Presentation on the topic of cellular communication physics. Research work in physics On the topic: "Cellular communication

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Teacher Kakhovskaya T.N. Selizharovo 2015

cellular, a mobile network is one of the types of mobile radio communications based on a cellular network. Key Features is that the total coverage area is divided into cells (cells) determined by the coverage areas of individual base stations (BS). The cells partially overlap and together form a network. On an ideal (flat and undeveloped) surface, the coverage area of ​​one BS is a circle, so the network composed of them looks like honeycombs with hexagonal cells (honeycombs).

The network consists of transceivers spaced apart in space operating in the same frequency range, and switching equipment that allows you to determine the current location of mobile subscribers and ensure communication continuity when a subscriber moves from the coverage area of ​​one transceiver to the coverage area of ​​another

The first use of mobile telephone radio in the United States dates back to 1921: the Detroit police used a one-way dispatcher communication in the 2 MHz band to transmit information from a central transmitter to vehicle-mounted receivers.

In the USSR, in 1957, Moscow engineer L. I. Kupriyanovich created a prototype of a wearable automatic duplex mobile radiotelephone LK-1 and a base station for it. The mobile radiotelephone weighed about three kilograms and had a range of 20-30 km. In 1958, Kupriyanovich created improved models of the apparatus, weighing 0.5 kg and the size of a cigarette box.

At the end of the 50s, the development of the Altai car radiotelephone system began in the USSR, which was put into trial operation in 1963. The Altai system initially operated at a frequency of 150 MHz. In 1970, the Altai system operated in 30 cities of the USSR and a 330 MHz band was allocated for it.

Main components cellular network- these are cell phones and base stations, which are usually located on the roofs of buildings and towers. Cellular panel antennas on the tower

Operators can conclude roaming agreements with each other. Thanks to such contracts, the subscriber, being outside the coverage area of ​​his network, can make and receive calls through the network of another operator. As a rule, this is carried out at increased rates. The possibility of roaming appeared only in 2G standards and is one of the main differences from 1G networks.

In Russia, cellular communication began to be introduced in 1990, commercial use began on September 9, 1991, when the first cellular network in Russia was launched by Delta Telecom in St. a symbolic cellular call by the mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak.

By July 1997, the total number of subscribers in Russia was about 300,000. In December 2007, the number of cellular users in Russia increased to 172.87 million subscribers

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"Physics of Radiation" - 10 nuclear power plants are currently in operation in our country. This definition of radioactivity was given by Marie Curie, a famous physicist. Completed by: Nalivaiko G.G. Negramotnov I.A. Small doses of radiation are not dangerous, rather the opposite. Radioactivity helps a person in real life. Such a source is the energy of atoms.

"The structure of the atom, Rutherford's experience" - The mechanism of dispersion. Facts indicating the complexity of the structure of the atom. Models of the structure of the atom. Rutherford's experience. The structure of the atom. Scientists of antiquity on the structure of matter. All models were speculative and were not the result of an experiment. The charge of the nucleus is equal in magnitude to the charge of all the electrons, so the atom is neutral.

"Thermonuclear reaction" - Of particular great practical importance is the fact that during a thermonuclear reaction much more energy is released per nucleon than during a nuclear reaction, for example, during the fusion of a helium nucleus from hydrogen nuclei, an energy equal to 6 MeV is released, and during fission of a uranium nucleus one nucleon accounts for »0.9 MeV. What a huge and "inexhaustible" source of energy man has!

"The biological effect of radioactive radiation" - A person with the help of the senses is not able to detect any dose of radioactive radiation. Radioactive radiation has a strong biological effect on the tissues of a living organism, which consists in the ionization of atoms and molecules of the medium. Completed: 2009.

"The effect of radiation on a person" - - "Hormone of vivacity." The cell phone affects the whole cardio - vascular system as a whole. How to protect yourself from EMF. Ozone layer. How does the state help? Fundamental question: How do radiation and electromagnetic radiation affect human health?

"Model of the atom" - 7. , Where? 0 = const, n = 3, 4, 5, ... 7.1. Regularities in atomic spectra. 7.3. Bohr's elementary theory. When moving in a circle, there is centripetal acceleration. Hydrogen atom according to Bohr's theory. Where k = 1, 2, 3,…; n = k + 1, k + 2,…. In physics, the Rydberg constant is also called another value equal to R = R?·s.

There are 11 presentations in total in the topic

The purpose of the lesson: development of information and communication competencies of students.

Equipment: screen, projector, magnets, Whatman sheets, green and red highlighters, black markers, cast iron saucepan.


Teacher: The topic of our lesson is close, familiar and very relevant to you. It is encoded in these pictures.

Annex 2 . slide 1.

Guessed: cellular.

Annex 2 . Slide 2. (Stages of development)

The teacher tells or the student makes a message:

Cellular telephone- is nothing but radiotelephone. The telephone was invented in 1876, the radio is also a discovery of the century before last. It only remained to combine these two technologies, and it took almost 100 years. This became possible after the advent of integrated circuits and relatively light batteries. This year the "mobile phone" has a small anniversary - it turned 35 years old.
The first call from a mobile phone was made in 1973, and it took 10 years to bring the invention to the mass consumer.

The first mobile phones were very expensive, while, to put it mildly, did not differ in pocket sizes. For each such apparatus weighing 1 kg, those who wished were offered to pay neither more nor less $3500.
However, the communication itself was carried out according to quite modern principles. through base stations, net which resembles a honeycomb Therefore, this connection is called cellular.

Teacher: You probably listen to radio programs. What stations? Can you name? And why do you find 20 radio stations on the air, and not 120? What is it connected with?

The students answer.

Teacher: And there are more than 2 billion cellular subscribers. How is such communication carried out?
The system uses the principle of dividing a certain territory into zones, or "cells". Each "cell" is served by a transmitter, the radiation of which is well captured only at a distance of 500 m to 10 kilometers - the range of the cell. In a neighboring cell, this signal is so weakened that it is not picked up by the phone. This allows the same frequency to be reused in another cell without any mutual interference. Thus, working on one, dedicated channel, but with a large number base stations, cellular communication can cover unlimited territories, connecting a large number of subscribers.
Helpful link? Yes!
Please take out your cell phones.
Are you sure it's safe to keep mobile phones in your pockets?
What is this device - useful or harmful? Let's deal with it!

Slide 4. Cellular communication - for or against?

Teacher: You have information sheets on the tables. Annex 1 . Everyone works with their sheet.
Your task - red (colour of danger) highlight information about the harmful effects of cellular communications, and in green information about the benefits of cellular communication. You are given a job 3 minutes.

Students work individually.

Teacher: Show sheets. Something too red. There must be weighty arguments to use a cellular connection! Is this device useful or harmful?

Students: A useful device, but it is necessary to develop security measures.

Teacher: Let's continue work. You need to split into three groups. Each group will have their own task.

Exercise: Group 1 works only on arguments in favor of cellular communications, group 2 - only on arguments about harmful influence. You need:

1. If possible, combine information into 2-3 large blocks, distributing it into categories. Name these categories using no more than 3 words, and picture on scheme with black marker. Picture 1 .
2. Specific examples from text use for finer division. You can bring own arguments.
3. The presentation of your work (representation) can be done by 1-2 people from the group.

For this job 5 minutes.

Task 3 group: discuss all the pros and cons and make up the rules mobile phone use. Write them down on a sheet.

You are given 5 minutes for this activity.

Groups post their work.

Presentation. Group representatives speak. Other groups can complement.

Teacher: Let's prioritize. Rank the rules according to their importance. Compare with those offered by experts from the committee for radiometric control.

Slide 5. Precautions:

1. Don't use your cell phone unnecessarily
2. Talk continuously for no more than 3-4 minutes
3. Keep cell phones away from small children
4. When buying, choose a cell phone with a lower radiation power
5. In the car, use a cell phone with a speakerphone system

Teacher: And now let's conduct an experiment: what is the penetrating power of radiation from mobile phones.
Put the phone in a thick-walled pan (cast iron), make a call - the connection does not occur. Repeat call - connects! Students conclude that when they call again, the signal strength increases.
Add an item to the rules:
6. When calling again, do not keep the device near your head.

Teacher: What will you choose for yourself the most important and interesting from today's lesson?

Students respond and reflect.

Research work in physics On the topic: “Cellular communication. From origins to the present. Influence of electromagnetic radiation cell phone on the human body. Completed by: student 11 "a" class MOU secondary school 2 Voronova Elena Voronova Elena Teacher: Borshchenko I. B.

Plan Introduction. Introduction. Goal of the work. Goal of the work. The first mobile phones. The first mobile phones. Modern phones. Modern phones. Mobile communications in Russia. Mobile communications in Russia. Not a means of communication. Not a means of communication. The influence of a cell phone on the human body. The influence of a cell phone on the human body. Health. Harm mobile phone. Health. Mobile phone damage. Conclusion. Conclusion. Bibliography. Bibliography.

The purpose of the work To explore: To explore: 1. the development of cellular communications; 1. development of cellular communications; 2. harm caused to the human body by the electromagnetic radiation of a cell phone. 2. harm caused to the human body by the electromagnetic radiation of a cell phone.

Introduction Today, electromagnetic exposure is 100 million times greater than what our grandfathers experienced. Prolonged exposure to artificial electromagnetic radiation seriously impairs health. Epidemiologists have found that cancer is more common among people living in close proximity to sources of strong electromagnetic fields, such as high-voltage power lines. Today, electromagnetic exposure is 100 million times greater than what our grandfathers experienced. Prolonged exposure to artificial electromagnetic radiation seriously impairs health. Epidemiologists have found that cancer is more common among people living in close proximity to sources of strong electromagnetic fields, such as high-voltage power lines.

The first "mobile" phones This is the great-great-grandfather of the mobile phone: This is the great-great-grandfather of the mobile phone: The telegraph device of the 1912 model. The so-called Morse apparatus. To send a telegram, its text must be converted to dots-dashes. Telegraph device of the 1912 model. The so-called Morse apparatus. To send a telegram, its text must be converted to dots-dashes.

The first "mobile" phones Fully automatic system Mobile Telephony A (MTA), operated since 1956 in Stockholm and Gothenburg on a frequency of 160 MHz Fully automatic system Mobile Telephony A (MTA), operated since 1956 in Stockholm and Gothenburg on a frequency of 160 MHz

The first "mobile" phones American Martin Cooper created the first mobile phone - Motorola DynaTec, which weighed 1 kg. But it took another five years of research for the first commercial cellular operator to appear. They became the telephone company of Bahrain. American Martin Cooper created the first mobile phone - Motorola DynaTec, which weighed 1 kg. But it took another five years of research for the first commercial cellular operator to appear. They became the telephone company of Bahrain.

Not a means of communication Many people know that the mobile phone has ceased to be just a means of communication!!! Now, for example, you have a communication diagram between a mobile phone and a car alarm. Many people know that the mobile phone has ceased to be just a means of communication!!! Now, for example, you have a communication diagram between a mobile phone and a car alarm.

And how does a cellular radiotelephone affect the human body? In 1994, within the framework of the European project "Biomedical Effects of Electromagnetic Fields", scientists from Europe, including Russia and Ukraine, Japan and the USA, began special studies of the possible effect of cell phone radiation on the health and life of their users. In 1994, within the framework of the European project "Biomedical Effects of Electromagnetic Fields", scientists from Europe, including Russia and Ukraine, Japan and the USA, began special studies of the possible effect of cell phone radiation on the health and life of their users. In 1996, the first stage of collective work was completed. The results were more than disappointing. For radiotelephones and namely cellular with a carrier frequency MHz, have a negative impact on the physical condition and health of their users. The brain (the region of the hypothalamus), peripheral analyzers in the middle ear, vestibular and auditory analyzers are exposed to the greatest detrimental effect. All this leads to mental disorders, including changes in conditioned reflex activity, behavioral reactions, states of short-term and long-term memory loss, changes in the bioelectrical activity of various brain structures. In 1996, the first stage of collective work was completed. The results were more than disappointing. For radiotelephones, it is cellular telephones with a carrier frequency of MHz that have a negative impact on the physical condition and health of their users. The brain (the region of the hypothalamus), peripheral analyzers in the middle ear, vestibular and auditory analyzers are exposed to the greatest detrimental effect. All this leads to mental disorders, including changes in conditioned reflex activity, behavioral reactions, states of short-term and long-term memory loss, changes in the bioelectrical activity of various brain structures. Research is still ongoing, but today it is reliably known that electromagnetic radiation has a harmful effect on the endocrine and immune systems, genital organs, and the genetic apparatus. Research is still ongoing, but today it is reliably known that electromagnetic radiation has a harmful effect on the endocrine and immune systems, genital organs, and the genetic apparatus.

Health. Mobile phone harm Prolonged use of a mobile phone can heat a person's brain up to one degree. Prolonged use of a mobile phone can heat the human brain up to one degree. Wireless transmission technologies WiFi data can have a negative impact on the cerebral cortex, and the lack of legislation in this area does not prevent the terrible consequences of mobile phone exposure to the human body. WiFi wireless data transmission technologies can have a negative impact on the cerebral cortex, and the lack of legislation in this area does not prevent the terrible consequences of mobile phone exposure to the human body. The fact that the constant exposure to radio frequency signals can adversely affect human health, scientists have repeatedly said. Many phone owners complain about various side effects from cellular communication: frequent headaches, loss of memory and concentration, tension in the eardrums and sudden bouts of fatigue Scientists have repeatedly said that constant exposure to radio frequency signals can negatively affect human health. Many phone owners complain about various side effects from cellular communication: frequent headaches, loss of memory and concentration, tension in the eardrums and sudden bouts of fatigue.

Health. Harm of a mobile phone According to studies conducted by European scientists, 3% of people suffer from the so-called "hyperelectrosensitivity", that is, the body of these people is extremely sensitive to electromagnetic fields. According to studies conducted by European scientists, 3% of people suffer from the so-called "hyperelectrosensitivity", that is, the body of these people is extremely sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Among the possible diseases in connection with the use of mobile phones, scientists call childhood leukemia, ocular cataracts, brain tumors, cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the nervous system, which can lead to DNA damage. Among the possible diseases in connection with the use of mobile phones, scientists call childhood leukemia, ocular cataracts, brain tumors, cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the nervous system, which can lead to DNA damage. Now in the world more than two billion people are users of cell phones, of which more than 500 million use GSM phones. At the same time, scientists note that analog phones are much more harmful to human health than digital ones. Now in the world more than two billion people are users of cell phones, of which more than 500 million use GSM phones. At the same time, scientists note that analog phones are much more harmful to human health than digital ones.

Conclusion For its part, the World Health Organization recommends caution in the use of wireless systems. In turn, the research director of the International GSM Association (trade organization, which includes more than 700 mobile operators) Jack Rowley believes that the fears of scientists are too exaggerated. For its part, the World Health Organization recommends caution in the use of wireless systems. In turn, research director of the International GSM Association (a trade organization that includes more than 700 mobile operators) Jack Rowley believes that scientists' concerns are too exaggerated. "Single studies say little. Claims that mobile phone technology is harmful are unfounded," Rowley said, adding that five studies found no evidence for WiFi's effect on cancer. "Single studies say little. Claims that mobile phone technology is harmful are unfounded," Rowley said, adding that five studies found no evidence for WiFi's effect on cancer.

List of used literature. 1. Big technical encyclopedia. Moscow 2007 1. Big technical encyclopedia. Moscow 2007 2. Big Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius Big Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius Internet resources: 3. Internet resources: Brilliant inventors. M .: Tera - book club, 4. Brilliant inventors. Moscow: Tera - book club

Cellular Contents: The First InventorThe First Wireless CallPrinciples of OperationCellular Phone Environmental ImpactCell PhoneUsing RulesPrecautionsCell Phone AdvantagesCell Phone Disadvantages First Inventor Mobile phone creator Martin Cooper, who was the lead engineer in Motorola's division that developed the first cell phone, criticized modern mobile phones. First wireless call Martin Cooper made the first wireless call in April 1973. As he recalls, the first mobile phone weighed a kilogram, and its battery was only enough for 20 minutes of conversation. Cooper noted that this was very helpful, since the hand still could not stand longer than twenty minutes. Principles of operation The main components of a cellular network are cell phones and base stations, which are usually located on the roofs of buildings and towers. When turned on, the cell phone listens to the air, finding a signal base station. The phone then sends its unique identification code to the station. The telephone and the station maintain constant radio contact, periodically exchanging packets. The phone can communicate with the station using an analog protocol (AMPS, NAMPS, NMT-450) or digital (DAMPS, CDMA, GSM, UMTS). If the phone goes out of range of the base station (or the quality of the radio signal of the service cell deteriorates), it establishes communication with another CC environmental impact Equipment towers mobile communications and cell phones themselves are no more dangerous than television and radio transmitters, according to British experts. Often, local residents object to the construction of cellular communication infrastructure, but the negative impact of these facilities has not been proven. TV transmitters have similar power, but people have nothing against building them. Various organizations, both state and international, have developed many standards and requirements to prevent any kind of influence of the electromagnetic field on a person, and almost all equipment sold meets these requirements. Thus, we can conclude that the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards in urban planning and following the easy recommendations for the use of household appliances practically eliminates the influence of electromagnetic fields on a person. Although this issue should and will be investigated further. Cell phone A cell phone is a type of mobile communication for making contact within the territory of a cellular network coverage area. How to use Reduce the power of the phone if possible. Speak as quietly as possible. Speak as briefly as possible. Do not hold the phone tightly to your ear. Do not carry it on a lanyard or in your pocket. Precautions When buying a phone, get the model that has the lowest level of radiation. It is not recommended to give a cell phone to children under 8 years old. It is advisable to turn off the cell phone at night, as it affects healthy sleep. Use the phone only if necessary. Buy a wireless headset for your phone. Advantages of a cell phone Expands communication between people. Allows parents to always know where the child is. Guarantees the safety of the student: panic buttons to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, to the police, to a consultant psychologist. Facilitates the acquisition of new information via the Internet. The phone is equipped with a calculator, alarm clock, clock, flashlight, camera, which can be used at the right time. Disadvantages of a cell phone Melodies that sound during lessons and sent SMS distract students from the lesson and interfere with teachers. Listening to music or talking on the phone makes a person distracted: according to statistics, people on the street talking on the phone or listening to music are several times more likely than other pedestrians to get hit by a car. Accidents happen more often if the driver is also talking on the phone while driving. Causes theft. Not every parent can buy a trendy phone for their child. Therefore, the phone can become an object of envy, it can provoke teenagers to commit a crime. Cases of phone theft were in our school. I want to remind you that the school is not responsible for the loss of the phone. Frequent calls and SMS-correspondence require additional financial costs (sometimes not small!). Harmful effect on human health. Cellular phones today - progress is evident Cellular communication ten years ago was a sign of wealth, and now it is a necessity for many. Today, virtually everyone has cell phones, it's hard to find someone who does not have one. A huge leap has taken place in the development of cellular communications - services do not end with a simple conversation. Prepared by Tatyana Kostenkova
