Why doesn't it show charging on my iPhone? Why won't my iPhone charge? Checking the cable and charger

Hello! There is another problem on today's agenda. What to do (or not do) when your iPhone won't charge? In this article we will look at possible reasons for this and try to find a solution for each of them.

So, if your iPhone has stopped charging, sit back and read until the very end... I'm sure one of the tips below will help you.

As you already understand, there are more than several reasons why your iPhone may not charge. Below I have collected the most common of them. Let's start with the most “harmless” ones, and then move on to the “dramatic” ones...

Follow the stated order, and each time try to implement what you read. I'm sure some of the tips will definitely help you charge your iPhone.

  • Is it safe to charge your iPhone using an iPad charger? –
  • Is your iPhone draining abnormally quickly? There is a solution! –

Reason #0: Software (firmware) glitch

Believe it or not, in most cases the reason for an iPhone not charging is software (firmware), not hardware. If you didn't know, there is a controller inside the iPhone (a chip on a board) that is responsible for charging the battery. This controller works under the guidance software.

Thus, when you connect the cord to the iPhone, power is supplied not directly to the battery, but first to the board with the controller, which in turn obeys the program built into the phone.

What can we do? And the fact is that the software component of the iPhone recognizes when a power source is connected to the phone and gives a command to the controller to start charging. If the software is frozen, no command will be issued and your iPhone will not charge.

To solve this problem, a hard reboot of the device usually helps. To do this, simultaneously hold down the Home and Power buttons for at least 30 seconds.

  • More detailed information on rebooting iPhone -
  • Reason #1: Lightning port is dirty

    80% of the population carries their phones in their pants or trouser pockets... I don’t know about you, but I regularly clean out all kinds of garbage from my jeans pockets... where does it come from? Moreover, this garbage (dust, lint, hair, etc.) tries to sneak into any crevice of my iPhone.

    Imagine! This is the first reason why the iPhone may not charge. You can't even imagine how much lint and dust gets into the Lightning charging connector!

    The accumulated compressed dust does not allow the Lightning plug to fit properly into the connector hole, which leads to the problem above. Don't believe me?

    Try this! Take a wooden toothpick and gently clean out any accumulated debris from the Lightning connector.

    Try to “pick out” charging holes from both corners. Proceed with extreme caution to avoid damaging the contacts.

    You will be shocked when you see how much “felt” we managed to get. After that, blow out the connector and connect the charger. If the phone is very low, it may take up to 15 minutes before it shows the first signs of life.

    Reason #2: USB port is faulty

    If you are trying to charge your iPhone from USB port Well, the first thing you should do is check if it works. At my work Windows laptop there are a couple USB connectors, from which the iPhone does not charge at all.

    I don’t know what this is connected with, but the phone does not receive a charge. It seems that 5V power supply to these USB ports not served at all.

    Some information for general development:

    1. Regular USB the port has an output voltage of 5V and a current of 0.5A
    2. Compare standard iPhone charging outputs 5V and 1A
    3. well and iPad charger outputs 5V and 2A

    Try this! If this is your case, try another USB port or connect your iPhone to a regular 220V charger. If your charger also doesn't charge your iPhone, read on for the next possible reason.

    Reason #3: Charger/cable is faulty

    OK, I won't be original when I say that real chargers Apple devices are quite expensive. It’s another matter if you buy an iPhone charger on AliExpress (from China) - after all, it will cost you several times less.

    According to reviews from friends and personal experience, I can assure you that Chinese chargers sooner or later they will play a cruel joke on your device if they don’t drive it into “ wooden box" You must realize for yourself that " cheaper doesn't mean better“, and when it’s almost for nothing, doubts about the quality creep in.

    So, if your iPhone does not charge from a Chinese (non-original) charger, I would DID NOT further EXPERIMENT and I would try GET A REAL ORIGINAL CHARGER FROM APPLE. Everything should be clear here.

    Okay - okay... what if the original Apple charger doesn't charge the iPhone either? Then it was time to check the Lightning cable. Again from personal experience, even original cables, which come with the iPhone, fail over time.

    To be honest, the original cables are initially quite fragile. If you use them insufficiently carefully, then frequent bending will damage not only the outer plastic braid, but also the conductive “cores.” I recently threw out my original cable because it started charging the iPhone to no more than 60%.

    I have nothing against the lightning cables they sell on AliExpress. Here they either charge or not. Do you know how much an original 1m long lightning cable costs in the Apple Store?

    Fabulous $19!!! Wow! For this money you can purchase at least three excellent certified cables that will charge your iPhone without any problems.

    I tried a bunch of cables - from cheap ones at $0.99 to expensive ones at $10 from different manufacturers, and I can recommend you a really cool lightning cable from Ugreen.

    “This cable or accessory is not certified...”

    Some of you have probably already encountered the message “ This cable or accessory is not certified and is not guaranteed to work reliably with this iPhone." There may be several reasons for this, and we will consider them in a separate article.

    I will only say one thing - starting with iOS 7, Apple has taught its devices to recognize the authenticity of USB cables.

    As I wrote earlier, in the plug Lightning cable a special chip is installed that allows the iPhone (iPad) to recognize the origin of this cable. The Chinese, of course, learned to counterfeit Lightning chips, but with the release of iOS 7, Apple changed the rules of the game again.

    Therefore, try to use original chargers...

    Try this! Use known-good original chargers and Lightning cables. If they don’t help, most likely one of the iPhone components has failed. Read about it below.

    Reason #4: iPhone Battery

    Any battery is consumables... This means that batteries do not last forever and require periodic replacement. I recently replaced the battery of my MacBook Air, because The battery completely stopped holding a charge and it became impossible to use the computer without a cord.

    This can also happen with the iPhone, although it is quite rare. More likely, phones that are four or five years old are susceptible to this diagnosis, because... The battery, if it fails, does so gradually until it fails completely.

    Replacement iPhone batteries It's not a tricky thing, but it does require some tools. Instructions for replacement are again available on ifixit.com.

    If your device is fairly new, then I don't think the problem is with the battery. Very often people contact me who charged their devices with power supplies of unknown origin, and ended up having a problem.

    Usually in this case the charging controller or power controller fails. But more on that below. See reason #5.

    Reason #5: iPhone components are faulty

    Well, the last reason for today why the iPhone does not charge is malfunction internal components . Yes, and don’t be surprised - this is a fairly common reason! Most often, either the battery or the power/charging controller fails. You can find out what exactly failed you after diagnostics at a service center.

    In the comments below there are a lot of people complaining that their The iPhone does not charge at all, or loses charge abnormally quickly, or gets very hot, or does not accept the cable - These are all signs of a faulty iPhone power/charging controller.. I wrote in detail about replacing iPhone power and charging controllers in a separate article ().

    If you need to explain it manually, then essentially the U2 charging controller is a chip (microcircuit) on the iPhone board that can be replaced (resoldered) with a new one. In normal service centers, this procedure does not cause any particular difficulties and costs from 2,500 to 4,000 rubles.

    Try this! I can’t say right away what exactly went wrong in your case. You have a direct route to service center. Be sure to check the functionality of your iPhone after replacing the charging controller or battery.

    Even new ones iPhone batteries(again of Chinese origin) may be defective and not accept a charge.

    Or maybe the technician mistakenly replaced one component and never discovered the real problem. Therefore, ask the service center to connect your iPhone to a power source and make sure that the phone turns on and the charge indicator has reached at least a couple of percent.

    In any case, write in the comments which method helped you. If your iPhone still won't charge, write to me about it and I'll try to find another solution for you. We are always at the same place, so come and ask.

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    Some iPhone users may encounter a situation where, when they connect the charger, their smartphone simply does not charge, and the culprits of this dysfunction may be due to reasons at both hardware and software levels. In this material, I will tell you what to do if the iPhone does not charge, but shows that it is charging, I will describe the causes of this problem and the specific methods of solving it.

    iPhone won't charge - hardware reasons

    The reasons that the iPhone is not charging, but shows that it is charging are as follows:

    • Damage (breakage) of the cable. If your cable is damaged (physical wear, animals, children, etc.), then you will not be able to charge your iPhone, and in some cases, although you will see signs of charging, de facto it will not occur;
    • Damage to the charging port (Lightning). Usually caused by physical wear and tear, as well as strong (sudden) user movements when connecting and disconnecting the cable;
    • The port is clogged with dirt. During long-term use of the phone, its exposure to various fleecy (dirty) surfaces, the socket may become clogged with small pieces of wool, dirt, dust, etc., which leads to insufficient contact of the cable plug with the port;

    • A problem with charger. For some reason, your device (physical wear or incomplete compliance with the declared characteristics) does not provide the stated charging parameters (usually 5V and 1A), and this leads to various problems with smartphone charging. This is especially true for devices from little-known manufacturers (the so-called “noname”);
    • Battery problem (usually wear and tear). Over time, the battery wears out its life and requires replacement. If you have been using your iPhone for a long time, or purchased it second-hand, then it is likely that the battery of your device has exhausted its resource;

    • Physical damage to the phone board. If your phone received any physical damage, fell or experienced any other mechanical impacts, then it is quite possible that they negatively affected its functionality, including its ability to charge;
    • Problems with the controller responsible for charging the phone.

    iPhone won't charge - software reasons

    Among the reasons why you cannot charge an iPhone, there are also software reasons, and some experts call them prevailing. The main software reason is a malfunction of the software (at the smartphone firmware level), which for some reason does not command the phone controller to charge, so charging simply does not occur.

    Also, the reason why the iPhone refuses to charge is that the user uses incorrect (custom) firmware in his device (similar firmware is available for versions iPhone first generation, iPhone 3G and 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4Rev A).

    How to fix iPhone charging problem

    So, if you have a situation that your iPhone is not charging, but shows that it is charging, then do the following:

    • Recover via iTunes. Connect your iPhone to iTunes on your computer, click on “Device” in the top left, then click on “Backup” and wait for the procedure to complete. Then click on Restore and wait for the process to complete;
    • Check the charging controller (or lower cable) at a service center. If your iPhone does not charge, quickly loses charge, or gets very hot, then this may be an indication that the controller is at fault. If the controller is faulty, repair (replace) it;
    • Replace the battery. If you have been using your phone for a long time, the battery may have exhausted its life. Replace it.
    • Contact your nearest service center; the board of your smartphone may be seriously damaged due to some accidental physical impact.

    Video illustration of the error correction

    Above, I listed the reasons why the iPhone does not charge but shows that it is charging, and also listed what to do in this situation. A good option is a full reboot ( hard reset) devices, as well as cleaning the smartphone port from dirt accumulated there. If you have tried all the options and nothing helps, then contact your nearest service center - perhaps the problem of poor charging is in the device board itself, and your device requires a thorough repair.

    “Time wears away stones,” says a well-known saying; time spares nothing, including modern smartphones. In time, time battery life is reduced, instead of 18 iPhone watch works 14, and gradually the time decreases. And finally there comes a time when the iPhone shows that it is charging, but in fact it is not charging. In today's article we will look at why this happens and how to fix the device with the least investment.

    Checking the cable and charger

    Let's check two basic elements before moving on to more radical measures.

    Cable problems

    The first thing to do is check the cable. In 85% of cases, when the phone takes a long time to charge or the charging goes on, but the phone does not charge, the wire is to blame. Most likely it is remade or not original and also of poor quality.

    Often, for users of similar Chinese crafts, the iPhone displays the message “This cable or accessory is not certified...”. The explanation is simple - iPhone 5s, 6, 6plus, 7, 7 plus, 8 models are not designed to work with non-original wires. U Chinese fakes Unlike the original accessory, there is no shielding layer in the shell; moreover, the thickness of the conductors is several times smaller, which is why difficulties arise when the phone does not charge completely, 100%.

    For diagnostics, we try to take another cable, with a lightning connector, if it works with the other one, then the problem is in the cable, if not, we look for the problem further.

    Check charger

    Now you need to make sure the memory itself is working. Usually this is a square or rectangular block with a USB connector that is plugged into a power outlet. The iPhone synchronization cable is inserted into the USB port, after which the device should begin charging. The iPhone takes a long time to charge, precisely because of a burnt out or broken charger, since the current supplied to the U2 power controller is significantly lower than that recommended by the factory.

    A bad charger is one of the main reasons why a phone charges slowly, be it an Android or iOS device.

    We're doing a big cleanup

    The next likely problem is hidden in a dirty iPhone lightning connector. During operation, bullets and debris from pockets clog the delicate electronic insides of gadgets, creating quite a few problems for their owners. Dirt can be the reason why charging is in progress, but the phone is not charging. Not only older models like the iPhone 5s suffer from this, but also older smartphone models suffer from our pockets and bags.

    From time to time you need to take a cotton swab and carefully clean the lightning connector. This will help if your iPhone is not charging properly, or if your phone is charging slowly. How to properly clean the connector, watch the video, it’s simple and quick.

    Turn off the phone

    There is a little-known trick if you want to charge iphone battery 5 without spending a lot of time, just turn off the device. The process will go much faster and will save up to 30% of time. During normal operation of applications, the smartphone consumes a lot of energy, spending it on maintaining communication with the network, operating the backlight, and on other tasks. By turning off the device or at least switching it to “Airplane mode”, the battery will be filled with energy faster, even when using a non-original weak charger.

    Software Update

    If, after all the procedures done, the iPhone does not charge or the phone charges slowly, then it is worth updating iOS before proceeding with more radical ways. To update iOS, go to “Settings - General - Software Update” and click “Install”. Don’t be afraid, save all the data, and the problem may disappear.

    Battery calibration

    If the phone shows that the battery is 20-10% full, although you have just disconnected the certified cable and are sure that the battery is full, then it is worth calibrating the battery. It is not difficult. How to do this correctly, look at the video; all the nuances and details cannot be described in the article.

    Battery Replacement

    Radical, but effective way when charging is in progress, but the phone is not charging. The situation will worsen every day, the phone will work autonomously less and less, and charging will take longer and longer.

    If all the methods described above do not help, you will come to the rescue new battery. After 2-3 years, a situation arises: the smartphone’s battery becomes unusable after 500-700 operating cycles, so you have to change the battery yourself or take the device to a handy technician. How to do it yourself correctly, watch the video and read in this article.

    Failure of controller U2

    After replacing the battery with a new one, is your phone still charging slowly? Bad, very bad symptom, which means the problem is in the module located on motherboard. In this case, the same handy craftsman will be able to re-solder the u2 power controller for you, but the money for the work and spare parts will be completely different. But this is a very likely development of events, despite all iPhone reliability 6.

    Question answer

    Let's look at popular questions that arise among iPhone users. We'll tell you what to do in a given situation.

    Why won't my iPhone charge using a Chinese cable?

    This means that a non-Apple certified cable is not suitable for this model. Or is it a completely “creepy China”, rubbish that just begs to be thrown into the trash can.

    Why does my phone charge slowly on the original charger?

    We carry out the options described in the article point by point, most likely dust has gotten into the connector or the iPhone synchronization cable has been broken.

    Why won't my phone charge using a non-original charger?

    Most likely, you were sold a defective device, and this is not a certified cable for iPhone.

    Video instruction

    Articles and Lifehacks

    There may be several possible reasons why your iPhone won't charge. Some of them are theoretically removable, in other cases the device cannot be repaired.

    Faulty connector

    • Usually the presence of a malfunction can be determined by visual inspection– damaged or torn elements, parts, contacts.
    • Sometimes the design of the communicator's charging connector may be intact, but a greenish coating forms on its contacts. This happens if moisture gets inside the phone.
    • The elements oxidize and stop conducting current. By the way, for water to get inside the case, it is not at all necessary to bathe the iPhone in the toilet or bathtub. Rain, and in some cases even heavy fog, is quite enough.
    • A faulty bottom cable of the charging connector may also be the cause. In this case, it needs to be replaced.

    Other reasons

    • If everything is fine with the connector, there are two options.
    • In the first of these, the power controller may be faulty. Only a specialist can determine this during special diagnostics.
    • The second reason is the failure of the communicator's battery, which occurs quite often.
    • Most problems arise due to iPhone users neglecting operating rules.
    • For example, the power connector can be damaged by incorrectly disconnecting the charger, using brute force when turning it on and off, or simply simply dropping the device on a fairly hard surface with the side on which the connector faces.
    • Some owners manage to talk while it's raining or even while standing in the shower. This should not be done under any circumstances, and even if there is the slightest suspicion that moisture has penetrated the device, it is better to take it to a service center.
    • Another reason why charging problems may occur is the charger itself. Firstly, there are many low-quality fakes on the market, so you should only buy a charger in places that do not raise doubts.
    • And secondly, you should never try to charge your iPhone with a charger designed for other phones, as some people try to do.

    If your iPhone refuses to charge, first check to see if it is receiving power at all. electricity. This advice may seem stupid, but situations with lights out or fuses blown out on the distribution panel are not that uncommon. In addition, the charging cable is not the most reliable device in the world and can easily fail. The easiest way is to try charging with a different cable; it is quite possible that such a low-cost replacement can correct the current situation.

    It should be clear to you that you will carry out all subsequent actions at your own peril and risk, so you should resort to them only if it is not possible to contact the service.

    Cleaning contacts

    If changing the cable does not help, then perhaps the problem lies in the iPhone itself and it needs to be taken to a service center for repairs. This step is suitable for those whose device is still under warranty, but what if it is no longer there, as well as the funds to pay for expensive repairs? First of all, inspect the cable location; perhaps it is simply clogged with compressed dust. To do this, you will need the SIM eject needle that came with your iPhone. Insert it into the charging connector and move it from side to side, not forgetting about the dirt hidden in the corners.

    Now take a soft-bristled toothbrush and run it several times over the connector, removing dust particles and tiny crumbs. You'll be surprised at how much dirt you can get out of a seemingly clean phone. The thing is that when you carry an iPhone in your clothing pockets, as most people do, under the influence of static electricity, dust particles and lint that fall off the fabric of clothing are attracted to the iPhone like a magnet and cause the device to stop charging over time. And in general, the conditions for using an iPhone are very different from a sterile vacuum, and sooner or later the contacts of the charging connector end up covered in dirt.

    The described method can help revive a drowned iPhone, but instead of dust, particles of corrosion that have settled on the contacts will be removed.

    If cleaning doesn't help

    If the procedure does not help, there is nothing to do, you will have to contact a specialist. Any other actions to revive an iPhone that refuses to charge require special knowledge and skills, as well as certain disassembly tools. If you do not have one, take the device to a service center and they will help you.
