How to make money on domain names. Guarantor of transactions Garant.PRO = safe transaction

13.10.2015 6 105 8 Reading time: 15 min.

Today, at the request of our regular reader, we will consider one of modern ways making money online - earnings on domains. After reading this article, you will find out what are the options for making money on domains, what is cybersquatting, reselling, interception, domain parking, what are these ways of earning interesting, what are their advantages and disadvantages, what is the risk of a person who wants to make money on the sale of domains, and what does he can get as a result. Thus, you, firstly, will increase your financial horizons, and secondly, you will draw conclusions whether it is interesting for you to make money on domains.

What is a domain?

To begin with, quite a bit of theory, so that everyone understands what it is about.

Domain(or Domain name) - these are the letters and symbols that you type in the browser line to get to the site, you can say that this is the site identifier on the Internet ..

A domain name consists of a unique identifier and a non-unique domain zone designation, which is written with a dot. There are international domain zones (for example, .com, .net, .info, etc.) and domain zones tied to a specific country (.ru, .rf, .ua, etc.).

Absolutely anyone can register for themselves any domain name that has not yet been occupied for any desired period (further, if desired, they can extend this period). The exception is names in individual domain zones requiring the provision of certain documents. To do this, you need to contact any registrar or reseller of domains in the desired domain zone. Once a particular domain name is registered to one owner, no one else can take it. However, if the domain registration expires in the future and the owner does not renew it, the domain name will become vacant and put up for sale by the registrar.

The domain registration service is paid, but inexpensive. Its cost depends on the period for which the domain is paid: the longer the period, the lower the cost in terms of the month or year of registration. On average, registering a domain for a year costs 10-20 dollars, and in a number of domain zones - even less.

How to make money on domains?

Now let's talk about how you can make money on domains. In its financial essence, this is speculative earnings, carried out according to the principle “bought cheaper - sold more expensive”. However, at the same time, it has a number of unique features.

In particular, you need to have a good creative potential, a good flair and understanding of the domain name market, be able to search and find buyers for domains, and, of course, have .

To make money on domains in any of the ways that will be discussed below, the most important thing is to really understand the value and cost of each domain name, to be able to choose those that can really be resold profitably.

History knows examples when world domain names, registered on time at their standard price, were resold, pay attention, for millions of dollars! And in RuNet - for hundreds of thousands of dollars!

We highlight several key areas for making money on domains:

  1. Domaining— registration of domains for the purpose of resale.
  2. Cybersquatting– registration of domains for a specific brand for the purpose of resale;
  3. Domain reselling— mediation between domain registrars and registrants;
  4. Domain hijacking- tracking domains with the end of the registration period for the purpose of buying and further resale;
  5. Domain parking— earnings on empty domains until they are sold;
  6. Renting out domains- transfer of a domain name for management with the collection of rent.

Now let's look at all these ways of making money on domains in more detail.

Domaining (registration and sale of domains)

So, the simplest and most common option is to make money on the sale of domains by selling domain names for more than their registration cost.

To engage in domaining, you can either register domains from scratch or buy already registered ones in order to sell them even more expensive. The most important thing in this way of earning is to be able to see the potential in a particular domain name and not be mistaken. Because if the registered or purchased domain is not sold, then your activity in this direction will be unprofitable: you will incur expenses and receive no income.

When choosing domains for resale, you should be guided by the following rules:

  1. The shorter the domain name, the more expensive it can be sold.
  2. An expensive domain name should contain popular words or their transliteration (for example, in the financial sector - finance, forex, invest, money, business, dengi, finansy, biznes, etc.). Moreover, for domains in international domain zones, the English word will be more important, and for Russian-language zones, transliteration.
  3. The more popular the domain zone, the more expensive the domain names in it.

The most relevant areas for domaining now:

  • Business, investments;
  • Auto;
  • Real estate;
  • Tourism;
  • Construction;
  • Services.

You can buy and sell domains on special sites - domain auctions, as well as on popular webmaster forums.


Cybersquatting (from English. Cybersquatting is the intentional hijacking of domain names containing the name of a popular brand or trademark for the purpose of reselling them. The term "cybersquatting" itself comes from the word squatting - an unauthorized settlement.

In our country, cybersquatting is often used to refer to almost any operation of registering or intercepting domains for the purpose of further resale, including domaining, but still I would recommend using this word in its classical sense.

Cybersquatting is often carried out by purchasing a similar domain name in another domain zone. For example, there is a well-known and popular site, and a cybersquatter buys,, domains.

Another example: a popular film has been released, under which its website is registered. Those who want to make money on the sale of a domain buy the domain names, in advance, predicting the release of the second and third parts of the film, and then offer them to the company that owns the film.

Another type of cybersquatting is the registration of domain names that are very similar to well-known brands, with a difference of one letter or sign. For example, instead of

However, it should be understood that in many countries, including Russia, cybersquatting is actually prohibited by law, since the right to a trademark or brand has a higher priority than the right to a domain. In other words, if a cybersquatter comes across a legally competent company that wants to punish him for such "tricks", then he can be held liable for unauthorized use of the brand, according to the law. True, most often this does not happen in our realities, the owners of trademarks simply buy out a domain name, which is faster and less expensive, which is why cybersquatting flourishes.

Domain reselling

Another way to make money on domains is their reselling (literally - reselling) in the form of mediation. There are not many real domain name registrars in the domain market, most of the firms offering such services are actually resellers. They register the desired domain name with an official registrar, and charge the client with their commission. Moreover, sometimes the cost of registering a domain with a reseller can be even lower than with a registrar, since resellers receive large volume discounts from registrars.

If you are thinking about how to make money on domains, you can create your own reseller company, sign a contract with one of the world's largest registrars and earn money in this way.

Domain hijacking

No less popular is such a way of making money on domains as domain interception. Its essence is to track the deadlines for the registration of domain names and buy (intercept) them if the domain owner does not renew the registration.

As a rule, domain name registrars provide such functionality; an application for domain interception can even be submitted in advance. Well, if there are no such requests, then the domain whose registration period has expired and has not been renewed is usually automatically put up for auction.

Domain interception is most interesting in the following cases:

  1. Beautiful domain name;
  2. A popular and promoted site, which leads to a lot of links, users go directly;
  3. Domain with "puzomerki": TIC and PR, the more - the better;
  4. Domain added to popular online directories: Yandex.Catalog and DMOZ.

You can track domains that are expiring by using special services or software. In some cases, after intercepting a domain, you can sell it back to its owner (if he simply forgot to renew it).

Domain parking

If you already have purchased domains that are waiting to be resold, you can earn on them from advertising. Earnings on domain parking is the placement on this domain of one empty page with advertisements. A person, out of habit, going to a domain he knows and not seeing what he expected there, most likely, will click on an advertisement, and the domain owner will receive his payment for this.

There are special domain parking services that can be used for this purpose.

Renting out domains

Eat Alternative option earnings on the domain: do not sell it, but rent it out, receiving a smaller, but constant income (for example, a monthly payment). Of course, not every domain name will have someone willing to rent it, but if the domain is too expensive, this can be a good alternative.

Earnings by parking a domain or renting a domain is actually .

I briefly reviewed the most relevant ways to make money selling domain names today. Perhaps some of them seem attractive to you and you want to try them. Of course, earnings on domains will depend on how well you approach this business (as, indeed, any other type of earnings). There is no “free” money here, losses are possible, but not so significant. Study, try, experiment, and perhaps you can succeed in this area of ​​​​earning.

Well, we will see you in new publications on! Take care of your personal finances and improve your financial literacy!


One of the options for making money on the Internet is a domain business. Investing in domain name purchases can provide excellent returns. The number of sites is increasing every year. At the same time, any owner wants to have a beautiful and memorable name. Demand in the domain market is very high, and there are not so many good offers. Where there is demand, there is always money to be made. How to do it?

Earnings on the Internet: selling domains

Some domain names are worth millions of dollars. Business owners are willing to spend a lot of money to buy a suitable domain. Use it to earn your own income.

There are primary and secondary domain market. The main share of the income of a domain name investor (domainer) comes from sales in the primary market. Here, the final buyer (end-user) is the future owner of the site. Sales in the secondary market are carried out between temporary buyers. A domain name can be resold several times until one of the investors decides to enter the primary market with it.

You can build your earnings on domains by working in the primary or secondary market. By the way, in the secondary market it is preferable to buy domain names from other investors. Sales are best done in the primary market. So you can earn more.

Domain business organization rules

Domain investors and end buyers are not the only players in the market. There are also cybersquatters - people who register domains of well-known companies that, for some reason, are in the public domain. Cybersquatters offer the purchase of the received domains to the companies to which they previously belonged, or their competitors. The manager receives an offer to buy the domain.

The company can pay for the domain name or go to court. As a rule, litigation on such matters continues for a long time. It is often more profitable for company owners to give money for a domain than to pay lawyers.

In order to organize a good income on the sale of domains, you must follow a number of rules.

1. Before buying domains, you need to correctly assess their significance and value in the market. Domain names in the ru and com zones are more popular. Other zones look less attractive, so you bear risks when working with them.

2. Don't buy cheap domains. The more expensive the domain name, the higher the chances of its resale. Evaluate the quality of a domain with special services before making a deal.

3. It is rare to make money buying free domains and then selling them. Valuable domains are few in the public domain. To make money selling domains, you need to use the secondary market, where you can buy popular domain names in order to resell them.

Investing in domains can be long term. You must be prepared to delay income generation. Domain business is designed for the future. For beginners, it will serve as an additional source of income.

There is such a way to make money on the Internet, like buying and reselling domain names. Everything is quite simple here. You register beautiful domain names in different domain zones ( .com, .ru, .org, etc.), and then sell them for dozens of times more. This topic is far from new, but I wonder if it is possible to make money on this today? And how will it be possible to earn on this in the next 5 years? We will talk about this in this article.

Entrepreneurs who resell domain names are called domainers.

Is it possible to make good money on the resale of domain names?

This business can be treated as a long-term investment in securities. You buy a block of shares and wait for many years. Some of the shares grow in price tenfold, and some depreciate.

Also with domains. You purchase a package of beautiful domain names and wait for many years. Some domain names will be able to be sold and earned, but some will not - this is your risk.

Domain Name Purchase and Renewal Costs

Unlike stocks, although domain names are inexpensive, there is an important difference. To buy shares, you need to spend money only once and then wait. And for the renewal of each domain you need to pay every year.

Buying a domain in a zone .ru costs 200-600 rubles, depending on where you buy, and renewal usually costs 600 rubles a year. If you buy domain names in large quantities, then you can buy them with huge discounts, at least 5 times cheaper than retail prices.

It's in the zone .ru. In the zone .com buying and renewing a domain costs about 1,000 rubles a year. In other domain zones, for example, .university buying and renewing domain names is even more expensive - 4,500 rubles a year.

Once again I emphasize that there are huge discounts for wholesale buyers of domain names.

Cybersquatting is dirty domaining. How to earn today?

Speaking of domain name trading, one cannot fail to say at least a few words about cybersquatting.

Cybersquatting is the registration of domain names containing in their address the names of well-known companies, brands, trademarks, with the aim of reselling them to those interested in these domain names companies.

For example, you can register a domain name - the name of a Western brand in the zone .ru and try to sell this domain name to the company, the owner of the brand, when it decides to start its work in Russia. Of course, it's a dirty business. Not very environmentally friendly!

But that's exactly what a friend of mine did. He registered a domain in the zone .ru, which coincided with the name of a major brand in Italy. Then he wrote to this company and offered to open a joint business in Russia))). Of course, he didn't succeed. He was denied...

There is only one way to make money on cybersquatting today, if you registered a domain name before the trademark was registered.

As one of the largest hosters in Russia TimeWeb writes:

The very purchase and registration of free domains is not against the law. However, after the active development of cybersquatting, the American and Russian authorities began to think about how to limit cybersquatters in their actions: the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO or WIPO) introduced the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) procedure; this is handled by the WIPO Arbitration Center based on the Rules for a Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy.

The procedure is loyal to trademark owners, according to statistics, they win the majority (about 80%) of cases.

How to sell domains?

It's not enough to just buy domains and wait. Domains need to be sold. Look for buyers. Negotiate. Just like buying and waiting, as in the case of stocks, it may not work out.

I have a small personal experience in this case. I once, 10 years ago, bought over 100 domain names. I had them for many years and I didn't have time to sell them. I put them up for sale in one of the popular domain name shops. And, to be honest, for many years I have not sold a single domain. And so I decided to get rid of them. So I realized that I need to seriously engage in sales.

And you need to buy not 100, but several thousand domain names, and all of them must be cool, beautiful, interesting and promising. That is, this is quite a serious business and they need to be dealt with. And not just buy 3 domains of average scall in the hope of a miracle.

As Andrei Kuzmichev, First Deputy CEO RU-CENTER, in an interview with

It should be noted that the percentage of completed transactions from the available domains of a professional investor, as a rule, is small. The average domainer has a portfolio of 1-5 thousand domains, of which from 1 to 5% are sold per year, depending on the sales strategy used.

In addition, you should be able to afford the annual cost of renewing domain names. Because you will need to spend from 150,000 rubles a year to renew 1000 domain names if you have a cheap zone .ru, and from a million rubles a year if you have expensive international domain names.

How much can you earn?

In the past, you could make a lot of money doing this. See how much famous domains in the zone were sold for .com:

  • — $5,560,000;
  • — $11,000,000;
  • — $9,500,000;
  • — $8,500,000;
  • — $7,500,000

The most expensive domains are in the zone .com, and here is the zone .ru, is much cheaper.

For example, the domain was purchased by Russian Standard for $3,000,000, while cost them "only" $50,000. Yes, for some, fifty thousand dollars is "only")!

But all this was a very long time ago. Many years ago. And domains in popular zones .com, .ru should have bought decades ago. Ideally in the 90s.

What about today? What are the promising ways to make money on domain names?

Today, the purchase and development of your personal domain zone is promising. You can register not just a domain name, but the domain name of the high level(TLD - top level domain). For example, Sony has registered a domain zone .sony.

How to register a TLD?

But not everyone can afford to register a domain zone. After all, it costs about $200,000. In addition, technical resources are needed to maintain this zone.

And even for $200,000, you may be denied registration. Registration of domain zones top level handled by ICANN, which reviews your application for registration and has the right to refuse you.

After you register your zone, you can sell domain names in that zone. For example, Leaf Group acquired the domain zone .university, and now everyone can register a domain in this zone for 4,500 rubles a year.

The more domains you sell in your zone, the more you earn. According to ICANN , today in the zone .university about 7,000 domains have already been registered. Count yourself. 7,000 domains x 4,500 rubles = 31,500,000 rubles a year is approximately received by the Leaf Group company for its domain zone .university. At today's exchange rate, that's about $500,000 a year. Not bad, isn't it?

At the same time, the best TLD domain zones were sold out in 2015. Here are some examples of the most popular areas:

Popular TLDs

Probably, if you try, you can still find promising and beautiful domain zones. And this, most likely, will be promising to do for another 5 years, until 2024. You just need to find $200,000 to register your own zone.

More detailed information about the most popular zones is available at this link: "".

But what if you buy domain names in the most popular new zones? Will it be possible to make money on this? Don't know…

The question arises - does it make sense today to register beautiful domain names in these new domain zones in order to make money on it in the future? It seems to me that no...

How to make money on domains, how to avoid problems with the law when buying or selling a domain, how much money you need to start earning, we will answer these questions, consider the main methods, analyze the pros and cons of each.

There are two fundamental and radically different methods of making money on domains, which in turn are divided into specific ways.

  1. Purchase and further monetization or sale of a domain.
  2. Setting up a business selling domains by becoming a partner of one of the registrars.

No method allows you to earn money on domains without investments, but the minimum amount to start can be only 100 rubles. This is how much it costs to register an unoccupied domain name. Let's look at each method and answer the question of how to choose, buy and earn on domains.

First, we will look at the main ways to make money on domains, then we will talk about resellers with domain names, at the end of the article we will consider the methods of purchase themselves.

Buying domains for the purpose of subsequent sale (speculation) is the most affordable and common way to make money on the resale of domains. This is not surprising, the same principle applies in ordinary market relations - buy low and sell high. The complexities of the domain resale scheme are the same as in speculative offline sales:

  • Find a domain that will be of interest to a potential buyer.
  • Where to buy cheaper.
  • To whom to sell more expensive.

How to choose a domain and where to buy is described below, according to the article. There are several ways to sell an existing domain:

  1. Put up in a store or auction (exchange).
  2. Place on the site information about the sale of the domain, with contact information.
  3. Contact a potential buyer (for example, search for interested parties on the forums).

You determine the starting cost yourself, based on logic. I recommend making resale transactions through transaction guarantors, for example, These are additional expenses, but by doing so you protect yourself from possible problems with non-payment or domain hijacking.

Stores, exchanges and domain auctions:

Earnings on domain parking

domain parking, plain language registering a domain and placing a sat-stub on it, a redirect to the main site or advertising.
From the point of view of earnings, domain parking is the purchase of domains that are consonant with well-known site names, or the purchase of domains that continue to receive traffic (drop domains) and place ads on them.

Until a buyer is found, the resource works at a loss, the annual renewal of the domain, and possibly payment for hosting. During downtime, the most correct solution is domain parking. It's much cheaper and brings a steady income. It is enough to find a provider with such an offer.

If we consider this method as the main one, then for these purposes, domain names with typos of known site addresses or dropped domains are chosen. Advertisements are placed on such domains. And the domain owner will receive a certain percentage of profits, clicks or impressions.

People who decide to earn extra money by selling beautiful Internet addresses resort to this technique quite rarely. Earnings on domain parking is needed as a temporary solution to reduce costs.

  • — domain parking service
  • — free domain parking

Lease a domain

In this case, the monetization scheme will be different from the previous ones. Renting a domain brings a good and constant income. In this case, the tenant places his site or a stub on your resource.

Domain leasing is used in a couple of cases:

  1. Your domain is exclusive and its purchase is very high.
  2. The tenant does not want to show his data.

There are no ready-made sites for renting domains, as a rule, everything is decided individually.

Sometimes a domain lease is understood as domain registration, since in fact you rent it for a year and if you do not renew it, it may fall into the wrong hands.

Domain Reseller

In essence, this is buying domains at a wholesale price and selling them at a retail price. The domain reseller enters into a cooperation agreement with the address element registrar and can use favorable prices for acquiring names, as well as act as a representative of an accredited person. The profit from the price list difference will largely depend on the activity of the person who has chosen this earning option.

If you want to become a domain reseller, here is one of the programs "Affiliate Program
reselling domains and services.

Domaining - selection and purchase of a domain for earnings

Before you sell, rent or start making money on domain parking, you need to buy this very domain. This whole procedure is called domaining.

Registering a new domain

This method involves using your experience and ability to identify trends and select consonant names.

The trend may be gaining popularity:

  • goods;
  • series;
  • events;
  • people, etc.

In addition to trends, you can search for free domains based on the following points:

  • Short (4-5 letter) domains.
  • Geographic (country, city, place in the city) domains.
  • Industry (,, domains.

Buying a domain under a trend

A new device has entered the market, an event is being planned, or a TV series is being prepared. Example:

  • Gyroscooters
  • spinners
  • Olympics 2026
  • Game of Thrones Season 8
  • Yuri Gagarin

And as a result, domains could look like this:

  • (at the time of this writing, the domain is free)
  • (at the time of this writing, the domain is free)
  • (at the time of this writing, the domain is free)

When choosing a domain, consider who they might be potentially interested in, look through similar already registered domains. Find out under which sites they were registered (online stores, information sites). And is there a demand for them?

Advice. How to buy trending domains?

  • You should buy several domains at once using all possible spellings.
  • When choosing a domain, focus on those who could buy it.
  • Domain selection and purchase can be done.
  • Check domain history.
  • The domain must not violate copyright, otherwise it can be taken away from you, and you will be fined. More about this in the chapter on Cybersquatting.

Drop domain registration

Drop domains are free to register domains with a history. Previously, there was a site on such a domain, but the owner of the site did not dare to renew it (forgot, scored, or for other reasons).

Dropped domains are of interest primarily to SEO specialists. A properly selected freed domain can receive traffic and have links to itself. Both usually give a quick result when creating a new site on a drop domain or restoring an old site from (a service that stores information about what used to be on the domain).

There are services that allow you to track free domains and already free domains.

  • - purchase of vacant domains.
  • — purchase of freed domains.
  • - domain monitoring
  • - domains with history.
  • - list of released domains.
  • is a site status check service.
  • - list of dropped domains and domain hijacking services.

Advice. How to buy drop domains?

  • Check the domain history before buying (,,
  • Not only the characteristics of the domain are important, but also the subject, or rather the demand for the subject.
  • Buying drop domains is, first of all, the ability to find dropped domains and keep track of those that are released. And then an assessment of the possible cost for which the domain can be sold.

Buying domains at auctions

Earnings on domain auctions are also possible if you know that you can sell for more than you buy. Buying domains at auctions requires sufficient amounts, and this can be hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Most of the interesting variations are already up for auction. Exchanges and domain shops offer many domain names, it is possible to buy a name and not for little money. Earnings on the auction is associated with the risk of spending more on a domain than it can cost. But a well-chosen name can sometimes be seen as a money-saving tool.

There are many domain auctions on the Internet, but you should choose only proven ones, with a large number reviews. Little-known auctions may turn out to be scams.

Here is an example of verified auctions:

  • — auction of domain names.
  • — vacant domains in the auction format.

Carefully! Scams - auction of antique domains

Many are trying to find easy money on "antique domains". Most often, such sites have a lot of tempting offers without complex legal background. If you heard about good earnings on antique domains, the whole truth about them can be found on the forums.

For the most part, making money on antique domains is a scam. Scammers primarily rely on the inexperience of newcomers who decide to try their luck at new job. The amounts of losses usually amount to 250-1000 rubles, for which a person is unlikely to run to court. But, thanks to such mistakes, charlatans make good money.


Cyberscotting is a way to make money by registering domains containing brand names and then selling them to the right holder or other interested parties.

The cybersquatter finds a company in advance, under which it borrows possible profitable combinations from the registrar, in order to offer them to the owner later. On the one hand, real income is expected, and on the other, legal troubles may arise. There is an article in Russian legislation for the illegal use of a registered trademark. So cybersquatting is a responsibility.

Any business has its pros and cons. Cybersquatting can be hugely profitable if the buyer is so interested in the domain name that they are willing to shell out any amount of money. Cybersquatting also has disadvantages when the cost of maintaining registered items exceeds income.

The risk is great, but there are very few cases in the history of cybersquatting companies where owners have been sued for the use of their patented mark. In reality, it is easier for corporate leaders to buy a domain name from a cyberscotter than to get involved in a lawsuit. The fight against cybersquatting continues, and therefore the legislation is being finalized to protect the newly created firms.

If you decide to get into cybersquatting and are thinking where to start? First, define the object of cybersquatting. But do not forget about the responsibility before the law.


Typesquatting is the registration of domain names that are similar in spelling to the addresses of popular sites, based on the error of some users.

This type is used not only for reselling a domain, but also for advertising promotion. By registering domain names similar to well-known sites, but with a typo. Users get to a fictitious site where they see posts promoting a particular product. At the moment, commercials bring in a good income.

Even more interesting

There are many on the Internet effective ways earnings, one of them is - earnings on domains. This method includes the acquisition and resale of site addresses. Despite its simplicity, this method remains extremely beneficial. What is earnings on domains and reviews about this type of income in our article.

Earnings on domain names are divided into the following ways:

  • Domaining. This method is to create your own domain name, with the aim of further resale. Domaining remains the easiest way to make money on the Internet, but for successful activity, you need to have a vision of the potential of the acquired name.
  • Cybersquatting. To carry out this lesson, you need to find a certain popular brand, create an address for it and resell it.
  • Reselling. Provision of intermediary services between registrars and registrants.
  • Interception. In this case, it is necessary to keep track of popular projects. In the event that their registration period expires, you need to buy them back and resell them at a higher price.
  • parking. This method consists of making a profit from already existing domain names that are waiting for resale. To do this, you just need to create one page with advertisements. When visiting the site, the owner will receive a certain profit.
  • Rental. To do this, you need to purchase a domain name and lease it for rent.

If you have any domain name available that is not currently in use, then you can easily make money on it using parking. This type of activity is as simple as possible, since the owner does not have to make any efforts to make a profit.

What you need to do to make a profit:

  • On the Internet there are various services engaged in parking and advertising on sites. You need to choose one of them and register there.
  • After that, you need to change the existing DNS to the DNS specified in the service. After that, your address will be linked to this service.
  • Now you will have various ads with which you can earn money.

Parking Services:

  • is a Russian site that is extremely easy to manage.
  • "" is a Russian-language service with a convenient design. Here you can park both your domain and your website.
  • "" is a Ukrainian service for parking domain names.
  • "" is the largest English-language service.

How much can you earn from parking?

The profit you receive will directly depend on the chosen ad category, as well as the number of domains that you will use for parking. So, for one click on an advertising link, you can get from 10 cents to several dollars. On average, professional parking attendants say they make several hundred dollars a month from a single address.

Also, don't forget that you have to pay up to $10 per year to register a name.

Earnings on the auction of antique domains - the whole truth

appeared on the Internet not so long ago new way earnings, based on the auction of antique domains. The essence of this method lies in the fact that domains have a certain registration period, which ends sooner or later. If the owner does not renew the term, then his domain can be redeemed and earn on resale.

However, this method is fraudulent for the following reasons:

  • The domain belongs to the registrar and after the expiration of the term of ownership, it is returned to the registrar, and, therefore, it will not be available for public sale.
  • Domains with very high traffic rates are sold at the auction, therefore, no one abandons such names, since they regularly bring a lot of profit to their owners.
  • The cost of domains at the auction is much lower than that for which they can be sold in reality.

Having considered the above reasons, it already becomes clear that this method was developed by scammers, and, therefore, it is profitable only for them. Therefore, before you try to buy and start making money on antique domains, you should study real reviews on this issue so as not to lose money and not get blacklisted.

Can you make money selling domains?

Selling domain names is a lucrative business, but nowadays it's not easy to come up with and get a good name, since almost all domains are already taken.

in a good way earnings is cybersquatting, which consists in tracking already created and popular domain names.

As you know, the domain is not given to the site owner for permanent use, and he is forced to pay a certain fee for it every year. However, due to various reasons, the site owner may forget about it and lose the name of his site.

At this point, the cybersquatters buy out the vacant name and resell it for a higher price.
