Buy a phone number online for registration VKontakte. Virtual number for registration in VK, OK and FB

Today, registration on many services is possible only with a unique phone number. Such services include the social network VKontakte. If for some reason you are faced with the need to register a second page on this site, but you have only one phone number, then you will be refused, since only one account can be linked to one phone. There is a way out - this is the use of virtual numbers.

Today, the Internet offers users a lot of useful services, among which, not so long ago, the service of receiving SMS on a computer for registration in in social networks. Such services allow you to rent a phone number for a while, which you can specify when registering for the service and successfully receive an SMS message on it. More, as a rule, users do not need.

Services for registering VKontakte

As you understand, today there is far from one service for receiving SMS messages to a virtual number. Below we will consider the most stable and popular ones.

It is one of the most popular services for renting virtual numbers. Naturally, the services of the service are not free, but they are more than humane. So, for example, the cost of receiving SMS for registration in VK will cost you only 12 rubles. Agree, the price is ridiculous.

To work with the service, you will need to register an account, and then replenish your internal wallet with the required amount (the site provides registration rates for other social networks, moreover, you can immediately purchase a ready-made account).

After choosing a service, you will be assigned a special number, which must be indicated in the field when creating a page in VK. The SMS message will be sent to the sms-reg profile.

Another service from the same category as Sms-reg, however, unlike the first one, here the prices for registration in social networks are a little lower.

So, using the capabilities of this service, you can register new account Vkontakte for only 10 rubles. In general, the first and this services are very similar.

If the first two services are mainly aimed at registering in social networks, then Online SIM is a much more advanced version of the virtual number service, which allows you to receive messages, make mailings and even set up forwarding.

In addition, it is worth paying tribute to this service here - it allows you to try using the service of receiving SMS messages for free, which will allow you to register in VK without extra cash costs. If you want to use the service on an ongoing basis, for example, extending the activity of the number in case you are blocked in VK, then you will have to pay for the services of the service, but the fee is more than humane.

If you know services proven by your own experience for creating virtual numbers in order to create a VKontakte account, share them in the comments.

Vkontakte is the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS countries. Every day, not only the number of active users, but also the number of fake accounts. To solve this problem, the Vkontakte management decided to link it to a specific phone when creating the page, which not all users liked. How to register in VK without a phone number? Let's figure it out.

What does registration via phone give?

Not everyone understands the importance of linking a phone when creating an account on social networks. The introduction of such a function has two main goals:
  1. Improve security. When linking a cell phone, spambots will not be able to send “unpleasant” messages to friends from your profile. In addition, this makes it more difficult to hack an account, since login sessions from other PCs are displayed on a mobile device;
  2. Support mobile version In contact with.

It should also be taken into account that the developers of the social network plan to completely abandon the use of Email to link a profile to improve security.

Is it possible to register in VK without a phone number?

There is no definite answer to the question, since in any case you will have to enter a number or use third-party resources. Of course, the field can be left empty, but then the user will lack some of the features without which Vkontakte cannot be called a social network, namely:
  • A ban is imposed on sending private messages to other users;
  • It is forbidden to add to friends;
  • Ability to join groups.
If a social network is needed only to listen to music or watch videos, then you can register in VK without a phone number.

Registration Vkontakte without a phone

There are three main ways to create a page in VK for free without linking a number:
  1. "Fake" (fake) phone ;
  2. Facebook login;
  3. Through a virtual number.
Let's consider each method in turn.

fake number

The essence of the method is that when creating a profile, the user does not use his own number, but someone else's. For example, borrow a phone from friends or purchase a second SIM card. On the confirmation page, enter a third-party number:

In the presence of landline phone you can go the other way. To do this, just enter the number in 11-digit form and click "Get Code". The robot will call and say the profile activation code. This method allows you to register countless pages using one phone.

The risk of the method lies in the fact that if the data from the account is lost, it will be difficult or even impossible to recover the password (in the case of landline number). It is recommended to use the "Fake phone" method only if the page is not the main one.

Facebook Login

Despite the fact that Vkontakte is a Russian-language site, the current owners of are doing their best to enter the foreign market by collaborating with other social networks. One such partner is Facebook.

Vkontakte provides only for foreign residents register on the resource through Facebook. But since we are in Russia, we will have to cheat the system a little. For this we will use anonymizers, of which there are many on the Internet.

As an example, consider one of the popular Chameleon anonymizers. Let's go to the site:

Just type into the search bar or select from the list of popular queries.

This is how registration for residents from Russia looks like:

And this is what the site looks like for a user who logged in through the anonymizer:

Accordingly, click on "Login with Facebook".

Note: Do not forget that this method requires a Facebook account, which requires only email to register.

The risks of the method are the same as in the above: the inability to recover lost user data.

Creating a Vkontakte page through a virtual phone

Now let's talk about the difficult, but more efficient way create an account in VK without a phone.

To create a virtual number will use international servicepringer. com. You cannot make calls through it, but you can receive SMS messages that are necessary to complete the registration.

If you have a google+, Facebook or Twitter account, then you can access the service through these resources to save time.

It should also be noted that the number is issued to you on an ongoing basis. If you have forgotten your account password, you can request confirmation of the recovery request on your current phone.

You can use not only the Pringer service, but other analogues of virtual cellular (Room5, Kontiki, Bizo, Kendo UI).

Video instructions: how to register in VK without a number

The following video presents the main ways to register on the Vkontakte social network without entering a personal phone number. All methods are relevant:

Despite the large number of ways to get around the system, do not be afraid to enter personal number phone when creating a profile in VK. Firstly, registration is completely free - not a penny will be charged from the user. Secondly, it will increase the level of security. Hacking an account is more difficult, and you will always be aware of unauthorized activity from your page.

It is impossible to fully appreciate the significance of the Internet and the extent of its penetration into private life. Through the "World Wide Web" we communicate, make purchases, spend different kind financial operations and calculations.

Often, social networking or email sites ask for a phone number to verify identity. When providing our data, we often forget about information security . Where is the guarantee that the scammers of the virtual space will not inflict moral or, worse, material damage on us? Is it worth the risk, given that often a phone number is required once to register on a site. But intrusive advertising and other "infection" of the Internet will remind of themselves for a long time.

In this case, it is appropriate to use free virtual numbers phone. This service allows you to receive messages online in any country in the world. The operation of the service is independent of network coverage and does not require special equipment. You can anonymously register accounts on social networks, confirm profiles on dating sites, gambling sites and other suspicious resources where advertising a real phone number is undesirable.

Options for using free virtual numbers

  1. Registration on sites.
  2. Authorization in social networks.
  3. Complete absence of spam.
  4. receiving service, receiving sms online.
  5. Call forwarding to any real phone.
  6. Receiving and recording voice messages.
  7. Laconic voice menu for customer service, etc.

Using a virtual number provides for forwarding to any phone

Virtual number services

Anonymity, a large number base, the provision of individual numbers and the possibility of purchasing ready-made accounts make the service of virtual numbers in demand and reliable. In this regard, there are many both paid and free services to get a virtual phone number.

In cases of need for complete anonymity and reliability of maintaining own business, it is advisable to use paid version virtual phone number. If the phone is needed only for registration at a time, feel free to issue a free temporary number.

Using free virtual numbers to register on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks, you will get rid of the need to purchase new SIM cards to create multiple accounts.

Among the current web services for providing virtual numbers for registration on VKontakte and other social networks, there are three most popular ones: Twilio, TextNow and Let's consider the possibilities of each of them.

Standard scheme for obtaining a virtual number

Twilio: how to create a virtual number for sms

Perhaps the most powerful service IP telephony operating throughout the world. It has a concise interface and is easy to use, although it is in English.

The trial version of the service will allow you to create a number for receiving SMS absolutely free. To do this, you need to register on the website by clicking the "SING UP" button.

Fill in the fields with data for registration and click "Get Started" or "Get Started". Be sure to enter an email address to receive the registration access code. We indicate your phone number to confirm registration and enter the received code.

Entering Personal Area, press the "Get your Twilio namber" button to get the number.

Select the phone number you like and determine the country by clicking "Search for different number". Assigning a phone number (for example, for SMS) is selected by clicking "Capabilities".

Attention! Often for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the service may not find a suitable number, so you should choose an alternative one from another country.

We accept SMS in the "NUMBERS" section.

Virtual number at

The free version of the service is valid for the first ten days from the date of registration. After the expiration of this period or the waste of the initial finance ($ 4), the service automatically becomes paid.

Main page of the service

For correct registration, it is important to specify a working e-mail!!!

Virtual number options

Specify any card data and mark "Get 10 free days."

Incoming SMS is checked in "Manage Phone Numbers".

Getting a virtual number via TextNow

This service provides free virtual numbers on an ongoing basis. But the price for this will be advertising of the site, which is easy to disable with a subscription.

Easy-to-use TextNow web service

To start using TextNow, you need to register or create an account in the application. Do not panic if the service is not available to residents of the CIS countries. Use a US IP proxy to get the number. Messages will instantly become available in the "Conversionals" section.

Simple registration on provides protection against virtual scammers free of charge

ZADARMA - domestic alternative to English-language services

Consider the complexity of registering TextNow, the congestion of, and the nuances of using Twilio when choosing among the proposed services. Each of them has a number of significant drawbacks. The sites listed above offer the receipt and use of virtual numbers absolutely free. But often, hidden commissions and payments come as a surprise to the user. In addition, registration on these resources is not always correct, and the acquisition of a virtual number is delayed due to the lack of one. In addition, the received virtual number according to the characteristics corresponds to the numbers of far abroad countries. Why, in this case, do not use the proven resource Easy to use interface, no hidden fees and 100% personal data protection. This website offers a large selection of free virtual numbers on an ongoing basis for both individuals and businesses.

Competitive advantages of the ZADARMA.RU resource

  1. Complete absence of hidden fees;
  2. Instant registration and ease of use;
  3. Absolute security from virtual fraud when registering online;
  4. Multi-channel, excluding the possibility of missing an important call;
  5. Possibility of forwarding to any phone or distribution of calls to several phones at the same time;
  6. The possibility of opening a virtual office in any region of the country and even on another continent;
  7. Calls are received on a standard city number;
  8. Payment for calls to your number is made at intercity rates, regardless of your location;
  9. By opening a number in the city or country of the client, you increase interest, trust in your company and show respect for regular customers;
  10. The phone number remains unchanged during any office moves;

How to find out a temporary number for receiving sms online?

Traditionally, the list of numbers can be found on home page your account on the service. They are at the bottom of the window. Having learned your number, you can safely proceed to registration and do not worry about information and personal security.
