Development of the database “Scheduling for higher education institutions. db teacher's class schedule db for creating a timetable at mysql university

5. Creating a database "Bus Schedule" using the Access package

A database is a collection of information related to a specific topic or task. db is information model subject area. Access to the database is carried out using database management systems (DBMS). DBMS Access is a relational database management system. Data is stored in such a database in the form of tables. Indexes (keys) can be associated with each table, specifying the orders the user needs on a set of rows. Tables can have fields (columns) of the same type, and this allows you to establish relationships between them, perform relational algebra operations.

Databases typically have the following features:

The database contains a set of data necessary to solve the specific problems of many users (including both real and potential ones) or to meet the corresponding information needs;

data or information elements in the database are structured and interconnected in a certain way, while the structure, composition of data and their content in the database do not depend on the features application programs used to manage the database;

data are presented on machine-readable media in a form suitable for their operational use using tools computer science, including database management systems.

The main functions of the DBMS are as follows:

Data definition - determine what kind of information will be stored in the database, set the data properties, their type, and also indicate how these data are related to each other.

Data processing - data can be processed by the most different ways. You can select any fields, filter and sort data. You can combine data with other related information and calculate totals.

Data management - you can specify who is allowed to see the data, correct it or add new information.

When designing the "Bus Schedule" database, we divide it into two connected tables. The first table contains the following fields: destination; departure time; travel time; number of seats. And in the second: departure time; distance to destination.

When creating a database, the following principles should be observed:

· Each table should not have duplicate fields;

· Each table should have a unique identifier - a key;

· Each value of the primary key must have sufficient information about the entity or object of the table.

Let's create tables in design mode:

In order for Microsoft Access to link data from different tables, each table must contain a field or set of fields that will set the individual value of each record in the table. Such a field or set of fields is called a primary key.

Table 5.1.

For the Departure Time field, set the key and set the Input mask to "00:00".

In the same way, we will create a second interconnected table:

Table 5.2.

For the Destination field, set the key.

After distributing data into tables and defining key fields, you need to select a schema for linking data in different tables. To do this, you need to define relationships between tables.

Forms are used to facilitate the work with data and filling in the database. Forms are a type of database object that is typically used to display data in a database.

Forms are filled in accordance with the fields of tables No. 5.1. and 5.2. Database:


Departure time

Travel time

Number of seats



Pedagogical University

School №25

Sadovaya street

Avenue of New Technologies

Cinema Mir

Pedagogical University

dunno square

Avenue of New Technologies

School №25

Mail №536

Sadovaya street


Pedagogical University

Cinema Mir


dunno square

School №25

Mail №536

Avenue of New Technologies


Pedagogical University

Sadovaya street

Based on the created database, we create queries.

Queries are the primary means of extracting information from a database. With a query, you can select specific information and sort it by field values, and even add descriptions to presentations. Queries are often used as the basis for creating forms and reports. Other queries can create new tables, append data to existing tables, delete records, and search for duplicate records. We create a query for matching values ​​for the Destination field of the table (form) No. 5.1. To do this, go to the "Query Wizard", select a query for duplicate records, click next, select table 5.1., Next, the Destination field and click done. A prompt appears:

We create a query with sorting by the field Departure time of the table (form) No. 5.1. To do this, go to the "Query Builder", add table 5.1., select the fields Destination and Departure time. Under the Departure time field in the sorting column, select the type of sorting "ascending" or "descending". Close the "Constructor" and when saving, click Yes.

Query with sorting by a given field


Departure time

Sadovaya street

Pedagogical University


Avenue of New Technologies

Mail №536

School №25

dunno square


Cinema Mir

Pedagogical University


Sadovaya street

Mail №536

School №25

Avenue of New Technologies

dunno square

Pedagogical University

Cinema Mir

Avenue of New Technologies

Sadovaya street

School №25

Pedagogical University



We create a request for whether the Distance to destination field belongs to a given range. To do this, in the "Constructor" for the field Distance to the destination in the column Selection condition, specify the value: (>=30) and (<=45). Далее сохраняем запрос.

Create a parametric query for the Number of seats field. To do this, in the "Designer" for the field Number of seats in the column Selection condition in square brackets, specify: [Enter the number of seats]. Next, we save the request. When you run the query, a dialog box will appear in which you need to enter the required number of seats and click the OK button.

We create a report based on a request for whether the Distance to destination field belongs to a given range.

The report is an effective means of presenting data in a printed format. By being able to control the size and appearance of all report elements, the user can display the information in the way they want. To create a report, select "Report Wizard". Add all selected fields. Set the desired sort order. Select the tabular layout, portrait orientation and style.

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MS Access database system

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Creating a database table in Microsoft Access

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Creating a "schedule" database


The thesis is devoted to the analysis of database design, as well as to the coverage of methods for constructing forms and reports on the example of building a program for maintaining electronic documentation of an educational institution. Microsoft Access was used as a database building tool. From the very beginning, this DBMS was distinguished by ease of use, combined with ample opportunities for developing complete applications.

Relevance of the topic.

At present, despite the increasing computerization of society, in the field of education there are still no means to sufficiently automate the process of maintaining documentation and reporting.

One of the component tasks can be considered the problem of scheduling the educational process, as well as prompt adjustment of the schedule if necessary.

The timeliness and relevance of the problem under consideration is evidenced by the fact that administrators of institutions and teachers spend most of their time on the preparation of various documentation and reports. A huge number of educational institutions and the lack of offers in this area guarantee a high demand for this product.

Databases (DB) currently form the basis of computer support for information processes that are included in almost all areas of human activity.

Indeed, information processing processes are of a general nature and are based on a description of fragments of reality, expressed as a set of interrelated data. Databases are an efficient means of representing and manipulating data structures. The concept of databases involves the use of integrated information storage facilities that allow centralized data management and service for many users. In this case, the database must be supported in the computer environment by a single software called a database management system (DBMS). A DBMS together with application programs is called a data bank.

One of the main purposes of a DBMS is to provide software representations that correspond to reality.

Brief description of the subject area.

A subject area is a fragment of reality that is described or modeled using a database and its applications. In the subject area, information objects are distinguished - identifiable objects of the real world, processes, systems, concepts, etc., information about which is stored in the database.

In this course work, a database “Schedule” has been developed to automate and reduce the time for scheduling classes in universities.

The schedule includes the following tables:

1 Teachers

2 Audiences

4 lessons

5 Couple time

6 Schedule

Table 1. Teachers Table 2. Audiences


Audience code

Table 3. Groups

Group code




Information Systems

Jurisprudence and rights



Applied informatics (in economics)


history of economic sciences




Table 5. Couple time Table 4. Classes

Activity code

Lesson type






couple time

Table 6. Schedule


Activity code

Lesson type




Aleksandrova O.A.


Kirilov N. Ya


Pavlekovskaya I.M.


Akimov A.V..


Kirilov N. Ya


Aleksandrova O.A.


Kirilov N. Ya

Description of attributes and their properties.

Attributes or fields have a data type. When choosing a data type, consider the following:

What values ​​should be displayed in the field.

How much space is needed to store the values ​​in the field.

What operations should be performed with the values ​​in the field.

Whether the field needs to be sorted or indexed.

Whether grouping will be used in queries or reports.

How the values ​​in the field should be sorted.

There are 10 types of fields in total.

Table 2.

Data type



Text or combination of text and numbers

Up to 255 characters

Long text. Not sorted or indexed.

Up to 64,000 characters


Numeric data used for calculations

1, 2, 4, 8 bytes

Date Time

Dates and times, ensures proper sorting.


Currency values. To prevent rounding.

Automatic insertion of consecutive or random numbers when adding an entry.


Two Yes/No values

OLE object

Objects created in other programs.

Up to 1 gigabyte

Up to 64,000 characters

Substitution Wizard

Allows you to select values ​​from another table or from a list of values.

Key field size

In addition to the type, the fields have formats that allow you to specify formats for displaying text, numbers, dates, and time values ​​on the screen and on print. The field format for controls is set in the properties window, and for a field in a table or query in table design mode (in the field properties section) or in the query window (in the field properties window). Formats can be selected from a list of built-in formats for fields that have numeric, currency, boolean, counter, and date/time data types. Also, for any types of fields other than OLE objects, it is possible to create your own special formats. You can also set the value of this property in a macro or in a Visual Basic program.

Relationship design

Table 7. Relationships of information objects

Communication number

main object


Communication type







couple time


Description of relationships between tables-relationships.

After all the tables have been developed, it is necessary to establish links between them.

A relationship between tables establishes relationships between matching values ​​in key fields, usually between fields in different tables that have the same name. In most cases, a key field in one table, which is the unique identifier for each record, is associated with a foreign key in another table.

The most commonly used type of relationship is one-to-many. In such a relation, each record in table A can correspond to several records in table B, and a record in table B cannot have more than one corresponding record in table A.

There may also be many-to-many relationships. With this relation, one record in table A can correspond to several records in table B, and one record in table B can correspond to several records in table A. Such a scheme is implemented only with the help of a third (connecting) table, the key of which consists of at least two fields , which are foreign key fields in tables A and B.

The rarest type of one-to-one communication. With this relationship, an entry in table A can have at most one associated entry in table B, and vice versa. Use such a relationship to separate very wide tables, to separate part of a table for security reasons, and to store information related to a subset of records in the main table. For example, to store confidential data.

To create a schema, use the data schema creation tool.

The data scheme is shown in Figure 1. Table Group, Audience, Teachers, Classes, Time pairs are linked to the schedule table by means of a code field.

Fig 1. Data scheme “Schedule”

Establishing a functional relationship between attributes, highlighting key attributes.

The power of relational databases lies in the fact that they can be used to quickly find and link data from different tables using queries, forms, and reports. To do this, each table must contain one or more fields that uniquely identify each record in the table. These fields are called key.

There are three types of key fields in Microsoft Access: counter, simple key, and compound key.

Specifying a counter field as a key field is the easiest way to create key fields.

If a field contains unique values, such as codes or inventory numbers, then this field can be defined as a key field.

In cases where it is impossible to guarantee the uniqueness of the values ​​of each individual field, you can create a key consisting of several fields. The combination of these fields will be unique.

Indexes are database objects that provide quick access to individual rows in a table. An index is created to improve the performance of query operations and sorting table data. Indexes are also used to maintain certain types of key constraints on tables.

Indexes provide the greatest benefit for tables that change relatively little and are frequently queried.

3. Database design.

In Microsoft Access, before creating tables, forms, and other objects, you must define the structure of the database. A good database structure is the basis for creating an adequate, efficient database.

Database design steps

The following are the main steps in database design:

Determination of the purpose of creating a database.

Specifying the tables that the database should contain.

Determining the required fields in the table.

Set an individual value for each field.

Defining relationships between tables.

Database structure update.

Adding data and creating other database objects.

Using analysis tools in Microsoft Access.

Determining the purpose of creating a database

At the first stage of database design, it is necessary to determine the purpose of creating a database, its main functions and the information that it should contain. That is, you need to define the main topics of the database tables and the information that the fields of the tables will contain.

The database must meet the requirements of those who will directly work with it. To do this, you need to determine the topics that the database should cover, the reports that it should issue, analyze the forms that are currently used to record data, compare the database being created with a well-designed database like it.

Determining the tables that the database should contain

One of the most difficult stages in the database design process is the development of tables, since the results that the database should produce (reports, output forms, etc.) do not always give a complete picture of the structure of the table.

When designing tables, it is not necessary to use Microsoft Access. It is best to develop the structure on paper first. When designing tables, it is recommended to be guided by the following basic principles:

Information in the table should not be duplicated. There should be no repetition between tables.

When certain information is stored in only one table, then it will have to be changed in only one place. This makes the work more efficient, and also eliminates the possibility of mismatching information in different tables. For example, one table should contain addresses and phone numbers of students.

Each table should contain information on only one topic.

Information on each topic is processed much more easily if they are contained in tables that are independent of each other. For example, addresses and orders of students are stored in different tables so that when an order is deleted, information about the student remains in the database.

Determining the required fields in the table

Each table contains information about a particular topic, and each field in a table contains separate information about the topic of the table. For example, a table with data about teachers may contain fields with the name of a specialty, faculty, course, group number. When designing fields for each table, keep in mind:

Each field must be associated with a table topic.

The table should contain all the necessary information.

Information should be broken down into the smallest logical units (For example, the fields "First name" and "Last name", and not the general field "First name").

Setting an individual value for each field

In order for Microsoft Access to link data from different tables, such as customer data and orders, each table must contain a field or set of fields that defines the uniqueness of each record in the table. Such a field or set of fields is called a primary key.

Defining relationships between tables

After distributing data across tables and defining key fields, you need to choose a schema for linking data in different tables. To do this, you need to define relationships between tables.

It is desirable to study the relationships between tables in an already existing database.

Update the database structure

After designing tables, fields, and relationships, you need to review the database structure again and identify possible shortcomings. It is advisable to do this at this stage, while the tables are not filled with data.

To test, you need to create several tables, determine the relationships between them and enter several records in each table, then see if the database meets the requirements. It is also a good idea to create draft output forms and reports and see if they provide the required information. In addition, it is necessary to exclude all possible repetitions of data from the tables.

Adding data and creating other database objects

If the table structures meet the requirements, then you can enter all the data. Then you can create any queries, forms, reports, macros and modules.

Using Analysis Tools in Microsoft Access

There are two tools in Microsoft Access to improve the structure of databases. The Table Analysis Wizard examines the table, proposes a new structure and relationships if necessary, and reworks it.

The performance analyzer examines the entire database, makes recommendations for its improvement, and also implements them.

Development and creation of forms.

Forms - one of the main tools for working with databases in Access - are used to enter new records (rows of tables), view and edit existing data, set query parameters and display answers to them, etc. Forms are rectangular windows with placed in them with controls.

A form can be created in three different ways.

Using an auto-form based on a table or query. With auto-forms, you can create forms that display all the fields and records of a base table or query. If the selected record source has associated tables or queries, then the form will also contain all the fields and records from those records sources.

Using a wizard based on one or more tables or queries. The wizard asks detailed questions about record sources, fields, layout, required formats, and creates a form based on the responses.

Manually in design mode. First, a base form is created, which is then modified as required in Design view.

Creating forms in the Form Wizard mode.

In the database window, select Forms from the Objects list.

Click the New button on the toolbar of the database window.

In the New Form dialog box, select the desired wizard. A description of the wizard appears on the left side of the dialog box.

Select the name of the table or other record source that contains the data on which the form is to be based.

Note. If "Form Wizard" or "PivotTable" is selected in the list, then this step is not required - the record source for the form can be specified later.

Click the OK button.

Follow the wizard's instructions.

Once you create a form, you can edit it in Design view, PivotTable, or PivotChart.

Fig 2 Schedule form

Fig 3 Form builder

Organization of requests.

You can create queries in Microsoft Access either automatically, using wizards, or on your own, in the query designer window. You can refine and optimize the query statement in SQL mode.

The query wizards automatically perform basic actions based on the user's responses to the questions asked. The Simple Select Query Wizard is used to create queries to retrieve data from fields defined in one or more tables or queries. You can also use the wizard to calculate sums, number of records, and averages for all records or specific groups of records, and find the maximum and minimum value in a field. However, you can't limit the number of records returned by this query using filter criteria.

In the New Query dialog box, select Simple Query from the list and click OK.

Follow the instructions in the wizard's dialog boxes. The last dialog allows you to either run the query or open it in Design view.

If you didn't get the query you wanted, you can recreate the query using the wizard or edit the query in Design view.

Work with queries in design mode.

In the database window, in the Objects list, select Queries, and on the database window toolbar, click the New button.

In the New Query dialog box, click the Design row, and then click OK.

In the Add Table dialog box, select the tab that contains the objects whose data will be used in the query.

Double-click the objects you want to add to the query, and then click Close.

Add fields to the Field in the request form row and, if necessary, specify the conditions and sort order.

To view the query results on the toolbar, click the View button.

We may mainly need queries to create reports. Or to print sample data. For this database, there is a need for queries. Let's create a query by date.

Development and creation of reports.

The report is an effective means of presenting data in a printed format. By being able to control the size and appearance of all report elements, the user can display the information in the way they want.

Reports are similar to forms in many ways. Report design uses many of the technologies used for forms.

Most reports are attached to one or more tables and queries from the database. Report records come from fields in underlying tables and queries. The report does not need to include all the fields from every table or query it is based on.

The attached report gets its data from the underlying record source. Other data such as title, date, and page numbers are stored in the report layout.

The link between a report and its data source is created using graphical objects called controls. Controls include fields that display names and numbers, labels that display headings, and decorative lines that graphically structure data and improve the appearance of a report.

Wizards help you quickly create various types of reports. The Label Wizard is used to create mailing labels, the Chart Wizard helps you create a chart, and the Report Wizard helps you create standard reports. The wizard displays questions and generates a report based on the user's answers. After that, the user has the opportunity to modify and modify the report in design mode.

You can customize the report in the following ways.

Record source. Change the table or query that the report is based on.

Sorting and grouping data. You can sort the data in ascending and descending order. You can also group records by one or more fields and display subtotals and grand totals in a report.

Report window. You can add or remove the Expand and Collapse buttons, change the title text, and other elements of the report window.

Sections. You can add, remove, hide, or resize the label, annotation, and report data areas. You can also set section properties that determine how the report appears on the screen and when printed.

Controls. The user can move controls, resize them, and set font properties for controls. You can also add controls to a report to display calculated values, totals, the current date and time, and other useful information.

Fig5. Schedule report.


Having reviewed my term paper on a practical example, I understand that Microsoft Access has all the features of a classic DBMS and provides additional features. Access is not only a powerful, flexible and easy-to-use DBMS, but also a system for developing applications that work with databases. With Access, we can create an application that runs in a Windows environment and is fully tailored to our data management needs. Using queries, you can select and process information stored in tables. You can create forms to enter, view, and update data, and use Access to create both simple and complex reports. Forms and reports "inherit" the properties of the underlying table or query, so in most cases you specify formats, value conditions, and some other data characteristics only once. Among the most powerful tools in Access are the object authoring tools - Wizards, which can be used to create tables, queries of various types of forms and reports, simply by selecting the desired options with the mouse. To fully automate your application, Access macros make it easy to link data to forms and reports. You can create most applications without writing a single line of code, but if you need to create something really quite sophisticated, then for this case Microsoft Access provides a powerful programming language - Microsoft Access Basic.

I am glad that I took the time to figure it out and do the work myself, because I think that in my profession such skills, even basic ones, will be very useful to me over time.


ACCESS 2000: Application Development. I. Kharitonov, V. Mikheeva. BHV, 2000.

Access97. V. Kornelyuk, Z. Wecker, N. Zinoviev. "SOLON", 1998.

Kroenke D. Theory and practice of building databases, 8th ed. St. Petersburg: "Piter", 2003.

D., Tsygankov V. M., Maltsev M. G. Databases: Textbook for Higher Education

institutions / Ed. prof. A. D. Khomonenko. SPb.: KORONA print, 2000.

Help system Microsoft Access.

For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher professional education




Department of Informatics Systems


in the discipline "DATABASES"

on the topic "Development of a database

"Scheduling for Higher Education Institutions"

Performed by:

student gr.529



Ph.D., Associate Professor


Bazaron S.A.

Standard controller:

PhD, Associate Professor


Chimitova E.G.



Protection date:





1. Database design……………………………………….………5

1.1. Problem statement……………………………………………………....6

1.2. Description of the subject area With ti…………………………………………6

1.3. Base logical model design yes n nyh…………………...8

2. Database implementation and user application…………..10

2.1. Designing a physical database model …………………11

2.2. Creating a database in Microsoft SQL Server ……………………...13

2.3. Client Application Implementation e niya………………………………...17

Conclusion nie………………………………………………………………….21

List of sources used And kov……………………………………...23

Annex A…………………………………………………………………25

Annex B……………………………………………………………….27

Appendix B………………………………………………………………29


Effective and rational organization of the educational process is one of the most important tasks of any educational institution. Therefore, the question of automating this process is becoming increasingly relevant.

If you use computers when organizing the learning process, in particular O With the help of various kinds of software products, this process can be made much more accurate and fast, devoid of many overlays that arise when it is organized manually.

The task of scheduling should not be considered only as e some program that implements the function of mechanical distribution of work I ty at the beginning of the semester, on which its (program) use and end And waking up. Economic effect from more efficient use of labor about the exit resources can only be achieved as a result of painstaking work on the management of these labor resources. The schedule here is only a tool for such management, and for its fullest use it is necessary that the program combines not only the means for O setting the optimal schedule, but also the means to maintain it about P timality in the case of changes in some input data, which at the time of scheduling were considered constant.

Thus, the purpose of this course project is to create with And database management system "Scheduling" on the example of "C O scheduling for higher education institutions”, which includes a database and a user application.

The objectives of the course project can be formulated as:

  • Creation of logical and physical database models;
  • Create a database in SQL Server Management Studio;
  • Creating a program interface in Delphi 7.


1.1. Formulation of the problem

It is necessary to develop a database "Scheduling for Higher Education Institutions" to store the data associated with it.

It is also necessary to develop and implement a custom application O in which you add, remove, and edit A writing database tables. The application should include features for searching, filtering information, and generating reports.

1.2. Description of the subject area

The schedule of classes in a higher educational institution serves to bring students, teachers and places of study into a single interconnected system. e classes (audiences).

Class schedule optimization is one of the main factors that can significantly optimize the learning process.

In particular, the organization of the educational process, representing one of the most important stages in the development and effective functioning of the university, is a set of interrelated tasks solved by various departments of the educational institution. One of these tasks is the V scheduling. The effectiveness of the work of teachers depends on how well the schedule is drawn up, the assimilation of educational material at dents, rational use of the intellectual and material bases of the university.

The traditional method consists of the following steps e xia manually:

1. Development and approval of curricula.

2. Selection from the plans of the list of disciplines and assigning them to departments and mi.

3. Drawing up training assignments for departments of other faculties A fixing the teaching load for teachers.

4. The distribution of the load on the departments.

5. Drawing up a passage for the semester, which contains information about the disciplines, types of classes, hours for each of the types and the teacher.

6. Accounting for the busy and free time of part-time teachers.

7. Scheduling.

1.3. Designing a logical database model

The data design process can be roughly divided into two stages: logical modeling and physical design. ne result R The first of these is the so-called logical (or conceptual) O del data, usually expressed by an entity-relationship diagram or ER (Entity-Relationship) diagram, which is presented in one of the standards T ny notations adopted for displaying such diagrams. The result of the second stage is a finished database or a DDL script for its creation. a niya.

The logical data model describes the facts and objects subject to p e hystrations in the future database. The main components of such a model are entities, their attributes and relationships between them. As a rule, physical e The physical analogue of an entity in the future database is a table, and the physical e the attribute's sky analogue is the field of this table. From a logical point of view, an entity is a collection of similar objects or fa To commodities, called instances of that entity. The physical analogue of an exe m A plyar is usually an entry in a database table. Like records in a relational DBMS table, entity instances must be unique, that is, the full set of their attribute values ​​must not be duplicated. And just like fields in a table, attributes can be key or non-key. At the logical design stage, for each attribute, it is usually defined e The approximate data type is shown (string, numeric, BLOB, etc.). Concrete e tization occurs at the stage of physical design, since different h Many DBMSs support different types of data and restrictions on their length or precision.

Table 1. Entities and their attributes





schedule code


group code

audience number

teacher code

discipline code

from other entities

day of the week code

lesson type code

pair number


faculty code

information about faculties



specialty code

information about the specialties of the university

name of the specialty


audience number

information audiences in all available buildings


number of seats



discipline code

All disciplines studied

name of the discipline

pair number

pair number

pair duration information

start time

end time

day of the week

day of the week code

information about the days of the week and their codes

name of the day of the week

class type

lesson type code

lecture or practice

name of the day of the week

form of learning

training form code

full-time or part-time education

name of the form of study


teacher code

contains teacher information

Full name of the teacher

department code

validity code

rank code

degree code


department code

information about the department

department name

job title

position code

positions of employees of universities

Job title


rank code

ranks of university employees

rank name

academic degree

degree code

academic degrees of university employees

name of academic degree


2.1. Designing the physical database model

Physical database design is the process of preparing an op And the implementation of the database on secondary storage devices; this step covers basic relationships, file organization, and n de k owls designed to provide efficient access to data, as well as all associated integrity restrictions and protections.

The first step in physically designing a database is to select a specific target DBMS. Therefore, the physical O Design is inextricably linked to a particular DBMS. There is a constant feedback between logical and physical design, as decisions made at the physical design stage with the aim of O increase system performance, can affect the structure of l O logical data model.

Typically, the primary purpose of the physical database design is to describe how the logical database design is physically implemented. Let's imagine the physical model of the database "Drafting And saniya for universities "in the form of tables of entities from table 1.

Table 2. Schedule

schedule code

group code

audience number

teacher code

discipline code

day of the week code

lesson type code

pair number

Table 3. Groups

group code

number of students

faculty code

training form code

specialty code

Table 4. Faculty

Table 5. Specialty

Table 6. Audience

audience number


number of seats


Table 7. Discipline

Table 8. Pair number

pair number

start time

end time

Table 9. Day of the week

Table 10. Class type

lesson type code

class type

Table 11. Department

department code

department name

Table 12. Form of study

training form code

name of the form of study

Table 13. Teacher

teacher code

Full name of the teacher

department code

position code

rank code

degree code

Table 14. Position

Table 15. Rank

rank code

rank name

Table 16. Academic degree

degree code

name of academic degree

2.2. Creating a database in Microsoft SQL Server

Create a database in SQL Server Management Studio using at There are logical and physical database design models (see 1.3. and 2.1.).

So, after installing SQL Server, a database is created, and by specifying A There is a path to save. The next step is to create tables according to the entities.

Creating database tables " painting ". The properties of atr are described. And buts of table data (data type, length, null resolution n o la).

Table 17. Audience

Table 18. Group

Table 19. Day of the week

Table 20. Discipline

Table 21. Position

Table 22

Table 23

Table 24. Pair number

Table 25. Teacher

Table 26. Schedule

Table 27. Specialty

Table 28. Class type

Table 29. Academic degree

Table 30. Faculty

Table 31. Form of education

If necessary, you can also fill in all the tables by opening s tia.

Linking tables occurs through the creation of a diagram, where the V All relationships between tables are dropped. Database relationship diagram " painting " is in Appendix B.

2.3. Implementing the Client Application

The client application is implemented in the environment Delphi 7. Database interface " painting "consists of 9 forms in which operations are carried out such as: input, output and editing of information. As well as 3 forms with operations: search, filtering, report.

Consider for a good example the main form, search and report.

In the "Schedule" form, data is entered in DBEdit and DBLoockUpCo m boBox and using DBNavigator displayed in the component dbgrid. C p o the power of these components can make changes to the database itself SQL.

Fig 1 Form "Schedule of groups"

For the convenience of moving through the program itself, a code was used. m component MainMenu . It helps to switch to any form of the program (see Figure 2).

Fig 2. Using the component main menu

The search operation allows you to find data about the selected group from the "Groups" table.

Fig 3. Search

In order to search, you must select a group from the s drop list. And then click on the "Search" button. For further p O claim information gently click on the "Cancel" button, which will return everything yes n information about all groups in the database.

Fig 4. Search operation

Also on the form there are buttons for switching to other operations, to the main form and the "Exit" button, when pressed, the search form is closed.

When you run the form for the report, you can see that the form has a "Show Report" button and a component QReport , which just displays the report itself, grouped by groups.

Fig 5. Report form

When you click on the "Show Report" button, the report itself will be displayed directly.

Fig 6. Grouped report by groups


When completing the course project, it was planned to develop the skills of m building and debugging programs, as well as checking the ability to design O documentation for their development in accordance with the standards.

This program is a complete software product, although it is possible to refine it. There is a need to add features such as:

  • ensuring information security (password, encoding, and so on);
  • providing a multi-user mode with the provision of and home to the user of his mode of operation and settings;
  • automatic filling of the same fields in different tables as you type.

The program has a convenient user interface. Using the program will not be difficult for those who are familiar with this shell. A convenient help system for using the program will allow you to quickly learn how to navigate it. In general, the program can be really used.

As a result of the course project, knowledge in the field of database programming and object-oriented software has been improved. O gramming, acquired skills in the use of scientific and technical information.


  1. Learning the basics of working with a DBMS Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Methodical e sky instructions for laboratory work on the course "Organ And zation of databases and knowledge”, Orlovsky D.L., NTU “KhPI”, Department of ACS, 2009.
  2. Development of client-server applications in Delphi , Andrey Shkryl, BHV-Petersburg, 2006.


Entities in ERwin


Table chart SQL


Listing of the "search" operation


procedure TForm9.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);



Number of students, b. Faculty, c. NameFormsTraining, a. CodeSpecialties, d. NameSpecialties";

CodeFormsLearning=c. CodeFormsLearning) and (a. CodeSpecialties=d. CodeSpecialties) and (e.GroupID="""+combobox1.Text+""")");




procedure TForm9.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);



Query1.SQL.text:="select e.GroupCode , a. Number of students, b. Faculty, c. NameFormsTraining, a. CodeSpecialties, d. NameSpecialties";

Query1.SQL.Add("from dbo. Group a, dbo. Faculty b, dbo. Form of Study c, dbo. Major d, dbo. Group e");

Query1.SQL.Add("where (a. GroupId =e.GroupId ) and (a. FacultyId =b. FacultyId ) and (a. CodeFormsLearning=c. CodeFormsLearning) and (a. CodeSpecialties=d. CodeSpecialties)");



Operation "Filtering" listing


procedure TForm10.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);



Full name of the teacher, b. TitleDiscipline, c. NameDayWeek

Query1.SQL.Add("where (e. Teacher Code=a. Teacher Code) and (e. CourseCode =b. CourseCode ) and (e.WeekDayCode =c.WeekDayCode ) and (e. LessonTypeCode =d. LessonTypeCode ) and (c. NameDayWeek="""+combobox1.Text+""")");




procedure TForm10.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);



Query1.SQL.Text:="select e.ScheduleID , e.GroupID , e.AudienceNumber , a. Full name of the teacher, b. TitleDiscipline, c. NameDayWeek, d. Type of Activity , e. PairNumber ";

Query1.SQL.Add("from dbo. Teacher a, dbo. Course b, dbo. Day of Week c, dbo. Class Type d, dbo. Schedule e");

Query1.SQL.Add("where (e. Teacher Code=a. Teacher Code) and (e. CourseCode =b. CourseCode ) and (e.WeekDayCode =c.WeekDayCode ) and (e. LessonTypeCode =d. LessonTypeCode )");





Document No.







Document No.






Ulakhaev A.Yu.


Bazaron S.A.

N. Contr.

Chimitova E.G.


Bazaron S.A.

With our educational institutions






Document No.







Document No.






Ulakhaev A.Yu.


Bazaron S.A.

N. Contr.

Chimitova E.G.


Bazaron S.A.

Schedule for you With our educational institutions






Document No.







Document No.







Document No.







Document No.







Document No.






Ulakhaev A.Yu.


Bazaron S.A.

N. Contr.

Chimitova E.G.


Bazaron S.A.

Schedule for you With our educational institutions






Document No.







Document No.







Document No.







Document No.







Document No.







Document No.







Document No.







Document No.







Document No.







Document No.







Document No.






Ulakhaev A.Yu.


Bazaron S.A.

N. Contr.

Chimitova E.G.


Bazaron S.A.

Schedule for you With our educational institutions






Document No.







Document No.






Ulakhaev A.Yu.


Bazaron S.A.

N. Contr.

Chimitova E.G.


Bazaron S.A.

Schedule for you With our educational institutions






Document No.







Document No.






Ulakhaev A.Yu.


Bazaron S.A.

N. Contr.

Chimitova E.G.


Bazaron S.A.

Schedule for you With our educational institutions






Document No.






Ulakhaev A.Yu.


Bazaron S.A.

N. Contr.

Chimitova E.G.


Bazaron S.A.

Schedule for youWithour educational institutions







Document No.







Ulakhaev A.Yu.


Bazaron S.A.

N. Contr.

Chimitova E.G.


Bazaron S.A.

Schedule for youWithour educational institutions





Sochi, 2008

Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business

Department of IT


Head department

Ph.D., prof. Yu. I. Dreyzis


_____” __________ 2008


for course design at the course

Databases and Knowledge”

Student _____________________ Group - ______________

Project theme:“Design and implementation of the database “Schedule of classes”

Initial data for design:

Input Documents:

    audience employment;


    call schedule;

    disciplines (curriculum);

    days of the week.

Output documents: groups; teachers; audience.

Technical means - PC type IBM PC.

Operating system - MS Windows.

DBMS and software tools - at the choice of the developer.

Scope of work for the course

    Estimated part:

    1. Formulation of the problem.

      Infological modeling of the subject area.

      Implementation design.

      Physical design.

    The grafical part:

    1. Diagram of infological model.

      DB structure diagram.

      An enlarged scheme of the program.

      Drawings (printouts) of forms and documents.

    Database testing and debugging.

Project completion time by sections:

1, Items 1.1, 1.2 - by week 7

2. Items 1.3, 3.1 - by week 9

3. Items 1.4, 3.2 - by week 12

4. Registration of the PZ and the graphic part - by the 14th week

The assignment date is the 3rd week of the semester.

Project defense date - 16 weeks

Supervisor - __________________________

The task was received by ________________________

Student ________________________________


Effective development of the state is unthinkable without management systems. Modern control systems are based on complex information processing systems, on modern information technologies. Modern computer control systems provide accurate and complete data analysis, obtaining information in time without delay, and determining trends in important indicators.

A database is a set of structured and interrelated data and methods that provide data sampling and display. The concept of a database management system is closely related to the concept of a database. This is a set of software tools designed to create the structure of a new database, fill it with content, edit content and visualize information. Visualization of database information is understood as the selection of displayed data in accordance with a given criterion, their ordering, design and subsequent issuance to an output device or transmission over communication channels.

There are many database management systems in the world. Despite the fact that they can work with different objects in different ways and provide the user with different functions and tools, most DBMSs rely on a single, well-established set of basic concepts. This gives us the opportunity to consider one system and generalize its concepts, techniques and methods to the entire DBMS class. As such a training object, we will choose the Microsoft Access DBMS, which is part of the Microsoft Office package. Almost all DBMSs allow you to add new data to tables. From this point of view, DBMSs are no different from spreadsheet programs (Excel), which can emulate some database functionality. There are three fundamental differences between DBMS and spreadsheet programs:

    DBMSs are designed to handle large amounts of information efficiently, much larger than spreadsheets can handle.

    The DBMS can easily link two tables so that they appear to the user as one table. It is almost impossible to implement such a possibility in spreadsheets.

    DBMS minimize the overall size of the database. To do this, tables containing duplicate data are divided into several related tables.

Access- powerful application Windows . At the same time, the performance of the DBMS is organically combined with all the conveniences and benefits Windows.

Like a relational DBMS Accessprovides access to all types of data and allows you to use multiple database tables at the same time. Access is specifically designed for building multi-user applications where database files are shared resources on a network. IN Access implemented a reliable system of protection against unauthorized access to files.

As part of this course project, it is necessary to design and implement by meansMS ACCESSan information system that allows you to schedule classes.

1. Analytical part

      Description of the subject area

The dispatcher is in charge of scheduling classes. Suppose it is necessary to build a database that will help the dispatcher to schedule classes. To do this, you must have the following information:

    audience employment;


    specialization and free time of teachers;

    call schedule;

    disciplines (curriculum);

    days of the week;



The dispatcher must enter the schedule in the form of database records:

      Day of the week

      Start time





When entering, it is required to avoid "overlays" of the form:

    In the same classroom at the same time, different groups are engaged;

    The same group at the same time is engaged in different classrooms, either in different subjects, or with different teachers;

    The same teacher studies at the same time either in different classrooms, or in different subjects, or with different groups.

In addition, the information system should display information on schedule requests:




      Determining the composition of the data.

To provide the user with the specified information, reference data about groups, classrooms and teachers should be stored in the database. As a result of the analysis of the subject area, documents are identified that contain reference information: “Groups” (Fig. 1.2.1), “Audiences” (Fig. 1.2.2), “Teachers” (Fig. 1.2.3), “Cell Schedule” ( fig.1.2.4), "Disciplines" (fig.1.2.5), "Days of the week" (fig.1.2.6), "Schedule" (fig.1.2.7), "Curriculum" (fig.1.2. 8). Below are the document forms.

Fig.1.2.1 Form of reference document "Groups"

Fig.1.2.2 Form of reference document "Audience"

Fig.1.2.3 Form of reference document "Teachers"

Fig. 1.2.4 Form of the reference document "Schedule of Calls"

Fig.1.2.5 Form of the reference document "Disciplines"

Fig.1.2.6 Form of reference document "Days of the week"

Fig.1.2.7 Form of reference document "Schedule"

Fig.1.2.8 Form of reference document "Curriculum"

Based on the analysis of the subject area, it is possible to identify logical data relationships that determine the data structure of the subject area. As a result, information objects should be identified and links between them established.


The conceptual model is a representation of the user's point of view on the subject area and does not depend on either the DBMS software or technical solutions. The conceptual model must be stable. One of the common models of the conceptual schema is the entity-relationship model. The essence is understood as the main content of the object of the subject area, about which information is collected. A place, a thing, a person, a phenomenon can act as an entity. An instance of an entity is a specific object. It is customary to define an entity by attributes - named characteristics.

    1. Identification of information objects

It is necessary to analyze each attribute for the presence of relationships with other attributes. A prop acquires meaning only when it is associated with other props that have a semantic unity. So, the code of the technique, the name of the technique, the quantity reflect information about the product; object code, object name, head of the object reflect information about the objects.

Among the attributes that describe an entity, one or more attributes can be distinguished that uniquely identify an instance of an entity. This property is the key. There is a functional dependency between the key and other attributes.

The details of each information object of the canonical data model must meet the requirements corresponding to the third normal form of the relational data model:

    the information object must contain a unique identifier - the primary key; all descriptive attributes must be mutually independent, that is, there should not be functional dependencies between them; all the details included in the composite key must also be mutually independent; each descriptive attribute must functionally fully depend on the key, that is, each key value must correspond to only one value of the descriptive attribute, and with a composite key, the descriptive attributes must depend entirely on the entire set of attributes that form the key; each descriptive attribute must depend on the key non-transitively, that is, it must not depend on another intermediate attribute.

Requisite composition of primary documents:

Table 2.1.1. Analysis of the "Groups" document


Table 2.1.2. Analyzing the "Audiences" document


Table 2.1.3. Analysis of the document "Disciplines"


Table 2.1.4. Analysis of the document "Days of the week"


Table 2.1.5. Analysis of the document "Teachers"


Table 2.1.6. Analysis of the document "Schedule"


Table 2.1.7. Analysis of the document "Cell Schedule"


Table 2.1.8. Analysis of the document "Curriculum"


The received information objects meet the requirements of normalization, i.e. they are in the third normal form.

Table 2.1.9. Reference Objects

Information object

U - unique, P - simple, C - composite.

2.2. Determining the links of information objects, building an information-logical model and ER -diagrams

To build an information-logical model, we first build an adjacency matrix - this is a square matrix by the number of IOs, which is filled in rows. The matrix element at the intersection of a row and a column is equal to 1, if the IO in the row is related to the IO in the column by a one-to-many relationship, the type of functional connection is not taken into account.

There are the following types of relationships between objects:

    One-to-one (1:1). Each instance of the first information object corresponds to only one instance of the second information object

    One-to-many (1:M). Each instance of one information object corresponds to several instances of another information object, and each instance of the second information object corresponds to no more than one instance of the first information object.

    Many-to-many (M:M). Each instance of one information object corresponds to several instances of another information object, and each instance of the second information object can correspond to several instances of the first.

As a result of the analysis, 8 information objects were obtained: DAYS OF THE WEEK, AUDIENCES, SCHEDULE OF CALLS, CURRICULUM, GROUPS, DISCIPLINES, SCHEDULE, TEACHERS. Let us carry out a pairwise analysis of the relationships between them:

Days of the week (1) Schedule (7). Connection type 1:M. The connection between these objects is provided using the Code of the day of the week attribute.

Audiences (2) Schedule (7). Connection type 1:M. The connection between these objects is provided using the attribute Audience number.

Bell schedule (3) Schedule (7). Connection type 1:M. The connection between these objects is provided using the Pair number attribute.

Curriculum (4) Disciplines (6). Connection type 1:M. The connection between these objects is provided using the attribute Discipline.

Groups (5) Schedule (7). Connection type 1:M. The connection between these objects is provided with the help of the Group Code attribute.

Disciplines (6) Schedule (7). Connection type 1:M. The connection between these objects is provided using the attribute Code of discipline.

Teachers (8) Schedule (7). Connection type 1:M. The connection between these objects is provided using the attribute Personnel number of the teacher.

Based on these data, you can build an adjacency matrix, which allows you to build information objects by levels (Fig. 2.2.)

Rice. 2.2 Adjacency matrix

The information-logical model is reduced to a canonical form, and objects are located in it by levels. At the zero level, there are objects that are not subordinate to any other objects, at the 1st level, subordinate to the 0th level, etc. This placement of objects gives an idea of ​​hierarchical subordination, makes the model more visual and makes it easier to understand 1:M dependencies.

The adjacency matrix shows that:

Infoobjects Days of the week, Audiences, Bell schedule, Curriculum, Groups, Teachers are at 0 ohm level;

The Discipline info object is located at 1 ohm level;

The Schedule information object is located at 2 ohm level.

Table relationship diagrams help you visualize your database design. Object-relationship diagrams ( entity-relation-ER ), which are also called object-attribute-relationship diagrams ( entity- attribute-relation - EAR ) are one of the most widely used methods for depicting relationships between tables in a database. The ellipses above the rectangles of the tables indicate the attribute classes (fields) included in the relationship. Diamonds connecting pairs of table rectangles and field ellipses representing relationships between fields.

The ER-diagram of the subject area "Schedule" is presented in APPENDIX A.

      Defining the logical and physical database models

The logical structure of the relational database is an adequate reflection of the obtained information-logical model of the subject area. The canonical model does not require additional transformations. Each data model information object is mapped to a corresponding relational table. The structure of a relational table is determined by the attribute composition of the corresponding information object, where each column (field) corresponds to one of the attributes. Key attributes form a unique key of a relational table. For each column of the table, the type, data size, and other properties are specified. The topology of the data schema project practically coincides with the topology of the information-logical model. The logical structure of the database is shown in APPENDIX B and the physical structure in APPENDIX C.

      Description of work with the program "Schedule of classes"

The program, with the conditional name "Schedule of classes", is intended for scheduling classes. To do this, you must have the following information: employment of classrooms, information about groups, specialization of teachers, bell schedule, information about disciplines (curriculum), days of the week. To provide the user with the specified information, reference data about groups, classrooms and teachers should be stored in the database. As a result of the analysis of the subject area, documents containing reference information are identified: "Groups", "Audiences", "Teachers".

All the necessary information is entered into the database. Based on the entered data, queries are organized to search for the necessary information (by audience, groups or teachers). Work begins with the main window (Fig. 2.4.1), which displays five buttons.

Rice. 2.4.1 Main program window

When you click on the "Schedule" button, it becomes possible to work with the entire database. The main form "Days of the week" contains the subform "Schedule". You can edit the schedule in the form of database records (Fig. 2.4.2):

Rice. 2.4.2 Editing a schedule based on all data

When you press the "Group Schedule" button, a form appears with a request for the group code (Fig. 2.4.3), in our example for the group with the code "3514", then the base itself for editing the schedule (Fig. 2.4.4).

Rice. 2.4.4 Editing a Schedule for a Specific Group

When you press the "Audience" button, a request for the audience number appears (Fig. 2.4.5), in our example, the audience number is "1", then a request for the code of the day of the week (Fig. 2.4.6), in our example - "1" (Monday) , and then the form for editing the schedule (Fig. 2.4.7).

Rice. 2.4.7 Editing the schedule

When you press the "Teacher" button, a request for the teacher's last name appears (Fig. 2.4.8), then a request for the code of the day of the week (Fig. 2.4.9), then the schedule editing form itself (Fig. 2.4.10)

Rice. 2.4.10 Editing a schedule

Pressing the button will end the program.

2.5. Executing queries

Queries are an essential tool in any database management system. They are used to highlight, update and add new records to tables. Most often, queries are used to isolate specific groups of records in order to satisfy certain criteria. In addition, they can be used to retrieve data from different tables, providing a single view of related data items. With these tools, you can:

    Form complex criteria for selecting records from one or more tables;

    Specify the fields that should be displayed for the selected records;

    Perform calculations using the selected data.

In AccessThere are four types of requests for different purposes:

    Select queries display data from one or more tables in the form of a table.

    Cross queries collect data from one or more tables in a spreadsheet-like format. These queries are used to analyze data and create charts based on the totals of numerical values ​​from a set of records.

    Change requests are used to create new tables from the results of a query and to make changes to data in existing tables. You can use them to add or remove records from a table and modify records according to expressions that you specify in query design mode.

Queries with parameters are queries whose properties are changed by the user each time they are run. When you run a query with a parameter, a dialog box appears in which you need to enter a selection condition. This request type is not standalone, i.e. a parameter can be added to any type of request. The program displays the following scheduling queries:
    Groups Teachers Audiences

Let's look at an example of a request for a schedule by audience. Suppose we need to know the schedule for audience "1", for Monday. Select the "Audience" query. A window appears (Fig. 2.5.1). Enter the number of the audience - "1".

Then a window appears (Fig. 2.5.2). Enter the code for the day of the week; Monday corresponds to the code "1".

After all the data has been entered, we will get the result (Fig. 2.5.3)

Rice. 2.5.3 Displaying the schedule for the query "Audience"

Queries "Groups" and "Teacher" work in a similar way.


The use of databases and information systems is becoming an integral part of the business activity of a modern person and the functioning of successful organizations. In this regard, the development of the principle of construction and effective application of appropriate technologies and software products is of great relevance.

Modern information systems (IS) that implement data integration are characterized by huge amounts of stored data, complex organization, and the need to satisfy the diverse requirements of multiple users.

The purpose of the information system is to process data about objects in the real world. In a broad sense, a database is a collection of information about specific objects of the real world in any subject area. Undersubject area It is customary to understand the part of the real world to be studied. When creating a database, the user seeks to organize information according to various features and quickly extract a sample with an arbitrary combination of features. This can be done if the data is structured.

The result of my work is the program "Schedule of classes", which allows you to create and edit the schedule of classes, taking into account the employment of audiences, information about groups, specialization and free time of teachers, schedule of calls, disciplines (curriculum), days of the week.

At work I used QBE- requests. These are queries built using the Query Builder, which is a graphical tool for creating queries from a template. Language SQL designed to work with relational databases and is actually a relational database management system, it is also focused on operations with data presented in the form of a logically related set of tables.

Of course, the completed program is not fully completed, since a very small amount of time was allotted for its creation. But further improvements are possible.


    Computer science. Basic course /Simonovich S.V. and others - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Piter", 2000. - 640p.

    Computer science. Textbook / Lomtadze V.V., Shishkina L.P. - Irkutsk: ISTU, 1999. - 116p.

    Lobova O.E. Database. Lecture course. Sochi. Educational materials. 2007

    Lobova O.E. Guidelines for the implementation of the course project for students of the specialty 010502 "Applied Informatics", full-time education, in the discipline "Databases". Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business - Sochi: SGUT and KD, 2004, 90 p.


ER -diagram of the subject area "SCHEDULE OF CLASSES"
