Presentation on the topic of people and information. Educational project "man and information"

Man and Information

Subject, class

Informatics, biology, anatomy. 8th grade

Project summary

The project is intended for students of the 8th grade on the topic "Information and information processes", it forms students' holistic ideas about the concepts of information and information processes, ways of presenting information, properties of information. Children in the process of research reveal information in nature, society and technology. Investigate ways of encoding and decoding information, as well as determine the units of measurement of information. The process of integration of the studied material in biology, anatomy, computer science is carried out on the basis of the generality of the object of study (information). This will help them answer the questions posed in the project.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental question

Who rules the world?

Problematic issues

1) Why do people encode information?

2) Do the methods of encoding information depend on time and location?

3) Why is it important to preserve the genetic code?

4) What properties should a wikiarticle have?

5) Why did it become necessary to measure information?

6) Why are cyborg movies popular?

Study questions

1) How did they communicate in ancient times?

2) What is genetic information?

3) Are there properties of the genetic code?

4) How do living organisms receive, transmit and use information?

5) What properties are inherent in information?

6) How is the amount of information measured?

7) What should be the properties of information disseminated by the media?

8) What are the properties of information distributed via the Internet?

9) How are information processes used in technology?

10) Why do we need robots?

Project plan

1. Formulation of the theme of the project, its goals and objectives.

2. Compilation by the teacher of the business card of the project, methodological and didactic materials for the project and their placement on the network.

3. Stages of project implementation.

Acquaintance with the project (introductory presentation), formulation of problems to be solved in the project

Formation of groups for research

The work of students in finding materials for the project, processing information

Implementation of didactic tasks for the project

Joint discussion in groups of project results

Registration of research results in the form of presentations and publications, wiki articles

Posting student work results online

4. Presentation of the results of the project at the lesson-conference.

5. Evaluation of the work on the project by the participants, the teacher.

6. Summing up

Teacher Publication

Booklet for students and parents

Teacher presentation to identify student perceptions and interests

Example of student project activity product

Man in the world of information

Materials for formative and final assessment

At the beginning of the project activity, an assessment of the initial knowledge of students (test) is carried out. During the teacher's presentation, students express their assumptions about the concept of information, properties of information. This motivates them to do research on the project. Taking into account the requirements of the standard, the goals of students in the project, criteria for evaluating future works (presentation, booklet, wiki - article, website, etc.) are compiled, according to which control and self-control in groups takes place. After the completion of the work on the project, a conference is held, where students' presentations with the results of their work are heard. It evaluates the depth of the study, the consistency of the material presented, creativity, the ability to argue in front of an audience, defend one's point of view, participate in discussions, and ask questions.

Answer to the fundamental question

Who owns the information - he owns the world!

Didactic materials

Assignment on the topic "Properties of Web 2.0 services"

Assignment on the topic "Coding information"

Information encoding.

The sages say: "Who owns knowledge, he owns the world!" This thesis can just as well be applied to obtaining information in modern human society. Today man and information are closely linked. And here the rule works well: whoever found out first wins, and whoever finds out late loses.

Man and Information

Knowing the environment, people always come into contact with. At the beginning, at the first stage of interaction, absorption occurs and this helps (and sometimes forces) to correctly assess the events taking place in society and the world. So, at the second stage of interaction, data analysis takes place, their qualitative processing by the brain. And then a personal opinion is already developed, a judgment about the event. As a result, a person and the information received by him merge as much as possible, acquiring a personal aspect.

Origin and meaning of the word

The very concept of "information" comes from the Latin word information (clarification, information). This concept is a general scientific category, which has many definitions and interpretations. If you do not go too deep into discrepancies, then we can say that in everyday life information is identified with the information received, knowledge in oral, visual, written, electronic form (in our days of universal computerization). Information in plays an important role. For example, it allows you to increase the level of knowledge on a particular issue of interest to the individual. And the exchange of information forms a more voluminous idea of ​​the subject of discussion.

Information in human life

Since ancient times, the possession of information was considered the lot of the elite. It is no secret that in some ancient communities education was not allowed to the common people, or everything was done to make knowledge difficult to access. Priests and high priests, monks in secret monasteries, hermit healers in every possible way hid information from commoners, not allowing them into the holy of holies.

Today, a person in the world of information gets access relatively freely to any source of interest to him. Openness of information is one of the main conditions. This is directly related to the development world wide web encircling all the continents of the globe. Man and information in the material world of today are much more closely interconnected than in previous eras. And any average citizen of a free country has the right to free access: you can’t hide an awl in a bag!

Mass media

In the current social society Mass media play an important role for a person. With their help, people learn about major and minor events in science, culture, politics, and other industries. Initially, it was newspapers and radio that published articles and verbally told about what had happened. Then TV appeared as a powerful lever that still influences many minds. After, with the development of the Internet - electronic means information that can be safely called truly massive: some articles and videos are gaining millions of views, which means that they have been used by a great many people in many countries of the world.

Meaning and properties

In our high-speed world, which is not accidentally called the information age, a lot depends on it: the development of society, economic and political, the very life of people, their safety and health. Analyzing information received from various sources (as a rule, experienced journalists, for example, use at least three confirmed ones), correspondents evaluate its comprehensibility, relevance to this stage, usefulness for society, ethics, reliability. Moreover, in different situations, different properties of the same data come to the fore. For example, a news broadcast on TV should contain maximum reliability and relevance about the events of today or the past week. And a popular science article in an electronic newspaper contains a maximum of useful and interesting information supported by scientific data.

In today's world, "information" is as close as possible. We can say that there is no information without information, and without a person - there is no information that is processed, published and analyzed by people!

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Man and information. Completed by: Student of group 125 Galikhanov Almaz Fidanovich Specialty 09 02 03 Programming in computer systems Head: Salytova Ekaterina Andreevna

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Information - information about objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and state, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incompleteness of knowledge about them. *

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Related to the concept of information are concepts such as signal, message, and data. A signal is any process that carries information. A message is information presented in a specific form and intended to be transmitted. Data is information presented in a formalized form and intended for processing by technical means, for example, a computer. *

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Classification of information: On the basis of "area of ​​origin" information is divided into: 1. Elementary - reflects the processes and phenomena of inanimate nature. 2. Biological - reflects the processes of flora and fauna. 3. Social - reflects the processes of human society. *

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According to the method of transmission and perception, information is distinguished: 1. Visual - transmitted by visible images and symbols. 2. Tactile - transmitted by sensations. 3. Organoleptic - transmitted by smells and taste. 4. Machine - issued and perceived by means of computer technology. *

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Information created and used by a person, according to public purposes, is divided into types: 1. Mass: socio-political, popular science. 2. Special: scientific, technical, economic, managerial. 3. Personal: individual. *

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According to the form of presentation, information is divided into: 1. Discrete form - a sequence of symbols that characterizes a discontinuous, changing value 2. Analog or continuous form - a value that characterizes a process that does not have interruptions or gaps *

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Possible operations with data: data collection - accumulation of information in order to ensure sufficient completeness for decision-making; formalization of data - bringing data from different sources to the same form in order to make them comparable with each other, that is, to increase their level of accessibility; data filtering - sifting out "superfluous" data that is not necessary for decision making; at the same time, the level of "noise" should decrease, and the reliability and adequacy of the data should increase; sorting data - ordering data according to a given attribute for ease of use; increases the availability of information; *

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data archiving - organization of data storage in a convenient and easily accessible form; serves to reduce the economic costs of data storage and increases the overall reliability of the information process as a whole; data protection - a set of measures aimed at preventing the loss, reproduction and modification of data; data transportation - receiving and transmitting data between remote participants in the information process; data transformation is the transfer of data from one form to another or from one structure to another. Data conversion is often associated with a change in the type of media, for example, books can be stored in ordinary paper form, but both electronic form and microfilm can be used for this. *

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Consider the properties of information: Relevance - the ability of information to meet the needs of the consumer. Completeness is the property of information to exhaustively characterize the object under consideration. Timeliness - the ability of information to meet the needs of the consumer at the right time. Reliability is the property of information not to have hidden errors. Availability is a property of information that characterizes the possibility of obtaining it by a given consumer. Security - a property that characterizes the impossibility of unauthorized use or change. Ergonomics is a property that characterizes the convenience of the form and volume of information from the point of view of a given consumer. *

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A feature of information is that it can be in a static or dynamic state. The static state of information is associated with its long-term storage, accumulation in information funds and databases. A dynamic state - constant movement in the form of flows - is inherent in information that implements in man-machine, automated systems, in which information is exchanged using sign symbols. *

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Informatization of society - is it? the widespread introduction of a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full and timely use of reliable information, generalized knowledge in all socially significant types of human activity. *

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Signs of the information society 1. Most people working in the information society (about 80%) are employed in information sphere, i.e. sphere of production of information and information services. 2. Provided technical, technological and legal access to any member of society virtually anywhere in the territory and at a reasonable time to the information he needs (with the exception of military and state secrets). 3. Information is the most important strategic resource of society and occupies a key place in the economy, education and culture. *

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The scientific foundation of the process of informatization of society is a new scientific discipline - informatics. There are many definitions of computer science, which is associated with the versatility of its functions, capabilities, tools and methods. Informatics is a field of human activity associated with the processes of information transformation using computers and their interaction with the application environment. *

Kadyrova Firuza Mustafaevna,


Secondary School No. 31

[email protected]


The role of informatics in human life

“Every day you should read at least some wise expression”


The role of informatics in the development of society is extremely great. Today in the world there is not a single branch of science and technology that would develop as rapidly as computer science. Every two years there is a change of generations of hardware and software tools computer technology. Actually for last years there was a revolution in the field of transmission, accumulation and processing of information. This revolution affects and radically transforms all areas of human life. Significant increase in opportunities computer technology, development of information networks, creation of new information technologies lead to radical changes in all spheres of society: in production, science, education, medicine, etc. The peoples of the developed countries realize that the improvement of information technology is the most important, albeit costly and difficult task.

Informatization is complex social process associated with significant changes in the way of life of the population. It requires serious efforts in many areas, including the elimination of computer illiteracy, the formation of a culture of using new information technologies, etc.

The purpose of informatization is to improve the quality of life of people by increasing productivity and facilitating their working conditions.

IT is a vital stimulus for the development of various areas of human activity, hardly anyone can name an area where they are not used at least indirectly. From highly specialized areas of heavy industry to things like Twitter or Facebook avatars, information technology is being used directly or indirectly everywhere. Any accounting operations at any enterprise today are carried out using a computer. How effectively the city government works is largely determined by the technical means and the software which it has. Naturally, the use of the latest technologies and technical means does not completely solve all problems, but innovations can greatly simplify and speed up the work of employees. This is especially noticeable in difficult areas. analytical activities, in the processes of generating reports and certificates.

special attention technologies used in the field of education deserve, their importance is difficult to overestimate. You can probably find a school that does not have a computer class only in some very provincial corner. What can we say about the Internet, which provides the student with a lot of information, which can be obtained in a few minutes, without long scribbling over books in the library. Thus, information technology can greatly facilitate the process of education and learning. The speed of information transfer is growing daily, and technological capacities are also increasing. With the help of technical means, people from different parts of the Earth can communicate with each other, the Internet is one of the most popular ways of communication today, mainly because it is publicly available.

Summing up, we can say that information technology has penetrated very deeply into the life of a modern person, and even more than that, it is hardly an exaggeration that without information technology, modern society will not be able to exist in the form in which it is now.
