Why does PayPal ask for passport information? Why does PayPal require passport data ID number 12 digits for paypal

Since 2015, when registering with the PayPal payment system, you are required to enter your personal information. It is necessary to provide your passport information in order to use all the functions of the service. This requirement allows him to work without violating the laws of the country. According to the rules, information is stored on the organization’s servers, is confidential, and is not transferred to third parties.

Registration without a passport

If you want to get information or get to know the system better, you don't have to enter your personal data. In this case, there are a number of restrictions on the amounts stored in the wallet. Users will not be able to withdraw money or perform simple transactions.

To gain access to your personal account, on the main page of the site, select “Open an account.” Users can choose personal or corporate. The latter is used for business. In the window that opens, fill out the form:

  • country;
  • email address;
  • password.

It is impossible to change the country during further work in the system. When specifying a password, the character combination must contain letters, numbers, and special characters.

After this, you will need to fill out another card indicating your personal data. Within 60 days, the user can get acquainted with the payment system without entering passport data. But a notification will be sent by mail asking you to provide complete information within this period. If this is not done, the account will be frozen.

The last point is to accept the user agreement. Despite the large volume, you should thoroughly study all the points.

Using the service without a passport

After creating an account, you will be asked to link a bank card. It must have means for authorization. The amount is small and will be returned to your account quickly. If you don’t have money for plastic, you can skip this step. To attach you will need to enter:

  • the amount of 1 dollar;
  • Card number;
  • security code;
  • validity.

The next registration step is to confirm your email. A letter will be sent to your email inbox. Log in and click “Activate”. On the page that opens, enter your password and answers to the questions. You need to remember this information because it is necessary to recover your password.

Do not enter incorrect data, as the profile will be blocked and the account frozen. The user may lose the opportunity to use the account in the future.

In conclusion, we note: until the moment of entering passport data, the user uses the anonymous account package. Because of this, a one-time transfer cannot exceed 15 thousand rubles at a time and 40 thousand rubles per month. To obtain full access, you will need to provide not only a passport, but also a second document of your choice. This could be a TIN, SNILS or an insurance policy.

So, you have read our article “Getting to know the PayPal payment system” and decided to become a user of this most popular payment system in the world. The solution is very logical: the vast world of foreign online shopping will open up for you, you will be able to independently pay for purchases at the ebay auction and hundreds of other online trading platforms.

Did you know that the name PayPal consists of two English words: " pay" And " pal" and literally translates as "pay your friend"?

Opening and maintaining an account with PayPal is completely free. There will be no surprises here. PayPal, of course, is not a charitable organization; a commission is charged for services, but this applies to recipients of funds and sellers.

To register with Paypal you will need:

  • A payment card that must contain an amount equivalent to at least several US dollars (otherwise PayPal will not be able to authorize it). You can find out more about which card to choose for work in our series of articles devoted to this issue.
  • Electronic mail (e-mail). In theory, any email address will do. As a recommendation, we can only offer do not use free services, and if there is no alternative to them, then stick to the most secure ones - for example Google Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Yandex Mail.

Registration in any online service is, as you probably already know, not difficult. And PayPal is technically no exception here. However, there are important nuances that you should definitely know about in advance. This company very carefully monitors compliance with the rules and, if they are violated, can simply block not only the violator’s account, but often other accounts associated with it with a lifetime ban on registering again. What is worth knowing right away?

  • An individual is allowed to have only one PayPal account (there is only one exception: you can have one personal account for personal purposes, and one corporate account for business).
  • It is possible to delete your Paypal account, but the procedure is not quick. You submit an application, the account is frozen for 180 days (the period for considering possible financial claims against the owner) and then closed after about a year. You cannot open new accounts during this time. All closed accounts are under close scrutiny.
  • You cannot change the country of registration in your account, unlike other data.
  • If an account is blocked due to violation of the rules, the funds on its balance are frozen for 180 days and after this time are transferred to the owner. However, if it turns out that the owner’s data is falsified, then he will not be able to receive these funds.

Registration instructions:

You can ask questions regarding how to register with PayPal on our forum.

According to reviews from many users: it is advisable to verify the card immediately after registering an account, because Before the card is verified, there are quite strict limits on the amount of one-time payment sent. Card verification, as a rule, does not cause any particular difficulties for anyone.

Helpful information

  1. If you live in one of the CIS countries (except for the Russian Federation and the Baltic countries), then after registering with PayPal your balance will be zero. Don't worry - there's nothing wrong with that, that's how it should be. Funds will be withdrawn from your bank card as needed. When returning, the funds are returned directly to the card.
  2. Residents of the Russian Federation and the Baltic countries are allowed to accept payments. The funds withdrawn from the card during registration and verification will be immediately credited to their account balance. In order to send a payment, they do not need to replenish the balance - funds can be withdrawn both from the account and directly from the payment card. For example, if there is a certain amount on your balance, but you need to pay more, then the missing funds will be charged from the card.
  3. In Ukraine and Kazakhstan, you cannot accept payments via PayPal, as well as withdraw funds from PayPal to a bank account.
  4. After linking the card, no matter what currency it is in, be sure to immediately change the conversion center, setting the default center not to Paypal, but to your bank. Otherwise, there will be extra expenses.
  5. Don't experiment with PayPal by introducing other people's cards, different bank accounts, etc. Don't draw attention to yourself. Otherwise, you risk being audited.
  6. Do not give your PayPal account login and password to third parties. Do not participate in dubious transactions or accept dubious offers where you are asked to pay for something, promising huge commissions.
  7. If you log into your PayPal account from different countries (calculated by IP address) or there are simply a large number of logins from different computers, it is possible that the security service may suspect that unauthorized persons have accessed your account. Such an account risks being blocked, and you may be asked to send copies of documents.
  8. Very often, scammers send fake emails online that look like real emails from ebay, PayPal, CityBank etc. These letters vary in content, but ultimately require one thing from the user: follow the link in the letter and enter your username and password. As you probably guessed, this whole scheme is designed to trick you into giving you your username and password. By following the link, you will be taken to a fake website (usually just a couple of pages) of the company on behalf of which the letter was sent, where you are asked to log in. If you fall for this scam and provide personal information to scammers, you can get into serious trouble. There is only one way out: do not believe everything that comes to you by e-mail, no matter how plausible it may look. Check links carefully. Enter your username and password only on the authorization page, which you reached by typing the address yourself, or using a link from your browser bookmarks. And remember: if we are talking about a real payment system, then it will never require your login and password by e-mail. If you receive such a letter, it means that it was sent by scammers.
  9. Do not use "instant" (or prepaid/gift) payment cards that can be purchased online. Such cards, as a rule, do not have the owner’s first and last name (any name can be specified), as well as a plastic carrier - they simply send you a number and expiration date. The cost of using such a card in PayPal can be high - your account will be blocked once and for all. Remember: only a bank can issue a credit (or debit) card after carefully checking your personal data.
  10. When returning funds (full refund through "Dispute" or partial refund), the money does not appear on the card immediately. Usually your bank (and the timing depends only on it) keeps them in a “frozen” state for another 3-20 days.

Video instructions for registering on Paypal

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In the spring of 2015, the rules for working with a means of payment for Russian citizens changed. From now on, PayPal requires users' passport information. Previously, it was possible to register and maintain a wallet, ignoring the verification procedure, but now you cannot do without it. As a result, in order to receive the functionality of the payment system, the user is required to provide passport details. This is the only way to disable limits and ensure account linking. However, there is still an option not to provide information about yourself.

Why is this?

Why do you ask for information when registering with PayPal? It seems that providing passport details is a simple procedure that does not cause difficulties. However, not everyone agrees with this. Some simply cannot understand why they should give out personal information, doubting what it will lead to.

Why does PayPal need passport information? It is worth immediately stipulating that such requirements are not a simple desire of the company, but a direct requirement of the legislation of the Russian Federation. According to the new rules, information about the owners of profiles is stored on the servers of an organization that operates on the territory of the state. This is considered mandatory and is monitored by Roskomnadzor. If such requirements are ignored, the payment system will receive retaliatory measures from the state. Can PayPal be trusted? Yes, the information is classified and protected from falling into the hands of fraudsters.

After the new law, requirements to enter additional information began to come to the accounts of old users and be announced when registering in the system. At first, notifications were addressed to anonymous accounts that were not identified in any way. Some users continued to use their accounts without confirmation.

We are talking about the following information:

  • Full name;
  • Passport number and series;
  • Date of Birth.

A special introductory form has been developed. Also, among other things, PayPal will require you to submit one more document of your choice (TIN, compulsory insurance number, insurance policy, SNILS).

After the procedures, the user will be able to fully use the account without restrictions. If the information is not received by the company within 60 days from the date the notification was sent, the profile may be blocked. The entire procedure is free, and it also allows you to ensure the security of your account.

Restrictions and limits

Why do you need a passport when registering an account? The other side of the check is limits on transfers and restrictions on functions. When using an anonymous account, the user will not be able to use most of the options. As a result, a one-time transfer from the Russian Federation cannot exceed the amount of 15 thousand rubles. Also, the total amount of transactions per month should not exceed 40 thousand rubles, which is not so much if the account is used for frequent purchases or business.

Also, the holder of an anonymous account cannot accept funds from other accounts or withdraw funds from the system. This feature was introduced relatively recently, but has significantly simplified working with the system. A verified account not only receives a number of advantages of an individual personal account, but also becomes safer. If you try to hack it, it will be blocked, and only the real owner can restore it.

PayPal without passport

How to register with PayPal without a passport? The situation is simple, users had this opportunity only until 2015. It is now impossible to register in the system without a passport. You should not try to enter incorrect data, the profile will be blocked immediately, and the user may lose the opportunity to work with PayPal in the future. Today, the entry of personal information is strictly controlled, and it is impossible to circumvent it. Is it safe to enter passport details? Quite, and there is no need to be afraid of this, because... PayPal verification opens up the full functionality of the system for those registering and makes transfers safe.

Electronic financial exchange in the 21st century is becoming one of the most popular and popular ways of making transactions, especially when the seller and buyer are located at a sufficiently far distance from each other. One of the most common financial services is PayPal.

PayPal is an American payment system that is a world leader in the field of electronic finance. Its name literally translates from English as “buddy who helps you pay.” PayPal has been around since 1998 and officially operates in 202 countries. One of the most important features of the system is the presence of guarantees on both sides when participating in a transaction.

Registration via the website

To start using the services of this system, you will need to create an account. If you are in Russia, then when you visit the official website, it will immediately open in Russian, which will make navigating the portal much easier.

Important! You must be at least 18 years old to register and fully use the financial system. Otherwise, you can only use the help of older friends or relatives: other methods either do not work or can lead to account blocking.

How to register with PayPal in Russia? Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Select the “Personal” section to open a personal account or “Corporate”.
  2. In a new tab, select your country of residence (by standard it is selected automatically), enter your email address and create a fairly complex password by entering it in the required window, and then click on “Next”.
  3. Enter the required personal data (first name, last name, address, passport number and SNILS). This is necessary to confirm your identity in the system. If you are setting up a corporate account, first provide information about the legal entity, and then about its official representative.
  4. Confirm the entered data and click on “Agree and create an account.”
  5. Enter the details of a bank card that contains at least $2 at the current rate - they will be required for the initial activation of your account. MasterCard Standard/Visa Classic or higher cards are suitable for use.
  6. Save the entered data and complete registration. Done, your account is ready.

Solving common problems

For minors

One of the problematic aspects in registering a PayPal account is the requirement for the user of the financial system to be of age. But how to use payments if you are not 18?

Officially, using standard methods and guidelines, you cannot open an account if you are under 18. The best way would be to register an account in the name of an older relative or parents. Frauds involving falsification of passport data and the use of other people's documents are punishable by the potential blocking of a PayPal deposit with the loss of funds on it.

Registration without a passport

Collecting such personal information as a passport and TIN (or SNILS) is unlikely to please users who wish to remain anonymous. What to do if you need to bypass entering passport data?

Until 2015, through simple manipulations, clients of the system could register an account without specifying personal data, but everything changed with the introduction of new standards forcing the owners of payment systems to identify users and store their data on servers. Thus, registration without a passport lost its relevance in Russia after April 2015. All available methods that can be found on the Internet are not working in 2018.

To be more precise, you can create an account, but it’s pointless. PayPal provides the opportunity to open an account, subject to entering personal data within 60 days. The account will be seriously limited in all financial transactions and will only allow you to familiarize yourself with the operation of the system and its features. If the data is not entered within the specified period, the account will be automatically blocked, despite any reasons and attempts at argumentation.

How to make payments without a bank card

The requirement to link a bank account to use PayPal quite often turns off people who do not have a card or do not want to give their personal data to the payment system. That is why the question arises: is it possible to make financial transactions without a card?

Due to the company's official position on this matter, the account is not entitled to any actions related to funds without first linking the card. The only workaround is to create and link a QIWI Visa Virtual card. Its format will satisfy the system and allow you to make any financial transactions without linking your card to your PayPal account.

PayPal is one of the most widespread and popular payment systems in the world. Its functionality and ubiquity allow it to become a standard and classic method of payment in transactions, providing a guarantee of security for both the seller and the buyer. Registration is quite simple; its only drawback is the need to link your passport, bank card and other personal data. But at the same time, this allows the system to ensure high customer security, and it continues to be the standard for payment resources.
