Accelerometer calibration through the engineering menu. Screen and sensor calibration on Android: settings and applications

Often phones on the Android operating system with touch screens "do not obey" the user and react incorrectly to pressing. In other words, touching with a finger or stylus is not perceived as it should be. In this case, Android screen calibration will help, which any user can handle. It happens that the sensor executes commands only after a few clicks, the reason for which is the incorrect operation of the display and the need to configure it.

Why do you need screen calibration?

Proper calibration can eliminate problems with incorrect touch recognition and insufficient display sensitivity. But if the problems started after the device fell or interacted with water, then you should contact the nearest service center. In this case, the problem is most likely of a technical nature and needs the attention of specialists. Calibration will be needed after screen replacement work or any, even minor damage.
To be able to carry out this procedure, you must do the following:

  • Remove the protective film or glass, which guarantees the most accurate operation of the sensor;
  • Dial any phrase or number combination;
  • If there is a discrepancy between the key pressed on the display and the printed information, then calibration will be required.

Calibration Methods

Now there are two main ways to adjust the sensitivity of the display. You can use special programs or adjust the touchscreen yourself. For most smartphones, the actions are no different and are absolutely identical.

Screen calibration using standard Android tools

If you do not have access to the store Google Play, the display can be adjusted in this way.

  1. We go to the settings menu of your smartphone;
  2. Click on the item "Phone settings";
  3. We are looking for the inscription "Calibration" and click on it;
  4. The display will show a cross target with a dot inside;
  5. You have to hit the center of the target at least three times.

After the above manipulations, the device will memorize touches. This is the final stage of calibration. Now you need to test the sensor by typing any phrase on the screen. All the characters that you have selected on the keyboard should display correctly.

Screen Calibration Apps for Android Phones

You can configure the wheelbarrow using special software. Most programs are available for free and do the job well. Applications are easy to use and install. IN google store Play can be found free programs, such as Bubble, Clinometer and many others.

Display Calibration Software (Download)

Screen calibration on Android using this application is easy to perform, because it has a simple and intuitive clear interface. In addition, Display Calibration is distinguished by a variety of additional features.

The benefits of the software include:

  1. It is completely free and does not create any restrictions for the user;
  2. Supports work with any smartphones and tablets on the Android OS;
  3. There is advertising, but you can turn it off in the settings or thank the developers;
  4. Great graphics;
  5. The presence of a special display that shows the angle of inclination with high accuracy in fractions of a degree;
  6. You can fix the corner by pressing or swiping;
  7. At the zero position of the angle, an audible signal is emitted;
  8. If necessary, you can set the horizontal or vertical position of the display;
  9. You can install the application on a memory card;
  10. Disable "Sleep" mode while the application is running.

When you first turn on the program, you need to set the type of screen orientation in the parameters or activate auto mode. Next, we perform a level calibration. For this purpose, the smartphone is placed horizontally and the calibration key located on the left side of the screen is pressed for a while. Soon the message "Calidbration" will pop up, and then "Wait". When the display shows the zero angle value, the display will be fully operational.

TouchScreenTune for display calibration (Download)

Screen calibration on Android can be done using this program by setting the optimal touchscreen parameters. You have the opportunity to set its sensitivity and response speed.


  • The program allows you to significantly improve the sensitivity of the sensor when using protective glass or films;
  • The slowing effect from the operation of the protective film is eliminated;
  • If you need to use different parameters, then you can make separate shortcuts quick launch programs;
  • The application will be especially useful if you use a stylus. In this case, you can even set the palm to completely ignore the touch, which allows you to rest your hand on the display while using the stylus.

Touchscreen Repair (Download)

The program is a professional tool designed for manual setting wheelbarrow sensitivity. "Touchscreen repair" is suitable for both simple tasks and more complex use cases where it is important to accurately measure the slope.


  • Advanced two-sided calibration, with which you can make adjustments on a surface that does not fit the concept of flat;
  • Any direction is calibrated separately, which allows you to achieve the best accuracy;
  • The use is completely free and has no restrictions.

Properly performed Android screen calibration will provide a good touch sensitive display.

Mobile device sensor calibration is one of the priority items in the setup. It is clear, after all, that the incorrect operation of the screen when calling a command or procedure, pressing buttons or links, at best, causes irritation and waste of time, so it is better to spend a few minutes initially to set up the screen depending on your needs. This is done quite simply.

When and why is sensor calibration required?

There are two types of screens in Android devices today - resistive and capacitive. The first type is used in outdated devices, and the second type is used on all modern gadgets, since it is more reliable in operation.

Based on this, it is easy to conclude that resistive screens require sensor calibration adjustments more frequently (about once every 2-3 months).

Nevertheless, you can give a list of situations when the question of how to calibrate the sensor on Android will have to be addressed in the very first place. There may be several reasons. Among them are the following:

  • mechanical damage to the screen;
  • ingress of moisture and dust;
  • sticker or removal of protective glass and film coating;
  • buying a used device from hand, etc.

How to calibrate the sensor on Android: basic methods

As for the calibration itself, this can be done in several ways:

  • make the necessary settings yourself using the tools operating system android;
  • calibrate the sensor using specialized utilities;
  • return the device to a service center.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Manual calibration using Android

In the simplest case, the problem of how to calibrate the sensor on a tablet or smartphone is solved elementarily.

To conduct a preliminary test on the device, you need to use the settings menu, where the tilt sensitivity section is selected. The new menu has a special test button, which you need to press.

The calibration setting is located in the phone (tablet) settings section, where there is a corresponding line. When you enter this menu, a cross with a red dot inside will be displayed on the screen, which you should press as accurately as possible (3-4 times is enough), then save the settings changes and check the gadget for operability. If you notice that some controls do not function correctly, the setting should be repeated.

In addition, you can adjust not only the pressing force or the accuracy of hitting a point on the screen, but also fully customize any sequence of actions (image stretching, single or double taps, dragging the screen, etc.).

Please note at that moment that the built-in program for the sensor of Android devices, depending on the version of the operating system itself, may be located in a different menu, for example, in the display settings. In addition, setting the pointer speed parameters in most cases is done in the language and input section, so be careful.

Using specialized utilities

If the sensor calibration program is not found in the system menu or causes some difficulties in use, you can use the installation of additional utilities, among which the following are the most popular:

  • bubble;
  • TOPON;
  • GPS Status & Toolbox;
  • Clinometer and the like.

In any case, you can go to the official Google service Play to look for the desired utility there. If the programs for Android found there do not suit the user, something similar can be found on the Internet, only then they will have to be installed manually, allowing the use of the installation from unknown sources. In addition, you can even install special utilities for the same Windows systems (together with Android emulator) and configure them with their help.

Contacting a service center

Programs for Android systems are good. But what if none of the above methods gives the desired result? Apparently, the problem is that a serious breakdown has occurred in the device itself, due to which the application of software methods does not work.

In this case, the problem of how to calibrate the sensor on Android is solved only by handing over the gadget to an authorized or private service center. Naturally, this will entail monetary costs, but specialists will be able to identify and eliminate the cause of the problem. Besides, it all depends on what exactly is broken. In this case, as is already clear, internal intervention in the components of the device itself will be used.

What is the result?

That, in fact, is all that concerns how to calibrate the sensor on Android. As for the preferred method, in the simplest case it is best to use the built-in tools of mobile devices. If their use does not give results or accurate calibration cannot be performed for some reason, you should try to use third-party applications.

Do not forget that not everything and not always depends on software. As already mentioned, the impossibility of using such methods may be associated precisely with the breakdown of the device, and here one cannot do without the intervention of specialists. In addition, the device may still be under warranty, and you should not disassemble it yourself (you can lose it that way). Finally, if the owner of the gadget does not have the necessary equipment for repairs or Maintenance knowledge, trying to put experiments on the device is also not worth it.

Otherwise, provided that everything is in order with the device itself, we recommend contacting third party utilities, since most of them allow more than fine tuning, and some also have built-in testing modules, allowing the user to set the recommended parameters at the end of the test.

Touch screen application on mobile devices significantly expanded their functionality and made it possible to get rid of the numerous physical buttons that were necessary for entering text and performing other tasks. However, even with so many advantages, the sensor may lose accuracy, which negatively affects the comfortable operation of the device. Consider the concept of Android screen calibration and methods for its implementation.

Definition of "Screen Calibration"

Calibration refers to the adjustment of the touch screen in relation to the perception of the touch of fingers or a stylus. The procedure is designed to improve the accuracy of determining the point of contact based on certain actions performed by a person.

Will be useful

The usual procedure of such a plan is carried out by the appearance on the display of the device of circles that should be pressed. The received data allows the system to determine areas that have increased or decreased sensitivity, as well as areas where the touch point does not coincide with the displayed element. As a result, the software regulates deviations from the norm and corrects shortcomings.

Sensor problems

In a newly purchased device, the sensor is well configured and correctly responds to human touches. Over time, the accuracy of the work deteriorates, errors and inconsistencies appear. Knowing when to calibrate is easy. It comes with the following problems:

  • Intermittent sensor activation. For example, out of three clicks on the display, two or one were determined. Good for typing.
  • Loss of recognition of some types of actions. The touch screen is very functional, it supports multiple simultaneous touches, stretching with fingers, swipes. A sign of a problem may be incorrect recognition of one of the interaction options.
  • Incorrect definition of the point of contact. For example, one menu item was selected, and the next one opened.
  • After interacting with the display, you have to wait a long time for a response.
  • Deterioration of touch recognition when working with a stylus or vice versa - with a finger.
  • If , then a clear sign will be the interruption of the strip when drawing the line.

It is important to know

Calibrating the touch screen will help eliminate all of the above problems. To perform the operation does not require special skills or the involvement of a specialist.

Causes of a malfunction

The main reason for the situation when calibration is needed is the long-term use of the device. For more quality screens the procedure is required less frequently, for lower quality ones - more often.

Prolonged inactivity of the mobile device can also cause malfunctions. Sometimes calibration is necessary immediately after purchase because the initial adjustment was not correct. Changing the touchscreen definitely requires subsequent adjustment.


An additional reason for calibration can be malicious code, which got on the phone through an unverified application, or a system failure in the firmware itself.

Sometimes the user sets the sensitivity settings incorrectly, which affects the recognition of touches.

It should be understood that the reasons for the inaccurate operation of the sensor are not always hidden in the system. This there may be severe wear of the display, cracks, bubbles under protective film etc. Calibration by software methods will not help here, you will have to use other options for solving the problem.

How to calibrate the screen on Android?

Performing display calibration available both with the help of built-in operating system tools and third-party applications. Let's consider each option in more detail.

Mobile device settings

Since calibration is an integral part of using the touch screen, in many versions of Android, developers have implemented the function directly into the settings.

To use this method, you need:

  • Open the settings of your phone or tablet, go to the "Screen" section.

  • In the window that opens, find the item "Screen Calibration" or similar.
  • It is important to know

    The option may be present in other sections or not at all. If it could not be found, you should use other methods presented below.

  • After starting the procedure, you will need to click on the points that appear on the display, drag them.
  • after the adjustment is completed.

Will be useful

During setup, it is better to place the smartphone on a flat horizontal surface.

Engineering menu

In that hidden section more serious and requiring certain knowledge settings are carried out. This method suitable for those who have not found the corresponding item in the regular menu and do not want to install third-party software for the procedure.

To get in engineering menu For subsequent calibration of the Android screen, there are two ways:

  • Through a special code:
    • Open standard application to dial a number.
    • Enter a combination of numbers and signs: *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#4636*#*. After the last character, you do not need to press the call button. There are other codes that are suitable for little-known Chinese-made devices. You can find them on thematic forums.
  • Through the application:
    • 1. Visit Play market and install the program MTK Engineering Mode.
    • 2. Launch the application, click on the "Android Settings" button.
  • After successfully entering the engineering menu, you must perform the following steps:

  • Open the "Hardware Testing" tab.
  • Find and click the "Sensor" item.
  • Select "Sensor Calibration" from the list in the new window.
  • In the utility menu, clear the old presets by clicking "Clear calibration".
  • Select the line "Do calibration (20% tolerance)" to set the maximum sensitivity of the touch screen or "Do calibration (40% tolerance)" to set a lower sensitivity.
  • Saving the settings is not required, just exit to the desktop by pressing the "Back" button several times.
  • Reboot the device.
  • When the operating system will start, inaccuracies in the operation of the sensor should disappear.


    The engineering menu method has an advantage over applying the corresponding section from the phone settings, so it is recommended to use it if the previous option did not help.

    Third Party Applications

    The use of third-party software is justified if there is no calibration item in the phone settings or it is impossible to get into the engineering menu. The procedure will be discussed in detail on the example of the two most effective applications, since they operate by different system and hardware methods.

    Instructions for use :

    • and run the application.
    • Press the "CALIBRATE" button.
    • Perform the following steps step by step: single tap, double tap, long press, swipe (moving your finger to the side), pinch, zoom (tap the screen with two closed fingers and spread them apart).
    • Close the program window after a notification about successful completion procedures - "Calibration successful".

    If using Touchscreen Calibration does not produce any tangible results, your current device may need to apply other calibration methods that are used in the application.

    The process of working with Quick TuneUp is as follows:

    • Install and open the application.
    • Place your phone or tablet on a table or other flat surface.
    • Select "Display Calibration" from the list that opens.
    • Wait for the end of the calibration process. In this case, you do not need to different types touches, the system itself will determine the current configuration and the existing inaccuracies. Progress auto tuning will be displayed in a pop-up window.
    • At the same time, the glass does not have to have deep cracks, sometimes it can simply bend due to wear or other factors. Eliminated

Very often, users of devices on the Android OS are faced with problems associated with the unstable operation of smartphone / tablet sensors. For example, when you receive a call and you hold the device to your ear, the display does not lock and you accidentally press the call reject button. Or the opposite situation, when after a conversation the screen does not want to light up. This particular issue is caused by the proximity sensor not working properly.

In this article, we will tell users how to calibrate any device sensor and make it work normally.

In order not to deviate from the foregoing, first of all, consider setting up the proximity sensor. All manipulations will be performed on the device running Android 5.0.2, so for different versions there may be slight differences in the instructions.

Calibrating Proximity and Light Sensors

Method one

The first step is to get into the engineering menu of your device. For this we use special program, for example, "Launching the MTK Engineering Menu", which you can download at the specified

1. Download, install and run the application.

2. After starting, switch to the tab called "Hardware Testing"
3. Scroll to the very bottom of the list and find the "Sensor" item here.
4. In the next window, select the item called "Light / Proximity Sensor".
5. Click on PS Calibration and select Calibration.
By moving your hand over the sensor, you can see how the PS value changes from small to large values. When the hand approaches, it should increase and vice versa. In addition, this value should change depending on the incidence of light on the sensor. If this happens, then the sensor does not need to be calibrated.

If it does not react in any way, then we put the smartphone on a horizontal surface and press the Do calibration button. The message Calibration success will then appear. Now the sensor should work stably. If this does not happen, go to the next method.

Method two

We will use third party program"Proximity Sensor: Reset" which you can download

Download, install and run "Proximity Sensor: Reset".

Click on the huge "Calibrate Sensor" button.

We close our sensor with our hand and press the Next button.

Then we remove our hand from the sensor and press Next again.

After that, press the red "Calibrate" button and confirm the action by pressing the "Confirm" button.
Then you will be asked to grant root rights to this program. We allow and after a few seconds the device will reboot.

That's all. If after all these manipulations the proximity sensor continues to "stupid", then there is only one option left: take the smartphone to a service center, because we can't do anything else ourselves.

Touchscreen calibration

Many users often experience next problem: when you press the screen, it either does not respond, or perceives a touch "in the wrong place." To cope with this trouble, you need to calibrate the screen.

Method one

We will use a third-party program called Touchscreen Calibration, which you can download

1. Download, install and run the above application.

2. Press the blue "Calibrate" button.

3. The program will ask you to make one "tap" on the screen.

4. After a single click, you will need to make a double "tap".

5. Then we will need to make a long press.

6. Next step, swipe right across the display.

7. Then we put two fingers on the screen and move them towards each other, as if we want to reduce the image or text.

8. Then we perform the opposite action, as if we want to enlarge the image.

9. The message Calibrate Successful will appear on the screen, which means that everything went well.

Method two

We use another popular Display Calibration program, which can be found at the specified

Download, install and run Display Calibration.

Click the big blue "Calibrate" button.

Upon completion of the process, the message "Calibrate Successful" will appear, confirming the successful completion of the calibration.

On the Internet you can find many similar programs that work on a single principle, so you should not have any problems with their development.

Accelerometer calibration (Gsensor)

We need an accelerometer to complete a series important functions: it is responsible for the orientation of the device in space, used by many applications, etc. Thanks to this, we (gamers) can enjoy those games that use this feature. Most often it is of course racing. And if Gsensor is "stupid", then this will surely upset us. However, let's leave this lyrical digression aside and get down to business.

Method one

In this case, we will use the engineering menu of the android device.

1. We go into the engineering menu of the smartphone / tablet using the above program.

2. Go to the "Hardware Testing" tab.
3. At the very bottom we find the item "Sensor" and click on it.
4. Select "Sensor Calibration".
5. Next, click the "Calibrate Gsensor" button.

6. The device must lie on a flat, horizontal surface. The current data should be equal to zero (I have bumps on the back cover, so the readings in the screenshot are a little inaccurate). Press the "Calibrate (40% accuracy)" button and after a couple of seconds we will see the message "Operation Succeed".

That's all, we exit the engineering menu. The accelerometer is now calibrated.

Method two

Now we will calibrate using a third party program called Accelerometer Calibration Free, a free full version which you will find

Download, install and run this application.

On the screen we will see a large crosshair with a green center, as well as a red ball. We turn our smartphone / tablet so that the ball rolls into the green zone, and then press the "Calibrate" button (a whole mini-game turned out).

We are waiting for the process to complete.

Voila, you're all set. Note that the advantage of this program is the automatic calibration of the accelerometer. It is very comfortable. In the future, you will not have to monitor the work of Gsensor, at the slightest inaccuracy, the application itself will calibrate it.

Method three

There is another good application called Spirit Level, which, in addition to calibration, performs a number of additional useful features. You can download the app

1. Download, install and run Spirit Level.

2. Press the "CAL" button.

3. In the menu that appears, press the same button again in all five points.
4. The following message will appear.

Everything, the device is calibrated. Note that this program has three different skins, which visually makes it very interesting.

Magnetometer calibration

This sensor is necessary to determine the Earth's magnetic fields. Without it, no built-in or user-installed compass will work. This function will be useful to hunters, travelers, tourists, etc.

Method one

To calibrate the magnetometer, we will use the wonderful application "Compass" from the developer MacroPinch. In addition to calibration, which is only additional function, this application is a complete compass. Program can be downloaded

Download, install and launch the Compass application.

Press the "menu" button in the upper right corner of the screen.

In the list that appears, set the "calibration" slider to the active position.

All. Now the magnetometer will work perfectly.


1. We go into the application.

2. Press the "Quick TuneUp" button.

That's all. The program will "grind" almost all the sensors of the device in a few minutes and even calibrate the battery.

If you have any problems or questions in the process of calibrating sensors, describe them in the comments to the article, and we will definitely help you!

Users Android smartphones often complain about poor screen touch sensitivity, even on high-end mobile devices.

There are several reasons why the touch screen of a smartphone has become unresponsive to pressing. One of the reasons is in the hardware, while the other is in the software. If the problem is in the equipment, then repair and replacement is necessary. touch panel. But, if the cause of poor sensitivity is related to the software, then various patches, settings and calibrations will return the touch screen to its previous sensitivity without the help of a service center.

We have prepared some tips and tricks to help you increase the sensitivity of your Android touch screen.

Software and firmware update

Responsible manufacturers often release updates for their smartphones that improve performance and fix various bugs. Therefore, as soon as you find poor touch screen sensitivity, you should check for an update, and if there is one, install it. There's a chance it's a sensitivity issue. Android sensor will be corrected.

Touch screen patches and fixes

If the manufacturer of your smartphone does not release updates, you are left to rely on your own strength. In other words, look for new updates, fixes, patches, fixes, and more on specialized forums such as or XDA Developers.


Some smartphones have a touch screen calibration feature. If some time after purchasing your smartphone, you notice that the display has become less responsive to pressing, you should calibrate the touch panel. More often given function located in the smartphone settings.

Delete apps

If you have an entry-level or mid-range smartphone, you must understand that it will not work at lightning speed. However, many people forget about it and install a huge number of new applications. Many applications work in background, thereby reducing the performance of the smartphone.

To increase your Android's touch sensitivity, try uninstalling the apps you rarely use.

Clean the touch screen

If your smartphone's screen is dirty with fingerprints, dust, or any other sticky material, you should wash it thoroughly.

Use protective film or glass

To date, a wide range of protective films and glasses for your smartphone is available. What's more, many new smartphones come with a pre-applied screen protector. Use this opportunity to increase the touch sensitivity on Android.

Avoid bumps and drops of your smartphone

As obvious as it may sound, don't hammer nails with your smartphone. They are not designed for this. If you are wearing big smartphone in the pocket of your skinny jeans, take it out before you sit down. Also, try not to drop or throw your smartphone on the floor.


Most modern high-end smartphones are designed to be operated with gloves on. A useful option for cold countries, like ours, when seals are a mandatory attribute of every person on the street.

No wonder manufacturers try to make touch screens smartphones compatible with gloves. Moreover, some smartphones, for example, samsung galaxy S5 have a special function for working with gloves. To activate it, go to Settings - Display and select the option "Increase sensor sensitivity" at the very bottom.
