How to make a gantt chart. Detailed instructions on how to build a Gantt chart in Excel

The Gantt chart is widely used to visually represent the plan and / or the fact of execution in time of any complex process, “broken down” into smaller logical stages. A Gantt chart can be drawn on a sheet of paper, created in a specialized program ...

For project management (MS Project, Primavera, Gantt Project), or you can do it in MS Excel or OOo Calc, with almost any degree of complexity.

In this article on practical detailed example shows how to create a Gantt chart in Excel. For those who are familiar with this topic, it may be interesting to get acquainted with the proposed option for preparing the initial data and the planning algorithm.

As an example, let's consider the process of forming a schedule for fulfilling an order for the supply of building steel structures. Although, of course, any other complex process can serve as an example.

Abbreviations used in the article:

KB - design bureau

PDO - planning and dispatching department

OS - supply department

PU - production site

UPiO - painting and shipping area

On January 12, 2015, the plant for the production of building metal structures is ready to sign an agreement on the supply of 63 tons of beams and racks to Yug LLC. Shipment of finished products should begin on 04.02.2015. The end of the shipment must occur no later than 20.02.2015.

The head of the PDO assigns a new order No. 5001 and begins to draw up a table of initial data for the schedule for the implementation of the order, coordinating all emerging issues with the heads of departments and sections. The schedule should give a preliminary answer to the question of the possibility of fulfilling obligations on time and provide information for general calendar plan plant capacity utilization.

The end result that awaits us at the end of the work is shown below in the figure, which shows the table of initial data and the Gantt chart in Excel at the time when the order is already in progress. (In particular, the design bureau must complete the development of all drawings for this order in 1 day - 01/23/15.)

We mentally put ourselves in the place of the head of the PDO and, having launched the MS Excel program, we begin to move towards the presented result.

1. Formal general data:

1. Write the order number

into the merged cell C2D2E2: 5001

2. Name of the customer -

in C3D3E3: Yug LLC

3. Type of metal structures -

in C4D4E4: beams, racks

4. We enter the mass of metal structures in the order in tons

in C5D5E5: 63,000

5. We write the formula that displays the current date

in C6D6E6: =TODAY() = 22.01.15

2. Initial data:

We begin to fill in the duration of the stages of order fulfillment, their beginning and end in relation to each other. All values ​​of time intervals are in days. All eleven points-questions are formulated in the most simple and understandable form for the heads of departments and sections without reference to specific dates (except for the first one). This allows you to easily move the schedule along the timeline if necessary and adjust the time intervals required to complete the steps.

1. The day of the beginning of the development of drawings in design bureaus is entered

to cell D8: 15.01.15

/Numeric cell format - "Date", type - "14.03.01"/

We plan that the Design Bureau will start work on this order on 01/15/2015.

2. The duration of the development of all drawings in KB for this order is entered

in D9: 8

We plan that the development of a complete set of drawings will take 8 days.

3. The number of days from the date of the start of the development of drawings in the design bureau until the day the first drawings are issued from the design bureau to the launcher is prescribed

in D10: 5

We believe that the designers of the design bureau will develop the first drawings, and the PDO employees will multiply them and issue them to the launcher 5 days after the start of work on the order.

4. The time interval from the date of completion of the development of the entire order in KB to the day of the end of the issuance of all drawings to the control room is entered

in D11: 1

We allocate 1 day for printing and completing copies of drawings.

5. From the day of the start of the development of drawings in design bureaus until the date the first materials arrive at the plant, we write

in D12: 5

We believe that 5 days after the start of work on the order, the priority materials necessary to fulfill the order will begin to arrive at the warehouse of the enterprise.

6. The duration of the supply of all materials (rolled metal, hardware, components) is recorded

in D13: 8

We predict that the delivery of all OS materials necessary for the production of this order will take 8 days.

7. The time interval from the date of issuance of the first drawings on the PU to the date of the start of the manufacture of blanks is entered

in D14: 4

We allocate 4 days for preparation of production and embedding the order into the schedules of work centers.

8. The total duration of the manufacture of all products (metal structures) by order for PU is entered

in D15: 23

We plan that 23 days are needed from the moment the production of the first part to order at the PU until the export of the last product to the UP&E takes 23 days in accordance with the technology, capacity and workload of production.

9. The time interval from the start date of the manufacture of blanks on the PU to the date of delivery of the first products to the UPiO is prescribed

in D16: 5

We believe that the implementation of all technological operations for the manufacture of one average product on the PU will take no more than 5 days.

10. The number of days from the date of delivery of the first products to the UPiO until the day the shipment of the order starts is entered

in D17: 6

We believe that in 6 days after the start of receipt of products from PU to the UPiO, the first batch of the order will be painted, marked, assembled, packed, loaded onto transport and sent to the customer.

11. We write the duration of shipment of metal structures of the entire order in accordance with the terms of the contract

in D18: 16

We plan that between the first and last shipments we have 16 days.

3. Calculation of values ​​in the table for the Gantt chart:

This table is auxiliary, based on its values, a Gantt chart is built in Excel. All values ​​are calculated automatically by formulas based on the source data.

1. In cells G3-G7, the names of the five main stages of order fulfillment are highlighted.

2. In H3-H7, the start dates of each stage are calculated:

in H3: =D8 =15.01.15

in H4: =H3+D10 =20.01.15

in H5: =H3+D12 =20.01.15

in H6: =H4+D14+D16 =29.01.15

in H7: =H6+D17 =04.02.15

/The numeric format of cells H3-H7 is “Date”, type is “14.03.01”/

3. In I3-I7, it is calculated how much time in a day has passed from the beginning of each stage (values ​​are limited by the duration of the stages):

in I3: =IF(($C$6-H3)>=D9;D9;$C$6-H3) =7

in I4: =IF(($C$6-H4)>=(D9-D10+D11),(D9-D10+D11),$C$6-H4) =2

in I5: =IF(($C$6-H5)>=D13;D13;$C$6-H5) =2

in I6: =IF(($C$6-H6)>=D15-D16;D15-D16;$C$6-H6) =-7

in I7: =IF(($C$6-H7)>=D18;D18;$C$6-H7) =-13

Negative values ​​indicate that there is still time before the planned start of the stage.

4. In J3-J7, it is calculated how much time in a day is left until the end of each stage (the values ​​are also limited by the duration of the stages):

in J3: =IF(I3<0;D9;D9-I3) =1

in J4: =IF(I4<0;(D9-D10+D11);(D9-D10+D11) -I4) =2

in J5: =IF(I5<0;D13;D13-I5) =6

in J6: =IF(I6<0;D15-D16;D15-D16-I6) =18

in J7: =IF(I7<0;D18;D18-I7) =16

4. Create and format a Gantt chart:

1. We select the newly created table - the area G2-J7 - and click on the "Chart Wizard" icon on the Excel "Standard" toolbar - we launch the wizard.

2. In the drop-down window on the "Standard" tab, select the "Bar" chart type, the view - "Stacked bar chart ..."

5. We proceed to the fourth last step by clicking on the same "Next" button. We place the diagram on the same sheet and click the “Finish.

The blank for the Gantt chart has been created.

6. Remove the "Legend" from the diagram field (colored squares and the inscriptions "Days passed" and "Days left") - right-click on the field where the "Legend" is located and select "Clear" in the drop-down box.

7. Set up the horizontal axis. To do this, double-click the left mouse button on the “Value Axis”. In the "Format Axis" window that pops up, set up the "Scale", "Font", "Number" and "Alignment" tabs as shown in the screenshots.

The numbers limiting the time scale on the left and on the right are the ordinal numbers of days counted from 01/01/1900.

To find out the ordinal number of any date, you need to enter it in a cell of the MS Excel sheet, then apply the "General" number format to this cell and read the answer.

8. Hover the mouse over the "Chart Area" and right-click to call up the context menu, in which we select "Source Data". In the drop-down window, select the "Row" tab, add a new row "Start date of the stage" and correct the "Labels along the X axis". Everything should be as in the picture.

9. Set up the vertical axis. Double-click with the left mouse button on the Category Axis. In the "Format Axis" window, set the "Scale" tab in accordance with the image below.

The “Font” tab is configured in the same way as we did for the horizontal axis.

10. By double-clicking the left mouse button on any of the light yellow stripes of the “Start date of stage” row, we call up the “Data series format” drop-down box. On the "Row Order" tab, move the "Start Date" row to the very top of the list.

We now see the bars for all the data series in the chart.

11. Let's make the strips of the "Start date of the stage" series invisible.

The Gantt chart has been built, it remains to decorate it colorfully - format it.

12. Move the mouse over the "Chart Area" and double-click the left button. In the "Format Chart Area" window that pops up, click on the "View" tab on the "Fill Methods" button. In the "Fill Methods" drop-down box, select the "Texture" tab and select "Parchment" on it.

Close the windows by clicking on the "OK" button. The chart area is filled with the Parchment texture.

13. Move the mouse over the Chart Design Area and double-click. In the "Construction Area Format" window that appears, on the "View" tab, click on the "Fill Methods" button. In the "Fill Methods" window, select the "Gradient" tab and configure, for example, as shown below.

Close the windows with the OK button. The plot area is filled with the gradient we just created.

14. Change the colors of the stripes to brighter colors - green and yellow. We bring the mouse pointer to the strip of the “Days passed” row and double-click the mouse. Set up the "View" tab of the drop-down window "Data Series Format" as in the screenshot.

Similarly, we change the color to yellow for the strip of the “Days left” series.

15. In conclusion, we highlight the weeks on the time axis. Hover the cursor over the "Main Value Axis Grid Lines", double-click and in the "Grid Line Format" window, set the largest line thickness.

Formatting is complete - the result is in the picture at the very top of the article and below this text.


The way to create a Gantt chart in Excel, described in this article, has long been widely known. I just slightly changed the scheme for entering the initial data, linking all the stages of the plan to one date - the day the process starts. At the same time, the determination of the current date occurs automatically according to the formula in the merged cell C6D6E6. The practice of using this approach has proved the convenience, simplicity and visibility of such a solution.

Every day and automatically, the line that defines the current day (the border between green and yellow) moves along the time scale, showing you at what stage of execution the process steps should be according to the drawn up plan. In the picture above, the current date is 01/22/15.

If you have any questions, write them in the comments, dear readers. Perhaps our dialogue will be useful to others.

The Gantt chart is traditionally used to display the stages of a project. It most clearly shows the duration of different areas of work and can be used even by non-professionals. Let's tell you how to build a simple Gantt chart in Excel - in detail and with examples.

What is a Gantt chart and why is it needed

A Gantt chart is a type of chart that visually displays the work plan for the implementation of a project. Each task is represented by a rectangle whose length indicates how long it will take to complete. Several of these rectangles are placed vertically and each designate their work within the project.

The diagram can be used in projects of any complexity. You can break down a project into stages to purchase a car, create a new line of business or build a business center. In addition, this diagram is used in presentations of investment projects, start-ups, and innovative industries. Such a presentation of information greatly simplifies and speeds up the understanding of how complex the project is, how much time it takes to implement it, how well it is developed. In general, the Gantt chart in Excel has become a standard in project management practice and is widely used by project managers.

Of course, you can do without this diagram. For example, use a regular action plan, or verbally communicate information about tasks and deadlines to your team. However, the graphical representation of the timing and stages of work provides an important advantage - clarity. A person perceives information in the form of visual images much better, so one diagram will help convey a lot of information much faster than a multi-page test with an action plan. This is especially true when the participants in the project change. Also, a visual representation is more appropriate when presenting a project to an audience.

How to build a Gantt chart in Excel. step by step algorithm

Step 1. Enter the data you want to display as a Gantt chart in Excel. Specify the name of the tasks, the start and end dates of the work, their duration. The number of specified works depends on the complexity of the project and how detailed it is prescribed. In our case, the name "Task 1", "Task 2" and so on are used. It is understood that each next task starts after the end of the previous one. Then, to create a chart, you need to select the data in this table.

Step 2. Select the "Insert" tab.

In this tab, click on the chart icon, usually the first one in the list. When you hover your mouse over the icon, a tooltip will appear.

When you click on the icon, an additional window will appear with a list of possible charts - histogram, 3D histogram, bar chart, 3D bar chart, other histograms.

In this window, in the "Bar" line, select the "Stacked Bar" chart icon.

When you hover your mouse over this icon, a tooltip will appear. The graph itself will appear in the background. Click on the icon.

After clicking, an example of a Gantt chart will appear in the window. It will need to be further edited.

Step 3. First of all, remove the legend of the diagram, it does not carry a semantic load. To do this, select the legend and select "Delete" in the context menu that appears when you press the right mouse button.

Step 4. Now you need to edit the time axis, Excel substitutes incorrect parameters by default. Double click on the time axis, an additional menu will appear.

Select "Axis Options" and set the border value, minimum - 01/1/2017 (based on the example data). Maximum - 1.02.2017. Excel will automatically convert these values ​​to a different format, but the table will have the correct date values.

Step 5. Set the units of measure. In this example, the value of the main units is "2", the additional ones are left by default. It makes sense to set these units based on the convenience of perception and ergonomics of data display. The diagram shows that with such a step, the dates are indicated every other day.

Step 6. For display convenience, it makes sense to put the first task up, the fifth - down. To do this, select the task axis and in the menu that appears, check the “Reverse category order” checkbox. Also, set the “Horizontal axis intersects” parameter to “in the maximum category”.

The time axis will move up. If such an arrangement is inconvenient, you can select the time axis and in the menu that appears in the "Signatures" section, select the value "top". The signature will move down.

Step 7. The next step is to remove the color fill from unnecessary rectangles, remove the blue and gray colors, leaving only orange. To do this, select, for example, the gray field of the histogram. In the context menu, select "Fill" and select "No fill".

For the blue color, repeat the indicated manipulation. The graph will take the following form.

Additionally, you can reduce the distance between the lines, then the diagram will be more visual. To do this, click on the orange rectangle and set the "Side clearance" parameter to 10% in the menu that appears. The lines will be arranged more densely. If necessary, you can reduce the graph itself by dragging it by the circles on the bottom or side faces.

The diagram will take the following form. If necessary, it can be further edited - select colors, add a name for the diagram, perform other design manipulations.

The diagram is ready and can be used in further work. However, it is worth remembering that this diagram has some limitations. In particular - tasks in it are not connected. When changing the duration of one task, others that come later will not be shifted. These manipulations must be done manually. With a fairly loaded chart, this can be difficult.

The resulting Gantt chart template in Excel can be used in further work with other data. You can add new work, new tasks, change the time frame of work. You can also change the graphical display of the chart by grouping jobs by color.

Task Dependency in Gantt Chart

It is not always convenient to manually enter all the data for each task. Sometimes it becomes necessary to make changes to the duration of one or more processes in such a way that all other cells are shifted automatically. You can use formulas for this. It will be enough to set up a link between tasks once, and then a change at any stage in terms of work will automatically lead to a shift in future tasks.

Suppose the start of work on tasks is known. Then, in cell B3, you must enter the start date for the project. In cell C3, enter the number of days required to complete the work on Task 1. And in cell D3, assign the value indicated in the formula line "= B3 + C3". Then cell D3 will take the value of the day corresponding to the entered formula. In our example, January 7th.

Or, if work can start later, then add the number of days of delay. In our example - Task 3 starts to run two days after the end of Task 2. The formula will take the form "= D4 + 2". The corresponding gap between the rectangles will appear on the chart.

Also, work can begin earlier than the previous work is completed. For example, Task 3+ starts two days before Task 3 ends. The formulas will look like this "= D5 - 2". Changes will also be visible on the graph.

Thus, by writing formulas for all cells, you can make changes to one or more tasks, the rest of the tasks will be automatically recalculated in the Gantt chart in Excel. When extending the duration of the project, it is necessary to make a change in the time axis and specify a new maximum for the boundary.

VIDEO. Advanced working with formulas in your Excel reports

Dmitry Shcherbakov, trainer, developer and consultant for the Microsoft Office package, tells in a video how to work with long formulas correctly. And how to quickly find and eliminate an error in the calculations, if it does occur.

A Gantt chart is often used to illustrate a project plan or schedule. It is a popular project planning method and is often found in project management applications. How to create it?

The Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart. Let's say there is such a table. Based on it, you need to build a Gantt Chart, with which you can see the duration of each task and distribute your employment.

Column A in this table means the name of the task, column B - the start date of a particular task, column C - the duration of the task in days. It is recommended that you remove the description for column A (in the header), if any, so that Excel does not use columns A and B as axis categories. Now we can start creating the chart. For this you need:

You can remove the gap between the sides of the rows by clicking on the rows (red stripes) with the right mouse button, selecting Data series format and move the side clearance control to the left.

Choose from a simple Gantt chart template to project management in construction and development, and easily add missing elements.

Drag and drop tasks, set start and end dates, task durations and dependencies, and customize your Gantt chart template. Once your Gantt chart plan is ready, you can save it as a chart template. Continue planning your next project using the template you created.

How to choose a project management template?

In GanttPRO you can choose from 10 templates. Each template is free and can be easily customized to suit your team's needs. When choosing a template for project management, start not only from the name of the template, but also from the structure of tasks.

A Gantt chart template will help you choose exactly the structure that will help your team work effectively. When your tasks are planned, you will be able to save the diagram to a template. You and your colleagues will use it when you create a new project in GanttPRO.

Project management plan in development

This project template is the basis for organizing tasks and managing projects in the IT field. Using this template, one can start planning with time and task estimates and continue with architecture definition and development. and can be changed at any stage.

Project management plan in construction

For construction managers working on several areas at the same time, GanttPRO provides . In the plan, you can find the stages from the conclusion of contracts to obtaining permits and construction.

Project management plan in design

A basic template that allows you to manage tasks and set durations for processes such as development, rendering, approval, etc. You can easily modify the diagram to suit your team's needs.

Project Schedule

The Gantt Chart Schedule Template is the first step in developing and managing a project plan. You can easily Gantt charts for any task.

Your Gantt chart in Excel or MS Project will be available in GanttPRO

Ours is an alternative to Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Project. If in GanttPRO you cannot choose a template to start with, but you have found a suitable Excel gantt chart template, just import it into our system.

Unlike the Gantt chart in Excel or MS Project, in GanttPRO you can work with colleagues together, comment on tasks and attach files. All your schedules will be stored in the cloud and will be available at any time to all your employees.

Clients talk about our project management system

How powerful a project management tool can be! GanttPRO is convenient to create a Gantt chart online, work with a team and is very simple. When we started, I contacted a customer support specialist via live chat and got a personal demo of all the features of the app. Great program for project managers and leaders! Highly recommend!

Working with GanttPRO is a pleasure. Drag and drop, task dependencies, progress tracking, and a nice UI make routine project planning a lot easier. The application helps both in project management and employees. At the same time, it remains intuitive, all functions are in plain sight. One of my favorite features is the ability to export to popular formats. And notifications! I recommend.

In project management, it is very important to have a tool that makes it easier to monitor the completion of tasks on time. The Gantt chart has helped me save time and effort more than once at this stage of the project.

Automate your work!

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Step by Step Instructions to Create a Gantt Chart in Excel

I like Excel. I use Excel every day. At work and at home around the world, people use Excel all the time for everything from a makeshift calculator to keeping track of huge projects. Given the ubiquity of Excel, it's no surprise that so many people try to use the program to solve problems it was never supposed to solve.

To demonstrate what I'm talking about, I created this tutorial called How to Create a Gantt Chart in Excel. I will tell you how to create a Gantt chart in Excel and then show you how easy and simple it is.

What is a Gantt Chart?

Gantt charts make it easy to visualize deadlines by transforming task titles, start and end dates, and duration into cascading horizontal bar charts.

How to Create a Gantt Chart in Excel

1. Create a task table

Specify the start date for each task in your project, in ascending date order. Be sure to include the task name, start date, duration, and due date in the table.

Make your list as complete as possible. Excel has its limitations, and adding tasks or columns later may require you to re-format the entire chart.

2. Building a histogram

In the top menu, select the "Insert" section, and then click on the "Insert Bar Chart" icon. A drop-down menu will appear, in which select the option "Stacked Bar", highlighted in green below. After that, an empty chart will appear in your spreadsheet.

Add data for the Start Date column.

  1. Hover your mouse over an empty Excel chart and right-click. Then left click and select "Select Data...". The Select Data Source dialog box appears.
  1. In the Legend Items (Series) section, click Add. The Edit Row window opens.

  1. Click on the empty "Series Name": first on the empty field of the dialog box cell, and then on the "Start Date" cell of the table.

  1. Click on the icon at the end of the "Values" field. The icon is a small table with a red arrow (lower icon). The Edit Row window opens.

  1. Click on the cell with the first date, March 1st in our example, and drag the mouse down to the cell with the last date. After you have selected the desired dates, click on the icon at the end of the "Change row" field. This window will close and the previous window will open. Click OK. Your task start dates are now listed in the Gantt chart.

Now let's add the Duration column using the same procedure we used to add start dates for tasks.

  1. In the Legend Items (Series) section, click Add.
  2. Click on the empty "Row Name": first on the empty field of the dialog box cell, and then on the "Duration" cell of the table.
  3. Click on the icon at the end of the "Values" field. The icon is a small table with a red arrow (lower icon). The Edit Row window opens. Click on the cell with the duration, which is 5 in our example, and drag the mouse down to the cell with the last duration. After you have selected the desired cells, click on the icon at the end of the "Change Row" field. This window will close and the previous window will open. Click OK. Task duration values ​​are now included in the Gantt chart.

Turn the dates on the left side of the chart into a to-do list.

  1. Click on any line in the chart, then right-click on "Select Data...".
  2. In the Horizontal Axis Labels (Categories) section, click Edit.

  1. Use the mouse to highlight the names of your tasks. Note that you cannot include the column name itself, "Task".

  1. Click OK.
  2. Click "OK" again.

Your Gantt chart should now look like this:

3. Formatting Your Gantt Chart

You now have a stacked bar chart. Task start dates are marked in blue and durations in orange.

Please note that the tasks are placed in reverse order. To fix this, click on the list of tasks to highlight them, and then right-click on Format Axis. Check the box next to Reverse category order and close the window.

To create more space in your Gantt chart, remove the "Start Date" and "Duration" legends on the right side. Select them with the mouse and click "Delete".

Hide the blue parts of each line. Click on the blue part of any line to select it. Then right-click on "Format Data Series...". Then.

  1. In the Fill section, select No Fill.
  1. Under Border, select No Lines.

You are almost done creating a Gantt chart. All you have to do is remove the empty space at the beginning of the diagram. For this:

  1. Click on the cell with the first start date in your spreadsheet. Right-click on "Format Cells" and then "General". Remember the number you see. In our example it is 42064. Click Cancel as you don't need to make any changes in this window.

  1. On the Gantt chart, select the dates above the rows, right-click on them, and select Format Axis.
  2. Change the Minimum limit to the number you just memorized.
  3. Change the value of the Major divisions to 2 - for each subsequent day. See how changing these settings change the look of the chart and choose the one that suits you.
  4. Close the window.

If you want to make your chart more interesting, remove the white space between the lines. For this.

  1. Click on the top orange line.
  2. Right-click on "Format Data Series...".
  3. Set the row overlap to 100% and the backlash to 10%.

So, your Gantt chart is ready. It should look like this:

And now - an easier way

What we have just done is enough difficult remember.

Yes, you will have a nice Gantt chart, but working with it is not so easy.

  • the chart does not automatically resize as new tasks are added;
  • it is difficult to read, as it lacks a grid or markings by day;
  • it is impossible to change the start dates, duration or due date of tasks, as well as change other data automatically;
  • you may not grant other people access to the chart or give them the status of an observer, editor, or administrator;
  • you can't publish Gantt charts from Excel as an interactive webpage that your team can view and update.


Of course, you can create more complete Gantt charts in Excel, but they require more complex installation and maintenance. And the characteristics that make Gantt charts useful, open to external access and collaboration are not present in Excel.

How to Create a Gantt Chart in Smartsheet

To create a Gantt chart in Smartsheet, you need to:

Smartsheet will prompt you to name your Gantt Chart spreadsheet. Now you can create a chart and create your to-do list.

Add titles for each task, as well as data for two columns to choose from - "Start Date", "Duration" or "Due Date". Fill out only two columns and Smartsheet will add all the rest. Then, if you need to change any data for those three columns, the other two will be automatically recalculated.

Also, Smartsheet automatically adds horizontal lines in the same way. Unlike Excel, you don't need to format anything. Smartsheet does everything for you.

Use your mouse to drag either end of the green bar and you'll be able to appreciate another great feature - Smartsheet will change the corresponding dates and durations in the task sheet. You can now add additional data to the chart, such as predecessor tasks and task groups.

You can even switch to Calendar view.

Thus, even the simplest Gantt chart in Smartsheet is much more functional and responsive than an Excel chart, and you are just getting started. Watch our instructional video to find out more.

Check it out yourself. If you don't have a Smartsheet account yet, try our free version. Get a 30 day trial without having to install anything.
