How to set the time on the Internet in Windows 7. How to synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet? Motherboard problem

Having purchased a new mobile gadget, users may encounter problems with incorrectly set time zones and the current date and time. However, it can be solved quite simply, and in this guide we will tell you how to set the date and time on a smartphone running Android.

To set the time on Android, you need to follow a few simple steps:

Step 1. Run Settings, go to the category " System and device" and select the section " Additionally».

Step 2. Click the button date and time».

Step 3. In the window that opens, you can set the time, change the date, select the format for displaying the time and date, set the time zone, and also set automatic receipt of settings.

You can also access the date and time settings in another way - through the application Watch:

Step 1. Launch the application Watch.

Step 2. Click the options button.

Step 3. Click on the button Date and time settings».

Why does the time go wrong on Android?

Date and time synchronization on Android smartphones can sometimes not work correctly, causing settings to crash. To fix this issue, you need to disable the " Network date and time" And " Network time zone", and then set the settings manually.

If the issue is not resolved, you should reset Android to factory settings and reset all settings.


NET TIME synchronizes a computer's clock with another computer or domain. When used without parameters in a Windows Server domain, displays the current date and time of day set on the computer that is designated as the time server for this domain. This command allows you to set the NTP time server for the computer.

NET TIME Command Syntax

  1. net time [(\\computer_name | /domain[:domain_name] | /rtsdomain[:domain_name])]
  2. net time [\\computer_name]
  3. net time [\\computer_name]], Where
  • \\computer_name - indicates the name of the server on which you want to check the time or with which you want to synchronize the timer.
  • /domain[:domain_name] - specifies the name of the domain with which the clock is synchronized.
  • /rtsdomain[:domain_name] - specifies the domain of the reliable time server (RTS) with which the clock will be synchronized.
  • /set - synchronizes the clock with the time of the specified computer or domain.
  • /querysntp - displays the name of the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server configured for the local computer, or the computer specified in the \\computer_name parameter.
  • /setsntp[:list_NTP_servers] - specifies a list of NTP time servers to use on the local computer.

NET TIME Command Examples

  • net help time- display help for the specified net command;
  • net time \\PC1- displaying the current time of the server on the network for computer PC1;
  • net time /querysntp- displaying the NTP server name for the local computer on the screen;
  • net time \\Proton /set- synchronize the local computer clock with the time of the Proton computer.

Net time system error 5 access denied

People often ask why "System error 5. Access denied" appears when using the Net time command. I answer, everything is in the rights of the user under which the command is launched. As an example, I tried to run the command first with local administrator rights to

Updated – 2017-02-05

Setting the date and time on your computer is sometimes simply necessary. Below I will explain why. After the unjustified transition to summer and winter time was finally canceled in our country, setting the system clock became especially relevant. Thousands of users have never been able to reset their clocks, and all files are created with incorrect time formats. Some people may not care about this, but if you work with electronic documents, then there may be overlaps. Imagine that you send some file with a report to a higher organization, it arrives there, they process it, and suddenly it turns out that the file was created a day later from the date of creation of this file? In most cases, no one pays attention to this, but it happens that for some reason you have to prove that you created and sent the report on time, but in the file properties there is a completely different date. And this may not work in your favor.

Also for this reason, even an antivirus program can get confused and fail. Even so, you need to set the date and time on your computer. Sometimes this is quite easy to do!

Correction of date and time values ​​is usually done manually.


  • A dialog box will open Properties: Date and time .
  • Open a tab DATE AND TIME .

  • On the panel DATE select year, month, day .
  • On the panel TIME Using a three-section counter, set the current time accurate to the second. Each counter field (out of three) is specified separately.

If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can synchronize the time. To do this, go to the tab INTERNET TIME and check the box SYNCHRONIZE WITH AN INTERNET TIME SERVER .

Attention! On October 26, 2014, Russia changed its time zones. For the time synchronization service to work correctly, all users must install the update from the official Microsoft website:

What is time synchronization and how does it work

Time synchronization is a procedure for checking the system time on a computer with the reference time on a remote server, as well as subsequent adjustment of the time on the computer.

Why do you need time synchronization?

The clock on the motherboard, like any other budget clock, keeps time with an error. Some clocks may be fast, others may be slow. The situation is exactly the same with the system time on the computer. Nobody will build an exact watch from Rolex into a motherboard. Instead, Windows OS has a function for synchronizing clocks via the Internet with a time server, which always gives the correct and accurate time.

How to set up system time synchronization in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7

Time synchronization is enabled by default. In order for it to work, your computer must have Internet access. By default, time synchronization occurs automatically once a week.

How to synchronize time on a computer

If you want to set the exact time manually right at this moment in time, follow these steps:

Left-click on the clock in the lower right corner of the screen:

First, check if the time zone is set correctly. If you need to change your time zone, click Change time zone :

In field Timezone select your location:

And press the button OK to save the new correct location:

Now in the window date and time go to the tab Internet time and click on the button Change settings :

A window will open Setting the time via the Internet. Select a time server (most often, the default server works fine and does not need to be changed to another one). Click the button Update now to synchronize the system clock with the selected time server:

You will first see a message Please wait, synchronizing with :

When synchronization is complete, you will see a message The time was successfully synchronized... Click OK to close the window.

Your system clock is now showing the correct time!

You may have noticed that the Windows 7 operating system can independently, without your intervention, change the time (clock). This is especially true when there is a transition from winter time to summer time, and vice versa. This process is called time synchronization.

The operating system receives data from the servers. They, in turn, transmit data to your computer and if they do not agree, then the time is automatically adjusted. But there are situations when this synchronization does not occur, or occurs but the time on the clock is not set correctly. We will learn how to fix this problem right now.

First, we need to find out what types of time synchronization servers there are. So that you don’t have to look for them for a long time, I will post a list of available Russian and Ukrainian servers:
For Russia:
For Ukraine:

Now let's move directly to setting up time synchronization in Windows 7. To do this, right-click on the clock, which is located in the lower right corner of your screen (on the taskbar).

Next, click " Changing date and time settings".

The "Date and Time" window will open, in which you will see three tabs: " date and time", "Additional hours" And " Internet time"The last tab is exactly what we need. Click on it. In it you will learn that your computer is synchronized with the server""Accordingly, if your watch does not show the correct time, then you need to change the server - click on the button" Change settings".

The dialog box " Setting the time via the Internet". In it you will see a line in which you can enter any time server other than the one installed by default. Copy the address of any time synchronization server that is listed at the beginning of this article and paste it into this line " Server ". And then click " Update now".

After a few seconds, the synchronization process will complete and the time on your computer will change. Then simply click "OK" and close the "Date and Time" window.
