Presentation on the operating system ms dos. Presentation on computer science on the topic "MS-DOS Commands" (1 course)

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Operating system MS-DOS Start learning All rights reserved  Igor Shatalov 2005

Introduction to MS-DOS MS-DOS is a disk operating system. A disk operating system is a set of programs that supplement the hardware capabilities of a computer and control the operation of hardware and application programs. The main reason for the need for an operating system is that elementary operations for working with computer devices and managing computer resources are very low-level operations, so the actions that a user and application programs need consist of several hundred or thousands of such elementary operations. The operating system hides these complex and unnecessary details from the user and provides him with a convenient interface for work. It also performs various auxiliary actions, such as copying or printing files. The operating system loads into RAM all programs, transfers control to them at the beginning of their work, executes various activities at the request of running programs and releases the RAM occupied by programs when they complete. to the plan

Purpose of MS-DOS Management of devices that are part of the computer Management of computer resources (RAM, disk space, etc.) Starts application programs for execution Provides a convenient way for the user and application programs to communicate with computer devices Carries out a dialogue between the user and the computer Go to plan

Composition of MS-DOS The basic input-output system BIOS, located in the permanent memory of the computer. This part of the operating system is "built into" the computer. Its purpose is to perform the simplest and most versatile operating system services associated with I/O. The basic input-output system also contains a test of the functioning of the computer, which checks the operation of the memory and devices of the computer when it is turned on. In addition, the basic input-output system contains a program to call the boot loader of the operating system. The operating system loader is very short program, found in the first sector of every DOS diskette. The function of this program is to read two more operating system modules into memory, which complete the DOS boot process. On a hard disk (hard drive), the operating system loader consists of two parts. This is due to the fact that HDD can be divided into several partitions (logical drives). The first part of the bootloader is in the first sector hard drive, it selects which hard drive partition to continue booting from. The second part of the bootloader is located in the first sector of this partition, it reads DOS modules into memory and transfers control to them. Disk IO files. SYS and MSDOS. SYS. They are loaded into memory by the operating system loader and remain permanently in the computer's memory. io file. SYS is an addition to the basic I/O system in ROM. The MSDOS.SYS file implements the basic high-level DOS services. The DOS command processor processes commands entered by the user. The command processor is located in the COMMAND disk file. COM on the disk from which the operating system is loaded. to the plan

MS-DOS booting A slight, steady noise from the fan cooling the components is a sign that the computer is starting up after the power is turned on. system block. Next, the bootstrap procedure is divided into three steps. Immediately after turning on the power, a special block of the built-in basic input-output system (BIOS) starts working, which carries out the procedure for checking (testing) the main hardware components of the computer - the microprocessor, video system, keyboard, disks and RAM. The results of this test appear on the screen in the form of successive diagnostic messages that do not require any user response. Along the way, you can hear clicks, buzzing, creaking emitted by the equipment being tested. If errors are found at this stage, a corresponding message appears on the screen, sound signal, and this is where the machine ends. If the hardware check is successful, the BIOS reads a small program from disk into memory - the operating system loader or boot block (BNZ). This block is always written to the first sector of any disk in advance, when formatting it, regardless of whether this disk will be used as a system disk or not. The only function of this program is to find two files with the operating system in a certain (known to it) place on the disk, read them into memory and transfer control to them. During boot MS-DOS uses two text files special purpose- CONFIG. SYS (configuration) and AUTOEXEC . BAT( automatic execution). These files must be located in the root directory of the drive from which the system boots. At the last stage of loading, the command processor COMMAND is read into memory. com. This processor executes all commands from the AUTOEXEC file. BAT , the last of which is usually a call to Norton Commander . The familiar NC panels and the MS-DOS prompt with a blinking cursor appear on the screen. The system is ready to receive user commands. C:\> _ To plan

MS-DOS Internal and External Commands Some user commands, such as Type , Dir , or Copy, are executed by the shell itself. Such commands are called internal. To execute the remaining (external) user commands, the command processor searches the disks for a program with the appropriate name, and if it finds it, it loads it into memory and transfers control to it. At the end of the program, the command processor removes the program from memory and displays a message about the readiness to execute commands (DOS prompt). External DOS commands are programs that come with the operating system as separate files. These programs perform maintenance activities, such as formatting floppy disks, checking disks, and so on. to the plan

Working with directories and files Changing the current directory is done by typing the name of the drive, then a colon: A: or C: or D:, etc. Change current directory: cd [ drive: ] path Change to root directory: cd\ Change to parent directory: cd.. Forward C:\>A: A:\>D: D:>\ C:\>CD C:WINDOWS \MEDIA C:\>WINDOWS\MEDIA C:\>WINDOWS\MEDIA CD\ C:\> C:\>WINDOWS\MEDIA CD.. C:\>WINDOWS

Working with Directories and Files Directory browsing: dir [ drive: ] [ path\ ] [ filename ] You can use the characters * and ? in the file name. If the file name is not specified, then the entire table of contents of the directory is displayed, otherwise only information about given file or group of files. If no drive or path is specified in the command, the current drive and current directory are assumed. Next C:\Gmouse>dir The volume in device C is labeled MASTER Serial number volumes: 1A12-140D The contents of the C:\Gmouse folder. 11/17/03 02:20 PM 11/17/03 02:20 PM GNETCPL DLL 184 320 10/04/00 05:54 PM GNETSCRL DLL 73 728 10/03/00 05:25 PM GNETMOUS EXE 131 072 10/03/00 05:23 PM SCROLL06. 15:34 SCROLL HLP 25 454 04/06/00 15:34 SCROLL GID 10 843 10/03/00 18:12 UNINST 11/17/03 14:20 README TXT 4 614 10/09/00 15:27 7 files 430 804 bytes 3 folders, 3 785 60 MB free C:\Gmouse>dir /w Volume in device C is labeled MASTER Volume serial number: 1A12-140D Folder content C:\Gmouse [.] [..] GNETCPL.DLL GNETSCRL.DLL GNETMOUS.EXE SCROLL.CNT SCROLL.HLP SCROLL.GID README.TXT 7 files 430,804 bytes 3 folders 3,777.60 MB free C:\Gmouse> The parameter sets the display of the table of contents by screen. The parameter specifies to display only information about the names of files in the directory.

Working with directories and files Create a directory: md [ drive: ] [ path\ ] directory-name Destroy an empty directory: rd [ drive: ] [ path\ ] directory-name Create text files: copy con file-name At the end of each line you need press the key (Enter), and after the last - press the key (F6) and then (Enter). View text files: type [ drive: ] [ path\ ] filename Forward C:\>md c:\proba C:\> C:\>rd c:\proba C:\> C:\>copy con primer .txt pervaya stroka vtoraya stroka konec^Z 1 files copied to C:\>type primer.txt pervaya stroka vtoraya stroka konec

Working with directories and files Renaming files: ren [ drive: ] [ path\ ] filename filename The first filename in the command specifies the name of the renamed file, the second specifies the new filename. Deleting files: del [ drive: ] [ path\ ] filename Copying files: copy filename filename copy filename [ directoryname ] If no filename is given in the second parameter, the filenames are not changed during copying. If a filename is given in the second parameter of the command, then it specifies the new name of the copied file. C:\>ren primer.txt tekst.txt C:\>del tekst.txt C:\>copy autoexec.bat avtoexec.bat 1 files copied C:\>dir a*.bat Volume in device C is labeled MASTER Serial volume number: 1A12-140D Folder contents C:\ AUTOEXEC BAT 161 11/25/03 18:52 AUTOEXEC.BAT AVTOEXEC BAT 161 11/25/03 18:52 avtoexec.bat 2 files 322 bytes 0 folders 3,773.19 MB free C:\ > Go to plan

Dictionary Driver is a special program that controls the device connected to the computer. The filename consists of its own filename and extension, separated by a dot. The file name itself contains 1 to 8 characters, and the extension 1 to 3 characters. An interface is a way for a person to communicate with a computer. A directory is a named group of files on a floppy or hard disk. Resident programs are programs that reside permanently in the computer's RAM (operating shells, device drivers, etc.). A file is a named collection of bytes written to disk. This collection does not necessarily occupy a contiguous area of ​​memory on the disk. The file system of a computer is a collection of logical drives and directories that contain individual files. Back

Glossary (continued) What is CONFIG . SYS and AUTOEXEC . BAT? 1) CONFIG. SYS contains directives and commands designed to: a) load device and memory drivers; b) setting some system parameters (for example, the number of buffers and the number of buffers simultaneously open files); c) system optimization (RAM allocation, disk data compression, disk caching). CONFIG directives. SYS are executed by the system before the COMMAND is loaded. com. 2) AUTOEXEC . BAT contains commands that you think the system should run at the start of each session. In principle, these commands can also be entered manually. Any of the CONFIG files. SYS and AUTOEXEC . BAT may be missing, in which case the system settings are set by default. Back

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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User interface An interface is a junction of two dissimilar elements of a system that ensures their interaction. Note: It can be two devices or a PC and a user. The OS defines the user interface and computing system The interface is software and hardware.

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File Format Files can store different kinds information: text, graphics, programs, etc. The content of files is determined by their format. A file format is a language element that symbolically describes the representation of information in a file. used to characterize a file. following options: Full filename; file size in bytes; file creation date; file creation time; file attributes: R (Read Only) - read only; H (Hidden) - hidden; S (System) - system; A (Archive) - archival. The concept of a logical disk is closely related to a file. The logical disk is created and managed special program(driver). It can be created on a hard disk, on a floppy disk, on a CD, in RAM. A logical drive can have a unique name in the form of a single Latin letter. A hard drive can have multiple logical drives.

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MS - DOS prompt to work When DOS is ready to work, it issues a prompt as a signal of readiness, which appears in the command line at the bottom of the screen. The DOS prompt contains information about the current drive and directory. For example: A:\> - root directory on drive A: C:\ TEXT\> - drive C:, TEXT directory

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Methods of user dialogue with MS - DOS In the MS DOS system, the user communicates with the operating command in the form of commands. A command is a string of characters entered by the user in response to an MS DOS prompt that tells the operating system what action it should take.

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<команда> [<имя1> ...<имя N>/K1...KN ] General form commands Command name Keys A DOS command consists of the command name and possibly options, separated by spaces. Command entry is completed by pressing the key. Enter  Files (directories)<команда>/? – command help output The system does not distinguish between lowercase and uppercase letters.

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Command Entry Rules An MS-DOS command is always followed by a space followed by one or more parameters. Parameters are set via /(Slash). Commands and parameters can be entered in both upper and lower case, or combinations of both. You cannot use specification and file separators if a colon or space is already present there. If no parameters are specified, then default parameters (Default) are used. When prompted by the system “Press any key” – (press any key), the user must press an alphabetic or numeric key or Enter. DOS prompt C:\> C - drive C: - logical drive \ - root directory Designations used when entering commands: - logical device name - path - name of files or directory

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SYSTEM COMMANDS Internal (resident) Included in the command processor External (transitive) Stored in separate files

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Internal Commands Command to display directory contents: dir Command to change current directory: cd Command to create directory: md Command to delete empty directory: rd Command to clear monitor screen: cls Command to delete file: del filename or erase Rename file: ren Display DOS version: ver Output disc label: vol Enter current date: date Enter current time: time

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External commands Set file attribute command: ATTRIB File copy command: COPY File concatenation (merge): COPY Create or update a label on a disk or diskette: LABEL Display all directory paths and list shared files: TREE Content output command text file to the screen: Type Deleting a directory tree (with files): DELTREE Exit from the DOS shell: EXIT Paging command for displaying information on the screen: MORE

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Programs and utilities MS - DOS Hard drive configuration program for MS - DOS: FDISK Logical disk formatting program: FORMAT Transfer utility program system files to disk: SYS Program for editing input commands: DOSKEY.COM Command for moving files or directories to another directory: MOVE Program for checking and repairing disks: SCANDISK Program for checking the structure of files and directories, file allocation tables, displays disk statistics: CHKDSK Program for eliminating file fragmentation and optimization of information placement on the hard disk: DEFRAG Accidentally deleted file recovery program: UNDELETE File recovery program after formatting: UN FORMAT Program used memory display: MEM

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Working with files and directories in DOS Creating text files copy con After that, the lines of the file are entered one by one. At the end of each line, the Enter key is pressed. After finishing typing the file, press the F6 key or the key combination Ctrl + Z and then Enter. I file(s) copied (one file is copied) A message will be displayed on disk, a file with the specified name will appear. Displaying the contents of a text file on the Type screen Example: Type primer.txt - view the contents of the primer.txt file

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Deleting del files Example: del*.bak - delete all files with extension .bak from current directory del text1.doc - delete file text1.doc from current directory del*.* - delete all files from directory Rename files ren The first parameter specifies the name of the file to be renamed, and the second parameter specifies the new file name. Example: ren*.doc*.txt – rename all files with the .doc extension in the current directory ren a.1 b.2 – rename file a.1 to b.2

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copy files copy or Example: copy\text\.doc docum.txt - copies the text.doc file to the docum.txt file copy a:\*.* - copies all files from the root directory of drive a:\ to the current directory copy\text\* .doc a:\*.txt – copies all files with .doc extension from the text directory of the current drive to the root directory of drive a: with .txt extension copy text.doc prn – print text.doc file

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Move files< Name файла>< Name каталога>move< Name файла>:<новое Name файла>Examples Move\text\*doc a: - transfers files with extension .doc to disk and Move/y*.doc text - transfers files of type .doc d to directory text on the same disk. Files with the same name as those being forwarded will be replaced without warning. Connection (concatenation) of copy files +[]…Examples copy text1.doc prn + text2.doc text.doc - merges text1.doc and text2.doc into text.doc copy\text\*.txt a:\all.txt - merges the contents of all files in the text directory on the current drive to the all.txt file on disk a.

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Working with directories Changing drive Example: a: - change to drive a: b: - change to drive b: c: - change to drive c: To change the current drive, you only need to type the name of the drive that should become the current one. The drive is always indicated by a Latin letter with a colon after it. When switching to floppy or laserdisc drives, make sure they are inserted in the drives. Change current directory Cd : Path\ Examples Cd\ - go to the root directory of the current drive Cd\text\BM-000 - go to the text directory subdirectory BM-000

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Browse directory Dir[ ] By default, the Dir command for each file reports its name, extension, size in bytes, date and time of creation or update. Subdirectories are denoted

. The output format can be changed with parameters. Parameters: /P - on-screen output of the table of contents. When the screen fills up, DOS will wait for any key to be pressed, and then display the next page. /W - output data in a wide format: only file names are given, five names per line. /S Displays the table of contents for all directories. /B - displays file names in the usual format. Used for post-processing. Examples dir - display current directory table of contents dir /p - display current directory table of contents screen by screen dir c:\*.txt/s/b - display information about all files with .txt extension on drive C: display file names only dir> prn - display table of contents of the current catalog for printing

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Create a directory md Path\ Examples md text - create a subdirectory Text in the current directory md a:\diplom - create a subdirectory diplom in the root directory of drive a: Copy directory copy Path\ move <новое Name каталога >Renaming (moving) a directory Examples move a:\doc text – rename the doc directory on drive a: and give it the name: Text move curs diplom – rename the curs subdirectory in the current directory to the diplom subdirectory Examples Copy Text D:\DOCUMENT – copy the Text directory to the Document directory

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Deleting an empty directory Rd Path\ Examples rd text - deleting the Text subdirectory in the current directory rd a:\diplom - deleting the diplom subdirectory in the root directory of the drive which has no subdirectories or files. To remove non-empty directories, use the DelTree program (deleting a tree) Deltree or directory[Y] Examples deltree text - deleting the Text subdirectory in the current directory deltree a:\diplom - deleting the diplom subdirectory in the root directory of drive a: Deleting a non-empty directory

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Disadvantages of the MS Operating System - DOS MS-DOS works with 640 Kbytes of RAM. Does not allow you to work with downloadable drivers for various video cards. Single-tasking (starting several programs is not possible with switching between them). Interface command line provides only one line of the screen in which he can enter commands. Commands must be written in MS-DOS and must be memorized to work on this system.


The MS-DOS operating system was developed in 1974 by Microsoft. The first version of MS-DOS 1.0 was released in 1981, simultaneously with the first serial personal computer by IBM. In the future, the OS developed, new versions of it appeared. latest version MS-DOS 6.22.

The operating system performs the following tasks:

1) System resource management

2) Giving the user general control over the computer system

The operating system is stored on disks in the form of system files, and after the power is turned on, it is automatically loaded into the computer's memory, where it remains all the time while the computer is in operation.

Topic_ OS MS DOS


DOS consists of the following modules and programs:

1) Basic input-output system (BIOS - Basic

input/output system).

2) Bootstrap block ( BOOT RECORD).

3) Basic system expansion module I/O


4) Interrupt handler(MSDOS.SYS ).

5) command processor ( COMMAND.COM ).

6) data compression module ( DBLSPACE.BIN ).

7) DOS utilities (FORMAT.COM, FDISK.EXE, LABEL.EXE, etc.)

8) Loadable device drivers ( HIMEM.SYS,RAMDRIVE. SYS, etc.)


Topic_ OS MS DOS

1.1. BIOS

The BIOS has a special place. It can be considered as an integral part of the hardware on the one hand, it is software module DOS.

The BIOS performs tests on the main components of the machine after the power is turned on.

Second important function BIOS is to call the boot block loads from system disk into the memory of the bootstrap block, and then transfers control to it, which, in turn, loads all the other DOS modules.

Another important function of the BIOS is to service system interrupts. Interrupts are generated by both hardware and software to perform various operations.

1.2. Boot Record Block

The bootstrap block is a small program whose sole purpose is to read two DOS modules, IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS, into RAM. The boot block itself is always located in the same place - on the 0th side in the 1st sector of track number 00. The length of the Boot Record is 512 bytes, i.e. occupies only one sector.

Topic_ OS MS DOS

1.3. BIOS Expansion Module (IO.SYS)

The basic input/output system is a part of the OS that is not subject to change. Extending the BIOS with an optional DOS module gives the OS the flexibility to manage a set of additional devices.

This module can be modified to suit the requirements of the OS. Using this module allows you to connect new external devices - drivers.

Drivers allow the system to support new external devices and organize the work of those computer devices in a new way, when the exchange of information with them should occur differently than in the standard version of the OS.

About the need to connect drivers external devices, as well as changes to other DOS settings, are notified via the CONFIG.SYS file.

1.4. Interrupt handling module (MSDOS.SYS).

AT unlike the IO.SYS module, which works with low-level interrupts,(0h-20h) MSDOS.SYS module deals with high-level interrupts (21h-59h). It forms upper level system with which the vast majority of programs interact. This module provides work file system, I/O devices, handles special situations related to program termination and errors. The functions implemented by MSDOS.SYS are used both by the OS itself and by applications.

Topic_ OS MS DOS

1.5. Command Processor (COMMAND.COM)

Unlike IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS, the shell can take up any space on the disk and represents a normal program. The main functions of the command processor are as follows:

Reception and processing of commands entered by the user from the keyboard or received from batch file.

Execution of its internal (built-in) commands.

Display of diagnostic and emergency messages, etc.

The shell functions also include executing the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

The command processor can execute files with the extension .COM, .EXE, .BAT. Files of type .COM - small programs not larger than 64 KB and occupying 1 memory segment. .EXE files are the same programs, but without size restrictions. Files of type .BAT - batch (command) - they contain a set of OS commands.

1.7. Utilities

MS-DOS includes more than 70 utilities designed to perform various functions.

The most commonly used are FORMAT.COM, CHKDSK.EXE, SYS.COM, DISKCOPY.COM, as well as LABEL.EXE, TREE.COM, RESTORE.EXE, PRINT.EXE. In general, any program can play the role of a utility. The main purpose of the utilities is to perform tasks that cannot be included in the shell.

Topic_ OS MS DOS

1.8. Device drivers

Drivers allow you to expand the functions of standard PC devices or provide control of additional devices. On MS-DOS, the most commonly used drivers are HIMEM.SYS (XMS Memory Extension Management), SMARTDRV.EXE, RAMDRIVE.SYS and ANSI.SYS, etc.

1.9. System configuration files

The CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files are designed to create user-friendly interface. CONFIG.SYS contains DOS configuration directives. They are used to set OS parameters. If this file is missing, system configurations are set to default. In the CONFIG.SYS file

DEVICE directives are used to install additional drivers, LASTDRIVE to determine the number of logical drives, BUFFERS to increase the number of buffers, FILES to set maximum number simultaneously open files and SHELL to specify the location and name of the shell.

The AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains standard DOS commands as well as special batch file commands. This file starts automatically when the OS boots and is intended for auto start programs necessary for the user and (or)

operating system.



PROMPT $p$g Anti4us

Topic_ OS MS DOS


file system It is customary to call the organization of storing programs and data on computer disks.

A file is any sequence of data of a certain length that has a name.

The file can store text, program, numeric data, encoded graphic images. The length of files is measured in bytes.

The filename can:

have an extension of no more than 3 characters. Standard extensions:

program text in assembly language


program text in BASIC

program text in C language


data file

document, standard WORD file



program text in Pascal



text, etc.


It is forbidden to use device names and reserved DOS names as file names: AUX, CON, PRN, NUL, CLOCK$, COM1, COM2, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3.

Topic_ OS MS DOS

2.1. Catalogs

In the process of formatting (initializing) a disk, a directory called the root directory is created. The root directory file contains information about the files and directories stored on the disk. Each DOS directory entry is 32 bytes and stores:

- filename (8 bytes)

- name extension (3 bytes)

- file attribute binary code (1 byte)

- reserved field (10 bytes)

- file creation time code (2 bytes)

- number of the first cluster occupied by the file - FAT entry point (2 bytes)

- file size (4 bytes)

A tree-like directory structure is usually used to access hard drive data. The root directory contains subdirectories, which in turn may contain 2nd level subdirectories, etc. Subdirectories are stored in the parent directory as normal files. The difference between a subdirectory and a regular file is that bit 4 of the file attribute byte is set to 1, and the size field is set to 0. The size of a subdirectory is unlimited, which allows you to store any number of files in it. The first and second elements in the “File name” field have the value “.” and ". .”. The element “.” describes the subdirectory itself, while “. .” - parent directory

Topic_ OS MS DOS

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Operating system MS-DOS

Without controlling the hardware, the program remains just a piece of literature written in a special formal language.

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They are divided into three groups: Operating systems (OS) Programming systems (SP) Software Products(applications - APP, or application packages of APP)

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The first to appear were narrowly oriented software products (“a program designed to calculate the number  with an accuracy of up to 20 digits”, “a program designed to calculate and print a payroll”, etc.); Then - Programming Systems (early versions were called programming automation systems); Then there are Operating Systems.

Any end goal computer program– hardware management.

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Program levels

The level of open software is designed for a qualified end user or administrator information system who understand the structure of the tasks to be solved, the principles of using computers for their implementation. The SP level is designed for an application programmer who develops software or software, or for a system programmer who develops OS, SP, software. The OS level is designed for the computer operator, the user responsible for the passage of tasks through the machine. The level of closed PPP is designed for a subject specialist who uses a computer to solve specific problems.

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Operating system (OS)

Complex software tools that manage computer resources. The need for the OS lies in the fact that the devices included in the computer understand only low-level commands ( simple commands), and the ones necessary for the user consist of hundreds and thousands of elementary operations. OS deals with compatibility issues different devices, because all of them can be produced by different companies, have different features. Various companies are involved in the development of the OS, we will consider the OS created by Microsoft.

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This program is an intermediary between a person and a computer. Launches application programs for execution, manages computer computing resources and provides a user-friendly interface. The first version was developed in 1981. It is a single user operating system. Used by experts maintenance computer science when carrying out work on the repair, adjustment and configuration of equipment and programs.

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Current at present

The basic principles of MS-DOS are used in MS-Windows. In practice, many programs under her management work well. New applications written for MS-DOS are being created. In 1997 Caldera began work on adapting DR DOS (similar to MS DOS) to the embedded OS market for small, high-precision devices connected to the Internet and Internet networks. These devices include cash registers, faxes, personal digital assistants, electronic notebooks, etc.

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Disadvantages of MS-DOS

MS-DOS works with 640 Kbytes of RAM. Does not allow you to work with downloadable drivers for various video cards. Single-tasking (starting several programs is not possible with switching between them). The command line interface provides just one line of screen where he can enter commands. Commands must be written in MS-DOS and must be memorized to work on this system.

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Principle of operation

The entire program operation cycle is a sequence of predetermined procedures - input procedures, conversion procedures, calculations, etc. - Therefore, this environment is called procedural. To simplify the work are special applications, which are called shells. Starting with Windows 95, this is no longer a shell, but a graphical OS.

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Load order

The process of reading the OS is called booting. OS loading starts after turning on the system unit and automatic testing, which is the first stage in the operation of the OS. It is produced by programs from the BIOS, which are recorded in non-volatile memory. All PC devices to which power is supplied by this moment are subject to testing.

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After a successful automatic test, the BIOS hardware initiates the system boot process. If the process is properly organized, in order to bring the PC into working condition, you need to turn on the power and wait for the download to finish. Management can be done both from the keyboard and the mouse, but only after loading a special driver. Drivers should be loaded from a batch file when the computer starts. In this case, they will work more stably.
