Russian air parcel tracking. Russia Express Tracking

China National Post is often overloaded, forcing sellers to use other services. Tracking parcels from China by track - available service logistics operators, thanks to which the recipient will always be aware of the location of his parcel. Most orders from China come from large marketplaces such as AliExpress, eBay, Alibaba and TaoBao. This service is often used by sellers on AliExpress who supply small budget goods in small cargo format. Delivery is carried out not only to Russia, but also to the near abroad - to Belarus. Finding a parcel from China will now not be difficult.

Tracking postal parcels from China by order number is accompanied by automatic notifications about changes in the status of the parcel. You no longer need to track the status manually - the system will automatically notify you via SMS when the sending status changes. It doesn’t matter which shipping method you choose, you will definitely receive a tracking number for your parcel from China. The postal identifier is enough to independently find out the location of the cargo. Now you will be aware of everything - whether it is delayed at the sorting center, moving through China or stuck in Ukraine. The track number is a necessary argument when resolving litigation and returning money for undelivered goods. It is possible to track a parcel from China by number from any device - from a computer or mobile phone. Some logistics operators are developing special applications on a smartphone, which make the tracking process as convenient as possible.

Finding a parcel by tracking number from China is an important part of delivery. In the era modern technologies everyone can make their life simple and convenient. Thanks to Internet services, you can check the location of your parcel at any time and anywhere in the world. This will allow fans of online shopping to independently manage the delivery process. Using an informative website, you can track the path of your parcel from departure to final destination. Anyone can check where a package is from China - checking the track code does not require any special skills.

Taking care of the client

Modern postal services provide users with the opportunity to independently check the tracking of parcels from China using the track number. Thanks to an online resource with easy navigation, it will be easiest to find a parcel containing goods ordered in China. It is best to track postal parcels from China after registering on the service. By creating an account on the resource, any user will be able to save track codes in personal account and update the status of shipments with a click. Account allows you to control the delivery status, track the location of the cargo and change parameters if desired.

Registration does not take much time; you just need to choose a login and password that meets the system conditions. After registration, everyone will have access to additional functions service. Tracking system – The best decision! Tracking Chinese parcels is a guarantee of the safety of your parcel abroad. You can rest assured that your order will arrive on time in pristine condition.

When making purchases in foreign online stores, we are all one way or another faced with the issue of tracking the postal item by which the purchased product is delivered to us.

This article will address general issues related to tracking international postal items(MPO). Will be considered general principles according to which MPOs are divided into tracked and untracked, the main stages of delivery that items go through. The issue of the structure of international tracking numbers assigned to IGOs ​​is separately considered.

We will also talk about average delivery times and factors that greatly influence these terms. Separate section Information will be provided on the possibilities of tracking IPOs on the websites of state postal services of the countries of the sender and recipient, as well as the use of universal independent services for tracking.

Another Additional information You can always find information on these issues, as well as on customs clearance of international mail and the work of individual postal services in the wiki section of this site.

Basic principles

Tracked and non-tracked IGOs

IPOs (international postal items) are divided into two main categories:

  • Parcels(over 2 kg)
  • Small packages(up to 2 kg)

MPOs are also divided into:

  • Registered(with tracking capability)
  • Unregistered(not trackable)

Parcels, as well as any shipments via EMS, are always a registered shipment, but small packages may be either registered or unregistered.

A registered IPO in the country of departure is assigned a unique 13-digit tracking number, by which you can control the movement of the IPO from sender to recipient, using the tracking services of the national postal operators of these countries or independent tracking services.

The tracking number for registered small packages always starts with a letter R(Registered).

Accordingly, tracking the movement of MPO using tracking services is only possible for EMS shipments, parcels and registered small packages, provided that you know the tracking number.

Examples of tracking numbers:

  • CQ123456785US – postal item from the USA (parcel)
  • RN123456785US – postal item from the USA (small package)
  • EE123456785US – EMS shipment from the USA
  • RA123456785CN – postal item from China
  • RJ123456785GB – postal item from Great Britain

The last 2 letters in the tracking number indicate the country in which the item is accepted for shipment. You can read more about the structure of the track number in the next section.

When an unregistered MPO arrives in Russia, Russian Post assigns it an internal tracking number of type RA*********RU. This number is internal information of the postal operator and is used for internal accounting of incoming international mail and subsequent settlements with the postal operator of the country of departure.

The recipient can find out this number only upon receipt of the IPO.

Track number structure

According to the rules of the UPU (Universal Postal Union) (standard S10), the IPO track number consists of 9 numbers and 4 letters. Track number structure: XX*********XX, where X are letters and * are numbers.

Example: RA123456785GB

The first two capital Latin letters indicate the type of postal item. Here are the main ones:

  • LA-LZ- unregistered MPO weighing less than 2 kg (small package). Not tracked.
  • RA-RZ- registered MPO weighing less than 2 kg (small package). Tracked.
  • CA-CZ- registered MPO weighing more than 2 kg (parcel). Tracked.
  • EA-EZ- registered IGO, issued as express shipment (EMS). Tracked.

Next, the track number indicates an eight-digit digital unique IPO number. According to UPU rules, it cannot be repeated for at least one year. The last (ninth) digit is a verification code calculated using a certain mathematical function of the item number.

At the end of the track number, two capital Latin letters are also indicated, which abbreviated the country of the sender according to the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code standard. For example CN- China, S.G.- Singapore, G.B.- Great Britain, DE- Germany, US- USA, etc.

2. greatly simplifies the procedure for tracking registered mail items using the user-provided track number and combines tracking systems of postal services from 27 countries around the world. Allows you to create lists of verifiable track numbers and keeps statistics on average delivery times for items from different countries. Allows you to predict the time it takes for a shipment to pass through one or another stage of delivery.

3. - can be installed on both PCs and personal mobile devices. The list of supported services includes more than 250 email services. Allows you to create lists of verified track numbers. In addition, it is possible to add user data to the tracking number, which allows you to have accurate information about all the events that occur with a specific order from the moment it is paid for in the store until the moment it is delivered to the recipient.

In addition to the above, there are many other mail tracking services with different capabilities and different composition of supported mail services, so there is no particular point in listing them. The only thing that stands out a little apart is that it does a good job of tracking China Post parcels, but has a rather inconvenient interface and does not support many of the recently emerged local Chinese logistics companies.

Why does the average buyer need tracking?

In this final section I would like to say a little not only about the technical side of the issue, which the article was devoted to, but also about the psychological side of the tracking issue. And also talk about the general purposes of tracking.

It is quite understandable that all buyers want to receive their goods as quickly as possible and secretly hope that the goods sent, say, from China or the USA will reach the recipient in Russia in a week. But, alas, miracles do not happen, and when choosing delivery of goods by the regular state postal service, you need to be mentally prepared for a wait of 3-4 weeks.

During this time, someone will check their track number only a few times to make sure that the shipment is moving, and someone will check their track number several dozen or hundreds of times... Of course, the latter is more typical for newcomers to online shopping and their excitement even somewhere justified. But the truth lies in the fact that no matter how many times we check our track number, the package will not move faster! Therefore, you still shouldn’t be so paranoid about tracking issues.

In essence, tracking is a tool for monitoring the physical movement of a shipment, in principle, a tool for monitoring compliance with delivery deadlines. And the shipment tracking data, for example, will be very useful to you if you decide to make any claims to the postal services regarding the delivery of the item or the speed of delivery.

Therefore, three main tracking purposes can be defined:

  • Informational - when the recipient simply tracks the movement process and delivery time of his shipment, receiving information from tracking systems.
  • Control - when the recipient, using information from tracking systems, can control the timing of the shipment at certain stages of its processing and delivery in order to correlate these timing with the control delivery dates and receive any compensation from the postal services in case of non-compliance with these deadlines.
  • Evidentiary - when information from tracking systems serves as evidence in possible disputes between the sender and recipient, in case of failure to receive the shipment or its loss (alas, this also happens sometimes)

To reduce the time spent on the tracking process itself, it is of course recommended to use independent tracking services that allow you to create lists of tracked track numbers. The track number is added there once and only then you can easily view the tracking results once every 1-2 days. This significantly reduces the time it takes to track all your parcels and saves you stress.

Good luck with your shopping and fast shipping!

The national postal operator of the Russian Federation "Russian Post" receives, sends and delivers postal items in the territory of Russian Federation and other states. The branches of this national postal operator handle the sending and receiving of both domestic and international parcels.

If parcels and postal items are sent within Russia, then the parcel is assigned a unique 14-digit identifier number consisting of numbers, and when sent internationally, an identification number of 13 characters (numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet), similar to RA123456789RU, is assigned.

Both numbers comply with the S10 standard of the Universal Postal Union and parcel tracking can be carried out by both the sender and the recipient of the mail.

Russian Post tracking of postal items

Russian Post tracking works for both domestic and international parcels, including EMS express parcels. Shipments within Russia have a tracking number consisting of 14 digits, the first 6 of which are the sender's post office code. Outgoing international shipments have a track number similar to AA123456789RU, where the first 2 letters indicate the type of shipment.

How to track a parcel in Russia?

In Russia, it is not difficult to track your parcel. To do this, you need to know the tracking number of the parcel. Russian Post can only track 14-digit numbers of domestic parcels and 13-digit numbers international shipments.

Enter your shipment number and our service will track your parcel at Russian Post through the official website, and also check all the necessary foreign delivery service websites.

Russian Post tracking parcels by postal ID number

Postal identifiers are a special combination of letters and numbers that allow the postal service to uniquely identify a shipment. There are countless postal identifiers, but Russian Post only supports tracking for two types, these are international items of the International Postal Union, and tracking of items within the country.

Parcel identifiers of the International Postal Union consist of 2 letters of the Latin alphabet, in which the type of item is most often encoded, followed by 8 digits and the last 9 digit is the checksum, followed by 2 more letters, and this is always the code of the country of departure.

Shipments within Russia are assigned a 14-digit digital code, and the first 6 letters are the index of the post office from which the parcel or letter was sent.

How to find a parcel by Russian Post tracking number

The package can be easily found by postal ID or tracking number. Domestic parcels consist of 14 digits and begin with the index of the department from which the parcel was sent and looks like 39401900000000.

International incoming and outgoing parcels can be tracked using a special number adopted by the International Postal Union, it looks like Rx000000000CN. The first 2 letters indicate the type of shipment - registered or not, small package, parcel post, letter, followed by 9 digits and the last 2 letters indicate the country code of departure.

Parcel tracking ZA..LV, ZA..HK, ZJ..HK

Items with tracking numbers of the form ZA000000000LV, ZA000000000HK - Simplified Registered Mail - a type of postal item created by Aliexpress together with Russian Post to reduce the cost of delivery of inexpensive goods from Aliexpress.

Shipments with tracking numbers ZJ 000000000 H.K.- a type of postal item created by Joom Logistics together with Russian Post to reduce the cost of delivery of inexpensive goods from Joom.

Such parcels have only 3 statuses:

  • Accepted at the post office
  • Came to the place of delivery
  • Received by addressee

Parcels are not tracked at all stages of the journey, but all important information present. It is important for the buyer to know that the goods were physically sent and arrived at the post office, and using the ZA..LV, ZA..HK number, the parcel will be found and delivered at the post office.

Parcels are delivered to Russia by Latvian Post (ZA..LV) and Hong Kong Post (ZA..HK), but the goods themselves are located in China, so it takes some time for the order to be transported from the seller’s warehouse to the post office of Latvia or Hong Kong.

The service website collects information on delivery times for 1.5 million items weekly and uses this statistics to predict delivery times for parcels in Russian cities with an accuracy of +/- 2-4 days.

How long is a parcel or letter stored at a Russian Post office or what is the storage period?

The storage period for postal orders and written correspondence, which also includes international small packages, is 30 days. Other postal items – 15 days, if more long term storage is not provided for in the contract for the provision of postal services. Items marked “Judicial” are stored for 7 days.

The storage period begins on the next working day of the post office following the day of receipt of the item or postal order at the place of delivery.

After the expiration of the storage period, registered items (parcels, registered and valuable letters, registered and valuable parcels, registered postcards, EMS express mail) are sent to the return address at the sender's expense. If the sender does not pick up the returned item within the storage period, the item is considered “unclaimed” and is stored for 6 months, after which it is destroyed

Receiving items via SMS code at Russian Post without a passport

It is very convenient to receive shipments without a passport and filling postal notice, by SMS code. To do this, you just need to fill out a simple electronic signature, at any branch of the Russian Post or through State Services.

Thanks to this service, you no longer have to fill out paper notices and show your passport. When receiving a registered letter or parcel at the department, it is enough to give your name or the shipment number, as well as the telephone number specified during registration. An SMS with a code will be sent to this number, which must be given to the operator in order to receive the shipment.

Receiving items at Russian Post

Simple letters, postcards and small parcels are delivered to the recipient's mailbox.

The postman brings registered letters to your home and hands them to the addressee against signature upon presentation of an identity card. If the addressee is not there, the postman leaves mailbox notification and returns the letter to the department.

Parcels and other registered items can be collected at the branch or ordered delivered to your home.

To receive the shipment at the department, you need to present a notice (you can fill it out on the website) or a tracking number, as well as an identity card. Or activate simplified receipt and confirm your identity with an SMS code.

If you do not have a notice or a tracking number, upon presentation of your ID, you can ask a Post Office employee to find the item by the name and address to which it was sent.

Russian Post search for missing parcels

Check the status of your letter or parcel using the track number. If there is no information on the status of the shipment, or the status has not been updated for a long time, your letter or parcel has not been delivered, and the delivery period has expired, you can initiate a search for the shipment.

To start the search, you must submit an application on the page or provide at any branch of the Russian Post:

  • application to search for a shipment within Russia or an international shipment;
  • a check issued along with the shipment, or a copy thereof (the check is issued at the time of dispatch);
  • identification.

Applications to search for domestic and international postal items are accepted within 6 months from the date of dispatch. Applications to search for international EMS shipments are accepted within 4 months from the date of dispatch.

The application can be submitted by both the recipient and the sender or an authorized representative of one of them (upon presentation of a power of attorney).

Russian Post informs about search results by registered mail to mailing address, or by letter to the email address specified in the application.

The period for considering a complaint or claim and providing a written response is:

  • 5 days for claims regarding postal items and postal orders sent (transferred) within one locality;
  • 30 days for all other domestic mail and postal orders;
  • The period for consideration of claims for international mail can range from 30 to 90 days

In the event that the shipment could not be found, compensation is paid. The sender has the primary right to receive compensation; he also has the right to refuse compensation in favor of the recipient or another authorized person.

Simple small package tracking

Small package - a small parcel abroad containing unbreakable items. A custom small package, unlike a simple small package, has a tracking number. The track number for international shipments consists of 13 characters and uses Latin capital letters and numbers.

Simple small packages are those that are accepted from the sender without a receipt and handed to the addressee without a receipt. Simple items can be letters, postcards, parcels and “small packages” (parcels less than 2 kg abroad). Simple shipments cannot be tracked. Simple letters in stamped envelopes and postcards with stamps can be sent via the mailbox yourself.

Duty-free import

Records mention a messenger system in the 10th century AD. Early letters were sent on a roll with a wax or lead seal; the earliest of these seals dates from 1079 and mentions the governor Ratibor Tmutarakan. The earliest surviving letter was sent in 1391 from La Tana (now Azov) to Venice

By the 16th century postal system included 1,600 branches, and mail arrived from Moscow to Novgorod in three days. In 1634, a peace treaty between Russia and Poland established a route to Warsaw, which became the first regular international postal route in Russia.

Using the Parcels application, in a few seconds you can find out the exact location of your parcel or mail delivered by Russian Post.

To track your parcel you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to home page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track postal item"
3. Click on the "Track parcel" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the latest status.
6. Forecasted delivery period is displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text “Group by company”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

If there are any difficulties with the statuses on English language, click on the link with the text “Translate into Russian”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track Code Information" block, there you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading “Pay Attention!”, carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived in Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery Time Calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, but the parcel takes more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and that’s why they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the parcel is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel “the item pre-advised” / “Email notification received” does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by following the link: .

If the status of the mail item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international mail items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new parcel takes more than a month, this is normal, because... parcels go on different routes, different ways, they can wait 1 day for shipment by plane, or maybe a week.

If the parcel has left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who is delivering the parcel from one city to your home. In order for a new status to appear, the parcel must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Reception / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the breakdown of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read these instructions again, and again, until you are completely clear;)

IN this moment In China and throughout the world, the coronavirus is actively spreading, for this reason air exchange is severely limited and parcel delivery is slower than usual, but as of March 1, 2020, postal exchange with no country has been (completely) suspended.

Don't worry if the status of the mail/order does not change for 1-2 weeks and is in the following condition:

  • Treatment
  • Waiting to be sent
  • Sent to destination country
  • Export/Export international mail
  • Import / Import of international mail
If the package has already been sent and is on its way, it will most likely be delivered.
While the protection is in effect, wait and don’t worry, if the order is not in a hurry, you can even extend the protection period.
Keep an eye on the order protection counter, and if the parcel does not arrive within the time specified in the order details, extend the protection period or open a dispute.

P.S. Do you have anything to add to this section? Write to support@site

You are on the postal tracking site “site” and are required to comply with the rules established by its Administration.

General rules of communication:

All participants of this resource are prohibited from:

Moderators and Administration

  1. Moderators ensure compliance with the rules.
  2. The moderator may edit or delete any user message if deemed necessary, without giving reasons.
  3. The moderator may block or delete the Profile of a user who has violated these Rules without giving reasons.
  4. A moderator can block a user's profile for trolling visitors, moderators, or administrators.
  5. These actions can also be carried out by the Administration.
  6. The Administrator and Moderators have the right to solve a specific problem at their own discretion if it is not reflected in these rules.

There are dozens, even hundreds of ways to deliver goods from China. In this article, I decided to collect all the popular delivery methods from Aliexpress. If you know about any other methods that are not described in the article, then please tell me about them in the comments. I hope the article will help you if you have a choice when delivering goods.

By the way, to save money when purchasing any goods on Ali (and absolutely any goods in general), use cashback services Letyshops or My Sidex. You can return up to 5% of the purchase amount and this is quite good. This way you can often reduce the cost of delivery.

Delivery by China Post

This is one of the most popular delivery methods with Aliexpress, which is offered by default in most cases. If you choose the method Aliexpress delivery Standard Shipping, then with a high probability the parcel will be sent by China Post, although there are other options. In general, I’ll tell you about Aliexpress Standard Shipping a little lower.

So, China Post shipments can be divided into 3 types:

Parcels from China Post you can track by Russian Post. Naturally, this does not apply to small packages; I have already written about this.

Delivery by mail to other Asian countries

Of the most popular countries, I will note the following:

Delivery by post in European countries

This delivery is more suitable for residents of the European part of Russia, because the parcel first goes from China to Europe, and from there to Russia.

  1. SwissPost- Swiss post, quite reliable and fast. Delivery 2-4 weeks.
  2. Sweden Post- about the same.
  3. I wrote about these 2 emails because many people are talking about them. But my parcels arrived by postal services of other countries.

  4. Finnish Post- I have positive impressions about it so far, all my parcels arrived intact, delivery time is 3-5 weeks. I looked, about a third of my orders go through them, so I already remember their tracking numbers very well - they end in FI.
  5. Netherlands Post(PostNL) - when ordering one product I was not satisfied free way delivery, so I chose PostNL. They say this is one of the fastest and most reliable services. And in general, all European mail, I’m sure, works well. This delivery cost me 65 rubles, quite a bit.

That, in principle, is all the European companies that I came across.

Russian Air Company

Another delivery method that often comes across on Aliexpress is Russian Air. What is this? And this is a Russian-Chinese company. The parcel is sent, it is checked by Russian employees of the company (this is a plus), and then it can go either by plane, by train, or by other land transport, so the word is Air in the company name does not guarantee air delivery.

pros this method delivery:

  • Our Russian people work in China and check the parcel.
  • Cheap
  • They say that almost all parcels arrive safe and sound


Quite long delivery. Usually 30-60 days.

Track numbers start with RM and end with CN. At least that's how it was for me.

Delivery by courier companies

CDEK- a well-known logistics company in Russia, recently 1 parcel was delivered to me through them. They called and told me to come to certain time I went to the local bus station on the right day, there was a guy handing out parcels, and that’s where I received mine. Delivery is more or less normal - 3-5 weeks.

Such parcels need to be tracked only on the CDEK website; the number cannot be tracked anywhere else.
There may also be a problem with the fact that if you live in a small town, then there may not be CDEK pick-up points there, then you will have to negotiate with them how it would be best for you to pick up the parcel...

EMS- seems to be translated as Express Mail Service, that is, expedited delivery. In most cases, this is a fairly expensive option (delivery starts from 1000 rubles), so choose it for expensive items that you want to receive quickly. By choosing EMS you get:

  • Still, nothing, but reliability and quality of delivery
  • Speed ​​- from 7 days to 20 days. Fast enough.
  • Tracking all the way.
  • If the weight of your cargo does not exceed established framework, there will be no problems with customs.

The parcel is sent to China first Chinese EMS, then accepts it Russian EMS and delivers to the final address.

DHL is a German logistics company that is famous for its incredibly fast delivery around the world. The services are very expensive. Delivery is 2-5 days, that is, very quickly. Perhaps simple buyers like us will never have to use DHL services.

This delivery method is more suitable for those who have some kind of business. I've heard that there are all sorts of problems with customs clearance, so read the reviews and experiences of other people who have used DHL. I'm not one of those people.

FedEx is an American courier company whose services are also quite expensive. On average it is more expensive than EMS, but cheaper than DHL.

ePacket- recently one parcel was sent to me just like that. In my opinion, this delivery method is paid, but inexpensive (I paid something like 80 rubles). In general, this is a combined shipping method. In China, the parcel is sent by express service EMS (that is, it goes quickly), and in Russia it is already ordinary by state post. Compared to China Post, this delivery method is on average 5-7 days faster. The track number starts with LM, maybe there are other symbols, I don’t know yet.

SF eParcel- a very large logistics company, delivery time 30-45 days. You can read about it on the Internet, I can’t say anything yet. Tracking takes place on the company's official website, the track number consists of numbers.

What is Seller's Shipping Method?

This is simply at the discretion of the seller. That is, the seller himself will decide how best to send the goods to you.

What is Aliexpress Standard Shipping?

Not long ago, Aliexpress launched a new service that allowed Aliexpress itself as a brand to participate in the delivery of goods to customers. It all looks like this:

  • You purchase a product by specifying the delivery method Aliexpress Standard Shipping.
  • The seller, instead of mail or courier service, carries the goods directly to one of the Aliexpress points, which are located throughout China.
  • And from this point, Aliexpress representatives decide how to deliver the parcel to you. They usually choose China Post, although there may be other options.

That is, if Seller`s Shipping Method is delivery at the discretion of the seller, then Aliexpress Standard Shipping is at the discretion Aliexpress itself. The advantage in this case is that the sender will not be some small seller, but the largest trading platform, which gives you certain advantages; if you have to open a dispute, it will immediately go into the status aggravated.

They also have an Aliexpress Premium Shipping option, which usually costs a fee. The goods will be sent in a faster and more reliable way.

Bottom line

As you can see, there are a lot of delivery methods. I’m sure I didn’t list many of them, I just pointed out those that I myself have come across at the moment. If you have anything to add to this information, I will be glad to see your comments. Well, reviews and impressions about different types delivery, especially write here, it will be useful to everyone.

Well, what is also very useful for all buyers on Ali is the ability to use cashback. If you don’t know anything about this yet, in this article I tried to explain everything in as much detail as possible.
