Where is the configurator 1s. Launch method and interface appearance

Today we are going to walk you through the process in detail. configuration settings 1s. We will install "Enterprise Accounting". There are absolutely no difficult moments in this process, and now we will see this with you.

Download configuration setup files

In order to set configuration we need its distribution kit (installation files). You can download the necessary files from the ITS disk, or from the 1c user support site (users.v8.1c.ru). After you have downloaded the archive with the configuration, you need to unpack it. Open the folder where you unpacked the archive. It should look something like the picture below. Run the file configuration setup (setup.exe)

Starting the installation of the configuration template 1s

In the window that appears, you need to specify the folder where the installer will unpack all the necessary files to install the configuration (template). In our figure, the path differs from the standard one. It is recommended to leave the default path. We press "Next".

The installer will inform us about successful completion install files in the specified directory. If you do not want to read the delivery file then uncheck this item. Click "Finish".

The initial stage of installation 1s configuration

Now we have available in the database manager that the configuration we have set. To start working with the database, we first need to create it from the template that we installed. We said that set configuration 1s, in fact, we have installed a template from which we will now deploy the configuration we need. So let's run the shortcut 1s. We will see the database manager 1c, click the "Add" button.

Select "Create a new infobase". Click "Next".

This page shows all the templates that are installed in the system, we have several templates installed, this can be seen in the figure. Since we installed "Enterprise Accounting", we select it accordingly by double-clicking, or by clicking on the "+" on the side. After that, you will have access to two templates for configuration settings 1s these are "Enterprise Accounting" and "Enterprise Accounting demo". The first configuration is set empty (without data), in the second case, the database will already contain test data (they are created so that you can immediately evaluate the performance of all the necessary program functions). Indeed, without data, you will not be able to see how a particular report, document, reference book is filled. Therefore, if you want to see how this configuration works and how some data is filled in it, then select the Demo option, otherwise another option. Click "Next".

Now you need to name your information base, we set it. We leave the item "On this computer or on the local machine", click "Next".

This article is a logical continuation of the series of articles "First Steps in 1C Development". It describes the development environment on the 1C platform, which is called "Configurator". After studying this material, you will learn:

  • What is an object tree, what is it for and how to work with it?
  • What is the properties palette for, how to open it, how to find something in it?
  • When do I need to configure various parameters of the configurator and how to do it?
  • What needs to be done to be able to make changes to typical configuration?
  • How to run configuration in debug mode?
  • How to connect to a client session in debug mode and see what's going on there?


The article deals with the 1C:Enterprise version 8.3 platform, so all information is relevant for current releases.

Basic working methods in the configurator

The object tree is the first thing you encounter when you launch the configurator.

After running the development configuration, in order to see the tree of objects, you must select one of the two menu items Configuration (Open configuration if the configuration is not already open, or Configuration window if the configuration window itself is closed).

You can also use the corresponding buttons.

The configuration object tree displays: what entities are in the configuration.

Using the object tree, you can create new elements, edit, add new details and properties.

This window has a docking mode. The button with the paperclip icon in the upper right corner of the Configuration window allows you to hide it when it is not active.

You can search for the desired object by the first letters. The cursor is automatically positioned on the desired object.

Sometimes a tree of objects is called metadata. The built-in language has a special property called metadata(i.e. data about data).

One of the functions of the configurator is the unloading/loading of the infobase. When the infobase is unloaded, a packed file with the dt extension is obtained.

We have already discussed this function in detail in previous articles. It is used in the following cases:

  • to move a database from one location to another;
  • as one of the archiving options;
  • for translate file mode database operation in the client-server.

There are three methods for editing properties of configuration objects. The first one is calling the object editing window ( double click mice).

Useful for objects with a lot of properties. The window for editing the "Document1" object is shown in the figure.

This method does not exist for all objects. For example, constants are an exception.

The next method of editing the properties of objects is using the properties palette, which is available for all objects (both simple and complex). Accordingly, it can be called for any object.

The call is made through the context menu, item Object Properties(key combination Alt+Enter).

In the palette, all properties are presented as a list. You can select the appropriate properties and edit.

The method is convenient for objects with a small number of properties, but can be applied to any object.

The Properties palette has a docking mode (that is, the window can either be docked or made hidden).

Only important properties can be displayed. The transition to this mode is carried out by pressing the button in the form of a funnel.

If you cannot find some property, then most likely you have pressed this button.

Each property has a description (displayed at the bottom of the window). The description can be copied to the clipboard and used for help searches.

It is possible to arrange property categories on separate tabs. To enable this mode on the properties palette itself in context menu item is selected Bookmarks. However, it is often more convenient to work with a list.

Using the properties palette, it is convenient to edit properties of the same type for several objects, since when moving from one object to another, the properties palette is already displayed for another object, while the cursor remains on the same property.

Another method for editing object properties is using the Advanced window. To open this window, select the configuration object, then select the item in the context menu Additionally.

You can set various properties in this window. this object, which are mainly presented in the form of various checkmarks.

It is convenient to use this window if you need to classify several objects, for example, by subsystems. In this case, this window is called and, when switching between objects, an entry into the subsystems of this object is assigned.

You can do the same with access rights, functional options, command interface settings. In order to configure the configurator, you need to select the Options item in the Tools menu.

A window will open with a fairly large number of settings and bookmarks.

Bookmark Launch 1C:Enterprise you can specify which application will be automatically used at startup from the configurator ( thin client, thick client (managed application), etc.).

If set to Select automatically, then the system will be guided by the settings of the configuration itself.

Attention! This setting only affects launching from the configurator.

Here you can also configure the use of a low connection speed (that is, the use of grouping data transmitted to the server into packets).

When debugging, to understand how the application works on thin communication channels, you can set up a simulated delay in server calls.

Bookmark Launch 1C:Enterprise there is also a subtab Additional, where with the help of checkboxes you can set a row additional options, which affect the launch of the application from the configurator (whether performance indicators will be displayed, whether the command will be displayed All features etc.).

Bookmark Are common Specifies whether you only need to create managed application objects, or whether you need to create objects that are also in a regular application.

Bookmark Texts You can customize the principles of editing and displaying text (the font, tab width and other parameters are specified).

Bookmark Modules there are a number of sub-bookmarks. Here you can configure how text will be displayed in modules.

How will it be carried out Examination, grouping And Context hint.

Bookmark Reference Specifies how the help will be displayed.

You can check the boxes for the sections you are interested in.

To be able to edit (modify) the typical configuration, you need to in the menu Configuration select item Support, Further Support Customization.

The Support Setup form appears. In this form, click on the button Enable Modify.

The system will warn you that it will not be possible to update the configuration fully automatically in the future.

If we still intend to make changes, we need to click on the button Yes. The Support Rules Setup window appears.

If we are not striving for global configuration changes, but will try to get by with just adding some objects, then it is not worth changing the default parameters in this form. Press the button immediately OK.

After that, you will need to set up a support rule for the entire configuration as a whole.

To do this, in the tabular part of the "Support settings" form in the top line (in which the name of the configuration is indicated) in the field on the right, double-click to call the "Support rules settings" form (for this object).

In the form that appears, select a rule The provider object is edited while maintaining support and press the button OK.

The "Support setup should be closed" form. As a result of the actions taken, we will be able to add new objects. The button is activated in the configuration window. Add.

If you need to make changes to existing configuration objects, then for each of these objects you can also change the support rule, as we did for the entire configuration as a whole.

It should be noted that the programmer does not directly modify the database configuration, but works with his own configuration, which is called the main one.

If any changes have been made to the main configuration, a small asterisk (*) will appear in the title of the configuration window.

In this case, the database configuration has not yet been updated, as indicated by Exclamation point in the name of the "Configuration" window.

To update the database configuration in accordance with the changes made by the programmer, call the item from the menu Configuration, use key F7 or the corresponding button.

To run the configuration in user mode, you can select the 1C:Enterprise item from the Tools menu or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F5.

You can run the configuration in debug mode (item Start debugging from the menu Debugging, key F5 or the corresponding command bar button).

The difference between debug mode and launch in user mode is that it is possible to stop the application at the right time, read the values ​​of variables, etc.

When developing, in case of a configuration change, it is convenient to immediately start debugging, the system will automatically offer to save the database, all that remains is to confirm.

If the application is started by the user (not in debug mode), however, if necessary, you can connect to the user process from the configurator and do debugging.

First, for a given session in 1C:Enterprise mode through the main menu Service/Parameters you need to open the "Options" window and check the box Debugging in current mode is enabled.

For the future, you can check the box set debug permission mode on startup.

After that, in the configurator, you need to select the item Connection from the menu Debugging.

This will bring up the Debugging Items window with a list of processes that can be debugged. In this list, select the required debug item (user session) and connect to it by clicking the button To plug.

In the following articles of the cycle, we will more than once turn to studying the capabilities of the configurator. So do not worry if something in its interface is not clear to you yet.

By the way, in the next article we will consider a special tool of the configurator - a debugger, without the knowledge of which it is almost impossible for a developer to debug his program code.

After the program is installed, its program group will be created in the Start menu. To run the program, the 1C Enterprise command is intended. For convenience, it is recommended to display the launch shortcut on the desktop using the standard operating system tools for this.

When the program starts, a window is displayed on the screen (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. Program launch

In this window, you select the required mode of operation, as well as the infobase. The 1C program can function in two modes: 1C:Enterprise;


The choice of the required mode is carried out by pressing the corresponding button in this window. We will learn more about what each mode of operation of the 1C program is during the passage of the corresponding lesson.

The list of infobases is presented in the central part of the program launch window. At the first launch of the program, this list may contain an infobase with a demo configuration; this base is included in the delivery package and is intended for preliminary acquaintance with the system. An infobase is selected by clicking on the corresponding position in the list. You can add new infobases to the list, or edit and delete existing infobases (how to do this will be discussed later).

The lower part of the window displays the path to the infobase directory where the cursor is located.

The procedure for starting the program is as follows: first you need to select the infobase in the launch window, then click the 1C: Enterprise or Configurator button (depending on the mode in which you want to start the program).

Lesson #4

As we already know from the previous lesson, the 1C program can function in two main modes: 1C: Enterprise and Configurator. The choice of the required mode is carried out by pressing the corresponding button in the launch window.

1C:Enterprise mode is the operating mode of the program in accordance with its intended purpose. In other words, it is in the 1C: Enterprise mode that accountants, financiers, managers and other users of the program work.

As for the Configurator mode, it is intended for setting up and administering the program. Here configuration objects are created and edited, interfaces and dialog boxes are configured, the appearance and content are defined printed form documents, as well as a number of other actions to set up and configure the system. In most cases, the administrator works with the Configurator, since this requires specific knowledge.

We will not consider the issues of configuring the program, since a separate book is needed to cover this topic. Moreover, it is not recommended for an ordinary user to independently make changes to the Configurator (its unskilled editing can violate the integrity of the data, and generally lead to unpredictable consequences). The only thing we will do in the Configurator mode is to connect the "Accounting" configuration to the technological platform (see lesson№ 6).

Note that some simple and accessible settings have been moved to the 1C:Enterprise operating mode. These parameters can be edited by the user himself (in this case, it is recommended to notify the system administrator). We will learn how to do this in the corresponding lesson.

A quick step-by-step demonstration of application development on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

To complete the example, you will need the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform. On our site you can download . This demo was prepared using just such a version!

Simple HR system

Now we will create a mini-system of personnel records for employees in the enterprise. It will allow us to hire and fire employees, as well as work with personnel documents.

Each configuration must be stored in a separate directory (folder).

1. Create new folder on any disk of our computer, for example, "C:\Our personnel".

2. Launch 1C:Enterprise. A list of infobases will open. If you haven't created any infobases and haven't added existing infobases, the list will be empty.

1C:Enterprise can work with several databases on one computer. For example, in one database personnel records are kept, in another database - accounting for goods, in the third - accounting for Firm A, in the fourth - accounting for company B.

3. Click the "Add" button.

At the first step of the wizard, select the "Add an existing infobase to the list" option.

In the second step, specify the name of the infobase as it will be displayed in the list of bases, for example "Our personnel". The base name can be arbitrary, nothing depends on it.

4. In the next step, specify the path to the folder that you created in step 1 of our walkthrough(in our case it is C:\Our personnel). Click "…" , enter the folder and press "Select".

The directory with the infobase can be located on the local hard drive of the computer, for example "C:\Our personnel", or on another computer in local network, for example, "\\SERVER\KADR". In this case, full access rights to this folder (read, write, etc.) must be granted.

You can click the Edit button to edit it. For example, the infobase has been moved to another location, or you want to give it a different name. To remove an infobase from the list, click the Delete button. In this case, the infobase is removed from the list, but not physically removed from the disk.

6. Select the launch mode "Configurator". To do this, click on the "Configurator" button.

1C can be launched in two modes:

  • 1C:Enterprise- mode of using the infobase. In this mode, work ordinary users, enter data, print reports, etc. In this mode, you cannot edit the configuration structure.
  • Configurator- configuration (programming) mode. Programmers work in this mode, create new directories, reports, write software modules. In this mode, you cannot enter data into the infobase.

7. Since there is nothing in the created folder yet, 1C will ask for confirmation to create a new infobase.

8. Click Yes. Next, select the option "Create an infobase without configuration for development new configuration or downloading the previously unloaded infobase" (option 2) and click the "Next" button. At the next step, click the "Finish" button.

9. The configurator will launch. Open the configuration tree, which we will work with very often. To do this, select "Configuration" - "Open configuration" from the menu or click on the corresponding icon.

The configuration tree window will appear. Give it a convenient size.

This window contains all configuration objects, such as directories, documents, reports, etc. To expand a specific branch, you need to double-click on the plus sign or double-click on its name.

Creating Configuration Objects

10. Place your cursor on the "References" line and click the button (or click right click click and select Add). This will open Configuration object editing window(a kind of constructor for creating a directory).

The configuration object editing window is intended for quick creation new configuration objects. The sequence of data entry is designed in such a way that the previous data can serve as the basis for the subsequent entry. The movement is controlled by the buttons at the bottom of the window "Next" and "Back". At each step, it is proposed to enter a group of logically interconnected data. You can also move through the steps by clicking on the appropriate tab (Basic, Subsystems, Functional options, etc.).

11. At the first step (tab), set the "Name" of our directory (identifier), for example, "Positions". After entering the Name, press the "Enter" key on the keyboard, or move the mouse to the next field. Based on the "Name", the system will automatically create a "Synonym".

The name of an object (in our case, a directory) is an important and mandatory property of any configuration object. This is what will be used when writing program code in 1C language. The name cannot be corrected just like that, since all the places in the program where this directory is used will also have to be corrected.

Take the "Name" of the directory very seriously. The name should be concise, understandable, reflecting the essence of the directory, for example: "Countries", "Employees", "Products", etc.

The names of configuration objects, attributes, variables, procedures and functions in 1C can contain letters of the Russian and English alphabets (lowercase and uppercase), underscores and digits. The name cannot start with numbers.

The "Synonym" property is also available for any configuration object. It is intended for storing the "alternative name" of the configuration object (in our case, the directory). It will be used in the interface elements of our program, that is, it will be shown to the user. There are no restrictions for "Synonym" and it can be set in a human-readable form, for example, "List of positions", etc.

Each reference book has two fields "Code" and "Name" already predefined (predefined). You can edit the length of the name, the length of the code, as well as the code type: "Number" or "String".

13. Close the "Positions" directory editing window.

14. Let's create a new directory "Employees" (see paragraph 10).

Specify the directory name (identifier) ​​"Employees".

Set the name length to 100 characters.

In the name, we will store the full name of the employee. Sometimes there are quite long names and surnames, so 100 characters is just right.

15. In this directory, in addition to the already set fields (Code and Name), we will have several more fields (details, attributes). Now the list of additional details (fields) is empty. Click the "Add" button.

As a result, the attribute properties editing window (properties palette) will open. By the way, props, attribute and field are basically the same thing. It's just that in 1C terminology it is customary to use "props".

16. Specify the attribute name in the properties palette - "Position". Specify the attribute type - "DirectoryLink.Posts", which we created earlier. This means that the values ​​of this attribute will be selected from the "Positions" directory. Close the properties palette window.

17. Create the "Salary" attribute (type Number, Length 10, Accuracy 2). For a value of the "Number" type, the precision indicates the number of decimal places (in our case, 2 digits).

18. Create the details DateAcceptance and DateDismissal (type Date).

19. Now we have two directories and we can enter some data.

Let's update the database configuration (we will save all the changes we have made to the configuration). This can be done using the program menu (Configuration - Update database configuration), or the corresponding icon on the toolbar, or by pressing F7.

Since we edited (changed) the structure of the infobase, 1C will analyze these changes and show a window with their list. Click the "Accept" button.

20. Start the system in 1C:Enterprise mode. This can be done directly from the Configurator by clicking on the toolbar or the F5 key. The 1C:Enterprise window will appear.

21. Open the Jobs directory. To do this, click in the navigation panel (in the left part of the application window) on the inscription (link) Positions. The directory window will open.

22. Enter multiple positions using the INS button or key. For example, director, accountant, programmer.

Note that the codes are assigned automatically, although they can be edited. In this case, the uniqueness of the codes must be observed. Uniqueness parameters can be configured in the configurator, for example, you can disable code uniqueness control altogether.

The default sorting is by Name. This allows you to type the first letters of the position name, and the cursor will automatically jump to the desired position. You can also set another type of sorting: by code or by attribute. To do this, just click the left mouse button on the name (header) of the attribute.

23. Open the Employees directory.

24. Get some employees. For example, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich is a director, Petrov Petr Petrovich is an accountant, Sidorov Sergey Sergeevich is a programmer. We fill in only the details Name (full name) and Position. Note that when specifying a position, the Positions directory opens. To save a new directory element ( new record) click Save and Close.

25. Close the 1C:Enterprise window and return to the Configurator mode.

IN real life the acceptance of an employee for work is carried out by the personnel document "Order on employment". This is what we will implement in Part 2 of our Walkthrough.
