How to spam on social networks. Consumables required for work

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Surely you have already encountered spam, even if you did not know exactly what this disgrace is called. And this is not even necessary. Spam with enviable regularity pours into the usual Mailbox- these are the same countless advertising booklets that are slipped to you in the hope that you will order or buy something.

So here it is spam is just there is an annoying, climbing from all sides advertising(but not only advertising - it can be worse). You didn’t order it, you don’t need it, but it rushes and rushes from all cracks. In this heap, the information you need can easily be lost and you have to spend a lot of time sifting it out.

In our computer age, the main source of spam is . Besides advertising spam mailings can also be dangerous both for your wallet (phishing, social engineering, wires) and for your computer (viruses, worms, trojans).

What does the word Spam mean, what it is and how you can fight it, you will learn by looking at this short note. I hope it will be interesting (well, certainly useful - I promise you).

Spam - what is it

What does SPAM mean?

Samo spam word comes from the name of canned meat, which was vehemently advertised after the end of the Second World War (obviously, it was necessary to urgently sell the soldiers' meat rations).

Advertising was so aggressive, all-encompassing and ubiquitous that this word (and the “sediment” associated with it) was remembered, but already about the intrusive advertising that appeared along with it in conferences (then still in the fidonet, if anyone remembers).

The word has taken root, especially since intrusive advertising has not become less, but rather the opposite. When e-mail gained popularity, then unauthorized mass advertising and malicious mailings of letters became commonplace. Such mailings were profitable for spammers, because without special expenses necessary information delivered to a large number of people.

But Email is not limited. They spam in the personal of social networks, on forums, in instant messengers, on bulletin boards, in comments on blogs, it is open for editing and adding text by everyone. They also spam on your phone, for example, by advertising calls or by sending promotional SMS messages.

Where can you find it on the internet?

  1. Email- it's just a Klondike for spammers. With the help of mass mailings, you can sell anything, you can cheat and rob, you can infect computers and send worms. Bases for mass mailings are collected independently (with the help of programs), or bought from those who do this professionally.
  2. Forums, comments blogs, wikis, and message boards - basically everyone is allowed to post here, and it's hard for spammers to stop spamming. This is not always advertising - often in this way webmasters try to get a free link to their site so that it ranks higher in Yandex or Google search results for various queries. This brings them traffic and money.
  3. Social media and dating sites - spam is very common among incoming personal messages. It is also available in the comments to the posts.
  4. Messengers (like ) are also subject to this scourge.
  5. SMS- messages from unknown people of an advertising nature. Probably everyone is familiar.
  6. Search spam- a rather specific thing, but familiar to everyone. Did you have such that you enter a query into Yandex (Google), and in the answers there are entirely sites with some kind of gibberish that have nothing to do with the case. These are the so-called doorways (sites with automatically generated useless texts). They spam the results of search engines, but they earn on visits to them by visitors (in various ways).

Those. all letters in your mailbox (or messages on the forum, comments on the blog, messages in a personal message) of an advertising or other nature from an unknown sender - this is spam. True, the mailing lists to which you subscribed can also be annoying, but you can still unsubscribe from them (refuse to receive them further).

By itself, spam is annoying and disturbing, because it litters where it appears. Most often this is your mailbox, and it can be quite difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff when there are too many unwanted messages. But spam can also be a real danger to both you and your computer. Let's deal with all this.

We understand the varieties of spam (harmless and dangerous)

From now on, I will mainly talk about spam email messages, because it is this channel that is considered especially susceptible to this phenomenon. Everything else is not so neglected and not so actively used by spammers, and this does not apply to all network users. And here is the problem of their protection from unwanted messages is acute.

Varieties of harmless spam

  1. Advertising of legal goods and services- in this case, the business owner simply chose spam mailings as one of the channels to attract customers and customers, because it is not expensive, fast and brings results. Naturally, he does not really think about the moral (or rather immoral) side of this matter.
  2. Prohibited advertising- there are goods and services that are prohibited by law from advertising, and for them spam mailings can be the main channel for attracting customers. By the way, spammers also advertise their services with the help of mass mailings, because this activity is prohibited by law. This also includes advertising discrediting competitors, because this is also prohibited by law (praise yourself, but do not scold others).
  3. Impact on public opinion- very often spam becomes a good choice for those who are trying to manipulate public opinion in the right direction. It can be politics, as well as commerce. Letters in general can be sent ostensibly from some person in order to compromise him, change his opinion about him or use his authority for profit. But personally, this does not pose a danger to you.
  4. Letters that ask to be forwarded to others- these can be varieties of so-called "letters of happiness" (send it to 10 friends and you will be happy), or asking to send information to friends for some other reason. Often such emails are used by spammers to collect or replenish an existing email database for subsequent mass mailings.

High-risk spam - what it can be

If regular (harmless) spam can only slightly affect your peace of mind and mental health, then the examples below can be quite dangerous for your wallet or computer. And this is not a joke.

I myself (the one who teaches and teaches everyone) a couple of years ago "bought" a letter of this kind (phishing) and parted with several thousand rubles (read ""). I just wrapped myself up and did everything “on the machine”, just to fall behind, well, and when I realized it, it was too late.

  1. - a very effective method of deceiving not only gullible, but also just busy or inattentive people (there is a hook for anyone). They send you a letter supposedly from your bank, service electronic money or from somewhere else. In this letter, you are sure to be taken aback by something (unsettled) and asked to log in to the site to solve the problem. You log in, but the site will be fake (although it looks like a real one as two drops) and the data you provided is immediately used to steal all your money.
  2. Nigerian letters- you will find out that you can get a large amount of money (the pretexts are different - from an unexpected inheritance to helping a prince in exile). You do not believe for a long time, but you are convinced. When you believe it, you will be asked to transfer some money for "related expenses." You transfer and no one will bother you anymore.
  3. Viruses, worms, trojans— the letter may contain an attached file with malware(or a link leading to a site with a virus). She can immediately cause problems with the computer or sit quietly in a corner and carefully record all the passwords you enter, logins and other things useful in the household. Worms, among other things, also know how to send themselves to your friends at the addresses found in the Email contacts (as they will then be ...).

Spam Protection

Where do spammers get email databases from?

  1. Spammers (those who produce mass mailings) collect email addresses from all available sources. It can be forums guest books, chats, social networks and other sites where postal addresses may be in the public domain.
  2. Hackers manage to get to some databases of addresses stored on websites.
  3. The collection of emails is carried out in most cases by a program method (with the help of search bots - harvesters) and this does not require much effort (only time is not very much). Moreover, such email spam databases you don’t have to collect, but buy them from those who specialize in this business ().
  4. Billions registered worldwide postal addresses, and therefore you can simply try to generate emails using special programs using the appropriate dictionaries. With a high degree of probability, many of them will actually exist. Read below to learn how spammers check the reality of addresses.
  5. There are special worms (viruses) that can send themselves to the database of addresses found on the victim's computer. The database collected in this way will already be cleared of non-working mailboxes.

How do spammers clean the databases from inactive email addresses?

Those who collect the database of addresses, in fact, do not care who owns this or that address - they send letters to everyone in a row, because there will still be someone who will respond to them (as they say, they hit the squares).

But still, in order to optimize costs and increase the return on mailings, it is beneficial for them to clear the databases of non-existent addresses. How do they do it? Let's get a look.

  1. The simplest thing is to place a picture in the letter (maybe not even visible - one pixel in size), which will be loaded from the site owned by the spammer when the user opens the letter. If the picture is loaded, then the letter was opened and the email is valid.
  2. Many mail clients(programs for working with e-mail) automatically send a message about reading the letter, which again plays into the hands of spammers.
  3. The letter may contain a link calling to go somewhere, promising mountains of gold. Moved - consider that your Email will now be marked as valid. The most annoying thing is that such a link can be disguised as an unsubscribe button, which in fact will lead to the opposite effect.

How to reduce the likelihood of your email getting into the spam database?

In general, as soon as your mailbox is "confirmed", spammers will not just get off of you. It is important to understand that no one is immune from spam. But it is possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of getting into such a spam database if you take specific precautions:

  1. You can, of course, not publish your Email anywhere at all and not tell it to anyone. But in most cases it is difficult to do, so I advise except for the main box have one or two secondary ones that you will use to register on forums and the like. Often they can come in handy and, which can be obtained without registration at all.
  2. Do not click on links in spam emails (even if there is an "Unsubscribe" button - this is a trap) and, if possible, disable automatic download images in your email client program. There is a chance that your Email will be counted as inactive and mass mailings will not come to it at a hundred per day.
  3. If you have not yet registered a mailbox or are planning to start a new one (for example, due to the complete clogging of the old spam), then proceed not from the convenience and ease of remembering it, but on the contrary, make it more authentic and more complicated. You will still send it to your friends electronically, but spammer programs are unlikely to guess it.

What to do if spam no longer lets you breathe?

These were all preventive measures to combat spam (or rather reduce its amount). But there is the possibility of an effective struggle even in an already completely neglected situation. In this case, it becomes extremely important, .

The fact is that in such large services as or, there are powerful anti-spam filters.

They put all suspicious emails in a separate Spam folder, thereby freeing the Inbox folder from garbage. Yes, there is no perfect spam cutter, and as far as possible, the contents of the "Spam" folder before cleaning it would be better to look diagonally for legitimate correspondence. But it's still much easier than digging through all this garbage all the time.

If you have a mailbox on another service, where the spam cutter is useless (for example, as in), then you should not despair. Get yourself an Email on Gmail or Yandex, and then set up mail forwarding to it from your old mailbox. Moreover, these settings can be made as in the old box (i.e., set up forwarding - shown in the screenshot):

Also in the new mailbox, you can configure the collection of mail from the Emails you already have (the screenshot shows the settings for collecting mail in Gmail):

The same can be said about mail client software. Most of them also have a built-in spam cutter.

But in this case, do not forget that the mail service will have its own spam folder, which will also need to be periodically viewed (or searched there for messages that should arrive, but did not reach - for example, confirmation of registration somewhere is often cut by a spam filter), because mail will not be sent from it to your computer by default (although this can be corrected in the settings of the service or client program).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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The Internet is spam. What it is? Generally speaking, spam is unsolicited advertising. That is email newsletter ads that are sent to users without their consent.

What are the types of spam?

To learn to recognize spam almost immediately, you first need to understand what it might look like. Here are the main ones that can be sent to your mailbox:

  1. Paid calls. The letter, as a rule, eloquently advertises a particular product or service. At the end, the phone number is indicated, by calling which you supposedly can order it. It would seem, what's the catch here? But not everything is so simple. Typing specified number, you will hear only a faceless answering machine, and then you will receive a rather impressive bill for the call.
  2. Offers to join such mailing lists take up the lion's share of what we include in the term "spam". What this is, of course, is not directly stated in the letter itself. In the beginning, brilliant prospects will be described to you (for example, "Earn $ 100,000 in just a month!") Or something like that. And under a plausible pretext (pledge, down payment, etc.) you are called upon to send a certain amount of money to the specified address. Of course, neither fabulous money, nor even the return of your funds, you will not wait.
  3. Offers to visit a specific site. Of course, this is also done very veiled. As a rule, spammers create letters that are very similar to personal correspondence. For example, it could be something like: “Hi, friend! Remember me? We studied together at school since the seventh grade, I barely found you :) How are you? .. ". The link follows. Its presence is a prerequisite, because it is important for a spammer that you follow it. Please note that in such letters you will not be called by your name, but will be replaced by "friend", "cat", "cute", etc. In addition, instead of the name, the first part of your e-mail may be present (that is, what comes before the @ symbol). For example, if your email is " [email protected]****.***", then you may receive a letter starting with "Hi, krasnoe_yabloko!...".
  4. Data collection. Under the pretext of a survey or questionnaire, you are offered to enter your data and send them to a specific address.
  5. Sending Trojans. This is the most dangerous spam. What it is? By opening such a message, you let a Trojan computer virus into your system, which collects information (passwords, phone numbers, data from personal correspondence, information about the provider), and then sends it to spammers who can use it for their own purposes.

Why fight spam?

Now that you have a general idea, you most likely no longer doubt that they simply need to be fought. Additionally, it should be noted that users whose computers were included in the spam network are faced with the strongest inhibition of the Internet. This is due, as a rule, to the fact that mass mailings take over all traffic.

How to protect yourself from spam?

Spam protection is a matter that must be approached responsibly from the very beginning.

Firstly, if you often have to register on different resources, receive activation codes, etc., it is better to create a separate mailbox for this purpose. And let the main one fulfill its original purpose and serve for correspondence with colleagues, clients and friends, as well as for receiving news and advertising, but only what is interesting and necessary for you personally.

Do not leave your address Email on various forums and other popular resources. If this is still necessary, separate the characters with spaces, replace the "@" sign with the inscription "woof", "dog" or something like that. So there will be a chance that the bot will not put you in the spam database. However, modern bots are becoming more and more perfect in this regard. Therefore, a more logical solution would be to insert a picture with a written e-mail instead of text. Of course, it will be a little inconvenient for users to manually enter your address, but you will protect yourself 100% from spam.

Never respond to spam. What it is, what it can bring you, you already know. Now imagine that after you reply (even if you say that you are not interested in their offer), the number of spam attacks on your mailbox will increase several times!

Spam filters - a modern and practical solution to the problem

Spam filters are specialized programs that automatically weed out and delete all emails with suspicious content. The "anti-spam" function is present in most modern antivirus programs(Dr.Web, Kaspersky Lab, Avast, Avira, AVG, etc.). However, from time to time you will have to look into the "Spam" folder - sometimes necessary and important letters get there.

Every Internet user sooner or later encounters such a phenomenon as spam. An inexperienced user can be taken aback by this rather unpleasant thing, so it is important to know what spam is and what methods exist to deal with it.

What is spam?

There are several definitions of spam, on the basis of which it is possible to deduce one common for all its types. Spam is an electronic distribution of various kinds of advertising to people who did not give their consent to receive it. Spam is also called network junk.

Why "spam"?

The term "spam" comes from the name of canned meat "SPiced hAM" (translated as "spicy ham"). These canned food were intended for consumption by American soldiers during World War II. At the end of the war, huge stocks of these canned goods remained - and they had to be sold urgently. To this end, the canning company Hormel Foods organized an advertising campaign unprecedented for those times. People saw the word SPAM everywhere: on the facades of buildings, in printed publications, on vehicles and shop windows.

Types of spam

Depending on the direction and purpose of distribution of unwanted advertising, the following types of spam are distinguished:

Mail spam. The most common and most annoying form of spam. This mass mailing advertising in the form emails without the recipient's consent. Spam email can be malicious because it often contains viruses.

Spam on blogs
. Placement of advertising on a blog, not agreed with its owner, in the form of a link to the site in the commenter's signature or a link in the comment itself (often both).

Spam on forums. Sending advertising messages to forum users without their consent.

Pop-up windows
(pop-up), common on entertainment and adult sites, is also considered a type of spam.

Search spam
(web spam). Sites on the web designed to change search results in search engines Oh. As a result, these sites, being displayed for certain queries in the issuance of search engines, mislead users.

Why fight spam?

Besides what it is unnecessary garbage, it may also contain malicious viruses that can turn an unknowing user's computer into a spam network. Some spam mailings contain messages of fraudulent content, which can also mislead an inexperienced user. Also, mass spam mailings can generate traffic in large quantities, which leads to slowdown of the Internet.

How to deal with spam?

A few simple tricks can significantly reduce the amount of spam in your mailbox.

We often leave our address in order to receive some kind of letter, activation code, confirmation of registration on any resource. To do this, it is recommended to create an additional (temporary) mailbox. And use the main e-mail address only for regular correspondence (subscriptions to newsletters and news that interest you, letters from friends and colleagues).

Do not leave your email address anywhere, especially in forums or online communities, i.e. at public network resources. If such a need nevertheless arose and you indicate your address somewhere on any web page, try replacing the “dog” symbol with something else: the letter “a”, the words “woof”, “dog” , "dog", etc. This will increase the chance that a spam bot will ignore your address and not add it to their database.

If you do not want to change the type of email address, you can replace the text with a picture from e-mail. Thus, however, you will create some inconvenience for users who decide to write you a letter - after all, the address will have to be entered manually. However, the positive point is that for a spam bot in this case you will become practically inaccessible.

Never reply to spam emails! By sending spam messages like "Leave me alone!" or "I'm not interested in your offer", you will only contribute to an increase in spam attacks on your mailbox. So, one of the answers to the question of how to deal with spam is to ignore it.

One way to fight spam is to install spam filters, special programs that many email clients include. Based on various criteria, these programs detect spam and place suspicious mail in the appropriate folder or immediately delete it. However, despite the rather high efficiency of work, not a single program on this moment can't handle spam 100%.

If you are the owner

Today, I will do an unthinkable thing - I will tell you how to properly spam on websites and blogs. First, I will, of course, tell you that in no case should you do as I will write now. Yes, and in general, I wrote all this just so that you would know what to do so is not good, unethical and blah, blah, blah. And now that I've told you all this, let's get down to the article itself.

Probably, first, I will warn you that we will learn to spam on moderated sites, without the use of hrumers and other bot programs. Simply, you don’t need to be crazy about unmoderated ones at all, put a link, advertise your product, in a word, do whatever you like, no one will ask you for it. But, here we must remember that the harm from such sites is much more than good. A chrumer is expensive and not always of high quality. Therefore, we spam only on our own and on high-quality moderated resources. That is why, the first thing we need to do is to find these very high-quality sites.

How to find sites for spam? First, we define the end goal. As a rule, there are three of them:

  1. Get a backlink.
  2. Enlarge TIC.
  3. Advertise the product (positive/negative)

In the first case when searching for a site, it is necessary to pay attention to such characteristics of the donor site as the age of the domain, the presence of filters, the number of pages in the search, the period of indexing of the site's pages by search engines, the ratio of the number of pages in Yandex and Google. Here the criteria are: The older the domain, the better. If there are filters, then it’s bad, it’s better to refuse such a site right away. The faster search engines index new pages, the better. Well, the ratio of the number of pages in both search engines should be approximately the same. The more of these parameters match, the better for us.

But, nevertheless, where to look for such sites? The easiest way is in site directories. In them, as a rule, all statistics on the resource are reduced. Well, if something is not there, then it can be easily checked on third-party services. You can also look at the exchange sites. There, too, everything is cataloged and understandable.

In the second case when searching for sites, it is best to pay attention to the presence of the TCI at the resource. The higher it is, the better. Well, of course, do not forget about the points described above. A fully detailed answer about the characteristics of the resource to increase the TCI can be found here.

It is best to look for sites for building up the TCI in the Yandex catalog. There are all the resources from the TIC.

And finally third case. We do not need to leave our link, we just need to create an advertisement or anti-advertising for the product. Here, the most important thing is to look at the attendance of the resource and its spamming.

The best way to find such sites is through search engines. Simply, enter the expected phrase by which they can find your product and everything that comes out on the first 3 pages is all yours.

We have decided on the sites. Now let's talk about how to spam them correctly. Spam spam strife. Sometimes, it happens, you get a comment where, apart from a link and two or three words, there is nothing more. Such garbage, of course, has no chance of being published. Therefore, in order to increase the chances of your message passing through the moderator of the resource, it is important to monitor its quality. And for this you need to carefully read the material on the page. Write a sane review of at least 200 characters. If you want to insert a link into the message, then it is better to write a review of at least 500 characters. Such a message is much more likely to carry a link in itself. If a link is very important to you specific resource, then first leave a few comments on different articles. In this case, the main comment containing the necessary link will have almost 100% chance to break through.

Another cunning plan that will help you leave your message. True, it is suitable only for those resources on which it is possible to leave graphic messages (photos). To do this, it is enough to make a relevant, on the topic of the article, an image with an advertisement for your product. The image can be anything from a demotivator to useful advice. The principle here is simple, as a rule, moderators are more loyal to images than to text messages.

Let's go further. We play on the feeling of mutual assistance. Ask for help with the site, and give a link (works well with blogs of webmasters and SEOs; I myself fell for such a trick here -). Or ask for help with choosing a product, and again, the link is not the target resource (like they say that it’s better to give mom not a birthday, this (link) or this (link)).

As you can see, there are a lot of options to leave your comment. The main thing is to think carefully before adding it, how to make sure that the moderator does not suspect banal spam in it, but takes it for real good message. And one more piece of advice, if at first something doesn’t work out for you, and resource admins mercilessly cut your messages, then don’t be discouraged, the ability to spam correctly comes with time. Continue your dark work, and you will succeed. On this I say goodbye to you, and once again I remind you that everything that is described in the article is vile and disgusting, so in no case do it the way I just wrote 😉 .
