How to fix connection without access to the Internet. Ways to solve Wi-Fi (Internet) connection problems

In this article, we will deal with a fairly common problem when connecting to wi-fi - " unidentified network without Internet access" or " network without internet access". Starting with the seventh generation of Windows, the operating system itself checks network connections and, if there are problems with accessing the Internet, signals an error. The connection error message appears instantly as soon as the operating system detects that there is a problem.

When the message appears - error: " unidentified network without internet access" or " network without internet access» users decide to seek help from specialists, do not rush, we will try to independently carry out work on connection fixes.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the IPv6 protocol is actively popularized, but compared to other protocols networks, the number of users whose equipment works with its application is still extremely small. Therefore, in this article, we will consider the features of restoring access to the Internet, where the IPv4 protocol is used.

Important: Determine the cause of the malfunction, then solve the problem

What are the reasons for the error?

The main reasons for which there may be problems with access to the Internet. The most common are the following:

  • problems with the Internet provider;
  • user equipment (router) is configured incorrectly;
  • OS reinstallation
  • network protocols are not working correctly.

Problems on the provider's side

Important: Make sure that the services of the Internet provider are paid, because. due to late payment, access to the network may be limited.

It happens that a few days ago a laptop or computer was working properly, but during the next turn on, this error appeared. If before that the system functioned properly, and there were no complaints about it, most likely an error wifi without internet access appeared because of the provider. Before trying to do anything yourself, we strongly recommend that you contact a support representative. Practice shows that most often the error pops up during technical work, in the absence of a sufficient amount on a personal account, or the data transmission line is damaged.

It is quite possible that the support service will answer that everything is working for them now without problems. In this case, you will have to check the network, and if errors are found, try to configure the network yourself. In this case, the Internet provider will offer the help of a full-time specialist.

Physical connection and problems with it

Important: Check the connection of the provider's cable to the router, whether it is connected correctly. The cable must be firmly connected to the WAN connector until it clicks.

One of the common reasons, why does not it work connection to the Internet, is a bad connection of the contacts in the connectors, or a damaged network cable. If children or pets live in the house, the likelihood of encountering a similar problem increases significantly. Even if you use a router, do not forget that a cable connects to it. Make sure the wiring is intact. A strong inflection is capable of provoking a lack of connection. Look at the density of the plugs in the sockets, and whether they are really inserted in the right place.

Checked the wiring, plugs and sockets, but the problem persists? In that case, let's move on.

We are looking for a connection problem in equipment: router, computer, laptop

Router address: Start ˃˃ System-Windows ˃˃ Command line ˃˃ Enter ipconfig.exe

Reboot the router with the computer

Important: Routers, PCs and laptops can freeze from time to time.

Knowing about the problem of "hanging" and when an error occurs - " unidentified network without internet access» you need to reboot the hardware and try connect again. I do this: turn off the computer, laptop in the usual way, then I reboot the router (you can just unplug the plug from the network and wait a minute, then plug the plug into the socket), then turn on the PC, and then, once the system has booted up, restart the PC again.

If the error has not disappeared, we connect directly to the computer by installing the Internet cable plug into the appropriate socket. If there is no result and the system writing without internet access Let's try to check the computer itself.

Checking your computer settings

Error - " unidentified network"may appear due to an incorrectly configured configuration network connection, or if changes were made to the network settings, after reinstalling the OS: a problem with the correctness of the IP address

Check algorithm:

IPv4 double click with the left mouse button

Let's try both options:

  1. Obtain an IP address and DNS automatically
  2. Set static (manually set) IP and DNS settings
    1. IP address -
    2. Default Gateway -
    3. The subnet mask is
    4. Preferred DNS -
    5. Alternate DNS -

If the item responsible for the system to receive the settings on its own is not checked, check it and save the changes. Often, after this, the error of an unidentified network without access to the Internet disappears, and the connection is restored. If not, continue checking.

How to find out the network address of a computer - IPv4

Click right click mouse on the connection, then go to the "Status" line, select the "Details" menu. The new window will contain several lines - in our case, an IPv4 address is required. The numeric value starting with 192.168 and following is the address of your network.

network address computer IPv4

Another way:

Start ˃˃ System-Windows ˃˃ Command Prompt ˃˃ Enter ipconfig.exe

Windows command line, ipconfig.exe command

Android users sometimes experience that the connected Wi-Fi is not working. You can fix this problem yourself, in most cases it is solved very quickly.

Why is the connected network not working

There are several options for why a connected Wi-Fi network does not work on a phone or tablet. But before trying to fix Android, you need to make sure that there are no problems with the Internet itself. Firstly, check if it is paid, and secondly, try to connect to the same network using any other device. If the problem occurs there, then the problem is in the router or there are errors on the provider's side.

If it does not work on only one device, then follow all the steps below one by one. The reason may lie in lost settings, the wrong type of encryption, incorrect date, or a broken Wi-Fi module.


If it is not known why the network is not working, then use all the instructions in turn. They are arranged in ascending order of difficulty: from the easiest and fastest method to complex options that are extremely rare.

Reboot devices

First of all, reboot the router itself, check if the network on the device will work after that. After that, restart the device itself and try to connect again. These steps will restart all processes, maybe this will help them work properly.

Turning the router off and on again

Reconnecting to the network

  1. From your phone or tablet settings, select the WLAN block.

    Open the WLAN section

  2. Find the network with which you are having problems in the list, click on it.

    Click on desired network

  3. Click the "Forget" or "Delete" button. The device will forget that it had access to this network.

    Click the "Delete" button

  4. Click on the network again, enter the password if it is set. Done, check if the error is gone.

    Enter the password and connect to the network

Signal boost

The network will not work if the device is far from the router. Since the signal is getting weaker with every meter, it can happen that the signal strength in your location is enough to connect to the network, but the speed will be so terribly slow, almost imperceptible. Move the device closer to the router or, conversely, the router closer to the device.

Setting the correct date

Due to a date mismatch between the device and the server that processes Internet requests, problems can occur. Therefore, it is necessary to set the correct date and time:

Broadcast channel replacement

If there are many devices in the room, then each of them will distribute some kind of signal on a specific channel. The intersection of channels will create interference that will lead to problems with the Wi-Fi network.

Perhaps for security reasons, the developers of your android versions blocked connections to networks using an outdated type of encryption. You need to install the most modern look AES encryption. To do this, log into the router management interface again and go to the password and security settings. Select WPA2-PSK and automatic encryption type. Reboot the router and try to connect from the device to the network.

Choose the WPA2-PSK value

Is there a web authorization

If the problem occurs only with public networks (for example, at a train station or in a cafe), then it is worth checking if web authorization is used. In some cases, to prohibit access to the network, not a password is used, but a method in which everyone can connect to the network, but only registered users can download anything through it. To check for web authorization, open any tab in any browser. If a page appears on the screen that requires you to enter a login, email or password, then you will have to log in to gain access to the Internet. Sometimes registration is paid or is associated with some other conditions.

Deactivate automatic IP selection

By default, the IP address is selected automatically and changed statically. Maybe with your network it's better to be well defined. To set the IP, follow these steps:

  1. While in the WLAN section (list of Wi-Fi networks), hold down the desired network for a couple of seconds and select the "Change network" function.

    Click the "Change network" button

  2. Go to advanced settings.

    Expand the "Advanced settings" block

  3. Set IP Setting to Custom.

    Set the value to "Custom"

  4. Enter the value 192.168.1.y, where y is any number except 1, since it is already taken by the router. Save changes and reconnect to the network.

    Setting up another DNS server

    The network depends on the DNS server. Your device may not be able to work with certain servers, so we will replace the default server with public ones Google servers, they are free. Being in advanced settings networks (how to get into them is described in the previous paragraph), set the static selection of an IP address, and set the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the main and backup DNS servers to and, respectively. Save changes and try to connect to the network again.

    We prescribe the value and

    What to do if nothing helped

    If none of the above methods helped you fix the problem, then try to look for the cause in the router itself or contact the operator's technical support, it is likely that the error occurs on their side. If you are sure that the reason is in the device itself, there is only one thing left - to reset the settings to factory settings. Please note that resetting will result in the loss of all data stored in the device’s memory, so save them in advance on another medium. To perform a reset, go to the "Backup and reset" block in the device settings, and then click on the "Reset" button and go through the procedure.

    Click on the "Reset" button and complete the process

    If Android connects to Wi-Fi, but does not download anything through this network, you need to restart the router, device, reconnect, change IP and DNS settings. The most faithful, but at the same time radical method- reset settings. If this does not help, the Wi-Fi module is broken.

If your desktop computer or laptop is connected to the Internet, then such an unpleasant moment may come when you lose access to the network, and the network connections icon in the notification area will be crossed out with a red cross. Hovering over it will display a message explaining everything "No available connections» . This happens especially often when using a Wi-Fi adapter. Let's find out how to solve a similar problem if you are using a Windows 7 PC.

There are quite a few reasons that can cause the problem we are studying:

  • The real lack of available networks;
  • Failure of a Wi-Fi adapter, router or modem;
  • PC hardware failure (for example, failure of network card);
  • Software failure;
  • Lack of up-to-date drivers;
  • Damage operating system;
  • Virus.

We will not talk in detail about such a banal reason as the real lack of available networks. This is “treated” only by returning to the Internet accessibility zone or changing the connection method to the one that operates in the area. It also makes no sense to talk a lot about hardware malfunctions. They are eliminated either by a hardware repairman or by replacing a failed part or equipment (Wi-Fi adapter, network card, router, modem, etc.). But we will just talk about the other causes and how to eliminate them in detail.

Method 1: Standard Diagnostics

First of all, if you experience the error discussed in this article, follow a few simple steps:

  • Pull out the Wi-Fi adapter from the computer, and then plug it back in;
  • Reboot the router (it is better to do this by completely de-energizing it, that is, you need to pull the plug out of the socket);
  • Make sure you have the Wi-Fi hardware switch enabled if you are using a laptop. It turns on at different models laptops different ways: either by using a special switch on the case, or by using a specific key combination (for example, Fn+F2).

If none of the above helped, then it makes sense to perform a standard diagnostic procedure.

Unfortunately, this method helps in a rather limited number of cases. Therefore, if using it you were unable to fix the problem, then proceed to the following methods, which are described below.

Method 2: Turn on the network connection

It is likely that the cause of the error may be disconnecting the connection in the network connections section "Control Panels". Then you need to activate the corresponding object.

  1. Click "Start" and open "Control Panel".
  2. Skip to section "Network and Internet".
  3. Go to "Network Control Center...".
  4. In the left part of the window that appears, click on the inscription "Change adapter settings".
  5. The window that appears shows all the settings configured for this computer network connections. Find an object that is relevant to you and take a look at its status. If set to "Disabled", you need to activate the connection. Click on the object with the right mouse button ( PKM) and select "Turn on".
  6. After the connection is activated, the problem described in this article is likely to be resolved.

Method 3: Remove the adapter from Device Manager

If you connect to the Internet through a Wi-Fi adapter, then one of the ways to solve the problem is to turn it off in "Device Manager" and then reactivate.

  1. Go to "Control Panel" the method discussed in the description Method 2 and then open the section "System and safety".
  2. Click on the one posted in the group "System" element "Device Manager".
  3. will start "Device Manager". In the opened list of equipment types, click on "Network Adapters".
  4. In the drop-down list, find the name of the equipment that you use to connect to the Internet. Click on it PKM. Carefully study the context menu that appears. If it contains an item "Engage", click on it. This will be enough and all further actions described in this method, you will not need to perform. The device was simply turned off, and now you have turned it on.

    If there is no specified item, then this means that the device may not work properly. Therefore, it must be temporarily deactivated, and then enabled. Click to context menu "Delete".

  5. A dialog box will open warning that the device will now be removed from the system. Confirm your actions by clicking OK.
  6. The procedure for deleting the selected device will be performed.
  7. After that, in the horizontal menu, click "Action", and then from the list that opens, click "Update Configuration...".
  8. It will search for devices connected using the technology "Plug and Play". The network adapter will be reconnected and the drivers for it will be reinstalled.
  9. Next, restart your PC. Perhaps after that the error with the availability of connections will disappear.

Method 4: Reinstalling drivers

One of the reasons for the error we are studying is that the system has incorrect or outdated drivers network adapter. Most often, it occurs when you first connect the device or after reinstalling the OS. Then the drivers should be replaced with the current analogue. It is advisable to use exactly those copies that were supplied on a CD-ROM or other media along with the device itself. If you do not have such media, you can download the desired object from the official website of the adapter manufacturer. Using similar software from other sources does not guarantee a solution to the problem.

  1. Go to "Device Manager", using the same algorithm of actions as in the previous method. Open section again "Network adapters" and click PKM by name desired device. In the list that appears, select "Update Drivers...".
  2. Next, the shell for choosing the update method is activated. Choose an option "Search for drivers...".
  3. In the window that opens, you must specify the media and directory for the location of the drivers to be installed. To do this, click "Review…".
  4. The shell opens "Browse folders". Here you need to specify the folder or media (for example, a CD / DVD-ROM) where the drivers supplied with the device or pre-loaded from the official site are located. After selecting a directory, press OK.
  5. After the directory address is displayed in the driver search window, you can proceed to install them by clicking the button "Further", but before that, make sure that opposite the parameter "Including subfolders" checkbox has been set.
  6. The necessary drivers will be installed, and the problem of not being able to connect to the Internet will probably disappear.

But what if for some reason you do not have the driver media that came with the device, and the official website of the company is down? In this case there is additional features install required drivers, although they are recommended to be used only in the most extreme cases, since they are not 100% guaranteed to ensure the relationship between the OS and the adapter. You can use the following options:

If your Internet does not start at all, then the search and download will have to be performed from another device.

Method 5: Enable the service

If you are using Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet, the problem we are investigating may be due to a disconnection of the service "WLAN auto-configuration". Then it needs to be activated.

  1. Go to section "Control Panels" entitled "System and safety". This is discussed in the description Method 3. Click name "Administration".
  2. In the list of system tools that opens, select "Services".

    "Service Manager" can be activated in another way. To do this, type Win+R and enter in the displayed area:

    Then apply click on the button OK.

  3. "Service Manager" will be opened. To find an element faster "WLAN AutoConfig Service", build all services in alphabetical order by clicking on the column name "Name".
  4. Find the name desired service. If the status is not set opposite its name "Works", then you need to activate it. Double click on her name with the left mouse button.
  5. The service properties window opens. If in the field "Startup Type" set value "Disabled", in which case click on it.
  6. A drop-down list will open where you need to select "Automatically". Then click "Apply" And OK.
  7. After returning to the main interface "Service Manager" highlight the name "WLAN AutoConfig Service", and on the left side of the shell, click "Run".
  8. The service will be activated.
  9. After that, the status will be displayed opposite its name. "Works" and the problem with the lack of connections will be solved.

Method 6: System File Checker

If none of these methods helped, then there is a possibility that the integrity of the system files was violated. In this case, it is necessary to perform an appropriate check, followed by recovery in case of problems.

  1. click "Start" and choose "All programs".
  2. Open folder "Standard".
  3. Find the element with the name "Command line". Make a click on it PKM. From the list of options that appears, stop on running as administrator.
  4. opens "Command line". Type into its interface:

    Then click Enter.

  5. The System Element Integrity Scan procedure will be launched. Information about the dynamics of its passage will be displayed immediately in the window "Command line" in percentage terms. During the execution of the specified process, you should not close the current window, but you can minimize it. If violations are detected in the structure, the procedure for restoring missing or damaged files will be automatically performed.
  6. If, after the scanning procedure is completed, a message appears informing you that recovery is impossible, repeat the entire process again, but this time you will need to start the OS in "Safe Mode" .

Method 7: Eliminate viruses

The reason for the problem of the lack of available networks may be infection of the computer with a virus. Some malicious programs specifically disable Internet access so that the user cannot use external help to remove them, while others simply arbitrarily “kill” or modify system files, which leads to the same result.

To remove malicious code, it makes no sense to use a regular antivirus, since it has already missed the threat, which means it will not react to the virus, and may also be infected by this time. Therefore, we recommend using specialized anti-virus utilities that do not require installation. One of the best programs of this class is Dr.Web CureIt . It is best to check from another device or when starting from a LiveCD/USB. Only in this way can you ensure the maximum probability of detecting a threat.

If antivirus utility discover malicious code, then in this case, follow the tips that will be displayed in its interface. There is a possibility that the virus has already damaged system files. Then, after its elimination, it is necessary to carry out an appropriate check, considered in the description Method 6.

As you can see, the source of the problem with the availability of connections, and hence with the performance of the Internet, can be a lot of different factors. They can be both external (real lack of a network) and internal (various failures), be caused by both software and hardware components of the system. Of course, before fixing the problem, it is recommended to establish its exact root cause, but, unfortunately, this is not always possible. In this case, simply use the methods described in this article, each time checking whether the malfunction has been eliminated or not.

Internet connection loss is topical issue for any PC user. There can be many reasons for this, both hardware, for example, a cable break, and software type, for example, wrong setting router.

Most of the problems with connecting to the global network can be solved on your own, and the other part needs to be able to be correctly diagnosed in order to give specialists the most when contacting technical support. full information by fault. This article will help you understand the intricacies of these processes.

Signs of not connecting

You can determine that there is no Internet connection by the following signs:

This is far from full list signs, but they are the most informative. The presence of any item means that there is a problem with the Internet connection.

Determination of the cause

The first step in dealing with network access restriction is to find the cause of the problem.

First of all, if you access the Internet through a router installed at home, you should check its performance, namely:

When using Wi-Fi, you need to check the operation of the adapter wireless network your device by connecting to the hotspot of another computer, or mobile phone. If you are using the Internet connection special utility from the provider, then to check it is required to reinstall it.

In cases where there is a connection, but there is no Internet, you will most likely have to contact the service technical support service provider, since this situation often occurs when cable breaks, malfunctions network equipment provider or blocking access to global network due to late payment.

Using Standard Tools

Windows 7 and other operating systems in the line have tools to automatically fix network problems. To access them, right-click on the network connection icon (lower right corner of the display) and select "Connection Diagnostics". After that, the process of checking and correcting connection errors will start, and then a report of the results will be displayed on the screen.

If the previous procedure did not help and you still do not have Internet, then you should check the connections between the computer, the router and the provider's cable, then restart the router and PC. This sequence of actions is also relevant if the network is accessed through a Wi-Fi router.

A more radical, but publicly available method of restoring the router's performance is to reset its settings using a special depressed button on the case. It should be held for a few seconds, then the router will reboot to factory settings and will have to be reconfigured to work with your provider's network.

If you do not have access to information on how to perform this procedure, then if the router malfunctions, you should immediately contact the technical support of the Internet provider.

Changing the way you connect to the network

If the modem does not work, then you can try to connect the PC to the Internet directly. It is required to connect the input cable directly to the network card of the computer and change the method for obtaining the IP address to automatic, for this:

Manual connection setup

If the procedure described above helps and the Internet appears, then the DHCP server may not be enabled on your router and because of this there is no connection on the PC. Especially often this problem occurs with new routers. It is quite possible to bypass it without configuring the settings of the modem itself. To do this, you need to manually enter the IP address for the computer's network card.

We register the IP address - video instruction:

This is done in the same "Properties" dialog of the network adapter parameters. Access to this window is described in the previous section of the article. Only now you need to put markers in front of the fields "Use the following IP address" and "Use the following DNS server addresses". Enter in the IP address field, in the mask line, and in the gateway. As DNS servers you can specify public Google addresses-, or Yandex -

Change modem IP address

Internet identification will not occur due to the same intranet IP addresses of the computer and router, so you need to be able to change this parameter in the modem settings. On common routers of the TP-LINK line, this operation is performed according to the following algorithm:

MAC address change

The MAC address is a unique identifier for any device on the Internet, and if two computers with the same MAC are connected to the network, one of them will lose connection. Problems can arise both because of the poppy of the PC network card, and because of the address of the router.

Change algorithm given parameter in the router depends on its brand. So for the ASUS modem, you need to go to its settings through the browser, open the "IPConfig" tab and click on the "WAN & LAN" section. Then you should find the MAC entry at the bottom of the dialog that opens and fix it. Then click on the "Apply" button and reboot the device.

MAC editing on a computer under Windows control 8 and 7 is possible according to the following algorithm:

  1. The first two positions of the address must not contain zeros.
  2. At the end of the sequence, put 2, 6, A, B, E.

Video instruction for changing the MAC address on a PC:

If these conditions are not met, the changes may not apply.

Contacting technical support

If, after all attempts to solve the problem on your own, there is still no connection to your Internet, then you should contact the technical support of the provider by phone.

The required number, as a rule, is indicated in the contract for the provision of communication services and consultations are carried out by all Internet traffic providers free of charge.

The practice of personally contacting Beeline and Rostelecom technical support shows that the call is answered quite quickly and quite competent specialists who will help you deal with cables, connections, router and computer settings, and tell you if there are problems with the network on the linear part.

If, however, the problem cannot be solved together with the operator, and you are still without access to the Internet, then the call will be directed to the narrow-profile engineers of the repair department.


Despite the fact that most of the problems can be solved on your own, contacting the technical support service will allow you to resolve the issue of what to do in the absence of the Internet as soon as possible and save a lot of nerve cells that are recovering so slowly. But if you like to configure and repair network equipment personally, then the recommendations in this article will help you in this matter.

In this article, we will consider a rather ambiguous problem: there is a network connection, but in the browser it is impossible to go to some web resource. It is true that sometimes a situation may arise in which it will be clearly indicated in the notification area that the user has access to the Internet, i.e. the connection icon is missing a red cross or yellow Exclamation point, but here the browser is persistently trying to prove the opposite to him, issuing various errors and notices about problems.

Reading these lines, you probably faced this strange problem yourself. Luckily, there are a number of methods you can use to try to fix this mess. It is also worth noting that this problem can occur on absolutely all versions of the operating system Windows systems, connection types and browsers, so no one is left behind. So, let's see what you can do if you have access to the network, but the browser refuses to work.

Well, as we said at the very beginning of the article, the problem is extremely ambiguous - and there can be a huge number of reasons behind it. However, we recommend that you simply follow a series of several solutions that will probably get you out of this not so clear situation. Let's see what you can do...

Change the network connection's DNS server address

The very first thing to try is to use a different DNS server to see if the problem lies with yours provided by the ISP. The thing is that sometimes the provider's DNS server may experience some problems during its operation, as a result of which the connection to the network technically remains, but it becomes impossible to switch to any web resource. As a rule, providers solve such problems extremely quickly, however, you can check this probability simply by using the services of Google's public DNS servers.

How to do it? You just need to change the DNS server address for your network connection and you're done. This is done in an elementary way (the steps were taken on the example of Windows 10, but you can use them for other versions of the system):

  • right-click on the network connection icon in the notification area and select "Open "Network and Internet Settings"";
  • then click on the option "Configure adapter settings";
  • find yours in the new window network connection(adapter) and double-click on it with the left mouse button to go to the properties;
  • then click on the "Properties" button;
  • select "IP version 4" or "IP version 6" (depending on the type of your network connection) and click the "Properties" button;
  • check the box "Use the following DNS server addresses";
  • put the address for the main and for an alternative DNS server;
  • save your changes.

After changing your network connection settings, try to go to your browser and go to some web resource. As a rule, this problem still occurs due to a temporarily idle provider's DNS server, which, as you already know, can be easily bypassed.

Well, did you manage to fix the problem? If not, then let's move on. And then we have another solution that concerns DNS.

Clear the DNS cache on your computer

You may have lost the ability to navigate to web resources through a browser due to the DNS cache that has accumulated on your system. This sometimes happens - and this problem is solved with a simple command entered in the system console.

So, to flush the DNS resolver cache, you need to do the following:

  • press the key combination Windows+X;
  • opening the console, enter the command in it ipconfig/flushdns and press Enter;
  • wait for the command to complete and close the console.

Open your browser and try visiting a website. If the result is zero, then try restarting the computer after executing the command, and then check the browser again. Didn't work - move on.

Disabling the proxy server in the connection settings

Another reason why you might have difficulty navigating to various resources on the network is the activated function to use a proxy server for local connections. You may have enabled this feature yourself, or some application on your system may have done it. One way or another, you need to check if it is enabled. To do this, do the following:

  • click Windows+S;
  • enter in the search engine "Control Panel" and select the found element of the system;
  • open the "Browser Options" section in the panel;
  • go to the "Connections" tab and click on the "Network settings" button;
  • if there is a checkmark next to the option “Use a proxy server for local connections (does not apply to dial-up or VPN connections)”, then uncheck it and save the changes made;
  • restart your computer.

If for some reason you really had the specified function activated, then by disabling it, open the browser and check if you can go to some page on the network.

Reset your network connection settings

Who knows, maybe something has been changed in the settings of your network connection, after which you can no longer use it normally to access the Internet. Fortunately, you can easily reset these settings with a few commands. To apply them, you need to do the following:

  • press the key combination Windows+X;
  • select "Command Prompt (Admin)";
  • Having opened the console, enter the following set of commands into it:
    • ipconfig /flushdns
    • ipconfig /registerdns
    • ipconfig /renew
    • ipconfig /release
  • When you have finished entering the commands, restart your computer.

Open your browser again and check if everything is in place. As a rule, by this point, many users manage to fix the problem. However, if you didn’t succeed, then we have one last piece of advice for you: use some kind of antivirus and scan the system for viruses. Yes, if you have not been able to use your network connection normally, then most likely some kind of virus that has entered the system is involved here.

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