Disable all services on mts. MTS services: paid and free options

Today, the number of MTS network users is in the millions. Most people are satisfied with the quality of communication and the services offered. But more and more often, subscribers are faced with a situation where money disappears without a trace from their accounts. Today we will tell you how to disable paid services on MTS. Take a notepad and write it down.

Receiving the information

First of all, you need to find out the paid services on MTS connected to the number. Perhaps you have not used some of them for a long time, but you regularly pay for them.

It also happens that the subscriber activated the service when it was still free. But over time for its use with mobile account money began to be withdrawn.

You will learn how to disable paid services a little later. In the meantime, you need to get a list of options that have been activated on the MTS number. You can do this in one of the following ways:

1. Contacting the technical support service. We dial 0890 and wait for the answer of the "live" operator. We tell him the essence of the problem. He will tell you about the next steps.

2. Visit to the MTS office. If you do not want to resolve such issues by phone, then go to the nearest communication salon. Be sure to take your passport and the contract concluded with MTS with you.

3. Sending a message. This method is available to all MTS subscribers. A list of paid services is sent to the number at your request. You just need to send an SMS with the number "1" to the number 8111.

4. Internet assistant. We go to the official page of the operator. Select the "Services and Services" tab, and then the "Service Management" item. At the same second, a list of options activated by the subscriber should appear on the screen.

5. USSD request. Dial *152*2# on the telephone keypad and make a call. The display will show complete list previously connected services. More detailed information about each of them can be found on the operator's website.

MTS numbers: disabling paid services

You received a list on your phone. activated options. Disabling paid services that are no longer needed will not be difficult. But you have to spend certain time. With the help of an SMS sent to number 111, it will not be possible to disable all services at the same time. Each specific option has its own activation / deactivation code.

How to disable paid services on MTS

Do you think your cell phone bills have gone up lately? Then turn off those options that you do not need. To do this, you need to send a USSD request with a special code.

What services can you do without?

1. "You got a call." If your mobile phone is always on, then this option is simply useless. To disable, dial 21130.

2. "Conference call". This service allows you to simultaneously communicate with several subscribers at once. Deactivation occurs at the number 21150.

3. "Everywhere at home." Immediately after the trip, disable this option by dialing 21500.

4. "Weather". Why pay for a daily forecast when you can listen to it for free on the radio or on TV? To disable the option, send a USSD request to the short number 4751.

How to refuse paid services on MTS? Special codes:

  • "On full trust" - 21180;
  • "Call forwarding" - 2110;
  • "Favorite number" - 21410;
  • "Black List" - *111*442*2#;
  • "Beep" - *111*29#;
  • "News" - *111*1212*2#.

"Content ban"

We reported on how to disable paid services on MTS. But the refusal of certain options in some cases does not solve the problem, and the money from the account continues to disappear in an unknown direction. What's the matter? You may have been the victim of a scammer. There is one more option. It is possible that funds are withdrawn from your account for subscriptions and the use of certain services. Once you connected them, not knowing that they are provided on a paid basis.

MTS is doing everything possible to protect its customers from scammers and distributors of viral content. Recently, experts have developed a lot of services aimed at combating spam. We will talk about one of them now. It's called Content Ban.

This service is easy to use and very useful. After activating it, your number will no longer receive annoying advertising mailings, spam and messages from various kinds of Internet scammers. What is the essence of the service? All incoming SMS sent from short numbers will be blocked. "Prohibition of content" is also useful in that with the help of it, parents can restrict their children's access to paid services or dubious numbers. At the same time, the service does not apply to messages received from the MTS operator, as well as from banking and payment systems. All important notifications will arrive on time.

"Prohibition of content": activation

You can use this option free of charge. To connect it, dial 0890 and make a call. The operator will tell you about the next steps.

The second way is to contact service center MTS. Don't forget to take your passport and contract for the provision of mobile services. There is a third option - to make an electronic application on the official website of the company.

If, after activating the service, your number continues to receive messages with dubious content, then you need to do the following. Forward this SMS to 633 or send to email box [email protected]

Cancellation of the "Content Ban" service

You must understand that disabling this option will significantly reduce the security level of your number. But if you still decide to deactivate the Content Ban service, then choose one of the following methods:

1. Call to the operator. We dial 0890. We are waiting for the answer of the "live" operator. The disadvantage of this method is that all 0890 lines are often busy.

2. Internet assistant. We go to the official website of MTS. Enter the login and password to access the " Personal Area". Select "My Account". The Services tab will open on the screen. Click on the link and select the desired service from the list that appears. Let's deactivate it.

3. Through social networks. There are official MTS groups in both Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. To deactivate the service, you just need to send a request to technical support. When switching to corporate rate"Prohibition of content" is disabled automatically. Therefore, be careful.

Mobile internet deactivation

Situations are different. Yesterday you actively used the mobile Internet, and today the need for it has disappeared. How to turn it off? There are several ways:

1. We dial 111 and listen to the instructions from the autoinformer. We independently perform the deactivation of the service.

2. We send a message to number 111 with the numbers 9950. After that, a notification will be sent to the mobile phone about the successful operation.

3. We dial 0890, and when the answering machine works, add the number 0.

4. We go to the company's website. We disable the service using the Internet assistant.

5. If none of the above items suits you, then it makes sense to contact the MTS office. Managers will ask you to fill out a special form, after which they will deactivate the service.

Cancellation of unlimited internet

If you no longer use the SuperBeat option, then disable it. How to do it?

Option number 1 - send a message to number 111 with the numbers 2520.

Option number 2 - send a USSD request by dialing *111*252*2#.

Option number 3 - visit the official website of MTS and deactivate through the "Personal Account".


Now you know how to disable paid services on MTS. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions contained in the article. Then you are protecting yourself from spam, annoying ads and waste of money.

In order to disable paid services, you need to find out if there are any of these on your number:

  • For help dial *152*2# and press the call button.
  • Or send an SMS with the text 1 to the number 8111 . This free service called "My Services".

Having received in response SMS all the comprehensive information about the services used, and realizing that you no longer need to use some of them, follow these steps:

1. The most reliable way to disable paid MTS services is to find out the names of your "paid services" and "paid subscriptions" using the above number, open the official MTS website. Next, in the upper right corner in the search bar, enter this name. For example, "Free Time". In the search results that appear on the page, select the description of this service, follow the link. There will be indicated the cost of using it per day, a description and a command to disable it. Dial a command on your mobile. For example, for "Free time" it is *111*2121# and then "Challenge". Everything, more money for it will not be written off from you.

2. Option two: contact the service technical support and ask the operator to disable all services and services provided to you for money. Dial free number 0890 from your mobile, follow the voice prompts and wait for the operator's response. Be prepared for the fact that you have to "hang" on the phone for quite some time.

3. Contact a consultant at any MTS communication salon, taking your passport with you. Remember that this method requires you to be the owner of the SIM card.

5. If MTS-Service is installed on your phone, By dialing the symbols on the phone *111# and then "Challenge".

Commands to disable some services

For convenience, here are a couple of commands. If there are no symbols among them to disable the service provided to you, then open the MTS website and follow our tips from point 1. Do not forget to indicate your home region on the website (the one where you bought your SIM card): you can select it at the top of the page, just below the site header.

So, to say goodbye to services:

  • "You've been called!" dial *111*38# and challenge;
  • "I'm in touch" dial *111*211420# and challenge.

The question of how to disable MTS services is asked by many subscribers of this operator, because cases when a company imposes on its customers paid services, is far from uncommon.

If you have noticed that lately funds have been disappearing from your account somewhere or the subscription fee has suddenly increased according to the tariff, most likely, a certain service from MTS “eats” the money. This article will tell you how to disable paid services on mts yourself. If you want to know how to disable the paid subscriptions of this operator, then you can find instructions in.

How to find out what paid services are connected to your MTS number?

Before turning off anything, you should pay for which services your funds are spent on. The point is that there is no universal way, which would immediately, in one go, get rid of all paid options. Therefore, you will have to deactivate the connected services one by one.

  • Find out the list of connected MTS services you can send an empty SMS to the number 8111. In response, you will receive a message with a list of all connected services (paid and free). If the number 8111 send SMS with text 1, then an SMS with a list of paid services will be returned. SMS with the text 0 will allow you to see a list of active free services.
  • You can also check which paid services and subscriptions are connected to your number using the service command ✶ 152 # .

    Enter this request on your phone, and in the menu that appears, select the item "Your Paid Services", or immediately dial the direct command ✶ 152 ✶ 2 # . Now you can choose: get information about paid services or find out about those connected to your number paid subscriptions. In response, you will receive an SMS message about connected services and instructions on how to disable them.

How to disable paid services on MTS from your phone? USSD and SMS commands

The vast majority of paid services can be disabled on your own. You just need to send a certain USSD command from your phone or send SMS to service number. In this list you will find commands to disable the most common MTS paid services:

  • Disable the service "Beep" (GOOD'OK) the combination ✶ 111 ✶ 29 # will help
  • USSD commands ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # and ✶ 111 ✶ 338 # will disable the service "You've been called".
  • The key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # is designed to disable the MTS service. And it can also be deactivated by sending an SMS with the text 33330 to the short number 111.
  • To disable the service "Child under supervision" and completely remove your family's data from the service, send an SMS with the text DELETE to 7788.
  • Disable the service "Locator" you can send an SMS to number 6677 with the text OFF. If you send an SMS with the text PACKET STOP to the same number, the service will be suspended. This will stop charging the subscription fee for the option, and the list of friends will be saved.
  • To deactivate a service "Full Trust" MTS use the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 32 #.
  • Option "All Russia" disabled by key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 895 # .
  • To disable the service "Call for free on MTS Russia 100" send SMS with the text 8680 to number 111 or use the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 868 # .
  • To disable the service "Internet Assistant", enter the command ✶ 111 ✶ 24 # on your phone.
  • To disable an option "MTS TV" use one of the following commands:
    ✶ 999 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 999 ✶ 2 # - with a daily subscription;
    ✶ 997 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 997 ✶ 2 # - for a monthly subscription.
  • Disable the service MTS Music (MTS Music) USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 9590 # will help.
  • Disable the service "BIT" you can use the USSD request ✶ 111 ✶ 252 ✶ 2 # .
  • The command ✶ 111 ✶ 628 ✶ 2 # will remove the option "SuperBIT".
  • The combination ✶ 111 ✶ 62 # will help get rid of the option "MiniBIT".
  • Disabling an option "SuperBIT Smart" is done using the command ✶ 111 ✶ 8650 # .
  • Renounce the hassle "GPRS" you can send the command ✶ 111 ✶ 17 #
  • Deactivate service "Favorite Number" let command ✶ 111 ✶ 43 #
  • To get rid of the service "Neighbouring regions", dial USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 2110 #
  • USSD request ✶ 111 ✶ 442 ✶ 2 # will delete the service "Black list".
  • By sending the command ✶ 111 ✶ 47 # from your phone, you will deactivate the service "Caller ID".
  • Disable the service "Call Forward" the command ✶ 111 ✶ 41 # will help.

Another option to disable connected services on MTS directly from your phone is to install the application on your smartphone "My MTS". With it, you can not only manage paid services and subscriptions on your number by turning them off or on, but also check the balance (basic and bonus), top up your account, control balances on minutes packages, Internet traffic and SMS, change tariff plan and much more.

You can find and install the application on your smartphone in Google Play(for Android 2.3 and above), iTunes (for iOS 7.1 and above), or Windows Store(for WP 8.1 and up).

We disable MTS services through the "Personal Account"

Another way to refuse paid MTS services is to use the "Personal Account". It is located at https://login.mts.ru/. Registration in this service will not take much time: you only need to enter your phone number and password from SMS, or you can log in to the site through your account from social networks.

Having gained access to the "Personal Account", you can disable unnecessary MTS services in just one kick.

To do this, go to the section "Tariffs and Services" and select "Service Management". You will be redirected to a page with a list of services active on your number.

Opposite each option, you will see information about its cost and connection date. You just have to carefully review the list and refuse unnecessary services by clicking on the "Disable" button opposite each of them. After that, an SMS with a report on disabled services will be sent to your phone.

Some MTS services cannot be disabled either in the "Personal Account", or via SMS, or USSD commands. For example, from the options " Parental control” or “Content ban” can only be refused through the contact center (), or in the MTS store.

I hope that the information from this article helped you figure out how to disable MTS services. If you know of other ways or you know how to disable any paid service that was not mentioned in the article, I will be glad to hear your comment!

The mobile operator MTS provides its subscribers with many different services. Such a number of services is not always necessary for the user cellular communication, so the question often arises of how to disable MTS services.

Some services provided by the operator are free, others require constant replenishment of the balance. Therefore, first you need to understand what kind of paid services and services you have connected.

How to find out about connected MTS services?

  1. Contact the MTS technical support operator. To do this, dial the number 0890.
  2. Contact the nearest MTS office. Upon presentation of a passport, an employee of the center will provide a list of connected services.
  3. Send an SMS message to 8111. You can find out about paid services by entering the number 1 in the SMS, about free services - the number 0. When sending a message without text or with other characters, information about all connected services will be provided.
  4. Use the "Internet Assistant" on the site mts.ru. To do this, select the "Services and Services" tab, then "Service Management". After that, all the services to which the subscriber is connected will appear on the screen.
  5. The key combination *152*2# will also help you get a complete list of connected services.

How to refuse unnecessary MTS services?

The technical support operator or office employee, who announced the list of services provided when contacting, can disable paid services that the user does not need. Some services, such as "Content ban" (blocking the receipt and sending of messages to short numbers) and "Internet" (full Internet access), cannot be deleted in any other way.

With the help of SMS sent to number 111, it will not be possible to disable all services at the same time. You will have to refuse separately from each service, and for this you need to know which numbers correspond to disabling one or another option.

Delete services without leaving your phone

To disable a certain service, just call the short number or dial USSD command on the phone.

  • "AON" (identification of the number of an incoming call) - 21130
  • “You were called” (information about all calls received during the phone disconnection) - 211410
  • "Conference call" (communication with several participants in the conversation at the same time) - 21150
  • "Everywhere at home" (long-distance calls throughout Russia for 3 rubles per minute) - 21500
  • “Favorite number” (sending SMS, MMS, calls to the favorite number declared by the subscriber are paid 50% cheaper) - 21410
  • "Super Beat" ( unlimited Internet throughout Russia with high speed for 190 rubles per month) - 2520
  • "Call Forwarding" (allows you to transfer calls coming to your phone to any other number you choose) - 2110
  • "Weather" (daily weather forecast) - 4751
  • "On full trust" (the ability to continue communication up to -300 rubles on the account) - 21180
  • "Zero Without Borders" (free international calls from the first minute of conversation) - 330
  • The command *111* 442*2# will remove the Black List service - blocking incoming SMS and calls from unwanted numbers.
  • By dialing *999*0*1#, you can disable the Mobile TV service - 100 channels for children, entertainment, information programs and movies for 8 rubles a day.
  • By dialing *111*1212*2#, you will disable the "News" service - the ability to receive news on your phone according to your preferences.
  • The combination *111*29# will get rid of the "Beep" service - music instead of the standard beep.

You can use the Internet and go to the official website of MTS (mts.ru) and click on the link "Personal Account" at the top. After completing the standard registration procedure and receiving a password, you will have the opportunity to refuse the service via the Internet, as well as always control the connection and disconnection additional services and MTS services. To disable it, just click the "Delete" button next to the service you do not need.
