Open folder no access. Solving the problem "Access Denied" to a flash drive

Many users are faced with such a problem when they cannot open a file, folder, or even a disk. Instead of the expected result, only a message is displayed stating that folder is not available. Access denied . The reason is that the requested resource has not been assigned (or incorrectly assigned) an owner. Especially often the system shows such behavior after reinstallation.

The thing is that the user's security identifier could have changed, and even if you enter the correct username and password, the drive or folder may not be accessible. After reinstalling the system, many folders, files, and disks, including the old permissions for their use, could remain. As a result, on new system When I try to open it, I get an access denied message.

The solution to the problem is not difficult, you just need to make a few settings. Start - My Computer - Tools - Folder Options - tab View. In chapter Extra options uncheck the box and click the button .

Now we need to take ownership of the resource (it can be a file, folder, or drive). To do this, right-click on it and select the command Properties, open tab Safety. Note that this tab only appears after you disable the use of simple file sharing. If a security message appears, click the button . Then we press the button [Additionally].

Go to tab Owner and in the column Name highlight your username or post Administrator if we are logged in with this account. Then turn on the option and press the button .

Thus, access permissions will be set to the specified drive or folder and everything contained there. If the following message appears, agree and continue:

Changing the owner of a large number of files may take some time. After that, you can further configure security rights for the selected disk by checking the boxes in the corresponding options in the column Allow or ban. Note that deny rights take precedence over allow rights.

After completing the security rights settings, you can re-enable the option Use simple general access to files (recommended).

For Windows 7, it is not necessary to uncheck the box, you can immediately go to the Security tab and perform all the steps described earlier.

The only difference is only in the text of the option, in Windows 7 it sounds like "".

It may happen that after reinstalling windows or for some other reason, the system will deny you access to some folders or files on local drives, especially if one of these disks has previous version Windows.

But what if we say you have important files on your old desktop, or in your downloads folder, or in your documents folder, or in some other special place? This article discusses this question and presents two ways to regain access to such folders or files. For example, the suggested solutions were performed on Windows 10, but the following is true for Windows 8 and Windows 7.

First way

Click on the folder with limited access right click mouse and select command context menu"Properties". In the folder properties dialog that opens, switch to the "Security" tab, then in the "Groups and Users" list, find the item with the name of the account under which you are logged in and click on it with the mouse. In the lower field you can see the permissions for the folder.

You may also not see your account listed as shown in the picture above. In any case, click on the "Edit" button to change your account's access rights to the folder. If your account is listed in the upper field, skip this paragraph and read on, otherwise click on the "Add ..." button.

In the dialog that appears, type in the name of your account in the lowest field, click on the "Check names" button.

Highlight the item with the name of your account in the upper field, and in the lower box check the box next to "Full access", then click the "Apply" button.

If you see the following message while applying the settings:

Error applying security settings to... Failed to enumerate objects in container. Access denied.

or message:

Then close all dialog boxes and try the second method.

Second way

Right-click on the restricted folder and select "Properties" from the context menu. In the folder properties dialog that opens, switch to the "Security" tab, then click on the "Advanced" button.

In a new window, in the line owner, click on the "Change" link, if you need to enter your account password, enter the password and confirm the action.

A dialog box for searching and adding an account will open, the same as in the first method described above. Type in the name of your account in the lowest field and click on the "Check Names" button.

The system will find and format your account name. Click on the "OK" button to add the found account.

The dialog box will close and in the previous window, in the "Owner" line, you should see the name of your account. Be sure to check the "Replace owner of subcontainers and objects" box below it to access all subfolders and files in the folder you are trying to access, then click the "Apply" button.

Agree with the warning that you want to change the permissions for this folder so that you have full control rights by clicking on the "Yes" button.

In the next informational message, also click the "OK" button.

As a result, you should see only one item in the change owner window with the name of your account.

Click OK and close the main folder properties dialog box by clicking OK.

All! The folder should open as usual.

Sometimes, when you try to open a folder, you may receive an error message. Let's see what can be done if there is no access to the folder.

The reasons why a folder cannot be opened are very different, but I will try to tell you about each of them and instruct you what to do in each case if access to the folder is denied. To begin with, I must say that all The following steps must be performed using an administrator account.

You are not the owner of the folder

After reinstallation or windows updates you may no longer be on the list of folder owners, so the system quite rightly prevents you from reading files that do not belong to you.

Now I will tell you how to access the folder in this case. First, go to the "Control Panel" menu item and select "Folder Options" or "Folder Options" depending on the system.

In the "View" tab, we find the item "Use the Sharing Wizard (recommended)", if you have Windows 7 or XP, if you have Windows 8 - "Use simple folder sharing (recommended)", uncheck it, click "OK".

Now right-click on the folder and select "Properties" from the drop-down menu. In the "Security" tab, click on "Advanced" and in the new window, click on the "Owner" tab at the top of the window. Click "Edit" on the bottom left.

It is possible that you will not have such a tab. Then you need to go to safe mode and then follow the steps below.

In the window that opens, select the username you want to allow access to and click OK. To gain access not only to the folder, but to all the files and folders inside, we selected the item "Replace the owner of subcontainers and objects" and then click "OK".

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. The bottom line is that the owner of the folder has changed, and in order to fix this, you need to specify yourself as the owner. It's different when you encrypted data and after reinstalling Windows decided to open this folder. That's when your head may just explode, and your problem is solvable and you shouldn't worry! I hope that after following my instructions, you are no longer denied access to the folder that you need.

By the way, if such an error appears when opening a flash drive or disk, be sure to check your computer for viruses.

Here's another option, from the person who posted the video:

What should I do if, when trying to open a folder on a local or network drive, I get the error "Location not available: Access denied to folder"?! In most cases, the reason for this is one and it is quite simple - the user under which you work does not have access rights to the directory. This is very common when connecting a second computer to a computer. hard drive or network storage. There is one more possible reason the message "Access Denied" appears - the folder is encrypted. It is impossible to open it without the certificate that was used for encryption, and therefore we will take a closer look at the first case.

So, you are not the owner of the folder, you do not have the rights to view its contents, and when you try to open it, Windows gives an error "Permission denied to the folder." To fix this situation, right-click on this directory and select "Properties":

On the "Security" tab, click the "Advanced" button to get to the advanced folder security options:

Here, in the "Owner" line, the user who owns this directory will be indicated. Click on the "Change" link. In the next window, you need to specify the new owner of the folder:

You can enter it manually, but it is best to press the buttons More>>Search select the desired account. Click on the "OK" button. Now the owner will change to the one you chose:

Below, in the list of permission elements, find the desired account and double-click on it to open the following window:

Apply the changes and close the window.

That's not all. We return to the properties of the folder that gave the error Location unavailable: Access denied and on the "Security" tab, click the "Edit" button:

In the permissions window, check for the desired account all the “Allow” checkboxes so that there is not a single prohibition. Apply the changes and click on the "OK" button to close the window.

Checking - now access to folders you should appear.

Hello friends! The other day, once again, I came across an error when starting some system services. Why do I say that again? The thing is, I've already met her. not for the first time, but somehow I could not get to the description of the ways in which I successfully coped with error 5.

So let's meet a few possible solutions, which can also help you if you find problems with starting services, namely " Errors 5. Access Denied". In general, I will first describe the very essence of the error that I am talking about, so that you can determine the same problem you have or something completely different.

So, by opening the services menu and selecting the item I need, I get into their properties, where in the item about how to start the service, I set the value to “Automatically”, and also click on the “Start” button to start it immediately. But alas, instead of a successful start, a small window is displayed on the screen, with a rather strange message that the service could not be started due to "Error 5. Access denied".

This message surprised me because it said about the lack of rights, although I worked at the computer, logging in using the system administrator account, and as you know, there are all possible rights to change the properties and settings of the operating system.

How to solve the problem with Error 5?

There are quite a few solutions to this kind of problem, namely, fixing the causes of the “error 5. Access denied” when starting services, it all depends on the situation the user is facing. Further, as usual, I will not describe one hundred percent way that will help everyone, since there is none, but I will write about how I got out of this situation with a positive result.

I found some examples of fixing error 5 on the net, but I got to others myself. In general, let's see what in my practice helped to get rid of problems with starting services, but if you try to do the same for yourself, maybe one of the options I suggested will suit you.

"Error 5. Access denied" when starting system services, solutions

1. Opening full access to the "C" drive. I don't know why, but I've come across computers where it's safe system disk rights were set exclusively to read and nothing else and given parameter was set for all accounts. But, as soon as I returned all the security checkboxes, error 5 disappeared forever, but the service started its work without any problems.

To return the rights, you need to get into the properties window of the system drive "C" and go to the tab " Safety". Having missed the list of users and groups, we go down to the "Edit" - "Add" buttons.

In the area that appears, use your hands on the keyboard to type the word " All”, which means that we will set the same access rights for absolutely all users of the system.

If everything is so, then in the previous step you did not make mistakes, click on "OK".

For those who are still Windows user XP, you should pay attention to the fact that by default you may not see the "Security" tab. In order to return it to its place, follow a few simple steps.

  1. Open any folder;
  2. Click on "Service" at the top.
  3. "Folder properties";
  4. "View";
  5. In the list additional options uncheck the use of simplified sharing.

After that, we perform the above described actions and, of course, we check whether you managed to cope with the error5 using this method or not.

2. Also, there is another way that I got on the Microsoft support pages. Seeing this tip in the comments, I decided to try it and the problem with error 5 when starting the service was solved.

The first step is to open command line on behalf of the administrator, if you are on this particular account, then you can not worry and just open cmd using "Run".

Now in the window that appears, write this: net localgroup Administrator /add networkservice (Important: if you have English. OS then instead of Admin. specify Administrator) and press the Enter key.

Then we do this: net localgroup Administrators /add localservice . (Administrators)

When finished with the commands, close the command prompt window and restart the computer.

If the commands were entered correctly and you were lucky, then error 5 preventing the services from starting should disappear, and the services themselves will start without any access denied messages.

3. We are trying to fix the error with denied access when starting services using the registry of the operating system.

But, before we rush to chop up our registry, we first need to find out the name of the service that does not want to start. To do this, in the list of services, open the properties of the service we need and look at the line " Service name". Having remembered it, we proceed directly to working with the registry.

Registry Editor - launch it using the "Run" window. If you do not understand what it is, then you.

You should see a large list of services in alphabetical order. In order to understand what kind of service we need, I said to look at its name in the properties. So we are looking for a section with the appropriate name, right-click to call up the section menu and select the line " Permissions».

The same security setting as I described in the first paragraph should be displayed. In general, we look at what would be installed in the "Administrators" and "Users" groups full access.

If they are not there at all, then we fix this matter, in the same way as I showed it at the beginning of the article.

4. Let's consider one more point, which is also related to access to the C drive, only this time not to all users, namely LOCAL SERVICE.

So, again we go into the security properties of the system disk. Next, after the list of users and groups, click on the "Add" button.

In the window that appears, click on "Search". As a result, a list should appear from which we need to select "" and click on the "OK" buttons.

This group should be added to the user's list, now for going down a little lower to the "Permissions for LOCAL" window, set all possible checkboxes and apply the changes.

In theory, the service should start after that, but error 5, disappear without a trace.

5. Alternatively, you can also disable or remove your antivirus and try to start the service without it. The point is that some antivirus programs besides software install additional services that could take away your rights to enable or disable some local services.

6. Well, the one hundred percent option, of course, is, I know that it won’t suit everyone, but I can tell you with confidence that it will definitely help get rid of error 5 with denial of access to start the service, well, and additionally save the computer from various other glitches and problems 🙂

On this I will probably finish my article, but if at least one of the above options helps you, then do not forget to join us
