Secret codes for Motorola W375. Appearance

standard codes - 1234 or 0000 unlock Motors 19x: up to version 1.71 - code 19980722, for the version above and for C200, C205 - code 20010903
Removing code C350
1. *#06#
2. Press the Menu button then 048263 * (press the buttons quickly in 2 seconds)
3. An input field will appear
4. Enter 18*0 (Master Reset)
5. Enter 18*1 (Master Clear)

codes for unlocking cell phones.

master code for Motorola T205/T190/T191
master code - 19980722 ok

(T190, T191, T205) master code

P2K test menu:
*#06#, menu, menu, 048263*

test commands:
32*116*1*0*0 - read phone code
32*118*1*0*0 - read security code
18*0 - factory reset, phone code off
18*1 - master reset
54*18*1 - full phone reset
10*0*6 - select 900/1800
32*279*1*0*8 - model
32*383*1*0*0 - flexible version

Hard reset MPx200 - blue button + power on

Codes for Motorola:
View IMEI *#06# >
Activate 100 phone numbers ppp087p1p > OK
Clock activation ppp123p1p >
Activation of the engineering menu ppp000p1p > ppp113p1p > OK (reboot)
Set signal for incoming messages ppp276p1p >
It is possible to send SMS from the address book, for this you need to press ppp272p1p>
To be able to manually switch the frequency ranges 900, 1800, 900/1800 you need: ppp203p1p, ppp204p1p, ppp205p1p, ppp206p1p >
To activate the music editing menu, you need: ppp278p1p>

TEST MODE - new To enter test mode Mode, you need to hold the "#" key for 3-4 seconds in the main menu
In order to use some functions in the test mode menu, you must enter a cell and " # "
01# - Exit Test Mode
19# - shows the software version
57# - resets all phone settings to factory settings
View IMEI *#06# >
Activate 100 phone numbers ppp087p1p > OK
Clock activation ppp123p1p > OK does not work in all phones, it all depends on the firmware.
Activation of the engineering menu ppp000p1p > ppp113p1p > OK (reboot)
Set signal for incoming messages ppp276p1p >
It is possible to send SMS from the address book, for this you need to press ppp272p1p>
To be able to manually switch the frequency ranges 900, 1800, 900/1800 you need: ppp203p1p, ppp204p1p, ppp205p1p, ppp206p1p >
To activate the music editing menu, you need: ppp278p1p>
new To activate the alarm you need to dial works only with new firmware
new To enable the "Games" item in the menu, you need to type it works only with the new firmware
new To enable the Bricks game, you need to type it works only with the new firmware
new To enable the Tower of Hanoi game, you need to dial it only works with the new firmware
new To enable the Baccarat game, you need to type it works only with the new firmware
new To enable the Calculator, you need to type it works only with the new firmware

Service menu in Motorola C350 (suitable for many other "C versions")

0*0*0 Select tone 0
0*0*1 Select tone 1
0*0*2 Select tone 2
0*0*3 Select tone 3
0*0*4 Select tone 4
0*0*5 Select tone 5
0*0*6 Select tone 6
0*0*7 Select tone 7
0*0*8 Select tone 8
0*0*9 Select tone 9
0*0*124 Select tone 1KHz
0*0*125 Select tone 2 kHz
0*0*126 Select tone 3 kHz
0*0*127 Select tone 4 kHz
3*0*1 Enable vibrator
3*0*0 Disable vibrator
4*3*1 Enable speech encoder full rate Audio loopback
4*3*0 Disable speech coder full rate
4*4*1 Enable speech coder enhanced full rate
January 36, 23, 2003 6809456A82
Troubleshooting C350 Series
4*4*0 Disable speech coder enhanced full rate
4*5*1 Enable speech coder half rate
4*5*0 Disable speech coder half rate
5*0*0 Set audio level 0 Audio level
5*0*1 Set audio level 1
5*0*2 Set audio level 2
5*0*3 Set audio level 3
5*0*4 Set audio level 4
5*0*5 Set audio level 5
5*0*6 Set audio level 6
5*0*7 Set audio level 7
5*0*8 Set audio level 8
5*0*9 Set audio level 9
5*0*10 Set audio level 10
5*0*11 Set audio level 11
5*0*12 Set audio level 12
5*0*13 Set audio level 13
5*0*14 Set audio level 14
5*0*15 Set audio level 15
6*2*2*0*0 Set Audio Path. Int Mic, IntSpk, RX unmute, TX unmute
6*4*6*0*0 Set Audio Path. Boom Mic, Boom Spk, RX unmute, TX unmute
10*0*3 Set band GSM 900
10*0*4 Set band DCS 1800
10*0*5 Set band PCS 1900
10*0*6 Set dual band GSM 900 / 1800
10*1*0 Read band 3= GSM 4= DCS 5= PCS 6 =GSM/DCS
18*0 Initialize non-volatile memory (Master Reset)
18*1 Initialize Non-volatile memory (Master Clear)
20*X*0 Load Channel number X Select Channel (Used for debugging Rx mode)
20*1*0 Load channel number 1 GSM Low channel
20*62*0 Load channel number 62 GSM Mid channel
20*124*0 Load channel number 124 GSM High channel
20*512*0 Load channel number 512 DCS Low channel
20*700*0 Load channel number 700 DCS Mid channel
20*885*0 Load channel number 885 CDS High channel
20*512*0 Load channel number 512 PCS Low channel
20*661*0 Load channel number 661 PCS Mid channel
20*810*0 Load channel number 810 PCS High channel
55*2*001 Test Display. All pixels ON
55*2*000 Test Display. All pixels OFF
55*2*002 Test Display. Checkerboard pattern A

55*2*003 Test Display. Checkerboard pattern B
55*2*004 Test Display. Border pixels ON
*#06# IMEI Check No Test Mode Required

For dessert:
NETMONITOR turns on: Menu 00**83786633*
off: MENU 00**8378633*
you have to press very fast. turn off the handset, and it appears every time you turn it on. Exit to the menu / back: menu-left soft button

Caller photo instead of standard pictures
Published: WR , Listed: Feb-01-2004

Caller photo
For a long time I puzzled over how to put his photo on the caller. My corefan got everything, saying that on his Siemens M55 this is easily done without much strain (what a bastard). And then the thought came to my mind: “What if I upload a picture with the same name that is in the icons to the phone, which can be assigned to the caller?” I immediately got into the menu of the telephone directory to look at the names of these standard icons, because I thought that the name of the icon should not differ from the name of the file in which it is stored. Seeing all the names in Russian, I was disappointed and thought that I would have to sit with a translator for a long time, choosing the right name for each. First of all, I tried to upload a picture called boss.gif to my phone. And oh yes!!! Happened!!! Instead of some suit and tie, my picture proudly showed off on the screen. I was about to pick up English file names, but it dawned on me. What am I doing? Everything is already on the phone! You just have to switch to English language. Everything worked out, instead of standard icons, I uploaded pictures of my friends and my girlfriend. Size of standard icons 32*32, maximum size pictures that I uploaded to the phone 65 * 65. I haven’t tried it again and don’t advise it, even less is better, since the large picture covers the name of the caller.
List of files that can be replaced with photos of friends.
Robot - robot.gif
UFO - ufo.gif
Abomination - stinky.gif
Family - family.gif
Star - superstar.gif
Brainy - brainy.gif
Skin - baldy.gif
Fan - fan.gif
Buddy - buddy.gif
Charm - delicius.gif
Thing - cute.gif
baby - kid.gif
Terrible - yucky.gif
Sweetie - sweetie.gif
Boss - boss.gif
Charm - delicious.gif

Own melody when you turn on off the phone.

In order to play your own melody when you turn on or off the phone, you need to fill in your ringtones with the name ~*****File034.mid ~*****File029.mid respectively. I do not recommend uploading a melody longer than 10 seconds.

A picture when you turn on the phone instead of the inscription "Searching for a network."

Upload any picture or animation called "custwakeup" to your phone. Then we launch the MSS 3.2.3 program. Select the Other functions tab, check the box next to "Activate Wakeup graphics" and click "Activate selected features". Then we reboot the phone by clicking on "Restart the phone".

Tested on TeleTac250, Profile300e
So: how to break the password (for example, you turn on someone else's phone, and it highlights Loc "d and the standard password "123" is not suitable):

Turn on the phone
-We see Loc "d
-press (FNC)-00**83786633-(STO)-# (enter service mode) - as a result you should see US" -press 55# - these are the settings user parameters- press several times * until we see 7 and 000000 flashing in turn, zeros are the system code that must be entered when changing the password "legally"
- press again * and see 8 flashing in turn (we don’t need it) and a three-digit number - the password that we need - now you can turn off the phone, and when you turn it on, dial the same three-digit code !!!

A general reset of the phone may be needed, for example, when selling the phone:

Turn on the phone
- press (FNC) -00**83786633-(STO) -# (enter the service mode) - as a result, you should see US"
-press 32# (you need to wait until it beeps or reboots),
- all timers, all phone books are reset, all settings are returned to the default state;
your carrier settings will definitely remain (the phone will reset for about a minute)...

codes for motorola (I don’t remember whose article ... thanks to aftor

To enter service menu need to quickly press the combination following buttons: Menu048263*
A command prompt should appear on the screen: Opcode:___________
Then you can enter commands, for example 54*18*1 - full reset phone.

Rollback (return to the previous state) is simple - let's say you want to return the operator's logo, type Opcode and field 1,2,3,4 are the same as there, and field 5 (d) as in the Rollback line. All.


Microphone/speaker test (loopback):

Reading the phone code:

Reading the security code:

(the code pops up in the format 0030003000300030...
every 4th digit is the desired one, that is, in this case it is four 0)

Transmitter check:
10*0*6 - range selection 900/1800
20*N*0 - N-channel selection
45*M - select M-power level
7*0*1 - turn on TX, send zeros
7 * 1 * 1 - the inclusion of the TX, the transfer of units.

Master Reset 18*0
Master Clear 18*1

Remove operator

Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "116" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "016" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"

And also this:

Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "75" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "255" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "191" "OK"

Remove date

Availability of connected GPRS service

Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "424" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "1" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "032" "OK"

Everything, as soon as the GPRS icon appears on the screen, the date will disappear.

Remove line icon

Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "31" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "231" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "247" "OK"

Engineering menu:
We enter the menu "Opcode"
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "68" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "183" "OK"
-›Runback: Field 5 (D) "007" "OK"
Appeared: Menu - › Office Tools - › Technology

Kypcop in the main menu in the middle:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "107" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "176" "OK"
-›Back: Field 5 (D) "160" "OK"

Activation of the "Brightness" menu:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "116" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "064" "OK"
-›Runback: Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"
Appears: Menu-›Parameters-›Initial setting

Tones and vibration
0*0*0 Select tone 0
0*0*1 Select tone 1
0*0*2 Select tone 2
0*0*3 Select tone 3
0*0*4 Select tone 4
0*0*5 Select tone 5
0*0*6 Select tone 6
0*0*7 Select tone 7
0*0*8 Select tone 8
0*0*9 Select tone 9
0*0*124 Select tone 1 KHz
0*0*125 Select tone 2 KHz
0*0*126 Select tone 3 KHz
0*0*127 Select tone 4KHz
0*1*X Disable tone X
3*0*1 Turn on vibration
3*0*0 Disable vibration

Setting the quality of voice transmission and reception decoding
4*3*1 Enable full quality speech encoder (fr)
4*3*0 Disable full quality speech encoder (fr)
4*4*1 Enable full quality speech encoder (efr)
4*4*0 Disable full quality speech encoder (efr)
4*5*1 Enable half quality speech encoder (hr)
4*5*0 Disable half quality speech encoder (hr)

Setting the ringer and sound volume
5*0*0 Volume level 0
5*0*1 Volume level 1
5*0*2 Volume level 2
5*0*3 Volume level 3
5*0*4 Volume level 4
5*0*5 Volume level 5
5*0*6 Volume level 6
5*0*7 Volume level 7
5*0*8 Volume level 8
5*0*9 Volume level 9
5*0*10 Volume level 10
5*0*11 Volume level 11
5*0*12 Volume level 12
5*0*13 Volume level 13
5*0*14 Volume level 14
5 * 0 * 15 Volume level 15. It seems that this value is more than you can set yourself in the phone
6*2*2*0*0 Set Audio Path. Int Mic, IntSpk, RX unmute, TX unmute (xs what is this)
6*4*6*0*0 Set Audio Path. Boom Mic, Boom Spk, RX unmute, TX unmute (I don't know either)

Transmission setting - GSM, etc.
10*0*3 Set GSM frequency 900
10*0*4 Set frequency DCS 1800
10*0*5 Set PCS frequency 1900
10*0*6 Set dual frequency GSM 900 / 1800
10*1*0 Read frequency 3= GSM 4= DCS 5= PCS 6 =GSM/DCS
18*0 Initialize non-reflashable memory (Master Reset - hard reset)
18*1 Initialize non-flashable memory (Master Clear - complete cleaning)
20*X*0 Load channel number X Select channel (Used for debug Rx mode)
20*1*0 Load channel number 1 GSM Lower channel
20*62*0 Load channel number 62 GSM Middle channel
20*124*0 Load channel number 124 GSM Highest channel
20*512*0 Load channel number 512 DCS Lower channel
20*700*0 Load channel number 700 DCS Middle channel
20*885*0 Load channel number 885 CDS Highest channel
20*512*0 Load channel number 512 PCS bottom channel
20*661*0 Load channel number 661 PCS Middle channel
20*810*0 Load channel number 810 PCS Highest channel

Display testing (for example, for dead pixels)
55*2*001 Enable all pixels
55*2*000 Turn off all pixels
55*2*002 Display test. Test Sample A
55*2*003 Display test. Test Sample B
55*2*004 Display test. Border pixels enabled
55*2*0xx (xx=05 to 14 or to 13). Test monitor in color modes

To launch the menu, quickly press the following buttons: Menu, 0, 4, 8, 2, 6, 3, * . The screen should display "Opcode:". This is the service menu. We will use two commands: 32 - read, 47 - write!


AND FURTHER! In the service menu of the phone, all numbers must be entered in the decimal system. And the phone shows you everything in a hexadecimal number system (when using the read command).

It remains only to parse the example. Turn on engineering menu phone.
All information will be submitted as follows:
Opcode 47 OK
Field 1 50 OK
Field 2 1 OK
Field 3 68 OK
Field 4 1 OK
Field 5 (D) 247 "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) 135

Now let's see what it all means:

After entering the engineering menu, enter 47 - the write command, click OK.
Let's deal with the Field fields:
"Field 1" is the number of the memory location.
"Field 2" is the record number.
"Field 3" is the byte at which to start displaying the contents of the entry.
"Field 4" is the number of bytes to be displayed on the phone screen, starting from the one we specified in "Field 3".
"Field 5" is the actual value of the bit being searched for.
Otkat is the value of the "Field 5" field that must be entered to undo the changes.
"Results F1:0" - you will see if everything went without problems.
After introducing all this into the phone, we reboot it and see that a menu item has appeared in Office Tools - technology.

Similarly, we use command 32.

Updated (11/13/2004): How to find out the rollback value yourself.

To do this, use command 32.
Let's look at the example of enabling / disabling additional vibrating alerts:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "59" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "252" "OK"

You have the above text, however there is no rollback value in it. What to do?
We enter the same parameters into the phone, only with the read command:

Opcode "32" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "59" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
After the introduction, we get:
F2(D) : 8c

(You may have a different value instead of 8s)

As I already said, the phone displays all information in hexadecimal number system. We translate 8s into the decimal system: we get 140. This is the value for the rollback!

Note: in Windows, it takes a regular calculator, make it engineering, put "Hex" - a 16-decimal system, type what we see on the display, press "Dec" - we get a number in the decimal system. Here are the codes to enable/disable some menu items and more:

Turning on 2nd sim cards:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "28" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "169" "OK"
->Revert: Field 5 (D) "168" "OK"
"Preferred card" will appear in Options -> Other settings -> Initial setting.

To turn off the operator logo, you need to make changes in 2 steps:

1 stage:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "116" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "016" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"
2 stage:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "75" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "255" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "191" "OK"

Disable line icon:
Enter the "Opcode" menu
Menu -> 048263*
Enter values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "31" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "231" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "247" "OK"

Date off: (condition: GPRS service enabled)
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "424" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "1" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "032" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"

Disabling the screen saver to enable:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "29" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "112" "OK"

Disabling the screensaver on shutdown:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "70" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "223" "OK"
>>If "Chat" menu is disabled Field 5 (D) "255" "OK"

Enable custom graphics:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "74" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "35" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "001" "OK"
Ha on: custwakeup.gif
Ha off: custgoodbye.gif

Turning off the melody to turn it on:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "74" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "34" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"

Turning off the melody on shutdown:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "74" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "36" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"

Activating the Brightness menu:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "116" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "064" "OK"
->Otkat: Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"

A quick menu appears instead of the date:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "82" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "163" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "161" "OK"
The date disappears and the "quick menu" appears
In standby mode, joystick deflection results in a hit:
->right: Browser
->left: Recent calls
->uppx: cmc
->down: Directory

To activate other hidden items, you need to do the same, only you need to use the following codes:

47*50*1*8*1*036 - incl. Dictaphone
47*50*1*8*1*032 - off Dictaphone

47*50*1*43*1*159 - incl. NETMONITOR (on: Menu 00**83786633* off: MENU 00**8378633*)
47*50*1*43*1*156 - off NETMONITOR

47*50*1*44*1*016 - incl. menu item "roaming" (may not work, write that there is no place)
47*50*1*44*1*000 - off menu item "roaming"

47*50*1*59*1*252 - new vibration alert modes will appear

47*50*1*62*1*169 - incl. weird empty menu item
47*50*1*62*1*137 - off. weird empty menu item

47*50*1*82*1*099 - incl. menu item "AIM" -" is a messaging system for corporations based on AIM like ICQ.
47*50*1*82*1*035 - off. menu item "AIM

47*50*1*84*1*119 - incl. menu item "Mobile QQ"
47*50*1*84*1*115 - off menu item "Mobile QQ" is an instant messaging utility similar to ICQ. True, to use it, you need to create account on the server and registration, as well as operator support

Service codes Motorola MPx200, MPx220, MPx100
*#**837# - Version info
*#**372# - FQC
*#**364# - Engineering menu
*#**266*0# - Set as data COM port
*#**266*1# - Set as log COM port
*#**797# - Time to failure timer & Power down code

*#**2263*0# - Set to default Band
*#**2263*1# - Disable GSM Band
*#**2263*2# - Disable DCS Band
*#**2263*3# - Disable EGSM and DCS Band
*#**2263*4# - Disable PCS Band
After entering, press the SEND button.

Service codes for Motorola E365
#02# - firmware version, hardware, etc.
#09# - phone test

Other codes work only in "test mode". It can be unlocked using the Compal Service Tool (what this program is and where to get it is written here) - go to Handset Specific. Click the Read Data button. We are waiting for the firmware version, FLEX, etc. to appear. Next, press the EFEM ON button. In the Message window that opens when the program starts, it should say:

Trying to Write Data to MS...
Read Handset Specific Data Begin.
All "test mode" is on.
#08# - "expert menu"
#03# - network - RF signal level monitor (to disable the code, enter it again)
#04# - battery - voltage level monitor at control points (to disable the code, enter it again)
**0108# - error counter management
**0101# - Test SIM auto answer
**0102# - reset all settings, melodies, address book, etc.
**0105# - exit "test mode"
**0106# - engineering menu
**0109# - reset TFT counter (value can be viewed by entering #02#)

Motorola C350 service codes
Service menu in Motorola C350
To enter the service menu, quickly press the combination of the following buttons:
A command prompt should appear on the screen: Opcode:___________
Then you can enter commands, for example 54 * 18 * 1 - a complete reset of the phone. (54* - mandatory start for all teams)
0*0*0 - Select tone 0
0*0*1 - Select tone 1
0*0*2 - Select tone 2
0*0*3 - Select tone 3
0*0*4 - Select tone 4
0*0*5 - Select tone 5
0*0*6 - Select tone 6
0*0*7 - Select tone 7
0*0*8 - Select tone 8
0*0*9 - Select tone 9
0*0*124 - Select tone 1 kHz
0*0*125 - Select tone 2 kHz
0*0*126 - Select tone 3 kHz
0*0*127 - Select tone 4 kHz
0*1*X - Disable tone X
3*0*1 - Enable vibrator
3*0*0 - Disable vibrator
4*3*1 - Enable speech encoder full rate Audio loopback
4*3*0 - Disable speech coder full rate
4*4*1 - Enable speech coder enhanced full rate
Troubleshooting C350 Series
4*4*0 - Disable speech coder enhanced full rate
4*5*1 - Enable speech coder half rate
4*5*0 - Disable speech coder half rate
5*0*0 - Set audio level 0 Audio level
5*0*1 - Set audio level 1
5*0*2 - Set audio level 2
5*0*3 - Set audio level 3
5*0*4 - Set audio level 4
5*0*5 - Set audio level 5
5*0*6 - Set audio level 6
5*0*7 - Set audio level 7
5*0*8 - Set audio level 8
5*0*9 - Set audio level 9
5*0*10 - Set audio level 10
5*0*11 - Set audio level 11
5*0*12 - Set audio level 12
5*0*13 - Set audio level 13
5*0*14 - Set audio level 14
5*0*15 - Set audio level 15
6*2*2*0*0 - Set Audio Path. Int Mic, IntSpk, RX unmute, TX unmute
6*4*6*0*0 - Set Audio Path. Boom Mic, Boom Spk, RX unmute, TX unmute
10*0*3 - Set band GSM 900
10*0*4 - Set band DCS 1800
10*0*5 - Set band PCS 1900
10*0*6 - Set dual band GSM 900 / 1800
10*1*0 - Read band 3= GSM 4= DCS 5= PCS 6 =GSM/DCS
18*0 - Initialize non-volatile memory (Master Reset)
18*1 - Initialize Non-volatile memory (Master Clear)
20*X*0 - Load Channel number X Select Channel (Used for debugging Rx mode)
20*1*0 - Load channel number 1 GSM Low channel
20*62*0 - Load channel number 62 GSM Mid channel
20*124*0 - Load channel number 124 GSM High channel
20*512*0 - Load channel number 512 DCS Low channel
20*700*0 - Load channel number 700 DCS Mid channel
20*885*0 - Load channel number 885 CDS High channel
20*512*0 - Load channel number 512 PCS Low channel
20*661*0 - Load channel number 661 PCS Mid channel
20*810*0 - Load channel number 810 PCS High channel
55*2*001 - Test Display. All pixels ON
55*2*000 - Test Display. All pixels OFF
55*2*002 - Test Display. Checkerboard pattern A
Table 2. Manual Test Commands (Continued)
Key Sequence Test Function/Name Remarks
Level 1 and 2 Service Manual Troubleshooting
55*2*003 - Test Display. Checkerboard pattern B
55*2*004 - Test Display. Border pixels ON
*#06# - IMEI Check No Test Mode Required

ENABLE NETMONITOR: Menu 00**83786633*
you have to press very fast. turn off the handset, and it appears every time you turn it on.
Exit to the menu / back: menu-left soft button


*#06# - show IMEI Motorola W375 IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a unique set of 15 digits used on GSM phones to identify them. Since the SIM card was more related to the user, and could be moved from phone to phone, it was necessary to track the devices themselves, and this is how IMEI arose.

*#8888# - shows Hardware Version Motorola W375

*#9999# - show Motorola W375 firmware version

*#8999*8376263 - Motorola W375 firmware data

*#8999*324# - various technical data

*#8999*636# - specifications Motorola W375

*#8999*523# - display contrast, the same as through the main menu of the phone

*#0523# - contrast

*#2255# - Motorola W375 call log

*#0837# - software version output

*#0001# - show serial number

#*7337# - Unlock Motorola W375

*#8999*377# - Motorola W375 error log

*#4777*8665# - GPRS setting Motorola W375

*#0020# - setting the default menu language

*#0007# - sets the text mode to Russian

*#9125# - setting emoji modes in charging mode

*#7465625# - block list

*7465625*638*# - network blocking

*#9998*228# - battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)

*#9998*246# - Motorola W375 software status

*#9998*289# - change the frequency of the alarm signal

*#9998*324# - debug screen

*#9998*364# - Watchdog

*#9998*544# - Jig detect

*#9998*636# - Motorola W375 memory status

*#9998*746# - SIM file size

*#9998*837# - Motorola W375 software version

*#9998*842# - Motorola W375 vibration test

*#9998*872# - Motorola W375 diagnostics

*#8999*8378# or *#8999*test# -Test Mode

*#9998*999# - last check

*#9998*523# - contrast

*#9998*947# - reset when critical error(entered without a SIM card, deletes all files, may cause camera failure)

*2767*3855# - full EEROM reset (SP-unlock, but can change the phone's IMEI)

*2767*2878# - custom EEPROM reset

*#0228# - find out battery temperature, type and charge Motorola W375

*#9998*JAVA# - JAVA - CSD and GPRS settings for Internet Motorola W375

*#9998*VERNAME# - extended information about firmware, hardware, time and date of software creation, etc.


Change PIN - **04*, then enter the old PIN and the new PIN twice.
Change PIN2 - **042*, then enter old PIN2 and new PIN2 twice.
Unblock SIM card (PIN) - **05*, then enter PUK and new PIN twice
Unblock SIM card (PIN2) - **052*, then enter PUK2 and new PIN2 twice

Call forwarding Motorola W375 (you must order the service from the operator)
Cancel all redirects - ##002#
Cancel all conditional redirects - ##004#
Activate all conditional forwarding - **004*Phone number#

Forward unconditional (forward all calls)
Turn off and deactivate - ##21#
Deactivate - #21#
Enable and activate - **21*Phone number#
Enable - *21#
Check status - *#21#

Forwarding in case of "no answer"
Turn off and deactivate - ##61#
Deactivate - #61#
Enable and activate - **61*Phone number#
Enable - *61#
Check status - *#61#

Set the ringing time before triggering "no answer" call forwarding
When setting call forwarding on "no answer", you can set the time in seconds that the system gives you to pick up the phone. If during this time you have not picked up the phone, the incoming call will be forwarded.
Example: - **61*+709576617601234**30# - sets the timeout to 30 seconds
Set timeout - **61*Phone number**N# , N=5..30 (seconds)
Delete previous installation - ##61#

Forwarding in case of "not available"
Turn off and deactivate - ##62#
Deactivate - #62#
Enable and activate - **62*Phone number#
Enable - *62#
Check status - *#62#

Forwarding in case of "busy"
Turn off and deactivate - ##67#
Deactivate - #67#
Enable and activate - **67*Phone number #
Enable - *67#
Check status - *#67#

Call barring (you must order the service from the operator)
Change password for all bans (default - 0000)
- **03*330*old password*new password*new password#

Activate - **33*password#
Deactivate - #33*password#
Check status - *#33#

Barring all calls on Motorola W375
Activate - **330*password#
Deactivate - #330*password#
Check status - *#330#

Barring all outgoing international calls on Motorola W375
Activate - **331*password#
Deactivate - #331*password#
Check status - *#331#

Barring all outgoing calls on Motorola W375
Activate - **333*password#
Deactivate - #333*password#
Check status - *#333#

Barring all incoming calls on Motorola W375
Activate - **353*password#
Deactivate - #353*password#
Check status - *#353#

Barring all incoming calls while roaming
Activate - **351*password#
Deactivate - #351*password#
Check status - *#351#

Call waiting Motorola W375 (you must order the service from the operator)
Activate - *43#
Deactivate - #43#
Check status - *#43#

Send your phone number (Anti Caller ID)
Deny - #30# phone number
Allow - *30# phone number
Check status - *#30#

Display the phone number of the caller to you (AON)
Deny - #77#
Allow - *77#
Check status - *#77#

Motorola W375 secret codes questions

Ask a question about secret codes on Motorola W375

standard codes - 1234 or 0000 unlock Motors 19x: up to version 1.71 - code 19980722, for the version above and for C200, C205 - code 20010903
Removing code C350
1. *#06#
2. Press the Menu button then 048263 * (press the buttons quickly in 2 seconds)
3. An input field will appear
4. Enter 18*0 (Master Reset)
5. Enter 18*1 (Master Clear)

codes for unlocking cell phones.

master code for Motorola T205/T190/T191
master code - 19980722 ok

(T190, T191, T205) master code

P2K test menu:
*#06#, menu, menu, 048263*

test commands:
32*116*1*0*0 - read phone code
32*118*1*0*0 - read security code
18*0 - factory reset, phone code off
18*1 - master reset
54*18*1 - full phone reset
10*0*6 - select 900/1800
32*279*1*0*8 - model
32*383*1*0*0 - flexible version

Hard reset MPx200 - blue button + power on

Codes for Motorola:
View IMEI *#06# >
Activate 100 phone numbers ppp087p1p > OK
Clock activation ppp123p1p >
Activation of the engineering menu ppp000p1p > ppp113p1p > OK (reboot)
Set signal for incoming messages ppp276p1p >
It is possible to send SMS from the address book, for this you need to press ppp272p1p>
To be able to manually switch the frequency ranges 900, 1800, 900/1800 you need: ppp203p1p, ppp204p1p, ppp205p1p, ppp206p1p >
To activate the music editing menu, you need: ppp278p1p>

TEST MODE - new To enter the Test Mode, you need to hold the " # " key in the main menu for 3-4 seconds
In order to use some functions in the test mode menu, you must enter a cell and " # "
01# - Exit Test Mode
19# - shows the software version
57# - resets all phone settings to factory settings
View IMEI *#06# >
Activate 100 phone numbers ppp087p1p > OK
Clock activation ppp123p1p > OK does not work in all phones, it all depends on the firmware.
Activation of the engineering menu ppp000p1p > ppp113p1p > OK (reboot)
Set signal for incoming messages ppp276p1p >
It is possible to send SMS from the address book, for this you need to press ppp272p1p>
To be able to manually switch the frequency ranges 900, 1800, 900/1800 you need: ppp203p1p, ppp204p1p, ppp205p1p, ppp206p1p >
To activate the music editing menu, you need: ppp278p1p>
new To activate the alarm you need to dial only works with the new firmware
new To enable the "Games" item in the menu, you need to type it works only with the new firmware
new To enable the Bricks game, you need to type it works only with the new firmware
new To enable the Tower of Hanoi game, you need to dial it only works with the new firmware
new To enable the Baccarat game, you need to type it works only with the new firmware
new To enable the Calculator, you need to type it works only with the new firmware

Service menu in Motorola C350 (suitable for many other "C versions")

0*0*0 Select tone 0
0*0*1 Select tone 1
0*0*2 Select tone 2
0*0*3 Select tone 3
0*0*4 Select tone 4
0*0*5 Select tone 5
0*0*6 Select tone 6
0*0*7 Select tone 7
0*0*8 Select tone 8
0*0*9 Select tone 9
0*0*124 Select tone 1KHz
0*0*125 Select tone 2 kHz
0*0*126 Select tone 3 kHz
0*0*127 Select tone 4 kHz
3*0*1 Enable vibrator
3*0*0 Disable vibrator
4*3*1 Enable speech encoder full rate Audio loopback
4*3*0 Disable speech coder full rate
4*4*1 Enable speech coder enhanced full rate
January 36, 23, 2003 6809456A82
Troubleshooting C350 Series
4*4*0 Disable speech coder enhanced full rate
4*5*1 Enable speech coder half rate
4*5*0 Disable speech coder half rate
5*0*0 Set audio level 0 Audio level
5*0*1 Set audio level 1
5*0*2 Set audio level 2
5*0*3 Set audio level 3
5*0*4 Set audio level 4
5*0*5 Set audio level 5
5*0*6 Set audio level 6
5*0*7 Set audio level 7
5*0*8 Set audio level 8
5*0*9 Set audio level 9
5*0*10 Set audio level 10
5*0*11 Set audio level 11
5*0*12 Set audio level 12
5*0*13 Set audio level 13
5*0*14 Set audio level 14
5*0*15 Set audio level 15
6*2*2*0*0 Set Audio Path. Int Mic, IntSpk, RX unmute, TX unmute
6*4*6*0*0 Set Audio Path. Boom Mic, Boom Spk, RX unmute, TX unmute
10*0*3 Set band GSM 900
10*0*4 Set band DCS 1800
10*0*5 Set band PCS 1900
10*0*6 Set dual band GSM 900 / 1800
10*1*0 Read band 3= GSM 4= DCS 5= PCS 6 =GSM/DCS
18*0 Initialize non-volatile memory (Master Reset)
18*1 Initialize Non-volatile memory (Master Clear)
20*X*0 Load Channel number X Select Channel (Used for debugging Rx mode)
20*1*0 Load channel number 1 GSM Low channel
20*62*0 Load channel number 62 GSM Mid channel
20*124*0 Load channel number 124 GSM High channel
20*512*0 Load channel number 512 DCS Low channel
20*700*0 Load channel number 700 DCS Mid channel
20*885*0 Load channel number 885 CDS High channel
20*512*0 Load channel number 512 PCS Low channel
20*661*0 Load channel number 661 PCS Mid channel
20*810*0 Load channel number 810 PCS High channel
55*2*001 Test Display. All pixels ON
55*2*000 Test Display. All pixels OFF
55*2*002 Test Display. Checkerboard pattern A

55*2*003 Test Display. Checkerboard pattern B
55*2*004 Test Display. Border pixels ON
*#06# IMEI Check No Test Mode Required

For dessert:
NETMONITOR turns on: Menu 00**83786633*
off: MENU 00**8378633*
you have to press very fast. turn off the handset, and it appears every time you turn it on. Exit to the menu / back: menu-left soft button

Caller photo instead of standard pictures
Published: WR , Listed: Feb-01-2004

Caller photo
For a long time I puzzled over how to put his photo on the caller. My corefan got everything, saying that on his Siemens M55 this is easily done without much strain (what a bastard). And then the thought came to my mind: “What if I upload a picture with the same name that is in the icons to the phone, which can be assigned to the caller?” I immediately got into the menu of the telephone directory to look at the names of these standard icons, because I thought that the name of the icon should not differ from the name of the file in which it is stored. Seeing all the names in Russian, I was disappointed and thought that I would have to sit with a translator for a long time, choosing the right name for each. First of all, I tried to upload a picture called boss.gif to my phone. And oh yes!!! Happened!!! Instead of some suit and tie, my picture proudly showed off on the screen. I was about to pick up English file names, but it dawned on me. What am I doing? Everything is already on the phone! You just need to switch to English. Everything worked out, instead of standard icons, I uploaded pictures of my friends and my girlfriend. The size of standard icons is 32*32, the maximum size of the photo that I uploaded to the phone is 65*65. I haven’t tried it again and don’t advise it, even less is better, since the large picture covers the name of the caller.
List of files that can be replaced with photos of friends.
Robot - robot.gif
UFO - ufo.gif
Abomination - stinky.gif
Family - family.gif
Star - superstar.gif
Brainy - brainy.gif
Skin - baldy.gif
Fan - fan.gif
Buddy - buddy.gif
Charm - delicius.gif
Thing - cute.gif
baby - kid.gif
Terrible - yucky.gif
Sweetie - sweetie.gif
Boss - boss.gif
Charm - delicious.gif

Own melody when you turn on off the phone.

In order to play your own melody when you turn on or off the phone, you need to fill in your ringtones with the name ~*****File034.mid ~*****File029.mid respectively. I do not recommend uploading a melody longer than 10 seconds.

A picture when you turn on the phone instead of the inscription "Searching for a network."

Upload any picture or animation called "custwakeup" to your phone. Then we launch the MSS 3.2.3 program. Select the Other functions tab, check the box next to "Activate Wakeup graphics" and click "Activate selected features". Then we reboot the phone by clicking on "Restart the phone".

Tested on TeleTac250, Profile300e
So: how to break the password (for example, you turn on someone else's phone, and it highlights Loc "d and the standard password "123" is not suitable):

Turn on the phone
-We see Loc "d
-press (FNC)-00**83786633-(STO)-# (enter the service mode) - as a result, you should see US "-press 55# - these are user parameter settings -press several times * until you see 7 flashing in turn and 000000, zeros are the system code that must be entered when changing the password "legally"
- press again * and see 8 flashing in turn (we don’t need it) and a three-digit number - the password that we need - now you can turn off the phone, and when you turn it on, dial the same three-digit code !!!

A general reset of the phone may be needed, for example, when selling the phone:

Turn on the phone
- press (FNC) -00**83786633-(STO) -# (enter the service mode) - as a result, you should see US"
-press 32# (you need to wait until it beeps or reboots),
- all timers, all phone books are reset, all settings are returned to the default state;
your carrier settings will definitely remain (the phone will reset for about a minute)...

codes for motorola (I don’t remember whose article ... thanks to aftor

To enter the service menu, quickly press the combination of the following buttons: Menu048263*
A command prompt should appear on the screen: Opcode:___________
Then you can enter commands, for example 54 * 18 * 1 - a complete reset of the phone.

Rollback (return to the previous state) is simple - let's say you want to return the operator's logo, type Opcode and field 1,2,3,4 are the same as there, and field 5 (d) as in the Rollback line. All.


Microphone/speaker test (loopback):

Reading the phone code:

Reading the security code:

(the code pops up in the format 0030003000300030...
every 4th digit is the desired one, that is, in this case it is four 0)

Motorola security code: 000000, 1234, 123456;

Transmitter check:
10*0*6 - range selection 900/1800
20*N*0 - N-channel selection
45*M - select M-power level
7*0*1 - turn on TX, send zeros
7 * 1 * 1 - the inclusion of the TX, the transfer of units.

Master Reset 18*0
Master Clear 18*1

Remove operator

Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "116" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "016" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"

And also this:

Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "75" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "255" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "191" "OK"

Remove date

Availability of connected GPRS service

Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "424" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "1" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "032" "OK"

Everything, as soon as the GPRS icon appears on the screen, the date will disappear.

Remove line icon

Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "31" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "231" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "247" "OK"

Engineering menu:
We enter the menu "Opcode"
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "68" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "183" "OK"
-›Runback: Field 5 (D) "007" "OK"
Appeared: Menu - › Office Tools - › Technology

Kypcop in the main menu in the middle:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "107" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "176" "OK"
-›Back: Field 5 (D) "160" "OK"

Activation of the "Brightness" menu:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "116" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "064" "OK"
-›Runback: Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"
Appears: Menu-›Parameters-›Initial setting

Tones and vibration
0*0*0 Select tone 0
0*0*1 Select tone 1
0*0*2 Select tone 2
0*0*3 Select tone 3
0*0*4 Select tone 4
0*0*5 Select tone 5
0*0*6 Select tone 6
0*0*7 Select tone 7
0*0*8 Select tone 8
0*0*9 Select tone 9
0*0*124 Select tone 1 KHz
0*0*125 Select tone 2 KHz
0*0*126 Select tone 3 KHz
0*0*127 Select tone 4KHz
0*1*X Disable tone X
3*0*1 Turn on vibration
3*0*0 Disable vibration

Setting the quality of voice transmission and reception decoding
4*3*1 Enable full quality speech encoder (fr)
4*3*0 Disable full quality speech encoder (fr)
4*4*1 Enable full quality speech encoder (efr)
4*4*0 Disable full quality speech encoder (efr)
4*5*1 Enable half quality speech encoder (hr)
4*5*0 Disable half quality speech encoder (hr)

Setting the ringer and sound volume
5*0*0 Volume level 0
5*0*1 Volume level 1
5*0*2 Volume level 2
5*0*3 Volume level 3
5*0*4 Volume level 4
5*0*5 Volume level 5
5*0*6 Volume level 6
5*0*7 Volume level 7
5*0*8 Volume level 8
5*0*9 Volume level 9
5*0*10 Volume level 10
5*0*11 Volume level 11
5*0*12 Volume level 12
5*0*13 Volume level 13
5*0*14 Volume level 14
5 * 0 * 15 Volume level 15. It seems that this value is more than you can set yourself in the phone
6*2*2*0*0 Set Audio Path. Int Mic, IntSpk, RX unmute, TX unmute (xs what is this)
6*4*6*0*0 Set Audio Path. Boom Mic, Boom Spk, RX unmute, TX unmute (I don't know either)

Transmission setting - GSM, etc.
10*0*3 Set GSM frequency 900
10*0*4 Set frequency DCS 1800
10*0*5 Set PCS frequency 1900
10*0*6 Set dual frequency GSM 900 / 1800
10*1*0 Read frequency 3= GSM 4= DCS 5= PCS 6 =GSM/DCS
18*0 Initialize non-reflashable memory (Master Reset - hard reset)
18*1 Initialize non-flashable memory (Master Clear)
20*X*0 Load channel number X Select channel (Used for debug Rx mode)
20*1*0 Load channel number 1 GSM Lower channel
20*62*0 Load channel number 62 GSM Middle channel
20*124*0 Load channel number 124 GSM Highest channel
20*512*0 Load channel number 512 DCS Lower channel
20*700*0 Load channel number 700 DCS Middle channel
20*885*0 Load channel number 885 CDS Highest channel
20*512*0 Load channel number 512 PCS bottom channel
20*661*0 Load channel number 661 PCS Middle channel
20*810*0 Load channel number 810 PCS Highest channel

Display testing (for example, for dead pixels)
55*2*001 Enable all pixels
55*2*000 Turn off all pixels
55*2*002 Display test. Test Sample A
55*2*003 Display test. Test Sample B
55*2*004 Display test. Border pixels enabled
55*2*0xx (xx=05 to 14 or to 13). Test monitor in color modes

To launch the menu, quickly press the following buttons: Menu, 0, 4, 8, 2, 6, 3, * . The screen should display "Opcode:". This is the service menu. We will use two commands: 32 - read, 47 - write!


AND FURTHER! In the service menu of the phone, all numbers must be entered in the decimal system. And the phone shows you everything in a hexadecimal number system (when using the read command).

It remains only to parse the example. Let's turn on the engineering menu of the phone.
All information will be submitted as follows:
Opcode 47 OK
Field 1 50 OK
Field 2 1 OK
Field 3 68 OK
Field 4 1 OK
Field 5 (D) 247 "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) 135

Now let's see what it all means:

After entering the engineering menu, enter 47 - the write command, click OK.
Let's deal with the Field fields:
"Field 1" is the number of the memory location.
"Field 2" is the record number.
"Field 3" is the byte at which to start displaying the contents of the entry.
"Field 4" is the number of bytes to be displayed on the phone screen, starting from the one we specified in "Field 3".
"Field 5" is the actual value of the bit being searched for.
Otkat is the value of the "Field 5" field that must be entered to undo the changes.
"Results F1:0" - you will see if everything went without problems.
After introducing all this into the phone, we reboot it and see that a menu item has appeared in Office Tools - technology.

Similarly, we use command 32.

Updated (11/13/2004): How to find out the rollback value yourself.

To do this, use command 32.
Let's look at the example of enabling / disabling additional vibrating alerts:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "59" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "252" "OK"

You have the above text, however there is no rollback value in it. What to do?
We enter the same parameters into the phone, only with the read command:

Opcode "32" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "59" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
After the introduction, we get:
F2(D) : 8c

(You may have a different value instead of 8s)

As I already said, the phone displays all information in hexadecimal number system. We translate 8s into the decimal system: we get 140. This is the value for the rollback!

Note: in Windows, it takes a regular calculator, make it engineering, put "Hex" - a 16-decimal system, type what we see on the display, press "Dec" - we get a number in the decimal system. Here are the codes to enable/disable some menu items and more:

Enable 2nd sim card:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "28" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "169" "OK"
->Revert: Field 5 (D) "168" "OK"
"Preferred card" will appear in Options -> Other settings -> Initial setting.

To turn off the operator logo, you need to make changes in 2 steps:

1 stage:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "116" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "016" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"
2 stage:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "75" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "255" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "191" "OK"

Disable line icon:
Enter the "Opcode" menu
Menu -> 048263*
Enter values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "31" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "231" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "247" "OK"

Date off: (condition: GPRS service enabled)
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "424" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "1" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "032" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"

Disabling the screen saver to enable:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "29" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "112" "OK"

Disabling the screensaver on shutdown:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "70" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "223" "OK"
>>If "Chat" menu is disabled Field 5 (D) "255" "OK"

Enable custom graphics:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "74" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "35" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "001" "OK"
Ha on: custwakeup.gif
Ha off: custgoodbye.gif

Turning off the melody to turn it on:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "74" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "34" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"

Turning off the melody on shutdown:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "74" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "36" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"

Activating the Brightness menu:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "116" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "064" "OK"
->Otkat: Field 5 (D) "000" "OK"

A quick menu appears instead of the date:
Enter the menu "Opcode"
Menu -> 048263*
We enter the values:
Opcode "47" "OK"
Field 1 "50" "OK"
Field 2 "1" "OK"
Field 3 "82" "OK"
Field 4 "1" "OK"
Field 5 (D) "163" "OK"
Rollback: Field 5 (D) "161" "OK"
The date disappears and the "quick menu" appears
In standby mode, joystick deflection results in a hit:
->right: Browser
->left: Recent calls
->uppx: cmc
->down: Directory

To activate other hidden items, you need to do the same, only you need to use the following codes:

47*50*1*8*1*036 - incl. Dictaphone
47*50*1*8*1*032 - off Dictaphone

47*50*1*43*1*159 - incl. NETMONITOR (on: Menu 00**83786633* off: MENU 00**8378633*)
47*50*1*43*1*156 - off NETMONITOR

47*50*1*44*1*016 - incl. menu item "roaming" (may not work, write that there is no place)
47*50*1*44*1*000 - off menu item "roaming"

47*50*1*59*1*252 - new vibration alert modes will appear

47*50*1*62*1*169 - incl. weird empty menu item
47*50*1*62*1*137 - off. weird empty menu item

47*50*1*82*1*099 - incl. menu item "AIM" -" is a messaging system for corporations based on AIM like ICQ.
47*50*1*82*1*035 - off. menu item "AIM

47*50*1*84*1*119 - incl. menu item "Mobile QQ"
47*50*1*84*1*115 - off menu item "Mobile QQ" is an instant messaging utility similar to ICQ. True, its use requires the creation of an account on the server and registration, as well as operator support.

Service codes Motorola MPx200, MPx220, MPx100
*#**837# - Version info
*#**372# - FQC
*#**364# - Engineering menu
*#**266*0# - Set as data COM port
*#**266*1# - Set as log COM port
*#**797# - Time to failure timer & Power down code

*#**2263*0# - Set to default Band
*#**2263*1# - Disable GSM Band
*#**2263*2# - Disable DCS Band
*#**2263*3# - Disable EGSM and DCS Band
*#**2263*4# - Disable PCS Band
After entering, press the SEND button.

Service codes for Motorola E365
#02# - firmware version, hardware, etc.
#09# - phone test

Other codes work only in "test mode". It can be unlocked using the Compal Service Tool (what this program is and where to get it is written here) - go to Handset Specific. Click the Read Data button. We are waiting for the firmware version, FLEX, etc. to appear. Next, press the EFEM ON button. In the Message window that opens when the program starts, it should say:

Trying to Write Data to MS...
Read Handset Specific Data Begin.
All "test mode" is on.
#08# - "expert menu"
#03# - network - RF signal level monitor (to disable the code, enter it again)
#04# - battery - voltage level monitor at control points (to disable the code, enter it again)
**0108# - error counter management
**0101# - Test SIM auto answer
**0102# - reset all settings, melodies, address book, etc.
**0105# - exit "test mode"
**0106# - engineering menu
**0109# - reset TFT counter (value can be viewed by entering #02#)

Motorola C350 service codes
Service menu in Motorola C350
To enter the service menu, quickly press the combination of the following buttons:
A command prompt should appear on the screen: Opcode:___________
Then you can enter commands, for example 54 * 18 * 1 - a complete reset of the phone. (54* - mandatory start for all teams)
0*0*0 - Select tone 0
0*0*1 - Select tone 1
0*0*2 - Select tone 2
0*0*3 - Select tone 3
0*0*4 - Select tone 4
0*0*5 - Select tone 5
0*0*6 - Select tone 6
0*0*7 - Select tone 7
0*0*8 - Select tone 8
0*0*9 - Select tone 9
0*0*124 - Select tone 1 kHz
0*0*125 - Select tone 2 kHz
0*0*126 - Select tone 3 kHz
0*0*127 - Select tone 4 kHz
0*1*X - Disable tone X
3*0*1 - Enable vibrator
3*0*0 - Disable vibrator
4*3*1 - Enable speech encoder full rate Audio loopback
4*3*0 - Disable speech coder full rate
4*4*1 - Enable speech coder enhanced full rate
Troubleshooting C350 Series
4*4*0 - Disable speech coder enhanced full rate
4*5*1 - Enable speech coder half rate
4*5*0 - Disable speech coder half rate
5*0*0 - Set audio level 0 Audio level
5*0*1 - Set audio level 1
5*0*2 - Set audio level 2
5*0*3 - Set audio level 3
5*0*4 - Set audio level 4
5*0*5 - Set audio level 5
5*0*6 - Set audio level 6
5*0*7 - Set audio level 7
5*0*8 - Set audio level 8
5*0*9 - Set audio level 9
5*0*10 - Set audio level 10
5*0*11 - Set audio level 11
5*0*12 - Set audio level 12
5*0*13 - Set audio level 13
5*0*14 - Set audio level 14
5*0*15 - Set audio level 15
6*2*2*0*0 - Set Audio Path. Int Mic, IntSpk, RX unmute, TX unmute
6*4*6*0*0 - Set Audio Path. Boom Mic, Boom Spk, RX unmute, TX unmute
10*0*3 - Set band GSM 900
10*0*4 - Set band DCS 1800
10*0*5 - Set band PCS 1900
10*0*6 - Set dual band GSM 900 / 1800
10*1*0 - Read band 3= GSM 4= DCS 5= PCS 6 =GSM/DCS
18*0 - Initialize non-volatile memory (Master Reset)
18*1 - Initialize Non-volatile memory (Master Clear)
20*X*0 - Load Channel number X Select Channel (Used for debugging Rx mode)
20*1*0 - Load channel number 1 GSM Low channel
20*62*0 - Load channel number 62 GSM Mid channel
20*124*0 - Load channel number 124 GSM High channel
20*512*0 - Load channel number 512 DCS Low channel
20*700*0 - Load channel number 700 DCS Mid channel
20*885*0 - Load channel number 885 CDS High channel
20*512*0 - Load channel number 512 PCS Low channel
20*661*0 - Load channel number 661 PCS Mid channel
20*810*0 - Load channel number 810 PCS High channel
55*2*001 - Test Display. All pixels ON
55*2*000 - Test Display. All pixels OFF
55*2*002 - Test Display. Checkerboard pattern A
Table 2. Manual Test Commands (Continued)
Key Sequence Test Function/Name Remarks
Level 1 and 2 Service Manual Troubleshooting
55*2*003 - Test Display. Checkerboard pattern B
55*2*004 - Test Display. Border pixels ON
*#06# - IMEI Check No Test Mode Required

ENABLE NETMONITOR: Menu 00**83786633*
you have to press very fast. turn off the handset, and it appears every time you turn it on.
Exit to the menu / back: menu-left soft button

E900 software version: *#5002*8376263#
E900 full reset: *2767*3855#
Service codes Spice:
S404 enable COM port: *#42253646633# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS -> UART1/115200
S410 engineer mode: *#3646633#
S900 software version: *#8375#
S900 serial no: *#33778#
Philips service codes:
S200 enable COM port: *#3338913# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS -> UART1/115200
Service codes "Chinese" models:
default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
Engineer mode: *#110*01#
Factory mode: *#987#
Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
Restore factory settings: *#987*99#
LCD contrast: *#369#
software version: *#800#
software version: *#900#
Service codes BenQ:
software version: *#300#
test mode: *#302*20040615#
Service codes Pantech:
software version: *01763*79837#
service menu: *01763*476#
reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *01763*737381#
Service codes VK-Mobile 3xx, 5xx:
software version: *#79#
software version: *#837#
service menu: *#85*364# (hold #)
Service codes VK200, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK4000:
software version: *#79#
service menu: *#9998*8336# (hold #)
reset defaults (phone/user code reset to default): *#9998*7328# (hold #)
Service codes LG:
software version: 2945#*#
KG300 NVRAM format: 2945#*# -> menu 15
Sony-Ericsson service codes:
J100 software version: #82#
Service codes Fly:
M100 software version: ####0000#
2040(i) reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MX200 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MX200 software version: *#900# Send
SL300m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
SL300m software version: *#900# Send
SL500m reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
SL500m software version: *#900# Send
MP500 reset defaults: *#987*99# Send
MP500 software version: *#900# Send

Service codes Konka:
C926 software version: *320# Send
C926 set default language: *#0000# Send
C926 set English language: *#0044# Send
Service codes GStar:
GM208 (Chinese Nokea 6230+) engineering menu: *#66*#
Set language to English: *#0044#
Set language to English: *#0007#
Service codes Motofone-F3:
Motofone F3 software version: **9999* Send
***300* Set SIM Pin
***310* / ***311* SIM Pin ON | OFF
***000* Reset Factory settings
***644* Set Voicemail number
***260* / ***261* Auto keypad lock ON | OFF
***510* / ***511* Voice Prompts ON | OFF
***160* / ***161* Restricted Calling (Phonebook only) ON | OFF
***200608* Send: software version
***200606* Send: software version
***200806* Send: flex version
***250* / ***251* Keypad tones ON | OFF
***470* Select time format
***500* /***501* Prepaid Balance Display ON | OFF
***520* Change language
Motorola service codes:
C113, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118 software version: #02#*
C138, C139, C140 software version: #02#*
C155, C156, C157 software version: #02#*
C257, C261 software version: #02#*
V171, V172, V173 software version: #02#*
V175, V176, V176 software version: #02#*
C168, W220 software version: *#**837#
W208, W375 software version: #02#*

ANDROID secret codes for Motorola W375

DISCLAIMER: This information is intended for advanced users. It is not intended for ordinary users, hackers or mobile thieves. We will not be held responsible for the use or misuse of this information, including loss of data or damage to equipment. So use these codes at your own risk and for the good of the cause.

Code: - *#*#4636#*#*
This code can be used to get information about your phone and battery. The screen displays the following 4 menus:

* Phone Information
*Battery information
* Battery history
* Usage statistics

Code: - *#*#7780#*#*
This code can be used to reset factory settings. It will remove the following things:

* Settings Google account that are stored on your phone
* System and application data and settings
* Downloaded apps

This will NOT delete:

* Current system software and related applications
* SD card files such as photos, music files, etc.

PS: After you enter this code, you will see a window prompting you to click the "Reset Phone" button. Thus, you get the opportunity to cancel your operation.

Code: - *2767*3855#
Think before entering this code. This code is used for factory reset. It will remove all files and settings including internal memory. It will also reinstall the phone's firmware.

PS: Once you enter this code, you will not be able to cancel the operation until you remove the battery from the phone. So think twice before entering this code.

Code: - *#*#34971539#*#*
This code is used to get information about the phone's camera. Shows the following 4 menus:

* Upgrade camera firmware in image (do not touch this option)
* Update camera firmware on SD card
* Get camera firmware version
* Get firmware update counter
WARNING. Never use the first option, otherwise your phone's camera will stop working and you will need to take your phone to service center to reinstall the camera firmware.

Code: - *#*#7594#*#*
This code can be used to change the behavior of the End Call/Power button on your phone. By default, if you long press the button, a screen will appear asking you to select any option from Silent Mode, Airplane Mode, and Power Off. You can turn on direct shutdown by pressing this button, so as not to waste time choosing.

Code: - *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#*
This code opens the file copy screen where you can do backup your media files, such as photos, audio, video and voice memos.

Code: - *#*#197328640#*#*
This code can be used to enter service mode. You can run various tests and change settings in service mode.

WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Codes:
*#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* OR *#*#528#*#* - WLAN test (Use Menu button to run various tests)

*#*#232338#*#* - Show WiFi MAC address A MAC address is a special code that every device with Internet access has. It is needed in order to "recognize" the device when it is connected to the Internet (network). The MAC address looks like a combination of English letters and numbers, like this: 18-67-B0-42-1D-2E.

*#*#1472365#*#* - GPS test Motorola W375

*#*#1575#*#* - Another GPS test GPS (short for Global Positioning System, from English - global positioning system) is a satellite navigation system used to determine the geographical location of objects and the speed of their movement. The system was originally developed by the US Department of Defense for military purposes, but over time it has become used for purely peaceful purposes. GPS is widely used by transport services and has gained particular popularity among motorists. When using special electronic maps, GPS allows you to very accurately track the position of the machine and makes it easier to choose routes through unfamiliar terrain.

*#*#232331#*#* - Bluetooth test Motorola W375

*#*#232337#*# - Shows the Bluetooth device address

*#*#8255#*#* - This code can be used to start GTalk Service Monitor.

Codes for getting information about the firmware version:
*#*#4986*2650468#*#* - PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate

*#*#1234#*#* - PDA and Phone

*#*#1111#*#* - FTA SW Version

*#*#2222#*#* - FTA HW Version

*#*#44336#*#* - PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist number

Codes to run various factory tests:

*#*#0283#*#* - Packet Loopback

*#*#0*#*#* - LCD test

*#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* - Melody test

*#*#0842#*#* - Device test (Vibration test and BackLight test)

*#*#2663#*#* - Touch screen version

*#*#2664#*#* - touch screen test

*#*#0588#*#* - Proximity sensor test

*#*#3264#*#* - RAM version Motorola W375

These codes, dialed from a GSM phone, are used to enable and disable various standard features and services. Some of them duplicate menu functions, some do not.

@ = send button (Handset, OK, YES, Navi)
** = turn on or activate
* = active
## = disable and deactivate
# = inactive

Change PIN 1 **04*oldPIN1*newPIN1*newPIN1#@
Change PIN 2 **042*oldPIN2*newPIN2*newPIN2#@
Unblock PIN 1 **05*PUK*newPIN1*newPIN1#@
Unblock PIN 2 **052*PUK2*newPIN2*newPIN2#@

PUK - code that must be provided by the operator when buying a phone or connecting. In the absence of this code, or entering the wrong PUK ten times, your phone will be completely blocked!

SHOW IMEI Motorola W375
Show IMEI *#06# IMEI is a unique serial number of the phone, which is set by its manufacturer. This number is sent to your carrier cellular communication. In case you have changed the SIM card, you can always install a

If the code received by entering this command and the code on the back cover of the phone do not match, then your phone may be "gray".

CALL FORWARD Motorola W375
Deactivate all types of call forwarding ##002#@
Deactivate all conditional redirects ##004#@
Activate all conditional forwarding **004*phone_number#@

Deactivate and Disable call forwarding to another number ##21#@
Deactivate call forwarding to another number #21#@
Set number and activate call forwarding to another number **21*phone_number#@
Activate call forwarding to another number *21#@
Check the status of call forwarding to another number *#21#@

Activate call forwarding to another number if the subscriber does not answer **61*phone_number#@
Deactivate and turn off call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer ##61#@
Deactivate call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer #61#@
Activate call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer *61#@
Check the status of call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer *#61#@

Activate call forwarding to another number if the subscriber is outside the coverage area **62*phone_number#@
Activate call forwarding if the subscriber is outside the coverage area *62#@
Deactivate and turn off call forwarding if the subscriber is outside the coverage area ##62#@
Deactivate call forwarding if the subscriber is outside the coverage area #62#@
Check call forwarding status if subscriber is out of coverage *#62#@

Activate call forwarding to another number if the phone is busy **67*phone_number#@
Activate automatic call forwarding if the phone is busy *67#@
Deactivate and turn off call forwarding if the phone is busy ##67#@
Deactivate call forwarding if the phone is busy #67#@
Check the status of automatic call forwarding if the phone is busy *#67#@

N = 5-30 (seconds)
Set the number of rings **61*VoicemailNumber**N#@
Cancel previous installation ##61#@

Change password for call barring **03*330*oldPassword*newPassword*newPassword#@
Activate the barring of all outgoing calls **33*Password#@
Deactivate the barring of all outgoing calls #33*Password#@
Check barring status of all outgoing calls *#33#@

BAN ALL CALLS Motorola W375
Activate barring all calls **330*Password#@
Deactivate barring all calls #330*Password#@
Check the status barring all calls *#330*Password#@

Activate the barring of all outgoing international calls **331*Password#@
Deactivate the barring of all outgoing international calls #331*Password#@
Check barring status of all outgoing international calls *#331#@

Activate the barring of all outgoing calls **333*Password#@
Deactivate the barring of all outgoing calls #333*Password#@
Check the barring status of all outgoing calls *#333#@

Activate the barring of all incoming calls **35*PW#@ or **353*Password#@
Deactivate the barring of all incoming calls #35*PW#@ or **353*Password#@
Check barring status of all incoming calls *#35#@ or *#353#@

Activate the barring of all incoming calls while roaming **351*Password#@
Deactivate the barring of all incoming calls while roaming #351*Password#@
Check the barring status of all incoming calls when roaming *#351#@
Activate call waiting *43#@
Deactivate call waiting #43##@
Check call waiting status *#43#@

Prevent sending your phone number #30#phone_number@
Allow sending your phone number *30#phone_number@
Check the status of sending your phone number *#30#

Prevent the display of the caller's number on your phone *77#
Allow display of the caller's number on your phone #77#@
Check the display status of the caller's number on your phone *#77#@

Questions and comments about secret codes for Motorola W375

Ask a question about Motorola W375 secret codes

Continuing the line of budget phones, Motorola released the W375 model. This is a folding bed, which costs about 4000 rubles. Another proof of how appearances can be deceiving. Of course, in a good way. A very decent design is in no way associated with a budget phone. We recently tested the W220 predecessor. We will recall its characteristics, but only for comparison.

Equipment. In a modest gray-black box with the inscription "Made for Russia" we found the same modest delivery kit, which, in addition to the tube itself and charger included only a stereo headset and a cable for synchronization with a PC. And of course, instructions.

Oh, now you can’t remember a clamshell from Motorola that didn’t look like this:

Having typed more air into the lungs, for the umpteenth time we begin the description. The front panel is black. There are, by the way, three more color options: silver, orange and pink. The surface is matte. The upper part (it becomes the upper one in the open state) of the cover and the place of its contact with the body are decorated with silver.

This color dominates the internal elements - the screen and keyboard. Also on the front panel we see a glossy black insert with periodically lit status diodes, for example, the arrival of a new message. At the top of this insert there is a tiny lens of the built-in VGA camera, and at the bottom there is a developer's label.

The back side is also black and also matte. There is only an insert with the model number and an embossed label. The battery cover is easy to remove. Even too easy.

On the left side, they are almost invisible to the eye, but the rubberized volume rocker and the connector for the USB cable and charger are perfectly felt by the finger.

On the right side is a stereo headset jack.

It is quite possible to open the phone with one thumb, and close it with the index finger. That's the whole look. It would be more accurate to say "this ends the very presentable and stylish appearance of the phone", because after opening you see the keyboard. However - about it in a separate paragraph.

So, . One gets the impression that designers fundamentally do not pay attention to it from model to model (especially when it comes to budget option) just copy it from some sample. And the sample is as follows: a keyboard is located on a silver panel (the color sometimes varies, but not often).

The keyboard is absolutely flat, only dividing partitions between the buttons and the number "5" protrude. The keys are quite wide, but working with them is still not as convenient as it could be. Turquoise backlight. Everything looks great in the dark.

There is no space between the navigator and the main keyboard. Everything is tight. The navigator is five-position, round. Four LED dots are visible on the black circle. The soft buttons on both sides are also marked with dots. Slightly lower symmetrically to each other are the keys quick access to the Internet and Messages. A reasonable question immediately arises - why then program the right soft button for Messages? In the bottom row - buttons for working with a call.

The bottom guide of the navigator was initially assigned to the item "Recent calls", to the top - "Games". On the left is "Office Tools", and on the right is "Settings". The keys are pretty tight. When pressed, a click is heard. Working with a rocker is also not easy. But with its help you can very quickly change the mode sound alert- from maximum volume to vibro or silent option. Versatility and speed are always very pleasing.

In general, the keyboard gives the opposite impression of appearance. She looks more like a toy.

Screen. It should be noted that the screen of the W375 is certainly more perfect than, say, the screen of the recently tested W220. But of course, he is still far from a rating of 5 points. Specifications are as follows: TFT-display with a resolution of 128 x 160 and display up to 65K colors.

Subjective feelings: the screen is too small.

Moreover, there is enough space on the lid. The developers could solve this problem quite simply - make the display edging not black, but the same silvery, then the look would not rest on the black “walls”.

Look at the screen on the left - and everything would be fine, but you just need to set the minimum viewing angle on the right and instead of the picture, a negative image instantly appears. Sunlight is also a problem. Needless to say, how your photos will look on the screen. Although there are no complaints about the color gamut and brightness, graininess is noticeable.

However, they forgot. This is the budget. And among state employees, such a display can be a “star”.

Dimensions and weight. 99 x 45 x 18.6 mm - the dimensions are similar to those of the W220, but the weight is 5 grams less - 88 grams. The tube is really light. And since the center of gravity is in the lower part of the case, the flipped cover does not outweigh. The tube is not at all wide - that's why it is convenient to take it for any, even the smallest pen.

sound. The developer installed 35 melodies in the phone's memory. Handsets Motorola has always been distinguished by a wide range. Plus, it is possible to download a melody via WAP or PC, or create your own in the iMelody editor. It turns out simple, but unique. About the sound quality. It's good, of course, that the device supports MP3 format melodies, but some sharpness of the sound is still felt. It's like all the notes are a little high.

Battery. 3.7V lithium ion battery will provide you with a charge for 4-5 days maximum. You shouldn't expect more from her. Moreover, the phone has a radio and a camera. And these options tend to imperceptibly undermine energy reserves.

Motorola W375 menu consists of 9 points and does not carry any surprises. Everything is classical. The Directory defines 5 dial plans. Here they are called categories. Recent Calls records all received, missed, outgoing calls, as well as the amount of information sent. Messages stores a total of 10 templates for SMS and 10 for MMS. The phone's memory can hold up to 100 messages. Another thing is that the SIM card is limited to only 30. In general, writing messages is convenient.

The "Office tools" include a calculator (clearly executed), a menu change, an alarm clock (a melody, time, signal volume and name are created at the same time), a stopwatch (you start it, and if intermediate parameters are needed, press the "snapshot" and appears above the running numbers a string of digits 12345 ... and so on up to 9. Move the cursor to the desired circle, and the desired value is displayed). Calendar without features. Conveniently, by stopping at a number and clicking on #, you can scroll through it by month.

Flashlight. We already wrote about this miracle of scientific thought in the Motorola W220 review. The flashlight here is not the usual diode interspersed somewhere in the end of the device, but simply a blank screen. It is clear that the power is only enough to illuminate the keyhole, and even then its own, that is, painfully familiar.

Games. Football, Space, Crazy. Here is the entire arsenal.

Playing Football, for example, is hard. When viewed from above, the ball and the head of a football player look almost the same. Forgive me, connoisseurs of this sport. Space. Tip - when playing, try to keep the phone in one position. It's just that the black background of the "sky" quickly turns white when you turn the tube and this is distracting. It's a shame that the confirmation key of the navigator does not work at this point. And fingers out of habit press it.

A separate item is the installation of sounds in games. We will not dwell on this in detail. In our opinion, the games are not of particular interest.

In Multimedia you will find downloaded pictures, sounds, camera and FM radio.

Radio. Now about the headphones. We do not know what kind of ears you need to have so that the headphones fit into them and do not fall out. Probably gigantic. At least women's do not fit in any way.

When testing, I had to hold the headphones with my hands.

The minimum volume is also a separate song. It is difficult to call it minimal. Maybe, of course, my ear is too sensitive, but it was uncomfortable - a little loud. I didn't even bother turning up the volume. The conclusion is this - the minimum volume will become such when the speakerphone is on. The convenience is that you can adjust this very volume both with a rocker on the case, and with the upper and lower rails of the navigator. A long press on the button on the headset returns the screen to standby mode, the same is done by closing and then opening the phone. To enter the radio item, you must press the right soft button. The frequency search can be set automatically, or you can do everything yourself. Clicking on right button Navigator advances you 0.05 MHz forward. A long press on it also sets the search for an available frequency. If the signal is clear, this is indicated by the icon at the top of the screen. It is very easy to save the found frequency - you need to long press one of the 9 digits. At the same time, this figure will automatically be highlighted in yellow on the list of frequencies.

Of course, when the radio is on, you have to be careful with your body movements. The antenna is too sensitive and it is very easy to cause her indignation in the form of spikes and noise.

When the camera is activated, the radio automatically turns off and turns on a few seconds after exiting the viewfinder mode.

So the camera. 4x magnification, the ability to slightly adjust the illumination, shutter speed, flicker, resolution, the use of special effects (inversion, contrast, grayscale, frost, warmth, sunset, sepia, embossing, three shades of different colors) - all this arsenal will still not allow you to take a more or less decent photo. Is that just something like that and funny with the help of special effects. Then, of course, the quality and resolution of the picture do not play such an important role.

No thought was given to saving the photos taken. We have been trying to find a picture for a long time. There is no button for activating the camera from the case in this model, as well as there is no quick activation of the radio receiver.

The last menu items are My Settings and Settings itself, where much is duplicated, for example, a flashlight.

Synchronization with PC using a miniUSB cable.

Ergonomics. In short, then positive side- these are wide keys, ease of opening the handset, the ability to set the volume, vibrate and silent mode with a single key.

Disadvantages - a quickly dirty case, the lack of quick camera and radio buttons on the case and uncomfortable headphones.

Final word

In comparison with the W220, the Motorola W375 may win, but not in everything. She, for example, is more expensive by about $ 50 and has a very modest phone book memory - 100 numbers. The screen, of course, is slightly better than in the W220. Overall, the handset makes a good impression, especially when you keep its price in mind.

In appearance, it is quite like a fashion phone. It will be bought by economical people who do not like to overpay for bells and whistles, but appreciate their image, which should not be spoiled by an unsightly mobile phone. Less neutral color options, such as orange and pink, will probably appeal to girls. Black and silver version - for men. All sisters on earrings.

Main technical characteristics of Motorola W375

  • Weight: 88 grams;
  • Dimensions: 99 x 45 x 18.6mm;
  • Communication standard: GSM 900/1800/1900;
  • Battery: Li-ion, 3.7V, 850mAh;
  • Phone book: for 100 numbers;
  • Sound: polyphony, support for audio formats, MP3, MIDI, SP-MIDI, AMR and iMelody;
  • Display: TFT 128 x 160, displays 65K colors;
  • Memory: 1.5 MB;
  • Main functions: alarm clock, calculator, calendar, EMS, SMS, MMS, voice tags, built-in radio, melody editor, downloaded games;
  • Communications: GPRS class 8, WAP.2.0;
  • Price: 3500-4000 rubles.


Minuses very "weak" camera;

  • uncomfortable headphones.

So, . One gets the impression that designers basically do not pay attention to it and from model to model (especially when it comes to a budget option) they simply copy it from some sample. And the sample is as follows: a keyboard is located on a silver panel (the color sometimes varies, but not often).

The keyboard is absolutely flat, only dividing partitions between the buttons and the number "5" protrude. The keys are quite wide, but working with them is still not as convenient as it could be. Turquoise backlight. Everything looks great in the dark.

There is no space between the navigator and the main keyboard. Everything is tight. The navigator is five-position, round. Four LED dots are visible on the black circle. The soft buttons on both sides are also marked with dots. A little lower, symmetrically to each other, are the keys for quick access to the Internet and Messages. A reasonable question immediately arises - why then program the right soft button for Messages? In the bottom row are buttons for working with a call. The lower guide of the navigator was initially assigned to the item "Recent calls", to the top - "Games". On the left is "Office Tools", and on the right is "Settings". The keys are pretty tight. When pressed, a click is heard. Working with a rocker is also not easy. But with its help, you can very quickly change the sound alert mode - from maximum volume to vibration or silent option. Versatility and speed are always very pleasing. In general, the keyboard gives the opposite impression of appearance. She looks more like a toy. Screen. It should be noted that the screen of the W375 is certainly more perfect than, say, the screen of the recently tested W220. But of course, he is still far from a rating of 5 points. Specifications are as follows: TFT-display with a resolution of 128 x 160 and display up to 65K colors. Subjective feelings: the screen is too small.

Moreover, there is enough space on the lid. The developers could solve this problem quite simply - make the display edging not black, but the same silvery, then the look would not rest on the black “walls”. Look at the screen on the left - and everything would be fine, but you just need to set the minimum viewing angle on the right and instead of the picture, a negative image instantly appears. Sunlight is also a problem. Needless to say, how your photos will look on the screen. Although there are no complaints about the color gamut and brightness, graininess is noticeable.

However, they forgot. This is the budget. And among state employees, such a display can be a “star”. Dimensions and weight. 99 x 45 x 18.6 mm - the dimensions are similar to those of the W220, but the weight is 5 grams less - 88 grams. The tube is really light. And since the center of gravity is in the lower part of the case, the flipped cover does not outweigh. The tube is not at all wide - that's why it is convenient to take it for any, even the smallest pen. sound. The developer installed 35 melodies in the phone's memory. Handsets Motorola has always been distinguished by a wide range. Plus, it is possible to download a melody via WAP or PC, or create your own in the iMelody editor. It turns out simple, but unique. About the sound quality. It's good, of course, that the device supports MP3 format melodies, but some sharpness of the sound is still felt. It's like all the notes are a little high. Battery. The 3.7V lithium-ion battery will provide you with a maximum of 4-5 days of power. You shouldn't expect more from her. Moreover, the phone has a radio and a camera. And these options tend to imperceptibly undermine energy reserves. Motorola W375 menu consists of 9 points and does not carry any surprises. Everything is classical. The Directory defines 5 dial plans. Here they are called categories. Recent Calls records all received, missed, outgoing calls, as well as the amount of information sent. Messages stores a total of 10 templates for SMS and 10 for MMS. The phone's memory can hold up to 100 messages. Another thing is that the SIM card is limited to only 30. In general, writing messages is convenient. The "Office tools" include a calculator (clearly executed), a menu change, an alarm clock (a melody, time, signal volume and name are created at the same time), a stopwatch (you start it, and if intermediate parameters are needed, press "snapshot" and a a string of digits 12345 ... and so on up to 9. Move the cursor to the desired circle, and the desired value is displayed). Calendar without features. Conveniently, by stopping at a number and clicking on #, you can scroll through it by month. Flashlight. We already wrote about this miracle of scientific thought in the Motorola W220 review. The flashlight here is not the usual diode interspersed somewhere in the end of the device, but simply a blank screen. It is clear that the power is only enough to illuminate the keyhole, and even then its own, that is, painfully familiar. Games. Football, Space, Crazy. Here is the entire arsenal.

Playing Football, for example, is hard. When viewed from above, the ball and the head of a football player look almost the same. Forgive me, connoisseurs of this sport. Space. Tip - when playing, try to keep the phone in one position. It's just that the black background of the "sky" quickly turns white when you turn the tube and this is distracting. It's a shame that the confirmation key of the navigator does not work at this point. And fingers out of habit press it. A separate item is the installation of sounds in games. We will not dwell on this in detail. In our opinion, the games are not of particular interest. In Multimedia you will find downloaded pictures, sounds, camera and FM radio. Radio. Now about the headphones. We do not know what kind of ears you need to have so that the headphones fit into them and do not fall out. Probably gigantic. At least women's do not fit in any way.

When testing, I had to hold the headphones with my hands. The minimum volume is also a separate song. It is difficult to call it minimal. Maybe, of course, my ear is too sensitive, but it was uncomfortable - a little loud. I didn't even bother turning up the volume. The conclusion is that the minimum volume will become such when the speakerphone is on. The convenience is that you can adjust this very volume both with a rocker on the case, and with the upper and lower rails of the navigator. A long press on the button on the headset returns the screen to standby mode, the same is done by closing and then opening the phone. To enter the radio item, you must press the right soft button. The frequency search can be set automatically, or you can do everything yourself. Pressing the right navigator button advances you 0.05 MHz forward. A long press on it also sets the search for an available frequency. If the signal is clear, this is indicated by the icon at the top of the screen. It is very easy to save the found frequency - you need to long press one of the 9 digits. At the same time, this figure will automatically be highlighted in yellow on the list of frequencies. Of course, when the radio is on, you have to be careful with your body movements. The antenna is too sensitive and it is very easy to cause her indignation in the form of spikes and noise. When the camera is activated, the radio automatically turns off and turns on a few seconds after exiting the viewfinder mode. So the camera. 4x magnification, the ability to slightly adjust the illumination, shutter speed, flicker, resolution, the use of special effects (inversion, contrast, grayscale, frost, warmth, sunset, sepia, embossing, three shades of different colors) - all this arsenal will still not allow you to take a more or less decent photo. Is that just something like that and funny with the help of special effects. Then, of course, the quality and resolution of the picture do not play such an important role. No thought was given to saving the photos taken. We have been trying to find a picture for a long time. There is no button for activating the camera from the case in this model, as well as there is no quick activation of the radio receiver. The last menu items are My Settings and Settings itself, where much is duplicated, for example, a flashlight. Synchronization with PC using a miniUSB cable. Ergonomics. In short, the positive side is the wide keys, the convenience of opening the handset, the ability to set the volume, vibrate and silent mode with a single key. Disadvantages - a quickly dirty case, the lack of quick activation keys for the camera and radio on the case and uncomfortable headphones.

Final word

In comparison with the W220, the Motorola W375 may win, but not in everything. She, for example, is more expensive by about $ 50 and has a very modest phone book memory - 100 numbers. The screen, of course, is slightly better than in the W220. Overall, the handset makes a good impression, especially when you keep its price in mind. In appearance, it is quite like a fashion phone. It will be bought by economical people who do not like to overpay for bells and whistles, but appreciate their image, which should not be spoiled by an unsightly mobile phone. Less neutral color options, such as orange and pink, will probably appeal to girls. Black and silver version - for men. All sisters on earrings. Main technical characteristics of Motorola W375
  • Weight: 88 grams;
  • Dimensions: 99 x 45 x 18.6mm;
  • Communication standard: GSM 900/1800/1900;
  • Battery: Li-ion, 3.7V, 850mAh;
  • Phone book: for 100 numbers;
  • Sound: polyphony, support for audio formats, MP3, MIDI, SP-MIDI, AMR and iMelody;
  • Display: TFT 128 x 160, displays 65K colors;
  • Memory: 1.5 MB;
  • Main functions: alarm clock, calculator, calendar, EMS, SMS, MMS, voice tags, built-in radio, melody editor, downloaded games;
  • Communications: GPRS class 8, WAP.2.0;
  • Price: 3500-4000 rubles.
  • affordable price;
  • worthy appearance;
  • built-in radio.
  • very "weak" camera;
  • uncomfortable headphones.
The author thanks the company

Continuing the line of budget phones, Motorola released the W375 model. This is a folding bed, which costs about 4000 rubles. Another proof of how appearances can be deceiving. Of course, in a good way. A very decent design is in no way associated with a budget phone. We recently tested the W220 predecessor. We will recall its characteristics, but only for comparison.

Equipment. In a modest gray-black box with the inscription "Made for Russia" we found the same modest delivery package, which, in addition to the handset and charger, included only a stereo headset and a cable for synchronization with a PC. And of course, instructions.

Appearance Motorola W375. Oh, now you can’t remember a clamshell from Motorola that didn’t look like this:

Having typed more air into the lungs, for the umpteenth time we begin the description. The front panel is black. There are, by the way, three more color options: silver, orange and pink. The surface is matte. The upper part (it becomes the upper one in the open state) of the cover and the place of its contact with the body are decorated with silver.

This color dominates the internal elements - the screen and keyboard. Also on the front panel we see a glossy black insert with periodically lit status diodes, for example, the arrival of a new message. At the top of this insert there is a tiny lens of the built-in VGA camera, and at the bottom there is a developer's label.

The back side is also black and also matte. There is only an insert with the model number and an embossed label. The battery cover is easy to remove. Even too easy.

On the left side, they are almost invisible to the eye, but the rubberized volume rocker and the connector for the USB cable and charger are perfectly felt by the finger.

On the right side is a stereo headset jack.

It is quite possible to open the phone with one thumb, and close it with the index finger. That's the whole look. It would be more accurate to say "this ends the very presentable and stylish appearance of the phone", because after opening you see the keyboard. However - about it in a separate paragraph.

So, Motorola W375 keyboard. One gets the impression that designers basically do not pay attention to it and from model to model (especially when it comes to a budget option) they simply copy it from some sample. And the sample is as follows: a keyboard is located on a silver panel (the color sometimes varies, but not often).

The keyboard is absolutely flat, only dividing partitions between the buttons and the number "5" protrude. The keys are quite wide, but working with them is still not as convenient as it could be. Turquoise backlight. Everything looks great in the dark.

There is no space between the navigator and the main keyboard. Everything is tight. The navigator is five-position, round. Four LED dots are visible on the black circle. The soft buttons on both sides are also marked with dots. A little lower, symmetrically to each other, are the keys for quick access to the Internet and Messages. A reasonable question immediately arises - why then program the right soft button for Messages? In the bottom row are buttons for working with a call.

The lower guide of the navigator was initially assigned to the item "Recent calls", to the top - "Games". On the left is "Office Tools", and on the right is "Settings". The keys are pretty tight. When pressed, a click is heard. Working with a rocker is also not easy. But with its help, you can very quickly change the sound alert mode - from maximum volume to vibration or silent option. Versatility and speed are always very pleasing.

In general, the keyboard gives the opposite impression of appearance. She looks more like a toy.

Screen. It should be noted that the screen of the W375 is certainly more perfect than, say, the screen of the recently tested W220. But of course, he is still far from a rating of 5 points. Specifications are as follows: TFT-display with a resolution of 128 x 160 and display up to 65K colors.

Subjective feelings: the screen is too small.

Moreover, there is enough space on the lid. The developers could solve this problem quite simply - make the display edging not black, but the same silvery, then the look would not rest on the black “walls”.

Look at the screen on the left - and everything would be fine, but you just need to set the minimum viewing angle on the right and instead of the picture, a negative image instantly appears. Sunlight is also a problem. Needless to say, how your photos will look on the screen. Although there are no complaints about the color gamut and brightness, graininess is noticeable.

However, they forgot. This is the budget. And among state employees, such a display can be a “star”.

Dimensions and weight. 99 x 45 x 18.6 mm - the dimensions are similar to those of the W220, but the weight is 5 grams less - 88 grams. The tube is really light. And since the center of gravity is in the lower part of the case, the flipped cover does not outweigh. The tube is not at all wide - that's why it is convenient to take it for any, even the smallest pen.

sound. The developer installed 35 melodies in the phone's memory. Handsets Motorola has always been distinguished by a wide range. Plus, it is possible to download a melody via WAP or PC, or create your own in the iMelody editor. It turns out simple, but unique. About the sound quality. It's good, of course, that the device supports MP3 format melodies, but some sharpness of the sound is still felt. It's like all the notes are a little high.

Battery. The 3.7V lithium-ion battery will provide you with a maximum of 4-5 days of power. You shouldn't expect more from her. Moreover, the phone has a radio and a camera. And these options tend to imperceptibly undermine energy reserves.

Motorola W375 menu consists of 9 points and does not carry any surprises. Everything is classical. The Directory defines 5 dial plans. Here they are called categories. Recent Calls records all received, missed, outgoing calls, as well as the amount of information sent. Messages stores a total of 10 templates for SMS and 10 for MMS. The phone's memory can hold up to 100 messages. Another thing is that the SIM card is limited to only 30. In general, writing messages is convenient.

The "Office tools" include a calculator (clearly executed), a menu change, an alarm clock (a melody, time, signal volume and name are created at the same time), a stopwatch (you start it, and if intermediate parameters are needed, press "snapshot" and a a string of digits 12345 ... and so on up to 9. Move the cursor to the desired circle, and the desired value is displayed). Calendar without features. Conveniently, by stopping at a number and clicking on #, you can scroll through it by month.

Flashlight. We already wrote about this miracle of scientific thought in the Motorola W220 review. The flashlight here is not the usual diode interspersed somewhere in the end of the device, but simply a blank screen. It is clear that the power is only enough to illuminate the keyhole, and even then its own, that is, painfully familiar.

Games. Football, Space, Crazy. Here is the entire arsenal.

Playing Football, for example, is hard. When viewed from above, the ball and the head of a football player look almost the same. Forgive me, connoisseurs of this sport. Space. Tip - when playing, try to keep the phone in one position. It's just that the black background of the "sky" quickly turns white when you turn the tube and this is distracting. It's a shame that the confirmation key of the navigator does not work at this point. And fingers out of habit press it.

A separate item is the installation of sounds in games. We will not dwell on this in detail. In our opinion, the games are not of particular interest.

In Multimedia you will find downloaded pictures, sounds, camera and FM radio.

Radio. Now about the headphones. We do not know what kind of ears you need to have so that the headphones fit into them and do not fall out. Probably gigantic. At least women's do not fit in any way.

When testing, I had to hold the headphones with my hands.

The minimum volume is also a separate song. It is difficult to call it minimal. Maybe, of course, my ear is too sensitive, but it was uncomfortable - a little loud. I didn't even bother turning up the volume. The conclusion is that the minimum volume will become such when the speakerphone is on. The convenience is that you can adjust this very volume both with a rocker on the case, and with the upper and lower rails of the navigator. A long press on the button on the headset returns the screen to standby mode, the same is done by closing and then opening the phone. To enter the radio item, you must press the right soft button. The frequency search can be set automatically, or you can do everything yourself. Pressing the right navigator button advances you 0.05 MHz forward. A long press on it also sets the search for an available frequency. If the signal is clear, this is indicated by the icon at the top of the screen. It is very easy to save the found frequency - you need to long press one of the 9 digits. At the same time, this figure will automatically be highlighted in yellow on the list of frequencies.

Of course, when the radio is on, you have to be careful with your body movements. The antenna is too sensitive and it is very easy to cause her indignation in the form of spikes and noise.

When the camera is activated, the radio automatically turns off and turns on a few seconds after exiting the viewfinder mode.

So the camera. 4x magnification, the ability to slightly adjust the illumination, shutter speed, flicker, resolution, the use of special effects (inversion, contrast, grayscale, frost, warmth, sunset, sepia, embossing, three shades of different colors) - all this arsenal will still not allow you to take a more or less decent photo. Is that just something like that and funny with the help of special effects. Then, of course, the quality and resolution of the picture do not play such an important role.

No thought was given to saving the photos taken. We have been trying to find a picture for a long time. There is no button for activating the camera from the case in this model, as well as there is no quick activation of the radio receiver.

The last menu items are My Settings and Settings itself, where much is duplicated, for example, a flashlight.

Synchronization with PC using a miniUSB cable.

Ergonomics. In short, the positive side is the wide keys, the convenience of opening the handset, the ability to set the volume, vibrate and silent mode with a single key.

Disadvantages - a quickly dirty case, the lack of quick activation keys for the camera and radio on the case and uncomfortable headphones.

Final word

In comparison with the W220, the Motorola W375 may win, but not in everything. She, for example, is more expensive by about $ 50 and has a very modest phone book memory - 100 numbers. The screen, of course, is slightly better than in the W220. Overall, the handset makes a good impression, especially when you keep its price in mind.

In appearance, it is quite like a fashion phone. It will be bought by economical people who do not like to overpay for bells and whistles, but appreciate their image, which should not be spoiled by an unsightly mobile phone. Less neutral color options, such as orange and pink, will probably appeal to girls. Black and silver version - for men. All sisters on earrings.

Main technical characteristics of Motorola W375

Weight: 88 grams;
Dimensions: 99 x 45 x 18.6mm;
Communication standard: GSM 900/1800/1900;
Battery: Li-Ion, 3.7V, 850mAh;
Phonebook: 100 numbers;
Sound: polyphony, support for audio formats, MP3, MIDI, SP-MIDI, AMR and iMelody;
Display: TFT 128 x 160, displays 65 K colors;
Memory: 1.5 MB;
Main functions: alarm clock, calculator, calendar, EMS, SMS, MMS, voice tags, built-in radio receiver, melody editor, downloaded games;
Communications: GPRS class 8, WAP.2.0;
Price: 3500-4000 rubles.


affordable price;
worthy appearance;
built-in radio.

very "weak" camera;
uncomfortable headphones.
