What to do if the blue icon is in Hamachi. How to fix tunnel errors in Hamachi - yellow triangle and blue circle

A social network is not only a place to communicate with colleagues and school friends. Here they create interest groups, watch jokes and the latest episodes of TV shows, listen to their favorite music and even work. In addition to the obvious functions, Odnoklassniki has less noticeable and little-known ones that expand your capabilities in the system.

Let's find out why we need colored circles that are found in the bottom corner of the profile photo. What means blue circle in classmates - which users are marked for them and how to put it on the photo?

Round indicators are available in blue and orange. But they mean one thing - this person is online on OK:

If there are no icons in the corner of the photo, then the person has not logged into the social network. The color of the indicator indicates the site version:

  • blue - mobile, login from a tablet or phone;
  • orange - full, input from a computer.

The orange circle is more common, most people go to a full-featured site. The blue circle is displayed both when visiting OK through the device's browser, and when visiting through the official application downloaded and installed on the smartphone. In both cases, the user enters mobile version systems.

If you open full-sized OK in the browser, then you will not find a flickering sign on your personal photo. Go to mobile version networks - and you will see a flashing icon in your personal account:

Keep in mind that the color of the indicator does not always accurately determine how the user opened the social network - from a computer or from a phone. From the full version, you can open the compact one - just go to the address in the browser: https://m.ok.ru/. A truncated version will be loaded for mobile devices, and your friends will see a blue circle on your profile even though you're OK on your computer.

And from a smartphone you can open full page. By default, the system recognizes that you are logged in from a gadget with a small screen, and loads a special compact version of the site. If you want to switch to full-fledged OK - in the main menu at the end there is an item "Full version":

When you click on it, a regular site will open, your profile will be decorated with an orange logo - although you opened the OK page from your phone. In the Odnoklassniki application, it is impossible to change the type of system.

Sometimes it happens that a user's photo is marked with a flickering circle, but it is not on the site. Why is the icon flashing in this case? Flashing stops with closing social network not instantly, but after 3-5 minutes. During this time, the data in OK is updated and the state of the indicators changes.

If the circle continues to flicker for longer, it may be Account opened in parallel on another device. Also check if the browser is completely closed by the "Exit" button or is minimized to an inactive state.

Therefore, a flashing round sign indicates that the user has entered OK and is ready to communicate. Its color determines the version of the system - full or mobile, it is not always possible to unambiguously determine the type of device (computer or smartphone).

If a blue circle appears near the nickname of the game partner in Hamachi, this does not bode well. This is evidence that a direct tunnel could not be created, so an additional repeater is involved in data transmission, and ping (delay) will leave much to be desired.

What to do in this case? There are a number of straightforward ways to diagnose and correct.

In most cases, fixing the problem comes down to a banal check for blocking data transfer. To be more precise, very often the built-in Windows protection (Firewall, Firewall) interferes with the program. If you have an additional antivirus with a firewall, then add Hamachi program in the exceptions in the settings or try disabling the firewall completely.

Concerning basic protection Windows, then you need to check the firewall settings. Go to "Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Windows Firewall" and click on the left "Allow an application to interact with ..."

Now find in the list desired program and make sure that there are checkmarks next to the name, as well as on the right. It is worth immediately checking the restrictions for some specific games.

Among other things, it is desirable to mark the Hamachi network as "private", but this may adversely affect security. You can do this when you first start the program.

Checking your IP

There is such a thing as "white" and "gray" IP. "White" is strictly required to use Hamachi. Most providers issue it, however, some save on addresses and make NAT subnets with internal IPs that do not allow a single computer to fully select open internet. In this case, you should contact your provider and order the "white" IP service. You can also find out the type of your address in detail tariff plan or call technical support.

Port check

If you use a router to connect to the Internet, then there may be a problem with port routing. Make sure that the "UPnP" function is enabled in the router settings, and in Hamachi settings is "Disable UPnP - No".

How to check for a problem with ports: connect the internet wire directly to network card PC and connect to the Internet by entering a name and password. If even in this case the tunnel does not become straight, and the hated blue circle does not disappear, then it is better to contact the provider too. Perhaps the ports are closed somewhere on the remote equipment. If everything is going well, you will have to delve into the settings of the router.

Disable proxy

In the program, click "System > Options".

On the "Settings" tab, select "advanced settings".

Here we are looking for the subgroup "Connecting to the server" and next to "use a proxy server" we put "No". Now Hamachi will always try to create a direct tunnel without intermediaries.
It is also recommended to turn off encryption (this may fix the problem with yellow triangles, but more on that in a separate article).

So, the problem with the blue circle in Hamachi is quite common, but in most cases it is very easy to fix it, unless you have a “gray” IP.

Have always been popular. In those cases when it is not possible to stretch the wire (for example, your partner is in another city), a program such as Hamachi will come in handy. It creates which allows you to enjoy the passage of cooperative campaigns.

True, people who decide to use this method may face an unpleasant problem - a tunnel through a repeater. This means that for some reason, direct access to another computer is impossible, and communication goes through the program's servers. This seriously reduces the quality of communication and often leads to the impossibility of playing online.

The problem is common, but, fortunately, in most cases solvable. A typical indication that the connection is not direct and that a tunnel has been created through a relay is a blue indicator next to the name of the network member. Ideally, the indicator should be green. In new versions of the program, it became possible to ping contacts in the network list. If the ping fails, then messages about the request timeout will appear - this is a clear sign of a problem.

First of all, check the antiviruses on both computers, the firewalls built into them need constant monitoring, otherwise they have a habit of blocking Hamachi. The repeater is deactivated as soon as you get a stable connection with your network partner. Try disabling the protection, if after that the connection is unstable, proceed to the program settings.

In find "Network Properties" and turn off "Encryption". Also, run the program only as an administrator (just like a game). Then, with a high degree of probability, the program will not create a tunnel through the relay. In general, Hamachi is a rather capricious program, therefore it sometimes creates a tunnel even when the connection can be established directly. This usually happens when one of the network participants has a slow connection.

Among other things, it is worth checking if you understand this, or calling specialists: it all depends on the degree of your awareness. Giving advice in this case is pointless, because. There can be any number of reasons "on the other side". Without understanding the principles of operation and configuration, you can easily break something, and then the problems will become more serious.

At the same time, a tunnel through a repeater is not always bad, because. some games have enough of the quality that the Hamachi server provides. If the connection suits you, then why change something? If the problem cannot be eliminated in any way: neither by your efforts, nor by the provider, then, as an option, change the company that provides you with Internet services. Of course, this will give you some inconvenience at first, but a quality connection is worth it.

Tunneling through a relay is a very annoying problem that should be fixed as soon as possible. Another thing is that the price of the issue can vary from 15 minutes of your time to a radical change in provider. Be prepared for this. Remember, it's better to sit without the Internet for a couple of days, but then forget about connection problems forever.

Hamachi is latest program to create a secure network over the Internet, which performs the function of a local one. As a result, it turns out that computers located at a great distance are tied to each other according to the principle local network over the internet. But even modern programs have failures, one of which is the “Tunnel through the repeater”. The main disadvantage of this problem is the low speed of the game and endless crashes from servers as a result of weak ping. In this article, we will explain how to fix the tunnel through the relay in Hamachi.

Why is this problem happening

The problem of a tunnel through a repeater is quite common and quite solvable. The reason for the problem is that the program cannot reach the computer directly, and therefore looks for communication through third-party servers. In this scenario, the indicator next to the name of one of the network members lights up in blue.

Fixing a tunnel through a relay

To remove the tunnel through the repeater, follow exactly the instructions below. After completing all the steps, you will create favorable conditions for creating a direct tunnel between computers.

1. First you need to check if your IP is white. The fact is that for a direct connection between computers, at least one of the users must have a white IP. You can get a white IP through a provider that provides you with the Internet.

2. When Hamachi is running, the antivirus and firewall must be disabled. You can disable the firewall through the control panel, section "System and Security" - " windows firewall". You can disable the antivirus until the next reboot, or for a while, for example, for 30 minutes.

3. Go to the Hamachi program and open the "Settings" panel. Open in settings " Additional settings" and change the value "Use a proxy server" to "No".

4. Restart Hamachi and check the color of the indicator of the user you want to connect with. If it is solid green, then you were able to fix the tunnel through the relay.

Now you know how to fix the tunnel through the relay in Hamachi. If you still can't fix this problem, then you need to check the settings of the router or provider to prohibit the use of direct ports. Also ask another user to follow the same steps as above. We hope you will be able to set up Hamachi and play online with your friends at the highest speed and low ping without any problems.
