How to remove scratches from your phone screen. How to remove scratches from a touch screen? Video: eliminating scratches on the display of mobile devices

The touch screen today is an integral part of the life of a city person. Phones, tablets, e-books– these conveniences have become so deeply and firmly integrated into modern life that we have difficulty remembering the times when they did not exist. With a slight movement of a finger we can open our favorite book, watch any movie, contact friends on the other side of the country - it’s hard to resist such opportunities, and why?

However, every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. Concerning touch screen, its disadvantage is scratches. They appear on your favorite devices after a long period of regular use or due to simple carelessness and carelessness. After their appearance, the visualization of the electronic device and, of course, its appearance suffer sharply.

To remove scratches from the screen of a phone or tablet, you need to determine the extent of the damage caused electronic device. If the scratches are deep and multiple, it may be worth replacing the touch screen immediately. service center.

If you want to remove scratches on your tablet or phone yourself, you have two options.

1. Remove scratches from your phone screen using professional means

Professional touch screen polishes are paste-like substances created specifically for this task. They come in several types:

  • Displex paste. To polish your phone screen with this product, you need to squeeze a little paste onto a light, soft cloth and gently rub it into all the imperfections. As soon as the cloth darkens, finish the process, wipe the glass and check the result. If it doesn't satisfy you, try again;
  • Set "Polyrun". This tool contains nano-components that heat the screen when rubbed. Low-abrasive substances polish the edges of scratches, allowing other components to fill the voids. The principle of working with this paste corresponds to the previous one;
  • Disc Repair paste, originally used for CDs. Apply to a cotton swab and then rub into the surface of the phone. After drying, you can repeat the process.

2. Remove scratches and abrasions from the phone screen using folk remedies

It is possible to remove scratches from touch screen glass at home, but this does not guarantee success. Before you begin, be aware that there is a risk of making the situation worse.

So, you decide to take a risk, then you need to carefully prepare for the procedure:

  1. Turn off your device.
  2. Wipe your phone screen to remove dust and other small particles.
  3. Seal all external ports and connectors with tape or tape, thereby preventing accidental penetration of liquids into the device.
  4. Be patient throughout the “treatment”. Sometimes it can take not even minutes, but hours.

Now you can proceed directly to removing scratches from the surface of the phone using home remedies.

Getting rid of scratches on the surface of the phone screen using toothpaste

Toothpaste is one of the most commonly used methods, given its prevalence. You need to choose toothpaste, not gel.

  1. Apply some toothpaste to a cotton swab.
  2. Rub into the surface of the screen using slow circular motions.
  3. At the end of the procedure, wipe the touch screen with a damp cloth.

Remove scratches from your phone and tablet using GOI paste

GOI paste is commonly used for polishing jewelry and uses chromium oxide as an abrasive. Polishing the screen with this paste is possible only with minimal abrasive ability.

  1. Apply some paste to a clean piece of cloth.
  2. Gently rub the paste onto the surface of the screen.
  3. Wipe the screen until complete cleaning surfaces.

Minor cloudiness and small scratches can still be removed with this paste, but deep ones can never be removed.

Getting rid of scratches on your phone screen using car polish

For the procedure using car polish to be successful, you need to purchase a phone polish with cerium oxide. If you purchased the powder, dilute it with water to a paste-like consistency. Watch carefully to ensure there are no lumps.

  1. Apply phone screen polish to a cotton pad.
  2. Use deliberate circular motions to rub across the surface of the screen until the scratches disappear.
  3. Carefully wipe off the car polish from the screen.

Removing scratches with baking soda

You cannot use baking soda in powder form. You need to dilute it with water in a 2:1 ratio to obtain a paste. Make sure the consistency is even.

  1. Apply a little of the resulting paste onto a cotton pad.
  2. Treat the surface of your phone screen.
  3. Wipe the touch screen dry.

Removing scratches using vegetable oil

Ordinary vegetable oil can also help for a while in such a difficult problem, especially when the scratches are shallow.

  1. Apply a drop of vegetable oil to the screen.
  2. Rub into the surface of the screen.
  3. Clean the screen from any remaining oil.

How to remove scratches from your phone screen and body using a mixture made from egg, aluminum and potassium sulfate

In order to obtain the mixture, you need to combine one egg white with a teaspoon of potassium sulfate (which can be purchased at any pharmacy). Then heat in an aluminum container to 65 degrees. Moisten a piece of microfiber in the resulting mixture and place it on aluminum foil, placing it in an oven preheated to 150 degrees until the fabric is completely dry. Next, soak the microfiber in cold water and repeat the whole process again 3 times. The cloth can be used to polish the touch screen two days after the procedure, once completely dried.

How to remove scratches from a tablet or phone camera

We've looked in detail at removing scratches from the surface of phone and tablet screens, but what about the camera? How to polish a tablet and phone camera?

Any method described above for polishing a touch screen will also work for the camera. However, you should be even more careful and careful due to the smaller surface area. And also, if necessary, seal the edges of the camera with tape.

Preventive measures

How to protect your phone from scuffs and scratches? To do this, you can take some preventative steps:

  1. Take advantage protective film for the screen. Pros: thin, almost invisible coating. Cons: If the phone falls, it will not protect the screen.
  2. Buy protective glass. Pros: Much stronger protection. Cons: not all models have suitable protective glass; it is not scratch-proof.
  3. Buy a convenient phone case. Pros: ease of use, protection not only of the screen, but also of the entire structure. Cons: If dropped on the screen, it will not protect against scratches.


All of the above leads us to several main conclusions:

  1. A scratched touch screen of a phone or tablet can only be polished with professional means, however, this does not guarantee a 100% result (only a case or protective film with glass will save you from deep scratches).
  2. From the very beginning, you can and should avoid the whole situation; to do this, you should take preventive measures and always treat your electronic equipment with caution and respect.

To remove scratches, you need to turn off your phone before starting work. Seal the external connectors with electrical tape or masking tape to prevent water from getting inside the gadget. You can restore the display to its original appearance at home using one of the methods listed below.

Baking soda

It is an affordable tool for removing scratches from a smartphone screen because it is inexpensive. It is sold in classic red and white cardboard packaging. Many homes have it available.

Soda has abrasive particles, thanks to which the product will effectively cope with the task. You need to use it as follows:

  1. Mix two parts baking soda and one part water in a container. You should get a homogeneous mass.
  2. Apply the paste to a soft, clean cloth, preferably cotton or microfiber, and gently rub the scratches on the screen in a circular motion. You can wipe the entire display.
  3. Remove any remaining baking soda with a damp cloth.

If you have small children in the house, you can take powder and add water to it. You will get a paste that will also help cope with the problem. The method of use is the same as with baking soda.


This remedy is usually found in every home. But the toothpaste should be regular, not gel. And it only works on minor scratches.

To clean the screen, squeeze a small amount of paste onto a cotton pad. Then gently rub it in a circular motion onto the desired part of the screen. After this, wipe the display with a cloth slightly moistened with water to remove any remaining paste.

Car scratch remover

The methods described above are simple, and items for removing scratches can be found in almost every home. The method using a car product is also not complicated and is more effective. You can buy car polish at almost any auto store.

The process for removing scratches is similar to polishing a vehicle:

  1. You need to apply a little polish (no more than one drop) to the surface of your smartphone screen.
  2. Then rub the substance in a circular motion onto the screen until the scratches begin to visually disappear. The product is effective, and its effect is noticeable immediately. And the result will last for a long time.

Paste GOI

This solid green substance was created back in Soviet times specifically for polishing various surfaces. Widely used in working with glass, ceramics and stainless steel.

Today the paste has also found its use. It restores smartphone displays well.

A small amount of GOI paste is applied to the phone screen. Then rub it onto the screen in a circular motion. The remaining product is carefully removed. As a result of the work, the surface of the phone becomes smooth and clean, just like when purchased in a store.

You can polish the display with Displex paste. Its action is similar to that of GOI paste. The difference is that Displex paste was created not so long ago and specifically for smartphones, while GOI is universal. It can be used to polish various surfaces. The algorithm for removing scratches is the same as with GOI paste.

Of course, you can get rid of scratches on the screen using any accessible ways. You just need to put in a little effort. But to protect the device from the moment of purchase, it is advisable to stick a scratch-resistant film on it. After polishing, you should also protect the display so that you do not have to do this work again.

Hello everyone, dear readers! and today I will tell you how to remove scratches from the screen of your phone or tablet. You accidentally dropped your phone and there was no protective glass? This is all nonsense, for you I have prepared a couple of life hacks on how to remove small and rough scratches from the screen. Go?

How to remove scratches from your phone screen

Your phones have both glass and plastic displays, and they lend themselves very well to polishing (more on that in a moment). The same can be done with the camera lenses on your phones.

To choose the right polish, it is important to look at how deep the scratches are. I would classify the methods that can be used to remove scratches into two groups, such as:


Almost every person has such tools in their home. For polishing we can use the following products:

  • baking soda
  • regular toothpaste
  • Well, what about without vegetable oil?

Others may also suit us chemical substances, they are common, namely:

  • talc is baby powder
  • analogues of GOI paste and the original, perhaps for example, Displex
  • all kinds of car polishes
  • potassium sulfate
  • sandpaper
  • sander or drill

Now let's take a look and go through each of the points.

ATTENTION! Friends, you must understand that I am not responsible for what you do. You make a decision at your own peril and risk. So no questions for me later)

Restoring the screen using improvised means

Now we will look at ways to remove scratches using toothpaste, baking soda or vegetable oil. Using these products, it is possible to remove minor scratches since the surface of the screen will be least affected by the product.

Take toothpaste

First, apply a little toothpaste to the display or protective glass. You can and should use the most ordinary, classic, mint paste. After this, use a cotton pad to spread it across the screen using circular movements, or up and down movements. While doing this, remember to apply a little force, but don't overdo it.

Take baking soda

If the previous method did not help you, then you can use baking soda, and instead of a cotton pad, take a foam sponge or soft cloth. We use the same rubbing technology.

Attention! Before use, be sure to moisten the soda as a dry solution can only cause even more scratches. And also pour it into the body of your phone or tablet.

I think this method is a little more effective because soda seeps into deep scratches and can easily remove them.

Take vegetable oil

Well, everything is clear here that with the help of ordinary homemade vegetable oil, you can also remove scratches on your device. There is only one BUT - just a couple of drops are enough and you can rub the display. Be careful not to overfill and drown your phone!

Take baby powder or talcum powder

The biggest benefit is that baby powder has very fine particles and won't cause any more damage to your display. But it can cope with deep scratches very effectively, I’ve tested it personally!

Take the pasta GOI or Displex

This product is specialized. But I advise you to use GOI paste to clean scratches from your phone camera. And to clean the screen or protective glass, use Displex.

Take sandpaper

Yes, yes, you heard right. It is with the help of this paper that you can erase the damaged surface to a depth that corresponds to the depth of the scratch. As a result, you simply won’t see the scratch itself.

It is clear here that if you use it on the screen of your iPhone, then considering this method is absolutely not at hand. But it is possible to restore the goods to normal condition.

Now let's look at the table and once again pay attention to the subtleties.

Friends, remember that prevention is the best cure. If a small scratch appears on your screen, it must be removed immediately, otherwise it will grow larger and will not be easy to deal with. Don't forget to ask your questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer. Maybe you have other options? Please write, I will add it to the article.

Articles and Lifehacks

Scratches are the scourge of any mobile device: no matter how various “glass gorillas” fight them, they still appear sooner or later.

Not to mention the fact that not every model has serious protection.

To restore your smartphone or tablet screen to its original perfection, polishing is required. To carry it out, both professional means and folk recipes can be used.

This product first appeared on the shelves of Soviet stores, and has not yet lost its relevance.

The paste was originally intended for polishing glass and metal products, and therefore can be used for its intended purpose.

To do this, you will need any soft material that needs to be used to polish the glass with the applied paste for several minutes. After this, the remaining paste must be removed from the display with water, or better, if possible, with kerosene.

It should be borne in mind that the dispersion of GOI paste can be different; for polishing glass, the finest grade should be used. In addition, it is better to buy it in stores rather than in markets, since there it is often of poor quality.

Disc Repair Kit

A product designed for polishing CDs and DVD discs. For them, the presence of scratches is no longer a matter of aesthetics, but of performance, so the effectiveness of the product is quite high.

Smoothing occurs partly due to the filling of cracks with liquid. A napkin or cotton pad is used for polishing, after which the applied paste is removed.

Polishes for furniture or cars

They are quite suitable for use not only for their intended purpose, but also for removing scratches from the protective glass of a gadget.

To do this, you need to drop the product onto the surface of a soft cloth and wipe the display for a while. Repeat the process until the scratches disappear completely.

This product can be found in the kitchen of almost any home, which means there is no need to rush around the shops in search of something unknown.

Compared to specialized products for polishing laptop or smartphone screens, the effectiveness is not very high, so it is only suitable for removing minor scratches.

It is used in the form of a slurry with a creamy consistency, for which a mixture of 1 part water and 2 parts baking soda is prepared. It should be used with caution, having previously closed with plugs or sealed all connectors of the device.

After completion of work, carefully remove from the screen surface with a damp cloth.

Another fairly common remedy that does not require any money or search. As in the previous case, it can only save your smartphone from minor damage to the glass.

Squeeze the paste out of the tube onto a soft, not too linty cloth and rub it into the device screen in a circular motion. Remove the remains with a paper napkin.

Talc can be used, in addition to its intended purpose, as a polishing paste.

To do this, drop a few drops of water into a teaspoon of powder, and then wipe the damaged part of the screen with the resulting slurry. It takes about 15 minutes to repair a medium-sized scratch.

Another folk recipe. For polishing, it is better to use refined oil so that the gadget does not “fragrance” the entire surrounding area.

A few drops of it are applied to the surface of the display, which is polished for several minutes with a cotton swab or soft cloth. At the end of the procedure, the oil must be removed using a paper napkin.

What you should know before polishing your display

There is an old, somewhat rude, but surprisingly true proverb: make a fool pray to God - he will break his forehead. To prevent a similar incident from happening to your smartphone, you should follow a number of recommendations:
  1. Before polishing, protect all connectors of the device using special plugs or tape. If some substances get into them, the device may fail.
  2. Try to treat only the area of ​​the glass where the scratch appeared.
  3. Don’t be too zealous when processing the surface: the glass in gadgets is quite hard, but it also has a certain flexibility, so there is a chance of damaging the display itself. In addition, it may simply crack.
  4. Never use organic solvents to remove polish residue. As a last resort, you can use a small amount of soapy water or kerosene.
  5. If your phone's display has, it is better to refrain from polishing.
  6. Do not use highly abrasive polishes as this may permanently damage the surface of your device's screen.
  7. To avoid scratches, you can use a protective film, which is often offered in the same store where the smartphone itself is sold.


Before polishing the screen of your smartphone, you should think carefully.

This procedure is quite unsafe, and in the worst case, instead of a not very presentable, but quite functional gadget, you risk getting a “brick” that will only be taken at some service center for spare parts.

Quite often, this procedure is carried out before putting the device up for sale in order to make it look as attractive as possible to the buyer. Sometimes in such cases, polish that is not removed thoroughly enough can cause problems later.

Therefore, any manipulations described in the article are performed by you solely at your own peril and risk; the authors of the article are not responsible for the results and any possible consequences.

And the tablets shine with some special freshness and cleanliness. But within a few weeks, this pristine cleanliness gradually fades away, giving way to small and large scratches. No matter how carefully you handle your gadget, this process is inevitable. It’s good that there are several ways to return the worn surfaces of your smartphone to their former shine without visiting a workshop and replacing the screen.

1. Clean the glass with toothpaste

The first scratch remover you'll find is in your bathroom. Only it should be regular toothpaste, not gel.

  • Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a cotton swab or clean, soft cloth.
  • Gently rub the paste in a circular motion on the screen where the scratch is located.
  • After this, wipe the screen with a cloth dampened with water to remove excess paste.

2. Use car scratch remover

Automotive scratch removal creams such as Turtle Wax, 3M Scratch and Swirl Remover can minimize or eliminate scratches. Simply apply the product to a clean, soft cloth and wipe the screen using gentle, circular motions.

3. Try sandpaper or a sander

It sounds a little unexpected. But the secret is to use the finest grit sandpaper you can get. This method can be a bit risky, so it's best to practice on similar surfaces before you start treating your phone.

4. Apply baking soda paste

Food grade can serve as an affordable scratch remover. Here's how to use it:

  • Mix two parts baking soda and one part water in a small container.
  • Mix until a thick, smooth paste forms.
  • Apply the paste to a clean, soft cloth and gently rub in a circular motion over the scratches on the screen.
  • After this, remove any remaining baking soda from the screen with a slightly damp cloth.

5. Use baby powder

Adding water to baby powder will give you a paste that can also help remove scratches. It should be used in the same way as baking soda.

6. Add vegetable oil

One drop of vegetable oil rubbed into the surface of a worn screen can restore it to its former shine for a period of time.
