Download Drupal 7 Russian version. Technical features of Drupal

Drupal is one of the most popular CMS in the world, revered by developers and web designers for its simplicity, flexibility and free distribution. With its help, you can easily create absolutely any type of Internet resources, including blogs, business card sites, online stores, informational resources and so on. What is important, to create your own site, you do not need knowledge of any programming languages ​​​​and layout skills - the skills of a confident PC user to work with Drupal will be quite enough.

CMS installation is quite simple and intuitive and practically does not differ from the installation of others. similar decisions. First you need to transfer the files to the hosting with FTP help client (of course, if you do not use own server). After that, you need to enter the address of the future site and familiarize yourself with the welcome window of the installer. Next, you will be required to enter the address to the database, data for the admin panel and the name of the resource. This completes the CMS installation and you can start working with the site: find a suitable template (of which you can find quite a lot on the net), add all the necessary information, install useful modules, and so on. All in all, Drupal is a great solution for those who do not have knowledge of HTML, CSS and PHP, but still want to have their own website.

Key features and functions

  • allows you to create web resources of any type and complexity;
  • a huge number of templates and modules have been written for CMS;
  • supports most modern web standards;
  • localized into many languages, including Russian;
  • has an open source code;
  • is part-time CMF (environment for creating web applications);
  • distributed completely free of charge.

Anyone who has a web page will know the importance manage all its content easily and quickly. Indeed, many users have given up on this option due to the complexity of the available alternatives. For all of them Drupal is the ideal solution.

For software, stay because of the community.

Drupal it is a content management system(CMS) is created to make it easier for you to publish all kinds of content on your site. Articles you just wrote, photos from last night's concerts or videos of your vacation can be instantly uploaded to a web page, blog or forum.

Peculiarities Drupal

  • Open source CMS compatible with standards.
  • Lots of interface customization options.
  • Modular structure, increasing its functionality and the complexity of its functions.
  • Allows you to manage users.

If you are looking for a content manager that can be an alternative to Oxite or WordPress, what does not require programming knowledge do not hesitate and download Drupal for free.

And others). Drupal is free software, protected by the GNU General Public License, and developed by the efforts of enthusiasts from all over the world.

Drupal can run on such popular systems as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, in fact, on any platform that supports a web server, or Microsoft IIS; also requires a database management system /, 8.3, or other commercial. Full system requirements Drupal are given.

The system supports interface localization in more than 100 languages ​​(however, not all translations are complete). There is support for the Russian language. Drupal uses its own mechanism for localization, storing translations in a database along with the rest of the site's content. At the same time, it is not difficult to adapt to work with the standard library. Import and export of site translations is carried out in the form of po-files (the format used by the library).

Full content localization is supported by third-party modules that are not included in the Drupal distribution, but can be downloaded from the developers' site.

Drupal offers a flexible scheme for organizing the site structure based on taxonomy. Taxonomy is a mechanism that allows you to create an arbitrary number of thematic categories for the content of the site and associate them with modules that provide input and output of information. Categories can represent flat or hierarchical lists, or complex structures where an element can have multiple "parents" and multiple children. With the help of a similar scheme, the same modules can organize various options content structuring. For example, it is easy to create a cross-cutting list “ keywords” for all site documents, etc.

Another paradigm emerged with the creation of the Content Construction Kit (CCK) extension in Drupal. CCK allows you to add new fields to documents various types– from URL and Email input fields, to storage and display fields multimedia files. Also, through additional modules to CCK (for example, Node reference), you can organize links between documents without using the taxonomy mechanism.

Drupal has a modular architecture with a compact core that provides an API that modules can access. The standard set of modules includes such functions as a news feed, blog, forum, file upload, news collector, voting, search, and others. The design of the site is also changed through special modules - “themes”.

Drupal Modules

A few examples of the most popular modules that can be downloaded from the repository at :

  • Views - a module with an interface for creating various lists;
  • Panels - provides the ability to split the content of the page into regions (a more advanced use of the standard Drupal regions);
  • Services - creating your own web services, such as XMLRPC or REST;
  • WYSIWYG - a module for working with WYSIWYG editors, allows you to simultaneously use several editors (CKEditor, whyzziwyg);
  • Apachesolr - search engine integration;
  • Panels everywhere - provides the ability to use the main panel for the entire site, with the subsequent insertion of other panels into it;
  • Features - allows you to merge certain data from the database into the code in the form of modules for subsequent transfer (for example, from the development server to the pre-production server);
  • Backup and migrate (BAM) - the ability to dump and restore the database in whole or in part;
  • Views bulk operations - group operations on objects in lists;
  • Devel - a set of tools and functions for rapid development;
  • Drush - Drupal shell, a package for working with Drupal and modules through the console (also available in the repository latest versions Ubuntu);
  • Memcache - integration with the memcached server;
  • Ubercart is an e-commerce system.

The undoubted advantages of Drupal include very complete documentation on various aspects of the system (documentation is mainly in English).

Technical features of Drupal

The architecture of Drupal allows it to be used to build various types of sites - from blogs and news sites to information archives or social networks. The default functionality can be increased by connecting additional extensions– “modules” in Drupal terminology. Most important features provided by Drupal out of the box:

  • A single categorization of all types of content (taxonomy) - from forum posts to blogs and news articles.
  • A wide range of properties when building rubricators: flat lists, hierarchies, hierarchies with common ancestors, synonyms, related categories.
  • Nesting of categories of any depth.
  • Site content search, including taxonomy and user searches.
  • Differentiation of user access to materials (role model).
  • Dynamic menu building.
  • Support for XML formats:

Output of documents in RDF/RSS.

Aggregation of materials from other sites.

BlogAPI for publishing content using external applications.

  • Authorization through OpenID.
  • Symbolic meaningful URLs (otherwise “human-understandable” - CNC).
  • Translations of the site interface into different languages, as well as support for maintaining multilingual content.
  • The ability to create sites with overlapping content (for example, a common user base or common settings).
  • Separate site configurations for different virtual hosts(multisity), including its own sets of modules and themes for each subsite.
  • Notifications about upcoming module updates.

The design of a Drupal site can be changed using themes. PHPTemplate is used as a template engine (“theme engine” in Drupal terminology), but it is possible to use Xtemplate, and others.

Starting from version 4.7 Drupal supports AJAX technology for dynamic loading of content without complete renovation pages. In version 5, a library has been added to work with JavaScript. Since version 6.0, it became possible to dynamically change forms using AHAH. Version 7.0 included the .

Drupal Awards

  • Three times - in 2007, 2008 and 2009 - the system received the Webware 100 award (awarded to the best sites, services and applications of the Web today);
  • Drupal is overall winner of Packt Open Source CMS in 2008 and category winner in 2008 and 2009.

Drupal's main rival was . The winners were selected by a jury of experts in their field, as well as visitors to the Packt website.

  • Winner of the competition "Best Open Source Applications 2010" in the category " The best system web content management.

Drawbacks of Drupal

  • Critics of Drupal rebuke developers for weak use of object capabilities.

Indeed, Drupal's API makes almost no use of OOP's capabilities. The developers argue this with a weak OOP implementation in the language (especially before version 5). The object model in Drupal is present, but in a somewhat unconventional form. In Drupal 7, however, there are a number of innovations that leverage object 5 features.

  • The disadvantages (but also advantages) of Drupal include the lack of API backward compatibility.

In each new big release, big API changes occur, when, along with the addition of new functions, some old ones are removed or the call parameters of existing ones are changed. This leads to the need for developers of third-party modules to adapt them to work with new versions of Drupal. However, API changes and the procedure for adapting modules to new versions are described in the documentation for each release, and a mechanism for an automated upgrade of the system kernel to new version. The advantage of this development scheme is that there is no need to drag the program layer of compatibility with old APIs from version to version, which facilitates the current system code.

Drupal 7.38 is open platform content management is the power source of millions of websites and applications. It is built, operated, and supported by an active and diverse community of people around the world. Friendly and powerful: Drupal 7. We are proud to present you our best work more - Drupal 7, a friendly and powerful content management platform for creating almost any website: from blogs and micro-sites to collaborative social communities.

Why Drupal?

Use Drupal to build everything from personal blogs to corporate applications. Thousands of add-on modules and designs let you build any website you can imagine. Join us!

Drupal distributions

Distributions A collection of pre-configured themes and modules for feature-rich websites gives you a head start on building your site. Create your own online communities, media portal, online store, and more!


Better Theming
Control exactly what gets shown where on the screen with the new Render API and some really drastic alter hooks. The new RDF module provides semantic web markup.

Administration screens are now much more accessible. Lots of front-end improvements make it easier for you to build highly accessible websites.

Images and files
Adding images to content is now built in. Generation different versions for thumbnails, previews and other image styles. Personal file circulation can now be used alongside public files.

Automated testing code
New automated system testing with over 30,000 built-in tests allows for continuous integration testing of all Drupal major fixes and additional modules.

Improved database support
The new database layer provides built-in support for SQLite, MySQL/MariaDB, and PostgreSQL. Install additional modules to use MS SQL Server, Oracle, and more.

Improved distribution support
Use setup profiles to distribute your custom Drupal product. The new API and export configurations allow you to get more options in your code.

Thanks to a great community effort, over 800 modules are available or under active development for Drupal 7, including Views, Pathauto and WYSIWYG, with more on the way every day.

What's new in Drupal 7.38:
Drupal 7.38 and Drupal 6.36, maintenance releases that contain fixes for security weaknesses, are now available for download. See Drupal 7.38 and Drupal 6.36 release notes for additional information.

Upgrading your existing Drupal 7 and 6 sites is highly recommended. There are no new features or no security related bug fixes in these releases. For more information about the Drupal 7.x release series, consult the Drupal 7.0 release announcement. More information about the Drupal 6.x release series can be found in the Drupal 6.0 release announcement.

Safety information
We have a security announcement mailing list and a history of all security alerts, as well as an RSS feed of new security alerts. We strongly advise Drupal administrators to subscribe to the list.

Drupal 7 and 6 includes a built-in Update Status module (renamed to Update Manager in Drupal 7) that notifies you of important updates to your modules and themes.

Bug reports
Both Drupal 7.x and 6.x are being maintained, so given enough bug fixes (not just bug reports), more maintenance releases will be made available, according to our monthly release cycle.

Drupal 7.38 is a security release only. For more information, see this 7.38 release note. Full list of all bug fixes in stable 7.x branch can be found in git commit log.

Drupal 6.36 is a security release only. For more information, see this 6.36 release note. A complete list of all bug fixes in stable 6.x branch can be found in git commit posting.

Security Weaknesses
Drupal 7.38 and 6.36 were released in response to the discovery of security weaknesses. Details can be found in the official security advisory:

To resolve the security issue, please upgrade to either Drupal 7.38 or Drupal 6.36.

Known Issues

To install Drupal 7 you will need:
- Web server: Apache (recommended), Nginx, Lighttpd or Microsoft IIS
- Database: MySQL 5.0.15 or higher, PostgreSQL 8.3 or higher, or SQLite 3.x
- PHP: 5.2.4 and above
- Memory: 32 MB (A site with a number of commonly used modules with support may require 64 MB or more of memory.)

Today, checking the site's questionnaires, I noticed that more than a dozen users asked the same question, namely, "Please tell me how to automatically download a file when creating a material." This is exactly what I decided to do, because, oddly enough, I never solved this problem. In the vastness of, a module was found that seemed to solve our problem - autoupload. But as always there is one "BUT" - I categorically refused to start it. Naturally, after the failure, I got into the source code of the module in order to figure out the implementation, and it was this module that gave me the idea that this task can be easily handled through jQuery, the file of which does not exceed 1kb.

Actually, it remains to implement the whole thing, and eventually the auto_upload module was created. I also decided to add one setting so far - this is the choice for which types of materials you need to add this option. Perhaps an implementation with restrictions on user roles is needed, but this is according to your desire - if necessary, I will add it.

Now to the module. The installation is the same as everyone else, there should not be any difficulties. Of the dependencies - only Jquery_update. After activating the module in the "Configuration" section, you will have a new section - Settings Auto Upload Files.

In this section, you can choose for which types of materials you want to use automatic file upload.

Also, do not forget to change the version of Jquery to 1.7. After completing all the steps, for the selected types of materials will be available automatic download files (the download button - I naturally hid, because there is no need for it).

Well, that's basically all. As always, he will not appear on, drush lovers will disappear.

Download auto_upload module (version 1.0.2)

  • Fixed display of the "Load" button for fields with the type - file
  • Fixed operability for material types with "_" in the name
  • Added script connection, only on administration pages

Download auto_upload module (version 1.0.3)

  • Added support for forms created by the webform module.
