What do you understand about information resources? Practical work "Information resources of society

Educational information resources (EIRs) are freely available, openly licensed texts, media and other digital assets that are useful for teaching and assessment, as well as research purposes. The development and promotion of OER is often motivated by the desire to provide an alternative or expanded educational paradigm. So, what are educational information resources?

In contact with

One of the most famous information resources is Wikipedia and Wiktionary. These resources were transferred to the non-profit charitable organization Wikimedia Foundation in 2003, the purpose of which is to collect and develop free information educational content and its effective global dissemination. Wikipedia has been one of the ten most visited websites worldwide since 2007. What else is considered an educational resource?

General information

The idea of ​​educational information resources has many working definitions. The term was first coined in 2002 at the UNESCO Forum on Open Curriculums and refers to teaching and research materials in any medium, digital or otherwise, that is located in the public domain or has been released under an open license. Access to these resources, use, adaptation and redistribution by others should be without restrictions. Open licensing is built within the framework of existing intellectual property rights defined in the relevant international conventions.

That is, they are teaching and research resources that are in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. Educational resources include:

  • full courses;
  • educational materials;
  • modules;
  • textbooks;
  • streaming video;
  • tests;
  • software and any other tools, materials or methods used to support access to knowledge.

Nature of the resource: Some people limit the definition of EIR to educational electronic resources, while others believe that any educational resource can be included in the definition.

Resource source: While some of the definitions require the creation of a resource with a clearly defined learning purpose, others expand this to include any resource that could potentially be used for learning

Level of openness: Most definitions require that the resource be hosted on a public domain. Others require educational use only or exclude commercial use.

These definitions also have common elements, namely:

  • use, reuse and modification of resources;
  • free use for educational purposes by teachers and students;
  • cover all types of digital media.

The diversity of users, creators and sponsors of educational information resources creates a variety of use cases and requirements.

What can be classified as educational electronic resources?

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) also defines electronic information resources as digitized materials offered freely and openly to educators, students and others for use in teaching and research.

They include:

  • educational content;
  • software;
  • development tools;
  • use and distribution of content.

Computers and related electronic resources have come to play a central role in education. Whatever your feelings about what some have called the digital revolution, many, perhaps most, students are fully immersed in it. They used to using email as a normal form of communication. But not only students appreciate electronic educational resources (EER). Teachers also use these resources using a range of useful tools.

The word “useful” must be emphasized because electronic resources complement, but rarely replace, more traditional teaching methods. Electronic tools can make studying more efficient; lectures are more convincing, informative and varied; reading tasks more extensive, interesting and accessible; discussions are freer and more complex. Only you, however, can judge whether these methods advance your own learning goals.

Web sources and electronic media provide a wider range of secondary and primary sources (including visual and audio materials). Students can now access content that was once only accessible to experts.

A computer with presentation software can provide a one-stop tool to enhance lectures with outlines, slides, statistical charts and tables, images, music, and even video clips.

Required Tools

But owning or accessing technology is usually only the first step. It's even more important to learn how to use it. This is one of the biggest challenges faced by anyone who wants to use electronic tools because this knowledge is not always easy to acquire.

Many people have limited computer skills, are easily intimidated by new and unfamiliar tasks, and try to avoid doing anything that requires them to learn something, very different from what they are used to. If you fall into the latter group but want to expand your ability to use electronic tools, you need to find help.

Finally, keep in mind that technology related to computers and the Internet is changing at an exciting rate. While certain skills will remain useful to you for long periods of time, many will need to be learned over and over again. The rapidity of change in this area can be daunting and intimidating. But it is also the source of some valuable innovations that may come in handy.

Library as an educational information resource

Over the years, libraries have supported educational efforts by providing educational resources, information and reference services. Many libraries have outreach programs, designed to meet the needs specific groups of people with limited skills. In addition, the library's resource materials extend to prisons, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and homes for the elderly and disabled. Libraries have been identified as one of the key elements of open access to information, which is critical for the development of education.

The emergence of libraries

Man's desire for knowledge has led to the creation and accumulation of a huge amount of information. This search for knowledge, knowing no boundaries or limitations, continues from the beginning of civilization to the modern era. This hard-earned knowledge and information is valuable to all humanity and therefore should have been preserved. With the invention of paper, man was able to pass this knowledge on to others by writing books.

Thousands of manuscripts were written by sages of earlier times, but many of them were destroyed due to lack of suitable means of preservation. With the invention of the printing press, it became easier to store knowledge in the form of printed documents. This led to the creation of a large number of books. The need to preserve and disseminate information led to the creation of an increasing number of libraries. Thus, libraries have acquired great importance in a civilized society for education and research. Libraries play a vital role in the development of any society, strengthening the cause of education and scientific research. They meet the information needs of millions of people.

Use of library electronic resources

The development of science and technology over the past two centuries has led to an information explosion. Rapid changes have occurred at a tremendous pace. To meet the growing needs of users, the library system has been significantly improved and modernized to meet new challenges. The services offered by libraries have also undergone great changes.

With the advent of new technologies in the field of computers and telecommunications, revolutionary changes have occurred in the field of library and information science. The form of traditional libraries containing a large number of printed documents is now evolving to smaller paper libraries containing a large number of digitized documents. The tools offered by the network have been adopted by libraries. This has led to the creation of virtual libraries, i.e. libraries without walls, through which the user has access to information at any time and anywhere in the world, using modern means of communication such as computers and Internet facilities.

Libraries are leaders in knowledge management in the new millennium. University librarians are innovative in using new information technologies to provide access to a range of multimedia sources. Today's libraries teach students information processing skills.

The traditional image of the library as a quiet place of study that houses primarily printed collections is changing. Shifts in teaching methods, the impact of computer technology and student diversity has led to that libraries organized resources and designed services that meet new learning demands. Libraries organize collections of information and provide access and services that include changes in teaching, learning and information technology.

A library is a collection of sources, resources and services, as well as the structure in which it is housed. The term “library” acquired a secondary meaning: “collection of information for public use.” This meaning is used in fields such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, electronics, and biology.

Libraries are considered as agencies through which sources of information, accumulated knowledge and experience are selected, acquired, organized, stored and distributed among those who need them. They are important learning tools at any level.

People in many professions use library resources to improve their educational attainment. Students use libraries to complement and expand their knowledge, to learn sourcing skills and to develop good reading and study skills. Government officials use libraries to study legislation and public policy issues. The library provides information and services that are essential for learning and progress.

The library is self-education tool, means of cognition and factual information, a center of intellectual recreation and a beacon of enlightenment that provides the accumulated stored knowledge of civilization.

In an electronic sense, a library can be more than a building that houses a collection of books and other materials, as the Internet has opened up an avalanche of online and electronic resources for accessing documents on various areas of interest.

Practical work

Topic: Working with catalogs of educational information resources.

Target: learn to use catalogs of information educational resources, search for the necessary information with their help.

Theoretical information for practical work

The concept of “society information resource” (ISR) is one of the key concepts of social informatics. The widespread use of this concept began after the publication of Gromov’s book by G.R. in 1984. "National information resources: problems of industrial exploitation."

“An information resource is knowledge presented in project form,” such a brief and insufficiently strict definition was proposed by Professor Yu.M. Kanygin.

Thus, information resources are knowledge prepared for appropriate social use.

The concept of IRO, accumulated in a knowledge society, can be considered in the narrow and broad sense of the word.

IRO in the narrow sense of the word is knowledge that is already ready for expedient social use, that is, knowledge alienated from its carriers and materialized.

IRO in the broad sense of the word includes all knowledge alienated from its carriers and included in information exchange, existing both in oral and materialized form.

Concept resource is defined in the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegova as a reserve, a source of something.

As for information resources, then this concept is relatively new. It is just beginning to enter the life of modern society, although in recent years it has become increasingly used not only in scientific literature, but also in socio-political activities. The reason for this, of course, is the global informatization of society, in which the particularly important role of information and scientific knowledge is increasingly being realized.

For classification of information resources the following most important parameters can be used:

    the subject of the information stored in them;

    form of ownership – state (federal, subject of the federation, municipal), public organizations, joint-stock, private;

    accessibility of information – open, closed, confidential;

    belonging to a certain information system - library, archival, scientific and technical;

    source of information – official information, media publications, statistical reporting, results of sociological research;

    purpose and nature of information use – mass regional, departmental;

    form of information presentation – text, digital, graphic, multimedia;

    type of storage medium – paper, electronic.

By educational information resources we will understand text, graphic and multimedia information, as well as executable programs (distributions), that is, electronic resources created specifically for use in the learning process at a certain level of education and for a certain subject area.

When working with educational resources, concepts such as subject And an object these resources. We will classify subjects of information activities as follows:

    subject creating objects (all users of the educational system - teacher, student);

    the subject using the objects (all users of the educational system);

    a subject administering objects, that is, providing an environment for working with objects of other subjects (network administrators);

    a subject that controls the use of objects by subjects (engineers).

Educational electronic resources include:

    educational materials (electronic textbooks, study guides, abstracts, diplomas),

    educational and methodological materials (electronic methods, training programs),

    scientific and methodological (dissertations, candidate's works),

    additional text and illustrative materials (laboratory work, lectures),

    testing systems (tests – electronic testing of knowledge),

    electronic full-text libraries;

    electronic periodicals in the field of education;

    electronic tables of contents and annotations of articles from periodicals in the field of education,

    electronic archives of issues.

Task No. 1

    Load the Internet.

    In the search bar, enter the phrase “directory of educational resources.”

    List which sections include educational resources on the Internet.

    1. Describe any three.



Task No. 2

Using the Universal Encyclopedia Reference, find answers to the following questions:



1) indicate the time of approval of the Gregorian calendar

2) what is the diameter of a speck of dust?

3) indicate the lethal sound level

4) what is the boiling point of iron

5) what is the melting point of iodine

6) indicate the speed of revolution of the Earth around the Sun

7) what is the mass of the Earth

8) which mountain in Australia is the highest

9) describe the Kampa people

10) indicate the years of the reign of Ivan III

11) indicate the years of the reign of Catherine II

12) indicate the years of the reign of Ivan IV

13) indicate the years of N.S. Khrushchev’s reign.

14) in what year was the first wooden bicycle invented?

Task No. 3. Answer the questions:

    What do you understand by information resources?

    List the parameters for classifying information resources.

    What is meant by educational information resources?

    What can be classified as educational electronic resources?

Task No. 4. Make a conclusion about the work done:

Each of us is familiar with traditional types of public resources. These include natural or raw materials, material, financial, labor and energy. But this list is not exhaustive. In addition to it, there are also information resources. Over time, their importance increases more and more. And this is confirmed by the fact that information becomes a commodity with a value comparable to traditional resources.

Definition of the concept

Surely, if you ask any person “What do you understand by information resources?”, at first this question will cause him some difficulties. Indeed, unlike the traditional reserves that society possesses, intellectual property is a product of intellectual activity. It is created by the most creative and qualified part of the population and is a national treasure. At the same time, information resources are classified as renewable goods. After all, they have the ability to replicate based on their social needs.

To the question “What do you understand by information resources?” the answer may be as follows. To a large extent, IR are materialized elements and are represented by books and articles, documents and databases and knowledge, as well as computer program algorithms, works of literature, art, etc.

What conclusion can be drawn from this? Information resources are the knowledge that human society has accumulated throughout the history of its development. At the same time, IR is often alienated from its creators. Sometimes such resources are even considered as general strategic ones. At the same time, they belong to all of humanity.

What is included in information resources?

The intellectual reserves of humanity are very important for the development of society. After all, they combine all the primary information that reflects a person’s knowledge about the environment and the experience of his activities. In addition, IR also includes secondary information. It arises through the processing and processing of knowledge received by people.

On the one hand, IR is the amount of experience and skills that people have accumulated. It can be called expert knowledge. The volume of such information resources is constantly growing. This happens in connection with more focused and advanced scientific research, which often leads to discoveries. The growth in the volume of information resources is also due to the population receiving a broader and deeper education, as well as due to the fact that modern people everywhere use the means of communications and computer technology, communications, etc.

On the other hand, IR in its main volume is already accumulated information recorded on various types of media, which occurred throughout the entire period of the existence of society. This process continues to this day, and is proceeding at a fairly rapid pace thanks to the use of modern communication and computer tools.

Primary information

This category of IR includes that knowledge that reflects the specifics of the sphere or area of ​​creation, as well as the source. Primary information is information that is generated independently, based on existing natural conditions. This could be, for example, the number of rings present on the cut of a tree trunk, which characterize its age.

This type of information also includes qualitative and quantitative characteristics of various social processes. Together they form a class called captured information. Those IR that are identified on this basis are divided into socio-economic, industrial and natural. These could be, for example, numbers indicating population growth.

Secondary information

This type of IR includes information obtained artificially through creative work or research activities. Secondary information is based on existing knowledge of models and special parameters. An example would be semantic, logical, mathematical processing, etc.

This category also includes objects that are created as copyrighted ones. For example, works in the field of art and literature. One of the most important elements of secondary information is information that is the result of people’s intellectual activity.

There is also a certain classification of secondary type information resources. Thus, a distinction is made between information obtained from processing existing information, as well as new information that records what humanity has not yet known about. This category includes forecasts and discoveries in the field of various natural and social resources.

Means of obtaining information

How can a person take advantage of the knowledge already accumulated by society? To do this, he is offered the following types of information resources:



Various services, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the different types of information resources.

mass media

The media are one of the most important types of information resources for a modern person, a kind of almost constantly present background of his life. This became possible due to the rapid development of Internet media.

Access to information resources is carried out thanks to high-tech equipment, which, in particular, is computer technology. These devices, characterized by high efficiency of information processing, led to the formation of the newest information and communication sphere, which is the Internet.

The World Wide Web has entered the infrastructure of modern society and has become its most important component. The information resources of the Internet are so extensive that they serve as the most effective medium for mass communication, differing from previous sources in their interactive and multimedia capabilities in providing information. This allowed the emergence of Internet media, which over time became one of the main information resources and began to play a significant role in obtaining information.

It is worth noting that the Internet itself is only a means of communication. However, every blog or website is actually considered a media outlet. At the same time, the level of trust in online information sometimes exceeds that enjoyed by official sources (paper newspapers, TV or government agencies).

Electronic libraries

Among all types of information resources, this one is a distributed system that allows the user to view documents using the Internet.

On the one hand, an electronic library performs all the functions that are assigned to a traditional library. After all, it also provides the necessary information to the reader. But on the other hand, EB plays a role that is characteristic of AIDS. After all, it organizes the storage of remote and local electronic information, as well as access to it. At the same time, EB uses the latest technical means and information resources.

What is the concept of “electronic library”? This term refers to an information system that is designed for secure storage and effective use of a variety of electronic documents. Such a system allows:

Ensure the safety of printed material;

Create conditions for greater accessibility of information;

Maximize the level of technological development of institutions that benefit society through their work.

User service principle

The use of information resources in an electronic library differs from that which exists in its classical form. After all, all her collections consist of copies, and not of primary sources and originals. EB is able to provide quality and efficient service to users if:

  1. There will be a lot of electronic information resources. It will be necessary to reach a certain critical mass, which will attract the user’s attention to the fund.
  2. There will be a sufficient number of personal computers, which will create the required number of jobs.

In addition, the Internet must have the necessary quality, which will allow readers to receive the necessary information without any interruptions.

Electronic databases

If we consider the classification of information resources, then this type can be characterized as a set of files and inscriptions organized in a special way.

One type of such databases are documents that are pre-typed using text editors and then grouped into specific topics. The second type are files that include spreadsheets. Similar databases are collected together according to the areas of their use.


This is one of the types of information resources located on the vastness of the Global Network. For example, a corporate website. This Internet resource is dedicated to any organization, enterprise or firm. As a rule, the site introduces the company’s activities, types and directions of its work, reflecting a variety of reference materials. These may be terms of payment and supply of goods or services, price lists, advertising information, participation in exhibitions, availability of necessary quality certificates, etc. On such an information resource, the user gets acquainted with information that has a narrow thematic focus. Websites may contain many hyperlinks on their pages, allowing you to better navigate them.


This information resource represents a whole group of sites. By going to the page you need, a person can use one or another service, as well as a blog or email box to receive messages. Here you can find the necessary information, for example, about the weather forecast, exchange rates, etc.

Informational portal

This source is a website that is organized as a multi-level combination of various services and resources. The information portal is updated in real time. An example of such a resource is a portal that provides support for the Unified State Exam.

Other classification

In addition to the grouping indicated above, information resources are divided into:

According to their intended purpose (corporate and personal, educational, media, etc.);

By the way they are presented (databases, Web pages, etc.);

By type of media (hard copy - book, machine-readable - photo, film, communication channels - radio, TV);

By methods of storage and further use (documents on paper, array, fund, archive, automated form);

By form of ownership (national treasures, property of the state, as well as constituent entities of the Russian Federation or private individuals);

Main parameters of the IR

The created information resource is subject to evaluation. However, to date, the necessary criteria for this have not yet been developed. Currently, there are parameters of information resources, which, as a rule, are used to assess the qualitative and quantitative state of information resources. These are content and scope, time and source, relevance to need (volume) and quality, language and method of recording, as well as cost.

When determining each of these parameters, its own set of measurements and differences is used to express the relationship between quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

In order to measure the necessary parameters of information resources, in practice various measuring scales are used:

Names and classifications;


Ordinal with intervals;

Proportional (quantitative).


  1. The content of the information resource will allow you to determine the problem area that it covers, its topic, idea and theory.
  2. Scope describes, limits and defines content, clarifying or limiting it. This parameter, as a rule, is characterized by the volume, sufficiency and completeness of the information resource. Completeness of coverage is the ratio of all information available and made available to the user.
  3. Volume is a parameter that indicates the total amount of information made available to the user. Its sufficiency is determined by the possibility of achieving the goal set for the user.
  4. Time characterizes information from the point of view of its real state.

As we see, information has become an integral part of our lives.

Practical work No. 1. Information resources of society. Educational information resources. Working with software.

Goal of the work: learn to use educational information resources, search for the necessary information with their help, master methods of working with software.

Theoretical part

The concept of “society information resource” (ISR) is one of the key concepts of social informatics.

Informational resources – this is knowledge prepared for appropriate social use.

IRO in the narrow sense of the word is knowledge that is already ready for expedient social use, that is, knowledge alienated from its carriers and materialized.

IRO in the broad sense of the word includes all knowledge alienated from its carriers and included in information exchange, existing both in oral and materialized form.

The concept of resource is defined in the Russian language dictionary by S.I. Ozhegova as a reserve, a source of something.

As for information resources, this concept is relatively new. It is just beginning to enter the life of modern society, although in recent years it has become increasingly used not only in scientific literature, but also in socio-political activities. The reason for this, of course, is the global informatization of society, in which the particularly important role of information and scientific knowledge is increasingly being realized.

To classify information resources, the following most important parameters are used:

      the subject of the information stored in them;

      form of ownership – state (federal, federal subject, municipal), public organizations, joint-stock, private;

      availability of information – open, closed, confidential;

      belonging to a certain information system - library, archival, scientific and technical;

      source of information – official information, media publications, statistical reporting, results of sociological research;

      purpose and nature of information use – mass regional, departmental;

      form of information presentation – text, digital, graphic, multimedia;

      media type

      information – paper, electronic.

Undereducational information resources understand text, graphic and multimedia information, as well as executable programs (distributions), that is, electronic resources created specifically for use in the learning process at a certain level of education and for a certain subject area.

When working with educational resources, concepts such as subject and object of these resources appear. Subjects of information activities are classified as follows:

      subject creating objects (all users of the educational system - teacher, student);

      the subject using the objects (all users of the educational system);

      a subject administering objects, that is, providing an environment for working with objects of other subjects (network administrators);

      a subject that controls the use of objects by subjects (engineers).

Educational electronic resources include:

      educational materials (electronic textbooks, study guides, abstracts, diplomas),

      educational and methodological materials (electronic methods, training programs),

      scientific and methodological (dissertations, candidate's works),

      additional text and illustrative materials (laboratory work, lectures),

      testing systems (tests - electronic testing of knowledge),

      electronic full-text libraries;

      electronic periodicals in the field of education;

      electronic tables of contents and annotations of articles from periodicals in the field of education,

electronic archives of issues.

Practical part

Exercise 1. Give examples:

1) reliable but biased information;

2) objective but unreliable information;

3) complete, reliable, but useless information;

4) irrelevant information;

5) relevant but unclear information.

Task 2. Using any search engines, supplement the table with the Internet resources found in accordance with your professional interests.

Internet resource type

Type of Internet resource

Examples of Internet resources

Educational materials

1.1. Textbook, study guide

1.2. Electronic training course

1.3. Lecture text

1.4. Laboratory workshop

1.5. Problem book

1.6. Test, control questions

Reference materials


3.2. Dictionary


3.4. Database

3.5. Geographic information/mapping system

Task 3. Using the Universal Encyclopedia Reference, find answers to the following questions:

1) What isWWW?

2) Who is the developer of the first computer?

3) When is World Information Day celebrated?

4) Who is K.E. Tsialkovsky? Years of his life. Place of work.

5) Date of the first Olympic Games.

6) Mycenaean culture

7) When was the Trojan War?

Task 4.

Write down the answers to the questions:

1) What are information resources?

2) What are educational information resources?

3) What applies to educational information resources?

Task 5.

Working with the test programM.Y.TEST

Practical work No. 1. Information resources of society. Educational information resources. Working with software.

Goal of the work: learn to use educational information resources, search for the necessary information with their help, master methods of working with software.

Theoretical part

The concept of “society information resource” (ISR) is one of the key concepts of social informatics.

Informational resources – this is knowledge prepared for appropriate social use.

IRO in the narrow sense of the word is knowledge that is already ready for expedient social use, that is, knowledge alienated from its carriers and materialized.

IRO in the broad sense of the word includes all knowledge alienated from its carriers and included in information exchange, existing both in oral and materialized form.

The concept of resource is defined in the Russian language dictionary by S.I. Ozhegova as a reserve, a source of something.

As for information resources, this concept is relatively new. It is just beginning to enter the life of modern society, although in recent years it has become increasingly used not only in scientific literature, but also in socio-political activities. The reason for this, of course, is the global informatization of society, in which the particularly important role of information and scientific knowledge is increasingly being realized.

To classify information resources, the following most important parameters are used:

      the subject of the information stored in them;

      form of ownership – state (federal, federal subject, municipal), public organizations, joint-stock, private;

      availability of information – open, closed, confidential;

      belonging to a certain information system - library, archival, scientific and technical;

      source of information – official information, media publications, statistical reporting, results of sociological research;

      purpose and nature of information use – mass regional, departmental;

      form of information presentation – text, digital, graphic, multimedia;

      media type

      information – paper, electronic.

Undereducational information resources understand text, graphic and multimedia information, as well as executable programs (distributions), that is, electronic resources created specifically for use in the learning process at a certain level of education and for a certain subject area.

When working with educational resources, concepts such as subject and object of these resources appear. Subjects of information activities are classified as follows:

      the subject creating objects (all users of the educational system - teacher, student);

      the subject using the objects (all users of the educational system);

      a subject administering objects, that is, providing an environment for working with objects of other subjects (network administrators);

      a subject that controls the use of objects by subjects (engineers).

Educational electronic resources include:

      educational materials (electronic textbooks, study guides, abstracts, diplomas),

      educational and methodological materials (electronic methods, training programs),

      scientific and methodological (dissertations, candidate's works),

      additional text and illustrative materials (laboratory work, lectures),

      testing systems (tests - electronic testing of knowledge),

      electronic full-text libraries;

      electronic periodicals in the field of education;

      electronic tables of contents and annotations of articles from periodicals in the field of education,

electronic archives of issues.

Practical part

Exercise 1. Give examples:

1) reliable but biased information;

2) objective but unreliable information;

3) complete, reliable, but useless information;

4) irrelevant information;

5) relevant but unclear information.

Task 2. Using any search engines, supplement the table with the Internet resources found in accordance with your professional interests.

Internet resource type

Task 3. Using the Universal Encyclopedia Reference, find answers to the following questions:

1) What is WWW ?

2) Who is the developer of the first computer?

3) When is World Information Day celebrated?

4) Who is K.E. Tsialkovsky? Years of his life. Place of work.

5) Date of the first Olympic Games.

6) Mycenaean culture

7) When was the Trojan War?

Task 4.

Write down the answers to the questions:

1) What are information resources?

2) What are educational information resources?

3) What applies to educational information resources?

Task 5.

Working with the test program MY TEST
