Why is the navigator bad and why should it be abandoned. The best navigation programs: a rating of solutions for GPS navigators How to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator

It can hardly be assumed that the driver, having sat behind the wheel, dooms himself to driving along the same route for the rest of his life. The geography of trips is expanding day by day. A person travels to work, from work, to the country, to a girlfriend, to parents, between cities. If not daily, then regularly the number of routes increases. Within the boundaries of large metropolitan areas, one and the same place can be reached by several different routes. In modern conditions, this is very convenient, you can get to your destinations by avoiding traffic jams, thereby saving valuable time.

But each new route is once overcome for the first time. For novice drivers, this happens not without excitement, and often not without fear. Before such a trip, the driver thinks about how to go, where to go, what can be expected on an unfamiliar road, where are the signs, what are the intersections and traffic police posts. Often a more experienced colleague tells a beginner how best to ride, draws attention to the "pitfalls" and features of the route. Here one can only advise to listen to the instructions: a man went there, he knows. He will tell about the passage of difficult intersections, about the “ambushes” of the traffic police and even about the pits. Listen carefully, remember. A detailed story about an unfamiliar route helps a lot: you remember landmarks, features, and your task becomes easier.

But it often happens that there is no one to tell about a new route, and then the driver has to get used to it himself, arm himself with a map, and learn the way to his goal. Leaving, once again mentally imagine the entire route on the map, turns, intersections, and go.

Riding a new route is often full of surprises. In addition to directly driving a car, you will have to focus on signs, traffic lights, since you do not know what turn they are waiting for you. When you drive the same road every day to work, of course you already know what the next intersection has in store for you. On an unfamiliar route, everything is not so simple. Before each intersection, you need to concentrate, be prepared for any surprises. Riding along a new route is not without difficulties even for an experienced driver, you need to be collected, quickly navigate the road. For a beginner, driving on an unfamiliar road turns into a whole test.

What advice can you give to a driver who has to drive on an unfamiliar route? First, do not be afraid to drive on unknown roads. There is nothing terrible there. The same streets, intersections, drivers, passing and oncoming. The situation is almost the same everywhere, you will not meet airplanes and steamboats on the road. And that means there is nothing to be afraid of.

Secondly, turn on all your attention, focus on traffic lights, signs, pedestrian crossings, follow the names of the streets. The task is greatly simplified if you are traveling with a passenger who understands maps. Let him be your navigator. He says which streets and where to turn, and you just follow the names on the houses or signs. If there is no navigator, you will have to act on your own. Put the map on the seat or on your knees and "lead" the route with your eyes. Just do not be distracted by the map on the go for a long time, you risk driving someone into the "ass". If you get confused, turn on the emergency gang, pull over to the side of the road and study the map.

If suddenly you still drove the desired turn, do not worry. No need to feverishly think about where and how to turn around now. Drive forward, there will be intersections, circles, traffic lights or, at worst, yards where you can turn around. But it's in the city. If you pass a turn on the highway, you may have to drive until the next junction. Which, in general, is also not fatal. We passed the necessary turn, get together, do not panic and look for a place to turn around. You will definitely find it. When you do turn where you need to, continue in the same spirit.

It is impossible to say a few words about the now fashionable navigators. An ingenious and easy to use invention. Set up a point of departure and arrival, and let's go. "Turn right, turn left." You don't have to think that you can't go there. Blindly follow the commands of the robot and you will arrive where you wanted. A lot of people use navigators today. Nice, I've used it myself. But there is no bad without good, and in our case, on the contrary, good without bad. The first drawback of navigators is that their maps are imperfect, not all signs and forbidden turns are programmed into them. In the center of Moscow, my navigator tried twice to force me to turn under the "brick". Conclusion, you cannot blindly trust the commands of a talking typewriter. You need to look at the road. Of course, there are sites where caring and attentive users of navigators post feedback about errors, and developers fix them. But despite this, there are enough “jambs” in navigators. Don't relax. Once I saw on the news that one American woman was suing the manufacturer of the navigator, because he brought her into the fence. The navigator said “go straight ahead”, there was a fence straight ahead, but the obedient American continued to drive, eventually arriving at the bump stop. Probably Zadornov is right. But we are not Americans.

The second negative point is that once having driven an unfamiliar route on the navigator, you most likely will not pass it the second time without a “talker”. Why? Because while driving, your attention was focused not so much on the road and landmarks, but on the commands of the navigator. As a result, the road was not remembered. I know for myself that a route that is mastered on the map or "on a whim" grows into memory forever. But when I once took a ride with a navigator to a place unfamiliar to me, then three days later I didn’t get there without it. I had to get lost, stop, turn on the electronic navigator and drive along it. I didn't remember the road, believe it or not.

So, there is no need to be afraid of new routes. Ride, learn the roads, gain experience on various tracks. Use a map or navigators, but do not forget that your main assistant is your head. Think about how and where it is better to pass, follow the signs, signs for other road users. Do not forget about the saying “language will bring you to Kyiv”, you can always stop and ask for directions. In unfamiliar places, carefully follow the movement of the stream, how they turn, where they are rebuilt. People go there often, they know.

  • #1

    Thank you very much! The article helped me a lot to get ready for a difficult trip! I always panicked a lot if I missed turns or U-turns! Very well written, simple, correct style, read in one breath!

  • #2

    Thank you very much for your strong support! I was inspired... Tomorrow I will go to another city! The main thing is not to get lost in that city!

  • #3

    Big thanks.

  • #4

    Thank you. I also want to add...
    - Do not drive into the oncoming lane.
    - Don't speed. Watch your speed.
    - Keep your distance and traffic rules.
    - Do not drive drunk, feeling unwell and not getting enough sleep.
    - It is better to take the family on the road, let the wife tell you.
    Then the trip will turn out to be romantic, interesting and fast.

The holidays are over, but many want to continue their vacation, and not go to work. And some popular navigation systems sometimes help with this, "teleporting" Muscovites from the streets of the city directly to the sea, which, of course, is funny, but it causes inconvenience if you are in a hurry on business.

A member of the public council under the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, a former professional taxi driver Andrey Popkov, told the Moscow 24 portal about how to quickly avoid traffic jams and not become a hostage of geolocation.

"Today, many people just drive using a navigator - they don't even look around. They completely rely on electronics, so they don't know the city, they don't remember routes. But equipment can fail, and the situation on the road changes much faster than the map is updated", - says Andrey Popkov.

Sounds logical, but one could argue that driving from memory is good in small towns. And such a huge metropolis as Moscow is impossible to learn completely. However, Andrei Popkov claims the opposite.

"I came to Moscow in the late 1980s, and while I was working, it was never a problem to find the right street or house. It took me only two years to get to know and remember the city. Even now I drive without a navigator: Yes, you won’t find some right away, but the main landmarks and the main streets of the area are always fixed in your memory, and you can get your bearings on the spot,” emphasizes the former taxi driver.

It may seem incredible, but in order to get to know Moscow and travel around it without a navigator, you don’t need it. There is no need even to work in a taxi. It is enough to remember a few basic principles shared by the interlocutor of the Moscow 24 portal.

Screenshot: Yandex.Traffic

First, Moscow is characterized by a clear scheme for organizing streets and districts. The main highways diverge radially, that is, in rays, from the city center to the region. They are connected by four ring highways, as well as small regional streets and lanes, which act as "transverse ligaments".

Secondly, each outbound highway in each district has alternates, as well as small streets of district significance that run in parallel. And if the main course of the highway or avenue is stopped, you can use them to bypass the traffic jam and return to the stream again.

Thirdly, sometimes when trying to do this, you may come across a one-way street. And there are no specific standards here, however, the specialized city services are constantly analyzing traffic and improving the traffic pattern, therefore, as a rule, one-way "are arranged most conveniently for each area. And in any case, if a" brick "blocked the road, you need to remember that somewhere - then there is always a street nearby that leads in the direction you need.

Fourthly, the numbering of houses, as a rule, is also subject to a certain scheme. Houses are considered "from the center to the region", with even numbers on the right side and odd numbers on the left. Difficulties can be delivered by various buildings and structures, but they are rarely separated from each other by long distances, so the desired house can be found by making a couple of circles around the yard.

Fifthly, before the trip, it is worth looking at a map - paper or electronic, in order to better imagine the place where you need to get, the location of streets and important objects such as railway crossings, bridges, tunnels. This is important because in some places attempts to take short cuts can lead to a railway embankment or a dead end. Among the most difficult are the Yuzhnoportovy district, the Entuziastov highway, Volgogradka, Ryazanka and other areas of industrial zones.

And sixthly, if you missed the right turn on the highway, you should change lanes to the right lane in order to turn around at the next interchange. If there is no interchange, and the fender separates the flows, remember: three turns to the right are equal to one turn to the left.

Dream riding is your life. It depends on the nature of the road, fellow travelers, vehicles and surprises.

Riding in circles means that your thoughts revolve around the same subject and you cannot find a way out of the current situation.

See interpretation: road; vehicles by name: horse, racing, movement, car.

Riding calmly and measuredly is a sign of well-being in all matters.

To fall from a horse in a dream - unfortunately, to see a person who has fallen from a horse in a dream - to a loss.

Getting off the horse is a sign of worsening situation and contention with relatives or friends.

Riding in the company of men is a good sign and promises profit; in the company of women - a bad dream that portends trouble through deceit and gossip.

Riding in a carriage (wheelchair) is a bad dream for patients, as it predicts death for them; but the dream promises a promotion to the military.

For those who seek to improve their condition through a risky venture, such a dream predicts failure and debt.

Riding through a forest, desert or an abandoned city - to failure or misfortune.

Riding in a rich carriage (or in an expensive car) in a dream is a sign of honors and wealth.

Riding a chaise (cart) on a shaky road is a sign that you are going through difficult days, but they will end, and your ordinary life will seem like paradise to you.

Riding wild animals in a dream is a sign of victory over enemies.

Riding in public is a favorable dream for those who occupy a responsible position, strive for power or have subordinates.

For other people, such a dream promises losses and troubles. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will shamelessly use people for your own selfish purposes.

The rider in your dream is a messenger. See how it looks: you will receive such news.

Enter the city on horseback. For a sick person, such a dream promises recovery, and for those who have lost something and want to find it, the dream promises good luck in their search and subsequent success.

Leaving the city (village, house) in a dream is a bad dream.

For the sick, he predicts a quick death, for the military - defeat, injury or death in battle. Other people - failures in business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Riding

A dream about riding a horse or other animal suggests that if you take more initiative in dealing with the person who attracts you, the situation will change in the direction you want very soon.

Don't be afraid to experiment and try something original.

Your strength, activity and sexuality will help to subdue your partner and reach such heights of sensuality, the existence of which you did not even suspect.

Interpretation of dreams from


Every year the world progresses faster and faster. Previously, we did not dare to imagine that someday the time would come when people could visit exhibitions and museums that are thousands of kilometers away using the Internet or drive along a route laid out by a satellite using a navigation system.

However, that time has come, and today we live in it. The invention of the navigator has brought a great benefit to drivers, and now you and I do not need to use maps to arrive at the final destination of the trip. And that's great. By turning on the navigator and setting the route, you can enjoy the road and the pleasant voice that accompanies the trip.

If you bought a navigator for the first time, then we are ready to tell you how to quickly learn how to use it.

Getting Started with the Navigator

The first step after buying a navigator is to configure it. So:

  • Turn on the device
  • After that, you will see on the display that the navigator is looking for a satellite
  • An indication that a signal has been found will be the word "POSITION". Now you have the opportunity to see and explore your location
  • For the convenience of using the map, go to the "Menu", and from there to the "Settings". Find the name "Map", then "Up Map". Here you will see the names "North up" and "Rotate as you go". To make it easier to use the map, select the second name
  • To build a route and start moving, open the "Menu", and find the item "by address"
  • In the boxes that appear, enter the address where you want to go. Then click on the "go" button
  • After these actions, the route will be laid, and it will be possible to start moving.

You can change the route compiled by the system. Let's say you need to stop somewhere along the way, then:

  • Simply move the map on the navigator display to the desired location, fix and name the waypoint
  • Now click "find" - "waypoints", and select the desired name locality. You will see the inscription "show on the map". Click there, and after opening the map of the place you need, click "drop in"
  • After all this, the system will reconfigure the route, travel time and mileage. Just don't forget to save new routes using the "export" button.

If you do not want to drive through a dirt road or a toll highway, then set the "avoid when navigating" in the settings. And when it is important for you to take the shortest route, then on the contrary, set up the system for all possible roads that the satellite can "see". Or if you want to know where nearby hotels, restaurants, shops are located, you can specify this in the settings. It is also very convenient when the navigator is connected to the Internet. Then you will have the opportunity to monitor traffic jams and congestion, and find ways to bypass them.


Navigator is an extremely handy thing. With it, you will not get lost, no matter where in the world you hit. Plus, it will show you all traffic police posts, and control the speed of your car. Just remember to update the maps in the system regularly. You can do this yourself by downloading updates via the Internet or give your device to a master who will not only update it, but also install a map of any country you wish.
