Is it possible to find a person by Skype number. How to add a contact on Skype: a few easy ways

After creating an account, newbies face a problem: their contact list is empty. No one to call or write to.

How to find a person on Skype? What do you need to know about this? What information to enter and, most importantly, where?

Search by login

You will quickly find the people you need on Skype if you know their exact nicknames in the system.

“What to write if they ask me for my skype?” - a question that often arises among novice users. You are required to have a login by which you can easily be found in the system.

In the top panel, click on the "Contacts" block. Next, move the arrow to the first item and click on "Search in the Skype directory".

You can immediately start entering the person's login in the search bar.

How to search by name, place of residence and phone number?

How to find contacts if there is no information about logins? The easiest option is to ask a person for it by calling him on the phone or contacting him in some other way, for example, through social networks.

You can also search by first name and last name. The downside is that there will be so many users with the same real names that the chances of finding out which contact is correct are equal to zero. The list that opens will be very long. How to reduce it?

  • Enter the country and city at once, along with real names.
  • Write a phone number.

However, the user has the right not to indicate this information or hide it in the profile, so this person may not even be on the reduced list. In addition, not all account holders put photos, and often they are just pictures.

Adding a contact

The found contact in the list has yet to be added to the list of your own. To do this, open the profile by clicking on the item in the left part of the window and click on the blue button "Add to contact list".

An additional small window will open with the request text. It is standard for everyone, but it can be changed. Click on "Submit" and wait for a friend to confirm the request to add. If he is online, the answer may come immediately. If not, then you may have to wait a long time.

Advanced Search

IN previous versions program was available advanced user search. Now this option has disappeared as such from the functionality. You can search for people only through the search bar above the contacts on the left side of the window.

At the request of the user, a window could open in which various additional parameters were entered:

  • Country of Residence,
  • age,
  • phone number,
  • email address, etc.

For those who do not want to put up with the lack of advanced search, there are options for other programs that allow you to link contacts from social networks and Skype, search for friends by interests in groups or countries. An example is the VKSkypes utility.

Import contacts

More recently, the program had the "Import contacts" option in the same "Contacts" block in the top panel. With recent updates, the button has disappeared.

New versions of the utility are associated with a free email service from Microsoft called Outlook. Now the contacts of this mail are by default in the Skype system. The user only chooses whether to display them in the list or not.

How to add a contact that was previously blocked?

If you have ever blocked a person, they will be removed from your contact list. How to get it back?

  1. Go to the "Tools" block and open "Settings".
  2. Go to the "Security" tab, and in it - "Blocked users". A list of users will appear. To unblock, click on the item with the desired profile and click "Unblock this user".

It is often difficult to find friends on Skype without certain logins, so it is better to ask the person in advance under what fictitious name he is registered.

Numbers in the millions active users. When searching for friends and acquaintances in the messenger, you may encounter certain difficulties. Therefore, the question often arises of how to find a contact on Skype.

This action is performed in several ways:

  • by name and surname;
  • by login in the program;
  • by number mobile phone;
  • by e-mail.

In the first case, in order to find a friend, you should do the following:

In the window that opens, you must enter a name. After that, the user will see a list of people with the given name registered in Skype. Since the application is quite popular all over the world, the search results can be quite impressive. To make it easier, it is recommended to initially enter not only the first name, but also the last name.

Another way to find a friend on Skype is to use the login that the user specified when registering in the application. In order to start communication, you should exchange contact information with a friend. You need to click on the user you need to find, as a result of which his profile will open.

Here you should click on the "Add to contact list" button. A message will be sent to the user stating that you want to add them to your Skype friends list. If he agrees to exchange data, he will appear in the appropriate section, and it will be possible to communicate with him in the messenger.

IN older versions of Skype the developers have provided the ability to search by phone number. The latest versions of the application do not have this feature. In addition, it will not be possible to find a user if only the city or country in which he lives is known.

In the application, the developers have implemented a feature that allows you to import contacts from other social networks. In order to use it, you must do the following:

  • Select the Contacts menu.
  • Click on Import Contacts.
  • In the window that opens, enter your username and password from the social network.

Application in automatic mode analyze the information of friends of the social network. If one of the subscribers has a Skype login entered in the data, then he will be added to the messenger's contact list.

Despite the constant emergence of new interactive services for communicating over the Internet, Skype remains one of the most popular programs. Its use allows you to exchange messages for free, conduct audio or video chats, conferences, send files. Many users of the service are trying to replenish their contact database in order to keep in touch with all their acquaintances, relatives or friends.

At the same time, people often have the question of how to find a person on Skype. Although the developers have simplified the program interface as much as possible, for novice users of the service, finding new contacts can be a certain difficulty. By getting to know our detailed instructions, everyone will be able to understand how to find a person on Skype by login. This will allow you to communicate with a large number of people.

Features of searching for a person by login

Before you can find a person in Skype with whom you would like to communicate on the Internet, you will need data for the search engine of the service. For this, the program user login is used. Having it, you can proceed further according to the following instructions.

Search for a person by first and last name

If when creating account the user has specified a first and/or last name, which is his login in Skype, the search for people may become more complicated. There is a possibility that the service will return several results with identical data. You will need to look through many profiles to find the right subscriber. Not all accounts have a user photo, which will complicate the task. But still there is a chance that you will be able to find the right contact.

It will simplify the search for a Skype user by indicating the place of his residence or stay (city, country). This will reduce the number of profiles found by query. In the search line, in addition to the name and / or surname, indicate the city and / or country where the person you are interested in lives or stays.

Possible difficulties

If you fail to find the desired contact, make sure that all the entered data is spelled out correctly. Check the version you are using Skype programs: if it is outdated, install the updates. Try to find the Skype user again.

You can find a person in the Skype service only if you have the necessary data. If you don't have them, use search engines Internet Yandex, Google and others. Perhaps you will find the name of an acquaintance, relative, friend, his last name or address.

More options for finding people in Skype

New Skype version does not have advanced search. This shortcoming can be compensated by using additional programs: Sendex, VKSkypes and others. You should first familiarize yourself with their capabilities.

If a certain program suits you, download it and use it, taking into account the recommendations given by the developer.


After reviewing the presented instructions and tips, each user will understand how to search for people on Skype. This will allow you to find any acquaintance, friend, relative, business partner with whom you want to establish communication. The service will open the possibility of exchanging messages or files, talking over audio or video communications.

Skype is very useful program to communicate with people via the Internet. It is not difficult to find the right person in it, because a convenient search functionality is available. But if you have mastered the program quite recently, or do not figure out where to find user search in the new interface, we will help you in this article.

On a note! It is important to say that there can be many versions of Skype. But we will consider only the versions for the computer and mobile phone. In any case, the program interface on all devices is approximately the same.

How to find a friend on classic Skype

After that, the application for adding to friends will be sent, it remains only to wait for confirmation, or immediately call and write to this person.

How to find a friend in the updated version of Skype

On a note! In the updated version of Skype on Windows 8/10, the procedure will be the same, but you need to send a short message so that your interlocutor appears in the contact list. You can also call, then he definitely will not disappear from your friends list.

Where can I find search data?

The right person, you need user data. In this chapter, we will tell you how to find them if you first encountered the Skype interface.

How to find a username

The easiest. Username is your first and last name that you provide when registering. Finding it is not difficult. It is enough to turn your gaze to the upper left side of the screen.

Skype user ID

This is usually the same as your username, the name you enter in the first field, before your login password.

How to find email on Skype profile

In the new version:

IN classic version:

Unfortunately, the email name cannot be found on an Android phone.

Didn't work and have problems?

Try to clarify the data with your friend, send him a link to our article so that he can find all the missing data. Or dictate your own.

Can't find the search string?

Yes, it's barely noticeable. On phones and tablets, it is usually located on top.

Search results not showing up?

You may have been given incorrect information. Or you have the search string configured incorrectly.

That's all. Now you can easily find any user on Skype and talk, chat anywhere in the world where the Internet is available.

Video - How to find a person on Skype
