Overview of the social network Pinterest. All about Pinterest in Russian for Russian-speaking Runet users

The social network Pinterest appeared in 2010. At first, registration was by invitation, and in 2012 registration was opened to all users. Pinterest has combined almost all areas of human activity, has become a chic cataloger of ideas.

Pinterest isn't called the "global directory of ideas" for nothing:

“Browse Pinterest and get ideas modern society” is the motto of the application.

Pinterest is essentially a photo hosting service where the user can add images, place them in thematic collections (Gadgets, Animals, Fashion, Education, etc.), and share pictures with other users.

Images uploaded to Pinterest are called pins (English pin) or in Russian - buttons. Thematic collections with pins (buttons) are called boards.

So, a picture is a pin (button) attached to a specific board. It turns out that the picture is like an ad on a regular bulletin board on the street.

There are the following options for registering with Pinterest:

Rice. 1. Register on Pinterest

In any case, you will need to confirm your e-mail by e-mail. To do this, you need to find a letter from Pinterest in your mail (by the way, do not forget to check the Spam folder) and click on the red button “Verify email address”:

Rice. 2. Confirmation Email to sign up for pinterest

As soon as you start registration, you will be asked to select 5 interesting collections on the go, after which you will be taken to the social network. It is possible that the most interesting pins from the collections that you have chosen as interesting will be sent to your mail from time to time.

Pinterest has Russian language. The video, in particular, shows how to find and install Russian for your account, if for some reason you do not have it.

Video “What is Pinterest (Pinterest) and how to use it?”

Keep in mind that many images on Pinterest are copyrighted. Accordingly, illegal use of images can be easily identified and punished.

Features of Pinterest

  • with like-minded people
  • creating your own idea boards,
  • advertising your products,
  • look at life in other countries
  • etc.

For Pinterest, tips that are relevant for other social networks are suitable. So,

  • don't post 50 bad quality photos at once,
  • it is desirable to analyze the posted information,
  • you need to post high quality pictures.
  • looking for really interesting information.

At your boards and write descriptions. You can link websites to your Pins and attract a potentially interested audience. The beauty of Pinterest is that you can also find interesting and trendy data from other users.

The advantage of Pinterest is the design and simplicity, due to which a huge number of users are attracted. There is nothing easier than opening the app and looking through beautiful pictures, clicking on which you can find unusual images and creative ideas.

It is worth noting that there is a Pinterest app for smartphones that will allow you to be inspired by new ideas using your mobile phone.

Pinterest analogues are

  • social network Instagram
  • and Yandex.Collections.

Russian analogue Yandex Collections

Rice. 3. Yandex.Collections beta version

This is a service for finding and sharing ideas.

In this article:

Today, it would seem, there is no longer a free niche in global network, which could be occupied with some new idea. Even the most sophisticated and demanding user can find the information he needs, from text to graphics and video content. However, there are always people whose ideas take their place in these streams of the digital sea and are firmly held there.

One of these projects is the North American project - Pinterest, which provides photo hosting services. Although this service can be called a photo hosting with a big stretch - graphic images they are not called to be stored here, they are here to give and save the idea, and then distribute it to the maximum possible number of users of the global network. Since 2013, the possibilities of this social service became available to Russian-speaking users. Pinterest in Russian today is a repository of more than 50 billion photos collected from the farthest corners of the World Wide Web. For those of our readers who are just getting acquainted with this wonderful service, we would recommend reading first.

What is Pinterest?

Many who have only heard about this service mistakenly believe that Pinterest is a photography site where you can post, store and sell graphic images. This is somewhat wrong. The functionality of the service involves collecting images found on the network as part of your profile. In other words, any picture found on any site can be placed on Pinterest, and then studied, used or deleted in more detail. In addition, all found images are placed in one of the general categories of the service, which makes them available to other users of this project. Pinterest in Russian retains all the advantages available to users in other languages.

Thus, the overall functionality of the system is tied precisely to pictures, and not to specific users, as it is organized, for example, on Instagram. This makes life much easier for those who come specifically for the graphics. Starting from the main page of multi-level categories, you can find quite rare and unique works. Many raise entire sites thanks to information obtained from a certain category of Pinterest.

Pinterest - a site in Russian, what are pins, boards and piners

Historically, the founders of the service thought up separate concepts that denote specific objects within Pinterest. The site in Russian distributes the same concepts in our language, but in English transcription, so many of these interpretations may not be clear.

There are three main concepts used in Pinterest - pins, boards and pinners.

  • Pins are graphic images, which in this network are also called visual bookmarks. It is understood that the user, having found an interesting image, can place it in his Pinterest profile with almost one click.
  • Boards are thematic directories on which pins are directly placed. Roughly speaking, these are folders with photos. It is worth noting that boards can be public or hidden. Pins posted on shared boards are available to everyone, both inside and outside the network. Their description and titles can be indexed by search engines. Hidden boards are available only to the user himself, as well as to those whom he invited from among Pinterest users.
  • Piners are users registered on the Pinterest network and actively using its services.

Pinterest in Russian - registration

As in many large social projects designed for wide audience, working with the service is very simple and intuitive. With the advent of Pinterest in Russian, all the possibilities of the network can be used by Russian-speaking users who are far from the technical intricacies of working with a computer and graphics.

Officially, the network provides its services only after mandatory registration. In this article, we considered the possibility of accessing the inside of Pinterest bypassing this process, however, in this case, only image viewing will be available. Of course, storing your pins will not work, because there will be no registered board.

Registration on Pinterest in Russian is a very easy process, which, according to the authors, takes no more than 15 seconds. To do this, it will be enough to enter the most necessary data, after which you can become a full-fledged user of the system. Additional data can be added in your profile, later, as needed.

We go to pinterest.com in Russian, enter a valid email address and password, click the "Register" button:

In the second form, you will need to supplement the registration form with your data. First name, last name, age are entered, gender is indicated, then the “Join!” button. No one will demand passport data here, so you can use a pseudonym or nickname. Age and gender are needed to filter content that will be shown to the user in the future. Children will not be able to access content that is inappropriate for their age.

This completes the registration process. Next, it is proposed to subscribe to the five most interesting global thematic boards for the user. You can pay attention to the fact that there is an offer to subscribe to the Men's Fashion board, since the gender, during registration, was indicated as male. If a suitable board is not found, you can use the search panel by typing keywords. It is worth considering that the project is still not Russian-made, so registration on the Russian Pinterest website also implies working with English-language content, which is incomparably more. Therefore, it is better to enter key queries in English.

After subscribing to five topics, the “Done” button will become active, which should be clicked.

This completes the registration. Pinterest helpfully populated the feed with Pins from previously selected boards.

You can start your virtual life in this network. But first you need to confirm your email address. The letter is already waiting in the email box:

We press the "Confirm email address" button and we begin to fully use our Pinterest site boards in Russian.

We wish you a pleasant work and we will be glad to any questions and comments that you can leave in the form below.

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What are young ladies made of?
From pins, needles,
From ribbons, tattoos.
This is what ladies are made of!

This poem by Samuil Marshak cannot be read without a smile, so accurately it characterizes the coquettish girlish character. Just as unmistakably finds the way to the heart of the young ladies is not quite new, but still gaining popularity social service pinterest. Behind this ironic name is a play on the words Pin (“pin”) and Interest (“interest”), and behind the site there are already millions of users from all over the world.

From Wikipedia: On August 16, 2011, Time magazine named Pinterest one of its "Top 50 Websites of 2011" list. Since then, the number of users of the site has grown exponentially. And by the end of 2011, Hitwise Social Networking Forums, which identified the most accurate social trends, made Pinterest one of the top ten sites. And in early April 2012, Pineterest overtook Linkedin and became the 3rd social network. network in the US, second only to Facebook and Twitter.

So, we invite you on a tour of one of the most interesting social projects recent years, during which you will learn how to use the Pinterest network, what is in it, and what is the use of it in essence " pinpoint interest”. 🙂

What is Pinterest (Pinterest)?

Pinterest (Pinterest) is a tool that allows you to create virtual collections for storing images, a kind of visual bulletin boards. The pictures that users collect can be stylish looks (for adults and children), photos of stars that inspire them, images of items that they like or want to receive as a gift, photo ideas for decorating their home, garden, party or wedding, covers of their favorite books, beautiful natural landscapes.

This network has a lot of fashion, design, travel, cooking - in a word, everything that is called lifestyle. And a lot of talented people - photographers, designers, stylists, journalists, bloggers, etc. who are constantly sharing their findings. Almost all glossy magazines and online publications have their own accounts here.

A word of warning: Pinterest is so addictive, so if you don't want a new "Internet Addiction", don't read any further and don't visit this site. 😉

Personally, I feel like a squirrel on Pinterest, “hunting” for nuts and mushrooms and quickly dragging everything beautiful, good and useful that I managed to find into my hollow. And then carefully laying out their trophies on the shelves.

Pinterest: registration

On home page you see two options for registration: using your Facebook account or via e-mail. If you choose to register on Pinterest with Facebook, click on the blue Sign up with Facebook button and follow the instructions of the system.

If you decide to register more in a standard way, by clicking on the light Sign up with email button, you will see the following window:

Fill in the last name, first name, email address, password, country, gender, and then use the checkbox to choose whether you want Pinterest to take into account your personal preferences.

How it works? How does Pinterest know your tastes? Pinterest, like many other sites, uses cookies, with their help it remembers which images you choose most often, and then shows you the corresponding “Pins” based on this information.

For example, if on sites that allow you to click on the “Pin it” button or use some other Pinterest widget, you most often save photos in your collections recipes, then in the future you will be shown just such images more often and offered to follow food bloggers. Pinterest retains this data for 30 days.

When all the fields are filled in correctly, click on the “Sign Up” button and start working with the network.

The next time you log into the service, select the Already have an account? Log in now - using this window.

How does Pinterest work?

After registering on Pinterest, you have the opportunity to create your own thematic collections or boards (boards), attach, “pin” images (pins) to them, as well as view, “like” (like) the pictures of other users you like, and, most importantly, - save them in your collections (repin).

Thus, you can add pictures (pins) to your boards:

  1. By uploading an image from your computer.
  2. By "repinning" someone else's Pinterest image.
  3. By "repinning" an image you found on the Internet.

Let's dwell on point 3. To easily and quickly transfer the photos you like from external sites to your boards on Pinterest, you need to install the extension (add on) in the top bar of your browser. For Chrome browser There are a few convenient extensions (extensions) for Pinterest that make it easier to work with the service. Other browsers also have something similar, you can search for information about this.

On the top right, you always have access to your personal information (your pins, boards, likes, etc.)

By clicking on the “Settings” button, you can edit your personal data (Basic Info), email notifications settings – note that they are all enabled by default, as well as settings for other social networks: you can connect “ Pinterest” with your accounts on Facebook, Google + and other social networks and broadcast your actions there.

To save the changes, click on the red button at the bottom right “Save Settings”. There is also a “Deactivate Account” button (deleting an account), although it is unlikely to be useful to you. 🙂

About copying pictures on Pinterest

Almost all sites allow you to “take” a picture on Pinterest. Those who close their images from this service, in this specific case make a mistake because all pictures are saved with a link to the source .

Accordingly, in Pinterest you should not see another Internet thief gaining popularity at the expense of others. On the contrary, consider this social network as a tool for promoting websites and blogs with really good content.

As a rule, a user who likes some idea will want to get to know its author and click on the link to the source, sometimes getting stuck on this blog or site for a long time. This is good for both parties - both readers and authors.

How to find the best?

You can view images without any filtering. You can use the division into categories.

Follow other users whose Pins you like. On many blogs - both children's and those who write about fashion, style, cooking and travel, there is a Pinterest button, by clicking on which you will be taken to the page of the blogger you like inside the service. As a rule, the content of this page will not be identical to the content of the blog, because people in this network massively share not only their own, but also other people's finds.

Another way to find interesting accounts is to use search recommendations: go to google, search for something like “best pinterest boards kids”, get and select a selection that interests you.

You can use Pinterest's own search (top left):

Pinterest in Russian?

There is such a phenomenon. Perhaps for someone site Pinme.ru, which is almost a complete copy previous version Pinterest (the original site has recently been completely updated, the Russian copy is not today) will seem more convenient and enjoyable. The service is almost the same, but everything is in Russian plus advertising from Yandex. 🙂

Personally, I like the original better - if there are no problems understanding the basic in English(and you don’t need to understand much, because the service is absolutely visual, for its full use it’s enough to know only a few constant symbols), what’s the point of limiting yourself to one country when the whole world is open in front of you?

Amazing finds are scattered all over the world - thanks to the international nature of the Pinterest.com network, I found many fascinating blogs, very beautiful and original sites, unusual shops that I would never have known about without this network.

It is also much more convenient to follow world fashion and all other trends in the original source - all fashion magazines and bloggers have their own Pinterest offices, and street style does not belong to any one country.

"Mom Blogs" - also recently can be found on Pinterest so see you and have a successful hunt! 😉

  • We invite you to leave links to your Pinterest accounts in the comments to the post. In addition, this can be done in the comments to the post in which we leave links to all our social media accounts (you can always find it in the right panel or ).

A simple Pinterest review in Russian is ideal for Russian-speaking Runet users.What is the so-called"Site with Pins" and how to use Pinterest, without registration and in Russian, explore the guide below for beginners.

Wikipedia about Pinterest in Russian
On the page of the world catalog of ideas on Wikipedia, Pinterest is a social Internet service, a free photo hosting service that allows users tosocial networks: create interactive whiteboards (thematic collections), add Pins (), view and share your ideas with other participants.

Pinterest - a worldwide directory of ideas in Russian

AND free alternative service "Google K artinky »for image search. Social network Pinterestallows you to find, save and read what is worth your attention.

pinterest.com is online service visual bookmarks to help you find and collect interesting ideas. Social network Pinterest is the best place to find and store interesting ideas. You can pin them to your boards. You can fill your feed with fresh Pins from people whose tastes match yours. While browsing your feed, exploring category feeds, or using search, you can search in social network Pinterest sources new inspiration and share them with your followers.The World Catalog of Ideas, also known as Pinterest, is a social Internet service, photo hosting, which allows users to add online images and place them in thematic collections and share them with other users. Source: Wikipedia

What are Pins on Pinterest?

Pins(from English. pin, the meaning of the word "pin", or "pin") is visual bookmarks. All are linked to the sites they are pinned from. So you can always get Additional information such as how to make something or where to buy by going to the original site.

Boards on Pinterest

Boards is where you collect your Pinterest Pins. You can choose any theme for your board: save recipes to the Food board, places you want to see to the Travel board, and watches and expensive cars to the James Bond board.

Repin on Pinterest: what does the word Repin mean and howsave new Pins on Pinterest?

Repin(in English - Repins) - a secondary publication of a Pin posted by other network users. In simple words, Repins on Pinterest is an action similar to "Reposts" on Vkontakte, or "Retweets" on Twitter. To make a Repin, just click on the "Save" icon, which is located at the top right of the "Pin". You can save everything you find online by adding a Pinterest button to your favorite browser. Or check out what other Pinterest users have found. If you like something, you can always save the Pin you find to your own board.

Let's say you found a soft pretzel recipe on Pinterest that's perfect for an upcoming potluck party. Pin this recipe to the Food board (the board is where you collect your Pins; we'll talk more about that in the next section) and you'll easily find it once you're ready to cook. When it's time to get ready for the party, open your Pin and go to the original recipe website.

Group Boards on Pinterest: How are group boards different from collaborative and shared boards?

Group boards, or joint boards— this is a very useful option that is available to all registered members of the Pinterest social service.You can collect Pins on boards together with other people.Group boards can be created by all users and in the status of the founder, invite other members pinterest for collaborative Pins. To invite collaborators for group collections of Pins,you need to send an invitation. Discuss food options for an upcoming party, plan a theme night, or team up with other family members (and even a contractor) to create your dream landscaping.

Keep track of your boards and Pins

Pins and boards are on your Pinterest profile. Some time after you start pinning Pins, you will see that your profile reflects your personal characteristics and interests!

If someone pins your Pin, likes, follows, or mentions you in a comment, you'll get a notification. Notifications are great for finding people and boards to follow. If you notice someone has pinned your Aston Martin Pin to the Automotive Classics board, check out the board, you might want to follow it.

Hello site friends!

You know, I grew up in the fun 80s. Those were great times. I was no different from today's youth. Although, no. Here's what was different:

- Instead of Instagram, I had a magazine “Funny Pictures”. By the way, if you don’t know what Instagram is, I highly recommend reading this review:

- Instead of Twitter - a game of notes at school =)

“Instead of SnapChat, there was nothing at all. How do you not know what a mega fashion snapchat is? Then surely

- Instead of the Internet - a wired radio in the kitchen with the anthem of the Soviet Union at 6-00 and 24-00 (oh, those were great times!)

That is why I am especially interested in everything new! Hungry informational childhood makes itself felt =)

And so, today, on a tip from Ivan Shipilov, he began to study. At first out of curiosity, and then I got so involved that I decided to write a short post on this topic.

As they say, let's do without long preliminaries =) and start right away with registration in this new social network.

Update: in July 2015, the social network "Vkontakte" released a very interesting analogue of Instagram, which is called Snapster (Snapster).

A very interesting thing, I advise you to get to know it right away. There are still few people there, which means that it will be possible to quickly unwind =)

What it is?

In fact, this is a very cool image cataloguer. Well, of course, with elements of a social network. No not like this! It is, after all, more of a social network with elements of a cataloger.

What are people doing there?

Users upload photos (which are called PINs) to their Boards. You can not download, but borrow images directly from websites or other accounts.

- These same PINs (images, that is) are attached to the boards and put up for review. Everything is like in a regular bulletin board on the street.

- Can make Like on your PIN.

- They can follow you (as in the same Twitter or Instagram)

There is also a mobile version of Pinterest for smartphones. I recommend watching this video

By the way, I only use mobile version Pinterest, as it is much more convenient, in my opinion. However, whoever is more comfortable. Either way, read the article below!

How to register?

As you can see, if you already have an account on Twitter or FaceBook, then you can log in using the password and login from them. Or register via email. Please note that “registration” via e-mail does not really stand out against the background of two huge Twitter and Facebook buttons.

Obviously, Pinterest was originally designed for close integration with other social networks, or pays tribute to fashion.

I decided to use the email option.

I entered my data, uploaded my avatar and clicked on the “Create Account” button and got to the second step of registration:

Look, what a tricky move: I was invited to click on several photos that I like! That is, I immediately subscribed to some dudes and immediately found myself in the thick of things.

Ok, okay! I clicked on a dozen photos and clicked the “Continue” button

I get to the next window, in which it is proposed to confirm the registration via e-mail, which was sent to your mail indicated at the very beginning.

I go to the mail (please note that the letter may end up in the Spam folder)

and confirm the registration by clicking on the red button “Verify Email”

Well, everyone! Now you are a full-fledged participant in the movement :-)

How to use Pinterest?

So we have registered.

Now we create the Board as follows: Go to the menu “User_name - Boards”

And we already see 4 blanks.

I have already created 2 pieces (they already have a couple of pictures). And I want to create a Board called "Primer".

Everything is very simple - I fill in the field above the free board and click on the red "Create Board" button. That's all. Now you can add both your own and other people's images to these boards!

For example, I’m going to look for what is on request FOX (Fox) (no, I started looking for lemurs, but I didn’t rewrite the screenshot :)

I choose a photo that I really, really liked. I clicked on Follow and now I will follow the new works of this author:

I can just “Like” this image or Repin to my board.

How to repin? Very simple:

- Click on the Repin button

- Choose the Board on which you want to stick a photo. I selected the “For Articles” board and clicked on the “Pin It” button

This is how you can fill your boards not only with other people's images, but also with your own, taken from a computer, for example.

Okay, in order to upload an image:

Click on the inscription ADD +

Choose “Upload a Pin”

Through the “Browse” we select the desired photo image on the computer and indicate the board where we want to save it. Oh, I almost forgot - be sure to give a description for the file. I wrote "Cool old auto". And click on "Pin It".

How to find or add friends on Pinterest?

Again, it's very simple:

- Go to the menu “Profile_name- Find Friends”

You can invite friends through:

Here is a very visual video!

Why is this all?

Well, this is exactly what I need. For cataloging images, for example. Lots of beautiful photos. It is very interesting to look at the life of other countries. And in general, it is very similar to Instagram, which I wrote about.

It is curious that in the US this network is called nothing more than FaceBook for housewives. So, I'm a housewife, then? =)

By the way, here's mine Account in this social network http://pinterest.com/ideafox/

How can you earn money on this?

One Englishman opened many accounts in which he promotes his online store. Obviously, the more followers you have, the more likely you are to get an advertising order. But, for Russia, I think that this is of little relevance.

Will definitely come up with something else!

Obviously, if you are a photographer, you should definitely try it. The network is very young and there is a chance to quickly unwind.

Few facts:

— The history of the project began in 2008, when the founder of the company, Ben Silbermann, created the company of the same name. For a long time, the headquarters was located in the apartment.

— Work on the project began in 2009 and already in 2010 the beta version of the service was presented to the public. It was possible to get into the network only by invites (invitations)

— It is interesting that open registration became available recently - in August 2012.

- In the US, it is the third most popular and second only to Twitter and Facebook
