Phone charger repair. We disassemble the charger from a Siemens mobile phone

Causes of malfunctions of the mobile phone charger

The most common reason for the failure of the memory is a careless attitude towards it during operation.

Phone charger repair

Possible causes of breakdowns of the mobile phone charging unit

1. Broken wire at the plug and at the base of the charging unit. You can break the wires when charging is on during conversations.

You need to pull the plug out of the phone jack not by the wire, but by the plug body.

2. Failure of the elements of the electronic board of the charger. Very often, charging is left plugged in, and not removed from the outlet. At the same time, the entire electronic board of the charger is constantly energized, which reduces the service life of the radio elements of the board.

The wrong order of switching on and off the charger also leads to premature wear of the block elements.

If you disconnect the phone from the charger under voltage, sudden voltage surges occur that exceed the maximum allowable operating voltage of the cells. This is due transient processes arising in the memory when the load is removed (the phone is turned off) under voltage. At correct operation The phone charger is connected and disconnected with the charging turned off.

Do-it-yourself phone charger repair method

You do not need to be a great specialist to find and fix a broken wire from the charging unit to the plug. Damage to the wire can be determined when the phone is connected. Having connected the phone to charging, bend the wire at the plug u of the base of the unit, while observing the continuity of the battery charging process.

In these places, wire breaks most often occur. If a break is found at the very base of the plug, then the wire is cut at a distance of 5-7 mm from the plug. This is necessary in order to be able to solder the whole part of the wire. The soldered wires are insulated separately with a thin heat shrink tube.

When the soldering points of the wires are insulated, a thicker heat shrink tube is put on the plug to stiffen the soldering point. Sometimes a wire break occurs at the very base of the plug, then the plug is completely released from the plastic seal, and the wires are soldered directly to the plug.

Do not reverse the polarity of the plug wires. The place of the break is also found with a multimeter in sound continuity mode or visually. The found place of the wire break is cut off with a small margin on both sides. Clean the wire from the top insulation. Then it is cut, stripped of insulation, twisted and soldered, after putting a thin heat-shrink tube on each wire, and a thicker tube on the common wire.

After soldering, thin tubes are put on the wires and upset by heating them with a soldering iron. At the end, a thicker tube is put on in place of the upset thin tubes so that the thick tube overlaps them in length. When soldering wires, observe the polarity according to their color. A new cable with a plug for your brand of phone can be purchased from specialized stores. Then phone repair comes down to a simple replacement of a faulty wire.

Type of faulty capacitors

Another common malfunction of the phone charger is a violation of the contact of the prongs of the mains plug. The spring-loaded contacts of the mains plug often move away from the contact pads on printed circuit board. To eliminate such a malfunction, it is enough to bend these contacts located inside the block.

Open the cover of the block. It is good if there are screws securing the charger cover, and if they are soldered. In this case, you need to cut a slot around the entire perimeter of the lid with a hacksaw blade for metal with fine teeth. Having eliminated the malfunction, the lid is closed and secured with adhesive tape 1 cm wide.

More complex, but quite affordable for an electrician, are device breakdowns associated with the repair of elements of the phone charger board. First of all, they open the memory and take out the board. Repair begins with a visual inspection of the elements of the printed circuit board and the condition of its tracks.

Scheme of a pulse charger for a phone

When inspecting the elements, attention is paid to swelling of the upper part of the capacitors, darkening and violation of the integrity of the resistors. The darkening of the resistors and the tracks below it indicates that the operating temperature has been exceeded. In this case, the resistor itself is checked for resistance and diodes and transistors are called.

The pinout of transistors and the memory circuit for your brand of phone can be found on the Internet. If it was not possible to visually detect a malfunction, turn on the device and measure the input mains voltage. If the mains voltage is present and a faint sound of the pulse transformer is heard, then measure output voltage block.

Increasingly, people are having problems with a charger failure, which leads to unpleasant consequences, as it becomes impossible to charge the phone if there is no other alternative to the charger. In today's article, we will look at all types of breakdowns and repair of the charger.

And so, to begin with, we will determine the main reasons for the failure of the charger, it can be:

  • Breakage of the supply wire of the device;
  • Damage to the charger unit;
  • Broken contacts, connections or wires in a plug or power supply;

The most common cause of failure of the charger is a break in the internal wires or damage to the connections between the plug or block. In such cases, the device can be taken to service centers or repaired independently. In this article we will consider the second option, as an example we will use Charger with a thin plug from Nokia.

To repair the charger, we need:

  • Ordinary multimeter;
  • Knife for cutting wires;
  • Soldering iron and solders;
  • Insulating tape and heat shrink tubing, if available;
  • A coil of thin copper wire for connecting contacts or damaged parts;

The first thing we will start is looking for damage in the wire or contact connections. It is quite easy to determine the place where the wire broke, this is facilitated by a non-standard color or a smaller diameter of the wire itself.

If it was not possible to visually determine the place of the break, then the damage may not be a wire break at all, but a defect in the connections between the device unit or the charging plug.

Getting Started with Charger Repair. First of all, we cut off the wire in the region of 7-10 cm from the plug, if the gap is not detected, we can reconnect the plug to the power supply. Therefore, it is not advisable to cut the wire close to the plug or power supply, because after that we will not be able to solder it back.

Next, we clean the wire from insulation (the one on the side of the power supply). We take a multimeter and set the maximum allowable voltage to 20V. (You can find out more about how to use a multimeter in). We connect the contacts of the multimeter to the broken and cleaned wires and insert the charger into the network.

If the multimeter shows any value, then there is no damage to the power supply and the wire. In our case, the multimeter showed 7V - this means that the power supply is working properly, since the nominal output voltage of the device is equal to the same value.

We perform the same action with the charger plug. We clean the wire from insulation and insert a thin wire into the inside of the contact wire, this will be needed to accurately measure the nominal value of the plug with a multimeter.

In the multimeter, select the dialing mode and touch one end of the probe to one of the protected wires, and with the other, first to the plug, then to the inserted wire. If the multimeter emits sound signal, then this will mean that there is voltage between the plug and the wire and that the plug itself is working.

If the device has not issued sound alert, then it follows that the plug is defective and its contacts may be damaged. In such cases, you can go to the store and buy a new charger or replace only the plug, but you can also repair it, which we will do now.

If you have another working plug, you can replace it by simply soldering a new one to the old power supply, while it is important to observe the polarity, for this there is a color marking on each cord, you need to solder all the wires according to the corresponding colors.

But sometimes it happens that there is no color marking, in such cases you need to plug the charger into the network, and a new plug to the phone. Next, you need to connect all the wires of the plug to the wires charging block. If the phone goes into charging mode, then you did everything right. If not, then change the wire connections until the phone goes into charging mode.

After that, we proceed to soldering. If you have a heat shrink tube, then before soldering, we put it on one of the wires, after which we solder both ends, observing the polarity, after which we wrap the junction with electrical tape and put the heat shrink tube back on.

But if you do not have an additional plug, then you will have to repair the old one here. To do this, you will need to carefully remove the rubber coating from the old plug with a knife, while trying not to damage the connections of the plug itself.

After that, we check the performance of the plug. We turn on the charging unit in the network and connect the cord to the phone. If everything works, isolate all connections and attach a heat shrink tube to the plug. Then the charger is ready for use.

But it happens that when cutting the wire and checking the voltage, it turned out that it is absent, then in this case you will also have to cut the wire in front of the charging unit, stepping back about 7-10 cm. It is required to protect the wire coming out of the power supply from damage, after which it is necessary to measure the presence of the output voltage. If there is voltage, then this indicates the health of the charging unit.

In our case, it turned out that one conductor of the plug was broken. Visually it is difficult to identify. The best option maybe buying a new wire and soldering it in place of the old one.

In this case, you also need to observe the polarity, and also check the wire contacts before soldering by connecting the charging unit to the network and the plug to the phone. If the phone began to accumulate charge, then you can start soldering the wires, and then insulate them.

If the wire and plug of the charger are good, then the damage is most likely in the charging unit. Perhaps the problem may be in the breaking of contacts inside the charger. To fix the damage, you need to disassemble the charger unit and check all the wires and contacts for a break. If everything is in order with them, then the problem lies in the charger unit itself. At the same time, without having the skills of electrical engineering, you will not be able to repair the charging unit. In this case, you will have to buy a new charger or take the old one to a service center.

DIY lithium battery charger How to make a simple Power Bank with your own hands: a diagram homemade power bank

It turned out that within a month two ordinary Chinese chargers failed. Moreover, no symptoms and hints of the difficult work of the exercises were observed. Just at one point, the phone stopped charging.

And although such chargers are not that expensive, however, there was an interesting desire to find the reason why they stopped working after a short period of time.

Cheap Chinese chargers are non-separable, as they come in a molded case. And if you need to get to the device board, then the case has to be cut or sawn. The most convenient and neat disassembly option is sawing part of the body. Therefore, we take a hacksaw for metal and saw off the upper part imitating the lid in a circle.

Then we remove the board from the case. We do everything carefully so as not to break off the details and not damage the tracks.

Now we produce visual inspection boards on both sides to detect tracks and parts that have been exposed to high temperatures due to a short circuit or overloaded part.

As a rule, in places of strong heating and burnt parts, traces of soot are visible and the color of the varnish differs from the general color. Electrolytic capacitors (barrels) at the top may be swollen.

If no visible violations were found on the board, then most likely the charging circuit is "live" and in this case it is necessary to pay attention to power supply unit, which is a weak point.

The fact is that in order to reduce the cost and automate the assembly of the charger, the manufacturer simplified the supply of voltage to its input and abandoned the wires connecting the input of the board to the metal rods (plug) that connect the charging to the network.

Contact pads are etched on the board, and the board itself is clamped between spring-loaded clamps and metal rods. For current collection, the board is pressed with its contact pads to the latches and is in a clamped position between the latches and metal rods.

Now, more than ever, the number of gadgets per person has reached its maximum value.

Phones, tablets, laptops, miscellaneous wireless headsets- all this abundance of equipment has a power source and, accordingly, a charger for it.

The phone does not charge from the charger - what to do?

Often they carry charges with them in a bag or pocket, and so that they take up a minimum of space, their cords are twisted with a kink and a stretch.

This, in turn, leads to a wire breakage that is almost imperceptible to the eye and charging inoperability. Just break in cord- this is the most common failure in these types of devices, and, frankly, it is a pity to throw it away because of this.

Yes, you can, of course, buy a new one and not suffer, but if the device is non-standard, for example, an old model phone, then it is not always possible to find such a charger. And at the "flea market" you can slip a block with the same problem, and no one needs extra spending.

Therefore, repairing the charger is a useful and worthwhile business.

How to fix a charger for a phone, smartphone, tablet with your own hands

Below, this article will describe a simple and no-requiring special equipment repair method that will give your charger a second life.

In the photo - charging with a problem in the cord.

It is not always visible to the naked eye. It can hide under the thickness of the main (top) insulation and remains almost invisible.

But, as practice shows, a fracture occurs most often near the entrance to the block or at the base of the plug.

To find the place of the break, just connect the included charger to the phone and move the cord in a suspicious place.

As soon as you see that the charge has “started” for a moment, then there is a break in the place where you were moving at that moment.

In this case, after looking closely, the kink and break were visible even without stirring. It just turned out at the entrance to the power supply.

The main problem in the repair of such blocks is that it is not collapsible. Therefore, to get to the electronic board, you need to be careful and some effort.

Using a screwdriver and a knife, you need to pry the base of the back cover and remove it.

Pry off at the point where the cord enters the device. If the entrance is too tight, you can cut the rubber band slightly.

This must be done carefully so as not to cut the wire at all.

Podkovyrnuv screwdriver, trying to lift the cover up.

It may happen that it will crack in half, but more often, as in this case, the cover came off completely, without damage.

It was even seen that it has latches, and in the case of the charger there are recesses for them.
This means that it is possible to put the cover back into place after repair without using glue.
When the cover is removed, you need to pull the printed circuit board out of the case. Since it "sits" tightly, a screwdriver will help to get it. Having rested the screwdriver blade on the case and hooking one of the soldering points with its end, we pull the board out.

The device of the case is such that when the board is inserted inside, its input contacts are connected to the clamps of the power plug pins. Therefore, when installing the board back into the case, you need to take this moment into account.
The photo below shows the board with all its "insides". The wires are soldered on the bottom.

View from the opposite side.

But in the photo there are tracks for input contacts.

The wire will have to be cut below the point where the damage is located. But it is very important to remember which wire is “+” and which is “-”. In some cases, the wires have a matching color, red is the positive and black is the negative.

With color marking, you can safely cut off, and then simply solder the wires, observing the polarity.
In our case, the wires are of the same color, but since the cord is flat, you can trace which side of the cord the wire goes to minus, and which side to plus. Mark, well, and then cut.

Without losing the label, strip and tin the wires on the cord.

Solder them one by one to the board, observing the polarity.

On the printed circuit board at the soldering point, there is usually a polarity marking.

To prevent the cord from dangling at the output, we wind a bandage of black electrical tape around its input. The thickness of the bandage should be such that it enters the slot for the wire and locks into it.

Before installing the cover, check the operation of the device. We turn it on and connect it to the phone. If the phone is this moment not with you, use a DC voltmeter.

Since the internal contact in the socket has a very thin tube, and the probe of the device does not go into it, you can use a piece of thin copper wire to check.

Having inserted it into the tube of the internal contact, we connect the probes of the measuring device to it and the outer terminal of the plug.

The voltmeter shows that voltage is present, which means that the breakdown has been fixed.

Now snap the back cover.

We connect the phone and enjoy the results of the work done.
