How to make games download to SD. How to install applications on a memory card on Android

On phones with low capacity internal memory shortage occurs free space. It is expanded with a memory card onto which photos, videos, music and other data are transferred. But what to do if there is not enough memory for programs, but there is nothing left to delete? The most rational option is to install applications on an Android SD card.

This can be done using standard tools or using third-party software. We'll sort it out simple ways, giving almost 100 percent results.

What applications can be transferred to a memory card?

Unfortunately, not all programs can be transferred to MicroSD. Some developers don't optimize their software to work outside system memory, so there is no way to make it function on a memory card. However, the vast majority of software works well on it. Therefore, even heavy applications can be transferred, freeing up space on the internal storage.

Pay attention! The system allows you to transfer only downloaded programs. It will not be possible to change the directory of the built-in ones - they will not start.

Also remember that the speed of writing and reading from a memory card is much lower than from the built-in drive. For this reason, it is not recommended to transport games and other software for which performance is important.

Transferring apps using stock tools

It has become possible to install applications onto a memory card using built-in services, starting with Android version 2.2; for earlier builds you will have to tinker and transfer using a PC.

Please note that the instructions are not completely universal. In some firmware, the names and locations of the items may differ, but the essence set out in the instructions remains unchanged. We will demonstrate transposition using the example of the AOSP system (naked Android) and the Samsung shell. We will also look at the nuances for versions up to 6.0 Marshallow and later builds.

For AOSP (up to 6.0)

Following these instructions, transferring one program will take about a minute:

The shell will notify you when the application has been moved to the memory card.

For Samsung (up to 6.0)

Now we want to show the differences in the procedure using the example of firmware from Samsung, but at the same time substantiate the thesis that the principle remains the same. So:

Here, installing applications on the card is a little longer, but the main thing is to go to the programs menu, select the one you need and interact with the storage options. The same principle will apply to other firmwares, it’s just that the first time you may have to spend a couple of minutes figuring it out.

For all firmware based on Android 6.0 and higher

In this Google versions reconsidered the principle of interaction between smartphones and flash drives. Previously, it acted as a portable data storage, now, in addition to this, it has been added new feature- Adoptable Storage. It integrates a memory card with internal storage, which is beneficial because by default all data will be installed on it. However, it will no longer be possible to insert it into your computer and easily transfer files.

To activate the mode, you need:

Try to make a backup of the data installed on the MicroSD, as everything will be deleted. Android will reformat it to suit its needs, add information encryption to improve security, and change the type file system. Consider carefully what will be more convenient for you, but remember that in the future you will be able to change the method of working with the flash drive, and the documents on it will be lost again.

Moving all data to MicroSD

Porting individual programs is useful. But what to do if your smartphone has little RAM and internal memory of 4, 8 or 16 GB and you urgently need to free it up? Android stock services will help with this too, because they provide tools for resetting all videos, pictures, music, software and even games to removable storage. To do this, take several steps, namely:

The method is simpler than the previous ones and is suitable if you want to radically free up space on your phone from programs that have been installed for a long time and take up a lot of space.

Transferring applications using third-party software

It happens that it is not possible to transport software using standard means, but there are many alternative options. We propose to disassemble the two simplest ones: one using a PC, and the second through special programs, but you will need root rights.

Pay attention! Read about how to get root on Android in the topics about your device to avoid problems.

Using a computer

The solution is not the fastest, but it is simple and accessible to everyone, even if there is no root rights. So:

This can be done more easily through a device synchronization program, such as My Phone Explorer. First it is installed on the phone from Play Market and then on PC. The distribution should be downloaded from the developer's official website.

Now proceed to transpose the application to the Android memory card, for this you need:

This completes the procedure and the application is ready for use.

Using the app

A lot of transfer applications have been developed, we suggest using multifunctional utility Titanium Backup. To do this you need to do the following:

If you want to put all the software on a flash drive, then after starting Titanium follow these steps:

Now wait for the process to complete.

These were the most basic ways to install an application on an Android SD card, which will always work. If one of the methods does not help, we recommend using an alternative.

Some developers limit the compatibility of their applications: they indicate which models it works on, in which countries, with which operator and Android versions. IN Google Market such an application is shown as incompatible, although most often this incompatibility is far-fetched and it can still be installed.

First way. Using an APK file

In some cases, the installation of an application is prevented by checking the device characteristics by the application store Play Store. This, for example, happened with Tinkov’s mobile wallet released this Sunday - it was not installed from the market on smartphones with FullHD screens, and the installation of the APK file occurred without problems.

You can search for the APK file on the Internet or ask those who have successfully installed the application you need. These files are stored in the phone's memory in the data/app folder. You can get them from there on a device with root access using file manager. To install such an application, go to the security settings, allow installation of applications from unknown sources, then copy the APK file to your device and launch it.

Second way. By using Market applications Helper

This application cannot be found in the Google Market, it is available on the developer's website and only works on devices with root access. The application changes the system identifier so that instead of a less common device, the store sees a popular one, which is most likely supported.

2. Open Market Helper, select the device type (tablet, phone), manufacturer and model, country, cellular operator.

3. Click “Activate” and wait for the new settings to apply. There is no need to reboot the device.

5. Try installing apps that were incompatible. To return the device to its original state, click “Restore” in the list of available devices, and then “Activate” or simply restart it (Wi-Fi or data must be turned on).

Third way. A bit hacky

This method requires root access to the file system and only saves you from incompatibility with the device itself. If the ban is set at the version level operating system or country, it will not help.

2. Go to the “System” folder and find the “build.prop” file. Save it backup copy to a safe place.

Many owners of Android devices sooner or later, especially if the user is not experienced in computer technology, are faced with a similar situation. By manually or automatically installing applications on the gadget's internal memory, we gradually reduce its volume. Over time, the device begins to work slower and slower. Those programs that used to start in a matter of moments now start slowly. And then it’s generally impossible to send SMS or listen to the song normally. In addition, I get a message that there is not enough memory space android devices. So we've arrived. It's time to start optimizing the internal memory of the device. There is no other way. The main way to solve this problem is android installation applications to the memory card. But first you need to understand what types of memory your device has.

Types of Android memory

RAM is memory that is used by various processes and applications while the device is running. When the power is turned off, all data contained in it is erased. The larger its volume, the more application instances can be launched at the same time. That is, the more operational, the more you can afford right away. For example, listen to music and surf the Internet through a browser.

On at this stage volume is considered the gold standard RAM in 1 GB. In budget models, this figure averages 512 MB. To some extent, a large amount of RAM allows you to go longer without transferring an Android application to a memory card. Moreover, starting from version 2.2 of this operating system, it has built-in support for selective launch of processes. Now the device itself knows which application data to leave active. In earlier versions, when the entire amount of RAM was filled, the user received a message about its fullness and the impossibility of launching the application.

ROM is the internal memory of the device, onto which the data of the operating system itself is written during firmware. Unlike operational data, this data is saved after recording without changes, even after the device is turned off or rebooted. They are not modifiable, and you will not be able to move applications to the card android memory.

Internal memory of the device - user information and data are recorded here installed programs. All information is available for change. How much free space is left in the internal memory is displayed in the settings. If the entire volume is almost full, then you can move applications to the android memory card.

Memory cards

An expansion card, or flash drive, is used to increase the amount of internal memory. Happens various types and sizes depending on the supported slot. All information recorded on it is available for modification and is saved when the power is turned off. You can also find out about the degree of filling in the “settings” section of the gadget menu. The main purpose of expansion cards is to free up resources of the device's internal memory.

The essence of the problem

After purchasing a new device, the owner, who understands the controls, begins to customize the gadget “for himself.” Personalize by installing all new applications and gradually filling the internal memory. After all, in addition to filling up the RAM with a lot of running processes, and the internal volume is also filled to capacity. In this case, the system issues messages about this. Removal unnecessary programs and data solves the problem for a short time due to the constant influx of information and automatic installation updates. Optimizing the system and deleting temporary files is also a temporary solution to the issue. There is nothing else left to do but transfer applications to the android memory card.

Let's start solving the problem

An inexperienced user would do this by first copying all the data to the computer and then moving it to a flash drive. Another solution could be online storage data. To do this, you need to download all the necessary “extra” information from your phone to the server of some specialized Internet resource for further storage and use at the right time. This is where the problem of accessing this data via the Internet arises. Unlike foreign countries, access to the network via wi-fi is still too poorly developed. And downloading through Edge will not only take a long time, but also be expensive.

Everything is much simpler. Transferring data to an expansion card is possible through the built-in operating system tools using a file manager. You just need to mark those that should be transferred. What if you need to move Android applications to the memory card? To do this, in this operating system, starting from version 2.2, this feature is implemented at the software level.

Open the gadget menu. Go to the “Settings” item. Next, go to the “Applications” sub-item and from there to “Application Management”. A list of installed programs opens in front of you. Clicking on the title desired application, we will see all the information about it. On the right there is a button that says "move to SD". If it is active (displayed in white), then this application You can transfer it to sd android from the internal memory of the device.

Programs for transferring applications

Certainly, new version operating system is good. But what should those whose devices run on versions lower than 2.2 and their system do not know how to install Android applications on a flash drive?

The first option that immediately comes to mind is flashing the gadget. But this matter is so troublesome and time-consuming that first it is better to look for other ways to solve the problem.

Omniscient programmers have already thought for us and written a series special programs for android transfer applications to sd.

App 2 SD program.

It contains all the necessary tools for transferring applications not only from external memory to an expansion card, but also vice versa. Having launched the program, a table with icons of available functions appears in front of us. At the top there are three keys for selection the desired option work: with roaming applications located on the memory card and located in the internal memory of the device. Before transferring applications to the memory card on Android, click on the icon of the program being moved. All information about it and possible options for action are displayed in front of us: transferring, erasing data.

Using the menu that appears after pressing function keys device, you can transfer all installed programs, update the list, configure, clear the cache, or update App version 2 SD to professional. Moreover, the price of the transition to pro versions is only 2$.

Program Move2SDEnablerv0. 96.

It will be useful not only for those whose gadget runs on Android below version 2. 2. In devices with a later version of the operating system Move2SD Enabler v0. 96 allows you to move to a flash drive even those applications that are marked as “unportable” in the standard file manager (the transfer button is inactive). Before saving applications to your Android memory card, familiarize yourself with the space occupied by this program.

Link2SD program.

Unlike others, it allows you to export applications not only completely, but also in parts. That is, you can move individual libraries. Another advantage of Link2SD is that it is installed immediately in one package without copying files or running scripts.

After transferring the application with this program in devices running versions of the operating system up to 2.2, it begins to be displayed only after the device is rebooted.

To export, 2 partitions must be created on the expansion card. One is based on the FAT 32 file system, and the other is ext2 (the limitation is not relevant for new versions).

Of course, these programs completely solve the problem. But in Android, how to install applications on a flash drive right away?

Install immediately

Of course, the memory of devices, especially phones, is not infinite. And constantly transferring programs using specialized applications or the built-in Android file manager is tedious.

And I would like to know how to install applications on a memory card on Android.

Unfortunately, by default, all applications are installed in any version of Android on the internal memory. The solution to this problem can be considered to be flashing the gadget with a third-party version of the OS. But this is a very troublesome matter. In addition, you need to have decent skills and knowledge in handling this kind of software.

After installing the application, if possible, immediately move it to the memory card. Compliance with this simple rule will help you save built-in memory resources.

Install one of the cleaning utilities on your gadget. For example, Android Assistant. After a while, systematically launch it, and clean the system and clear the cache. Using this program allows you to clear the internal memory of temporary and unnecessary files(“system garbage”), and thus save space.

Comfortable work

Make it a rule to uninstall applications as soon as they are no longer needed.

When downloading various multimedia information via a browser on the Internet, immediately set the save path to the folder on the expansion card.

By following these tips, you can ensure comfortable work on your device, even if its internal memory resources are small. And the developers will definitely answer us about how to ensure that applications are installed on the Android memory card with the release of one of the next versions of this wonderful operating system.

A few years ago, we used regular cell phones that had a small amount of memory to store a phone book and a few ringtones. And that was enough! But after a very short period of time, many acquired modern smartphones that already have gigabytes of information storage.
It’s a paradox, but these gigabytes usually begin to be sorely lacking by the end of the first month of using the device. So what should I do? Change your phone to a more powerful one? Not necessarily! You can additionally use a Micro SD memory card. Convenient and inexpensive. But just sticking it in is half the battle. You also need to configure Android so that you can download and install applications directly to the memory card.

This is done quite simply. The only significant difficulty is that despite the fact that everyone has the same Android operating system, some manufacturers have a different procedure for forcing the phone to save music and application files directly to the Micro SD memory card due to the fact that that each of them make their own changes to the graphical shell.

First you need to open the settings of your phone or tablet.
Open the section Memory.

Now you need to find the “Default Memory” or “Main Memory” subsection:

Here you need to check the “Micro SD memory card” checkbox.

That's it, now in Android applications, music and photos will be downloaded to the memory card.

As I said above, this is done in most mobile devices, but there are exceptions. Yes, on popular phones ASUS Zenfone To install programs directly onto the memory card, you need to find the “Individual” item in the Android settings ASUS settings" and there - the subsection "Application installation options".

This is where you will select the default location for saving applications. To install applications directly onto the memory card, check the “Select external storage»!

Many people want to know how to install applications on an SD card in Android devices. If a user has a phone or tablet with a small amount of permanent memory and RAM, then they probably uninstall programs often to free up space. But there is a way to increase the storage capacity by using an SD card.

Methods for installing programs

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Link2SD" width="300" height="131" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 800w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> !}
Default games and Android applications are installed on the built-in storage of a smartphone, which may be too small. If you have an SD, you can make sure that some programs are installed there by default, thereby freeing up space for more information. Under certain conditions, you can transfer almost any installed program to a removable flash drive.

How to install an application on an Android SD card? There are several different ways carrying out this operation. The correct method depends on the operating system version and the data you want to move. IN Android settings 6.0 Marshmallow can adapt SD as built-in memory, automatically installing allowed games and software to a removable drive.

Some smartphones without a new operating system allow you to move an application to the memory card manually, but only if the developer allows it. Alternative way transferring programs - using the Link2SD application.

It should be noted that programs launched from the card will likely run slower than those located in the built-in memory.

That's why you can only transfer applications to an external flash drive if absolutely necessary. It is recommended, whenever possible, to use this method for programs that do not require high speed for normal operation.

How to adapt an SD card for internal memory

Traditionally, SD on Android served as portable storage. This means that you can store videos, music and photos on them for use on your smartphone. SD can be connected to a computer to transfer files two-way. When used as a portable storage device, the card can be removed without affecting functionality.

Read also: How to clear cache on Android phone or tablet

How to install applications on a memory card? Android system 6.0 Marshmallow allows you to use SD as built-in storage, turning it into an integral part of your smartphone. If you accept a removable flash drive as your main storage, then by default new software will be installed on it. If desired, the user can move the program back to the built-in memory.

If an external drive is used as the main storage, then it cannot be removed without affecting the functionality of the gadget. In this case, the card cannot be used on other devices (including PCs). The SD card is formatted as local disk EXT4 encoded with 128-bit AES encryption and mounted as part of the system. Once the Marshmallow system accepts the drive, it will only work with that drive.

Jpg" alt="SD card" width="300" height="182" srcset="" data-srcset=" 720w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> !} Now about how to configure the SD card. You should definitely back up your data and save it on your computer before using the flash drive as internal storage. The onboarding process will delete all data. You can return data to SD after the drive is accepted as built-in storage.

To transfer data, you need to connect Android directly to your computer. It is not possible to remove the SD from the device and connect it directly to a PC to transfer files. If the drive was used as portable storage and it contains data, then you need to transfer it to the built-in memory. If you do not do this, the programs will be deleted and will have to be installed again.

When using SD as internal storage, you need to make sure that the card is fast. When purchasing a new drive, you should look for Class 10 and UHC. If you choose a cheaper and slower SD, it will slow down the device as a whole. If you plan to configure the drive as internal storage, then it is better to spend the money on purchasing a fast card. The Android system will test the SD speed during the synchronization process and warn the user if it is too slow and could negatively affect the performance of the gadget.
