Digital television mts personal account. Home phone from mts

In order to check the MTS Internet balance, it is not necessary to visit the operator's office every time or call the Call Center. Here you will find complete instructions how to enter your MTS personal account and get access to the state of your personal account in no more than 30 seconds. No waiting, no long mouse clicks, no queues.

Where to find a personal account and how to get there

You already have a password for your personal account. And it is spelled out in the contract, which was concluded when connecting the Internet. Remember where you put it, find it and continue reading.

So, before checking the balance, carefully inspect the contract for a login and password. These data are necessary in order to be in your personal account. Further development of events has two scenarios:

  1. You have found all the data and are ready to register on the site fully armed. In this case, go to the page in your browser. Here you can find out the balance on your account and pay for home Internet and TV. detailed instructions- through the section (you can just go to it in the table of contents).
  2. Your search has failed. There is no username or password. Then read how to get New Password, in the next section of our article.

How to recover login details

There are several options if you have lost or damaged the agreement and want to recover your login/password for access:

  1. Open this link in a browser - (it is available even from a tablet). You will be asked to enter either a username, or a password, or a phone number, or email.
  2. To get a new password or restore details, visit the nearest MTS office. You can find the address at the following link - If the contract was drawn up in your name, take a copy of your passport with you. If the contract with the provider is registered to another person, you will need a power of attorney on his behalf, certified by a notary. Also, don't forget a copy of the owner's passport.
  3. To receive a password from your personal account, send an application for recovery by e-mail. Here is the shipping address - [email protected]. Samples of such documents can be found here: (section "fixed connection").

Attention! You will not be able to get a password and find out the balance of MTS home Internet if you go to the MTS website, which is intended for mobile users.

How to find out the balance of the Internet through your personal account

Just in case, we will duplicate the address: you need to go to the link You will see a half blank screen with a small square shape. There you need to enter the data that is written in your contract (login and password).

The balance can be viewed immediately after logging in - it is displayed on home page site. Therefore, in order to find out if there is a debt on the account, you do not need to go to other menus.

Also the balance on MTS and the account for cable television completed in the following ways:

  1. WITH e-wallet(for example, "Yandex Money" or Webmoney).
  2. At the Russian Post Office.
  3. Through an ATM ("Sberbank of Russia").
  4. Using Internet banking (in your online account or in mobile application that most companies have).
  5. In any payment terminal.
  6. By filling out the usual receipt that comes in the mail.

Attention! Before depositing the amount, check the system commission for a fixed connection. After all, even a few rubles may not be enough to pay for the Internet for the whole month.

How to check the balance on the account by the digits of the contract number

In order to check the balance by contract number, you need to go to This is the page of the MTS official website, where you can find out the balance on your account without entering your personal account. However, you cannot manage services from it.

MTS is not just a telecom operator, but a provider of access to high-speed Internet and digital television. Today, these services are available to many residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. At MTS, Internet and television are connected via modern communication channels that guarantee high quality connections. In this article, we will discuss the main tariffs and find out what the operator offers to its subscribers.

Access technologies

To access television and the Internet from MTS, two technologies are used:

  • ADSL is an old technology that allows you to organize fairly high-speed access to the Internet and services digital television(up to 24 Mbps). It is very outdated, so it is not popular with subscribers. Internet and television from MTS on such a channel may work unstably (given the low quality of telephone lines and their long length);
  • GPON from MTS - modern technology, which provides for stretching optical channel connections to each apartment. Max speed access via fiber is 1 Gb / s. Such a communication channel allows you to count on a stable Internet connection and high-quality television with many additional services.

MTS offers Internet and television jointly with MGTS (combined companies), so GPON will allow you to get at your disposal not only the Internet, but also telephony.

It is noteworthy that such telephony allows you to move to another house where there is a GPON from MTS, along with your phone number - this is impossible in classic analog telephony. From April 1, 2015, applications for connection to MTS via ADSL are not accepted.

To access home Internet and television from MTS, you must apply for a connection. The most convenient way to do this is through the official website of the operator. note that today MTS accepts applications exclusively for GPON. Only this technology is available for new subscribers. As for ADSL, it works exclusively for old subscribers.

In addition to the MTS website, applications are accepted by the following phones:

  • 8-495-636-0-636 - for connecting MTS TV and Internet in Moscow;
  • 8-800-250-0-050 - for connecting home Internet and television from MTS in the Moscow region.

Please note that you can still connect "Home TV" from MTS - this right can be exercised by persons who are already MTS subscribers or who have submitted an application for connecting "Home Internet" before April 1, 2015. Connecting television services is free of charge, and tariff plans also provide for the provision of the necessary equipment.

Tariff plans for the Internet

MTS tariffs for the Internet and television please with their reasonableness, prices and content. To access the World Wide Web, there are three main tariff plans:

  • 60 Mbps - the cost of access will be 360 ​​rubles / month;
  • 200 Mbps - the cost of access will be 490 rubles / month;
  • 500 Mbps - the cost of access will be 1600 rubles / month.

Also in the arsenal of the MTS operator there are tariffs with daily billing, with the provision of a Wi-Fi modem. They are united by the name "Home-light" and are available to subscribers using telephony. Customers can choose from tariffs with a speed of 6 Mbps for 10 rubles per day and 20 Mbps for 20 rubles per day. There is also a general subscription fee of 20 rubles / month.

Funds are debited at daily TPs when the incoming traffic threshold for the current day exceeds 5 Mb, and the total daily traffic is not limited.

Tariff plans for TV

Considering the tariffs for home Internet and television from MTS, it should be noted that they are offered in close conjunction. Still, both services work through the same channel. There are two main tariffs for consumers to choose from:

  • "Basic" - includes 131 television channels, 13 of which are broadcast in HD quality. Subscriber. the fee is 145 rubles per month. In fairness, we will include here the provision of a TV decoder, which will cost an additional 99 rubles / month;
  • "Nothing Extra" is a TV package that includes 39 channels in normal quality and 26 channels in HD quality. It features carefully thought-out content. There is no need to pay for a TV decoder, its cost is already included in tariff plan.

What is the main advantage of digital television from MTS? And in that for each tariff we can connect additional packages channels- sports, educational, movie channels, channels for adults and much more. Accordingly, for each add-on you need to pay separately.

Another advantage is the provision of the Multiroom service. It allows you to watch different channels on two or three TVs with a meager addition to the subscription fee. For 2 TVs, the surcharge is 39.75 rubles/month, for 3 TVs - 79.5 rubles/month.

Are common Additional services for Internet and TV from MTS:

  • Promised payment on MTS - the possibility of using television and the Internet with a negative balance;
  • Voluntary blocking - suspension of write-offs for those who are going on vacation and do not need television services and network access;
  • Computer help - a huge amount paid services PC repair and maintenance;
  • Home TV on PC - Includes free plan"Promo PC" for 15 channels and the "Basic PC" tariff plan for 56 channels for 99 rubles per month (watching TV on a PC);
  • Antivirus - any antivirus software with a monthly subscription fee;
  • White Internet - comprehensive protection from unwanted information with access time limitation.

For convenient service management, use " Personal Area» from home Internet and TV MTS, located on the official website of the operator.

The MTS personal account helps to solve many issues on their own. With it, you can do, connect, disconnect, pay, find out almost everything you need.

Registration itself is as simple and intuitive as possible. First you need to go to the official website of MTS.

In the upper right corner, pay attention to the inscription "Login". This is the door to the Private Office. Feel free to click on this button.

The main thing is to select the region in which you are located in the pop-up menu, and the section you need, namely: "Satellite TV".

After that, you will find yourself on the main page of your personal account.

If you have interactive satellite TV, then your personal account is located here.

In the fields that open, enter "Login and password". They are provided to the user at the time of connection.

The login for interactive TV is the SIM card number with which it works, for linear TV it is the contract number.

If you have forgotten your login, then you should contact the contact center for help, which will certainly be provided to you, you just have to give the passport details of the person for whom the contract is issued or the number of the SMART card.

If you have forgotten your password, then click on the appropriate question. A window will pop up in which you specify your personal account and select the recovery method: either via a mobile phone or via email. You will receive a code and then you can restore access to the personal account.

You can also find out the personal account number on the MTS website, for this you need to know:

  • Chip ID of equipment;
  • Smart card number.

Only if all parameters are present, the information will be available to the subscriber.

With interactive satellite TV it is a little easier, since here in order to access the LK, it will be enough to enter the SIM card number in the Login field and get a password. In case you enter the LC through a prefix, the name and surname of the owner of the contract will be enough here. Here, the password entry point is simply not provided.

What will registration in the Personal Account give to users of MTS satellite TV and Internet

Subscribers who have access and the ability to use a personal account can always independently manage and control the connected services. For example:

  • The user will always have access to information about the number of the contract and personal account;
  • Here, in the personal account, you can control the balance in real time and always be aware of what is happening with the funds in the account;
  • The client will know which additional packages are included in this moment and be able to connect them;
  • Each subscriber who has registered in his personal account has access to the history of payments made, as well as statistical data on all services that have ever been provided to the user;
  • If the details are lost, the subscriber will be able to recover the password on his own, without involving the managers of the contact center;
  • The client will be able to change contact details on his own;
  • The subscriber will be able to set up information about all important events through messages or emails: receipt of payments, balance, expiration of the promised payment.

Many users have appreciated all the advantages of LK. With it, you can really quickly and productively solve all the arisen and even painful issues related to satellite TV and the Internet. The main thing is that this is done quickly and independently. Registration will take only a few minutes, in return you will receive a really valuable and useful service.

MTS has a lot of self-service services that make it easier for subscribers to use their services on a daily basis. Undoubtedly, the most popular and demanded service is the personal account of the MTS Internet Assistant, available to subscribers in Moscow, Ryazan, Chuvashia, and even Belarus. But all the advantages of the service are not limited to it at all, because you can always use other services. We will consider them today.

Electronic Assistant

To begin with, I want to talk about a service called an electronic assistant. It is most suitable for those subscribers who prefer, as they say, to replenish their account in the old fashioned way - through a special terminal.

All this is because this service is available in terminals that accept payments throughout Russia.

With this service you can:

  • Change the current tariff plan to a new one;
  • Connect any of the new services;
  • Check your account balance immediately after replenishing it.

Service activation

By the way, you can’t just go to the terminal and start using the service, you need to connect it. And here's how it's done:

  1. Take your mobile phone.
  2. Type any of the following combinations:
    1. Number 111 2163 and call button;
    2. Command *111*2163# and call button;
    3. Send sms to 111, specifying the text "2163" in the body of the message.
  3. Order a code to get access to the assistant. To do this, you will need to send a message with any text to the number 6262 or select "Order a password" directly on the MTS terminal.
  4. Try to enter the password correctly, because after exhausting 3 attempts to enter incorrectly, access to the assistant will be blocked for a quarter of an hour.

The main advantage of the electronic assistant is that you can use it to top up MTS stream, MTS cellular tariffs, and other services in any city, even if your accounts or starter packs were not purchased in a specific region of the terminal location.

MTS SMS assistant

Another great service that helps MTS subscribers is the SMS Assistant. With it, you will be able to:

  • Manage services and tariffs by sending SMS;
  • Add, remove, change tariff plan;
  • Get information about payments, balance and tariffs.

You do not have to pay money for using the assistant, but only if you send SMS from your home region. In another case, the cost of the service may vary depending on your tariff.

How the MTS SMS Assistant service works

The algorithm for using such an assistant is extremely simple. To carry out transactions, operations or receive information, you need to send a certain code in the body of the message to short number"111".

You can find out all the commands by sending the number two to this number.

Existing Services

If for some reason you are not able to send SMS now and find out about all the services offered by this assistant, we will tell you about them ourselves. Here's what to send:

  • 1 - to change your tariff;
  • 6 - to receive information on the current tariff;
  • 0887 - to get information on the current number;
  • 11 - accurate balance information;
  • 13 - details of payments made.

If you are in a guest region, you can send a paid SMS and get no response - this is not a problem. If the message cannot be delivered, you will receive a corresponding notification, and the funds set by your tariff for using the service will not be debited.

For those users who are not satisfied with the services offered by these assistants, we suggest using your personal account on the MTS website, because it has a more expanded set of services.

Personal Account (PA) on the official website of the MTS company is very convenient to use and available to each subscriber of this mobile operator.

Home Internet and TV from MTS, previously referred to as Stream, are available at the old link

If you have not previously activated in the Personal Account, then to enter your Personal Account, do the following:

  1. Log in to the personal account on the official website of the operator.
  2. In the menu that appears, click " Home internet and TV”, you can enter your personal account to manage Home Internet and TV at the link
  3. Click" Register". Fill out the form with the following information:
  • Your legal status.
  • Passport details.
  • Code to check.
  1. Click " Register". You will receive a message to your email with a login and password that you can enter, and you will enter your Personal Account.

MTS personal account home Internet and TV - main features

Online management of services is possible in the LC:

  • Activate or deactivate options.
  • Change tariff.
  • Top up your account and pay connection fees.

The interface is convenient and understandable, everyone, even an inexperienced subscriber, can understand its structure.

Home Internet MTS personal account - additional services

Provides access to the following features:

You can activate the options through the personal account, or by writing an application at the nearest salon cellular communication.

bonus program

When the subscriber pays for Internet or TV, bonus points are awarded. These points can be used to pay subscription fees.
