How much does it cost to distribute internet mts. How to bypass the MTS "Unlimited" restriction on the distribution of the Internet: the main methods

Since November 10, 2016, the mobile operator MTS has introduced a daily payment for distributing the Internet from a smartphone to other devices via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB. This applies to the "Smart Unlimited" tariff plan. Now, for the fact of distributing the Internet from the phone, 30 rubles per day will be written off. Some people will say that 30 rubles is not such a big fee for the ability to use the Internet on different devices. But that's not the point. At the beginning of the appearance of this tariff plan, the distribution of the Internet was free and many subscribers fell for advertising and changed their old tariffs in favor of "Smart Unlimited". It was such a marketing ploy. Everything was fine until MTS decided to introduce payment for distribution. Such actions of MTS led to dissatisfaction among subscribers and many thought about how to bypass the restriction on the distribution of the Internet or switch to other operators. But this does not make sense, since their prices are even higher.

Where is the way out of this situation? Operators often deceive their subscribers, so why not repay them with the same coin. In this article, we will look at how to distribute the Internet from a smartphone to other devices for free and without the knowledge of the operator. All methods have been tested and proven to work.

This technique is relevant for different tariffs that limit the distribution of the Internet.

First, understand how operators monitor the distribution of the Internet to other devices, and then consider practical ways to bypass blocking. You will not be able to distribute the Internet to other devices due to the TTL control that operators use to detect traffic from an unauthorized connected device. What is TTL, we explained in detail in a separate. If you are unfamiliar with its working principle, then you should read this review.

Briefly about how it works. Each device is set to send packets to the network with a default TTL (iOS and Android - 64, Windows - 128). When the packet passes through the router, the value decreases by 1. Our router is a phone that distributes the Internet to other devices.

Suppose you want to distribute the Internet to a laptop and another phone. Packets from the distributor are still transmitted with TTL=64. Packets from the laptop to the distributor arrive with a value of 128, lose one on the distributor and go to the operator with a value of 127. Packets from the receiving Internet phone reach the distributor with TTL=64 and are transmitted to the operator with TTL=63, losing one unit. As a result, the operator receives packets with three different TTL values, which indicates that tathering was used. With the help of TTL adjustment, you will distribute for free to other devices. If you have questions, then go to the link above and study this issue in more detail.

Below we will consider not only TTL adjustments, but also other measures that are likely to be used by the operator (MAC tracking with analysis of visited sites, etc.).

Practical ways to adjust TTL

The most popular methods of change have been tested. Almost all of them had one drawback. If you reboot the device, the value returns to initial position. But it will be more effective to fix the value on the dispenser and forget about this problem for a long time.

After a long search, nevertheless, an acceptable solution was found that would eliminate this drawback.

TTL Correction with Apps

One of the most simple ways is an adjustment through the TTL Editor, TTL Fixer or TTL Master applications. Many of the readers are unlikely to want to mess with the firmware and choose this method. But he has flaws. Firstly, when you reboot the device, you will need to run the program every time and update the TTL. Secondly, they can work intermittently and let you down at any time. Be that as it may, most will choose this method because of its simplicity.


To change the value in TTL Editor, TTL Fixer or TTL Master you need to get root rights. The process of obtaining rights is described in a separate .

To set up applications to change TTL values, you do not need special knowledge. It is very easy to do this. First you need to download the TTL Editor, TTL Fixer or TTL Master applications. Then, on startup, give the application root rights (see how to get root rights), set the value to TTL=64. Then specify to which network interfaces the selected TTL value should be used. It is important to fix exactly TTL=64. If you select the TTLFixer application, then install SuperSU.

This completes the settings. Now connect other devices to your smartphone and distribute to them free Internet. Everything is simple, but not very effective. First make sure that the firmware kernel on your smartphone supports iptables. If you have questions, then write them in the comments.


All applications have been tested. So far, nothing has been written off.

Instructions for fixing TTL on Android

And now consider a more complex, but at the same time and more effective method changing the TTL value. It is based on hard fixing the value in the smartphone. The whole process needs to be done only once and it will be fixed. But keep in mind that you can harm your smartphone if you do not follow our instructions. But having done it once, you will distribute the Internet for free to any device (smartphones, tablets, laptops, Smart TVs, set-top boxes, etc.). The settings are changed only on the distributing device, but not on the receiving ones.

To fix TTL you will need:

  1. Root rights;
  2. Core with TTL latching support;
  3. Computer or laptop (Windows OS);
  4. AndImgTool utility;
  5. Notepad++ editor.

First, check if the kernel of your smartphone supports fixing this value. You can do this with a free file manager like ES File Explorer or Explorer. Use it to find and open the /proc/net/ip_tables_targets. Make sure the file has a TTL string. If it is, then your device has a kernel with support for fixing TTL and you will be able to bypass the restriction on the distribution of the Internet. If there is no TTL line in the ip_tables_targets file, then you need to compile the kernel with its support, provided that the sources are available, or you will have to use another way to fix the TTL.

To fix TTL on Android OS, follow these steps:

  1. Get boot.img from your device. This process differs depending on the device. If our instructions do not suit you, then visit specialized forums and look for information on how to do this in the theme of your device. To extract boot.img from your smartphone, install a terminal emulator on it. Android Terminal Emulator can be downloaded from Google Play. Type in the terminal on your phone: su dd if=dev/block/platform/…/by-name/boot of=sdcard/boot.img
  2. Instead of ..., we substitute the path to the by-name folder (in our case, we need to substitute msm_sdcc.1). We transfer boot.img, which lies on the memory card, to the computer.
  3. Point boot.img to AndImgTool.
  4. A folder will appear, find it and open init.rc with Notepad++.
  5. At the very end of the file, paste this code:
    service freebie /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j TTL --ttl-set 64
  6. If you have android version <4 также необходимо убрать строку class main.
  7. Attention. The file contains an empty line at the end, it is important that it does not disappear!
  8. Save the file and drag the folder to AndImgTool.
  9. It turns out an img-file and flash it (look for information about the firmware of the img-file on the Internet.

To many, this method will seem complicated, but these steps need to be performed only once and then quietly distribute the Internet to other devices for free. The main thing is to approach this matter responsibly, otherwise you can harm your smartphone.


For iPhone owners, you need to find and download the TetherMe tweak. No settings need to be made, just turn on the modem mode without restrictions. Write through the terminal emulator: sysctl -w net.inet.ip.ttl=63

How to change TTL on Android

Above, you learned how to fix TTL=64. Now let's look at how to change this value. On some forums, there is information that the operators of the "Big Three" TTL only need to be fixed, not changed. This option was tested by us and the distribution fee was not removed.

To change the TTL do the following:

  • Turn on Airplane mode on your phone;
  • Install and launch the ES Explorer application (or another with similar functionality). Follow the following path: proc/sys/net/ipv4, look for a file called ip_default_ttl, open it and change the value from 64 to 63. Be sure to save changes made before exiting the application;
  • Turn off Airplane mode to connect your smartphone to the network;
  • Turn on Wi-Fi sharing and connect your phone or tablet to the network.

If you need to connect a computer to the phone, then in addition to the above steps, do the following:

  • On the computer, select - start -> Run -> write regedit in the line;
  • The registry opens, follow this path -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters;
  • In the right window, click right click Mouse -> New -> New DWORD Value (32bit) -> Name it "DefaultTTL";
  • Right-click on the new parameter -> Change -> On the number system, put a dot "Decimal", in the value field, write (64);

When the phone reboots, the TTL will be set to the default value and you will no longer need to repeat steps 1 to 4.

Change TTL on OS Windows

If there is confirmation of the information that it is necessary to fix the TTL, then there will be no point in changing it on the device that distributes or receives. So far this has not happened, so we will describe the process of changing the TTL on a computer. There are two options: manually or programmatically.

To change the TTL manually, run:

  • On the computer, select - start -\u003e Run -\u003e write regedit in the line.
  • The registry opens, follow this path -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters.
  • In the right window, right-click -> New -> New DWORD Value (32-bit) -> Name it "DefaultTTL".
  • Right-click on the new parameter -> Change -> On the number system, put a dot "Decimal", write the value in the field (TTL 65).
  • Save everything and restart your computer.

The smartphone that distributes the Internet must have a default TTL of 64. You can also use a special script for this. (Download the script).

Summing up

On this moment that's all the information we have. Some may accuse us that the review was not as voluminous and detailed as we would like. But we will work on this topic further, and we will test different methods. As new information becomes available, the article will be updated. And to readers, please ask questions in the comments and share your experience. It is possible to bypass restrictions on Internet distribution, but this requires time and tests!

It happened just under two months ago. And then I managed to get another 60 rubles. Moreover, this is not my inattention, but simply money stolen from me. Well, I didn’t start this war, and I don’t need to explain about “technical errors”. But in turn - I now feel that I have every right to tell people how they (well, at least me) are being scammed for money, and to get the right to manage my own Internet (well, at least if the phone is on android) - and how to get around the rule introduced from November 10 by MTS to charge an additional fee of 30 rubles a day for whether you decide to use Wi-Fi Internet on your phone, or decide to distribute it to your own computer. (UPD. It should be noted that everything written was true for the first version of Unlimited, which now appears in the archive tariffs under the name Smart Unlimited 052016; and the introduced new unlimited is not any unlimited, read more and). But about everything - in order, under the cut.

So, a little over six months ago, MTS rolled out its new tariff plan - Unlimited. At that time - not to say that it was a breakthrough, because they had something similar, but among the other three operators - it really was an event. And the most important thing in this no-limit was that people no longer needed to take themselves home or to the office additionally wired Internet(well, if they are not torrent downloaders, of course), and they could easily switch the mobile phone to the distribution mode, and continue to use this Internet at home and sitting at the computer, and not just sticking it into the phone on the couch. At the same time, the MTS support service especially focused on this, here is just one screenshot from the correspondence:

Yep, people are happy. Advertising a pearl from all the slots, screens, posters, Nagiyev - has already specifically pulled up with his "It's not just moisture - but ...". And now, after 6 months, when most of the interested people changed the tariff / transferred from other operators for the sake of this opportunity, MTS makes a feint with its ears: it announces that now it will charge for distributing the Internet at the MTS Unlimited tariff. At the same time - at the cost of the tariff of 590 rubles, additional fee for the distribution will be one and a half times more - 900 rubles per month (30 rubles per day)!

How was it there? Unlimited? No, Unlimited! So here. To say that this is shitty is to say nothing. This is Dokhrenishcha! Probably, if the operator approached this adequately and set a reasonable price, well, half the tariff, let's say, people would hiccup and swallow (not by night we will mention the beeline, which generally allows you to distribute for crazy money - but there it is rather a closing measure so that people do not use this service).

Well, I will not speak for the whole people, but I will speak for myself. So, even with this price, I - honestly - hiccupped, and swallowed. Should I pay more? Well, I’m kind of like a law-abiding citizen, here’s the concluded contract, which means I’ll pay, especially since, as it appeared in the SMS sent to me in advance and in the description of the tariff on the MTS website, that money is debited only on the day when the service is used - once, and 100 MB per day is free - two.

One day I cry, the second I cry. And so, on Saturday-Sunday, when I don’t use a computer at all (it just stands and buzzes quietly in a corner in standby mode), I leave the Internet distribution on the phone with a calm soul. And what - 100 MB is included, updates are all disabled on my computer, so the maximum that he can do is pull the phone a couple of times, saying that I'm here. And suddenly, I get a message on Tuesday that my number is blocked. To be honest, I'm a little perplexed, because theoretically there should have been enough money there until Thursday, and on Wednesday I thought to replenish the balance.

Immediately I order the bill details, and what do we see? And on Saturday and Sunday - a maximum of 20 kilobytes of traffic out of a hundred free MEGABYTES was used (I repeat with letters - TWENTY, not even MEGABYTE, but KILOBYTE!). At the same time, 30 rubles were written off (excluding VAT - 25 kopecks) for the distribution service. Here is a screenshot of the detail for the 19th, for the 20th - the same is there. I deliberately added one line before this day, and one after, so that you can see what it is for this day:

Thus, MTS threw me 60 rubles with a fairly slight movement of the hand. And this is only one person, I don’t know how many such people are sitting on unlimited, but even if we assume at least a million, then we will receive 60 million rubles on an innocent write-off for one weekend alone, about which we can then shrug our shoulders, apologize and say - well, what happens, a technical error, of course we will return 60 rubles to you - you are the only one so corrosive who was able to detect it. No guys - it's already a matter of principle, and I don't believe one iota (funny pun) that this mistake is accidental.

All this prompted me to study this question, and see what people think and offer, and how to get around this limitation. After all, stealing from a thief is not a crime, and if you also distribute it to people, then in general Robin Hood is pure water.

So, how does MTS graze those people who distribute the Internet from their devices? Well, in the sense - how does he know that a person turned on the distribution on the phone?

Exactly - no one will tell us, but theoretically - there can be several ways.

Firstly, these are applications like My MTS. If you have it, there is a non-zero chance to receive SMS of happiness. Away from sin - we demolish.

Secondly, these are Windows updates for desktops. Think for yourself from the side of MTS - if you do not distribute the Internet, then why do you need them on your phone? Hence the conclusion - connected from the computer to the phone distributing the Internet - disconnected WINDOWS updates, well, or put up with an update at a price of 30 rubles.

And thirdly, this is the so-called TTL, stands for Time To live. TTL is such a thing that every packet on the network has, it contains the number of nodes (servers, computers, routers) through which it can pass, each node, when a packet passes through it, reduces this value by 1 unit. For example, if you turn on the “ mobile hotspot access” (tethering), TTL from connected devices passing through it will be 1 less than expected.

Each device has its own TTL. For example, on smartphones - it is 64 by default, on computers / laptops - 128. Thus, if a packet with a TTL value different from 64 arrives at the router on the provider's side, it means that something else is connected through our device. A package with a value of 63 arrived, which means the tablet is connected. Came with a value of 127 - it means that they connected the Win computer. And from here two simple conclusions:

  1. The TTL coming to the provider must be hard-coded and not differ from one packet to another, regardless of which connected device sent it
  2. It should be fixed at a value of 64. Any other value - MTS will immediately burn, like using a smartphone for distribution using special programs, (which we will discuss later).

And of course, it immediately becomes clear how to deal with this TTL check.

If you have Internet from your smartphone distributed only to a stationary computer / laptop, and not distributed to other smartphones / tablets, then everything is elementary, there is no need to even do something with the phone from which the Internet is distributed via Wi Fi. All we need is to force our computers to send packets with a TTL value of 65, when passing through a smartphone, one will be taken away, packets with a value of 64 will come to the MTS. Thus, it will be possible to distinguish them from packets sent by the smartphone itself. no longer possible. Bingo!

So how do you do it? Also very simple. All you have to do is make changes to the registry.

For 32 bit windows:

1. Run the registry editor. The easiest way is to press Win + R, type regedit and press Enter.
2. Open a branch at:



3. We create a DWORD parameter (32 bits) there with the name DefaultTTL, open it, select the decimal system and drive in the required TTL as the value. In our case, this is 64 + 1 = 65.
4. Click "OK", close the registry, restart the computer.

For 64 bit windows- everything is the same, only an identical QWORD parameter (64 bits) is created.

For those who are afraid of all the above lines of making changes to the registry - good people posted ready-made Reg files who will make the changes for you. All you need is:

Well, the final chord is checking the result on a computer:

1. We start distributing from a smartphone
2. We look at the ip of the phone (for me it is a click on the Wi-Fi icon> right-click on the distributed network> Status> Details> Default Gateway)
3. On the connected PC, call the cmd command line
4. Enter the command ping, space, phone ip, enter
5. The exchange of packets begins, we look at what TTL value they have. If 64, all is well. If any other - MTS will burn you.

Everything is much more complicated if, in addition to a computer, you need to distribute the Internet to a tablet, TV, or some kind of iPhone. Well, or Samsung - depending on who has what preferences. And there are two ways to go here: the first is to change the TTL on this very tablet, TV, smartphone in the same way as we changed the TTL on our computer. I will not describe this path, since the way to change the TTL on the device connected to the donor depends directly on this device, for most devices it is very difficult, and these devices different manufacturers- a wagon and a small cart.

Therefore, you can use the second way - this is to force our smartphone, which distributes the Internet via Wi-Fi, to rewrite its header before sending the packet to the provider, setting the TTL we need. This also does not work on all smartphones, and for example, on an iPhone without a jailbreak, nothing will work, and on Android smartphones, if you cannot get root rights, it’s also not a fact that it will work. But if it works, then will work for all devices connected to it, including the computers and laptops described above, so you don't even have to use the first described method with changing the TTL to 65, and poking around in their registries.

So the methodology is:

  1. We get Root rights for your smartphone, which will act as a donor and distribute the Internet via WiFi. How to get these rights is individual for each device, in general, has both the corresponding programs and the corresponding sections on almost all devices with detailed instructions on how to do this. Enter the name of the device and the word root in the search bar - press the search button - we get the result. For example, I managed to do this using the Framaroot program, although not the first time. For someone - KingRoot may be suitable, for someone - 360Root. In general, try it.
  2. We go again to and download the wonderful TTL Master program. Please note that we needversion: 3.0.1!!! If you download version 4.01, then you will not succeed, this version is only suitable for (I don’t know about version 2.01) !!! Although, judging by my previous publications, I understand that ~ 10% of people still can’t read, and they will write in the comments that nothing worked for them, but that they downloaded the wrong version even into their head will not come. Here you will see.
  3. Let's start this program. By default, it contains settings for, i.e. 63 and looks like this:

We need the number 64 in the circle, and it looks like this:

To do this, you just need to change 63 to 64 🙂 But, as I said, version 4.01 does not support changing this parameter, this can only be done in version 3.01 (and possibly lower). How to change? Everything is simple. We enter the settings by clicking on the gear in the upper right corner, and in the menu items "TTL value" and "TTL value in the input field" set the value to 64.

Now we press the buttons "Apply" or "Bypass restrictions" (depending on whether you have the second or third version) and mandatory - "Try the ipTables rule"(not sure if it is in the second version). After that, we transfer the phone to the flight mode, and return it back to the working mode so that the phone reconnects with the new settings to the base station.

You can check from a computer using the Ping command, accessing the donor phone, like me.

In general, of course, the situation - when the provider decides for you on which YOUR devices you use the Internet - smacks of nonsense. Imagine that wired Internet comes to you, then it is distributed through a router via WiFI, and the provider says - you can use it from your phone, but from a tablet and computer - no, no. Imagine that you bought a car, and the manufacturer says - you can carry yourself on it, but your wife and cargo are no longer there, or you can, but paying the manufacturer of this car for every day when you drove together - a certain bribe.

I see a direct need to raise before the FAS and other regulatory authorities the issue of the admissibility of charging for the consumed Internet when it is transferred to other devices, especially given the fact that the Internet can only be consumed within a limited radius from the location of the distributing device; as well as the admissibility of deceiving customers by writing off a subscription fee for a service not actually rendered, as happened in my case, when 60 rubles were deducted from me, despite the fact that there was no actual distribution. And if today I decided to limit myself to just this article, then a couple of such tricks from MTS - and I do not exclude that someone will get tired of this business, and MTS will already have a class action lawsuit.

In the meantime - I hope this article will help you, in which I tried to summarize all the publicly available information that I collected bit by bit from the Internet.

UPD. 03/30/2017: It should be noted that everything written is true for the very first version of Unlimited, which now appears in archive tariffs called Smart Unlimited 052016; and the new Unlimited, introduced on March 27, is not even close to any unlimited, limiting traffic to ten GB; you can read more about it in comparison with the old original unlimited, and how to replace it now -. In short, MTS has a connect4 tariff (but you still need to deal with it, everything is written in the description that the devil himself will break his leg). If you don’t want to figure it out, but you still need a lot of Internet, then you still have to go to the limit, just with a lot of traffic included:

This year, tariff plans with unlimited mobile internet. MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, Tele2 and Yota have similar offers. Tariff plans do provide for the absence of restrictions on speed and traffic (at least, so the operators say). However, it was not completely without restrictions. The main disadvantage of such tariff plans is that they are only for smartphones. Also, it is not possible to use the phone as a WI-FI access point and there is a restriction on the use of file-sharing networks. Many subscribers are interested in whether it is possible to bypass these restrictions? With some effort, you can bypass restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi, use a SIM card in a modem, and download files from torrents.

As part of this review, we will consider all the ways to bypass restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi (TETHERING). It is difficult to single out one single way, so you will have to independently determine the most suitable option for you. The guide is relevant for all tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet, which are characterized by the presence of restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via WI-FI (, MegaFon "MegaUnlimited", Beeline postpaid tariffs, Yota tariff plan for a smartphone).

All ways to bypass restrictions on the distribution of the Internet

On the Internet you can find many instructions for bypassing restrictions on the distribution of the Internet. Unfortunately, not all of them are relevant and most do not achieve the desired result. We tested all the options and found the most effective ones. With their help, you can bypass restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi, but we cannot guarantee a 100% result.

We will consider the following methods for bypassing restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi:

  • Change IMEI on the distributing device;
  • Change/fix TTL value (TTL Editor and TTL Master programs);
  • Editing the host file on the computer.

Consider separately each technique (you can apply them all). If you have any difficulties, ask questions in the comments. We also recommend visiting the relevant sections of the forum, which contains many recommendations for bypassing restrictions on Internet distribution.

Change IMEI on the distributor

If you want to use a SIM card in a modem or distribute the Internet using a Wi-Fi router, you need to change the IMEI on the distributing device. You need to use IMEI from a smartphone running on the windows operating system. You can use any other IMEI, but then the risk increases that after a while all your efforts will be in vain. Traffic to windows resources from a computer is not suspicious, since mobile devices running on the Windows operating system go to approximately the same resources.

Also note that the IMEI you are about to write to your device must not be registered on the same network. That is, you cannot connect to the network simultaneously from two devices with the same IMEI. If you can't find the IMEI from the windows background, you can generate it. You can download IMEI Generator WinPhone.

There are two ways to change IMEI:

  • Through the engineering mode;
  • Through the console (Terminal Emulator).

Which method is more convenient is up to you. We will bring detailed instructions for both options.

Change IMEI via engineering mode:

  • We dial in the phone: * # * # 3646633 # * # *, after which the engineering mode (engenieer mode) opens;
  • Go to the Connectivity tab.
    Choose: CDS Information > Radio Information > Phone 1;
  • Above the AT+ line, add: EGMR = 1.7, "your_IMEI";
  • To change IMEI to the second SIM card(if any), repeat the previous step, but write already: EGMR = 1.10, "your_IMEI";
  • Press the SEND AT button and reboot.
  • Attention
  • If all else fails, then try putting a space after AT +.

There is another way to change IMEI, which involves using a terminal emulator. The emulator works by analogy with the command Windows string. The utility can be downloaded for free from Google Play. Find the Terminal Emulator for Android app and install it on your smartphone. A number of commands that must be executed in the emulator to change IMEI may differ depending on the phone model. In most cases, you need to enter the following code:

echo -e "AT +EGMR=1,7,"YOUR_IMEI""> /dev/smd0.

If you have a dual SIM device, then to change IMEI to a second SIM, you need to add:

echo "AT +EGMR=1,10,"YOUR_IMEI""> /dev/pttycmd1.

If you need to change the IMEI of the router or modem, then

Change/fix TTL value

The TTL number indicates the lifetime of traffic packets. By default, for most operating systems on smartphones, it is 64. When connecting to the operator's network, the device transfers the default value to it. If a modem or router is used to connect to the Internet, the TTL value is reduced by one unit, as a result of which the operator recognizes that the subscriber is using the SIM in a device other than a smartphone. The same applies to using the phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot (the smartphone acts as a router and TTL is reduced).

Bypassing restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi by changing the TTL is quite real. You need to change the value in such a way that packets from other devices (possibly non-rooted ones) have the same value as the TTL on the “default” donor if one is lost from TTL. Operating room devices iOS systems and Android have a default TTL of 64. To distribute the Internet, you must assign TTL=63 to the donor.

Changing / fixing the TTL value is possible manually and with the help of special programs. First, consider a method that involves changing the TTL using programs.

Let's start with the TTL Master program (previously the program was called Yota Tether TTL). The program requires root user rights to function. read in a separate review. With the help of the program, you can change the TTL value in one click. The utility can be downloaded from Google Play. To change the TTL is enough free version. Instructions for using the program are not required, since everything is already very clear. After launching the application, your current TTL will be indicated, as well as the TTL, which must be specified in the corresponding field. Enter the desired TTL and click on the "Apply" button. Now try to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from your smartphone. The TTL Editor program works in a similar way.

You can change TTL on Android without using the above programs ( root rights but are required).

To change TTL, do the following:

  • Turn on Airplane mode on your phone;
  • Install and run the ES Explorer application (you can use another one with similar functionality). Go to the following path: proc/sys/net/ipv4, find a file called ip_default_ttl there, open it and change the value from 64 to 63. Don't forget to save your changes before exiting the application;
  • Turn off Airplane mode to connect your smartphone to the network;
  • Turn on Wi-Fi sharing and you can connect your phone or tablet to the network.

If you need to connect a computer to the phone, then in addition to the above steps, you need to perform the following manipulation:

  • On the computer, click - start -> Run -> in the line we write regedit;
  • Open registry go -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters;
  • In the right window, right-click -> New -> New DWORD value (32 bits) -> Name it "DefaultTTL";
  • Right-click on the new parameter -> Edit -> On the number system, put a point "Decimal", in the value field, write (64);
  • Save everything and restart your computer.

Now you can distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from your smartphone. The method works, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

The above instructions are relevant for the Android operating system. If you need to change the TTL on another OS, on a modem or router, then follow this link and use the appropriate guide.

Editing the host file on the computer

The hosts file is designed to match the names of domains (sites), which are written using characters, and the corresponding IP addresses. Editing this file is necessary in order to block the resources through which the operator detects the distribution of the Internet. Unfortunately collect universal file hosts is physically impossible, so install a traffic analyzer and track on which resources the operator detects distribution. A lot of useful information editing hosts file can be found by clicking on the link above (

The hosts file is located in the folder with the operating Windows system, usually this is the "C" drive on the user's computer. For quick access file, press the keyboard shortcut "Windows" + "R". This will open the Run window. In the "Open" field, enter the command: %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc and click on the "OK" button. Next, the "etc" folder will be opened, in which the "hosts" file is located.


Bypassing restrictions on the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi is quite feasible, but no one can guarantee that the result will be preserved for a long time. We have repeatedly checked various ways bypass restrictions and most of them stopped working after a while. You can try the techniques described in this article or find other ways on the forums, but operators will always make sure that the restrictions they set are problematic to bypass.

If you know of working schemes that were not mentioned in the review, share them in the comments.

It would seem that not so long ago, MTS has an attractive Smart Unlimited tariff. As part of the TP, favorable conditions were provided for calls and as much as 10 GB of high-speed Internet. In addition, the dedicated traffic could be distributed over Wi-Fi. However, the operator decided to monetize the distribution of the Internet, and transferred it to a billing of 30 rubles / day. From the article you will learn about all the ways how you can bypass the paid distribution of MTS Internet.

Tariffs with the possibility of distributing the Internet

To conduct Internet distribution to several devices at once, only some tariffs from the "Smart" line allow. So, it is possible to distribute MTS Internet in the tariffs "Unlimited", "Zabugorishche" and "Tarifishche" without restrictions.

All these TPs have good characteristics, but few people know that they provide a restriction on downloading from file sharing services. And also a SIM card with a connected TP cannot be used on USB devices and routers.

But unlike others mobile operators, MTS still allows you to share MB via smartphone. Previously, you can do this for free. However, today, for the distribution of their own MB, the user is charged a subscription fee of 30 rubles / day.

When accessing the Internet from a phone, laptop or tablet, its TTL value is used. It is this value that transmits mobile data from devices to the World Wide Web.

All transmitted data passes through the router, while the parameters of the mobile packet are reduced by one division. That is, if the standard data transfer value is 64, after it passes the router, the value drops to 63.

Naturally, the mobile operator monitors these parameters, and, having seen a discrepancy, they will determine on which device the Internet distribution takes place.

From all of the above, it follows that in order to bypass the restrictions, you just need to adjust the TTL value. Below we will look at ways to bypass MTS restrictions on any device.

Surely, the fact that you can not distribute the Internet for free upset many subscribers. And it is unlikely that anyone will want to pay extra money, in fact, for an already paid service.

And for those who do not want to bother with disabling TV system restrictions, we suggest using the easiest way to bypass TTL - installing special utilities.

Among the most famous and proven applications are the following:

  • TTL editor;
  • "TTL Fixer";
  • TTL Master.

However, it is impossible to punish the shortcomings of these utilities. Firstly, every time after rebooting the gadget, you will have to launch the application again and update your TTL. Secondly, the utilities do not always work stably, and at some point they can let you down.

However, due to its simplicity and convenience, it is this method of bypassing the blocking that is most in demand among subscribers. Some users manage to distribute the Internet for free through utilities, even from the Hype tariff.

The algorithm for working with applications is quite simple:

  • download and install one of the suggested utilities;
  • then run it and specify your root rights (see below for information on obtaining root rights);
  • set the TTL value to 64 and save the changes.

Important! If you use the TTL Fixer utility to adjust the settings, set the value to "SuperSU".

To distribute the Internet for free from an Android phone, smartphone or tablet, you first need to get Root rights.

Instructions for obtaining Root rights:

  1. Download the "King ROOT" utility, install the APK and launch the application.
  2. Next, click on the green button and wait for the result.

It must be said that not all subscribers will be able to obtain these rights. Everything here will depend on the model of your gadget and its firmware.

If nothing worked out with the specified application, try to get the rights through the utilities: "SuperSU", "FramaRoot" or "Root360".

Attention! After getting root right, mobile device loses its guarantees.

Attention! For the correct operation of the device, we transfer the gadget to flight mode for a few seconds, then return it to its normal state again.

To distribute the MTS Internet via a PC, the prohibiting function can be bypassed as follows:

  1. Go to the "Search" menu and write the word "regedit" in the search field;
  2. Next, make a series of transitions through the following folders: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", then "SYSTEM", then "Current Control Set", then "Services", then "Tcpip" and "Parameters";
  3. In the last folder, press the "Create" key and select the "DWORD" item; Here we set the name "DefaultTTL" and put an affirmative icon next to the decimal value;
  4. Next to TTL we set the value 65;
  5. Save and reboot the system.

This method of changing TTL is suitable for both 32 and 64 bit Windows.

Until November 6, 2016, it was possible to distribute the Internet completely free of charge with the MTS “Unlimited” TP. From November 7, 2016, users who are on the "Smart Unlimited" tariff and similar TPs began to be charged for distributing the Internet to any device. The subscription fee for the service was 30 rubles per day.

The specified amount is debited from the subscriber's account only upon the fact of use cellular device as an access point. However, to be honest, the same service from other mobile operators is much more expensive. For example, the same Beeline, for using a smartphone as an access point, takes 150 rubles / day.

Thanks to the development of technology, we use the Internet in almost all areas of activity: for work, information, shopping, entertainment. Moreover, it is often used to exit not only mobile phone but also a tablet or laptop. For MTS subscribers using several devices at once, the MTS Unified Internet service will become a very useful tool.

Description and cost of the service

Using this offer will save subscribers who use several devices at once. In this case, it is not necessary to pay for the Internet on each of them, it is enough to connect only a smartphone to the package tariff. Next, we activate the “Single Internet” function on the phone and distribute data to a laptop, tablet, other phones or a computer.

The cost of the option is 100 rubles per month of use and is paid only by the distributing subscriber. Funds are debited when a group is created and the first additional device is added to it. In the following months, in the absence of the full cost of the service on the account, payment is made at a rate of 4 rubles per day. Users connected to the distribution go to worldwide network for free.

Terms and limitations of the "Single Internet"

The offer is available for customers using ULTRA and Smart tariff plans (the entire line) or with an active Mini, Maxi or Vip traffic package.

Installed this service to the phone and from it there is a distribution to other devices.

When using the option, there are a number of restrictions:

  • The service can be used on no more than 6 devices, including the initiator;
  • The distributing subscriber and other users must be from the same region, it is impossible to connect numbers from other subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • The tariffs of the participants must differ from the TP of the group initiator;
  • The total traffic is limited by the terms of the initiator's tariff plan, but cannot exceed 50 GB;
  • It is forbidden to use several distributions at the same time. For entry into new group you need to leave the current one;
  • Additional traffic packages (in case of reaching the limit set by the terms of the TP) are used only by the initiator of the distribution, the access of other participants is limited;
  • If the distributing subscriber has the “Smart Unlimited” tariff set, then only he uses unlimited access to the network, for other participants general traffic 10 GB.

Required internet packages

The total traffic available to all members of the group is limited by the conditions of the active package on the distribution device. Consider the possible options:

TPProvided traffic, GBSpecial conditionsAb. payment, rub./month
Smart5 Residue transfer300
smartforeigner7 700
Smart unlimited12 450
smart top15 1250
ULTRA15 1800
Hype7 Unlimited on many resources370
Internet Mini8 No350
Internet maxi15 Night unlimited550
Internet Vip30 700

As can be seen from the table, the most profitable traffic is in Internet packages. But do not forget that the tariffs also include large packages of minutes and SMS, and the unused balance of services is transferred to the next month.

How to enable and disable the option

The "Single Internet" offer is available offline on all of the above tariff plans. To connect the distribution of data, it is enough to send invitations to participants from your personal account or create a group by dialing a digital combination USSD commands*750# . After receiving an invitation, group members must confirm their consent, after which they can begin to use the general traffic.

There is no command that allows you to disable the unified MTS Internet. After disconnecting all users of the group, the option goes into inactive mode.

Service management

All services are managed by personal account MTS. To distribute the Internet to other devices, you need to create a group. Let's break down this process step by step:

  1. We go to the "my group" tab and enter the number of the connected subscriber in the "invite device" field;
  2. The invited participant receives SMS from the number 5340. To confirm the consent, he needs to send a response SMS with the text “1” within 15 minutes. If for some reason the subscriber did not have time to answer, the request will have to be repeated;
  3. Upon receipt of a response from the first member, the group is considered open and the fee for the next month of using the service is charged from its creator;
  4. We send connection requests to the rest of the group members.

If it is impossible to send SMS in response to the invitation, the subscriber can also go to his personal account and click the "Agree" button.

The creator can make additional settings groups, for example, set a traffic limit for each member or delete and invite new subscribers. When deleting inactive numbers, you must remember that as soon as the last member leaves the group, the service will be terminated.

To disable the service, the creator needs to delete all users, this can be done in several ways:

  • Through a personal account;
  • Send SMS to number 5340 with text 0;
  • Using the command USSD*111*750*2# .

Any participant can also disconnect from the distribution at any time by sending the number 0 in SMS to 5340.


MTS Internet distribution will be a very beneficial feature for those subscribers who use two or more devices. Paying 100 rubles for using the service is much cheaper than paying a subscription fee for each device separately. In the same way, you can save money with friends if you organize your group and pay for one common traffic.
