What does active layer mean is empty in photoshop. How to work with layers in Photoshop: step by step instructions

Let's talk about such an important concept in Photoshop as layers. What are layers in Photoshop what are they for and how to work with them? Let's figure it out.

This topic so extensive that for convenience I have broken it into two parts. In this part, we will consider the very concept of “Layers”, the panel / palette “Layers” and types of layers, and in the second - actions that can be performed with layers, and extensions that support layers.

Layers (Layers) is a fundamental concept, without which it is impossible to imagine working in Photoshop. They can be imagined as a stack of films with different degrees of transparency, each of which has its own part of the image. Through the transparent and translucent areas of the overlying layers, images on the underlying layers are visible. And all together they form the document that we see on the monitor.

Such a breakdown into layers makes life very easy when adjusting individual parts of the document, if you need to move something, resize, apply some kind of effect, etc. the rest of the image can remain unchanged.

Panel / Palette “Layers” (Layers)

It is convenient to work with layers on the “Layers” panel/palette of the same name, which, if it is not available, can be called up using the F7 key or Main Menu → Window (Window) → Layers (Layers). It looks like this:

We will consider it in more detail in a separate lesson, and now we will “run through” the most necessary.

In the central area of ​​the panel (number 2) there is a list of layers, looking at which, you see the image in the "cross section". There is a strict hierarchy here: the topmost layers are located at the top of the list, the bottom ones are at the bottom. The active one is highlighted in grey. this moment layer. The "eye" icon on the left side indicates the visibility of the layer. Now all layers are visible.

In the upper area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe panel (number 1) are:

  1. Filtering area (introduced in Photoshop versions CS6), which allows you to select layers according to various criteria: type, name, effect, mode, etc.
  2. A blend mode is a way for underlying layers to interact with the current layer. IN different modes the nature of the interaction is different. In Normal mode, there is no interaction.
  3. “Opacity” (Opacity) of the layer and “Fill” (Fill) - adjusts the degree of the parameters of the same name.
  4. Lock and protect layers (fix: (Lock)) - protects layers from unwanted changes.

In the lower area of ​​the panel (number 3) there are buttons for managing layers: link layers, add style and layer mask, create a new fill or adjustment layer, create a group of layers, create and delete a layer.

Layer types

  1. image layers

    These layers are made up of pixels. This is the most common layer. The layers of this type include the background layer (Background), which appears when you first open the image. Although this is a raster layer, it has a number of limitations and is partially blocked and is always located at the very bottom of the “Layers” panel / palette (there cannot be layers below it). I have already described it in more detail in the insert to one of the lessons.

  2. Adjustment layers

    This type of layer is the second most frequently used. It has no pixels (you can't draw in it), just instructions for adjusting one or more underlying layers, but is extremely useful in image processing. There are many types of corrections, such as converting an image to black and white. In this case, the layer being processed remains unchanged. An adjustment layer can always be turned off (or removed) to bring back the underlying layers to their original appearance.

    Creation methods:

  3. Fill layers

    Designed to be filled with a solid color, gradient, or pattern. Unlike adjustment layers, they do not affect the underlying layers, but interact with them through layer masks and blend modes. You can also adjust the opacity and fill levels.

    Creation methods:

  4. Smart object layer

    A smart object is essentially a container where you can put pixel or vector images, Raw files, other layers, or entire Photoshop documents. In the future, when working with these layers, the changes will affect only the container, leaving the content unchanged.

    At the same time, there are a number of limitations when working with smart objects, for example, you cannot make changes to pixel data, that is, you cannot draw, retouch, etc. The smart object must first be rasterized.

    Creation methods:

  5. Text layers

    The text in Photoshop is vector, i.e. it does not consist of pixels (unless it is specially rasterized) and is edited with special text tools that strongly resemble Word ones. If some parameter is still incomprehensible, then you can hover over it and wait until a hint appears.

    The name of the layer is given automatically based on the text you enter.

  6. Shape layers

    These are also vector layers that are created automatically when using the Shapes tool.

    Next to the name of the tool, if you noticed, is the letter U. This means that by pressing U, we go to the cell we need. And the keyboard shortcut Shift+U cycles through all the tools marked with U. Using hotkeys greatly improves productivity!

    Or the Pen Tool with Shape selected in the Options Bar.

    For such shapes, you can change the color, size, stroke width, and other parameters without losing quality.

    By default, each new shape is automatically created on a new layer. If you want to create several shapes on the same layer, then you need to select the appropriate value in the options bar.

  7. Layers 3D

    In Photoshop, you can also work with 3D graphics. Convert text to 3D, create or import previously prepared 3D files. 3D models can be rotated, painted, rendered. This topic is one of the most advanced and complex in Photoshop, so we will not touch it yet.

  8. Video layers

    Although this blog dedicated to image processing, it is worth mentioning another type of layers - these are video layers. Photoshop has a number of options for video editing. Videos opened in Photoshop automatically become video layers, with which you can do all the same actions as with regular layers.


In this lesson, we looked at what is a layer in photoshop, the basics of working with the panel / palette "Layers" (Layers), and also "ran" through the types of layers. In the next lesson, we will look at the basic actions with layers and the types of files that support them.

See you on the pages of the next lessons!

Sincerely, Marina Rubl.

It would be quite reasonable to start learning Photoshop from the most basic - with the concept of layers and their interaction, since it was this that at one time became the hallmark of Photoshop and is still an indispensable feature of the program. Without a full-fledged ability to use layers and their capabilities, it makes no sense to move further in development.

Let's open the editor with a custom image and practice. At the top of the program window we see a menu of tabs, so far we are only interested in "Layers". (Fig. 1)

As we see create a new layer You can not only from the drop-down menu, but also using the key combination Shift + Ctrl + N. In order to make the work even more comfortable and faster, the developers have provided the ability to create a new layer in one click (Fig. 2)

When this button is pressed, the layer will be created automatically and will be placed above the one selected in the list of layers. (Fig. 3)

Add something to a new layer you can use the “place” command (Fig. 4)

Rename You can simply double click on the layer name.

Above the list of layers there are buttons for controlling layer modes and styles, as well as layer filters (Fig. 5)

The following actions can be applied to the layer:

Change the style of its overlay (Fig. 6)

Change its transparency and color fill strength (Fig. 7-8)

Additional functions (Fig. 9)

You can also apply filters to the list of layers for greater convenience of working with them (Fig. 10)

For example, in order to make a duplicate layer without opening the menu, with one click - just click on the desired layer with the left mouse button and, without releasing it, stretch it to the "new layer" button - a copy of it will appear. Or using the combination Ctrl + J (Fig. 11)

Delete Layer You can either from the drop-down menu, or simply by pressing the Del key. Or drag it to the trash can icon at the bottom.

To select multiple layers, it is necessary to click on the required layers with the left mouse button while holding down the Ctrl key. In order to merge them - just press the combination Ctrl + E. For merging all layers into one- Alt + Ctrl + Shift + E, but you need to remember - the topmost layer must be selected and it must be active. The layer's activity is switched by the eye to the left of its (layer) thumbnail. (Fig. 12)

Let's place an arbitrary object on our empty layer and do a few things with it.

For example, to move layer enough to pull it without letting go left button up or down the list, and to lower it below the background layer, you need to unlock the background layer by double-clicking the left button. As you can see, the layer has been moved beyond the background layer, it is active, but due to its position in the list it is not visible (Fig. 13)

Undo any action You can use this combination - Ctrl+Alt+Z. Scroll the canceled events forward - Ctrl+Shift+Z.

Create a new empty layer and fill it with color. To fill with the main color, just press Alt + Backspace (Fig. 14). To fill with background color - Ctrl+Backspace. You can also use the bottom buttons, then the selected function will be represented by a separate layer.

To preserve the ability to work with the order of layers and edit their contents, with a large number of them, it is sometimes convenient not to link them into one, but group. (Fig. 15)

This is achieved in this way - you need to select all the layers that we want to group and press Ctrl + G. You can of course also from the drop-down menu "Layers" using the appropriate tabs. They are ungrouped in this way - you just need to drag the required layer up or down the list so that it goes beyond the limits marked by the group. The group itself can also be turned into a smart object, or rasterized. You can also apply blending functions to a group of layers, change the degree of transparency and fill, as with individual layers.

The layer along with the content can be transform. To do this, use the key combination Ctrl + T. You can directly change the size and shape of an object by simply moving the mouse pointer to one of the corners. In order not to lose proportionality, this is, for example, important for a photo, while stretching the image, you must simultaneously hold the Shift button. (Fig. 16)

To give an arbitrary shape, you need to drag the edges of the object with the Ctrl button pressed. (Fig. 17)

You can also deform the object, distort, distort in perspective, etc. After pressing Ctrl+T click on it right click and choose what we need (Fig. 18)

In addition to blending modes, huge opportunities for editing and creating different effects are called by the menu " Layer Style". Call either from the drop-down menu "Layers" or by double-clicking on the layer in the list (Fig. 19)

This menu is so extensive that we will not dwell on it separately yet.

Layer mask. Its essence lies in hiding an object or its parts without deleting them. Many people mistakenly believe that using a layer mask is inconvenient - on the contrary! This is a great tool that allows you to re-edit or change the processing you have done at any time. What the eraser tool won't let you do, for example. (Fig. 20)

To hide part of the object, you need to draw with a black brush on a white mask and vice versa (Fig. 21)

clipping mask. It makes it possible to cut off parts of one object relative to the border of another. It is performed as follows: while holding the ALT button, move the mouse cursor to the border of the layers between them. Release when the corresponding icon appears. (fig. 22-23)

The arrow indicates that the layer is clipped.

Select content. To do this, just click on the layer thumbnail while holding Ctrl (Fig. 24).

"Layers" is a fundamental concept in Adobe program Photoshop. Often, beginners face all sorts of problems precisely because of a lack of understanding of the mechanism of working with layers. Today we will consider the action with which, as a rule, work with an image begins, namely: how to create a new layer in photoshop.

Four Ways to Create a New Layer in Photoshop

In Photoshop, there are four ways to add a new (from scratch) layer to open file. Let's consider them in more detail. But first, let's check for the presence of the Layers palette in the palette area. If it is not there, go: Main menu → Window (Window) → Layers (Layers) or the F7 key on the keyboard. Now you can work on.

1. Key combination

The simplest and fast way create a new layer is a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + N, after pressing which the New Layer dialog box will open.

Let's look at it in more detail.


In the line "Name" you must enter a value that carries a semantic load. Get used to the order from the very beginning, otherwise later on you will spend a lot of time searching for a specific layer in several dozen meaningless names. However, if you plan only one layer besides the background layer, then you can of course leave the default value. In any case, it can always be changed. To do this, on the "Layers" palette, double-click the left mouse button on the name of the layer that needs to be renamed. The current name will be highlighted in blue and you will be able to enter the required value.

A few words about the background layer

Basically, when you first open an image in Photoshop, there is only one “Background” layer in the Layers palette with the image of the lock (arrow number 1).

This layer has a number of limitations: there are no blending modes, you cannot change the opacity and fill, it cannot have transparent areas, etc. And most importantly, this layer cannot be deleted! Pay attention to the figure above, all settings are inactive.

Its purpose is to save the original copy of the document so that you can always return to the roots and not lose the original forever during the transformation! It is for this reason that it is not recommended to unblock the background layer. If you need to make changes on the layer itself, you can always copy it. To do this, select the background layer and drag it to the icon “Create a new layer” (New Layer) (arrow number 2). Or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J. An exact copy of the background layer will appear, but with full functionality.

If necessary (not recommended), you can still unblock the background layer. To do this, you need to transfer the image of the castle (namely, the castle, and not the entire layer) to the trash can icon to the right of the "Create a new layer" button (arrow No. 3).

Use previous layer to create clipping mask

The next line is "Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask". This means that if there are transparent areas on the underlying layer, then by placing a bird in this line, you will leave the same places transparent on the created layer.


It is possible to highlight the line with the name of the layer in the Layers palette with color for faster finding.


Opacity, as the name implies, is responsible for the degree of opacity of the layer.

Blend mode and fill with neutral color

A blend mode is essentially a blending of layers. The chosen method will determine how the pixels of the underlying layer will interact with the pixels of the created layer. So, for example, in the "Multiply" mode, the brightness of the pixels of the upper and lower layers is multiplied. With this interaction there is a so-called. neutral color. That is, a color that does not interact with the bottom layer. For this mode, this is White color. This means that if there is white in the top image, then the pixels below it will not change, and as a result will remain the same as they were. while all the other pixels in the bottom image will interact with the pixels in the top image and change their color. So, when creating a new layer, it is possible to fill it with a neutral color for this mode.

After filling in all the required fields, click Ok. appeared in the Layers palette new line with the name you specify and other settings that can always be changed.

But it is possible to create a layer using a keyboard shortcut, without a dialog box. In this case, you need to add the Alt key. That is, the keyboard shortcut will look like: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N. The layer will have a normal blending mode, 100% opacity and a fill.

2. Adding a layer through the main menu

Not the fastest, but the same functional way to add a new layer is to go along the path: Main menu → Layers (Layers) → New (New) → Layer ... (Layers ...). The familiar New Layer dialog box will open.

All newly created layers are created above the active one. Sometimes it is necessary to create a layer below it. This option is possible in the third way.

In addition to selecting the active layer in the Layers palette, its name is written in the document header.

3. Button on the layers palette

Another way to add a new layer is the Create a new layer button at the bottom of the Layers palette.

Clicking creates an empty layer with a default name. The first time you create a layer in this file, the name will be "Layer 1".

In the future, the number increases in ascending order. It is advisable to immediately rename the layer, give it a "speaking name". By selecting the newly created layer, if necessary, you can change the blending mode, opacity and other settings. But it is much more convenient to set all these settings during the creation of the layer. To do this, press the above button while holding down the Alt key. This will reappear the New Layer dialog box you already know how to work with!

If you need to create a layer below the active one, then press the "Create a new layer" button while holding down the Ctrl key. But you need to remember that you cannot create a new one below the background layer! First you need to remove the lock (not recommended!).

4. Using the Layers Palette Menu

And the last way to create a new layer is through the menu of the "Layers" palette.

In the drop-down list, select "New layer ..." (New Layer).


We have considered four various ways,how to create a new layer in photoshop. Now you know how to create a layer above or below the active layer, create a layer using keyboard shortcuts or buttons in the Layers palette, and create layers on the fly or using the New Layer dialog box.

See you on the pages of the next lessons!

Sincerely, Marina Rubl.

The speed of processing a photo in Photoshop depends on the ability to work with layers, because they are considered the basic theme of the utility. Therefore, the faster you work with layers in Photoshop, the better you will begin to understand the program, and working with a photo will seem easy.

The base of the pixel grid is the layer. Nothing can be done either in life or in programs if the design elements are on the same layer. Is this at all possible? Working with a plane, not with a three-dimensional picture?

We can see objects, but we can't move or change them. Layers help us out in this matter. A 3D image is created, here each element is in its place, and we can work with any object in the photo without any problems.

Let's take a simple example: The master constantly creates a certain detail, it already has the usual size, elements. Suddenly the customer asks to reduce it quite a bit. The master will have to redo everything from the very beginning.

According to this principle, users of the well-known Paint program edit images. And all why? There is only 1 working layer, and if you try to add a new object, it will simply fill the entire drawing and hide what is behind it.

A layer in Photoshop is an invisible surface on which you can place any object. Thus, a three-dimensional picture is created: there are objects in the background and foreground, in the middle.

Layer and workspace in Photoshop

The layer has no scope restrictions. When creating a new file, you can define dimensions of 1000 by 1000 pixels, but this absolutely does not mean that the layers will occupy all 1000 pixels.

Layer- this is infinity, which can be stretched as much as you like, in any direction. Don't be afraid of running out of space. There will be plenty of space (unless, of course, your computer was initially clogged with garbage and unnecessary files).

Layers panel in Photoshop

Photoshop has tools for managing layers. In order to find the layers panel, go to the menu "Window", then select "Layers". Put it in a place convenient for you, it will always be at hand. The panel must be studied, this will save you time and increase the quality of your work.

So the panel:

In its central part, tabs are noticeable - these are the layers. They can be mixed, shifted as you like. When you hover over a layer, you can notice its characteristics by signs (blocking the layer, its visibility).

When you open a photo, you have one layer, and partially blocked, it is called the Background. By the way, very often people have difficulty in determining the usual layer and background, they simply do not know how to distinguish between them. So let's look at these two types of layer.

Background and normal layer

When you open a photo in Photoshop, there is one layer - the background. The background layer is one of the usual types, only with its own special properties.

Initially, the background layer is located at the very bottom of the list, as soon as a new one is added, the background layer goes down. As mentioned above, the background is always partially blocked, you can carry out almost any action with it: apply plastic, fill; change shades, paint on it with a brush, adjust sharpness, make the subject blurry, crop and much more.

There are so many actions you can perform that if you list everything, you can get confused, so it's easier to determine what you can't do with the background layer.

We list:

The layer will not become partially opaque, it will not become translucent either.

The overlay mode cannot be applied, it is also impossible to remove it, since it is blocked from the very beginning.

The blending mode is applied only to the top layers, and the background is the lowest one, therefore, you cannot apply overlays to it.

Even if you select an object and remove the graphics, the layer will not become partially opaque, so you can only cover the entire object with paint, nothing more, again, remember the famous Paint, in which everything is done that way.

The Internet is full of requests like: “how to make the background translucent”, “how to make the background different color”, it is noticeable that people do not understand the types of layers at all, they do not know how to get rid of an unnecessary part in a photo.

background layer- a very old setting in Photoshop, you can easily get rid of it. To do this, open the tab "Layers", choose "New", then "Layer from the background"(provided that you are working in version 6 of Photoshop, older versions may differ slightly in tabs).

In the same way, you can make a normal layer background: Tab "Layers", choose "New", then "Background from layer".

To save time and not look for the tabs you need, double click click on the layers panel. Click just below or to the left of the layer name. After the background layer becomes a normal layer, all layer operations become available to you. Including creating a translucent layer.

Types of layers in Photoshop

There are a lot of layers in Photoshop. Consider their main types:

regular layer is a layer, without any additional features, the most common. It can be both a photograph and an element of a drawing.

3D layer- Photoshop innovation, with the help of it you can add two-dimensional graphics to three-dimensional. Working with him is quite difficult, even considered one of the most confusing.

color correction layer- a kind of layer. You can even say that it is a filter that can change colors. By the way, color-correcting layers have a large variety.

Fill layer- with it, you can paint over or fill the background with absolutely any color, or even texture. It is important to note that such layers are convenient in terms of settings (there is a special panel, with its help amendments and changes are made).

Text layer- in the program, the letter part is located on different layers. They are called the Text Layer. Basically, if a person understands and can deal with the text in the utility, then he works without problems in such layers.

And finally smart layer the newest from latest version. Simply put, it is an ordinary layer, only under protection. Do you know what protection is?

Our layer is placed in a special container, it does not allow to change graphic images. Smart - layer - there is the same "container". You can notice a small icon on the thumbnail - a sign that a protective function has been performed.

Why do we block graphics?

Smart layer doesn't actually block graphics in literally this word. The graphic lies in the container of the smart layer, you can perform any actions with it. In addition, it is possible to apply any effects, while the graphics do not get worse, but remain the same quality.

Layers panel

Previously, the layers panel was called the layers palette. This is the most important part of the program, without it it will lose its meaning. In older versions, you still had to find the panel and open it, but now, at the moment, this panel opens automatically after loading the program.

In fact, the panel is very easy to "manage". For ease, we divide it into 3 parts: upper, lower, middle. Top - visibility modes, middle - all layers, bottom - settings.

At the top of the panel, you can select the Blending Mode, with which you can create any effect for the image.

You can set the Opacity of any layer. If the opacity is reduced to 0%, the layer will be invisible. It is worth returning the opacity to 100%, as you will see the entire layer.

The icon is visible at the bottom of the panel. fx, which applies different styles and overlays.

To add a layer - a mask, you need to click on the rectangle icon, inside which the circle is located.

To create an adjustment layer, click on the circle next to it.

The folded square creates a new transparent layer.

You can delete a layer using the icon "Basket".

How to duplicate a layer

In order to duplicate a layer in Photoshop, right-click on the line of the selected layer, you will see a pop-up menu - select "Duplicate Layer".

You can also duplicate it with a key combination, hold down ctrl And J, a new layer is instantly created - a duplicate, the values ​​\u200b\u200bwill be the default.

If no effects are applied to the layer, you can also duplicate it like this: hold down ctrl And A, then ctrl And C, insert using the operation ctrl And V.

However, the fastest way is to press alt and drag the layer above.

In this way, you can duplicate everything, for example: effects or a mask.

How to make a transparent layer

Many are interested in how any element can be made transparent. These settings are in the layers panel, at the top. fill And Opacity without problems make the layer transparent.

What is the difference between fill and opacity?

Filling can only remove the visibility of the fill content of the layer.

Opacity removes the visibility of the entire layer completely.

A fill should be used when the user wants to reduce the visibility of a layer. In all other cases, opacity is needed (for example, if you want to leave layer effects visible).

One fact is interesting: If both settings are set to 50%, the layer should disappear, since the fill and opacity have removed half of the visibility, but no matter how we think, the settings work differently.
Remove 50% of the fill (50% of all visibility). Opacity removes another 50% of the 50% already removed by the fill. Fifty percent of 50 equals 25. So the conclusion is that if you remove 50% of the fill and 50% of the opacity, the total will be 75%.

Layer blend modes

One of the main concepts in the program is the overlay mode. As we already know, an image can be composed of layers of different levels of transparency, each of which has a "normal" mode by default.

If you use an overlay layer that differs in any way from the normal one, it will begin to interact with the underlying layers, allowing you to change the image or create effects. Blending modes are just made for retouching and painting.

Basic layer interactions: dissolve, darken, multiply, color burn, lighten and more.

Layer lock modes

There are cases when a beginner cannot do anything with a layer, he does not react to anything: he refuses to move, does not give in to actions. In this case, it is clear that the layer is under blocking.

Lock modes are located in the layers panel, at the top of it. You can do 4 things: keep pixel transparency, keep pixel colors, pin position and save all.

Pixel transparency lock- everything is clear here, this mode blocks all actions with invisible pixels. Simply put, you can do a lot with a layer, for example: modify, move or delete.

But it is impossible to change the information about invisibility, since there is a lock on the pixels.
You can edit only those areas that have a picture.

Image Pixel Lock- it is logical to assume that all the pixels of the photo (visible and invisible) are blocked. You can move a layer, change its scale, flip horizontally, and other actions with this command, but you cannot change the content of graphics with brushes, stamps, gradients, and other tools.

Layer position lock. If apply this function, then the layer cannot be moved anywhere, everything else is allowed. Convenient for those users who were looking for the desired location of the layer, and then accidentally moved it.

Block all– complete blocking of the layer. Change the graphics, you can not move. This function can be easily found: the icon looks like a regular padlock. You can easily determine which layer is blocked and which is not.

How to link layers

While working in the program, a very large number of layers can accumulate. Some settings and effects have been applied, to simplify, you need to combine the link so that there is no superfluous in which it is easy to get confused. In this case, we find an element similar to a chain at the bottom of the panel, select the layers (left-click on one of the layers, holding down the key ctrl, choose the rest).

Another way: Find the tab "Layers", select "Link Layers".

To decouple, right-click on one of the layers and select the appropriate item.

How to create a layer in Photoshop

The simplest thing you can do in the program is to create a new layer with one click. At the bottom of the layers panel, find the blank sheet icon, clicking on it instantly creates a new layer.

There is another team that is slower in this regard. Tab "Layers", followed by "New Layer", "Layer". Or just press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+N.

In the dialog box, you can specify the settings you need before the layer is created. For example, you can pre-set the blending mode and choose the degree of invisibility. On the other hand, nothing prevents you from doing all this later.

In a dropdown box "Color" you can set the display color of the layer. This is convenient if the user creates a site and needs to visually separate the layers by color.

Perhaps there is still one useful setting in the layer settings dialog box.

If you know in advance that you are creating a layer with a certain blending mode, then you can immediately fill it with a neutral color. The color that will be invisible in the selected blend mode.

What is it for? A neutral color is often used to create effect layers. For example, you can create an empty layer, fill it with 50% gray, apply the effect "Background", then "Blur", and the blend mode. Get the effect of rain. You can limit the effect "Noise", apply the blend mode.

So we will add some noise on a separate layer. So instead of creating a layer, then filling it with gray, then changing the blend mode, it's easier to just click Ctrl+Shift+N and select all settings in the dialog box.

And one more piece of advice. Like creating layers through the layers panel? In this case, you skip the dialog box as the layer is created on the fly. But in some situations, the dialog box is still needed, and in order to call it, you need to hold down the ALT key when clicking on the icon.

How to apply a layer style

Layer Style - live effects that are attached directly to the layer itself. Their big plus is that they are not applied for a constant time. You can turn them off, hide them, turn them back on and, of course, change the settings.

There are two ways to use them:

1. Apply ready preset
2. Create from scratch and apply

First: Open or create a Photoshop document and duplicate the background layer. Go to the main menu tab "Window" - "Styles" to open the Layer Style Palette and simply click on one of the thumbnails in that palette. Notice immediately how the style is automatically applied to the layer. With a white rectangle, which is crossed out by a stripe, you can remove the style from the layer.

Second: You need to open and create a Photoshop document, duplicate the background layer. In the Layers panel, double-click on the layer (but not on the name!) with the left mouse button, or click on the icon fx at the bottom of the palette and select the line "Overlay Options".

How to make a color correction layer

The color correction layer allows you to change the color of other layers.

To create it you need:
Select tab "Layers", "New Adjustment Layer".

How to make a fill layer

The fill layer works exactly like an adjustment layer, the only thing is that the fill has a solid color. It is clear that the fill layer can be edited, deleted, without affecting other layers.

On the tab "Layers" select the layer on top of which the fill layer should appear. The menu will be displayed "Create a New Fill Layer", select "Color", "Gradient", "Pattern".

If suddenly you decide to set parameters when creating, click on "Layer", "New Fill Layer", "Color", "Gradient", then you need to enter the name of the layer and check the box "Group with Previous".

Applying a mask to a layer

The purpose of a layer mask is to control the transparency of the layer.

Inexperienced users will ask: “Why do we need this layer - a mask, if transparency can be changed using the “Opacity” setting. Everything is very simple! The point is that the function "Opacity" can change only the transparency of the entire layer, and "Layer mask" can change any part of the layer you choose.

How to find a layer mask? There is an icon at the bottom of the layers panel: a circle in a rectangle. This is the fastest way, just click on the icon. If you click 1 time, a bitmap mask is created. If two, then a vector mask is created.

Click and hold down alt will create a hiding black mask, similarly, second click + key pressed = hiding vector mask.

How to group layers

Sometimes there are so many layers that they need to be grouped somehow. If you are designing a website, the elements can number in the hundreds. The same with a complex poster or cover.

To group layers, select the desired layers on the panel and hold CTRL+G. In any vector program, this is a grouping of objects into one block. In Photoshop, this group creates a special folder and puts all the layers into it.

A folder can be easily created in the layers panel. There is a special icon for this: an empty folder. Clicking on it creates a folder into which you can drag layers (manually).

The program is well-organized, if you decide to delete a group, follow the steps for deletion, a menu will appear specifying what needs to be deleted: the group and everything inside it, or just the group.

Press and hold to open the group dialog alt and click on the group icon.

Deleting Layers in Photoshop

The reverse operation of creating new layers is deleting them. If you need to remove auxiliary layers or just a failed layer, use the delete function.

There are five ways to delete, consider them:
First, the easiest: Press the delete key on the keyboard. backspace or Delete.

Second: Click on the trash can icon at the bottom of the layers palette. It remains only to confirm the deletion.

Third: Drag the unwanted layer to the same trash.

Fourth: Right-click on the layer name, select from the menu "Delete Layer".

Fifth: Select window "Layers", "Delete", "Layers".

Navigating Layers in Photoshop

Sometimes it turns out that the number of layers is very large and scrolling through all this seems like a tedious task. There is such an interesting tool, it is called the move tool. To select a layer, hold down the key ctrl and click on the object that is located on the layer.

Symbols and designations

The state of a layer can be known using symbols.

Layers in Photoshop have a lot of specific designations. The designations indicate the state of the layer. Here are some of the ones you may encounter.

The Layers panel has a lot of conveniences. For example, it has an extended context menu when you right-click on any tool. You can right-click on any object in the layers panel and get a context menu from which you can choose what to do with that element.

By clicking on the mask you get quick settings masks.

By clicking on the thumbnail (thumbnail) of the layer icon, you get a menu of settings for the thumbnail, size and alignment.

By clicking on the layer style icons you get the style menu.

By simply clicking on a layer, you get a general menu of various options and settings. Duplicate, merge and so on.

Slot setting panel

By clicking on the corner of the layers panel you will be taken to the context menu of the panel "Layers". In general, it is of no interest, since it contains the same commands as the main menu of the layers.

Create a new layer, duplicate, create a group and so on. However, the slotd panel settings can only be accessed from this menu.

Select "Panel Options".

In the layer panel dialog box, you can size the layer thumbnail. The same can be done by simply clicking on the thumbnail with the right mouse button directly on the layers panel.

In the "Panel Options" column, you can choose how graphics are displayed:
"Layer Bounds"- will only show graphics.
"Entire document"- will show the entire workspace and the location of the graphics on it.

If the work area is too large, small graphic elements will simply not be visible. Other functions of this window:

"Use default masks for fill layers"- when creating a fill layer, it attaches an empty mask by default. If you don't like it, turn it off.

"Reveal new effects"- when creating layer styles, or when creating live effects for a smart layer, immediately expands the full-length list of effects in the layers panel. If you have a lot of elements, if each element has about ten styles, and you don't like constantly collapsing style lists, just disable.

"Add word copy to copied layers and groups"- When you copy a group or layer, the program overlays the "copy" icon, if necessary, just uncheck it.

How to Merge Layers in Photoshop

Merging layers in a program is a technical operation that is almost always necessary. When the layers become more and more, it is easier to simply combine them into a single layer. Our team helps us with this. "Layers - Flatten".

After performing this action, all invisible layers are removed.

To merge visible apply "Layers", "Merge Visible".

At the same time, it is not necessary to select the necessary layers, the program will do everything itself.

How to merge multiple specific layers

In other situations, you only need to merge a few layers together. In this case, you need to select these layers in the layers panel and apply "Layers", "Merge Layers" or use a simple keyboard shortcut CTRL+E.

How to Rasterize Layer Styles

Often beginners do not understand the term "rasterize". This can be said the basics of the program, the basic principles of creating an image.

Rasterize the image- means to make any transformations in a drawing, a photograph, which consist of many figures.

Sometimes you need to rasterize layer styles. However, there is no command to merge all styles into one graphic. But there is always a way, as they say. You need to create an empty layer, select it with styles, along with an empty layer, while holding down the key Shift. Now select "Layers - Merge Layers". When you merge an empty layer with a layer that has styles, you get bitmap graphics without styles.

How to merge blend modes

If you've used Photoshop before, you've most likely heard of blend modes. Layers are superimposed on each other, while interacting with each other.

Blending modes can be used to create effects. For example, the mode "Screen" brightens the picture "Multiplication" darkens the photo.

The merge layer feature has several advantages. Because the order of the layers in the panel is completely preserved, the weight of the document is reduced. Merging layers is sometimes necessary before continuing to edit an image.

To merge layers together with the overlay effect, select both layers, hold down CTRL+E.

Another situation where you get an overlay effect on a complex surface. When you want to keep the colors, at the same time remove the blending mode.

This cannot be done automatically.

You need to know that the look of the design when using blend modes is the result of the interaction of the top layer with the bottom one. If the layers are shifted, the effect will be changed. If the blend mode is changed, the effect disappears. In order not to lose layers, you need to copy the lower part of the gray layer and merge it with the upper one.

How to copy layers

It's very easy to copy. You need to select 1 layer, click on it, while holding alt. By moving the layer above, its copy will appear.

Another way is the layer copy command CTRL+J or "Layers", "New", "Copy to new layer".

There is also a duplication command "Layers", "Duplicate Layer".

How to manage layers

Users mostly always use the layers panel. When moving a layer, you need to grab it with the mouse and move it higher. However, you don't have to do it that way! The program is equipped with many commands, among which there are specially designed for moving layers.

You should not constantly refer to the menu and look for the desired item there, you can use commands. This can save a lot of time.

Layer, Arrange, Bring to Front- move the layer above all,
Layer, Arrange, Move Forward- move up 1 layer,
Layer, Arrange, Move Backward- move down 1 layer,
Layer, Arrange, Send to Back-move the layer so that it is at the bottom.

There is also a very interesting team "Layer", "Organize", "Inversion". It will reposition the layers. Here, of course, you need to select two layers.

Layer alignment command. It can be done using the move tool, but in addition to the tool, the command is in the settings panel.
They are in "Layer", "Align".


Here we have considered one very important concept underlying the work with the program. The article includes the basic concepts, actions necessary for a beginner.

After reading it, you now know what a layer is, the main types of layers, how to work in the panel, and how to open layers in Photoshop.

A huge plus of layers is that everything here can be moved, edited. Users can easily create their own original drawing or work on an image by customizing each layer.

All work in Photoshop happens on layers. How to work with layers, what it is, what layers are - we will consider in this article.

Layers in Photoshop have the same function as layers in the physical world. Imagine a pack of photographs or stationery files. Sheets with images, inscriptions, geometric shapes can be stacked and swapped, thrown away, new ones reported.

Working with layers in Photoshop

If you run the program, you will not be able to start working in it until a new layer is created or any image is opened. Layers are placed on the layers palette, in the figure below it is indicated in red. There is also layer management.

Layers palette elements:

  • 1. Filters for selection in the list of layers by attribute.
  • 2. List to select the layer blending mode.
  • 3. Layer transparency control.
  • 4. Layer settings that allow you to preserve colors or pixel transparency anchors the layer in place.
  • 5. Layer fill density control.
  • 6. List of working layers. Icon "Eye" allows you to hide or show the visibility of the layer.
  • 7. Pictograms:
binds the layers
layer styles (stroke, shadow, etc.)
Layer "Mask"
list of adjustment layers
allows you to combine layers into a group
create a new layer
delete layer
  • 8. Bookmarks. Here you can work with the list of layers, or with the color channels of a particular layer.

What can you do with layers?

Layers can be created, change the blending mode, change layer styles (make a layer stroke or shadow), make it more transparent, copy, duplicate, transform, merge layers into a group, drag above or below other layers, make visible or hide, pin layers to each after the other (in this case, the layer effects will be applied only to the attached layer), merge (in this case, all layers will be merged into one image). Next, we will look at everything in more detail.

How to change the layer name?

Any image in Photoshop is a layer. If you have a photo open, its name will become the name of the layer. The new layer will be named "layer 0" by default. In each subsequent layer, the numerical part of the name will change in ascending order. To change the name of a layer, double-click directly on the name, highlighting it in blue. Then enter a new name using the keyboard. This is necessary for multi-layered collages, retouching and other works, in order to avoid confusion. It is better if the name of the layer is the target, reflecting the task that this layer performs in your work.

You can create a new layer in Photoshop using the keyboard shortcuts. Shift+Ctrl+N or by clicking on the icon in the bottom panel of the layers palette, as described in the table above. To delete a layer, you need to select it (just move the cursor and select the layer with a single click), then press Delete on the keyboard or the icon at the bottom of the layers palette.

For image processing, it's best to work with a duplicate layer, leaving the original layer untouched. If something goes wrong in your work, you can quickly restore the image from the original layer. You can create a duplicate layer by clicking Ctrl+J.

You can copy a layer in Photoshop or a section of it by selecting the layer image with any selection tool. For example, Rectangle Select Tool. Then press ctrl+c(copy) and ctrl+v(insert).

Layers can interact with each other. For example, by changing the layer blend mode, you can achieve interesting effects.

If you create a white or black layer above the picture and change the blending mode from "Normal" / Normal on "Overlap" / Overlay, the picture will lighten/darken.

Another example of layer interaction is changing the opacity of the top layer.

Place the second layer above the first - it's good if the pictures are different. shifting "Opacity" / Opacity the upper layer to a smaller side, you will make the image more transparent and see the overlay of one image on another.

To stroke the outline of a layer in Photoshop, you need to go to Blending Options(bottom panel in the layers palette).

Select an item there. "Stroke" / Stroke.

In the window that opens, select desired parameters and get a frame around the layer. In the figure, the stroke is applied to the layer to which we copied the image section.

You can just as easily create a shadow or glow around the layer.

To resize a layer in Photoshop, just place the cursor on it and press the keyboard shortcut ctrl+t, thereby highlighting it. You will see a frame with nodes. By dragging these nodes, you can shrink or enlarge the layer. In order not to distort the image, you need to transform by holding the key Shift. After the transformation is complete, click Enter. In addition to increasing and decreasing, such transformations are provided as "Distortion" / Distort And Warp/Warp. They allow you to change the perspective and shape of the image. You can call them by pressing ctrl+t by right-clicking on context menu. The control is carried out by moving the grid nodes.

Layers can be merged into one image. To merge layers in Photoshop, you need to select the desired layers in the layers palette while holding Shift. Then right-click and select from the list "Merge Layers" / Merge Down. If you want to merge all layers, then select Merge Visible.

Adjustment layers

This type of layers allows you to process the image without making changes to it. All actions take place on the adjustment layer, but the effect is visible on the processed image. Adjustment layers are called in the bottom panel of the layers palette by clicking on the icon.

There are many methods for retouching and color correcting images using adjustment layers. Several of these layers can be applied to the same image at once. Below is an example of applying an adjustment layer. "Hue / Saturation" / Hue / Saturation.

To make a layer invisible, just click on the icon "Eye" opposite the layer.

When composing multiple images into collages, you can apply an adjustment layer to only one of them. Although, as a rule, this layer affects all images below it. To make it only apply to one, holding alt, click between the adjustment layer and the image layer. An arrow will appear on the adjustment layer, pointing to the layer to which the adjustment is attached.

To avoid confusion, the list provides a layer grouping function. To group layers, you need to select them in the list by holding Shift. Then press the keyboard shortcut ctrl+g. A group of layers can be hidden in the same way as a regular layer. To do this, click on the image "Eye" opposite a group of layers or a single layer. Grouping layers is useful when making collages. Below is an example. Children, wall, background, road, shadow - different images used for one collage. The light is drawn on separate layers, collected in one group.

To move a layer down the list, grab it and drag it while holding down the left mouse button.

Actions with layers is the principle Photoshop work, and the faster you master them, the easier it will be for you to work in the program. Working with layers in Photoshop is very easy. Practice the acquired knowledge more often, and soon you will be surprised at your own work.
