Translator to work without the Internet. The best offline translator - TOP mobile offline translation software

Great offline and online translator for smartphones and tablets, with full functionality of the web version, supporting about 60 different languages ​​from the world-famous largest corporation Google Inc.

To use the automatic translator, you must first download it to your gadget, install and run it. After that, choose from which language to which you want to translate. Also select the text input method. There are 4 types: voice, recognition from the camera of an Android device, handwritten, and of course touch.

How does it all work?
I think everyone understands how voice input works, you just say a phrase or sentence and Google translates it. It often happens that the texts necessary for translation are on paper (books, magazines, etc.), and in order to simplify the translation for us, we can simply take a picture and Google will do everything for us. If you like to draw, then you have your own input method. Just draw the word with your finger or stylus, Google will also recognize it. And finally, the easiest way is touch, typing.

Google translator for android without internet it will also be easy to cope with its functions. To do this, you will need to download the language packs first. After the translation, you can do whatever you want with the received text: listen, copy, even send via SMS or email to a friend.

Let's single out the most important features translator programs for android:
- 4 types of input: voice, handwriting, using a photo camera and ordinary printed
- translate words and sentences without internet connection
- translation into 60 different languages
- send translated text via sms or email

If you do not want to miss the appearance of new features and functions, we advise you download translator for android without internet from our site for free right now!

If you are traveling or in an area with poor network coverage, you will not be able to use the online translator. In such a situation, offline functionality comes to the rescue, which works by preloading the desired dictionary. In the article we will name the applications in which there is offline translation, we will tell you how to use it.

Perhaps the best translator for that is able to work offline. Application from the search giant provides translation services in 103 languages. The program is distributed free of charge and is available to all users of mobile devices.

Key features of Google Translate include:

  • Function quick transfer- after copying the text in any program its translation is instantly visible.
  • Loading language packs to use features without an internet connection.
  • Translation through the camera - just point the lens at the inscription, as the program will process it and provide the text in the user's native language. In a similar way, the function works with photos (37 languages ​​​​are supported in this mode).
  • Translation of direct speech from 32 languages. You no longer need to type text to understand its meaning.
  • Phrasebook option. The user can mark and save important phrases for future use.

How to use the offline translation feature in the app:

  • Launch Google Translate and click on three horizontal planes located in the upper left corner.
  • Select item Offline Translation.
  • A list of available languages ​​will open. Find the one you need, to the right of it, click on the arrow pointing down - the package will be loaded into the device's memory. Previously downloaded files are displayed at the top of the list.

After performing simple steps, it will work without the Internet. The use of this function in other applications has a similar principle - from the user you just need to download the language pack first.

Similar to the previous application from the Russian search engine Yandex. After installation, in the user's arsenal will appear the ability to translate into 90 languages ​​- subject to network connection. Fewer destinations operate without the Internet, but the most popular ones are present.

Application features:

  • Enter text with your voice. Sounding out the result.
  • translated word can be presented in the article to understand its scope.
  • Photo translation - system recognizes the text in the photo and transforms it into the user's native language. There are currently 12 destinations available.
  • Translation of website pages without leaving the application.
  • Text processing in context menu(functioning starting from the 6th version of Android).
  • Speed ​​Dial Tips, automatic detection language, saving results, maintaining history.
  • Android Wear Supported- the translation of the spoken word can be seen on the smart watch screen.

You can download an offline translator for Android for free by visiting the Play Market.

Application from the PROMT service. It has a synchronization system via the cloud, which provides a single database of selected translations available on your phone and computer. After registration, the user receives a 7-day trial period, further use involves the purchase of a Premium subscription.

Application features:

  • Translate.Ru has three main functions: translation, dictionary and phrase book.
  • Offline mode for 16 languages, subject to the preliminary loading of the necessary files in the settings.
  • Using popular translation topics allows you to get the most accurate result. Currently available areas: training, science and education, technology, business, etc.
  • Dialogue mode - provides comfortable communication with a foreign interlocutor. The application independently recognizes speech and provides two-way translation.
  • Application functionality is available in the context menu. This eliminates the need to open Translate.Ru to understand the text.
  • Photo translation.
  • Enter text with your voice.
  • The results show the translation itself, as well as part of speech and transcription.

    Other features:

    • Simultaneous translation of speech - the screen is divided into two parts, which allows each interlocutor to see his version.
    • Translation of a conversation with a large number of interlocutors (up to 100 people).
    • Built-in phrasebooks, which include common phrases and pronunciation tips. The function will help you prepare for a trip to another country.
    • Providing alternatives word meanings.
    • Download language packs to the device's memory to use the application without access to the Internet.
    • Sounding out the results.
    • Providing transliteration which allows you to correctly pronounce an unfamiliar word in another language.
    • Saving individual results for quick access in future.
    • The functionality of the application works in the context menu.

    Introduced Features and Application Capabilities will allow you to choose a suitable offline translator for Android.

Reading 3 min.

Hello everyone, dear readers. Today I made another interesting selection, this time I have collected some of the best offline translators working on mobile gadgets running the Android OS.

Why are offline Android translators good? First of all, they are good because they do not require an Internet connection to translate words. Those. have their own offline database of words, which, by the way, for some applications will need to be downloaded separately. Some word bases are quite impressive in size, so immediately count on this and highlight free place under dictionaries.

Important: I do not recommend that you download applications for your Android gadget from third-party services. Download and install programs only from official sourceGoogle Play. By downloading applications from an official source, you will protect your phone or tablet from various kinds of viruses.

link .

One of the most popular text translation apps. In order to translate the text, you need to run this translator and switch to the offline translation mode. Important: before using this translator without the Internet, you need to download the language pack that suits you, for example, Russian-English. From additional features I would like to point out the following:

  1. The application - offline Google translator "can" work with 90 languages. I think you will find what you are looking for;
  2. In addition to the usual translator, there is a photo translator. You saw an inscription in a foreign language, took a picture, uploaded it to the translator and received an instant translation;
  3. It is possible to write text with a finger on the screen, for those who do not like to type on the keyboard;
  4. Possibility to save translated texts to the library for later search and review.

Download this application You can in Google Play at the link.

Another good offline translator for a mobile gadget based on Android. According to many users, this tool is one of the best and most functional translator. Of its features, I note the following:

  1. A very interesting feature is voice translation. Those. you do not need to type text on the keyboard, just say it out loud and immediately get the most accurate translation;
  2. The application supports translation from the most popular languages. For 99% of users, this will be enough;
  3. To translate the text, it is not necessary to enter it into the application. It is enough to select the text and immediately get its translation.

You can download this app on Google Play from the link.

Another worthy Android translator for your smartphone or tablet. Among all its undoubted advantages, I would like to note the following:

  1. In the application, as in the previous ones, such a function as photo translation is available;
  2. The hypertext tool will allow you to translate any word from text by simply clicking on it. Agree, very convenient;
  3. Ability to translate words from the seven most popular languages.


The need for people to know a foreign language has always existed. Each of us studied one or another foreign language at school or institute. As a rule, the acquired knowledge is not enough. To always have the opportunity to understand foreign words, you need to install a translator on android.

Currently, a large number of such programs have been developed. Despite the fact that they are all created for the same purpose, there are quite significant differences between them. Some translate only text, others are able to recognize voice, others can scan and work with inscriptions on pictures. The quality of the final result is also different. If the same document is translated in several programs, then the end result will sometimes be completely different. In the midst of all this abundance mobile applications, we will try to highlight some of the most functional solutions.

Google translator (Download)

It is the leader in its category. However, this is not surprising. The world's most famous search engine cannot afford to be left behind.

The product from Google includes a number of features:

  1. Translation of printed text. The program will easily translate documents of any size, spending a minimum of time on it.
  2. Processing handwritten messages.
  3. Voice acting voice messages. You can say any phrase, after which the application processes and translates the received information with lightning speed.
  4. Work with text on a picture or photo. It is enough to take a picture of the instructions for a foreign drug or a sign in a foreign language. The program will recognize phrases from the picture and translate them.


  • supports a huge number of languages ​​(about 90);
  • able to translate without internet connection. To do this, you first need to download the database with the necessary languages;
  • distributed absolutely free of charge;
  • high speed.

Yandex translator (Download)

The Russian company is trying to keep up with its main competitor. Unfortunately, in comparison with the first, the brainchild of Yandex has a more modest functionality. Although, in everyday life, the available opportunities are quite enough.

  1. The database contains more than forty languages.
  2. There is no charge for downloading and installing.
  3. If you download the necessary language packs, it can work offline.
  4. Saves previously translated texts.
  5. Supports hints when typing a message.

Among the shortcomings can be noted the lack of the possibility of translation from photos, as well as a large amount of language packs. To download all forty languages, you will need several tens of gigabytes of memory. (Download)

A fairly high-quality translator for android that does not cause any particular complaints. Its feature is the ability to choose a style. If you take one document and translate it first in the style of "Science", and then in the style of "Social. network", the end result will vary. If the text is of a general nature, then it is not necessary to choose a method at all.

Application features:

  • supports voice input of information;
  • able to translate text into nine different languages;
  • not overloaded with unnecessary settings and has a nice interface;
  • can translate a web page if you enter an address in a special field.


  • does not recognize images;
  • Only the paid version works without an internet connection.

Text Grabber+Translator (Download)

This is another translator for the popular android platform. The application turned out to be quite interesting and has a number of features. This utility is sharpened to work with photographed texts. The main thing is that the picture is clear. From poor quality photos, TextGrabber will not be able to recognize anything.

Main advantages:

  1. Ability to work in sixty languages ​​of different countries.
  2. High-quality translations of texts of any complexity.
  3. Possibility to send the result to other users using available means of data transfer.
  4. The history of previously translated materials is preserved.

The application turned out to be very narrowly focused, but it copes with its task perfectly.

iTranslate (Download)

Very powerful translator for android. According to some indicators, he is able to compete even with recognized leaders. In addition, iTranslate's interface is carefully thought out. All control buttons are located ergonomically and do not cause questions from users.

Main advantages:

  • the program supports 92 languages;
  • when entering text, prompts pop up that save time;
  • voices the typed translation;
  • there is a possibility of voice input.

Considering all these features, iTranslate could win more wide audience, but there is one drawback. The app only works when connected to the internet. For many users, this factor is decisive in the choice.

Babylon (Download)

The program combines two functions at once. Firstly, it is a fairly good translator, and secondly, a dictionary.

Main advantages:

  • high-quality translation of even complex messages;
  • low system requirements;

Main disadvantages:

  • is paid;
  • rather complicated interface for perception;
  • no voice input;
  • does not recognize phrases from images.

All the programs described today at the proper level fulfill their main purpose. Naturally, the translation is not perfect. Applications are not able to translate text in the same way that a native speaker can. Despite this, the general meaning of the phrases becomes clear. Differences in programs consist only in a set of functions. If you are planning to install a translator on your Android, it is better to use solutions from leading software manufacturers.

If you do not speak the language of the visited country perfectly, then a pocket dictionary will be an indispensable thing on the road. Since it is no longer fashionable or rational to carry a paper book - it is heavy, takes up space, still look for it, buy it - I recommend an alternative for a smartphone. Of course, travelers are interested in offline dictionaries, that is, dictionaries without the Internet. (To be more precise, now even more relevant translators without internet). Abroad, we cannot connect so freely to mobile internet and are very dependent on WiFi. Therefore, only translators without the Internet can interest us.

I offer two adequate options, lighter in terms of memory and heavier.

Dictionary offline

Oddly enough, there are not so many dictionaries that are relevant for offline mode, that is, without the Internet. The app I used before is called Offline Dictionaries. I found only for android, the link is here. The application is free.

I haven’t tried it myself, but there is another option “ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries”, this time for both android and iPhone. Mostly free too.

Let's return to the "Offline Dictionaries" application. This is a good dictionary that does its job well. There are basic languages, it translates. Language packs that need to be downloaded in advance to use offline weigh 5-10 MB. That is, the dictionary itself is very lightweight, if that matters to anyone.

But it must be remembered that this is a dictionary, not a translator. You can search for individual words in it, but it will not be able to translate the simplest phrases. However, the app is quite good.

Offline translator

Still, a more modern choice is a full-fledged translator without internet. Personally, I use the same as when translating on a computer - a translator from Yandex. You can download it for any platform.

Apologists for Google products believe that Google Translate wins against him (links for Android and iPhone). Well, you can download it too. In fact, when I use them on a computer, one or the other offers me best options(at least when it comes to English language). Therefore, on trips, and indeed on average, I consider these translators to be equivalent, which one you like, choose the one you like.

The translator without the Internet must be downloaded in the settings. There are basic dictionaries, including directions without the Russian language, for example, English - Spanish.

Packets take more space than for the first dictionary, however, is also tolerable. But here we already have a full-fledged translator without the Internet, which effectively copes with large texts. The dictionary function, of course, is also there.

I think that the above applications will fully satisfy the needs of the traveler.

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