Comfort logo computer training program. “comfort-logo” is a new generation biosimulator for the prevention and correction of psychophysiological, psychoemotional and speech disorders

Biofeedback complex "Comfort-Logo" for the correction and prevention of the development of speech disorders
Effective, non-medical health-saving technology for all subjects of the educational space.

The BOS complex "Comfort LOGO" is intended for work by speech therapists, phonopedists, phoniatrists, speech pathologists, educational psychologists of institutions various types education and social protection systems.

Purpose of the BOS complex "Comfort-Logo"

  • With the help of the Comfort-LOGO Biofeedback Complex, multifactorial diagnostics of speech development and targeted training in correct “speech” breathing are carried out. At the same time, psycho-emotional and muscle tension decreases, the general condition of the body improves and the basis for correct speech behavior is formed.
  • developing skills for targeted self-regulation of functional and emotional states necessary to maintain physical, mental and social health;
  • Speech skills training is carried out using functional biofeedback technology using the principle of biological feedback(BOS).
  • The complex is designed to work with adults and children over 4 years old

Composition of the BOS complex "Comfort-LOGO":

  • Computer indicator of weak low-frequency signals "Mikart-M" (registration certificate FSR 2011/10250)
  • Methodology "Speech therapy examination of children" for the automated procedure of speech therapy examination of children;
  • Automated psychodiagnostics software package for studying the characteristics of the emotional-volitional, personal, intellectual spheres of a child or adult, their dynamics in the process of psychocorrectional work
  • Consultation seminar "Hardware and software systems based on functional biocontrol technology with biofeedback (BFB)".
  • Consulting seminar on working with the programs of NPF "Amalteya".

Functionality of the BOS Complex "Comfort-LOGO"


  • Carrying out step-by-step speech therapy diagnostics in children with automatic recording, saving and analysis of the received data, with the formation of SPEECH CARDS;
  • In children and adults, it is possible to determine the physiological reaction of the body during speech loads (respiration, heart rate, peripheral temperature, muscle tone), as well as the individual psychological properties of the student to identify the characteristics of his psycho-emotional state, determine the risk zone and resources and select an individual, precisely targeted tactics of work of an educational-preventive or correctional-developmental nature;
  • Assessing the dynamics of changes and the effectiveness of ongoing corrective or preventive work.


  • formation of stable self-regulation skills, increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body;
  • overcoming communication barriers, improving socialization, including in preparing and adapting children to school;
  • prevention of diseases of the speech-vocal and respiratory apparatus and improvement of speech skills of speech professions specialists (teachers, educators, speech therapists).


  • Cardio - FBU- diaphragmatic breathing skill training mode;
  • T - FBU- in this mode, the skill of voluntarily increasing peripheral temperature is formed. Training is provided to relieve excess psychoemotional and psychophysiological tension through the regulation of peripheral temperature and muscle tone;
  • EMG - FBU- training in general muscle and psycho-emotional relaxation techniques; development or restoration of muscle sensation; training the skill of coordinated control of muscle tension.
  • EMG - "Jacobson"- training with consistent voluntary changes in muscle tension, learning the skill of progressive muscle relaxation.
  • "LOGO" mode- training in “speech breathing”, correction of phonation disorders; functional dysphonia; speech tempo disturbances; speech anxiety; logoneuroses; stuttering; hyperactivity and attention deficit;

Full set:
Corrective and preventive complex "Comfort-LOGO" for 1 workplace
Corrective and preventive complex "Comfort-LOGO" for 2 workplaces


  • correction of phonation disorders; functional dysphonia; speech tempo disturbances; speech anxiety; logoneuroses, speech disorders in children with hearing and vision impairments; alalia and aphasia; dysgraphia and dyslexia; dysarthria and dyslalia; rhinolalia and rhinophonia; stuttering; hyperactivity and attention deficit;
  • development of higher mental functions and volitional qualities;
  • training in relieving excess psycho-emotional and psycho-physiological stress by regulating peripheral temperature and muscle tone;
  • training in general muscle relaxation and coordinated management of muscle tension.
  • The software allows you to maintain individual cards for children and creates a database with the results of all classes conducted.
Psychophysiological training using biofeedback technologies is recommended to be carried out in the form of individual or group classes (3-6 people).

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Usage computer system“Comfort LOGO” in speech therapy practice” teacher-speech therapist Arkhipova N.A. MADO MO d\s "Dubravushka"

"Comfort" PROGRAM "COMFORT-LOGO" PROGRAM - the latest development in the field of integration of psychocorrectional, speech therapy, speech therapy programs with the biofeedback method (BFB) "COMFORT-LOGO" - a new generation universal multifunctional biosimulator for the prevention and correction of psychophysiological, psychoemotional and speech disorders disorders in children and adults. Allows you to form correct speech and speech behavior, reduce psycho-emotional and muscle tension, and improve the general condition of the body.

The main goal of the “COMFORT LOGO” program is to teach a child the skill of the correct, optimal type of breathing - diaphragmatic, articulation, voice formation, free speech without excessive psychophysiological costs, conceptual thinking, speech behavior, correction of the psycho-emotional and functional state in general

Computer system “Comfort Logo” SET: - computer multiparameter indicator “MiKarT”; - software(software) on two CDs; - user manual; - author's educational and methodological manual Vovk O.N. “Adaptive self-regulation of breathing, articulation, voice production, speech, behavior and psycho-emotional state of a person according to cardiorespiratory parameters”; - microphone.

The software contains extensive multimedia resources: slide sets, auditory (musical) accompaniment, session templates. To assess the patient's background condition and work efficiency, a diagnostic mode is provided. An individual card is kept for each child. All data is stored in a database.

Diagnosis, prevention and correction of speech disorders. During training on the COMFORT LOGO biosimulator, speech breathing that is optimal from a physiological point of view develops. The objective of the course is to develop the skill of diaphragmatic breathing as the basis of speech breathing, as well as the ability to control the work of the respiratory muscles, muscles of the articulatory apparatus, face, neck, and upper shoulder girdle. Wide multimedia and gaming capabilities of biofeedback training, implemented by the COMFORT LOGO program, increase children's motivation to learn and contribute to achieving results in the shortest possible time.

During classes with the program, we alternate periods of work with periods of rest, during which children watch slides on different topics and listen to pleasant, relaxing music. We conduct computer classes once a week for 10–15 minutes when working directly with the computer: at 5-6 years old up to 10 minutes, at 6-7 years old up to 15 minutes, in accordance with the norms for children working at the computer.

Logo session settings

“LOGO” MODE is used in speech therapy work, providing: Training in speech breathing. Speech breathing is a highly coordinated act during which breathing and articulation are strictly correlated in the process of speech utterance. During speech, the functional significance of the exhalation phase increases significantly. Reducing fatigue and optimizing the rate of speech due to a targeted reduction in the tone of the corresponding muscle groups. Practicing sound pronunciation while optimizing respiratory function, fluency of speech, its unity, correction of violations of tempo, rhythm and melody. Effective correction of disorders in the psychoemotional sphere caused by various general neurotic and logoneurotic disorders.

Work on the program is carried out using various types feedback (from simple to complex): “Indicator”, “Strip”, “Slides”, “Transform-Transparency””, “Game-Animation” - the game “Butterfly”, “Cupcakes”: here is presented as a feedback signal cartoon game story. Children especially enjoy working with these cartoon stories.

Scene "Blinds" (color)






Contraindications Absolute: epilepsy, prohibition of working with a computer monitor; gross intellectual impairments that do not allow one to understand the instructions of the methodologist. Relative: exacerbations of chronic diseases of the cardio-respiratory system; significant disturbances in heart rhythm that do not allow receiving adequate feedback signals.

Thus, the use of the functional biofeedback method has a number of positive aspects: the method significantly increases the effectiveness of classes due to the child’s high emotional interest, allows for faster elimination of speech disorders, and expands the possibilities of speech therapy work. The acquired skill of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing is the basis for the development of correct speech, helps prevent a number of deviations in the somatic sphere, and improves the overall well-being and emotional health of children. Working with the Comfort Logo program is an effective aid that expands the scope of personality development for children who are speech pathologists, providing them with new opportunities for self-realization in the sociocultural space of a preschool institution.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The use of computer technology in the correction of speech disorders in children of senior preschool age in a speech therapy center.

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The use of computer technologies in individual correctional and speech therapy classes, magazine "SLOGOPEDIST" No. 3, 2011.


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LOGO Soft Comfort is the official software solution from Siemens that allows engineers to program and debug logic controllers. In addition, the software is suitable for working with programmable relays and offers a lot of useful additional tools, which we will discuss below.


First of all, LOGO Soft Comfort is a highly specialized software solution that is most often used in industrial production. The fact is that the code here is written in very rare languages: Ladder Diagram (LAD) and Function Block Diagram (FBD). The software solution allows you to work with several I/O channels at once and can be integrated with industrial network devices (EIB, AS-i and LON).

When writing new program, the user can use over two hundred different blocks. It also has access to several dozen built-in functions and the ability to interact with the text display panel. In addition, LOGO Soft Comfort allows you to write instructions in the form of ladder diagrams. To record the created program on logical module requires the use of a special device LOGO! Prom.

Additional functionality

Among other functionality available to LOGO Soft Comfort users, it is also worth noting the Teleservice remote debugging tool. With their help, you can diagnose and eliminate faults that arise during work with controllers and relays. Functions for simulating device behavior in real time are also available.

Please note that LOGO Soft Comfort and all accompanying documentation are not translated into Russian. However, given the purpose of this software, this fact is unlikely to be critical for the end user.

Key Features

  • offers a complete set of tools necessary for programming logic controllers and relays from the manufacturer Siemens;
  • can be integrated into industrial networks;
  • performs debugging and simulation of compatible devices;
  • allows you to create instructions in LAD and FBD languages;
  • can work with multiple output channels.
