What is moderation? FAQ. What does Moder mean? Who is a Moderator? What does moderation mean

0 Many people like to chat on forums, and have often come across the unfamiliar term Moder. That's why some people ask who is Moder or what does Moder mean? I would like to recommend a few interesting articles on the topic of Internet jargon, for example, who is Freak, what does it mean to Forsit, how to understand the word Follower, which means the term Flood, etc. The word "Moder" or, as it is more commonly called "Moderator" comes from the Latin word "moderor", which can be translated into Russian as "I restrain", "I moderate". Each resource has its own strict set of rules, powers and responsibilities. The general task of the Moderator is to ensure that users are sensitive to the rules of the site. In particular, the mod can:

restrict the site visitor's rights (prohibit leaving messages);

Delete user pages;

Edit other people's posts;

Delete other people's posts.

Moder(moderator) is a privileged user with more powers than ordinary users site (echo of a conference, forum, chat)

What does it mean to moderate?

After being given the right moderator, to a certain forum or chat, then you should constantly read the messages that users leave. You must delete posts of offensive content, and send the one who published it to Ban. You need to take the initiative, try to find new ideas for the development of the resource. It may be worth creating new topics that should be of interest to many, find optimal solutions just for this section.

The moderator is the one who is able creatively think in a good sense of the word, help the admin, come up with original ideas, keep order on the forum or portal. The moderator is needed in order to facilitate the work of the admin (the owner of the resource)

To become Moderom, you need to be aware of all the presented topics that are discussed in this thread, and provide assistance to visitors. Perhaps your efforts will be noticed and you will be offered to become Moderator, but do not forget that now you are fully responsible and you will be asked very strictly.

Who is a moderator? How to become a moderator?

Often in the description of the content of training programs, we see that moderation will be used during the training. Is it so? What techniques are used for this, or does "moderation" mean only recording the group's statements on a flip chart? What is moderation and how it differs from facilitation, we will consider in our master class.

To start…

Put a dot where you think you are:

The term "moderation"

Site moderation, moderation of statements, and even moderation of love ... you will find such options on the Internet when you request this concept. The term "moderation" comes from the Italian moderare, which means "mitigation", "containment", "moderation". The moderator is called not only the leader of the rally, but also the editor of the rubric on television and radio, as well as the host of the forums on the site. In the Vatican, the moderator was the person who pointed out the most significant points in the speeches of the pope. It is also known that the term "devil's advocate" also has some relation to the moderation process. When a priest was ordained to a new rank, he was supposed not only to have a defender who spoke about his good deeds before God, but also a "devil's advocate", who was also a priest, but who told why this novice was not worthy of a new title. Well, the moderator recorded the process of the church rally and gave equal speaking time to both sides.

Moderation, which is used during regulatory, project meetings and seminars, has some similarities with site moderation. Site moderation is monitoring compliance with the rules for discussing topics on the forum, set by the site owner. This is the similarity. The difference is that a forum moderator can block a discussion participant if he does not follow the established rules. In business moderation, the leader is responsible for the process and organizational result of the rally, and the group is responsible for the content. So, if, when recording answers to a question, some participants can give answers in a comic form, the moderator, however, records any statements. The rally went in the wrong direction, you say? On the contrary, the group, seeing that everything is being recorded, very quickly, even without standard calls, returns to the necessary track.

Techniques and methods of moderation were brought to Ukraine by Team Training International (headquartered in Vienna since 1972) represented by a subsidiary of Team Training Ukraine in 1992. Since then, in one format or another, some techniques have been found on the Ukrainian market.

Business Definition

So, moderation is:

a) a set of techniques and methods for organizing interaction in a group in order to make decisions;

b) a method of systematic, structured conducting of a meeting (seminar) with transparent methods in order to effectively prepare, conduct and summarize the results of the meeting.

Purpose of moderation– the most complete involvement of all participants in the work process and the development of an action plan for the problem under discussion.

Often participants ask the question, how is moderation different from facilitation?

Facilitation- (from English. to facilitate- facilitate, facilitate, help) the process in which the leader contributes to the establishment of constructive interaction and communication in the group.

The difference between facilitation and moderation is that, as a rule, it does not plan the structure of the process of interaction between participants, but reacts more to the process of discussion. For example, by asking questions, responding to each statement, controlling the time of the speech. If focused on their own skills of interacting with the group, then the moderator, in addition, plans a scenario for the moderation process, during which he uses techniques and methods that allow the group to come to a decision and a clear plan of action.

The "pure" moderation process is used only in project meetings, which is prescribed in the moderation working structure.

General working structure of the moderation process

Like a performance, the moderator composes a script that covers sections from posing a problem to a specific list of activities:

1. Introduction

  • formation and distribution of the agenda of the rally to the participating experts
  • setting and familiarization with the rules of work

2. Working stage

  • posing key questions
  • structure (sequence of actions)
  • selection of moderation techniques
  • visualization format

3. Final stage

  • recording and presenting results.

The structure of the workflow depends on the type of meeting: project or regulatory, work tasks and the desired result.

Project rally- a meeting of experts and competent specialists (average number of 7 people), with the aim of collecting ideas, developing projects, processing proposals, preparing alternatives / solutions, plans, reviewing and developing approaches to solving problems.

Distinctive features of the process of work of the project team is the equality of participants and the complete absence of hierarchy.

A typical scenario of a project rally:

  • focus, involvement, motivation
  • common databank
  • idea generation
  • interpretation of ideas, approaches and data
  • analysis
  • solution
  • presentation of results

Enough common mistake of leaders is the desire to get the ideas of employees at a general regulatory (regular) rally.

Regulatory rally- a meeting of all (without exception) employees of the company, within the required level of company management, in order to report on the results of the organization, its tasks and decisions made.

Distinctive features: status, hierarchy, distribution of roles (power) in accordance with the structure of the company.

A typical scenario for a regulatory rally:

  • formal greeting
  • clear agenda
  • report (message, assessment)
  • communication of directions, meaning, goals, tasks
  • messages about powers, decisions, actions
  • motivating closure

Fundamental difference between using moderation in training and project team

So what is the difference between the use of techniques and methods of moderation in project team and a training seminar? Ask:

Some Moderation Methods and Techniques

So you've probably determined that moderation techniques are just one element of the moderation process, but what are they and what makes them special? Let's get started!

Basic rules of behavior for a moderator

As it was already mentioned in the differences between holding a rally and a training-seminar, the style of the facilitator in working with the participants differs significantly, I will only note some important points. So, moderator:

  • refrains from expressing his own opinion, does not evaluate either the statements or the behavior of the participants in the meeting;
  • with the help of questions, it activates the group, and the questions from the audience are perceived and forwarded to the participants themselves, and do not answer them on their own;
  • is aware of his own attitude towards people and the topic and takes responsibility for organizing the process of interaction in the group, and transfers responsibility for the content of the meeting to the group itself;
  • perceives all statements of the group as signals, which gives him the opportunity to understand the process and try to help the participants become aware of their attitude so that violations and conflicts can be discussed without “moral appeals”;
  • does not make excuses for his actions and statements, but finds out the difficulties that lie in attacks and provocations;
  • if the moderation of the project meeting is carried out by the head for his department, and takes responsibility for moderating the process of developing a certain decision by the employees of his department, but at the same time understands that it is necessary to bring his own opinion, he is obliged to make it clear to the participants when he is functionally as a moderator, but when he, as a member of the group, expresses his opinion.

What does not solve problems is not worthy of attention and time, then what problems and difficulties can be solved by a properly set moderation process?

Problems that moderation solves

  1. fuzzy decisions and lack of responsibility (which is so often lacking in strategic sessions, the development of new concepts and ideas for business development);
  2. lack of corporate culture (the success of a properly moderated work meeting affects the future joint work in groups, increases the desire of participants to consider all ideas and polar points of view, accept them and use them in their work);
  3. lack of staff motivation:
    • everyone is not just informed, but takes part in decision-making based on joint developments;
    • moderation is aimed at eliminating factors that reduce motivation, namely: monologues of managers and other employees, deviations and digressions from the topic, as well as personal attacks and other manifestations of the struggle for power of top managers that interfere with constructive decisions;
    • the process and result of moderation is very similar to coaching, the purpose of which is the development of understanding (awareness) and responsibility, as a choice of authorship of ideas and actions.

The similarity with coaching is that it is desirable for the moderator not to understand the topic under discussion, which allows him to be more objective. So, when Team Training International, which unites well-known coaches from almost all major countries of the world, needed to develop a development strategy, an independent moderator was invited to help coaches and managers come to a common decision (let alone rallies or meetings inside companies that are not engaged in consulting?). When preparing for the moderation process, it is important for the facilitator to collect the necessary information and, together with the customer, determine the key issues on the basis of which the process itself will be built, and, as a result, the result of the rally.

And to finish... open the first page of this article and put an end to where you are already on this moment! The level of knowledge should increase significantly, now it’s up to the small thing - to try in practice and put an end not only higher, but also to the right ...


Here, in the text, the term “rally” is deliberately used, and not the term “meeting”, which causes a very predictable reaction from most employees.

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On the Internet, as in life, there are completely different interlocutors. Sometimes communication with them is a lot of fun, sometimes not so much. This is normal :) The main thing is that you have the choice and the opportunity to independently form your own social circle, in which you will be interested and comfortable.

"Blogger" open system a publication that brings together authors with different views and characters. The opinion of one person may seem insufficiently interesting or even incorrect to another, but there is no tragedy in this. The platform provides several moderation tools to help create and maintain a positive atmosphere on your blog.

What is moderation

In a broad sense, moderation is the management of any discussions, discussions and disputes. It helps to keep communication within the given framework: ethical and thematic. The principles of moderation apply not only to the Internet. For example, in a televised debate, the role of the moderator is played by the host, at the meeting - by the leader, at the conference - by the organizer, at the seminar - by the lecturer, and so on.

Why there are no “appointed” moderators on Blogger

On many sites and forums, moderators are appointed by resource owners or collectively selected by users. They get the right to edit other people's messages and even completely prohibit individual members from accessing the site. But practice shows that such an approach gives rise to a lot of conflict situations and, most importantly, makes all communication dependent on the will, character and views of one person - as a result, the overall picture of discussions often turns out to be one-sided and not objective.

A strict moderation policy justifies itself only on thematic forums, where discussion topics are strictly regulated. "Blogger" is an open publishing service, where each participant can write in his diary about what is interesting to him personally.

Who moderates blogs and how

Blogs are author's diaries. Their goals can be completely different, and therefore the requirements for comments differ significantly. Someone welcomes free communication on any topic, someone likes to communicate in a narrow circle of friends and acquaintances, someone is only interested in statements on a specific topic. Therefore, in our opinion, the blog author has the right to decide what is appropriate in his own diary and what is not.

On the other hand, there are pages and elements on the site that are not part of the author's blogs. For example: main page"Blogger", rating, feeds of the latest posts and comments. The overall picture of the site is formed from heterogeneous information, and the administration has the right to influence its content so that the service remains attractive to readers and authors, can develop and improve.

Thus, moderation on Blogger is based on two key principles.

  1. Each blogger has the rights of a moderator within his own blog. You decide for yourself what to write about and for whom, who is allowed to participate in the discussion, and who is not. To do this, the platform provides you with a set of special tools: the ability to delete other people's comments, hide posts from some readers, allow and prohibit commenting for certain user groups.
  2. The content of pages that are not included in author's blogs and interface elements is determined by the administration. This applies, among other things, to feeds of posts and comments, ratings, thematic collections, search pages and similar materials.

Please note: the administration does not conduct "manual" moderation of your blog - this is your exclusive privilege.

The policy of the administration affects only the general rules and technical capabilities service. For example, we may restrict comments from users with negative ratings or change the selection algorithm for popular posts on the home page.

The only reason why the administration has the right to purposefully delete someone's post or comment is a clear and pronounced violation of the law by the author (for example, the publication of child pornography) or a court requirement.

How often are products moderated?

Goods are moderated every day without days off and breaks from 6 to 24 hours. And if it seems to you that they are being moderated for a long time, then you need to wait a bit :) To speed up the moderation process, read the requirements for ads. After all, the rejection of a product takes more time than its placement in the catalog.

Why are my products not displayed in the catalog on the site, but they are in my profile?

This means that the goods are awaiting moderator confirmation. In the product card on the left under the photos there is the status of the product: under moderation/in stock/reserved/sold

Why did my items disappear/rejected by the moderator?

Please note that if your item is rejected by the moderator due to "Fake of well-known brands. Including "licenses", the administrator may ask you to provide confirmation of the originality of the item. Confirmation is to provide a copy of the receipt, electronic receipt or photo of the item with a price tag.

My item was unfairly rejected

If you believe your item was unfairly rejected, please respond to the notification email. Do not delete the text of the letter that contains the number of the deleted ad.
For example, your product was rejected due to the lack of photos taken by you. If this photo is yours and you can prove it - feel free to write, we will check and restore the ad.
If you write about this, it means that you have carefully read the rules and your product definitely does not violate them. Arguments "why he can, but I can not" are not considered.
