Manage email messages with rules. Microsoft Outlook: Create a New Outlook Folder Customize Rules

A small note on the topic of restrictions on maximum size rules in Outlook. Outlook Rules is a powerful tool that allows you to organize and automate the user's work in Outlook.

Thanks to the rules, you can set up the movement, forwarding, deletion of incoming and outgoing correspondence, organize the sorting and categorization of letters, and much more ... However, you cannot create an infinite number of rules, because the maximum size of the rules is limited - and this is not a limitation of Outlook itself, but of the Exchange mail server on which the user box is stored.

In some cases, when creating or editing rules in Outlook, a window may appear with a message that the rule cannot be written to the server:

One or more rules failed to pass to the Exchange server and have been disabled. Perhaps some options are not supported or there is not enough space to store all your rules.

In the English version of Outlook, the error looks like this:

This means that in your box on mail server Exchange ran out of room to store rules. The amount of space allocated for rules depends on Microsoft versions Exchange:

  • Exchange 2003- 32 Kb is allocated for the rules (on average, this is enough to store 20 - 25 rules)
  • Exchange 2007/ Exchange 2010/ Exchange 2013/2016- 64 Kb is allocated for the rules

In Exchange 2003, the maximum rule size limit is fixed and cannot be changed. In newer versions of Exchange, the amount of memory for storing rules can be increased up to 256 KB. The rule limit is set individually for each user through a special attribute RulesQuota.

The current Exchange rules quota for a particular user can be found by running the following command in the Exchange Management Console:

Get-Mailbox username | ft name, RulesQuota

To increase the memory for a box:

Set-Mailbox -identity username -RulesQuota 256Kb

Note. The rule size quota can be set to the following values: 64 KB, 128KB, or 256KB.

If you need to increase the limit for the rules for all mailboxes at once, the command will help you:

Get mailbox | Set-Mailbox -RulesQuota 128KB

In the event that this place for storing rules is not enough, the user is recommended to resort to the following manipulations:

  • Remove unnecessary rules
  • Merge rules (e.g. moving emails to the same folder)
  • Reduce rule names
  • If one of the rules moves emails to a personal folders.pst file, you need to move the archive to a directory with a shorter path. For example, from C:\Documents and Settings\winitpro\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\mymail2013.pst to C:\mail\mymail2013.pst

Use Inbox Rules to automatic execution certain actions with the messages that it receives.

For information about how to use archiving, purge, and other tools, see Organize your inbox with archive, purge, and other tools in

Create an Inbox Rule

Rules apply to incoming messages and can be created in any folder.

    To quickly create a rule that moves all messages from a specific sender or set of senders to a folder, in the message list, click right click click on the message for which you want to create a rule, and select the command Create Rule.

    Select the folder where you want to move all messages from this sender or set of senders and click OK.

    Click the button OK.

If you want to do something other than move a message from a specific sender or set of senders to a folder, select Extra options.

Each rule must have at least three elements: a name, a condition, and an action. Rules can also contain exceptions to conditions. At each stage, you can add multiple conditions, actions, or exceptions using the buttons Add condition, Add action And Add an exception.

If you do not want other rules to be processed after this rule, check the box Stop further rule processing. additional information See Stop processing additional rules in for more information.

Editing an Inbox Rule

Note: Some rules created in other versions of Outlook are not processed by Such a rule cannot be executed or modified in

Delete an inbox rule

It's also good to know...

You may have created a rule to forward or redirect messages you receive to another address Email. In this case, it is important to know the difference between a redirect and a redirect.

    Forwarding consists in sending the letter received by you to another recipient. If the recipient answers, his answer will be sent to the address from which the above message was forwarded.

    The forwarded message keeps the original sender in the "From" line. When the recipient to whom the message was forwarded replies, their reply will go to the original sender.

Have additional questions?

Business correspondence on the Internet has become commonplace in our time. Through emails the mass of the required and important information, documents are sent and even deals are concluded. What to do if your work is directly related to e-mail, but for some reason (vacation, business trip) you will not be able to access your mail account? Outlook allows you to keep in touch with recipients even at a distance.

How to make an automatic reply in Outlook: templates and rules

There are two options available for an Outlook user automatic actions over incoming and outgoing messages: templates and rules.

Templates simplify the process of creating and sending messages, the text of which is often repeated, differing only in a few data (literally a couple of words or numbers). At their core, templates are stored messages into which new data is inserted just before being sent.

Rules in Microsoft Outlook- these are actions automatically performed on messages, created on the basis of an existing template or specified conditions.

Let's walk through the process of creating both templates and rules, as well as the differences for different versions outlook.

Create a template for Outlook 2003 and 2007

It is unlikely that anyone else uses these "dinosaurs" of the email world, but if you were lucky enough to get workplace with such software, then this instruction is for you.

Create a template for Outlook 2010-2016 versions

The algorithm of actions in later versions is much simplified, but at the same time, new functionality has been added in the settings.

Create a Rule for Outlook 2007 and 2003

To create a rule in Outlook versions 2003 and 2007, do the following:

What are the differences in the settings for versions 2010, 2013, 2016

There is no fundamental difference in the settings. There are small improvements in the process.

Video: How to turn on Auto Reply in Outlook 2013

How to disable auto-reply

It's still easier than when setting the inclusion. In versions 2010-2016, the next time you log into Outlook with auto-replies enabled, you will see a corresponding warning (“For this account automatic replies are being sent). Click on the "Disable" button and all options will be disabled.

In 2007 and 2003 versions, you will need to go to the "Service" menu, to the "Deputy" item and select the "I'm at work" sub-item.

Go to the "Deputy" service and disable auto-reply

Mail Outlook client greatly simplifies the work with e-mail. Without a doubt, an answering machine during the holidays for a person whose work is constantly connected with correspondence is an indispensable thing. It remains only to correctly configure the parameters of your personal "deputy" and, with a clear conscience, go about your business or just relax!

So, we have covered the main aspects of working with e-mail: creating a message, sending and receiving, as well as replying, forwarding and setting e-mail parameters. All this, no doubt, allows you to organize your communication activities at a decent level. But the features of Outlook discussed below allow not only organizing this process, but also optimizing it, which makes Microsoft Outlook the leader among mail software.

Rule Master is a special Outlook tool that helps you process email. Rules define actions that should be automatically performed for certain messages. pops this rule applied Microsoft program Outlook to incoming or outgoing messages.

Outlook rules

Rules - it is a set of conditions, actions, and exceptions for processing and ordering messages. Each rule consists of three elements: one or more conditions that describe the messages to which the rule applies; one or more actions that specify the operations to be performed on messages that meet the conditions, and one or more exceptions that specify which messages this rule should not apply to. For example, all messages received from your manager (condition), except for those messages that are of high importance (exception), you can automatically move to a separate folder (action).

Table 9.7 shows the standard types of rules and their description.

Rule type Rule Description
Checking messages after receivingApply this rule when messages are received
Checking messages after sendingApply this rule when messages are sent
Move new messages from anyoneApply this rule when messages are received from<отправители или список рассылки>move to folder<имя>
Notification when receiving important messagesApply this rule when messages are received that are addressed to me and are of high importance. Notify me using a notification<текст>
Move messages based on content <текст>in text or in the Subject field. Move to folder<имя>
Deleting a discussionApply this rule when messages containing<текст>in the Subject field. Delete them
Flag messages from someoneApply this rule when messages are received from senders or mailing list>. Set a mark for them<действие и срок>
Determining categories of sent messages <получатель или список рассылки>. Put them in a category<имя>
Defining a category based on contentApply this rule when messages containing<текст>in text or in the Subject field. Put them in a category<имя>
Moving sent messagesApply this rule when sent messages addressed to<получатель или список рассыл-ки>. Move copy to folder<имя>
Stop processing all of the following rulesApply this rule when a message is received. Stop further rule processing

Table 9.7. Standard types of rules and their description

Create a rule

Let's see how the Rules Wizard works with the following example. Let's say that you are an Internet subscriber and every day you receive messages from the subscription server (in my case, this is the news of the day from CityCat). The natural desire is to automatically move the news to a folder specially created for them. But let's say that in addition to news from CityCat, weather reports also come in. Moreover, if the message (news) will have an attachment, I would not want to put it in this folder.

Thus, you can set the following rule: "Move new messages to the folder city ​​cat provided that the sender is CityCat and the subject of the message contains the text "news", unless the message contains an attachment."

Example 9.31. Create a rule

> Tools > Rule Wizard...


Create rule from template

Rule type Move new messages from someone

Rule Description

Name city ​​cat

Name:= <Имя папки>

Place in Inbox


Add new:=<текст>(Fig. 9.47)

Name of Rule:= <Имя правила>

Run this rule on messages that are already in the Inbox

After pressing the button Ready(Finish) the rule for folder items will be run User properties(Personal Folders). Now the rule is completely ready to work.

Working with rules

All created rules are in the list Apply rules in the following order(Apply rules in the following order) dialog box Rule Master(Rules Wizard). You can create, modify, rename and delete rules using the corresponding buttons.

If necessary, you can disable or enable the rule execution mode. To do this, uncheck or check the box next to the mode name.

If there is more than one rule, then you can change the sequence of their execution using the buttons Up(Move Down) and Down(Move Up) In some cases, the order in which the rules are executed is important.

Also, in addition to automatic, the Rules Wizard supports manual execution of the created rules.

Example 9.32. "Manual" execution of rules


Including subfolders

Apply to All messages


In conclusion of this section, I want to give a number of notes and tips for working with the Rules Wizard.

  • Think very carefully about how you will structure your messages. It is important to have a clear understanding of how Outlook works with the structure you choose. So, for example, you can create the same type of folders for each of the contacts, containing subfolders: inbox(Inbox) - for messages received from the contact, and Sent(Sent Items) - for sent to him.
  • When creating a rule, think over its entire algorithm. Make sure that the rule does not intersect with others and does not contradict itself, so that later you do not look for a message where it does not exist. Sometimes in such cases, the Rules Wizard issues a warning about incompatibility.
  • If the message does not match any of the rules, it is placed in the folder inbox(Inbox)
  • Don't forget about another general structuring tool - Categories(Category). Create categorization rules for typical messages.

Using rules for Outlook messages allows you to save time that you could spend on routine processes and significantly increases the productivity of your work. It is enough to set the rules once and in the future the specified conditions will be applied automatically. The most popular rule, which is probably used by all Outlook users, is sorting emails into folders. Without this sorting, my mailbox would be in total chaos. What other rules can be configured in Outlook?

Rules in Outlook fall into two categories: organized rules and informed rules. Alternatively, you can create an empty rule to customize it however you like.

  • organization. These rules help store and track messages. For example, you can create a rule for messages from a specific sender, such as Yegor Tribalov, so that his messages with the word "report" in the subject line are marked for follow-up, categorized as "Reports", and moved to a folder named "Egor's Reports". ".
  • Awareness. These rules ensure that the user is notified in one way or another when a particular message is received. For example, you can create a rule to mobile phone the user was automatically sent a message when they received a message from their manager.
  • Start with an empty rule. These rules are created by the user without the aid of a rule template, allowing you to develop completely custom rules.

Create built-in rule templates for standard scenarios

On the tab File select item Manage rules and alerts.

In the dialog box Rules and Alerts tab Email Rules press the button New.

In Group Step 1 select the desired template from the collection of templates organization or Awareness.

In Group Step 2 click the underlined value. When choosing a link recipients or public group, the address book will open.

In the Step 1. Select filter conditions window, select the conditions that messages must satisfy in order for the rule to apply.

In Group Step 1 select the action to take for the rule when the specified conditions are met.

In Group Step 1 select exceptions to the rule, and then click the button Further.

In the window Step 1 enter a name for the rule.

In Group Step 2 check the boxes for the options you want.

If you want to apply this rule to messages that are already in the folder inbox, check the box Run this rule on messages that are already in the inbox.

Create rules from a message

In addition, you can quickly create a rule based on messages already received. The most logical application of this rule is to move messages from a given sender/group of senders into a single folder.

Click the message for which you want to create a rule, then on the tab home in Group Move click Rules.

Suggested rules are displayed depending on the sender and recipients of the message.

Do one of the following:

  • Click one of the suggested rules, select a destination folder, and then click OK.
  • To view other rule options based on the sender, recipients, or subject of the message, select Create Rule.

A dialog box will open Create a rule.

  • In field When you receive a message that meets the following conditions check the boxes for the conditions you want.
  • In field Do the following select the checkboxes for the action that the rule should take when the specified conditions are met.
  • Check box Move item to folder.

Click an existing folder or click the button Create to create a folder to store the specified messages.

To add additional conditions, actions, or exceptions to the rule, click Additionally and follow further instructions in the rules wizard.
