What is hangouts on android. Instructions for enabling, disabling and deleting Google Hangouts

Today I want to help you create beautiful domain mail on your hosting, redirect it and delegate it to Yandex Mail.

What does this mean?

You will receive beautiful mail with a tail of your domain. And you can view it in the panel of the Yandex Mail mail service.

What is domain mail for?

3) Solid Mailbox for business cards.

Advantages of domain mail delegated to Yandex Mail.

1) Less emails will end up in SPAM.

2) More trust from mail services.

3) Beautiful type mailbox [email protected]

4) Convenient interface for working with mail from Yandex Mail.

5) You can create up to 1000 mailboxes for yourself and your employees and friends.

6) All correspondence is stored on Yandex without taking up space on the hosting.

7) Unlimited mailbox size.

8) Scan mail for viruses.

9) Convenient setting of your SPAM filters.

10) Many different themes for the interface.

11) Access to mail via POP3/IMAP protocols.

12) Access to mail with mobile applications and devices.

13) Convenient tools for working with letters in the web interface (downloading all attached files in one archive, listening to attached mp3 files, tags of popular social networks and much more).

14) Chat (instant messaging) on ​​the Mail pages.

The fact is that many hosting providers generally do not provide mailboxes based on a domain and you have to look for an external mail service. But even if your hoster has a mail service, then these mailboxes take up disk space from your tariff plan on hosting, which forces you to constantly delete read letters and not store correspondence, as there are restrictions on the number, volume and mail traffic.

If you still decide create domain mail right on your hosting, then get ready for the fact that you will meet absolutely not familiar and not user-friendly interface domain mail management. There may also be problems with customization for different email programs and a bunch of other nuances.

Today I will tell how to create domain mail on the Yandex Mail service and how to solve all the problems that arise with mail for the domain.

We connect domain mail on Yandex.

Many of you have a Yandex account and use Yandex mail. So you are familiar with simple and functional user interface this mail service. It would be nice if the mail interface on the domain was just as convenient. It was this question that Yandex programmers thought of when they created a mail service for the domain.

In addition to simplicity and convenience, mail for a domain from Yandex has a lot of advantages, which I talked about a little higher.

All that remains is connect Yandex mail for your domain. It will take from 10 to 30 minutes and depends on the specifics of your hosting and the speed of checking your settings by the Yandex robot. After all the settings, you will be able to enjoy all these delights in conjunction with your site.

A step-by-step plan for connecting the Yandex mail service and creating domain mail to the site:

Step #1. Register on Yandex if you are not registered, or log in with your existing username and password to your account.

Step #2. Go to the domain mail registration section.

Step #3. We confirm the domain that belongs to you, you must prove that you are its full owner. This can be done in several ways. Which one you choose is up to you, I recommend the first method.

There are 3 ways to check domain ownership of a site:

1) Placing a special txt (text) file in the root directory of your site.

2) Creation of a subdomain with a special name offered by Yandex with a Cname entry leading to mail.yandex.ru.

3) Change of contact address for the domain name.

The latter, in my opinion, immediately disappears due to the complexity of implementation in most cases. The first and second methods, in my opinion, are simple, they can be used. Next, I will show confirmation by uploading an html file with a special name to my hosting.

Watch my video tutorial on setting up domain mail on Yandex in order not to miss anything.
In the video tutorial, I told you how to set up mail for a domain in two hostings, this and .

If you have a different hosting, then you can view the manual for setting up domain mail with some popular hosters on Yandex at the link: http://help.yandex.ru/pdd/add-domain/hoster-settings.xml#hoster-settings

Below I will tell you how to set up domain mail using Timeweb hosting as an example. Log in using your username and password.

Go to the Quick Actions section and click on the item: “Upload files to the server”.

In the root folder of public_html of your site, select the "File" item, then click on "Create File" and create new file with a special name that Yandex offered us with the html extension.

We now go to the main page for connecting domain mail on Yandex and click the check domain button.

Step number 4. Setting up an MX record on the hosting so that the hosting redirects all mail to your Yandex mail account.

We return to the Timeweb hosting control panel and go to the panel in the list of created domains. On hover against your domain, a green key button will appear, click on it.

In the window that opens, go to the second tab called MX mail servers and make the settings for MX 10 MX.YANDEX.RU as in the picture below and save the changes.

We return to the settings of the MX record on Yandex and click the "Check MX records" button and wait for the Yandex robot to check it.

Step number 5. After successfully checking MX records on your hosting, you will have the opportunity to create the number of domain mail boxes you need.

In the example below, I have created several mailboxes for my domain.

Now, you can enter the mailboxes you created using a special link offered by Yandex. The link looks like this https://mail.yandex.ru/for/your-domain or simply through the authorization form on home page Yandex Mail.

When you enter your new mailbox, Yandex will ask you to fill in your personal data and redirect you to the Mail for Domain. Completion of registration. Here you just need to correctly fill in all your personal data and save them. After saving personal data, you will be able to use personal domain mail.

Step number 6. We make additional settings digital signature DKIM for your mailbox. This is necessary so that all sent letters reach 100%.

What is DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)?

This is a method of verifying your mail with a special signature.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) technology combines several existing methods anti-phishing and anti-spam to improve the quality of classification and identification of legitimate Email. Instead of a traditional IP address, DKIM adds a digital signature associated with the organization's domain name to determine the sender of a message. The signature is automatically verified on the recipient's side, after which "white lists" and "black lists" are applied to determine the sender's reputation.

This is not a mandatory step, but without it, there is a chance that mail sent from your domain mailbox will end up in your recipient's SPAM box.

To set up a DKIM signature for your domain mail we return to the main page for registering domain mail on Yandex and go down the page and look for a column with the following content: "To enable DKIM, you need to add a special TXT record to your domain's DNS" and click on the link: "Show the contents of the record."

In the window that opens, copy your digital signature to the domain mail and go to our hosting settings.

In the hosting settings, go to the control panel, to the list of created domains. Opposite your domain, when you hover, a green key button will appear, click on it.

In the window that opens, go to the third tab called "Advanced settings" and change the digital signature of the DKIM TXT record there to the one that was taken on Yandex. Be sure to click and save the changes made.

I congratulate you! If you have gone through all the points that I described above, then you have a fully working domain mail.

It remains to wait a bit for the Yandex robot to check the digital signature settings for domain mail.

That's all for me, thanks for your attention, I'm waiting for your questions in the comments to the article. Sincerely yours Alexander Novikov.

After the domain name is registered, there is a need for corporate mail [email protected] your_company.ru

You can create a corporate mail yourself according to this instruction, or order a turnkey corporate mail setup service from us (even if you are not our client). Cost: only 2,000 rubles. In this case, you do not have to delve into the technical subtleties, and save a lot of time. Well, for everyone else, the instructions are below.

There are 2 ways to create corporate mailboxes:

Corporate mailboxes can be created on the side of your server (which hosts the site) - we do not recommend this method, because. the work of mailboxes will be tied to the work of the server. If you move to a new host, or transfer the site, all information from the mailboxes will be lost.

Corporate mailboxes better create on the side of Yandex, Mail, or Google services, while the mailbox will be linked to your domain.

Consider setting up mailboxes on the example of the Yandex service with our site domain

1. We will need one main Yandex account. If you already have mail on Yandex, you can use it as the main account. If not, then you need to register. new mail on Yandex (the name does not matter). We will register [email protected]

2. After registration, go to the mail, and then enter https://pdd.yandex.ru/domains_add/ in the address bar. You should see the domain binding page. Write your domain in the field (in our case, the site):

To do this, you need to create an html file that contains the text proposed by Yandex, and place it in the root of the site using any ftp editor.

It is very easy for clients who are hosted on our servers to do this. You need to go to the ISP-panel according to the accesses granted during the delivery of the site, go to the "File Manager" section, then the www folder -> your site and click the "create" button at the top of the toolbar.

4. After creating the file, you need to register mx records for the domain, to do this, go to the section " Domain names» in the ISP hosting control panel (if you have a different hosting, then the procedure is similar). Select a domain with a mouse click and go to the "Posts" section.

If you have a new domain, most likely, you will already have standard hosting mx records. They need to be removed.

After deleting, click the "create" button on the control panel at the top and specify the data that Yandex offers for your records:

Attention! Do not forget to put a dot at the end of the address mx.yandex.net .

5. After the actions taken, click in the Yandex account "Check domain ownership".

If you did everything correctly, the delegation of mail services should be completed within 15 minutes.

After delegation, you will be able to create mailboxes.

To enter the created mailbox, you can use the usual Yandex.mail interface: http://mail.yandex.ru,

In the login field, enter the name of your corporate mail, in the password field, the password assigned to it.

ATTENTION! To log into a corporate mailbox, you must log out of your main Yandex account (on which mailboxes are created).

You can distribute all created mailboxes to employees (it is enough for them to transfer only the login, password and login link: http://mail.yandex.ru)

Now let's consider the most pleasant question "how to add a signature to a letter in Yandex mail" and arrange a corporate mailbox.

While in the mailbox, click on the gear in the upper right corner of the screen.

1. In the "Your name" field, enter the name of your company, which will be substituted in the "Sender" field for your recipients of letters.

2. Below, in the "signature" field, you can add automatic information that will be substituted at the bottom of the letter. Usually, they insert the name of the manager who answers from this mail (or the name of the company)

3. After adding a signature, do not forget to click on the "Add signature" button so that it is displayed on your right side of the screen (see the figure below):

The Yandex search engine, in addition to the usual mail service, also has a corporate one. It's called Mail for domain and is located at pdd.yandex.ru. They give it for free electronic boxes for a site in the amount of up to 1000 pieces. Or even more upon request to the support team.

Differences between corporate mail and regular mail

When we register a regular box, Yandex offers to choose a name for it - login. It must be unique - one that does not yet exist in the system. But the problem is that most simple logins are taken. And such names as info, manager, reklama cannot be used.

The name of the mailbox will always contain the Yandex site: @yandex.ru, @yandex.by, @ya.ru. And this is not very good if you need the address for business. It can scare away some customers, because it is immediately clear that the box is free.

Regular mail address

Corporate mail adds the address of your site to the login. That is, instead of @yandex.ru there will be @your_site. And you can register any login, even a very simple one.

Corporate mail address

You can create as many such boxes as you like - for any purpose. Each of them will be a separate full mail.

What you need to connect corporate mail

1. Regular mailbox on Yandex.

Through it you will manage all the settings. Create and delete mailboxes, change passwords.

2. Domain, that is, the address of your site.

It will be added to the name of each mailbox after the @ sign.

Let's say my company has a website with the address site.ru. Here site.ru is a domain. And this address will be at each corporate mailbox. If I create a mail called info, its address will be [email protected]

What to do if there is no domain

Without a domain, corporate mail cannot be opened. Will have to buy it.

In the .ru zone, a domain costs about 200 rubles a year. You can buy it through some registrar or hosting company. It is better to take from trusted registrars, for example, from reg.ru.

How to connect corporate mail

To do this, go to your usual mailbox on yandex.ru.

In the "Domain name" field, type the address of your site and click "Add Domain".

3. We confirm ownership of the domain.

The system offers two options. First: delegate the domain to Yandex. This is suitable when the address is empty. That is, when there is no site on it.

The second option is a little more complicated: you need to verify ownership of the address (Step 1) and set up MX records (Step 2). This is suitable if the domain has a website.

After confirmation, you will have to wait until the settings take effect. This usually lasts about a day, but can take longer (up to 72 hours).

4. Create a box.

To do this, simply specify desired login, password and click "Add".

Be sure to go to the box after creating it!

There will have to be done initial settings: Enter first name, last name, and other standard data.

How to enter the box

You can log in to your corporate mailbox through the regular login form on the Yandex home page. We print there the full address (together with the domain) and the password.

Or add an address. To do this, click on the avatar in the right corner of the form.

Today almost every virtual hosting as additional service offers the ability to create mailboxes for your domain, but the convenience of working with such mailboxes sometimes leaves much to be desired. To improve the quality of work with domain mail, you can use free service from YandexMail for domain . This service allows you to link your domain mail to Yandex mail servers with the ability to create up to 1000 unlimited mailboxes using all the benefits of the service Yandex Mail such as automatic anti-virus scanning, spam filters, web-based access, access from mobile devices, and direct connection via SMTP/POP3/IMAP protocols.

One of the main steps in setting up a domain binding to postal system Yandex is to create special records in the DNS zone of your domain. To simplify and automate this procedure as much as possible, you can delegate the domain to Yandex NS servers, that is, in fact, use another free serviceYandex DNS hosting .

In this note, we will step by step consider the procedure for connecting domain mail to Yandex mail servers, as well as delegating a domain to Yandex servers using our IT-KB.RU domain as an example.

Registering an account on Yandex

To work with Mail for Domain, you need a Yandex account, using which we will manage mail in the future. On this moment Up to 50 domains can be connected to each account.Register and get a Yandex account, if this has not been done before.

Connecting a domain to Yandex

After we have authorized on the Yandex website using the created account, we will openadd domain page , specify the name of our domain and press the button Connect domain.

After adding the domain, we will need to confirm that we are the owner of it. The web page will display the status Domain not verified and you will be presented with three options for us to verify ownership of the domain.

Of the three proposed options, I chose the first option with the placement of the file in the root directory of the site. After the specified file is placed, press the button Check Domain Ownership.

After successful verification, we will be redirected to the settings page MX-records for our domain. You can make these changes in the DNS zone of our domain both independently and automatically if you delegate the domain to Yandex. Considering that, in addition to the MX record in our domain, to fully support Yandex mail, you will need to make a few more service SRV records, the easiest way is to delegate the domain, as a result of which all the necessary records in the DNS zone of our domain will be created automatically.

Let's go to the reference linkdelegate domain to Yandex and get acquainted with the information on how to delegate a DNS domain to Yandex NS servers. Everything is extremely simple here. We go to the DNS hosting where our domain is currently located and edit the records of the NS servers. Change the current NS servers to dns1.yandex.net Anddns2.yandex.net

We wait for some time (it can take from several hours to two days) for the changes to be distributed among the name servers of the Internet and check the result, for example, using the utility nslookup

As you can see, now Yandex servers are the name servers of our domain, and we can return to setting up mail for the domain. Let's go back todomain mail management console and we will see that now the domain status has changed to The domain is connected and delegated to Yandex.

Let's open the link DNS Editor and view the records automatically added and configured after the delegation of the domain to support Yandex services - MX,CNAME entries to indicate mail server, SRV (SPF, DKIM) entries to support mail and messaging services over XMPP.

Let's create a new mailbox for our domain and get acquainted with the available mailbox management options

Google has come a long way in the past few years. Thanks to current applications, the company has many fans around the world. Let's talk about a plugin called Hangouts. What is it and what is it for? We will try to deal with this issue in the framework of this article. One thing needs to be said right away: this is a replacement for Google Talk. And, by the way, very successful.

Hangouts program: what is it and how does it work?

Let's first talk about how this utility appeared. And it happened quite recently, when Google Talk and Google+ Messenger merged. It is worth noting that for some time these programs worked independently of each other, but in 2013 the creation of an application called Hangouts was announced. So, three platforms are currently supported: Chrome, iOS and Android. It can be said that this messenger can be considered unified, because it has all independent applications. It is impossible not to mention that there are several new features here, each of which we will consider a little lower. In principle, here you can send emoticons, pictures, messages to your interlocutor, and even create video conferences, like in Skype. Wherever your interlocutor is, you can communicate with him. Well, now let's talk in more detail about how to use the program. Despite the huge set of functions, there is nothing complicated in it.

Hangouts: how to use the utility

So, first of all, it must be said that the plugin is completely free. Therefore, you do not need to pay for any activation, etc. You can use the program both on your desktop computer and on your mobile phone, which significantly increases the demand for such a product. So, you have downloaded and installed this application from Google. And having entered it, we saw a list of dialogues instead of a list of contacts, which, of course, might seem a little strange to you. Everything is quite simple. To send a message to the interlocutor, you need to click on the correspondence that was conducted with him. If you want to communicate through the camera, then this is also easy, you just need to find the appropriate icon, which is located in the dialog box of your correspondence. A distinctive feature is that HD quality is available, but to use it, you need high-speed Internet. During a call, you have the opportunity to choose the quality of the video stream, which is extremely convenient. It is recommended to get a special camera that supports HD.

How to install the application?

Everything is extremely simple here, and now we will analyze in detail how exactly to do this. The first step is to download the utility from the official Google website. It is completely free and takes only a few megabytes. You have already familiarized yourself a little with Hangouts, what it is and what the program is for, you also know, so let's go straight to the installation. You have to accept and choose the path. After that, we are waiting for the end of the process and enjoy the result. Please note that each Google account user has good opportunity install the application directly from the interface. This saves not only time, but also energy. That, perhaps, is all that can be said about installing Hangouts. How to use the program, we have already figured out a little, so let's talk about strengths ah utilities, and there are a lot of them.

Benefits, or why users love Hangouts

I would immediately like to note that there are a lot of strengths here. Take, for example, at least a comfortable video conference. You can connect about 10 people to the conversation, which, you see, is a lot. It is impossible once again that the use of the plugin is completely free, and this is a very, very big plus. Another advantage is that mobile devices also support the use of this utility. The developers also made sure that even a novice user can fully understand the functions of Hangouts. Even a beginner who is just starting to explore the Internet will understand how to use such software. It is possible to record a video conference in automatic mode, and everything is immediately thrown off on Youtube. In fairness, it should be noted that there are also disadvantages, and we will talk about them now.

About the cons of the plugin

Fortunately, there are very few of them. Firstly, this is a name that is difficult to pronounce, but this is not so significant. Another thing is that when creating a video conference in which about 5 or more people participate, the image quality drops noticeably, you can even notice slowdowns. This is perhaps the main drawback of this plugin. It is also worth paying attention to the heating of devices that work with Hangouts for a long time in video conference mode. But that's where all the cons end. As you can see, they are not so significant. And even if you use the plugin to chat with friends, you are unlikely to create conferences for 10 people. Now, let's talk more about Google Hangouts. What it is, you already know, so now a little about the distinctive features.

First run of the program

So you've installed the Hangouts app. What is it and why is it needed, we discussed. However, theory is theory, and no one has canceled practice. Now you need to go into it. To do this, you need to go through authorization in your Gmail account, that is, in the mail. After that, you need to confirm the number mobile phone. You will immediately notice that there is the possibility of multi-selection of the interlocutor, and this pleases. Therefore, to create a conference, you do not need to suffer for a long time. As for video chat, now it is possible to join live broadcasts by invitation. However, it is still not possible to create them from the application. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that during correspondence you can instantly switch to video communication and vice versa, which is very convenient and saves time. The people you talk to most often will appear at the very top as being the most active. You can set the privacy mode or set the status to “out of office”, “do not disturb”, etc. As you can see, using the program is just as easy as installing Hangouts.

About plugin features

So, it will not be superfluous to say what set of functions it has this program. It is worth noting that the settings here are quite flexible, therefore, it is extremely convenient to use Google Hangouts. We will not explain what it is once again and will immediately get down to business. In the main menu, you can turn on / off the camera, send pictures to Instagram or open the clock. As for sharing photos and videos, can you swap pictures that you have on your phone? or turn on the camera, then take a picture and send it to the interlocutor. It is impossible not to say about the rich set of a wide variety of emoticons that clearly emphasize your intentions and tell a friend about your mood. There is also a great opportunity to watch videos from YouTube or do joint drawing. In principle, it makes no sense to describe all the functions of this plugin, because there are a lot of them. The best way- download it yourself and find out.

What to pay attention to?

I would like to say once again what exactly is given by the fact that it has more pluses than minuses. As shown by the only bug that happens to users, these are unexpected crashes. If the plugin does not start on your android device, then there may be several reasons. If you previously had Talk, then it is likely that the utility will install in its place, but instead of the expected Hangouts, you will find the old program. In this case, it is recommended to wait a little. When the plugin is updated to latest version, then this problem will disappear by itself. You have probably heard the expression Hangout services more than once. "What is this?" - you ask? This is still the same plugin, but only now we are talking directly about the service. By the way, I would like to note that one of the main features of the utility is that after the connection is lost, it automatically restores it and shows missed messages, this is exactly what was not in Talk.


We have completely dealt with the issues on this plugin. Now you know how it works, what are its features. Of course, there are several disadvantages here, in addition, most Google employees are busy developing Google Eyes, so quite a bit of time is devoted to instant messengers. But if you decide to use Hangout services, then this is a great solution. You can get in touch with your relatives, loved ones or business partners whenever you want. The utility is not demanding on hardware and runs with a bang. As for the Internet connection, 2 megabytes / sec is enough. for normal video conferencing. Here, perhaps, is all helpful information on this topic, we hope it was useful to you.
