Experimental and search work on the emotional education of the student's personality by means of musical art. Organization of experimental and exploratory research work in educational institutions Stages of organization of experimental and exploratory research work

Under experienced work in pedagogical research is understood as the organization of practical activities by the author in accordance with the experience available in the literature and practice without any constructive author's changes.

In this regard, the second chapter (practice-oriented) includes a description of the methods of work; substantiation of forms and methods of organizing the activities of the individual, the children's team; analysis of technologies used, etc.

Experimental and search work is based on various practical research methods : observation, conversation, experiment, test, personality questionnaires, projective methods, questioning, interviewing, sociometry, analysis of products of children's activities, analysis of documentary sources, game.

Distinguish stating (mandatory for WRC) and formative (not mandatory for WRC) stages of experimental and search work.

Target ascertaining stage - measuring the current level of development (for example, the level of development of abstract thinking, moral and volitional qualities of a person, etc.). Thus, the source material is obtained, which helps to build a program of pedagogical actions and psychological corrections for the formative stage of the experiment.

Formative The (transforming, teaching) stage aims not to simply state the level of formation of this or that activity, the development of certain aspects of the psyche, but their active formation or upbringing. In this case, a special experimental situation is created, which allows not only to identify the conditions necessary for organizing the required behavior, but also to experimentally carry out the purposeful development of new types of activity, complex mental functions and to reveal their structure more deeply.

In such an experiment, the proof is based on a comparison of the states of two objects of observation - the experimental and control groups. The experimental group is the group that was affected by the experimental factor, the control group is the group where it was not affected. In all other respects, the conditions for the activity of these groups are aligned, and the composition of the groups is also aligned. If certain changes are observed in the experimental group after exposure to the factor under study, but not in the control group, the hypothesis can be considered confirmed.

It is possible to conduct an experiment on one group, without isolating the control group. In this case, the level of education or upbringing, or some other parameters (depending on the goals of the experiment) is measured before and after the experiment.

Summing up the results of experimental and search work, it is very important only to establish external changes, which are fixed when comparing the initial and resulting data, but try to explain them by establishing the relationship between the subject of research of your work and its object. In this case practical work, indeed, can act as a criterion of "truth".

In design and methodological The papers do not provide for the organization and conduct of a formative and control experiment. The structure of the second (practical) chapter of this type of final work may include a description of diagnostic methods, a project of pedagogical activity to solve the problem posed (a system of didactic exercises, games, educational activities, etc.), methodological recommendations.

Other structural elements of work

IN imprisonment contains the main conclusions of the study, formulated in the most generalized form in accordance with the goal and objectives of the study.

The conclusion should not only “put an end” at the end of the work, but also briefly summarize the material presented in it. Therefore, the conclusion, as a rule, includes the following components:

First of all, confirmation of the relevance of the chosen topic (but this text should not repeat word for word the relevance of the introduction);

Then short description of the work performed: the most acceptable option is to refer to the research tasks (from the introduction) and a brief (in one or two paragraphs) disclosure of each task;

A few words about the prospects for the study of this issue, where it can be shown that he sees the versatility of the pedagogical process, the relationship of its topic with others that are no less important for the science and practice of education.

Followed by bibliography or bibliography . Based on the list of references, it is not difficult to determine how critically the author approached the selection of material on his topic, whether the main works were found that reveal the problem under study, etc.

The list of references is compiled in alphabetical order in accordance with bibliographic requirements (Appendix 1). The list includes all the literary sources used by the author, regardless of where they are published (separate edition, collection, magazine, newspaper, etc.) A mandatory requirement is the presence in the list of references (about a third) of articles of the modern periodical pedagogical press.

IN applications materials explaining the main text are taken out, tearing this text into more than one sheet. Most often, material is placed here that confirms practical developments: lesson development; sample programs; forms of questionnaires used in the work (both blank and completed), products of children's creativity (drawings, essays, mini-essays, etc.), descriptions of classes, etc. Thus, appendices are important illustrative material, but placing it directly in the text of the work often turns out to be redundant.

Applications are placed after the list of references in the order in which they are mentioned in the text (eg: "see Appendix 3").

Each annex begins on a new sheet with the word "APPENDIX" in capital letters in bold in the upper right corner. The application must have a title that fits symmetrically to the application material and is written in capital letters in bold. If there are more than one applications, they are all numbered Arabic numerals no sign no. For example: "APPENDIX 1". The name of the application is written in capital letters on the next line. The title is in bold and centered. Do not put a dot after the application name.



Parenting Questionnaire

(according to A.Ya. Varga, V.V. Stolin)

1. I always sympathize with my child.

2. I consider it my duty to know everything my child thinks.<...>

The illustrative material and tables placed in the application (for example, a series of photographic materials) have their own (only for this application) numbering. For example: "Fig.1, Fig.2, etc."

When designing texts in applications, it is allowed to use a smaller font size than in the main text (11-13) and single spacing.


The time generally allotted for the preparation and defense of the WRC is at least 3 months.

General procedure and deadlines for the implementation of WRC.

- at the beginning of the second of four sessions - the department determines the topics and leaders of the WRC;

At the beginning of the third of four sessions, their approval upon presentation by the head of the department;

- upon completion of the work, no later than a week before its defense, the full text of the WRC, drawn up in accordance with the requirements, and abstracts of the work in the amount of 2 copies are provided to the department;

The supervisor prepares a reasoned written review of the work of the graduate on the WRC ( appendix 3);

WRC review is not provided;

Changing the deadlines for submitting the WRC for defense is permissible only if there is a good reason, documented, with the obligatory coordination of the deadline for submitting the work with the head of the department.


The attestation commission for the defense of the WRC is headed by the chairman - the head of the program, who organizes and controls the activities of all members of the commission, ensures the unity of the requirements for graduates.

The date, time and place of the WRC defense is approved by the department.

Scientific supervisors are invited to the meeting of the attestation commission for the defense of the WRC, the presence of teachers of the department, teachers of the preschool educational institution and the school is possible.

The chairman establishes the rules of the meeting, then, in order of priority, invites graduates to participate in the defense procedure, each time announcing the last name, first name and patronymic of the graduate, the topic of research, the last name and position of the supervisor.

The protection procedure should not exceed 30 minutes and includes:

- the speaker's answers to questions;

- announcement of the recall of the head;

– discussion of the work in the form of free discussion.

WRC is evaluated by the commission based on the following criteria:

- the validity of the choice and the relevance of the research topic;

- the level of understanding of theoretical issues and generalization of the collected material, the validity and clarity of the formulated conclusions;

- clarity of the structure of the work and the consistency of the presentation of materials;

– methodological validity of the study;

- application of independent skills research work;

- the volume and level of analysis of scientific literature on the problem under study;

- possession of a scientific style of presentation, spelling and punctuation literacy;

– conformity of the presentation form thesis all the requirements for the execution of these works.

General WRC evaluation determined by the commission, taking into account:

- the quality of the oral presentation made by the graduate at the defense of the WRC;

– the depth and accuracy of answers to questions, comments and recommendations during the defense of the work.

The results of the defense of the WRC are determined by the rating "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory":

The grade "excellent" is given if the WRC:

- reflects broad-minded, erudition, independence of the research position and conclusions, takes into account modern scientific achievements, shows fluency in the material, the ability to illuminate it from a theoretical standpoint;

- testifies to the skills of analyzing the material and the ability to use the conceptual apparatus of the chosen field of study;

- shows the ability to correctly use scientific literature, strictly follow the tasks set in the work, carefully apply the chosen research methodology;

- is distinguished by logic, validity of conclusions, clear presentation, clarity of evaluation of results.

At the same time, in the process of defense, the graduate demonstrates:

- the ability to present content in a concise manner;

– ability to operate with illustrative material;

– confidence and consistency in answers to questions and comments.

The mark "good" is given if the WRC:

- some inaccuracies were made in the choice of justification for the research methodology, setting tasks, formulating conclusions;

- the student showed uncertainty in answers to questions and comments;

– there are minor omissions in the bibliographic apparatus and / or in the design of the work.

The grade "satisfactory" is put if in the WRC:

- the analysis of theoretical literature on the problem is poorly presented;

- a significant number of errors were made in the interpretation of the source material and the results obtained;

- Poor knowledge of the terminology base of the problem has been demonstrated;

- there are repeated content and language errors;

– there are significant omissions in the bibliographic apparatus and / or in the design of the work.

The mark "unsatisfactory" is put if in the WRC:

- the theoretical and methodological basis of the study is unsatisfactorily presented;

– there is a discrepancy between the theoretical concept and practical results;

- numerous gross errors were made in the interpretation of the material under study;

- demonstrated poor command of terminology;

The results of the defense of the WRC are announced to the graduates on the same day after the protocols of the AC meeting are drawn up in the prescribed manner.

The non-appearance of the graduate for the defense is noted in the minutes of the SAC meeting with the words "did not appear."

Graduates who did not pass the defense of the WRC for a good reason (for medical reasons or in other exceptionally documented cases) should be given the opportunity to pass this species final certification no later than six months, starting from the date indicated on the document presented by the graduate.

Graduates who did not pass the defense of the WRC for an unexcused reason or received an “unsatisfactory” rating are entitled to retake this type of final state certification no earlier than six months and more than one year (possibly on a different topic) after passing the final certification for the first time.


Separate developments can be transferred for implementation in educational institutions by a special decision of the department.



Design of the bibliographic apparatus

Bibliographic apparatus- the key to the sources used by the author of the study. The bibliographic apparatus of the study is represented by a bibliographic list, bibliographic references, which are drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.184 "Bibliographic description of the document" and taking into account the brief rules for "Compiling a bibliographic description".

Bibliographic list- an element of the bibliographic apparatus, contains a bibliographic description of the sources used and is placed after the conclusion.

The bibliographic list is one of the essential parts of the study, reflecting independent creative work and allowing to judge the degree of fundamentality and independence of the study.

The bibliographic list includes:

Sources that influenced the development of the researcher's creative thought;

Encyclopedias and reference books.

The alphabetical way of grouping literary sources is characterized by the fact that the names of authors and titles are placed alphabetically. Foreign sources are placed alphabetically after the list of all sources in the language of the study. Descriptions are arranged in chronological order. At the same time, it is obligatory to indicate the author (last name I.O.), the title of the book, article, place, year of publication, p.

Petrov V.A.

Petrov I.S.

Petrov P.F.

Rules for the design of bibliographic references

When including description elements in the syntactic structure of the main text, the following text formatting rules are observed:

1. When placing initials or names, they precede the surnames of the authors.

2. If the text is cited not from the original source, but from another edition or from another document, then the reference should begin with the words: “Cit. by: "or" Quoted. according to the book”, or “quoted according to the article”.

3. When it is impossible to make a smooth logical transition from the text to which the link refers to the link, then use the initial words “See”, “See”. about it".

4. The number of the source indicated in the bibliographic list is taken in square brackets in the main text. For example: . When referring to the source page in the main text, the latter is also enclosed in square brackets. For example: .

Examples various kinds bibliographic description:

1. Zagvyazinsky, V. I. Learning theory: Modern interpretation: [Text]: textbook. allowance for students of higher education. ped. textbook institutions / V. I. Zagvyazinsky. - M. : Academy, 2001. - 420 p.

2. Winter, I.A. Pedagogical psychology [Text] / I. A. Zimnyaya. – M. : Logos, 2009.– 364 p.

1. Bezrukova, N. L. Marketing in the hotel industry and tourism [Text]: textbook / N. L. Bezrukova, V. S. Yankevich; ed. V. S. Yankevich. - M. : Finance and statistics, 2003. - 416 p.

2. Kraevsky, VV Fundamentals of learning. Didactics and methodology: textbook. manual for students of pedagogical universities [Text] / V. V. Kraevsky, A. V. Khutorskoy. – M.: Academy, 2007. – 472 p.

1. Burygin, S. M. Maldives. Mauritius. Seychelles. Pearls of the Indian Ocean [Text] / Burygin S. M., Sheiko N. I., Nepomnyashchy N. N. - M .: Veche, 2007. - 304 p.

1. Butko, I. I. Tourism business: basics of organization [Text] / I. I. Butko, E. A. Sitnikov, D. S. Ushakov. – Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 2007. - 384 p.

1. Transport management [Text]: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / Yu. V. Buralev, N. N. Gromov, N. A. Kozlova [and others]; under total ed. N. N. Gromova, V. A. Persianova. - 4th ed., Sr. - M. : Academy, 2008. - 528 p.

2. Organization of tourism [Text]: textbook. allowance / A. P. Durovich, N. I. Kabushkin, T. M. Sergeeva [and others]. - Mn. : New knowledge, 2003. - 632 p.

Books under the title

1. ABC of a restaurateur. Everything you need to know to succeed in the restaurant business [Text]. - M. : Zhigulsky Publishing House, 2003. - 216 p. – (Modern restaurant technologies).

2. Actual problems tourism [Text]: Sat. scientific tr. / Ros. International. Acad. Tourism. - M. : RMAT, 1997. - Issue. 1. - 353 p.

Multi-volume editions

1. Weiss, G. History of civilizations: architecture, weapons, clothes, utensils [Text]: illustr. encycle. : in 3 volumes / G. Weiss. - T. 1.: Classical antiquity until the 4th century. - M. : EKSMO-Press, 1999. - 752 p.

2. Weiss, G. History of civilizations: architecture, weapons, clothing, utensils [Text]: illustr. encycle. : in 3 volumes / G. Weiss. - T. 2.: "Dark Ages" and the Middle Ages IV-XIV centuries. - M. : EKSMO-Press, 1999. - 600 p.

Encyclopedias and dictionaries

1. Big Glossary of terms of international tourism [Text] / ed. M. B. Birzhakova, V. I. Nikiforova. - 3rd ed., add. and reworked. - St. Petersburg. : Gerda, 2006. - 936 p.

2. Large illustrated dictionary [Text]. - M. : Reader's Digest, 2005. - 400 p.

1. Zinkovskaya, S. M. Systematic study of the human factor in dangerous professions [Text]: dis. ... Dr. psikhol. Sciences / S. M. Zinkovskaya. - M .: [b. and.], 2007. - 327 p.

2. Pitkova, O. A. The phenomenon of virtual reality in the context of human existence: an experience of philosophical analysis [Text]: author. dis. ... Dr. Phil. Sciences / O. A. Pitkova. - Magnitogorsk: [b. and.], 2005. - 46 p.

Under experienced work in pedagogical research is understood as the organization of practical activities by the author in accordance with the experience available in the literature and practice without any constructive author's changes.

In this regard, the second chapter (practice-oriented) includes a description of the methods of work; substantiation of forms and methods of organizing the activities of the individual, the children's team; analysis of technologies used, etc.

Experimental and search work is based on various practical research methods : observation, conversation, experiment, test, personality questionnaires, projective methods, questioning, interviewing, sociometry, analysis of products of children's activities, analysis of documentary sources, game.

Distinguish stating and forming stages of experimental and search work.

Target ascertaining stage - measuring the current level of development (for example, the level of development of abstract thinking, moral and volitional qualities of a person, etc.). Thus, the source material is obtained, which helps to build a program of pedagogical actions and psychological corrections for the formative stage of the experiment.

Formative The (transforming, teaching) stage aims not to simply state the level of formation of this or that activity, the development of certain aspects of the psyche, but their active formation or upbringing. In this case, a special experimental situation is created, which allows not only to identify the conditions necessary for organizing the required behavior, but also to experimentally carry out the purposeful development of new types of activity, complex mental functions and to reveal their structure more deeply.

In such an experiment, the proof is based on a comparison of the states of two objects of observation - the experimental and control groups. The experimental group is the group that was affected by the experimental factor, the control group is the group where it was not affected. In all other respects, the conditions for the activity of these groups are aligned, and the composition of the groups is also aligned. If certain changes are observed in the experimental group after exposure to the factor under study, but not in the control group, the hypothesis can be considered confirmed.

It is possible to conduct an experiment on one group, without isolating the control group. In this case, the level of education or upbringing, or some other parameters (depending on the goals of the experiment) is measured before and after the experiment.

Summing up the results of experimental and search work, it is very important for a novice research not only to establish external changes that are recorded when comparing the initial and resulting data, but to try to explain them by establishing a relationship between the subject of research of their work and its object. In this case, practical work, indeed, can act as a criterion of "truth".

In design and methodological The papers do not provide for the organization and conduct of a formative and control experiment. The structure of the second (practical) chapter of this type of final work may include a description of diagnostic methods, a project of pedagogical activity to solve the problem posed (a system of didactic exercises, games, educational activities, etc.), methodological recommendations.

Inga Nevmovenko
Experimental and search work on the problem of logical thinking






629860, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Purovsky district, Urengoy village, 2 microdistrict, 12-B,

tel/fax: (34934) 9-12-06, 9-32-72.

Experimental search work

teacher Nevmovenko Inga Konstantinovna

By the problem of development of the principles of logical thinking in older preschoolers by means of entertaining mathematics

In the process of cognition and development of mental activity, the child learns mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, systematization. They are the main components thinking. Each of them performs a specific function in the process. thinking and is closely related to other operations.

All these operations cannot manifest themselves in isolation, without connection with each other, and depending on the degree of formation of each of them, mental activity as a whole is carried out with varying degrees of effectiveness.

basis thinking constitute mental actions. According to the functions performed, any action can be divided into three parts: indicative, executive, control.

To perform any action, the simultaneous implementation of all its parts is necessary, and without this, the action cannot be performed.

Ways of carrying out mental operations are an important indicator of the level of development thinking.

Therefore, the goal experienced-exploratory research was to determine the level of development of the beginnings logical thinking and development and testing methods of development logical thinking in older preschoolers, through tasks and exercises of entertaining mathematics.


1. Reveal the level of development of the beginnings logical thinking in children of the preparatory school group.

2. Develop and test development methodology logical thinking older preschoolers, through logical tasks and exercises of entertaining mathematics.

3. To identify the dynamics of increasing the level of development of the beginnings.

The experimental study was conducted on the basis of the preschool department of MBDOU "DS KV "Sun"". The experiment involved 10 children of the group preparatory to school, 4 teachers and 10 parents.

Diagnosis of the level of formation of beginnings logical thinking children of senior preschool age

The purpose of the ascertaining experiment: identification of the level of development of the beginnings logical thinking in older preschool children.

To identify the level of development of the beginnings logical thinking we used:

R. S. Nemov's technique;

Methodology of N. A. Bernshtein;

Methodology "The Fourth Extra".

Diagnostics according to the method of R. S. Nemov included one task "What's wrong here", N. A. Bernshtein’s diagnostics included the task "Sequence of Events", technique "The Fourth Extra" included one task.

A qualitative analysis of the content of the methods was carried out according to the following criteria.

Criteria for analysis of the content of diagnosing methodologies:

High level: are made up of children who accept all tasks with interest, perform them independently, acting at the level of practical orientation, and in some cases at the level of visual orientation. At the same time, they are very interested in the result of their activities. Children correctly solve the problem in less than 1 to 1.5 minutes, name the extra objects in all the pictures and correctly explain why they are superfluous. Can find the sequence of events and compose logical story. High level - 22-19 points.

Average level: are children who are interested in cooperating with adults. They immediately accept tasks, understand the conditions of these tasks and strive to fulfill them. However, on their own, in many cases, they cannot find an adequate way to perform and often turn to an adult for help. After showing the teacher how to complete the task, many of them can independently cope with the task, showing great interest in the result of their activities.

Children solve the problem in 1.5 to 2.5 minutes. Minor errors in the name of extra items are allowed.

Can find a sequence of events, but can't make a good story, or can, but with the help of leading questions. The average level is 16-12 points.

Low level: are made up of children who in their actions are not guided by instructions, do not understand the purpose of the task, and therefore do not strive to complete it. They are not ready to cooperate with an adult, not understanding the purpose of the task, they act inadequately. Moreover, this group of children is not ready to act inadequately even under conditions of imitation. The indicators of the children of this group testify to a deep trouble in the development of their mental operations.

Children solve the problem in more than 3 minutes or do not cope with the task. They cannot find the sequence of events and compose a story. Quantitative indicators of the level of development of mental operations: Low level - less than 12 points.

During the ascertaining experiment, the following data were obtained.

Table 1 Quantitative indicators of diagnostic results at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

No. Surname, name of the child Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Total number of points

1 Ivina M 5 2 5 12

2 Ivina S 2 2 4 8

3 Nikulin Z. 6 2 5 13

4 Ustarbekova G 8 3 8 19

5 Medvedeva Z 2 1 2 5

6 Atyuskina A 3 1 4 8

7 Panasov S. 5 2 6 13

8 Kurdziuk R 6 3 8 17

9 Temnikov A 5 2 6 13

10 Sharipov K 3 1 4 8

Average score for the group 11.6

As can be seen from the table, the average score in the group was 11.6 points.

Analyzing the qualitative results, one can see the following.

table 2

Qualitative diagnostic results at the ascertaining stage of the experiment

No. Surname, name of the child Total number of points Level of formation

1 Ivina M 12 S

2 Ivina S 8 N

3 Nikulin Z. 13 S

4 Ustarbekova G 19 V

5 Medvedev D 5 N

6 Atyuskin A 8 N

7 Panasov S. 13 S

8 Kurdziuk R 17 S

9 Temnikov A 13 S

10 Sharipov K 8 N

A qualitative analysis of the results of the ascertaining stage of the study showed the following.

Method #1 "What's wrong here?"

In the course of this technique, it was possible to reveal that out of 10 people in the group, 5 completed the task correctly (1 - high and 5 - average level, that is, capable of analysis and generalization, 4 people showed a low level.

The results of diagnostics according to the first method in the group showed the following levels of development of analysis and generalization.

Diagram 1

Method results "What's wrong here?"

Method #2 "Sequence of Events"

In the course of this technique, it turned out that out of 10 people in the group, 7 children completed the task correctly (1 - high level and 6 - medium level, i.e. children have such operations thinking as a generalization, finding out the causes, identifying similarities and differences in objects. 3 people showed a low level of development of these operations thinking.

From the results of this technique, we can judge the level of development of such mental operations as generalization, analysis and synthesis in children.

Diagram 2

Method results "Sequence of Events"

Method #3 "The Fourth Extra"

In the course of this technique, it was revealed that out of 10 people in the group - 6 children coped with the task (1 - at high and 5 - average levels;) 4 children showed a low level of children's ability to generalize and classify.

The results of diagnostics according to the third method indicate that the majority of children in the group have such mental operations as generalization and classification. Children easily picked out the extra words. In children with a low level, the ability to generalize and classify is poorly developed.

The distribution of children according to the levels of abilities for generalization, classification according to the results of the fourth method was as follows.

Diagram 3

Distribution of children by levels of ability to generalize, classification according to the results of the methodology "The Fourth Extra"

A comparative analysis of the data obtained from the results of all diagnostic methods showed that in preschoolers, the initial level of development began to logical thinking not high enough. The operations of analysis and generalization were the most formed in children of both groups, and the operations of comparison and classification were the least formed.

Based on the results of the entire diagnostic part of the study, we built a comparative diagram of the levels of development of the beginnings logical thinking in preschoolers.

Histogram 1

Comparative results of the levels of development of the beginnings logical thinking in preschoolers

High level Medium level Low level

After it was carried out Job with preschoolers and certain results were obtained, it was significant for us to find out the attitude of teachers and parents to the studied by us problem. To this end, we conducted a survey of both preschool teachers and parents.

Questioning of teachers involved 6 questions. When answering the first question of the questionnaire, all preschool teachers (100%) noted that they consider the development of the beginnings logical thinking in children of senior preschool age, a significant direction work. Moreover, arguing their answers, the teachers said that this work it is necessary to start precisely at preschool age so that children experience less difficulties when entering school and are more prepared in the school curriculum.

As methods and techniques used by teachers of preschool educational institutions in work on the development of the beginnings of logical thinking were marked by showing, example, and Job in the classroom as part of the plan group work. It should be noted that none of the teachers noted the possibilities of the game for the development of the beginnings. logical thinking in older preschool children. Although, as the answers to the third question of the questionnaire showed, in the group room there is material in the corner of mathematics, which preschoolers can use for games. This is probably due to the fact that preschoolers show interest in this material situationally, from time to time. Moreover, the number of preschoolers in the corner of mathematics usually does not exceed two or three people.

some disadvantage existing system work preschool teachers as part of the development of the beginnings logical thinking preschoolers can note the lack of interaction with the family in this particular aspect. The efforts of preschool teachers, deprived of family support, will not be able to lead to any significant result. In this regard, we will take this fact into account in our formative work.

The last question of the questionnaire was supposed to help us identify the difficulties that preschool teachers face when work in the direction we are interested in. Teacher responses can be categorized as follows way:

Lack of scientific and methodological literature on development logical thinking at preschoolers in the methodical office of the preschool educational institution;

Insufficient time resources for work in this direction outside school hours.

Thus, the survey of teachers made it possible to identify the existing difficulties in work teachers in development logical thinking in preschoolers. However, we will try to take into account and neutralize all the identified disadvantages within the framework of our formative work.

Parents of preschoolers are a significant subject of the upbringing and educational process. In this regard, we considered it necessary in the process of questioning to find out how they relate to the subject we are studying. problem. The questionnaire for parents consisted of 4 questions.

Based on the results of the survey, we can identify the following moments:

Absolutely all parents consider the development of the beginnings logical thinking in preschoolers, undoubtedly, an important area of ​​activity, along with physical development, spiritual and moral education of children. However, despite this, at home, only 3 out of 20 parents pay targeted attention to the development child's thinking. All this allows us to say that, most likely, parents do not know how to build work on the development of the principles of logical thinking.

Without a clear idea of ​​how work on developing the beginnings of logical thinking at home, parents often do not pay attention to the availability of appropriate didactic material. Therefore, some explanatory work in this direction.

Absolutely all parents noted that they needed Additional Information within our research problems, which allows us to include work with parents of preschool children in the list of key areas of formative work.

Thus, analyzing the data of the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we can conclude that teachers are not sufficiently focused on the development of principles. logical thinking in children: filling interaction with children with a variety of information, teachers do not pay attention to the development of the beginnings logical thinking outside of class, methods and means of their application, which made it necessary for us at the formative stage of the study to think over the content and forms of specially organized activities aimed not only at the development of principles logical thinking in specially organized classes, but also in the daily activities of preschoolers. An important direction in work over the development of logical thinking preschoolers should be work with parents, which will allow us to combine efforts, which may have a positive effect on the result.

The methods of pedagogical research include experimental search work and experimental work. Let us dwell on the characteristics of each of these methods.

Experienced-priest forged work - one of the research methods that involves making changes to the pedagogical process only taking into account previously obtained positive results. In the course and according to the results of experimental and search work, one can judge whether it makes sense to introduce changes into the pedagogical process, whether success will be achieved and the effectiveness of introducing, for example: changes in the content of the subject being studied, the practice of education, etc. will be achieved.

The results of experimental and search work are most often evaluated according to qualitative criteria and indicators; levels of achievement in this case can be classified as low, medium, high. At the same time, it should be noted that the formation of experimental and control groups is allowed, the corresponding measurements are carried out and their mathematical processing at the level of comparison of the results obtained, as a rule, in percent.

In the course of experimental and search work, researchers obtain approximate results, which, nevertheless, have quite convincing evidence due to the massive nature of the research results (A.Ya. Nain).

Control groups- these are groups of subjects in which nothing changes in the process of conducting experimental search, experimental work, as well as a pedagogical experiment.

Experimental groups- these are groups of subjects in which new content, new methods, new techniques, technologies, pedagogical conditions, etc. are being introduced.

O lush-experimental work- a method of introducing deliberate changes in the pedagogical process, designed to obtain an educational effect, with subsequent verification. Experimental work is a means of testing a hypothesis. This method research acts as a kind of experiment.

The experimental work is based on an experiment in which the researcher not only provokes or creates conditions for observing the expected patterns, but organizes special control in the form of managing variables that affect the course of a particular process.

Distinguish traditional And factorial plans for experimental work. In traditional planning, only one independent variable changes; with factorial - several. If the area under study is relatively unknown and there is no system of hypotheses, then one speaks of aerobatic experimental work, the results of which may help clarify the direction of further research.

The theoretical basis of experimental work can be the works of M.A. Danilova, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.V. Kraevsky, A.A. Kyveryalga, A.M. Novikova, N.O. Yakovleva.

The functions of experimental work, according to V.V. Kraevsky, consist in obtaining reliable knowledge, and not in the experimental recreation of the pedagogical process itself. The introduction of changes in the pedagogical process on the basis of trends and patterns identified in the experimental work is the subject of research.

IN AND. Zagvyazinsky defines experimental work as a scientifically delivered experience in the field of educational or educational work in order to search for new, more effective ways solutions to pedagogical problems.

A.M. Novikov understands experimental work as a general empirical research method, the essence of which is that phenomena and processes are studied under controlled and controlled conditions.

When organizing experimental work, it is necessary to take into account such conditions for the effectiveness of its implementation, such as:

  • analysis of the state of the problem in the theory and practice of the work of an educational institution;
  • concretization of the hypothesis based on the study of the state of the problem in theory and practice;
  • the need to exchange information between the subject and object of the pedagogical process.

The planning of experimental work should be carried out taking into account the purpose, subject, hypothesis, research objectives and the main provisions of the project-oriented approach.

In accordance with this, a program of experimental work is being developed, which includes as the main components pedagogical goal, purpose and objectives of experimental work, hypothesis, criteria and means of evaluating the expected results.

Conducting experimental work involves the following organization:

  • development of a program of experimental work;
  • determination of the stages of experimental work;
  • development of a criterion-level scale;
  • formation of experimental and control groups;
  • analysis and generalization of the results of the work carried out.

Conducting experimental work should be carried out in accordance with the characteristics inherent in the experiment: deliberate changes in the activities of the experimental groups, taking into account the goal and the hypothesis put forward.

Depending on the logic of the experimental work, the stages of experimental work are substantiated, for example: ascertaining, forming and generalizing. At each stage, its tasks are formulated, the results are determined, which were intermediate on the way to achieving the goal of experimental work. An example of defining the functions and tasks of experimental work is presented in Table. 10.

For each stage of experimental work, a set of research methods is determined and used, which would provide a reliable solution to the tasks set. The set of research methods is a comprehensive research methodology that allows you to test and refine the hypothesis.

Table 10

Functions and tasks of the stages of experimental work

Stage tasks

experimental work



  • identification of the state of the problem of economic education in pedagogical practice:
  • development of criteria and indicators of economic education of students;
  • determination of the initial level of economic education of students



  • determination of the purpose, tasks of experimental work;
  • determination of key positions, the main idea of ​​experimental work;
  • prediction of research results


  • planning the organization of experimental work;
  • organization of experimental verification of individual questions

The end of the table. 10

Stage II: formative


  • approbation and experimental evaluation of the key provisions of the study (approbation of the main components of the technology for the implementation of additional economic education);
  • implementation of the didactic model when introducing the technology of additional economic education;
  • implementation of teaching activities in institutions of higher education, training centers enterprises, exchange of experience;
  • determining the conformity of the obtained experimental results with the main theoretical provisions of the study and correcting the technology for implementing the model of additional economic education


  • accounting and fixing changes in the process of additional economic education;
  • determination of the dynamics of economic education of students

Stage III:



  • processing the received data by theoretical analysis and methods mathematical statistics;
  • generalization, systematization and description of the results of the study;
  • clarification of the theoretical and experimental conclusions of the study


  • implementation of the results of the study into the practice of the work of institutions of higher education and secondary education;
  • popularization of the ideas of additional economic education by highlighting the accumulated positive experience in educational institutions

Consider an example. We list the main methods of experimental work at each of the stages indicated in Table. 10:

  • ascertaining - observation, survey (questionnaire, interviewing, testing), pedagogical monitoring;
  • formative- survey, observation, study of the results of educational activities of students, evaluation method: creation of diagnostic situations, method of expert evaluation;
  • generalizing - estimation, statistical methods of data processing and testing of the put forward hypothesis, discussion of the results of the work done, etc.

Theoretical and empirical methods ensure the conduct of experimental work, its analysis and discussion of the results.

The results of the ascertaining stage can be presented as follows: “Analysis of the data obtained during the first stage of the experimental work showed that different motives of educational activity dominate among students at different stages of learning. This is clearly shown by the table compiled on the basis of the research data, which reveals the hierarchy of motives for teaching students in each course (Table 11).

Table II

Hierarchy of motives of full-time university students


Representation of motives by courses, %

The main motives of educational activities at the university



The motive of creative achievement and self-development


Social motives

Causal motives

Studying the motivation for studying at a university

Acquisition of knowledge

Mastery of a profession

Getting a diploma

The researchers used the following methods: a group version of the methodology "Studying the motives of students' educational activities" (compiled by A.A. Rean and V.A. Yakunin), "The main motives of educational activities at the university" (modified test by Yu.M. Orlov), "Studying motivation education at the university "(T.I. Ilyin's test)".

The basis for the experimental work should be based on the following principles:

  • objectivity;
  • the adequacy of research approaches and means to obtain true knowledge about the object of study;
  • accounting for continuous change, development of the elements under study;
  • the principle of systematic study of the process, phenomenon, object under study.

Prior to the start of experimental work, the researcher must identify the criteria for evaluating the process and determine the indicators.

Criteria- these are the qualities, properties, signs of the object under study, on the basis of which one can judge its state and level of functioning.

For example, the criteria can be learning motivation, activity, independence, self-management, the quality of knowledge, the degree of formation of self-educational skills, etc.

Indicators- these are quantitative or qualitative characteristics of each quality, property, attribute of the object under study, which is a measure of the formation of a particular criterion.

Let's take an example. In the process of organizing experimental work, the levels of economic education of future specialists were determined.

To implement this task, indicators were identified that make up their substantive basis:

  • By meaningful criterion - completeness of ideas about the basic economic concepts, their personal meaningfulness;
  • By social and moral - students' attitude to economic culture as a value, positive personal emotional reaction and assessment of the importance of economic knowledge and relations in society, the degree of involvement in them;
  • By activity-reflexive criterion - readiness for economic activity for their own benefit, society and the state. the ability to make adequate decisions and evaluate their actions in the conditions of the emerging new Russian economy (Table 12).

Based on a set of criteria and their indicators, the levels of economic education of future specialists were identified. Adhering to the three-level scale adopted in most countries of the world - minimal (minimal), general (general), and advanced (advanced) levels, high, medium and low levels of economic education of future teachers are highlighted in the work.

Table 12

Criteria and indicators for assessing the level of economic education of students



Grading method

Completeness of ideas about the basic economic concepts, their personal meaningfulness

Observation, individual conversations, survey, questioning: methods of role interaction, studying the results of educational activities

social and moral

The attitude of students to economic culture as a value, a positive personal emotional reaction and an assessment of the significance of economic knowledge and relations in society, the degree of involvement in them

Observation, analysis of oral answers, participation in discussions, business games, solving economic problems and situations, defense of projects; expert review



Readiness for economic activity, the ability to make adequate decisions and assess their actions in the emerging new Russian economy

Observation, survey, self-assessment, analysis of participation in business games, discussions, situational seminars, expert assessment, questioning

Criteria for assessing the quality of knowledge must meet the requirements (Table 13).

Table 13

Requirements for the criteria for assessing the quality of knowledge

Effective criteria and their correct use stimulate the improvement and intensification of the pedagogical process.

In pedagogical research, methods are usually applied in combination. Only under this condition the task will be solved correctly, the scientific laws of this or that pedagogical process will be revealed.

The methods discussed in this chapter are often called methods of empirical knowledge of pedagogical phenomena. They serve as a means of collecting scientific and pedagogical facts that are subjected to theoretical analysis.

The success of a pedagogical experiment, experimental work is determined by the fulfillment of a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions.

The organizational and pedagogical conditions include the following:

  • 1. Planning (determining the stages of the experiment or experimental work and the timing of their implementation; formulating tasks for each stage and the content of the study at the selected stage; clarifying the methodology for conducting the experiment or experimental work at each stage; identifying the criteria for the effectiveness of changes made to the educational or educational process for each of the indicated stages).
  • 2. Determination of experimental and control groups (classes), approximately the same in terms of the level of training.
  • 3. Selection of teachers with approximately the same level of professional and methodological training.

All other conditions should be the same for experimental and control groups.

The results obtained should be processed with the help of qualitative and quantitative methods processing of experimental data. At present, it is becoming obvious that at the level of qualitative descriptions alone it is hardly possible to deduce patterns of upbringing and education. Mathematical processing of the obtained results is required. Reliability, validity and correlations are determined using the methods of mathematical statistics (A.Ya. Nain). And only a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods for processing experimental data can bring the researcher closer to the true result with a certain degree of accuracy.

Under experienced work in pedagogical research is understood as the organization of practical activities by the author in accordance with the experience available in the literature and practice without any constructive author's changes.

In this regard, the second chapter (practice-oriented) includes a description of the methods of work; substantiation of forms and methods of organizing the activities of the individual, the children's team; analysis of technologies used, etc.

Experimental and search work is based on various practical research methods : observation, conversation, experiment, test, personality questionnaires, projective methods, questioning, interviewing, sociometry, analysis of products of children's activities, analysis of documentary sources, game.

Distinguish stating and forming stages of experimental and search work.

Target ascertaining stage - measuring the current level of development (for example, the level of development of abstract thinking, moral and volitional qualities of a person, etc.). Thus, the source material is obtained, which helps to build a program of pedagogical actions and psychological corrections for the formative stage of the experiment.

Formative The (transforming, teaching) stage aims not to simply state the level of formation of this or that activity, the development of certain aspects of the psyche, but their active formation or upbringing. In this case, a special experimental situation is created, which allows not only to identify the conditions necessary for organizing the required behavior, but also to experimentally carry out the purposeful development of new types of activity, complex mental functions and to reveal their structure more deeply.

In such an experiment, the proof is based on a comparison of the states of two objects of observation - the experimental and control groups. The experimental group is the group that was affected by the experimental factor, the control group is the group where it was not affected. In all other respects, the conditions for the activity of these groups are aligned, and the composition of the groups is also aligned. If certain changes are observed in the experimental group after exposure to the factor under study, but not in the control group, the hypothesis can be considered confirmed.

It is possible to conduct an experiment on one group, without isolating the control group. In this case, the level of education or upbringing, or some other parameters (depending on the goals of the experiment) is measured before and after the experiment.

Summing up the results of experimental and search work, it is very important for a novice research not only to establish external changes that are recorded when comparing the initial and resulting data, but to try to explain them by establishing a relationship between the subject of research of their work and its object. In this case, practical work, indeed, can act as a criterion of "truth".

In design and methodological The papers do not provide for the organization and conduct of a formative and control experiment. The structure of the second (practical) chapter of this type of final work may include a description of diagnostic methods, a project of pedagogical activity to solve the problem posed (a system of didactic exercises, games, educational activities, etc.), methodological recommendations.
