The following types of geographical top-level domains exist. Top level domains

When choosing a name for a site, users are faced with another new concept - the domain level. Some say that the third level is bad, others confuse the first with the second. How to correctly determine the levels, and which domain is not liked by search engines? Let's look at the main points.

The following domain classification is commonly used:

    First level- these are domains tied to a territory ( rf, ru, ua) or topic ( org, biz, info). These domains are not for sale, as they are distributed between certain zones in which you can register a site.

    Second level- a unique part of the address that stands before the first-level domain and is separated from it by a dot. In the address website the second level domain is the name " konstruktorysajtov" Its uniqueness lies in the fact that a second-level domain is registered on one web resource and cannot be used on another site.

    Third level- a resource within a second-level domain. an example of a third-level domain.

Typically, the third level is used when creating a web resource on a site builder or placing individual sites inside a large portal - for example, Strictly speaking, this is also a third-level domain; the second level will be Therefore, optimizers advise specifying the address without WWW, since technically is a subdomain

There are several features in the definition of a third-level domain. In some countries, there were no second-level domains by definition before: for example, in the UK, until 2014, domain names were used in this form:, etc., that is, technically this is already the third level. In this case, the classification shifts one level: will already be a fourth-order domain.

Is level three so bad?

Third-level domains are not held in high esteem by webmasters, but there are no facts proving their inconsistency when promoting a website. Search engines don't pay attention to the domain level. If the site meets certain requirements (domain level is not among them) and contains unique, interesting content, then search engines will return pages of your site in search results, regardless of whether the domain has a second or third level.

Website visitors are not at all interested in the domain level - the main thing is that the address can be remembered and reproduced. But third-level domains are also different. It's one thing if you have no one will pay attention to the fact that there are some extra words in the address. It’s a different matter if you created a website using a free builder like

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Before moving on to the part about, I want to make a separate article in which we will look at the types of domains, or rather what top-level domains and domain zones are.

In the previous article, answering the question, we understood that a domain name consists of several domains separated by dots, and that each domain is classified by levels.

By country and region

These domains are intended for specific languages, countries, regions and cities. They may use characters from national alphabets.

  • .ru - Russia,
  • .ua - Ukraine,
  • .su - Former USSR,
  • .us - USA,
  • .eu - European Union,
  • .рф - Russian Federation,
  • .moscow - Moscow,
  • .tatar - Tatarstan,
  • .tv - Taulu or international zone for TV channel websites. Sometimes they can overlap.

It is worth choosing a territorial zone if the audience of the resource is residents of the same country or people speaking the same language.

When creating an information portal, blog, store, forum, company website or other in Russian, I would still recommend choosing RU. It will not only be in the correct zone, but will also be more familiar to Russian-speaking users for pronunciation and memorization.


gTLDs are general use domains, intended for those sites that are not limited to one country, consist of two or more letters and determine the scope of the site.

  • .com - websites of commercial organizations,
  • .net - providers and network organizations,
  • .org - non-profit organizations,
  • .info - for information sites,
  • .biz - for business structures,
  • .name - for personal resources,
  • .museum - museum portals,
  • .movie - official movie sites,
  • .aero - for air transport companies,
  • .pro - for professionals in their field,
  • .travel - resources of tourism organizations,
  • .jobs - recruitment sites,
  • .club - clubs,
  • .fm - radio.

More often they are chosen because of their consonance or because the area of ​​the country is already occupied. You can do this, but it will be wrong.

There are also restricted domains. They are intended only for the USA; we will not be able to register them.

  1. .edu – for educational organizations,
  2. .gov – for government agencies,
  3. .mil – for military organizations,
  4. .int – for international organizations.


There are regional-thematic domain zones (second-level domains) made up of a combination of ccTLDs and gTLDs. They are rarely found in Russia, but are more widely used in other countries.

As a rule, they divide country zones into site topics.

  • - Ukraine,
  • - Germany,
  • - Kazakhstan,
  • - Taiwan.

A domain in such a zone is worth registering if your website corresponds to a specific field of activity in a particular country.


These are second-level domains that are intended for a specific region of the country.

  • - Moscow,
  • - Perm,
  • - Kyiv,
  • .yalta.rf - Yalta.

If the site belongs to a specific city, then you can use such a zone.

Which one to choose?

Before choosing a zone, read my recommendations for choosing a domain name and basic rules.

If you have any questions or doubts about which zone to choose, write in the comments and we’ll figure it out together.

What is a domain? This question is asked by almost every novice Internet user. Without going into details, the answer is quite simple. A domain is the name of a website on the network, unique and unparalleled. You can view the domain on which the page you are currently viewing is located in the address bar of your browser. Everything that comes after these letters is the path to this article.

In fact, website addresses have numerical values ​​that are very difficult for users to remember. But now that the domain name system has been developed, each site creator can assign it an easy to pronounce and remember name, which makes navigating the Internet more convenient.

Domains are usually divided into several levels. Each level is determined by how many dot-separated parts there are in the name. For example, a first-level domain is nothing more than a zone on the Internet. Websites are not located on 1st level domains.


  • .ru – Russian
  • .ua - Ukrainian
  • .com – Commercial
  • .org – Nonprofit Organizations
  • .edu – Educational Resources
  • .gov – Government
  • Other options (more than several dozen)

Second-level domain – denotes the name of a resource within one of the domain zones. For example, our Businesslike forum is now located on a second-level domain, where Businesslike is the name of the site, and is the zone in which it is located.

Third-level domain – determined by the name of the resource within the second-level domain. Name. Second level name. Domain zone. As a rule, 3rd level domains are absolutely free. Take, for example, the website builder Ucoz, known to many webmasters, which gives clients domain names like; and the like.

A fourth-level domain is a fairly rare phenomenon on the Internet. They are built on exactly the same principle as the previous domain levels, only the name becomes even longer. For example:

Which domain name to choose: 2nd or 3rd level

Now that you have an idea of ​​what the second and third levels are, you will probably want to know which one is best for your future website. Let's try to figure it out.

Top level domains: general and limited use

Popular general purpose top-level domains


State or territory


for subjects of the air transport industry


only commercial organizations


for use by the Catalan linguistic and cultural community


Commercial organizations (no restrictions)




institutions of higher education recognized as such by the US Department of Education


Information resources (no restrictions)


recruitment agencies


for sellers and providers of mobile content and services related to mobile communications






Organizations related to the functioning of the Internet (without restrictions)


Non-profit organizations (no restrictions)


Certified Professionals and Related Topics


services that include communication between the telephone network and the Internet (added March 2, 2007)


for tourism business entities

Examples of restricted top-level domains


Used by

.gov US government
.int intergovernmental organizations (
.mil US Army
.arpa Internet infrastructure and, previously, addresses in the closed (military) part of the US Internet.
.root the domain is registered in the root DNS servers controlled by Verisign, but its purpose has never been commented on. Used for internal purposes only.

More details: (English) (English)

Root domain(eng. root domain) - the top-level domain in any domain name system.

Internet root domain ( zero-level domain) is served by domain name system root servers located in various countries around the world.

In the Internet DNS system, the root domain is designated by a blank (that is, no character) name.

When writing a domain name, each domain is separated by a dot.

There may be a period at the end of the name that separates the empty name corresponding to the root domain. If this dot is present (for example, “”), then the domain name is considered fully qualified (absolute).

If there is no dot at the end of the name ("www.antula" or "www..

Every Internet application (browser) must handle the trailing dot correctly. But most of them allow you to enter a domain name without a period at the end. The handling of such names is implementation dependent. In the simplest case (if, for example, in the context of a given application it is impossible to determine in relation to which base domain the address is given), a trailing dot will be added to the address and it will be treated as absolute.

Sometimes, to obtain a fully qualified domain name, local software (operating system, application, etc.) can attach to the relative name a certain default domain, which is determined by the domain name of the computer, or can be specified in the settings.

Sometimes several such domains can be specified in the settings, which are searched in turn until a name that exists in the DNS is found.

For reference

ISO 3166 is an international ISO standard that defines the code designations of states and dependent territories, as well as the main administrative entities within states. Consists of the following parts:

ISO 3166-1 - codes of states and dependent territories.

    ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 - two-letter.

    ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 - three-letter.

    ISO 3166-1 numeric - digital.

ISO 3166-2 - codes of administrative entities within states (regions, states, provinces, etc.)
ISO 3166-3 - codes of states that no longer exist (merger, division, change of name, etc.)
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two-letter codes are used by ICANN to assign country code top-level domain names.

Domain level – the location of a domain in the hierarchical structure of domain names on the Internet.

A domain is a website address or zone name. All computers are identified on the network using an IP address as a sequence of numbers. To access the server it is important to know this address. But one server of a hosting provider (on one IP address) can host 1000 websites.

To find the desired site, a domain name system was created. The English name is DNS or Domain Name System. A domain name is easier for users to remember than a sequence of numbers.

The domain name can consist of a sequence of Latin letters or contain numbers, Cyrillic and a hyphen. The hyphen should only appear in the middle of the sequence. Letters are uppercase or lowercase, case does not matter.

There are 3 main types of domains. Let's look at who can own them and how they differ.

First (top) level domains, what they are.

Such domains are also called “first level” or domain zones. Such domains cannot be purchased. They are registered and made available for use by ICANN. New domain zones are constantly emerging, for example .travel

Domain zones are provided to the following countries:

  • .ru – Russia;
  • .de – Germany;
  • .kz – Kazakhstan.

Or indicate the type of organization using the domain:

  • .com – for commercial organizations.
  • .info – information sites.
  • .edu – for educational institutions.

Using them, you can determine where the site is geographically located or what tasks it performs. However, a site in does not have to be commercial.

Virtual website hosting for popular CMS:

Second level domains.

Domains are registered in one of the first-level zones (country or international domains). They are separated from the domain zone by a dot. The name must be unique within the same zone. The right of ownership is issued for a year, then you need to renew it for a fee.

Third level domains.

Common third-level domains refer to geographic regional domains. For, This domain is useful for local sites, such as news or city portals.

Third-level domains not tied to geo-zones like, are also called subdomains or subdomains. Registered with organizations that own second-level domains. One such domain can contain an unlimited number of third domains. The user can set up a subdomain in the hosting control panel.

Example of 1st, 2nd, 3rd level domains.

In domain names, case does not matter..Ru - lead to the same site. For the same reason, you cannot register an existing domain by capitalizing it. and are located in different zones, both can be registered.

In the examples above, .ru is the domain zone, ipipe and primerdomena are the second-level domain name., (domain zone ru) is an example of a third-level domain. – the owner of the site has placed a mobile version of the site on a subdomain.

Domain names don't have to be short, but they should be easy to remember. Subdomains are suitable for individuals who are not chasing thousands of visitors, or for hosting a forum or additional service on the site.

For organizations, commercial or non-profit, it is better to use second-level domains. They inspire more trust among users and are easier to remember.
