Electronic money in Kyrgyzstan: The National Bank contributed to the development of the black market. Electronic money in Kyrgyzstan: the National Bank contributed to the development of the black market Installing the Yandex.Money: Online Payments mobile application

Since October 1, Kyrgyzstanis have lost the opportunity to replenish their electronic wallets in such popular systems as WebMoney, Qiwi and Yandex.Money. The reason is that the systems did not meet the new requirements of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic and were not registered with it. Users across the country sounded the alarm.

The previously legal market was quickly occupied by intermediaries, who, of course, turned out to have unfavorable exchange rates, while the National Bank knows almost nothing about them. As a result, electronic money in Kyrgyzstan entered the black market.

Entrepreneurial intermediaries

After closing access to replenishing wallets through terminals, the vacated niche was immediately occupied by intermediaries. They themselves replenish wallets and withdraw money from them for users, but at the highest possible rate.

For example, on the popular Diesel forum, one of the most active users, livercoval58, replenishes wallets on Yandex.Money at the rate of 1.45 soms per 1 ruble (as of November 20). Given that the average market rate on that date was 1.17 soms. The minimum amount of replenishment with this intermediary is 5 thousand rubles. Those who ask to put 150 rubles on the balance, he asks not to apply.

Another active user Forum Daft Punk also throws money into popular WebMoney, Qiwi and Yandex.Money wallets. The minimum replenishment amount is 100 rubles.

The rate at this intermediary on October 23 was 1.3 soms for 1 ruble. The market rate for that day was 1.19 soms. To replenish your wallet, you need to transfer soms to the local Elsom electronic wallet of this intermediary. The time for replenishing your wallet after transferring money is from five minutes to a day.

A separate site unipay.info specializes in buying and selling WebMoney. The rate of buying a dollar is $0.97, selling - $1.03. However, this intermediary withdraws money from WebMoney only after the user is fully identified in the system.

To replenish the wallet, you need to send money through the money transfer system "Leader" or "Contact". They also receive cash through a money transfer. Previously, money to replenish the wallet could be brought to the office of this intermediary in one of the business centers in Bishkek, but recently information about the location of the intermediary has been removed from the site.

National Bank experiment

The Kyrgyz National Bank became the founder of the situation. The regulator decided to introduce mandatory registration of operators of international electronic money systems. He explained it this way: "to determine which of them are present on the country's market, according to what rules they function." Why did he need this if these operators are already known to the world and do not hide information about their presence in the market? The specialists of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic explained that such knowledge will allow them to “reduce the risk of the presence on the market of unscrupulous money transfer systems / schemes that the population may use.”

At the moment, Akchabar is waiting for an answer from the National Bank on whether the regulator has begun to receive more information about the operation of electronic money systems and what it knows about the black market.

They are not in a hurry to the National Bank

The requirement of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic on registration was fulfilled only by the Russian RNCO "Payment Center" (the operator of the Golden Crown payment system) and the Kazakhstani companies WOOPPAY, W1 Kazakhstan and Allpay.

But the popular systems WebMoney, Qiwi and Yandex.Money are in no hurry to register separately with the National Bank.

The editors contacted the press service of WebMoney Transfer, where they said that they corresponded with the National Bank, but its requirements for foreign companies are unfeasible: it turned out that the financial regulator demanded either to create a joint venture or to consolidate partnerships with a local credit institution.

“Now the company is looking for a partner bank in Kyrgyzstan to fulfill the requirements of the National Bank. On this moment There is no ready-made solution, so we can’t say anything about the timing,” the company said.

At the same time, according to "Akchabar" from several sources, the registration of WebMoney in the republic is unlikely. This company, according to market participants, is the least interested today in wasting its resources on incomprehensible registration with the Kyrgyz regulator.

So far, the Qiwi system has come closest to solving the registration issue. Its press service stated that Qiwi Bank JSC is now on the list of money transfer system operators registered with the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic as an operator of the Contact system.

“The bank is currently considering the issue of registration with the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic and as an operator of the Qiwi payment service,” the company said.

Judging by the lengthy correspondence between Akchabar and Yandex.Money's head office in Moscow, this company does not fully understand what problems their users in Kyrgyzstan have encountered and what to do about it.

As a result, the press service said the following:

Yandex.Money did not introduce any restrictions for users from Kyrgyzstan. The service is still available worldwide, wherever there is Internet. The company operates under the license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of Russia.

We cannot control how the use of the service correlates with the legislation of a particular country: each state has its own laws, it is the duty of citizens of these countries to know and comply with them. Now users from Kyrgyzstan can replenish their wallet with a bank card on the website of the service.”

However, Yandex's latest statement about the ability to replenish a wallet through a bank card is not true. Only those who have Demir Bank cards can transfer money. This option is not available to cardholders of all other banks of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Yandex.Money press service refused to answer additional questions.

Eric Azykov, the official Yandex.Money identification agent in Kyrgyzstan, has more information. He told the editors that now the issue of registration is being considered by the company's management.

“We are trying to resolve this issue as soon as possible. During the discussion there are some issues that are closely related to the internal policy of the company", - said the agent .

He added that Yandex does not enter the markets of other countries directly - it is looking for partners and this is its policy. As an example, the official identification agent cited the work of the Yandex.Taxi service in Bishkek: in this case, the company did not even open an office, but found partners.

“Negotiations with the management of Yandex.Money are ongoing. We will try to bring them to the end and convey all the nuances that may arise during and after registration, as we understand the inconvenience users in Kyrgyzstan have encountered,” Azykov said.

If the issue of registration is positively resolved, it will take about 2-3 weeks. At the moment, user identification is available, and this is the first step in the development of electronic money in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Yandex.Money representative added.

It should be noted that the National Bank registers operators of international electronic money systems within 15 working days. To register, they need to submit a minimum package of documents:

  • indicate your name in the application
  • attach a copy of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity
  • attach a copy of permits obtained in the country of registration
  • indicate the rules of operation under the laws of the country where the system is registered.

Who will win?

The Association of Payment System Operators states that today more and more Kyrgyzstanis use electronic money to buy goods and pay for services, significantly saving personal time. But such an opportunity turned out to be blocked due to the fact that they were not registered with the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic in the first place. large systems electronic money.

“It is difficult to name the terms for solving these problems, since here either foreign operators will have to decide for themselves the need to register in Kyrgyzstan, or the National Bank itself will have to change its attitude towards foreign systems or extend the period for their registration,” the association concluded.

*Financial portal "Akchabar" will continue to monitor the topic and inform readers about the situation around electronic wallets.

Publication Electronic money in Kyrgyzstan: the National Bank contributed to the development of the black market(% trans "is the intellectual property of Akchabar Financial Portal." %)

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk in detail about one in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet - Yandex money.

In this article, you will learn how to register and create a Yandex.ru wallet, how to deposit or withdraw money, how to replenish, cash out and transfer funds to the Poison wallet.

Yandex Money is the main competitor of WebMoney in Runet (read about and), as well as, and are quite popular among Internet users.

Hacking Yandex money wallets does not happen as often (however, money was stolen from me the other day, but more on that below), like WebMoney hacking, which can make Poison a more attractive settlement option for.

In order to start using Yandex Money, it will be important to go through register and create a wallet, which can be used through the web interface. Previously, there was a program that was installed on your computer (this was considered a safer way, but since 2011 it is no longer supported and everyone is recommended to switch to the first use case).

Registration and creation of a wallet in the Yandex Money system

In order to start using the web interface of the Yandex Money service, you need to register(, the login and password you received will serve as data for registration on all other services of the Runet mirror):

Please note that at this step, indicate the number of your mobile phone optional (you can click on the “I don’t have a phone” button and select Security Question and enter the answer to it). However, if you have a wallet for further work with Yandex money, it would be better to indicate the mobile phone number, because this will increase the security of working with the account.

If you already have an account on this mega-portal, then just log in to it. There is also Alternative option- login through your social media accounts(Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, Mail.ru and Odnoklassniki), the buttons of which you will see at the bottom of the authorization form:

After registration, you will be taken to the "passport" page, where you can select "More" - "Money" from the top menu.

If you already had an account, then just go to the Yandex Money service under your login (or through social networks) and click on the big button "Open Wallet":

By default, at the first step of registration you are offered enter your mobile phone number:

I strongly advise you to take this opportunity, unless there are good reasons not to do so. The fact is that linked mobile number it will help to restore access to the wallet in no time if the password is lost or the account is hacked, it will allow you to connect SMS-informing about account transactions, and it will also allow you to use not a permanent, but a one-time payment password that will be sent to your cell phone in the form of an SMS message every time , which will increase the safety of work by an order of magnitude.

Previously, Yandex Many still allowed you to do without indicating your mobile number, but now they have already abandoned this. Apparently, the level of security of working with wallets is greatly reduced.

At the second step of registering with Yandex Money, you will need to enter code sent by SMS to the mobile phone number you specified, indicate the contact email, agree to the terms and click on the "Open Wallet" button:

Previously used also permanent payment password, which was transmitted via encrypted channels when you performed some actions in your Yandex Wallet (replenished, withdrawn, cashed out, etc.), but now it has been abandoned in favor of using a one-time payment password, which will be automatically sent each time SMS to your cell phone number.

In the future, you can replace it with a password that will be generated by the one set in your cell phone special application from Yandex, if it seems to you a more convenient option.

By the way, authorization in Yandex Money will automatically terminate 15 minutes after you stop using the service. Therefore, even if you forget to close the Yandex service page with an active wallet, then after 15 minutes access to your information will be lost, and no one will be able to take advantage of your forgetfulness and withdraw (cash out) or transfer funds.

How to use Yandex Money, settings and features

After filling in all the available fields on the registration page, click on the "Open Wallet" button. As a result, you will be redirected to the service page, where at the top right you will see the number zero (this is the balance of your current account), by clicking on which you find out your money wallet number. Previously, by the way, it was displayed in the left column and it was not necessary to frantically search for it in different menus.

In the center home page you will be described other options for working with this type of money (how to replenish, transfer, withdraw, cash out, spend, link a bank card, etc.):

Let's first go over the settings of our Yandex wallet.

Settings for your wallet in Yandex

To do this, you will again need to click on the amount of your current balance and go to the drop-down menu item " Wallet Management", which is shown in the previous screenshot (if you don’t know, then you can search for it for quite a long time, which is not good in terms of usability):

Let's start in order. By default, the Yandex Money system can be considered anonymous, because you are free to indicate any of your data, but now, however, you cannot refuse to expose your mobile phone number.

However, this way of working imposes some restrictions on the capabilities of your wallet. There is an alternative way of working when you click on the link "Change status", learn about the new features and how to connect them. By default, your status will be anonymous, but, for example, you don’t even need to go somewhere to transfer it to a nominal one:

You will only need to enter your real name and passport data in a special form. But in order to obtain the status of an “Identified” user of Yandex money, you will have to provide the administration of the system in one form or another your passport details, and then new opportunities will open before you, described at the top of the screenshot (extended limits on payments, transfers and withdrawals).

Not all users of the system will need advanced features, but they may be needed by someone who uses Yandex money for the needs of their business. For example, recently I wanted to poison, but received a thrashing from the system, because I have a registered account, and it is precisely identified that is required for this action. Now I’m thinking whether to bother with changing the status, or display it as before on WebMoney.

Let's go back to the Yandex wallet settings, which were shown in the second screenshot of this chapter (the “Wallet management” item in the balance menu of your account). In the "Informing" area, you can activate the receipt SMS informing about transactions with the account (expenditure transactions and replenishment) by clicking on the link "Pay for a subscription". This service costs 20 rubles per month. Email notifications are, of course, free.

Previously, Yandex Many used a one-time payment password, which was, a priori, more vulnerable than one-time passwords that came to you in SMS messages (free, of course). Now all payment passwords are one-time, but you can still make sure, for example, in case of loss of a mobile phone save or print emergency codes, which will allow you to confirm any payment or service without SMS.

Recalling emergency codes is somewhat unpleasant for me now, because today 9 thousand rubles were taken from my Yandex wallet using phishing (I myself gave one of these emergency codes to the attackers). But as I write this article, I hope to gather the strength to describe my shameful carelessness.

Installing the mobile application "Yandex.Money: online payments"

If you make payments, transfers, and withdrawals from Yandex Money on a stream, then the best option May be installation mobile application , which will generate one-time payment passwords. SMS messages do not always and everywhere reach stably, and the application will always be at hand.

To do this, click on the button with an arrow (a sort of spoiler) in the upper right corner of the “Passwords” area (I would double-check the usability of the new money.yandex.ru interface for professional suitability), and in the window that opens, click on the link “Change protection method”.

On the page that opens, you will need to go to the "Application" tab, where links will be given to install it on Android, iOS or Windows Phone.

In the case of Android in Google Play, it is called "Yandex.Money: online payments" and is set in the usual way.

After entering the login and password from your Yandex account, you will also be asked to come up with a password to enter this application to protect you from unauthorized access to the wallet while the phone is in the wrong hands. The application itself looks very nice and easy to use:

How to use the wallet?

Everything, now you can fully use payment system- deposit funds (replenish the account), transfer the required amount to another wallet, withdraw (cash out or simply withdraw) money from the system. To do this, use the corresponding menu buttons on the left.

For example, in order to transfer money to another Yandex wallet, you will need to click on the "Translate" button and just go to the page located "". In the window that opens, you can specify either the recipient's wallet number, or his email address, or mobile phone number (the data is checked on the fly against the database and you will receive a message if such a user is not found in the system):

Although you are free to transfer funds by indicating in the "To" field the mobile phone number of a user who does not have a Yandex wallet at all. He will have to go through the registration procedure described above in the system and indicate his cell number. At the end of registration, he will need to go to the history from the left menu (section "Deposits") and click the "Get" button.

In the "For payment" field, you can enter the amount that you will need to withdraw from your Yandex wallet, or in the "How much" field, enter the amount that you will need to deposit to the recipient's account (it is impossible to withdraw, deposit or transfer money just like that, but only by paying for This commission to the system in the amount of 0.5 percent from the amount, and therefore there are two fields for entering the transfer amount).

- a digital code, without which the addressee will not receive this transfer. You should also set the lifetime of the protection code. This time is given to the recipient for this and that. If he does not enter the correct protection code within the specified period, then the money will be safely returned to your wallet. In any case, protection will allow you to insure yourself in case of incorrect input of the recipient's data.

Then click the "Transfer" button and on the page that opens, after making sure that the amount you want to transfer is correct, enter your Yandex money one-time payment password, which came in the form of an SMS to your mobile phone (or was generated by the mobile application you installed - read about it above).

All goods and services for which you can pay with Yandex money, you will find on this page - https://money.yandex.ru/shops.xml (you will get to it from the left menu by clicking on the item of the same name). The range of services and goods that you can pay for is quite wide.

When paying, for example, mobile communications You can set up auto payment. Then the account on your mobile phone will be replenished automatically from the Yandex wallet as soon as the amount of your balance falls below the specified threshold. For the forgetful, it seems to me, that's it.

To confirm the payment, each time you will have to enter a one-time payment password received by SMS or taken from your mobile application (if the phone is not currently available, you can use one of the emergency codes that you, I hope, have already printed and saved).

In the same way, you can pay for the exposed various services accounts. For example, when paying for or renewing hosting, you choose the Yandex.Money option (if any) and you are transferred to your wallet to confirm this payment.

Bank cards Yandex Money, linking and replenishment of the account

In your account settings ("Manage your wallet" item in the drop-down menu of your current balance) you can find the area " Bank cards”, where after clicking on the spoiler (the arrow in the upper right corner of this area), you will be offered three options for working with them:

Let's look at all of them in turn:

In the settings section "Informer "My balance"" it will be possible to set up and receive an informer code with a button for making donations in two clicks. It is very convenient, in my opinion, because you can see how much money has already been collected and, most importantly, simply implemented:

Check the box to add "Support the project" buttons and enter the default contribution amount. After that, you activate the informer and get a code to insert it in the right place on your or someone else's site. It will turn out something like mine:
