f12 browser integrated development environment. NetBeans IDE - Universal Integrated Application Development Environment

There are a lot of C++ development environments, and each purpose has its own special IDE. Here are the 10 most popular development environments and source code editors for C++.

If Xcode is your favorite development environment Apple, That Visual Studio is a development environment from Microsoft. Visual Studio is mainly known for writing applications that include .NET. This is a complete set of tools that allows you to fine-tune your application. There is both a Community and PRO version.

Visual Studio is not only designed for C++ developers, but also supports many other popular languages ​​such as C#, Visual Basic, and F#.

Visual Studio offers many features, some of which are:

  • intelligent code completion;
  • graphic form designer (GUI);
  • easy to use navigation system.

You can use the IDE to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as websites, web applications, and web services.

You can find out more.

2 -Xcode

Xcode is not just an integrated development environment, but a complete set of software development tools created by Apple to develop software for macOS, iOS, WatchOS and tvOS.

Xcode is the best IDE for Mac, if only because it was created by the developers of the operating system. Therefore, if you are developers for Apple platforms, this environment is for you.

Xcode features:

  • creating applications for all Apple platforms;
  • code completion;
  • convenient work with GUI.

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3 - NetBeans

While NetBeans is famous for Java development, it is also one of the best C++ development environments for both Windows and Mac with Linux.

NetBeans also has many ready-made template projects for C and C++ that you can use as the basis for your applications. NetBeans was written using Java and can also be used for PHP and HTML5 projects. Ideal for beginners, but experienced programmers often use it.

Pros of NetBeans:

  • This software is open source;
  • developed and supported by Oracle;
  • support for visualized creation of GUI interfaces;
  • Qt Toolkit support;
  • support for remote development;
  • easy file navigation.

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4 - Eclipse

Eclipse is another easy-to-use yet powerful IDE for C and C++. There are few differences between Eclipse and NetBeans, but Eclipse is still a faster development environment.

Eclipse Pros:

  • ease of installation and use;
  • free and open source;
  • support for multiple platforms;
  • powerful engine for creating GUI interfaces;
  • at remote system explorer.

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5 - CodeLite

CodeLite is another free and fast IDE for C and C++ programming. CodeLite also supports PHP and JavaScript development.

CodeLite features:

  • multiplatform support;
  • built-in support for GCC/clang/VC++;
  • CodeLite has an amazingly fast and powerful code completion tool becauseown analyzer;
  • support for profiling, refactoring;
  • static code analysis and class browser.

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6 - Qt Creator

Qt Creator is the most famous development environment for creating graphical applications. If you are looking to create a good GUI application, Qt Creator is the perfect choice for you.

The problem is, it's paid. Don't worry, there is an open source version that is free. If you are a beginner, then you are unlikely to distribute it for money, and then a paid license is simply not needed.

Some of the features of Qt Creator:

  • simple and convenient GUI form designer;
  • cross-platform;
  • Support for debugging, compilation, profiling, code completion and refactoring;
  • support for static code analysis;
  • fast Qt compiler;
  • Qt data visualization;
  • Qt Quick 2D Renderer;
  • Qt WebView;
  • Qt Virtual Keyboard.

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7 - Code::Blocks

Codeblocks is another free and open IDE for C and C++, written using GNU C++. The main advantage is the cross-platform nature of the program. CodeBlocks can also be used for C and Fortran languages.

Some of the features of CodeBlocks:

  • simple and quick installation;
  • availability of a portable version;
  • convenient GUI form designer;
  • Built-in ability to create flowcharts.

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8 - Dev-C++

Dev-C++ is a free and open source integrated development environment written in Delphi for Windows. It is a lightweight IDE that only takes a couple of minutes to install. This is the best development environment for beginners, where you can install a plugin for creating GUI interfaces using drag-and-drop methods.

Some of the features of Dev-C++:

  • light weight;
  • P Easy to use toolbar;
  • code completion;
  • G Hotkeys for compiling and running, such as F9 and F10;
  • P growing installation.

You can find out more.

9 - CLion

This is an excellent C++ development environment created by the famous company JetBrains. It comes with some great features like Smart Editor, Code Analysis, Embedded Termina.

CLion is a paid program and does not have a free version, but you can get a 30-day trial to test it out.

CLion features:

  • convenient creation of visualized interfaces;
  • availability of tools for convenient code creation and debugging;
  • ability to install plugins;
  • Finding errors in code in Live mode.

You can find out more.

10 - Geany

Integrated Development Environment(IDE = « I integrated D development E nvironment" is software that contains everything you need to develop, compile, link and debug code. We need to install one such IDE.

But which one exactly? I recommend Visual Studio from Microsoft (for Windows users) or Code::Blocks (for Linux/Windows users). You can also install any other IDE. The basic concepts covered in these lessons should work in all development environments. However, sometimes the code may be partially different in different IDEs, so you will have to independently look for more detailed information about working in the IDE you have chosen.

IDE for Windows

If you are a Windows user (like most of us), then install Visual Studio 2017“Community” version, which is free (all other versions are paid):

Once you download and run the installer, you will need to select " Desktop Development in C++" There is no need to touch the items selected by default on the right side of the screen - everything is fine there, just make sure that the checkbox next to "Windows 10 SDK". This package can also be used in earlier versions of Windows, so don't worry if you have Windows 7 or Windows 8 - everything will work. Then "Install".

If you wish, you can check the boxes next to other download items, but keep in mind that then the size of your IDE will be significantly increased.

IDE for Linux/Windows

If you are a Linux user (or Windows user, but want to write programs that can then be easily ported to Linux), then install Code::Blocks. This is a free, cross-platform IDE that works on both Linux and Windows.

Windows users need to download the bundled MinGW version:

The setup is simple: just agree with everything that is asked of you. C++11/C++14 functionality in Code::Blocks may be disabled by default. To use it you need to go to Settings > Compiler:

And in the tab " Compiler Flags» put a tick next to the item "Have g++ follow the C++14 ISO C++ language standard [-std=c++14]", then press "OK":

Note: After installing Code::Blocks, some users may receive the following error message: Can’t find compiler executable in your configured search paths for GNU GCC Compiler . If you encounter this, try the following:

If you are a Windows user, make sure you download the MinGW version of Code::Blocks (the installer you download should have the word "mingw" in the name).

Try completely uninstalling Code::Blocks and then installing it again.

Go to Settings > Compiler and select "Reset to defaults".

If none of the above helps, try installing a different IDE.

An alternative is , which also works on both Windows and Linux.

IDE for macOS

Apple technology users can use Xcode or Eclipse. Eclipse is not configured to use C++ by default, so you will need to install additional components for C++.

Web compilers

Web compilers are suitable for writing simple, small programs. Their functionality is limited: you won't be able to save projects, create executable files, or debug programs effectively, so it's better to download a full-fledged IDE if you're really serious about programming. Use web compilers only to quickly launch small programs.

Popular web compilers.

    A software package designed for the productive development of application systems and consisting of: source text and resource editors; from the compiler; from debugger; from project management and operational assistance tools; + including… … Financial Dictionary

    - (Integrated) software development environment (IDE, Integrated development environment) a system of software tools used by programmers to develop software. Typically the development environment includes... ... Wikipedia

    software development environment- 3.62 software development environment: An integrated system that includes hardware, software, software, hardware, procedures and documents necessary for software development. Source: GOST R 51904 2002: Software for embedded... ...

    This term has other meanings, see Eclipse. Eclipse... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Delphi. Embarcadero Delphi ... Wikipedia

    Wednesday- 3.3.3 environment: Relationship between syntax and semantics. Note In the context of this standard, the environment object binds to the generic variable object (syntax) the corresponding value (semantics) represented by the object... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    software verification/testing environment- 3.63 software verification/testing environment: An integrated system that includes hardware, software, firmware, procedures and documents necessary to perform software verification/testing. Elements of this environment... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    This term has other meanings, see Turbo. Turbo Pascal Development environment Turbo Pascal 7.1 Type ... Wikipedia

    This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted / September 28, 2012. While the discussion process is not completed, the article can ... Wikipedia


  • , I. I. Popov , O. L. Golitsyna , The basic principles of programming in high-level languages ​​are considered: the basic control structures of programming; standard data types; data structures; procedures and functions;… Category: Manuals and reference books Series: Laser equipment and technology Publisher: Forum, Manufacturer: Forum,
  • Programming in high-level languages: Textbook, Golitsyna O.L. , The basic principles of programming in high-level languages ​​are considered: the basic control structures of programming; standard data types; data structures; procedures and functions;… Category:

An integrated development environment is a software system used for software development. This will be discussed in my article.

Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Studio at work

This programming system was developed by Microsoft and includes an integrated programming environment and other tool features. This product allows you to create console and graphical applications, websites, web applications in C++, C#, Visual Basic.NET and F#. Visual Studio includes a code editor, a form editor, a debugger, a compiler, and various plugins.


Anjuta at work

The GNOME integrated development environment allows you to work with programming languages ​​such as C++, Vala, Java, JavaScript and Python. Best suited for developing graphics programs. By the way, JavaScript support was added as part of the Google Summer of Code project in 2009. This programming environment contains most of the necessary tools for comfortable programming: application wizard, debugger, source code editor, with support for syntax highlighting.


NetBeans Home Page

Integrated application development environment running in Java, Python, PHP, JavaScript, C, C++, ADA and so on. This project is sponsored by Oracle, but is being developed by an independent development team. In terms of capabilities, NetBeans is not inferior to the best paid, commercial development environments. NetBeans includes the ability to refactor, profile, highlight syntactic structures with color, auto-select constructs, and many templates.


Eclipse at work

Free, that is, a free integrated programming environment for developing cross-platform applications. Eclipse is primarily a platform for developing extensions, and any developer can insert their own extensions into Eclipse. Eclipse allows programming in C, Java, ADA, PHP, COBOL and so on.


KDevelop in action

Again, a free integrated development environment. Development began in 1998. There is no compiler included, any third party compiler is used to generate machine code. To edit the source code, a text editor is connected as a separate component. Features include syntax highlighting, a project manager, a built-in assistant, and a code completion system. This environment supports many programming languages, such as C, C++, Perl, Python, PHP, Java, Ruby, SQL, ADA, Pascal and Fortran.


XCode in action

Integrated development environment designed for OS X and iOS. Developed by Apple Corporation. The very first version of this environment was released in 2001. The newest versions are still distributed to this day. This system is designed in particular for creating a graphical interface. Supports C, Java, AppleScript, Python and Ruby languages.

[Additional Information]

Ifs Kit help or DDK help: Driver Writers Guide\Driver Development Environment

[L. 1] Chapter 18. Buildind and debugging drivers

[L. 2] Chapter 8. Device Driver Structure; Chapter 9. Debugging a Device Driver

In this section we will cover the following questions:

    Required software

    Installation and configuration

Required software:

    Operating system, Service Pack and debugging information


    Debugging Tools and Aids

operating system has 2 delivery options:

    Checked build (Debug build)

    Free build (Retail build)

Free build – standard delivery. Full optimization is enabled and there are no specialized debugging capabilities.

Checked build - specially designed for use by driver developers. There is almost no optimization, which contributes to a better understanding of the code when working under a debugger. Specialized debugging code is built into many functions to check the correctness of parameters and catch error situations. Available only as part of an MSDN subscription.

Included with the OS we will need debugging information (files with the extension .dbg and .pdb). It contains a mapping of addresses within a particular executable to symbolic names of functions and variables and can be used by debuggers.

It should be emphasized that the symbolic information is different for the checked and free versions of the system.

After installing the OS, you must install the latest version of the SP. We must remember that SP replaces almost all system files, and therefore they require new symbolic information.

For checked and free versions of the system, separate versions of SP are required. In addition, the OS and SP may differ in support for cryptographic algorithms (40-128 bits), which may affect the ability to install the SP.

Compiler. Although in principle compilers from different manufacturers can be used, the structure of header files and environment variables supplied by Microsoft for creating drivers is optimized for use of the Microsoft Visual C compiler. The compiler version must be at least 4.1, but the actual version required will depend on two other components - SDK and DDK.

MSDN Library. When installing Developer Studio, you are prompted to install the MSDN Library, a product that provides information about software development on all supported Microsoft platforms.

SDK. In earlier versions the kit was called Win32 SDK, Now - Platform SDK. This is an optional but desirable component for driver development. Contains header files, lib files, documentation, and user-level programming examples using the Win32 subsystem.

DDK. There are DDKs for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000. The DDK must match the platform for which the driver is intended to be created, but not necessarily the platform on which the driver is created. We will use the DDK for Windows NT 4.0. The DDK contains header files, documentation, and examples of writing drivers, excluding file system drivers.

IFS Kit. Package for creating file system drivers. Available as a separate product from your MSDN subscription. There are versions for Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000. The latest versions include the DDK, but with a different set of examples. Earlier versions required the DDK to be installed first.

There is a relationship between the listed set of components:

The compiler is installed first. As already mentioned, although it is possible to use compilers from other companies, the SDK and DDK assume the presence of Visual C, and depending on the release time of the SDK and DDK, different versions of the compiler are assumed (when linking, libraries from different versions will be indicated - this is the SDK, or they will not launch correctly command files for initializing environment variables - this is what DDK is guilty of). In addition, earlier versions of the DDK required the SDK to be installed. Another possible problem is that when using Windows NT Workstation, system environment variables may not be set.

Location of command files for setting environment variables:




If there is a version of the DDK that requires an SDK, the lines for checking the presence of the SDK and launching its setenv.bat file should be excluded from the Ddk\bin\setenv.bat file, and a call to vcvars32.bat should be written, as is done at the workplaces where the l/r.

Debugging tools and aids.

The choice of debugging tool is an important point that can influence the set of required hardware.

Microsoft products come with 4 debuggers:

KD,a console program for debugging kernel mode drivers, is located in the directory bin DDK package for NT4 and Win2000. (i386kd.exe, ia64kd.exe, alphakd.exe, mipskd.exe)

NTSD,a console program for debugging user-mode programs and drivers,located in the directory system32 OS Windows 2000.

CDB,NTSD variant, is contained in the directory bin DDK for Windows 2000.

WinDbg,a graphical debugger for debugging both user-mode and kernel-mode code, is contained in the directory bin DDK package for Win2000 and Platform SDK.

Of all the options listed, only the WinDbg debugger is worthy of mention. It provides a convenient user interface, but is very unstable, poorly documented, and lacks support from Microsoft. To use this product to debug drivers, you need 2 computers - Development Platform and Test Platform. The debugger is available for all supported platforms, and cross-platform debugging is possible. Supports operation on multiprocessor systems.

Many developers rightly consider SoftICE from NuMega to be the best debugger for debugging OS and drivers. Stable in operation, well documented, support from the company. Debugging is carried out on the same computer on which the development was carried out, but remote debugging is also possible using the DOS program serial.exe. The user interface can be considered a drawback, but this is a matter of habit. More serious disadvantages are the limitation of processor support to the Intel platform, as well as the lack of support for multiprocessor systems (however, the system is still actively being developed).

At workstations for performing L/R, SoftIce is installed as part of the NuMega Driver Studio v 2.0 package. Full documentation is available in pdf format.

There are also a number of auxiliary tools at the workplace for convenience in studying the OS and driver behavior. Some of these tools are supplied with source code, and all of them can be a good visual aid for writing drivers. Let's list these means:

    Monitor – viewing trace information output by drivers and application programs.

    Winobj - Object Manager Namespace View

    Handleex – information about running processes, all descriptors opened by them and loaded dll modules.

    Filemon – view file system activity, including mailslot and npfs

    Regmon – tracking of accesses to the registry, including at the system boot stage

    Portmon – tracking access to serial and parallel ports

    Tdimon - TDI request tracking.

    Tokenmon – tracking of system operation related to srm.
