characters (I think, like most of those reading this article 🙂).

In the following windows, click on the buttons that I have highlighted:

In the last window, you can put all the checkboxes:

One program was removed!

Now remove the following:

5. Now we will use a very good utility to remove various Adware, which is called. It is completely free and does not require installation.

Download the program. After that, run it - click the " Scan". At the end of the scanning process, press the " Clear". The program will then ask to restart a computer- we agree:

6. As soon as the computer goes into reboot, we immediately begin to press the keyboard many times F8 key in order to get into Safe mode. This must be done, otherwise all the actions we have performed so far will be in vain - you can completely clean the computer from Baidu only in safe mode .

So let's press the key F8 when the computer boots up. After a while, the following screen will appear in front of us:
Using the arrow on the keyboard, highlight the item " Safe mode” and press the Enter key.

After Windows boots in Safe Mode, go to “Computer” (“My Computer”). We do not pay attention to the fact that all the icons on the desktop are large, the screen resolution is low and in general appearance not very common.

Type the word in the search box Baidu and press Enter:

We are waiting for some time until the system finds all the paths on the computer where there is Baidu. When the list is finally built, we delete all folders and files that are related to baidu:

If suddenly a malicious file is found somewhere in system folder, then the folder itself, of course, cannot be deleted - we delete only this file.

I will give an example in which folders files can be located Baidu(including hidden files):

C:\ Program Files(x86)\Baidu\
C:\Program Files (x86)\BaiduEx\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Baidu\BaiduAn\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Baidu\BaiduSd\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Baidu\BaiduHips\

C:\Program Files\Baidu\
C:\Program Files\BaiduEx\
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Baidu

C:\Users\your computer name\AppData\Roaming\Baidu
C:\Users\your computer name\AppData\Local\Baidu\Baidu\

Also, Baidu files can be located in the system under the guise of drivers. Here is a list of such files that you need to find and delete manually:


After all the folders with Baidu files are deleted, run the search again: suddenly something else is left. Then restart your computer.

7. After the computer restarts, Baidu should no longer be on it. But I still recommend that you finally scan your computer with the program Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

You can download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from the official website ( free version quite enough). Install it and run it. In the window that opens, click on the link " Update Now” to update anti-virus database programs. Then press the big button ScanNow” to start checking:
Upon completion, you will see a window with a list of found malicious components (if, of course, they still remain in the system). In this case, press the button Apply Actions" ("Take action"). After cleaning, be sure to restart the computer.
After removing all malware from your computer, you can uninstall Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
