What is in android service exchange. Free up Android memory (RAM) and speed up startup

The management tools in Exchange 2010 depend on IIS. We also looked at situations where the connection of management tools to the target Exchange server may fail, and the connection error message can be difficult to understand. This usually (but not always) happens when Exchange 2010 is installed on IIS that is already in production, or when changes are made to IIS after Exchange 2010 is installed. We have seen that these changes are usually made when an IIS administrator tries to tighten the security IIS by editing the Default Web Site or PowerShell vdir settings.

The situation is complicated by the fact that some of the presented errors have similar messages; it seems that most of them are due to WinRM (Windows Remote Management), and in some cases, fundamentally different problems can produce exactly the same error message. In other words, depending on how familiar you are with these bugs, fixing them turns into a brute-force search... which isn't fun.

And here's the result: Introducing the Exchange Management Troubleshooter (or EMTshooter for short).

What is he doing?

EMTshooter runs on a local (target) Exchange server and tries to identify potential problems connecting management tools to that server.

EMTshooter is completed in two steps. In the first step, it tests the IIS Default Web Site, PowerShell vdir, and other critical areas to find known issues. If it finds a known issue, it will display a message with recommendations on how to fix it. If all checks pass, then it tries to connect to the server just like the management tools. If this connection attempt receives an error from WinRM, EMTshooter will attempt to compare that error against the list of error texts (strings) that we have compiled based on solutions for similar errors in support. If a match is found, EMTshooter will display the known causes of the error in the CMD window. Here is an example of what it looks like:

When I was developing EMTshooter, I could have just written a little search tool to parse the error message you got, but I felt it wasn't as reliable as I wanted (and didn't give me any experience). But EMTshooter performs preliminary active checks before parsing the text of the error message. The number of pre-checks it can perform depends on the properties of the operating system you're running it on and the options you've set on it (such as WMI Compatibility).

In truth, I took all the documentation about these bugs that was available at the time and made a tool that makes that information available to you based on the bug report or issue it found. Hopefully this will reduce the amount of time it takes to resolve these issues.

The event log

When you start EMTshooter, it writes messages to the event log. All results that are displayed in the CMD window are also written to the event log.

Events are written to the Microsoft-Exchange-Troubleshooters/Operational log and are self-explanatory.


Depending on your current settings, you may need to set a policy on the computer running EMTshooter:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Don't forget to revert the policy to its original state after working with EMTshooter.

This version of EMTshooter must run on an Exchange server that cannot be connected to using the management tools. While our goal was to run EMTshooter from anywhere that has management tools installed, it's not yet ready for that.

We've had cases where corruption in the PowerShell vdir or in IIS itself resulted in errors that seemed to be caused by something else. For example, we were working on a server that had an error that indicated a problem with the network path in the PowerShell vdir. But the path was right. We then noticed that the PowerShell vdir had lost all of its modules, and there were a few other things to note. Somehow, the PowerShell vdir on that Exchange server was hopelessly killed and beyond repair. In this situation WinRM returned the best error it could, EMTshooter took that error and listed the reasons. None of them solved the problem. So be aware: there are scenarios where even EMTshooter cannot help at this time.

EMTshooter is not yet polished enough, and we plan to improve and expand its capabilities in the future. We also hope to delve deeper into the PowerShell vdir settings over time. Also note that EMTshooter will not make changes to the IIS configuration without your permission.

Required Rights

In order to run EMTshooter, the user must have local login rights (log on locally) on the Exchange server and Windows startup Powershell.

Installing EMT Shooter

First, download the ZIP file from EMTshooter located at .

Installing EMTshooter is very easy. Extract 4 files from ZIP file to the same folder, rename them to .ps1, and run EMTshooter.ps1 locally from a PowerShell window. Personally, I created a shortcut on my desktop:

C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit -command ". "C:\EMTshooter\EMTshooter.ps1""

However, most users don't run it often, and you most likely don't want to have a shortcut. Just remember that you need to run exactly the EMTshooter.ps1 file.


As I mentioned earlier, EMTshooter is still a work in progress. If you would like to report a bug or suggest improvements, please leave a comment on this blog post. I will track them down, respond where possible, and make changes to EMTshooter as needed. If you encounter errors that are not known to EMTshooter, then run it, reproduce the error and send me a transcript.txt file (you will find it in the folder where the 4 scripts are) along with an explanation of what you did to resolve the error (if the error has been removed). My address is sbryant AT Microsoft DOT com.

Bugs fixed by EMTshooter

The connection to the remote server failed with the following error message: The WinRM client cannot process the request. It cannot determine the content type of the HTTP response from the destination computer. The content type is absent or invalid.
. The connection to the remote server failed with the following error message: The connection to the specified remote host was refused. Verify that the WS-Management service is running on the remote host and configured to listen for requests on the correct port and HTTP URL.
. The connection to the remote server failed with the following error message: The WinRM client received an HTTP server error status (500), but the remote service did not include any other information about the cause of the failure. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic. It was running the command "Discover-ExchangeServer -UseWIA $true -SuppressError $true".
. The connection to the remote server failed with the following error message: The WinRM client received an HTTP status code of 403 from the remote WS-Management service.
. The connection to the remote server failed with the following error message: The WinRM client sent a request to an HTTP server and got a response saying the requested HTTP URL was not available. This is usually returned by a HTTP server that does not support the WS-Management protocol.
. The connection to the remote server failed with the following error message: The client cannot connect to the destination specified in the request. Verify that the service on the destination is running and is accepting requests. Consult the logs and documentation for the WS-Management service running on the destination, most commonly IIS or WinRM. If the destination is the WinRM service, run the following command on the destination to analyze and configure the WinRM service:
. The connection to the remote server failed with the following error message: The WS-Management service does not support the request.
. The connection to the remote server failed with the following error message: The WinRM client cannot process the request. The WinRM client tried to use Kerberos authentication mechanism, but the destination computer

Steve Bryant

Translation: Ilya Sazonov, MVP

When migrating data, you may encounter two types of errors - critical and non-critical.

Critical errors

These errors make it impossible to transfer user account data. They usually occur if you entered the wrong username or password when setting up migration from an IMAP environment, or if the Microsoft ® Exchange administrator account has not been granted certain rights.

Non-critical errors

These are bugs that block the transfer of some messages. They can occur at the message level (for example, if one message was transferred incorrectly) or folders (an entire folder was not transferred).

How to fix critical errors

Migrating data from an Exchange Web Services environment (Exchange 2007 and later)

If during data migration from the environment Microsoft Exchange web services(EWS) you are having problems, check the following:

Migrate from an IMAP server, Gmail, or G Suite account

If you encounter a critical error while migrating from an IMAP server, Gmail, or G Suite account, your system may not be able to access your e-mail. In this case, use an IMAP email client such as Thunderbird ® , Apple Mail, or Microsoft Outlook® . This will ensure that the mailbox can be contacted via the IMAP server and that the username and password are correct.

If the problems persist, check the following:

How to fix non-critical errors

If you encounter non-critical errors while migrating data, request a migration and failure report. additional information For more information on reports, see How to track data migration. Then try to resolve non-critical errors.

How to find missing messages

Step 1: Make sure the setup is correct

If you experience a fatal error, make sure you have completed all the steps to prepare your environment and try to transfer your data again. If that doesn't help, try troubleshooting critical errors.

Step 2: Check the Email Header

If some messages are lost after the migration, they may have simply changed their names. Try to find them:

  1. Find out the message ID of the original account.
  2. Try to find it in new G Suite account using Gmail search operator rfc822msgid:. Learn more about search operators in Gmail.

Step 3: Complete additional verification instructions

If the letter could not be found:

  • Perform the transfer again, expanding the date range. Learn more about how to specify a transfer start date.
  • Please make sure that the lost message does not have attachments of unsupported file types and that the size does not exceed the 25 MB limit.
  • Make sure the messages follow the RFC standards.
  • When migrating from Gmail or G Suite:
    • Disable option In the form of chains.
    • Check if IMAP is enabled in the organizational unit.
    • Check if the user has IMAP enabled.
    • Check your shortcut settings: they should be visible to IMAP.

Attention - without root it does not work!
This applies for the most part to standard firmware. In many "custom" all "extra programs" are simply cleaned out initially.
As I said earlier, I try to avoid "invasive" methods whenever possible, such as installing "custom firmware", or replacing the kernel. And the option with "swap to SD card" not only requires replacing the core, but also fraught with an accelerated "departure of the card into oblivion", along with everything on it, which is also "not quite rulez" :) But if there is not enough RAM, then something that can be done without the above " radical methods". The same System Tuner program (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ccc71.pmw&hl=ru) will help us, which we used the previous time to transfer "non-portable" programs to the SD card, and to free up space in internal memory. It also has the ability to "disable autorun" of any program. To do this, go to the "Startups" item. All programs that "start automatically at system startup" are checked. Having looked at what we “autorun” there, we will find a huge number of programs, both system ones and those installed by us, which are set to “autorun”, and each time they start, slowing down the reboot and taking up space in RAM, which is usually, if you have RAM 512 meters is always and sorely lacking. We look through and uncheck "autorun" from those whose autorun we do not need or is generally meaningless, and made by the authors simply so that the program "reports" to the author that "it is installed and used." Don't touch the main system programs, type "Android system", " GUI systems", "phone", etc. - the consequences can be unpredictable, up to the "dying of the body". But in general, there, if not more, half can be safely removed from autorun, and the whole "side effect" will be - accelerating the start of the phone and less busy memory.

And now about the extra "system" programs.
They can also be removed from "autostart" but this will not help, they still start on "events", and therefore they will start anyway. Therefore, we return to the main menu, and click the "System" item.
After that, select the "extra" ones, one at a time, and after selecting, press the "Freeze" button at the bottom. And so for each. Here is a list of programs that do not affect the work at all, and some are needed for tracking the user, some for functions that you most likely will never use in your life:
"Extra" system programs that eat RAM:
Atci_Service - Turn it off calmly, you won’t notice any side effects at all. It is used to test Fm radio from engineering menu. There is no sense in her "constant hanging in memory" at all.
Voice search - if you do not use it - turn it off - it's several meters at once, and it has a habit of hanging in memory, whether you use it or not.
live wallpaper android - taste. In general, they additionally consume the battery and several meters of memory, and have a habit of taking up RAM, even if you don’t really use them. We freeze.
Live wallpaper catalog - if "live wallpaper" is not needed, then it is also - freeze.
Setting up Google Partner - Most people on the net agree that this is just a spyware program for collecting statistics, as well as for installing programs on your Android without your knowledge, and is completely useless for you if you do not like to be followed once again, and are not ready to pay for this pleasure with the loss of space in RAM and additional battery discharge :)
Reviews about the Market “Why is she needed at all is a mystery to me. You can safely turn it off - it will not affect the real functionality.
Search - Do you often use the search bar at the top of the screen? I usually call the browser to search for something on Google. And I don’t see any point in wasting several meters of RAM for the dubious pleasure of watching a search bar that takes up space on the desktop, which I don’t use :) - Freeze :) After that, you can remove the "search" gadget from the screen and put something in this place something more useful.
Exchange Services - Needed only by those who collect mail from Microsoft Exchange using "native" mail client. If you use standard SMTP/POP3/IMAP, you don't need them at all, but the memory space is "easily eaten" - Freeze.
Face control - If you do not use authorization by your photo (it should be noted that it is rather unreliable) - freeze. Because it "eats" memory from time to time - whether you use it or not.
MobileLog- Writes the logs of the radio module (GSM, bluetooth, etc.) to the sd card, in
folder /mnt/sdcard/mtklog/mobilelog, called from the engineering menu. You can safely freeze if you do not use the logs recorded on the SD card. Its freezing does not interfere with the work of LogCat.
Search provider. What it is for, I really did not find descriptions. I suppose that it is connected with the possibility of "search directly from the Android desktop", which is useless for me personally, and pay for the fact that it takes up space on the screen with an extra few tens of meters of RAM ... Some people write that it is also used "for search installed programs". Where, if after freezing it, the market continues to work normally, and the lists of installed programs are displayed in the settings? In general, I froze it - I have not noticed any side effects yet.

Conditionally unnecessary.
Services Google Play - In fact, I noticed only one program that they affect - Google Keep. If you do not use it - you can "freeze". In memory, they hang constantly, regardless of whether they are used or not. And if you still find a program that needs them, then when you start it you will see an error and a suggestion to "install google play services" - then just go and "defrost them".

At the same time, I usually "freeze" some of the other programs, for example, the same one recommended by me " Lucky Patcher"- defrosting" only if I need to use it, and then freezing again - if this is not done, it will "autostart" and hang in memory (checks for updates). You can also "freeze" the antivirus if you do not install any programs, and "unfreeze" it when you are going to install something.

You can "unfreeze" all "frozen" programs at any time by pressing the "Boil" button, which will appear in the menu at the place where "Freeze" was, after the program has been "frozen" - the action is completely "reversible". But of course, do not freeze the core of the system and system applications, at the expense of which you are not sure how much they affect the performance, so as not to get a "brick for flashing".

In total, this way we will free up 40-100 meters of RAM.

Few? Need more RAM to free up? See continuation here.


Errors 4999, 1007, 7031 Microsoft Exchange Diagnostics began to appear synchronously on one of the Exchange 2013 servers in production, which is also a member DAG. The descriptions of the errors clearly signaled problems with the Exchange Diagnostics service. Although she is not critical important component and without it, the mail will run in both directions quite calmly, but I didn’t want to leave such a situation without attention.

You can find more information on configuring and administering Exchange 2013 on my blog in the main topic article -.

Troubleshooting Errors 4999, 1007, 7031 Microsoft Exchange Diagnostics

First, a little diagnostic information. Full text of error 4009:


This will send a Dr. Watson report for PID 32268 with parameters E12IIS, c-RTL-AMD64, 15.00.1044.025, M.E.Diagnostics.Service, M.E.Diagnostics.PerformanceLogger, M.E.D.P.PerformanceLogSet.StartLog, System.ArgumentException, 95c6, 15.00.104111 . ErrorReportingEnabled: True

Full text of error 1007:


Failed to generate or run performance logs, error: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at PlaLibrary.DataCollectorSetClass.start(Boolean Synchronous) at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.PerformanceLogger.PerformanceLogSet.StartLog(Boolean synchronous) at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.PerformanceLogger.PerformanceLogMonitor.CheckPerflogStatus(). Performance log: ExchangeDiagnosticsPerformanceLog.


Full text of error 7031:


The Microsoft Exchange Diagnostics service terminated unexpectedly. This has happened 784 times. The next corrective action will be taken after 60000 ms: Restart the service.

Well, the last screenshot:

Crashing the service 784 times was not pleasing to the eye.

Error 1007 indicated problems with the performance log ExchangeDiagnosticsPerformanceLog. Okay, let's go to Performance Monitor(via the MMC snap-in) and see what we have created there. To my surprise, there was only one group of Exchange data collectors (there was nothing to compare with - the picture was completely different on the second DAG partner server), which periodically disappeared and appeared again. This is what it looked like live:

Pay attention to the status of the collector (on the screen at the top right - the status is empty). If you press F5, the collector disappeared, after a while it reappeared. Unable to remove it. I found the solution to the problem on official resources - the Technet blog. It consists in the following - through the registry to remove failed data collectors. After a reboot, they will be recreated automatically.

I am sincerely glad to welcome you to the pages of my blog.

This blog is dedicated to business development via the Internet, and before touching on business topics, I would like to tell a little about myself and how it all began.

And so, let's get started.

I was born and live in Ukraine in a small provincial town.

I grew up in an ordinary family. I cannot boast of a rich and carefree life, since my parents were simple workers who lived from paycheck to paycheck, in principle, like 90% of our population.

It was not possible to get a higher education in the field of school, because it was necessary to look for a job to make it easier for parents.

Remembering now my past, I understand that it was the “hard everyday life” that helped me understand that in life every person should achieve everything on his own. I felt very strongly that


I will not go into details about the “charms of my life”, I will go straight to the moment where I decided for myself exactly what and how I want to get from life.

For the past few years, I have worked for a government agency. But you and I know that if there is no education and connections, there is nothing to count on more than the minimum wage.

At one fine moment, fate brought me acquaintance with the network business. To be honest, I have always been skeptical about this kind of occupation (now I understand that it turns out that I simply did not know anything about this business). But still I decided to try.

Thanks to this particular type of business, I was able to understand that every person in life can achieve a lot, the main thing is to want it and not live according to the format, as most people do.

In the process of work, I realized that I want to learn how to work from home, namely to develop a business via the Internet.

And so I began to master the infobusiness. Of course, it took a lot of money and time to study, but this experience is very valuable and I don’t regret at all that I took up this type of business.

On this moment I create training courses and additional materials mainly for newcomers to the infobusiness to help them deal with all the technical difficulties that they will have to face.

Working through the Internet, I get both pleasure and material benefits, which I have not seen in the state. work.

And most importantly, I have the opportunity to spend more time with my family. And when I see the happy eyes of my daughter, I understand that this is happiness, for which it is worth living and developing.

This concludes my biography.

Thank you for your attention.

And finally, I will tell you: do not be afraid to make changes in your life. Remember that nothing else will pour into a glass full to the top. If something does not suit you in one area of ​​your life, then make room for something new.

And when there is harmony in your life in all areas, you will only then understand what Happiness is.

I sincerely wish you success and happiness!!!

What is the android exchange service

Nexus 5 phone running Android 4.4.2 keeps getting "An error has occurred in the Exchange Services app."


Just some services.

Tasks amp Notes for MS Exchange is great free program for android smartphones tablets from the developer Jakub Klos, which will successfully complement the standard calendar with tasks and notes.

Exchange Services - a tool for operating Android systems, which allows you to fully work with built-in applications such as Google Calendar, Contacts and Gmail. Gmail requires the Exchange protocol to work - if you use Gmail, you must have Exchange Services installed.

And, oh, 0s, you can be left without Google Play

Do not remove the system service.

Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 tell us about this phone

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 on sale in Russia for 25,490 rubles
Today the press service of Sony Ericsson announced that the long-awaited Sony Ericsson Xperia x10. The model is the company's first smartphone based on Google Android, serving as the flagship of the Communication Entertainment 2010 line.
Xperia X10 for Russia, in addition to Facebook and Twitter clients, received VKontakte, which users who spend a lot of time in in social networks. Mediascape and Timescape applications give users the ability to organize the contents of the device in an intuitive way. The first program provides easy access to media content (photos, videos, music, PlayNow, YouTube), and the second collects the history of communication between users in one place.
The built-in 8.1-megapixel camera supports face detection, capturing up to 5 faces in any picture. The photo can then be linked to a contact in the phone book and browsing the photo album, you can quickly go to the desired user.
Alexei Ermakov, head of sales and marketing at Sony Ericsson Russia, noted that Android and the unique add-on user interface allow to realize any desires of buyers.
In Russian retail Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 will be sold in two colors (black and white) from the first days of April at a price of 25,490 rubles.
Technical Sony specifications Ericsson Xperia X10:
* Network: GSM/GPRS/EDGE (850/900/1800/1900MHz) , WCDMA/HSDPA (900/1700/2100MHz)
* Platform: Google Android 1.6 (Donut)
* Display: touch, capacitive, 4 inches, 854 x 480 dots, 262K colors, TFT
* Camera: 8.1 MP, autofocus, touch focus, LED flash, image stabilization, face detection, smile capture, 16x digital zoom, VGA video, geotagging
* RAM: 256 MB
* ROM: 1GB
* Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon QSD8250, 1 GHz
* Expansion slot: microSDHC (16GB card included)
* WiFi
* Bluetooth 2.1, A2DP
* FM radio with RDS
* micro USB 2.0
* 3.5mm jack
* Apps: Timescape, Mediascape, Home with clock widget, Sync, Android Market Client, Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Maps with Street View, Google Media Uploader, Google hone-top search, Google search widget, Google Talk, Google Voice Search, Network Location Provider, Set-up Wizard, YouTube, Wiseplot, Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, WebKit browser, VKontakte
* Battery: 1500mAh
* Dimensions: 119 x 63 x 13 mm
* Weight: 135 grams
* Form factor: monoblock with touchscreen
* Type: smartphone
* Colors: Sensual Black, Glossy White
* Package contents: battery, stereo headset, 16 GB memory card, USB cable, Charger
* Announcement date: November 3, 2009
* Release date: Q1 2010 (April 1, 2010 in Russia)

The service is undesirable, because in case of deletion, all Google services and applications will stop working, and it may also appear ... Gives you the opportunity to call the search window by pressing the Menu button. I don't usually delete it. Exchange.apk 4.x.x - YES.

Http://market.yandex.ru/model-opinions.xml?modelid=5059755&hyperid=5059755&hid=91491&clid=502 owner reviews. Specifications you will find it on the net

If you look at the characteristics, it’s not bad, but if you consider that this is a Sony, then you should think about it, because it’s not a pure android, with some kind of interface from Sonyerics, the price is expensive for him, the camera is not very good if you like android - look at the galaxy of the speaker, I read for 3 days I worked for someone and turned off, I need to reflash, I would think, I myself plan to take a phone tomorrow - look at the Samsung i8000!

Help urgently!!!

Maybe a virus? Or dos attack :)

Prompt smart within eight thousand rubles

nokia c6 00
Size: 113.4 x 53 x 16.8 mm
Weight (with battery) : 150 g
Volume: 80 cu. cm
More information about sizes and shapes
Retractable touch display
Screen size: 3.2 inches
Resolution: 640 x 360 (nHD)
Up to 16.7 million colors
Durable touch screen
Brightness control
Orientation sensor
Detection sensor
External light sensor
Li-ion battery BL-4J 1200 mAh
Talk time (maximum) :
up to 11 hours in the GSM network
up to 5 hours on WCDMA network
Standby time (maximum) :
up to 400 hours in GSM network
up to 400 hours on WCDMA network
Video playback (Mpeg4/nHD) 246 minutes
Video call (maximum) : 144 minutes
Music playback: 30 hours
Slot hot swap kart microSD memory up to 16 GB
Internal memory: 200 MB
Quad-band EGSM 850/900/1800/1900
WCDMA 850/900/1900/2100
Automatic switching between GSM bands
Airplane mode
S60 5th Edition
Symbian OS Version 9.4
Voice commands
FOTA (Firmware Update Over Cellular)
UI Auto Rotation
Software Update
Email (SMTP, IMAP4, POP3), MMS, SMS, single editor
View attachments: .doc, .xls, .ppt, .pdf
Calendar, contacts, to-do list, notes, email
Nokia Messaging
Social networks (Facebook, Hi5, MySpace)
Ovi cards
Ovi Suite, Ovi Store, Ovi Exchange
PC Apps: Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Lotus Organizer, Lotus Notes
Convenient mail client
Support for SMTP, IMAP4, POP3, MMS, SMS protocols. Universal MMS/SMS editor
Email Widget
Nokia Messaging for email
Mail for Exchange*
Full featured real web browsing
Touch control when browsing the Internet
Markup language support: HTML, XHTML MP, WML, CSS
Protocol support: HTTP v1.1, WAP
TCP/IP support
Visual history, HTML and JavaScript support, Flash Lite 3.1 and Flash video support
Nokia Mobile Search
Reading RSS Feeds
Ovi Store for app downloads
Video streaming support
Ovi sharing with the ability to connect to popular sharing services
Nokia XPressPrint: Printing with direct printer output via USB connection(PictBridge), Bluetooth (BPP), and Internet printing
Ovi cards with free license for navigation for the life of the phone
Built-in GPS receivers, A-GPS
Accelerometer for correct display orientation
Nokia Map Loader app for downloading maps via PC
5 megapixel camera (2584 x 1938 pixels)
Photo format: JPEG, EXIF
Autofocus and built-in LED flash
Digital zoom up to 4x
Second camera for video communication (QVGA)

In our case - MS Exchange. Setting up exchange on Android is quite simple. ... This mail service allows you to have access to mailbox from various devices.

An error has occurred in the Google Play Services app. "An error has occurred in the app 'com.google.process.gapps'." ..

Issues are resolved in the SC

Exchange Services - Only needed by those who fetch mail from Microsoft Exchange using a native email client. ... I suppose it is related to the ability to search directly from the Android desktop, which is useless for me personally, and pay ...

This is already critical, you can look for different solutions, ditch a lot of strength and nerves, but you can’t find anything. My opinion is just to reflash the tablet. It's much easier and faster. If you do not know how to do this, write in a personal, I will help.

Help with setting up mail in android 2.2.2

What for? after all, it already opens on the mail without settings, install the opera mini or mobile and go to your mailbox.

Exchange Services is a tool for the Android operating system that allows you to fully work with built-in applications such as Google Calendar, Contacts and Gmail.

How do I copy contacts, calendar items, and tasks to a new Nokia phone running Windows Phone?

Samsung galaxy s plus phone, updated to android 4.4.4 from cyanogenmod

Ask again

The situation is as follows when setting up the address and password input account Exchange on Android 4.3 error A network error has occurred or your account type... As far as I remember, Android has always had problems with the Autodiscover service.

No need to install crooked mods, install your own factory firmware

Android and iPhone?

Behind android, future iPhones are expensive

Searched the forum, didn't find an answer. I have Acer iconia a500, after updating to firmware 3.2, the Exchange application error began to constantly pop up, maybe this is a coincidence and has nothing to do with the update, but solve ...

Green!! ! a question the answer!!!

IPhone - programs, lotions and all sorts of rubbish is simply unmeasured, I took OMNIA II on Windows - I was strongly disappointed

Yes guy question bullshit! did you think you asked?

Technique Nexus 5 phone running Android 4.4.2 keeps getting error An error has occurred in the Exchange Services application. ... Rating questions. 1 year ago How to disable screen lock during a call on android?

I have an iPhone. A friend has an android. iPhone is better than Android. iPhone has more features

iPhone, it will be easier to manage

Android for everyone, iPhone for those who can afford an expensive phone... .
And what is better, everyone chooses for himself. Personally, I prefer the iPhone :)

The iPhone is a phone.
Android is an operating system.
Conclusion: the question is incorrect.
P.S. Better take it samsung galaxy S2 on Android

Android - more functional, wider in possibilities, ios - better quality, fewer glitches, bugs, decide what is more important for you)

You can configure the Exchange ActiveSync Service to use SSL encryption for communication channels between the Exchange server and the client mobile device. Considering that android does not support wipe on the wrong device anyway...

The iPhone does not contain anything special. it's just a show-off phone with a memorable appearance. Android is far superior to MacOS. Moreover, many companies make Android smartphones - Samsung, Sony Ericsson, NTS, Motorola, and many others.

There is only one iPhone, and on Android there is a lot of everything from calculators to washing machines ...
iOS is more reliable
Android customizable

Why is wifi blocked on blackberry devices?, otherwise they won't connect..

This desire of the Operator is made for you to use the GPRS Internet and pay money for it. Therefore, Wi-Fi is blocked so that you do not have the opportunity to use the free Internet ...)))

Setting up Google Patrner - Most people on the net agree that it's just a spyware to collect statistics and also to install programs on your Android without your... Exchange service error occured, Lenovo A536 Forum.

Games for Android2.3

Http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=117270 Download from here (BUT YOU HAVE TO REGISTER) http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=185137 HERE how to install games with cache. You can also ask on the forum for beginners! You can find it on this site!

Android 4.4.2. ... They always break at Androids. If it does not help, clean everything that comes to hand. Once you stumble upon the right one.

Yes, open the android market in your phone and see, there are a bunch of them

Android App Huge Collection
400 Android Games Collection + HD + Emulators (Size: 1.86 GB) 7.Paid.Android.Emulators
10.P aid. HD. Games
400. Paid. Android. Games
ASTRO. manager
Android Application Pack 2-20-2011
AdventRush v1.01
Amtalee v1.0.22
Angry Birds v1.4.2 Ad-Free
Armored Defense v1.11
Armored Strike Online v2.066
Backgammon v1.22
Bathroom Reader v1.0.7
Beautiful Widgets v3.23
Blow Up_1.7.5
BowQuest - PandaMania! v1.53
Camel's Kitchen v1.0.2
Chopper Control v1.0
Clockr Evolution (donate) v1.0
Collectorz Movie v1.3
Colorix HD v1.7.2
Dancing Android Live Wallpaper v1.1
Diagnosaurus DDx v1.42.0
DioPen Handwriting & Keyboard v1.1.1
DoggCatcher Podcast Player v1.1.1668
Doodle Jump_1.5.0
Droid Mini Golf PRO v4.7.1
Droplitz Delight v1.3.1
Dual Mount SD Widget v2.11 ROOT REQ
DynamoKid Touch v3.0.2
Dynomaster v2.11
Easy Money v1.5.4
ElectroDroid (Donate) v1.6
Email Widget v4.1
Entity Sensor (EMF Detector) v3.5
eRay v2.91
F1 2010 Timing App - CP v2.58
FartDroid v4.0.1
Flee v1.06
Flight Director_1.7.2
Flightradar24 Pro v2.0
Folder Organizer v3.1
Forum Runner v1.1.14
Gem Magic v1.3
Gentle Alarm v2.5.9
Glucool Diabetes v1.4.2
Go!Chat Facebook Pro v2.1.4
Got To Do v1.2.8
Guns n Glory v1.4.2
Hot Reboot v2.21 ROOT REQ
Hustler Mobile v1.1
Hyper Jump_1.6.5
Leave Devil Alone HD v1.0.2
Leonard Frog v3.8.4
Light Grid Pro Live Wallpaper v2.1.2
LightUp v1.10
Madness Hanoi v1.0
MathPac Calculator with Graphing v5.0
MiniInfo v1.7.1
Moblox v1.2.2
Moxier Mail (Exchange Server) v2.8.0
mp3tagger pro v1.9
Mr. Hat and the Magic Cube v1.0
MX Moto_1.0.0
Office Suite Viewer v1.5.264
Photaf 3D Panorama Pro v1.8.8
Photoid PRO v2.3.0
Pool Break Pro v1.7.0
PowerAMP Full Version Unlocker_1.0-build-10
RecForge - Audio Recorder v1.0.7
Remote VNC Pro v1.8.4
Ringleader Pro v1.3.2
Trainer UV Pro Full_2.3.5b
Shazam Encore v2.5.0-BB70126
Shoot U!_1.4.9
Slimeball Speedway v1.41
Slugs v3.3
Smart Keyboard Pro v3.10.1
Steambirds v1.0
Super Tumble_1.3.3
Swords and Earrings - Tales of Andaria v1.2
Swype WVGA v2.10.52.13753
Sygic Aura Drive 2.0 build R-18575
Sygic AuraDrive 2.0.2b
SystemPanel App and Task Manager v1.0.7
Talking Carl v1.0
Tape Machine Recorder v1.6.7
Thinking Space Pro v2.1.1
Titanium Backup_3.5.7.1cracked ROOT REQ
Touch Racing Nitro v1.2.2
Twidroid Pro v4.2.0
U Connect v1.1
Ultra keyboard v5.6.2
WidgetLocker Lockscreen v1.2.8
WiFi Tracker v1.0.56
Plus much much more
Install apps with the .apk extension:
1) Go to settings - applications - enable the "unknown sources" option.
2) Put the .apk files somewhere on your SD card.
3) Open your file manager on the device (like Astro Manager from market). You can
delete the Ad using the key in ASTRO. manager. Promap.
4) Select a .apk file.
5) If you get the "complete action using" pop-up, choose "package installer".
NOTE not my own stuff this has been collected from various sources..
