Connection of caller ID on home phone. What is caller ID, how to connect caller ID to the phone, how to turn off caller ID

With the caller ID feature, the first thing to do is inspect the phone jack you are going to plug it into. If it is made to the same standard as the plug on the machine, nothing is required. If not, change either the plug or socket. The latter is, of course, preferable.

When installing an old-style telephone plug instead of a modern one, cut the latter so that the piece of wire, together with the cut off plug, is about 20 centimeters long. This will allow in the future to use it for some other phone to a modern one. In the cord, do not connect the two extreme wires anywhere. Orienting the old-style plug pulled out of the socket with the screws towards you, and with the plastic pin down, connect the middle wires to the right contacts. Try plugging the plug and then plugging it into the telephone jack. If after that the phone does not work, unplug the plug again, open the outlet, and, without touching its contacts, look at which of them it is connected to, and then rearrange the middle wires of the cord to these contacts. After that, close the plug again, connect it and check the operation of the device.

If, on the contrary, you need to connect the device with an old plug to a modern outlet, open the plug, open the wires from its terminals, then take a piece of cord with a modern plug at the end. With this cord, leave the extreme wires not connected to anything, and the middle wires to the wires coming out of the device. Insulate the connection points, and then plug the machine into a power outlet.

Some phones with caller ID are equipped with a power supply. Plug it into a lighting outlet before plugging the telephone cord into the telephone outlet. If the device has a radio handset, place it on the base. If necessary, pair the handset with the base according to the instructions, and then wait a few hours for the battery in the handset to charge. Also, some phones with caller ID without a battery power supply. Install them, observing the polarity, before connecting the machine to the line.

Then set up the machine. First of all, find in the instructions a description of how to select a number identification standard (domestic caller ID or foreign DTMF). Choose the one that matches the standard adopted by your PBX. After that, set the exact time, the desired ringer volume, and select the notification voice (male or female) and the alarm melody from the domestic-made device. Set the last trigger time.

Call yourself on a landline phone from a cell phone. The number must be determined. Remember that if you use AON domestic standard, at the moment of determination, an imitation of lifting the handset will occur, and from the account cell phone funds will begin to flow. In this case, only the last seven digits of the number will be determined.

Today, among the list of the most important and irreplaceable additional services offered by modern mobile operators, you can select up to 10 options, without which comfortable use mobile communications It is simply impossible for busy people and businessmen to imagine. And among the list of those, there will certainly be such opportunities as AON and AntiAON. We want to talk in more detail about these services provided by Rostelecom to its telephone subscribers and analyze the nuances of their configuration.

AntiAON from Rostelecom

Let's start the consideration of the above options with the AntiAON service, which today is in demand not only among subscribers of the All-Russian telecommunications provider, but also among the clients of most other mobile operators. This option is ideal for:

  • Businessmen;
  • busy people;
  • Internet shops;
  • Stores;
  • courier services;
  • Companies that make phone calls to potential customers.

The service allows subscribers who have activated it to hide their number from automatic detection. As is known, on mobile phones When an incoming call is received, the phone number of the caller is shown on the display. If the AntiAON service from Rostelecom is activated, subscribers can hide their number, and when calling to other phones, information about it will not be displayed.

If you are interested in information on how to connect, as well as how to disable AntiAON on Rostelecom, then for this purpose, subscribers need to contact the sales and service center directly, where company employees will kindly perform all the necessary procedures for connecting the option.

Caller ID service on Rostelecom

back side of the service discussed above - the Caller ID option, which is an automatic caller ID. This is an option that allows you to view information about the phone number of an incoming caller who is calling your phone. This option can also be enabled and disabled at the offices of Rostelecom upon personal contact.

Financial aspects of services

As for the financial side of the issue of using the AON and AntiAON options, depending on the region of connection, information on the cost of using services may be different. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify it directly at the sales offices of Rostelecom or with service specialists technical support when calling the operator's contact center at 88001000800.

AON and AntiAON services for fixed telephony

Finally, it is also important to note the information that concerns the use of the services considered today on landline phones. It is no secret that Rostelecom also implements a wide range of services for connecting subscribers to home telephony, and such users also have the opportunity to connect automatic number identification services, as well as blocking caller ID.

The main purpose of these options does not change and allows you to enable identification of caller numbers, as well as disable automatic number detection when making outgoing calls, respectively.

Unlike similar services for mobile clients, home telephony subscribers can connect and disconnect options in several ways:

Contacting the sales office, where you need to fill out a written application;

A call to the company's contact center at 88001000800.

It is also necessary to note one very important nuance, which is that the use of the Caller ID service for home phones is available only to those subscribers who have telephone with the Caller ID function available on it. If there is no such function on your device, you will not be able to activate the service.

During the popularity of domestic landlines we had to memorize or write down important numbers because the home phone did not show us who was calling. Then devices with displays appeared, which displayed the phone number of the caller.

Mobile phones and special operator services have made life much easier for us. So, the service of the automatic caller ID of incoming calls and messages from Megafon is so familiar to subscribers that it is perceived as an application to the SIM card, and not as a separate option. Although this is an independent service, the main function of which is to display the number of an incoming call on the phone screen, as well as save the call in the call list.

The Megafon caller ID service is provided free of charge to absolutely all subscribers, automatically activated the first time you use a SIM card. The option allows you to see on the screen the phone number of the interlocutor for incoming calls and SMS, and not only the phones of Megafon network subscribers, but also other operators. The phone number will be displayed in international format, or as a name if it was previously saved in the contacts list.

The phone number will be determined even if your interlocutor is roaming. Although the operator Megafon warns that when the called subscriber is in international roaming, difficulties may arise with the correct use of the Caller ID service.

In the event that you were unable to answer the call, information about the incoming call will be stored in the phone's memory, and you will have the opportunity to call the subscriber later. The list of missed calls can be found in the device menu in the "Calls" section.

Caller ID will always operate when the Megafon subscriber is online. But if your interlocutor has a special option enabled that allows him to remain incognito - AntiAON (anti-detector), AON will not be able to detect a hidden phone.

How to connect Caller ID to Megafon?

When activated new sim card Caller ID Megaphone connects automatically. You do not need to enter any special commands and you do not need to additionally activate the service. Caller ID is available on both prepaid and postpaid plans. The Megafon service will always be provided, regardless of the account status on your device.

How to disable "Caller ID" on Megafon?

Since the Caller ID service from Megafon is absolutely free and a very convenient option, there is no point in turning it off. But if, nevertheless, the subscriber has such a desire, deactivation of the service is possible through Personal Area Megafon, or through a customer support operator. On hotline you can call 0500. Or the subscriber can visit the Megafon office and ask the employee to turn off the caller ID.

Additional services Megafon for hiding and identifying the number

In addition to standard and free service Caller ID, operator Megafon offers additional options, allowing for a fixed fee to hide outgoing calls own number, as well as to determine the hidden number of another subscriber during an incoming call:

  • . Your number will remain secret even if the other party has the caller ID option enabled. Activation of the service is free, and the subscription fee will be 5 rubles per day.
  • One-time AntiAON. The ability to hide your own phone number once when making an outgoing call. There is no subscription fee, each hidden call will cost 7 rubles.
  • . For a subscription fee of 1500 rubles per month, you get the opportunity to see numbers hidden with the help of AntiAON during incoming calls. The service is activated free of charge.

Usually, all incoming calls on the Beeline network are identified using caller ID. However, there are cases when the caller hides information about his phone number for some reason.

Is it possible to determine the hidden number? What service to connect to see hidden numbers? And how much does such a service cost? Below you will find the answers to these questions.

Caller ID (ANI) is a special service that allows you to get the phone number from which an incoming call is made. Today, caller ID is implemented on almost all SIM-cards, and the service itself is provided automatically and free of charge when a phone card is activated.

It may seem strange to many modern phone users, but it was not always possible to automatically determine the phone number, and about 20 years ago, most calls were made anonymously by default.

How to connect Caller ID to Beeline

By default, caller ID is connected automatically when the card is activated. However, this feature may not work properly in some cases.

If a failure occurs, then you need to enable Caller ID manually. To do this, call 067 409 061 or use the special telephone command * 110 * 061 # .

Caller ID connection after a failure is free, and tariff fee absent.

Service "Super Caller ID" - how to determine hidden numbers

If the number is not detected during an incoming call, and the message “Number is hidden” pops up on the screen, then this means that you are being called from a secret number. You can hide your number different ways, but most often this is done by connecting the service (AntiAON).

However, even if AntiAON is connected, hidden numbers can be determined using the Super Caller ID (Super Caller ID) service.

You can connect the service for free, but you will have to pay a subscription fee. The cost of the service is 50 rubles per day(prepaid), or 1.500 rubles per month(for postpaid).

The first payment is debited immediately after activation, and all the rest - from midnight to 4 am the next day (prepaid) or a month later (postpaid). If there is not enough money on the account to pay, then the service is not provided until the account is replenished.

Please note that in the Beeline network, the Super Caller ID service is not tied to the region of residence, and the entire Russia is covered by this service.

At the same time, hidden number recognition works both for mobile operators and for long-distance and international numbers. Below we will learn about how to find out who called from an unknown number.

Caller ID service on MTS is a completely standard tool, which is implemented by default for all clients of the operator. It has extremely simple conditions, as well as some modifications in the form of additional types of services, which we will consider today.

MTS Caller ID service: detailed description

The first thing to say about the Caller ID service is that it does not allow you to "declassify" incoming calls from unknown subscribers and hidden numbers, this is a proposal of a different nature.

This option is responsible for the procedure for determining the caller's number, which is completely familiar today. If you have it connected, and you have it connected by default, all subscribers whom you call will see information about your number on the display of their phone.

The service is offered for use free of charge and does not require additional connection, since it is included in the standard tariff plans on all starter packs of the company.

How to connect AON to MTS

There are four possible ways to do this, all of which are interchangeable:

  1. In your personal account on the official portal of the operator (instructions for registering a personal account).
  2. Through the official application for a mobile device.
  3. When entering a command *111*44# and further following the prompts of the system.
  4. When sending a message "2113"(without quotes) to number 111 .

How to disable caller ID on MTS

If you are not entirely satisfied with the possibility of determining your phone number by the subscribers you will call, you can disable this option by connecting to another service. We are talking about connecting the Anti Caller ID service, which is also available in the MTS line of offers.

However, it should be understood that, in contrast to standard tool Caller ID, this service is not offered free of charge. When activated hidden number the subscription fee for using the offer will be 3.95 rubles. in daily mode. And connecting the option will cost subscribers 17 or 34 rubles, depending on the tariff package used.

It should be understood that your phone number will not be hidden immediately after you enter the appropriate request to activate the service. You will also need to enable the corresponding feature in your phone settings (available on all phones).

How to disable AntiAON MTS

You can disable the Anti Caller ID option when entering a combination *111*47# . If you do not want to deactivate the service, since you need to make 1 or several calls with the number displayed, you must enable the corresponding function in the settings, or dial the required subscriber in the format *31# phone number. The subscriber's number should start with "+7".

"Anti caller ID on request" from MTS: details

Another modification of this service is the "On request" option. This option will be ideal for subscribers who do not need to systematically hide the number, but, nevertheless, quite often use this opportunity.

The essence of the proposal is as follows: by activating the service, subscribers will make calls under standard conditions, and other customers will see their number on their devices, however, if you enter the appropriate combination before directly dialing the subscriber's number, the number hiding service will be activated and operate exclusively for this one call.

Accordingly, if you want to make a hidden call, you should dial the subscriber's numbers in the following form: *31#+7ХХХХХХХХХ. With the usual input of numbers, the interlocutor will see your number.

How to enable or disable "Anti caller ID on demand"

To use the "Anti Caller ID on demand" service, it must first be activated using a personal account or a request *111*84# . The option is disabled using the LC or an identical USSD request.

The option is also not offered free of charge, and the following prices are provided for in its conditions:

  • Connection options: 32 rubles;
  • Fee for each day of use: 1.05 rubles;
  • Each one-time ban on number identification: 2 rubles for 1 call;
  • Shutdown procedure: free of charge.

MTS "Super Caller ID" option: details

The last type of caller ID service has the prefix "Super" in its name and plays a slightly different role, unlike the previous variations. This service designed for subscribers who want to determine and see the numbers of absolutely all incoming calls, regardless of whether the owners of these phones hide or do not hide them.

By activating this option, the numbers of incoming subscribers will be displayed in a standard way. The service is offered for a fee, and its activation will result in a round sum of 2 thousand rubles for subscribers. In addition, the conditions of the offer also provide for a subscription fee of 6.50 rubles. per day.

How to connect or disconnect "Super Caller ID" from MTS

  • Personal account(link to LC above on the test);
  • Smartphone applications;
  • USSD request
