Updating a non-standard configuration 1s 8.2 step by step instructions. Personal experience: how to quickly and cost-effectively update a changed configuration


Select two bases - working and its copy. In the latter output the changes that distinguish it from the standard configuration of the program, which is available at the beginning of working with the program after its installation.

Create a .cf file because the manufacturer's website only provides users with a .cfu file. It will be useful for you to perform the next step related directly to updating the changed configuration.

In the working base, go to the "Support" menu, then click on the item "Configuration Update", select the previously created .cf file. In the database copy comparison window that appears, uncheck the boxes that you have recently updated.

Compare and combine data using the Support menu. In the "Support Setup" option, there will be a "Compare and Merge" sub-item. Pay Special attention that in this case you should only compare and merge the data without checking the checkboxes. This operation is only necessary for the purpose of tidying up and identifying the sequence of objects in the current configuration with the order and sequence of objects found in the update file.

Next, again go to the same menu items in the "Support", perform the "Compare and Merge" operation again, in exactly the same way as last time. Perform work on objects, analyze the results, compare the identified working base from the copy, and in the copy of the base specify exactly those items that have been changed. Transfer changes from new configuration supplier. Save the changes by pressing the F7 key.

Repeat the above steps several times before you get to work with real production databases. Remember that the more times you follow this sequence before working directly with data that is important to you, the better.


The configuration objects you added cannot be changed, you may lose data.

Helpful advice

Practice updating on copies, do not start work without certain skills.

There are standard and non-standard configurations for the 1C:Enterprise application. A typical configuration is released by the developer and used by the end user in its original form, while a non-standard one can be written from scratch or modified based on a typical one.


Determine which configuration of the 1C:Enterprise program is installed on your computer, as the methods for updating the configuration will be different. If you are using a typical configuration, then you just need to perform the action "Load modified configuration". If you are the owner of the program, then follow these steps.

Prepare the following objects for the configuration update. First, you must have the configuration itself installed. Second, find the typical configuration for the release you are using. Thirdly, you will need to find the typical configuration of the latest release of the version that you need to get as a result of the upgrade. Fourth, make a copy of your configuration file installed version program "1C: Enterprise".

Updating a non-standard, heavily modified configuration is a very time-consuming and responsible task. Typically, a release update is performed for configurations that contain a regulated reporting block. For example, .

Let's consider the easiest way to make a non-standard update without errors, using the example of the 1C Enterprise Accounting configuration.

The beginning of any update is described in the article. We will consider only the most important thing - the nuances of an atypical update.

A little theory about non-standard configurations:

  • The unsupported configuration contains 2 configurations: the database configuration and the main configuration.
  • The configuration on support without the possibility of editing contains 2 configurations: the database configuration and the main configuration (aka the supplier).
  • A supported configuration with the ability to change already contains 3 configurations: a database configuration, a main configuration, and a vendor configuration.

1. Preparing for the update

Before starting all the steps, make sure that the vendor configuration matches the main configuration - this will greatly facilitate atypical upgrade. If the provider's configuration is an older version, then the configuration was previously updated incorrectly. You can update a vendor's release by running the update one at a time and not selecting any object for comparison.

First of all, I deploy 2 bases with the initial configuration. One for making changes, the second for comparing with the new one.

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If your configuration is not typical, then by pressing the “update” button in the configurator, the system will start comparing the main and new supplier configuration:

Outwardly, it seems that we have changed a large number of objects. However, let's imagine the situation: you changed the document, but it did not change in - do you need to update it manually? Of course not. To select such objects after comparison, be sure to click the button Filter and check the box

After filtering, we see that there are much fewer changed objects:

We received a list of objects on which we will work. In our case, there was only one complex object - the RecordKUDiR document.

2. Transfer of 1C update changes

To transfer changes, I open 2 configurators - in one I run comparisons and pick up changes, and in the second I make improvements.

The next step is to transfer the changes directly. Consider the basic techniques for updating non-standard configurations.

3. Differences in modules

A fairly simple, but very responsible operation - we simply transfer modules from a new release to an old one. If the code is commented, then there should be no problems:

4. Comparisons of Forms and Layouts

Here the process is much more complicated. You need to catch the slightest changes on the forms. I recommend generating a detailed report on the differences with a graphical reflection:

After you have transferred all object changes from the new configuration, start the comparison and merging again, removing the objects that you changed manually for comparison.

Atypical update of the modified 1C configuration is completed!

Note! If you do not know how to program in 1C 8, there is no chance for a successful update typical configuration extremely small. You will spend a lot of time and end up with a configuration that doesn't even run. I recommend contacting for prompt assistance.

Updating a non-standard platform is very difficult. We will look at how to update a non-standard 1C configuration and describe a step-by-step solution to the difficulties that arise.

How in atypical configuration 1C to update.

General concepts

When updating (update, English) a non-standard platform, changes always affect the elements of the typical configuration (configuration, English) of the provider.

The database (DB) contains up to three types of configurations:

  • the database itself - logical algorithms work with it;
  • working (the so-called main, ConfigOR) - which we periodically change;
  • provider configuration (ConfigP - on its basis, both the working and the database configuration are created by the user.

If the program is dropped from support, it will no longer be from the supplier. However, then the increase in labor costs for updating is inevitable. Consider updating a non-standard 1C configuration. An example would be the PPM platform (Manufacturing Enterprise Management).


At the first stage, you need to remove the differences between the working and supplied configurations. This will reduce the evaluation of the improvements we have previously introduced. Inconsistencies between them occur when extraneous files (not from the supplied distribution kit) were used during the update or the update methods differed from the standard ones.

Version comparison

We check the version numbers (working and delivered). The first is checked in "Configuration" / "Open" / "Edit" / "Properties". In the Development/Version section. Second in "Configuration"/"Support"/"Support Setting"/"Version":

If the numbers match, you can skip ahead to Get a file through an update.

The next steps demonstrate how to match the operating and vendor configuration. In order to put on support those objects that were removed or added by the user without support. For this:

Saving the configuration (working)

Let's save the ConfigOR to a file with a name, for example, work.cf. To do this, select "Configuration" / "Save ...".

Getting a vendor file

To match ConfigOR with ConfigP, you need a cf file from the vendor's distribution kit (of the same version). By default it will be in C:/Program Files/1cv81/tmplts. Let's check the presence of the required cf-file in the template table. What if the required vendor configuration version file does not exist? Then you need to create an empty database from the old one, update it to the required version, and only then use it.

Getting a file via update

To execute the update cf-file ConfigP, the command is selected in the menu: “Configuration / Support / Update ... / File selection / Done / Run” (Sequentially in the pictures):

To solve it, you need to uncheck the object for deletion in the provider's configuration. Then, after deleting, we perform the comparison again - click the "Update" button in the update window.

Restore settings

Some of the lost settings are restored by merging with the previously saved work.cf file. To do this, select "Configuration / Compare, merge ... file".

Saving and adjusting

To save the ConfigOR and update the database, select “Update…DB” in the “Configuration” menu item. Here we meet a new problem:

Most likely, the reason for this was that these objects were copied from ConfigP or they were deleted by the supplier, and later new ones were added under the same names. However, with other identifiers. As a result, objects of the same name appeared, but with different identification keys.

Roles can simply be deleted, since they have not changed. The requisite must be renamed, for example, to OrderReserve1. And after the update, make the values ​​from the renamed to the created one. Another update issue. What about forms?

From the figure, you can see that the ListForm was removed by the supplier, and then re-added under the same name. You need to mark both of them for updating and click "Execute".

If during update a message is issued about the presence of links to objects to be deleted, then, without closing the form, you need to clear the links to it in the properties of the objects themselves. Here it is in the register properties. Next, in the update form, select the update option, mark the register properties for updating now, and click "Run" again.

Saving changes to the working and updating the database configuration: "Configuration / Update ... DB". The value of the attribute OrderReserve1 is transferred to OrderReserve external processing 1C:Enterprise mode.

Base preparation

Based on the results of the information, we prepare two identical databases. The first (main) is our desired result. The second (auxiliary) is for performing preparatory actions. In case of file option we just copy them to the directory and connect them to the IB list, with the client-server - we do the upload / download.


After opening both databases with the Configurator, we will perform their three-way comparison. We use the new ConfigP file for this - “Configuration / Support / Update ... / File selection ... / Done":

Comparison of the working, old and new provider configurations gives us a list of changed objects by the "Show properties changed twice" filter. With them, you need to solve the problem first of all:

At this point, work with the auxiliary base is suspended until the end of the entire process, the “Run” button is no longer pressed. We proceed to work in the main database with the resulting list of twice changed objects. Agreeing with the update will result in the loss of previously made improvements. Therefore, for each of the objects it is required to make a decision - how it will be changed.

We will carry out a preliminary assessment only to reduce the work in the future. If there are more changes to the element in the new ConfigP, we leave the supplier object. We put a tick. Transferring changes from ConfigOR. If there are more changes to the element in the working configuration, we leave an instance of the ConfigOR object. We remove the daw. Let's transfer the changes from ConfigP. Modules need to be compared procedurally. To do this, press the button as in the figure:

Check the boxes to indicate procedures and functions to replace or delete:

Now you need to duplicate the state of the checkboxes in the auxiliary database. In the main - click "Run". At this point in the main we get an almost finished configuration.

Subsequent comparisons are performed again in the auxiliary database. We find the previously made changes by additional comparison of the old ConfigP with ConfigOR - "Configuration / Compare ...":

Similarly, we compare the old ConfigP with the new one. If there is no new file, it can now be taken from the main database.

So, twice changed objects are received. In the main database, an almost ready-made configuration has been received. It needs to deal with twice changed elements.

IMPORTANT. When analyzing, the user should be interested not in the reasons for making certain changes, but in their consequences. That is, the main thing is the need to preserve the functionality. Perhaps this will require not the transfer of changed lines, but a complete reworking of the code for the new ConfigP.

To make a decision, it is enough to compare forms, tables, and object modules. Sometimes the data in the reports are presented in such a way that does not allow you to quickly make a decision. At this step, the loss of improvements occurs if the changes concern the object attributes of the composite type.

In a comparison report, different data is given in the form of a list, from which it is not clear what types of data were added / removed. If the number of lines of the report reaches two hundred, then the process of "manual" comparison seems to be quite time-consuming (about fifty hours).

Reduction of labor intensity is achieved by using, for example, the "Comparison of cells" configuration from the Inform Service company. It is available for launch in 1C:Enterprise mode and presents comparison report data in a convenient form. Comparison is carried out by the capabilities of 1C:

The scheme of work is simple. A comparative object report is created in the configurator. Saved to a file, for example, Comparison Report.mxl. In the 1C:Enterprise dialog, it opens and the compared cells are indicated (by double-clicking the right mouse button on the selected cell spreadsheet document). By clicking "Compare" the result of the comparison is given, while different positions are highlighted in color.

Further instructions for action look like this.

  1. The next report is saved with the same name.
  2. After the update is completed and the modifications of the standard configuration are transferred, the syntactic control of the modules and testing of the operation of the changed objects is performed.
  3. After good testing process can be considered complete. It remains to update printing forms, reports and processing. In some cases, check external reporting forms.

We work with 1C 7.7

Upgrading a typical platform to the same one usually does not cause difficulties. Just follow the directions in the instructions. They are located in UPDATE.TXT in the distribution directory.

Also, there are no difficulties if additional accounting elements are added to the platform (directories, constants, selections, reports, registers, calculation logs, etc.). They will fit when the platforms are combined. The added documents will also not introduce disharmony if there were no changes in the signs for entering “based on” such added documents.

It is recommended to run the update on a fast PC with plenty of RAM. With its lack, 1C may refuse to work out some of the functions and “freeze”. Large volume virtual memory does not solve this problem.

Creating an archive copy

For this purpose, you need to use the option: "Administration / Save data ...". It is convenient to specify the name of the archive, matching it with the creation date (for example, YYMMDD.zip).

Catalog preparation

To work, you need six configuration files (1cv7.md):

  1. "WorkingNew" for preparing the update (resulting md-file);
  2. "WorkingOld" for tracking changes when comparing and for transferring settings to TypeNew_2;
  3. Typical (old) "TypeOld_1". On its basis, a working one was previously created.
  4. types. (former) "TypeOld_2". To track changes in the 1C company in the new standard version;
  5. Type. (new) "TypeNew_1". Improvements of the 1C company in the new version;
  6. "TypeNew_2" for complex objects.

And five running configurators (all except "TypeNew_1").

Initially, the directories are identical in pairs:

  • "Working New" and "Working Old";
  • "TypeOld_1 and TypeOld_2";
  • "TypeNew_1" and "TypeNew_2".

Combining elements

First, we compare between 3 and 2, 4 and 5, 1 and 6. To do this, each of the first in the pair, select the “Configuration / Association ...” item and specify the metadata file 1cv7.md of the second in the pair. A form with a tree of changed elements will be displayed on the screen. Next, it is necessary to analyze the results of a pairwise comparison of 3 with 2 and 4 with 5. Leave for combining the elements in the updated platforms (1 and 6), in which there were changes from 1C (4 from 5), but were not reflected in 3 and 2. 1 and 4 need to be combined in override mode.


This includes chart of accounts and user interfaces. If there were changes in the chart of accounts, then it must be updated in the "Combining objects" mode Working New along with Type New_2. After merging the interface, it checks for errors: duplication of menu items, duplication of toolbars, setting signs for toolbars “Location from a new line”.

The download is performed over the network or on a server (preferred). First, access to the database is provided exclusively. And then the database is loaded through the configurator mode. Before and after the download, the data is archived (as described at the very beginning of the section). Next, follow the instructions in the UPDATE.TXT file. After the download is complete, all directories, except for WorkingNew, can be deleted.

We hope our publication helped you deal with updating the non-standard 1C configuration. We reviewed this with regards to both the seventh and eighth versions.

Leave comments, write about your experience in updating 1C.

A non-standard 1C configuration is when: 1) the 1C configuration was written from scratch by the programmer himself, 2) the 1C configuration was typical, but changes were added to it, even if one attribute was added.

In this article, we will look at how to correctly update 1C configurations, as well as several tricks for softly changing typical configurations, i.e. correct change that will not affect the ability to upgrade later.

In order to make any changes to the typical 1C configuration, it is necessary to unlock the change in the typical 1C configuration, and in some cases “remove it from support”.

In the very the best option updates 1C configuration can be updated in full automatic mode, this is possible when we have configuration changes disabled. Quite often, it is required to include a configuration change, since it is necessary to adapt application solutions to the business requirements of the customer, and we will stop at this option.

Before updating highly recommended to do backup database, this can be done through the menu Administration / Upload infobase.

There are 2 options for updating: a) 1C update through support (call through the Configuration / Support / Update configuration dialog) and b) through Comparison and merging with the configuration from a file. It should be noted that the difference between these two points is that in the first case, both the main configuration and the supplier's configuration are updated, and when comparing the merging of configurations, only the main configuration is updated, the supplier's configuration remains the old one. Therefore, the most recommended option is to update via Update Configuration. To update via Configuration Support, the CF or CFU vendor distribution files are used, which can be found by searching in the template directory, specifying the path on the Internet, or directly specifying the path to the desired file on the hard drive.

When updating the 1C configuration without the possibility of making changes, the update after selecting the update file occurs automatically, if the configuration is enabled for making changes, then after selecting the update file, a configuration comparison window will be displayed. In this dialog, we can see how the system prompts us to update our non-standard 1C configuration. The corresponding object status legend is located in the lower part of the dialog box: "Statuses by object matching" means the comparison of the "Main configuration" and "New configuration", "Statuses by object history" means the comparison of configuration objects with the objects of the "Old vendor configuration".

By checking the boxes next to the objects, you can choose whether the current configuration object will change or remain the old one, as well as the method of changing the object. In the action menu, it is possible to check the boxes for subsystems (this is useful if the configuration is supported by several vendors). Also in this menu it is possible to specify the merging priority for all objects at once; by default, the system considers the provider configuration to be a higher priority. The filter settings allow you to specify which configuration objects we should display in order to be able to specify the merge mode in detail. There are several standard filter patterns, and you can specify filters for each pair of configurations you compare. It is possible to set the "Show only twice changed properties" checkbox in the "Filter" settings, this will allow you to filter out objects, when updating which there were no conflicts between the changes of the supplier and the modifications of these objects:

So, the result will be a list of objects that have been changed twice when refining the typical configuration and in the new supplier configuration. If you agree with the update, then the improvements made earlier in these objects will be lost. Therefore, for each object, a decision must be made on how it will be updated. At this stage, a preliminary comparison should be performed solely in order to reduce the amount of work later. Evaluation is not accurate fast - "by eye". If there are more changes in the object in the new provider configuration, then we leave the provider object instance. We leave a checkmark. Then you will need to transfer the changes from the working configuration. If there are more changes in the object in the working configuration, then we leave an instance of the working configuration object. We uncheck the box. You will then need to migrate the changes from the vendor configuration. With modules, you can do a little differently, because. it is possible to compare modules procedurally.

Those. in the event that various module procedures have been changed in our 1C configuration and in the supplier’s configuration, then, by correctly placing the checkboxes, we will save ourselves from manually transferring code changes. To get to this, you need to click the button in the form of a magnifying glass next to the name of the mode of combining modules:

When displaying a menu of actions on an object (for example, by pressing right button mouse), we can call up the object comparison report.

To confirm the 1C update, you need to select the menu item Configuration / Update database configuration.

To refuse to update 1C, you need to select the menu item Configuration / Return to database configuration.

A few rules that simplify the future update of 1C configurations:

The basic rule for updating 1C: you need to add new objects, because. when updating, new objects are not affected by the system

When changing the texts of modules, it is also desirable to add your own new procedures and functions, and call your new ones from existing ones.

Using event subscriptions, thanks to this, you can modify typical mechanisms without changing the typical code

Using the typical configuration functionality

Programmatically creating form elements (In the OnFormCreateOnServer event)

Thank you!

After installing the current version of the platform on the computer, you can proceed directly to updating the 1C configuration. We offer you to learn how to update "1C: Accounting 8" version 3.0 on your own - one of the most popular and sought-after accounting applications in Russia.

Search for updates

Go to updates

If you want to know what features you will get after installing the update, go to the "New in version" link.

Set administration options

To update the 1C configuration, the system will need administrator data information base- username and password.

Please note that this is not the same username and password that are used to receive updates!

Select a user from the drop-down list (mandatory with Administrator rights) and enter the password that he uses to log in to the system.

Choose the appropriate update installation option

To update the 1C:Accounting configuration, choose to install the files right now or after the program has finished working. The option of creating a backup of the infobase is also available.

Attention! If other users are working with the database, ask them to end the session - this is necessary to create a backup copy of the data. You can find out exactly who is connected to the database by clicking the link “View the list of active users”.

Make an IB backup

We recommend using this offer in order to return to old version programs. This is especially important to do when you plan to update non-standard configurations.

The rollback will be performed automatically with the preservation of all data. Follow the link "Create a backup copy of IS and roll back in case of an emergency."

Select "Back up and save to the specified directory" and specify the path to the directory, and then click "OK". The program will close and the update process will begin.

Wait for the update to complete

A warning window will appear on the screen stating that a configuration update is in progress. This process consists of the following steps:

  • Closing user sessions;
  • IS backup;
  • Copying update files to IB;
  • Configuration update;
  • Get permission to connect.

After updating the configuration of 1C version 8, the program will open in user mode and the update will continue. The progress will be visible on the indicator.

At the end, the program will display a window with information "What's new in this version." If you are interested in what the 1C 8.3 configuration update gave through the configurator, follow the link provided and read the useful information.

Check if updates are installed correctly

Go to the "Administration" menu in the "Support and maintenance" sub-item. In the list of links with the general name "Program version update", click on the line "Update results and additional data processing".

Make sure that all updates are installed successfully - this will be confirmed by the green markers next to the completed actions.

We will consider instructions for updating a non-standard 1C configuration in a separate article.

Find out how automation using the 1C family of programs will help your business, and get expert advice on implementing and configuring standard 1C solutions.
